View Full Version : TERA: Is anyone playing it?

2012-05-12, 07:39 PM
title says it..

am thinking about giving this a try
anyone playing it recommend for or against?

The game has been live now for a week or two so i am surprised to not see a thread about it yet.

2012-05-14, 03:22 PM
I'm messing around with it, but I don't think I'm going to stay on. The combat is okay (Disclaimer: I haven't tried all the classes yet, but neither of the two that I've played thus far have made me think "Wow, this game has totally awesome, deep combat!") but the game itself is really...gamey.

Allow me to explain:

Things are super linear. The "minimap" basically shows you the roads in the area you're in, with the implication (which is true) that you usually can't go very far from them. There are a couple of places where you get a glimpse of some wide open spaces, but overall it feels kinda confined
Quest chains are also very linear - if you should wander off the "track" and end up in a new area, odds are there won't be any quests there for you because you haven't done the "lead up" quest that tells you to go there and unlocks the quests at that location. Feels very repetitive with a "Go to place, get three quests. One "kill X Ys", one "gather Q Rs" and one "kill a named Z". Complete those quests, get a quest that takes you to the next quest camp, repeat.
Interplayer interaction seems very limited - no natural "emote" function like in most games where you can type ":gives the Amigo Salute". Also, no real ability to target other players with emotes, so even if you /wave, you just...wave, rather than waving AT someone. All the usual party/tell/guild stuff is there, but it still feels very bare bones.
It's SUPER EASY unless you're trying to do something you're not supposed to do (like fighting a "BAM" aka 'a monster geared for a group' while solo. Which is still DOABLE, but holy cow does it take a long time.). I've died ONCE in 23 levels (discounting PvP deaths) and that was me going into an escort instance at 50% HP with literally no supplies beyond the bandages and potions they issued me at level 1.

So yeah. It's pretty (Though the female 'armor' is stripperific, which may increase or decrease the games 'prettiness' depending on your preferences.) and the combat is a step up from typical MMO combat, but not, IMHO a BIG step up, and the rest of the game seems... kinda generic to me.

Mando Knight
2012-05-14, 09:48 PM
So yeah. It's pretty (Though the female 'armor' is stripperific, which may increase or decrease the games 'prettiness' depending on your preferences.) and the combat is a step up from typical MMO combat, but not, IMHO a BIG step up, and the rest of the game seems... kinda generic to me.
And by "Stripperiffic" we mean "your undergarments show less than your armor (http://videogames.memebase.com/2012/05/14/video-game-memes-tera-logic/)."