View Full Version : Help me build a fighter/rogue in core/SRD

2012-05-13, 11:45 AM
So I'm level 2. My stats, as rolled, are 11 16 18 12 8 14. As the title says, this is Core + SRD only. We can't buy items as we're *groan* starting as prisoners, but the DM did ask us to tell him what weapons/armor our characters would use, which is promising. The DM allows us 1 flaw and 1 trait from the SRD, if we want them. I also convinced him to allow spelltouched feats (!!), so I'm going to take a flaw in exchange for Life Leech (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm#lifeLeech) (sorry fellow party members!) for some extra HP. The DM vetoed the better spelltouched feats.

Oh, and the DM says this will probably be in the Dragonlance setting (with some changes) and thus kender are replacing halflings.

I told the group I'd provide for our rogue-ish/scouting needs. I'd also like to be as effective in combat as a rogue can be, which is why I'll probably be building something like fighter 2, barbarian 1 into the build.

Right now I was thinking Wood Elf Rogue 1/ Fighter 1. Stats at 18, 20, 12, 10, 11, 8 after racial mods. Feats would be two weapon fighting, weapon finesse, life leech. I'm torn as to what flaw to take but was thinking of just wrecking my already terrible will save and getting weak willed. By level 6 I was hoping to have something like Rogue 3/Fighter 2/Barbarian 1. I will probably pay the feat tax and try to dip Shadowdancer as I'll never get HiPs any other way in this campaign.

I was also thinking of taking a trait, possibly Quick although the penalty is terrible. It would take my HP from 13 to 11 at this point ... not good. But 10 foot more speed is awfully nice and I can aquire more hp later (if I survive) with con-boosting items ... cheaper than speed boosting items generally, and I'll have life leech for temp HP after things die in combat.

What does the playground think of this build? What would you build in my situation? Also, we *may* be able to ask the DM to allow certain feats/ACF's/Prc's (but not base classes, alas) from other books on a case by case basis. I'm probably going to ask for the penetrating strike ACF from Dungeonscape and Staggering Strike from CAdv. Maybe Vexing/Adaptable Flanker from PHB2. What would you ask for?

Edit: It occurs to me I could ask for Master Thrower and make a machine gun dagger thrower, but this would really not be playable until I leveled up a bit ....

Edit x 2: Yes, I'll totally ask for Craven but I won't expect it to be allowed haha.

2012-05-13, 02:05 PM
If you want to combine these two classes, and have only the Core/SRD to work with, have you considered the Thug (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighterVariantThug) Sneak Attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighter) Fighter?
You lose Fighter feats, but your skill points are practically the same, and you get full BAB, which means hitting that much more often with Sneak Attack if you go Two Weapon Fighting. Also, you have a d10 for your hit die, which will help you survive in melee, compared with alternating d6, d10, d6.

2012-05-13, 02:24 PM
Weapon Finesse is a waste of a feat - with Strength at 18 already, it will only give you +1 to hit.

2012-05-13, 11:00 PM
Have you considered Urban Ranger? Smoothing the skills makes it easier to max out, TWF is granted, and you get full BAB and more HP. You lose sneak attack, but gain favored enemy, which can probably be the organization that took you prisoner in the first place. You even get HIPS (eventually).

2012-05-13, 11:58 PM
first off, you need to switch around your CON and STR scores as your str does not do that much for you giving that you took weapon finese. and the extra 2 HP per level youd be getting is great!

id also not worry about barbarian too much and gets the ACF that lets me sneak attack everything thats immune to sneak attack albeit at half level and flanking required.

failing that take teh thug sneak attack fighter ravens_cry linked. as its really everything you want in a tight package.