View Full Version : 2 Goblin Optimization Challenges

Man on Fire
2012-05-12, 01:11 PM
I had two ideas for goblin characters I couldn't really pull out. So, I thought to myself - why not try making optimization challenges based on them? Forgive me if there is a specific thread or something like that for those, I haven't found it, just bunch of free oc lying around.

Anyway, the challenges:

1) Goblin Paladin who specialized in mounted combat - he is high level enough to summon his mount, it's a warg by the way, and his main battle tactic is to charge on him at the enemy. Doesn't have to do much more, but needs to be good at charging and Paladin should still be his "core" class.
** Additional challenge - make him good at using spears when he doesn't fight mounted.
2) Goblin (or Air Goblin or any other goblin subtype) who is a dex-based Lawful Good combat guy. Cannot be a monk, cannot use any sort of magic or psionics and cannot be based on sneak attacks (fluff reasons).
** Additional challenge: Make him better at fighting with only one weapon in hand.

As for progression, you may go with both either up to 20 level or even into epic levels if you want to.

2012-05-12, 05:32 PM
1. Since Wargs aren't a Paladin mount, you need enough levels of an arcane casting class to get it as a familiar. Given that, I'd recommend a Sorcadin or Bardadin gish build: still Paladin at the "core", but with enough of a casting base for the familiar to get some nice benefits. In either case you'll get the familiar with Obtain Familiar and get the Warg with Improved Familiar.

2. Dex-based combatant without relying on Sneak Attack says Swordsage. You might not be better with just one weapon, but you won't be hindered either, since most of your damage will be from standard-action strikes.

2012-05-12, 05:32 PM
Here's mine. Assuming 32 point-buy. They're not amazing, but they're something. Details such as HP etc, you'll just need to fill in.

Paladin - level 5+

Goblin Paladin of Whatever 5+
Str: 14, Dex: 10, Con: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 14, Cha: 14 after racial mods.
Flaws: Shaky and Murky-eyed (Unearthed Arcana)
Feats: 1. Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge
3. Ride-by Attack
6. Battle Blessing (Complete Champion)
9. Improved Bull Rush
12. Shock Trooper (Complete Warrior)
15. & 18. ?

Gear: Valorous Lance (Unapproachable East)

Dex Fighter - level 6+

Goblin Whirling Frenzy Wolf Totem Barbarian 2/Swordsage x (Tome of Battle)
Str: 10, Dex: 20, Con: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 14, Cha: 6 after racials
Flaws: Shaky and Murky-eyed (Unearthed Arcana)
Feats: 1. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Weapon Finesse: Spiked Chain, Shadow Blade
2. (gain Improved Trip from Wolf Totem)
3. Combat Reflexes (Discipline Focus grants Weapon Focus: Spiked Chain)
6. Adaptive Style
9+ ?

Gear: Spiked Chain

Akal Saris
2012-05-12, 06:58 PM
Here's a try at the worg-rider:

Goblin Paladin 5/Beast Heart Adept 10/Marshal 2/Crusader 3 (ignoring multiclass penalties)
Variant: Charging Smite (replaces special mount, which you instead get from the PrC), spells-less paladin

1: Mounted Combat
3: Ride-by Attack
4: Spirited Charge [Spells-less paladin]
6: Animal Affinity
9: Power Attack
12: Combat reflexes
15: Vexing Flanker
18: Adaptable Flanker

Beast Heart Adept grants a Worg companion (and eventually up to 3 total companions). You and your companions flank with a companion at +6 to hit/+2 damage and can take a swift action to choose a square to flank from. Each time a companion hits an opponent, your entire party gets a free attack against that opponent.

The Marshal's auras grant your Cha to attacks for all allies while flanking, and then the Tactics of the Wolf stance from Crusader gives another +11 damage to you and all allies while flanking, as well as a few cool maneuvers like white raven tactics and whatnot.