View Full Version : How to find herbs?

2012-05-11, 01:58 PM
there r been cases during play that my players say "i want to search that piece of forest to find herbs that heal" or "i want to search the forest for X hours to find the X herb"

what should that player roll?
Craft Alchemy?
Craft Herbalism?
Proffesion Herbalism?
(which of the above is correct?craft or proff for herbalism btw?)
should he get some synergy bonus for having another skill 5+ ranks?
like 5survival-5Alchemy for example?

and lets say we found the correct roll.. whats the DC? and how many hours would it get to find the herb?and at the end,whats the quantity of herbs he found?

2012-05-11, 02:24 PM
Herbalism is mentioned as a Profession several books (once as a craft in Master of the wild for crafting herbal infusions)
Masters of the Wild with a bit of stuff for using it as a infusion for a spell (says Wilderness lore (survival) to find)
Sword and fist has a couple of synergy for it
Savage species has a synergy
Used as part of a affliation score in PHBII and Complete Champion
Fiendish codex I gives a +2 Inherent bonus to Wisdom
Used as part of primitive caster Feat in frostburn
Plant-based meta magic in Unearthed Arcana

Kalamar Players guide (apothecary) gives +2 synergy to Heal

Prereq for Blighter and Verdant Lord

2012-05-11, 02:38 PM
Check Silver Marches (FR) page 40 ~

Locating a particular herb is not as simple as strolling into the woods and plucking flowers. Searching for herbs requires a successful Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (herbalism) check, depending on how common the herb is in the immediate vicinity.
Common DC 10
Uncommon DC 20
Rare DC 30
Not present Impossible

Any character may attempt to locate herbs with a Search check, but only if the DC for the particular herb is 10 or lower.
Each attempt requires 10 minutes and covers the ground in an area roughly 100 feet square. A character with the nature sense ability (a druid, for example) only requires 1 minute per attempt.

2012-05-11, 02:47 PM
Dragon lance -> War of the Lance gives some guidelines for using it in place of the heal skill
Dragon lance ->Spectre of Sorrows -> gives a DC 20 for provide 4 chars 7 days worth of food (though I think this is specific location)

2012-05-11, 02:56 PM
Check Silver Marches (FR) page 40 ~

Locating a particular herb is not as simple as strolling into the woods and plucking flowers. Searching for herbs requires a successful Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (herbalism) check, depending on how common the herb is in the immediate vicinity.
Common DC 10
Uncommon DC 20
Rare DC 30
Not present Impossible

Any character may attempt to locate herbs with a Search check, but only if the DC for the particular herb is 10 or lower.
Each attempt requires 10 minutes and covers the ground in an area roughly 100 feet square. A character with the nature sense ability (a druid, for example) only requires 1 minute per attempt.

thats really nice.. thnx
how i set the rarity of the herb though?

and what about the quantity of herbs he/she finds?

2012-05-11, 03:10 PM
well, the rarity is up to you (the DM). The Silver Marches splat gives you a list of some herbs found in the silver marches with their rarity, but I don't think you're running FR are you?