View Full Version : [PF] So I will get the books later this month...

2012-05-13, 09:17 AM
The title says it all but anyways. I will be getting the books Core Rule Book on 21st-25th this month and the Bestiary 1 and Game Mastery Guide on the week starting tomorrow. Got them quite cheap, 17£s for Bestiary and Game Mastery and Core Rulebook for 24£. Not bad considering my local friendly gaming store sells them for 30-40€ price range. Bit too much. So now I want to talk about campaigns, since I am going to DM a campaign or two. Is there an easy way to generate ideas for quests that my player will be able to complete? I want to come up with ideas that are originalish or are not used that much. I'm thinking of having my player be an explorer for the King and be hired to do his job as an adventurer. There will be smaller plot-lines and stuff going on in the world. Wars and that kind of stuff, giant monsters awakening from their eternal sleep and causing mayhem on the farmlands by sending their dark henchmen creatures to destroy small settlements... What would you think of a campaign like that as a player? I noticed that I have way too much time on my hand to brainstorm ideas. And additional question, what were some of the most funniest ways your players have died in your campaigns?

2012-05-13, 11:44 PM
This is something of a difficult question. You're asking, hey, how do I come up with an original, interesting campaign? That's, just not possible to answer...

What I will tell you as a DM is this. If you're still new enough to DMing that you're having to ask this question, do NOT use a DMPC. While I am not adverse to DMPCs they do take a great deal of care and effort and if you're not already prepared for a campaign then it's a headache you don't need.

Look at various pregenerated modules. While many are trope-ridden in the worst way, some are quite original. Figure out your setting. If you're wanting something more realistic, I suggest Kingdoms of Kalamar, for high fantasy Forgotten Realms is always a classic, as is Dragonlance. Figure out what your world is about, why you're telling a story, and then, lastly, what that story is.

Outside of this advice, there's no answer to your question. Keep plugging away and you'll come up with something good. Right now you have a character and a loose concept for a backstory. Keep going. When in doubt, read a lot. That's the best way to go.

Good luck.

2012-05-14, 12:59 AM
This is something of a difficult question. You're asking, hey, how do I come up with an original, interesting campaign? That's, just not possible to answer...

What I will tell you as a DM is this. If you're still new enough to DMing that you're having to ask this question, do NOT use a DMPC. While I am not adverse to DMPCs they do take a great deal of care and effort and if you're not already prepared for a campaign then it's a headache you don't need.

Look at various pregenerated modules. While many are trope-ridden in the worst way, some are quite original. Figure out your setting. If you're wanting something more realistic, I suggest Kingdoms of Kalamar, for high fantasy Forgotten Realms is always a classic, as is Dragonlance. Figure out what your world is about, why you're telling a story, and then, lastly, what that story is.

Outside of this advice, there's no answer to your question. Keep plugging away and you'll come up with something good. Right now you have a character and a loose concept for a backstory. Keep going. When in doubt, read a lot. That's the best way to go.

Good luck.

The problem is, I don't know many fantasy authors at all. I have spend my time reading Percy Jackson books and the other books in the same universe. Then Fablehaven and Spiderwick Chronicles. SO my knowledge of fantasy is purely Modern Fantasy and the only ones that I have read that is kind of fantasy (But at the same time children's story) Is Bröderna Lejonhjärta by Astrid Lindgren, it had everything fantasy had and was kind of a dark and sad story for kids. The book was about a kid whose brother saved him by jumping out of a window of a burning building, this causing him to die and then when he died of sickness he went to the fantasy land called Nangilaja, which wasn't a safe place at all. It had war going on. It was a cool story. Anyways, I suppose I should continue reading Sword of Shannara trilogy.