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2012-05-14, 10:47 AM
The Choice of Life

The ship seems to fly without much direction close to the Space Hulk, its hull ruptured and blasted, its armour melted and cratered, its atmosphere venting in blasts of air filled with the corpses of the crew, sometimes a smaller explosion sends a new wave of bodies towards the cold embrace of space.

All across the ship the moans of the dying and wounded, the lamentations of the crew and soldiers of the vessel are heard. The medics move across where they can reach, sometimes stopping to help, sometimes stopping to give the emperors blessing, more often than not it is the second.

As for the Lord-Captain, the infamous Rogue Trader. He lies dead at the bridge speared by a shaft of gleaming metal, the Magos of the ship also dead by the explosion of a secondary reactor. What remains of the Commanders sits around a makeshift table. Deciding on the next course of action. They know that the ship is dying, damage reports constantly incoming, giving them an appreciation of their doom if they do not find something. They know they will not have much time before the atmosphere vents completely or they are too far away from the Hulk to reach it.

They scour what sensor readings they recovered from before the crippling and almost complete wrecking of the ship, and they would have to make a decision and hope for the Grace of the Emperor in their choice.

Sensors read that in the vicinity of the ship there should be Five large bay door's and Eleven smaller ones. Entering should be possible nearby. The Choice is theirs.

Lets play a game of chance. 16 Choices some places are empty others hold rewards, some interesting some regular. Some with hidden dangers others completely safe.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13226851#post13226851)

2012-05-14, 01:36 PM
Sellus clanks forward into the command room, garbed in his distinctive Selenite void suit. It's obviously him; apart from the distinctive design of the ancient armor, noone else on board has a void suit where the helmet incorporates two metal shutters on the forehead, artificial eyelids ready to click open should he need to employ his warp eye while space walking. Behind him trails his bodyguard servitor, an imposing wall of metal and flesh that follows him around like a loyal pet, it's dead eyes impassively scanning the occupants of the room, recognizing you all from images previously obtained, and therefore categorizing your threat level as low-medium. The servitor is dragging a stretcher behind it, on which a wounded crewmen is strapped, struggling to free himself. Or possibly just writhing around in pain: he's suffering severe promethium burns all over his torso.

Sellus is speaking on an open vox channel as he reaches up to twist his helmet off.

"-and a new checkpoint for the wounded from crew quarters to be established on Deck 11, service junction 17A. And please visually confirm that everyone has been evacuated from the forward observation wing; tech-priest Mallius advises that a hull breach in that sector is imminent due to continued strain on the super structure."

The helmet breaks away from the suit with a hiss of escaping air, revealing Sellus' familiar veiled face. He's sweating against the fine red fabric. His third eye seems to flicker underneath it's covering, a nervous tic of his. He removes a bottle of counterseptic from the medkit at his side, and starts to pour it generously onto the fresh burns of the wounded man beneath him. The man screams, almost inaudibly muffled against a medical mask that seems to double as a ball gag. Sellus begins to apply a layer of synthskin as the man struggles desperately.

"Commissar. Master Caius. Apologies. Didn't want to let this man die just to attend a staff meeting, but I've run out of anesthetic and we wouldn't be able to talk over his screaming. Gagged him and brought him here. So it seems to me that the ship is lost. We're all thinking it; if salvation is to be had, it's on that damn hulk. We should send teams over to see if there are enough supplies that we could wait for rescue, or even a ship that could take us back."

Sellus frowns down at the man, seeing a bit of shrapnel he missed before. He removes a nasty-looking surgical tool from his kit, and works on extracting it.

"Do we know if any of the sensors are online? Do we have guncutters left, or must we drift over with-" he is interrupted by a voice calling on his vox bead. He frowns, and yells back at the voice.

"What do you mean, there are still people tending injured there? Damnation, get them out! Order them to evacuate. Requisition more deck hands to assist the walking wounded and carry stretchers. Tell the medics to administer the Emperor's Grace to anyone that wouldn't survive being moved, or that are going to die anyway. You have less then five minutes to clear that entire wing, Larn. Move."

Sellus painstakingly removes the shrapnel and cleans the wound, but the man finally expires after a series of shudders that look like a seizure. Sellus looks at him for just a moment, and then pushes the stretcher into a corner, out of the way. "Couldn't save this one. Casualties below decks have been truly murderous."

Medicae Test: Triage [roll0] Target result 46, -10 Difficult, +20 Medikit = 56

2012-05-14, 02:34 PM
Commissar Mendel frowns, watching the man die, then coldly nods at the Navigator.

"You are correct. We need to take that hulk, immediately. The Emperor smiles upon the bold, after all.

If we move to the torpedo deck, I may be able to lead an attack, using boarding torpedoes, since I don't think we plan on returning here. Technical crews can board shuttles and remain on the opposite side of our vessel from the hulk, until we have taken and secured the enemy ship: We can't risk losing any surviving experts in a boarding action; armsmen, however, are somewhat expendable."
It is clear, from his tone, that Mendel considers himself one of the 'armsmen', and more expendable than the likes of Sellus, who, as a Navigator, cannot simply be replaced by another man toting a bolter.

He stops for a second, before contacting the medics, his voice somewhat resigned.

"Ammunition and medicines are currently at a premium and must not be wasted. Do not use firearms or drugs to administer the Emperor's Mercy to the dying. Blades and exposure to vacuum only. The Emperor Protects."
He then opens a channel to the leaders of the various armsmen under his command.

"Requesting sitrep of torpedo decks and boarding torpedoes, ladies and gentlemen!"
He did not mention, however, that the hulk they were facing was the very ship he was hunting. He was not letting the 'Now, Diabolical' escape him. He would purge it if it cost him his life.

2012-05-14, 05:19 PM

The skitarii stands at attention when Commissar Mendel mentions boarding the hulk. The shoulder mounted hellgun giving a twitch of anticipation, followed by his metallic arm flexing. He remained silent and at the ready, assuming he too would be summoned to the boarding action.

His eyes look over the information presented at the senior officer's table, but his thoughts or suggestions remain irrelevent. He is there to follow and to fight.

2012-05-15, 06:05 PM
Caius sits impassively at the improvised command table, idly toying with the old token around his neck.

"I don't know how bold it is to flee one tomb for the safety of another, but that does seem to be our only means of survival."

He begins to sift through sensor readings and reports, trying to get a realistic count of the number and locations of remaining functional shuttles and assault boats.

2012-05-15, 06:14 PM
Scrutiny, target 30: [roll0]

2012-05-15, 06:18 PM
Sellus nods, agreeing to the plan. "I could leave with the second wave, if I'm needed. I've heard grim tales of hulks such as these. Infestations of orks and the like, of course, but sometimes worse. Second to yourself or the skitaari, I'm probably our best chance of combatting any warp horrors the boarding party encounters. My warp eye can arrest a daemon in it's tracks... or so I'm told, I've never actually been face to face with one."

2012-05-15, 06:36 PM
He turns away, speaking into his communicator.

"Mallius. We're going to evacuate the ship to the space hulk, but we're floating away from it. You need to get some of the maneuvering thrusters online to halt our drift, or we likely won't be able to get everyone off in time. I'll be down to assist you with the necessary rites once I'm finished here. Also, our primary reactor is too ancient and valuable to be allowed to destroy itself. You are to secure eight volunteers ranked adept-enginseer or higher who will remain behind on this ship to protect the reactor and shut it down, so it can be recovered later."

He wanders towards the window, staring out impassively over the space hulk.

"Do we know if any of our foes escaped? In pods, or craft?" he murmurs.

He peers into the void, and then slowly lifts his veil, revealing his ugly, swollen third eye. It opens just a little, revealing a narrow slit which glows in the dim light. He's looking to see where the chaos ship originally came from, but mainly the movements of any smaller craft, that may have come in or out of the landing bays. His eyes flick this way and that, as if reading from a novel printed on the stars, or maybe admiring the strands of a complex surrealist painting.

Tracks in the Stars: [roll0], Target number 50 plus or minus difficulty. I presume it's a fairly easy task as the 'tracks' are fresh and the distances involved are minimal.

2012-05-15, 07:06 PM
Commissar Mendel

Aboard the ship while the Commanders are gathered the symphony of pain and death continues, countless die each moment as the medics do what they can to save them or grant them an easy death. When the order from Commissar Mendel to not expend more ammo, all the medics pause briefly before bitterly using their scalpels.

At almost the same time the Armsmen receive an order for a sitrep of the torpedo decks and boarding torpedoes, they travel the length of the ship checking each and everyone, some die in secondary explosions or when they make a error in judgement for the ship's very hull is warped and blasted open to space. But in the end Tor contacts their Commissar and report's "Torpedo Decks and boarding torpedoes inoperable. Repair unlikely".


Caius sifts through sensor readings and reports, but quickly realizes that there are some correct ones for what he wants but most of them are from the ships galley, it seems he missed a particularly delicious goulash the chef was famous for.


Sellus piers into the void he sees the faint trail, the lingering shadow of its warp drive, a shimmering globe of energy faint and translucent to his sight at its very centre would have stood the ship. He follows it as it passes the hulk and sees two faint flickers in the globe, two shuttles disrupted the energy slightly and for a while he sees no more. As he prepares to close his third eye he sees something.

Roll Willpower.

2012-05-15, 07:18 PM
"Confirmed. Two ships left from the enemy vessel before it's destruction. They look like... shuttles, yes. They headed towards the bay over t- ARRGHHH! WHY IS IT HERE??"

[roll0] Target number of 60, +10 resistance (Fear) if it applies here, for target number of 70

2012-05-15, 07:44 PM

As you were preparing to close your third eye, you see a glowing figure, and you feel without meaning to an awe inspiring presence, it seemingly approaches every step brings further details and arousing thoughts.

One step the bounce on curls of its hair.
Two steps the shining, translucent colour and perplexing motion of its hair.
Three steps the bounce of its breasts as it moves drawing your attention to their perfection.
Four steps the sweet fragrance that emanates from her so intoxicating so alluring,
Five steps the warmth of her body as it approaches igniting a fire in you.
Six steps its hand reaches to touch you, so close... so perfect.. and at the last moment your mind gathers what strength it has and you close your third eye with such force it bleeds.

2012-05-15, 08:24 PM
Sellus composes himself. "Ahh... false alarm. I thought another heretic ship was warping in to finish us, but... it was just the imprint of the one we already destroyed. Heh."

He rubs his third eye, the eyelid appearing to be seeping and red now.

"I can't directly track vessels without warp drives, but as I know when they were launched, perhaps I can track which bays they went into from our previous sensor readings."

He leans over the table, trying to make head or tail of the readings.

"Caius, which of these are the chemical distribution graphs?"

2012-05-15, 09:47 PM
Untrained Scrutiny: [roll0], target number 30, -1 difficulty and +1 degree of success from Gaius' aid.

2012-05-15, 10:26 PM
Caius reaches across the table and sweeps up the stack of readouts and statreps from in front of Sellus, shuffling through them quickly and tossing about half of them aside. As he tosses the sorted pile of charts and graphs back down in front of the Navigator, he gets up and saunters to the door, seeming distressingly unhurried.

"Well, I may as well make sure there's a way for us to get to the hulk other than crashing into it."

As he makes his way to the main bays, he taps his microbead and opens a channel.

"All hands in shuttle bays, ready all functional craft for sortie. Prepare reports on maximum passenger capacity ignoring safety regulations, as well as an analysis of probability of arrival to the hulk for all damaged but operational craft. All nonzero percentages are relevant."

2012-05-17, 05:14 AM
"It is decided then. Caius, Korlen, you're with me.

Sellus, you have command of the ship unless you wish to join us. A Navigator may be of use in fighting the Daemonic, but it is a large risk."
The Commissar knows better than to order around Navigators. Like it or not, they were ranking individuals in the Imperium, and were exempt from many of its rules.

2012-05-17, 06:09 AM
Sellus nods. "Keep an open vox channel. I'll speak to the tech-priests, try to stop the ship from drifting further away. I can't tell which bay the enemy shuttles went towards, but as their vessel was completely destroyed and ours was not, the pilots might have been unsure exactly how damaged we were. They would likely have feared being shot down by us. In that situation, I would guess they just headed straight for the nearest bays.

The two bays nearest to the last position of the enemy ship were this one-" he says, pointing to the display, "And then this one. You are the archmilitant; I'll leave it up to you whether to seek to avoid contact with the enemy, or whether to attack them as soon as possible before they find something useful."

Sellus looks out the window, glancing once more at the bays. He wonders if he recognises what design or era they're from, whether they're human in origin; whether the boarding party will need to wear void suits the whole time, or whether bulkheads or forcefields seal in an atmosphere. Or anything else he can notice that will help the others.

Then he turns, heading below decks. He seeks out Mallius, and tries to assist with the operation to get the maneuvering thrusters online and prepare the evacuation.

Common Lore: Tech to identify the types of bays available, and anything useful about them. [roll0] vs 46 Int.

Tech-Use to repair and fire enough maneuvering thrusters to stop us from drifting further away from the hulk, preferably without crashing into it; if Mallius has a better modifier than me, I'll instead Aid him, rather than making the roll myself. I assume his total modifier is better, unless he's going to lend me his combi-tool. [roll1] vs 46 Int

2012-05-17, 06:26 AM
"The last of the crew to leave the ship can detonate the torpedoes we still have on board, in order to take out any boarders...

...however, one wonders why the Enemy has bothered boarding. This ship is dead in the water..."
Mendel is slightly worried that the heretics on the hulk have the exact same plan that they do.

2012-05-17, 08:52 AM

Upon the orders of Caius a mad rush to prepare the shuttles and bay's for evacuation occurs, a flurry of activity to prepare everything many were sent towards the ship for what supplies they could find and the flight crew prepares and repairs what damaged shuttles there are. Its with some joy that their expected chances of survival are good, although its probable at least some shuttles will not make it due to micro-fractures in the ensuing trips.

Expected crew transfer ability available is around 25% on one trip, complete transfer in four trips. Expected time remaining until the shuttles cant reach the hulk to transfer crew 23 hours due to distance involved. Estimate of all the trips is 26 hours.


Sellus can see three distinct areas.
One protruding zone nearest to them has 5 bay doors. 2 Large doors and 3 Smaller ones. He designates them 1-L to 2-L and the smaller ones 1-S to 3-S.

Another area below and some distance away has the disposition of an internal semi-circle it has 7 bay doors. 2 Large doors and 5 Smaller ones. He designates them 3-L to 4-L and he smaller ones 4-S to 8-S.

And the last area even farther away is where the shuttles where headed and has just 4 bay doors. 1 Larger door and 3 Smaller ones. He designates them 5-L and The smaller ones 9-S to 11-S.

From what he can understand they are of human origin and a mixture of ancient and newer ages, although he cant see any junctions, they seemingly shift from one to the other. He thinks the bulkheads should seal the atmosphere in, but if there is one or not he does not know. The Larger doors look significantly older. The smaller ones vary somewhat from size to size but they likely only hold ships up to a Light Cruiser.

After his careful examinations he heads down bellow the decks seeking out Mallius, together you coax the damaged the manoeuvring thrusters to slow the ship down enough for an extra 4 hours. The force the thrusters apply twists the hull even further, and several explosions occur on the more damaged areas, but the Machine Spirits sacrifice themselves to save their crew, with one last sputtering gasp they fail completely.

Expected time remaining until the shuttles cant reach the hulk 27 hours.

2012-05-17, 06:56 PM
I-786 bows his head in respect and falls behind the commisar. His shoulder-mounted hellgun shifting to and fro, unconciouslly ensuring its movement was working properly after being jarred repeatedly from explosions.

He falls into step behind Mendel while they move through the ship, but is equally used to taking point when they enter the hostile territory of the hulk.

2012-05-17, 07:29 PM
"Mendel, the thrusters decelerated us, but we're still drifting too far away. We bought ourselves some time, but in 27 hours, evacuation by shuttle won't be an option any more. Caius, how long would it take to get everyone off?"

2012-05-17, 11:42 PM
"Twenty-six hours. Four waves. Absolute minimum. Boarding party will need to secure the LZ quickly, because we'll have no choice but to drop them hot, then turn right back around for the second wave."

He pauses momentarily as he takes a set of shuttle damage reports from a foreman and hands them back with a nod.

"Some of the fleet is in bad shape, but we have to throw everything out the dock and hope they all make it."

He pauses again. He's always hated the part that comes next, but there isn't time for anything else.

"Mendel, I-786, I'll leave it to you to prioritize vital assets for the first wave. The damage reports are waiting for you. Ready your men quickly; time will kill us all with even less reservation or remorse than anything that awaits us on the hulk."

He then goes to work assessing the combat capabilities to the remaining shuttle fleet. It would be best if the vanguard could bring some firepower to bear on the interior of whatever bay they breach.

2012-05-18, 06:51 AM
"First wave, fighters and bombers, take out any remaining point defences and fighter craft, especially those near our landing point.

Second wave: Armsmen in boarding shuttles.

Third wave: Support staff. Support staff does not include Ministorum preachers; they will be accompanying the armsmen to provide spiritual guidance in the likely event of the presence of the Unclean.

Any objections, gentlemen?"
Commissar Mendel is not best pleased to be thrust into command like this, but he reasons that nobody else is trained for this.

2012-05-18, 07:40 AM
"I will go in the first shuttle run, and disembark just after your armsmen. If I were to wait here on the ship, then I wouldn't be able to reinforce you in good time if you ran into trouble. While I appreciate your concern for my safety, I'm likely as safe in a moving shuttle as I am waiting on this disintegrating wreck; and we're going to have to evacuate to the hulk quickly no matter how dangerous it turns out to be."

Sellus supervises the transportation of the wounded to the shuttle bay, wishing he could've done more, wishing his triage procedures had been more efficient. So many more people could I have saved.

"And though I understand your desire that the first landing team should consist primarily of armsmen, I must insist there be at least one or two tech-priests with the initial boarding party. Taking control of the docking bay's systems will be just as much of a priority as creating a secure perimeter, and they'll be able to alert you of any technical hazards your men might otherwise run afoul of."

He draws his hell-pistol from the shoulder holster underneath his cloak, disengaging the safety and checking the charge on it as he walks.

"Ready to leave, here. Have you made a decision about whether we should attack the heretic's landing site, or avoid the bays they went to?"

2012-05-18, 08:26 AM
says the Commissar. Several ideas run through his head.

"Can we have servitors move a torpedo to that section of the ship and detonate it? We can afford to lose a section of hull, after all, for it is already lost. How quickly can we do this?

Can we overload plasma batteries nearby? Can we ignite fuel lines?

We can't afford to risk crew, we can afford to destroy areas of the ship."

2012-05-18, 08:27 AM
"I'm afraid there is no time to dedicate to fighters and bombers alone. No less than four full waves of shuttles will bring the crew to safety, and we've barely time for that. If the first wave don't go in hot, the last will simply never make it. 'The Emperor favors the bold,' right, Commissar?"

2012-05-18, 08:29 AM
"I will go with the Lord Navigator. It may be dangerous aboard the hulk. Sir, permission to accompany you for your safety?"

The skitarii looks between them. Deciding between them, which was the more important figure to protect should they split up.

2012-05-18, 08:33 AM
"Damn. Fighters on escort duty for bombers and shuttles, bombers on point defence detail. Do not bother conserving fuel. Have as much extra fuel loaded onto the bombers as possible, and burn it off as quickly as the pilots can to achieve as much speed as possible for their bombing runs. Have them fire off a volley of torpedoes very early, so that they fly on their own fuel, allowing the bombers to fly with less mass."
Mendel then points at the Skitarii and says,

"You're with me, soldier. Once the Navigator lands on the hulk, leave me and rendezvous with him. We need you to assist in taking the enemy vessel. You're wasted in a shuttle."

2012-05-18, 08:46 AM
The navigator shrugs as he regards the commissar.

"Perhaps. The section of the hulk the shuttles flew towards has only four bays, one large and three smaller, that they could have landed in. We're not sure which of those bays they're in, though. If we picked one of the bays in that section that they hadn't occupied, you might be able to perform some kind of sabotage without flying directly at them. But you'd still need to choose to fly for that section rather than the other two to plant your torpedo or cut nearby plasma lines."

He turns to I-786, sizing him up, eyes flicking over his gear, his cybernetic enhancements..

"Hm. Skitarii. My house has quite a few of you, serving as our guards... or perhaps guarding us, I was never quite sure. It can be a subtle distinction. But you are formidable, efficient warriors. Especially you, 786. I've seen your service record. I wish we had fifty more of you with us now. I would be pleased to have you at my side, after you've assisted Mendel in securing our landing zone."

2012-05-18, 11:56 AM
I-786 bows his head in acknowledgement to Mendel. "As you command, Commissar."

He watches Sellus as the navigator speaks, at first uncertain where the conversation would lead; he cants his had to the side at the compliment. "I thank you, Lord Navigator. You honor me. When Commissar Mendel and I are finished I will make haste to your location. I shall be your shield."

2012-05-22, 11:23 PM
"First wave is ready to launch. Hearing no objections, we'll breach one of the small bays in the nearest cluster. I'm sure we're agreed that the survival of the crew is the top priority, so there's no time to evacuate any further than that."

Caius finishes preparations on his favored gun-cutter, which has fortunately survived the firefight. One of his more trusted assistants straps into the copilot seat, as someone will need to fly the damn thing back for the second wave.

"We've run the numbers on a bombing run, and we simply can't afford to dedicate launch space to the bombers. We need all the time we've got just to get the crew to the hulk. Between our gun-cutters and heavy shuttles, we should have sufficient fire support for whatever we find beyond those bay doors. In any case, divide amongst the gun-cutters. We don't need one stray shot eliminating the command."

His boldness belies his typical passivity, but Caius has no intention of letting a second crew die under his watch.

2012-05-26, 11:47 AM
As the preparations are being done a flurry of activity permeates the entire ship, a general feeling of hope and sorrow, for they are leaving their home for many years, some of the crew had not even left the Ship since they were born, always travelling the void.

The massed evacuation towards the ships bay begins, all non-essential crew are awaiting for their turn, while most Armsmen begin preparation for combat a few dressing in fully enclosed combat armour while most are issued with Void-suits just in case there is not an atmosphere in the area of the hulk they would enter. The heavy shuttles brimming with men and equipment for battle as well as some simple weapons if needed, while the Gun-Cutters power up their weaponry.

The first wave sally's forth into the hulk with Caius taking point in his favourite Gun-Cutter in case his skill is needed, and with I-786 and Mendel in the lead Shuttle serving as the spearhead of the boarding. Soon after clearing the bay, the first shuttle failure is detected to the horrific sight of those that are watching, its engines boost it back towards the ship at horrifying speed, as from across the shuttles hull fractures open up sending forth the blessed air and damaging the shuttles controls. It slams into the ship barely damaging it but exploding in a fiery star as its power systems fail catastrophically.

As the ships approach ever closer, they receive no incoming fire, no sign of any presence, only a cold and vast wall, without any openings. As some pilots begin to worry about not being able to enter it, they find a small shuttle bay seemingly hidden behind a false wall projected out from the hulk's surface, near one of the Smaller Bay's designated 2-S, as big as their own shuttle bay, but with its entrance barely allowing a heavy shuttle to squeeze by, an activated energy barrier that would normally holds air inside seems to indicate that the there is an atmosphere.

As the shuttles enter, basic sensors detect a breathable atmosphere, although likely with stale air, and normal gravity levels.. The Shuttle Bay itself has three distinct entrances in two separate levels. One in the framework up in the ceiling, another that leads to 2-S most likely and another than leads further inside the Hulk.

2012-05-28, 12:24 AM
Sellus heads out onto the deck after the armsman have secured it, glancing around. The main entrances don't hold his interest, as he assumes they will be secured first. The entrance above, however...

He looks around for a way up onto the framework, wondering whether he could clamber on top of one of the heavy shuttles, or even be lifted up by a small craft.

"If this small-lipped bay was deliberately hidden, I'm curious about what exactly it was supposed to accommodate. Maybe a secret escape route for the captain or senior staff. Tech-priests, as soon as you find a terminal, report this bay's designation and it's listed function."

2012-05-28, 09:15 AM
Mendel makes sure that he has a void suit on over his armour. It would be foolish not to... they could take a wrong turn and end up without air and sucked into vacuum after all.

"Right, gentlemen. We need to find something useful. What are the auspices saying? Perhaps a teleporter, so we can board the Enemy's vessel or return back to ours with useful spoils?"

2012-05-28, 10:04 AM
I-786 watches the shuttle's progress through the small armoured window. His metallic arm holding a safety bar for support. His voice distorted by his void-mask "Master Sellus, I shall exit first."

As the shuttle reaches the deck and its doors open, I-786 leaps off. His boots slam to the ground and he crouches, quickly surveying the area; his shoulder mounted weapon following the movements of his head by reflex. The other armsmen disembark and form up around the shuttle.

The skitarii advances cautiously, keeping an eye on the nearest cover while they check the bay for threats.

2012-06-03, 10:10 AM

As Sellus leaves the shuttle his great skill in sensing the currents and eddies of the warp he quickly notices a few things. Overall there is a sense of corrupted power unleashed, but most interesting is the slight flickers in the warp around the bay area, your own mind can only translates the flickers as shadows in the warp, they are different than anything you have experienced. One last thing you notice is something approaching, this one you can understand and know of its nature, a daemon, not that one that has its power suffusing the warp in this area, but a minor but no less dangerous one.

I-786 & Mendel

As they leave the shuttle their eyes watching for any immediate threat, the men under his command fanning out and readying themselves for combat, after some time they give the all clear and begin watching the exits. I-786 does a clean sweep of the bay but he does not find anything, except perhaps some slight noise he thinks comes from systems functioning. While Mendel takes charge of the temporary Command Centre.


As the bay is secured Mallius quickly connects to one of the nearby consoles. His search for information leads him to the few scraps of codes remaining in the databanks.

The information simply states the name of Station that he assumes turned into the Hulk, the "Effigy of Man", further information says that at the last check up two bay's in this area where occupied.

On the few Auspex the men have they detect movement almost beyond the range of the sensors, slight flickers of some sort of biological threat.

2012-06-04, 11:50 AM
Sellus steps out after the armsmen hav secured the bay. He notes with alarm the demon's approach. He moves over to the skitarii, tapping him on the shoulder and pointing.

"I-786, a hunter is coming for us. I can feel it moving as if it were crawling up my spine. I think it's coming from that direction. Suggest you pull most of the men back, as vassals don't fare well against daemons. A man like you or the commissar might resist it. It's a lesser creature, I think; maybe we can ambush it."

2012-06-04, 04:50 PM
The bits of hair still remaining on the skitarri's form stand on end when Sellus mentions a daemon. "I... I have never seen..."

He nods at the fact that many of the others may not be able to stand it, he nearly doubted he could. "Area secured. Form up and get back into the shuttle. Pilot, set all weaponry to that door and await my command. Seal the windows and steel your souls. Squad, keep at the ready for further orders. Be ready to disembark again. Move. Quickly."

His human hand tightens around the hilt of his sword. His mind sending the hellgun's MIU spirit a warning to prepare for battle. "Sir. Stay behind me. If it is too powerful I will hold it off. You depart."

With that, I-786 moves half way between the bay doors and the shuttle. Taking a half glance back to ensure he wasn't standing in line of fire. His swordtip to the ground but his stance ready for combat. The metallic fingers of his bionic arm flex in anticipation.

2012-06-05, 07:05 AM
A daemon?!

Yes! He had found his prey, perhaps! Mendel drew his sword, a grim grin on his face.

"Fear not the unclean, children of Terra. Your armour should be contempt, contempt and superiority. Be ready, and gird yourselves for battle."

They likely know that he's fought such before. His voice betrays no fear. They know that an Imperial Commissar is likely immune to such things' powers, and that he is likely more frightening than it.

Command role for morale [roll0] TN 63

2012-06-10, 01:28 PM
At I-786 orders they fall back into the shuttles but two squads stay behind their fear aimed solely at the nearby Commissar. The available ships quickly target the door that the hostile would come from, and the men ready themselves in case they are called to battle, readying themselves for a speedy disembarkation.

As the minutes pass a general sense of unease and anticipation is felt, soon enough the men begin too feel slight cold in their spines, a slight hollow void in their very souls as if something was beckoning them. As the shadows in the corridor deepen they see a horrific presence.


A thing blacker than the emptiest void, its very presence infecting everyone with a deep unnatural fear. And it seemingly shifts and warps slightly as its eyes roam across the bay until it lands at the two men nearest to it. It pauses and prepares it self to a fight. It stands currently 50 meters away from I-786 and Josef. And a further 10 meters from Sellus and the two squads.

Fear Roll in the OOC thread. Post your actions and rolls and i will do them by order of initiative.

Squad 1 Fear Roll: [roll0]
Squad 2 Fear Roll: [roll1]

Ships Fear Roll [roll2]

Initiative Rolls -


Squad 1:[roll4]
Squad 2:[roll5]
Ships: [roll6]

2012-06-10, 01:41 PM
When the beast enters, I-786's resolve nearly falters. His flesh hand weakens and his blade nearly clatters to the floor. As fear bubbles up in his mind it is suddenly vaporized by duty and faith. His fingers tighten once again upon the hilt as he remembers his duties to both the Omnissiah and this crew. With his teeth grit he smiles and instead longs only to slay the creature.

"Come then, terror." The skitarri mutters through his teeth

Inititiative + AB 4 [roll0]

2012-06-11, 05:01 AM
Even as he sights the beast down the length of his hellpistol, Sellus is seized by an instinctive, primal terror of it as it bounds towards them. Some vestige of an animal reflex that even vast amounts of genengineering have failed to wipe out completely. He begins to shake violently, staring wide-eyed, like a rabbit caught in a spot light.

"Get away! GET AWAY!" he screams at the creature, his voice high and ragged. He brings his weapon to bare and tries to steady his aim, despite the long range and his trembling. His hand shifts uncertainly, nervous sweat being absorbed by the soft plastiform grip of his immaculately crafted pistol.

Initiative: [roll0]
Taking a full round action to Aim.

2012-06-11, 05:06 AM
Josef draws his blade, and points it at the creature.

"Thou art but nothing in the face of those who serve our Master, creature! Thou shalt be banished unto the Pit for aeons to come, I swear it!

Know that I speak truth, and perish."

Do I recognise the daemon as being the one I'm hunting?

Also, Initiative
Rolling an Intimidate check, even though it's basically immune to fear, it may understand the truth in the Commissar's words.
[roll1] TN 58

2012-06-11, 05:43 AM
Fortuntely, the hulking servitor shadowing him is made of sterner stuff. It clicks and whirrs as it takes in the situation.

16.35 52s:: Package converses with attache designate Skitarii_I-786.
16.36 01s:: Package readies firearm; Attache designate Archmilitant_Josef Mendel and armsmen repositioning; 82% likelihood to be assuming defensive formation
16.36 05s:: Package heart rate increasing past previously recorded "at rest" base lines
16.36 13s:: Package displaying increased perspiration levels not congruent with recorded ambient temperature
16.36 47s:: Unknown bioform enters from egress point 2
16.36 51s:: Package displaying elevated stress levels
16.36 53s:: Unknown bioform approaching at speed. Probability of hostile intent to package measured above programmed safety margin. -Engaging primary weapon, RUNPROGRAM_FIRECONTROL-
16.36 54s:: PROGRAM_FIRECONTROL executed. Firing for effect

The servitor's heavy bolter whips over it's shoulder and then roars, firing a cacophony of oversized bolt shells towards the daemon, the muzzle flash brightening it's dead, expressionless face for a thankfully brief moment.

[roll0] Initiative

[roll1] BS 30, Full Auto Burst +20= TN 50

2012-06-11, 05:54 AM
Woo! That's three degrees of success, right? Or only two? If it's three, I'll need to roll another hit, but I'm guessing this thing has some nasty modifiers anyway.

First Hit (Head) [roll0]+2=17 X; Pen 5
Second Hit (Head) [roll1]+2=20 X; Pen 5
Third Hit (Arm) [roll2]+2=12 X; Pen 5

2012-06-11, 07:16 PM
The moment the daemon appears at the door, Caius becomes extremely grateful he stayed in his ship. Were he on foot, he wouldn't be able to bear the thing's presence... but things are a bit different from where he sits. Still, the only thing steadying his hand is his grip on the controls as he brings the ship's guns to bear on the daemon.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-06-15, 10:59 PM
The shadowy thing, seems to twist and bend its very shape, as if readying itself, and in a blink of an eye it moves with blinding speed, seemingly ignoring the very laws of nature as space itself twists and turns at its command, distances looping and folding.. One moment at the entrance, then it stood before them. Looming and waiting eagerly for bloodshed.

Moved 48 meters. Stands 2 meters from Josef and I-786.
And a further 12 meters from Sellus, the two squads and the Servitor

Josef stood without fear, his voice booming and threatening. A bulwark that stood against damnation and fear, his mind a fortress with its gates closed to the corrupting power of the warp. But even his eyes widened as the demon appeared in front of him, no doubt by some sort of blasphemous powers. At his side stood I-786 his training and conditioning holding strong after a brief moment of doubt, he stands ready as befitting one of his kind, a statue of steel.

Caius quickly uses his hard earned skill to boost the engines and in one fluid motion his vessel swivels slightly its nose and guns pointing in the direction the Daemon stood.

At the same instant the accompanying squads opened fire, but the speed and movement of the Daemon defied comprehension, the moment they fired he was gone from their sights, moving closer and closer until he suddenly stooped, they had no time to compensate, and those that did found their shots having no discernible effect, seemingly absorbed by the terrifying being that stood before them.

Sellus mind was not prepared for the sight that stood before him, to his senses it stood ever more horrifying, a void, an empty vessel beckoning all souls towards it, so that it could devour them. Its dark and shadowy power caressing and calling for those that would die by its hand. Even when assaulted by such visions and power he still garnered the effort to aim, for is it not that salvation comes from actions taken. At his side the Servitor acquired his target, but faulty calculations most likely caused by the very nature of its enemy caused it to miss wildly, almost hitting Josef in the arm.

Upon the ships the sensors that they hopped would turn into shield upon the horrific site, seemingly enhanced its power. Blasting and spreading visions most foul, in the time it took to clear their heads and control their reaction to flee it stood before their men, their only chance at shooting a failure, and shame filled them.

Initiative Order:

Enemy: 14
Josef: 13
Caius: 13
Squad 2: 13
Squad 1: 12
I-786: 10
Sellus: 7
Ships: 7
Servitor: 4

2012-06-16, 12:18 AM
Sellus gapes as the beast lopes unnaturally towards his comrades, their gunfire ineffective so far.

"Cease... cease your fire! Shoot on my mark!" he stammers across the vox.

He raises his staff-hand to his head, mopping away sweat and brushing the veil from his face with his arm. He glances down at the metal staff as he lowers it, the eye emblazoned upon it. He's never fought this kind of creature before. And yet...

He forces himself to stare directly at the creature. His third eye seems to partially open, covered now only by a thin, filmy membrane. He locks it in his gaze, attempting to clamp down on it's essence and prevent it manipulating the Warp around it's form. He can feel it's mind struggling against his own will, at first with weak confusion, like a fish hooked from water, and then suddenly with a intense strength and a rage that makes him shudder.

"Attack now! Open fire!" he yells.

His hellpistol crackles to life in his hand, the empowered las beam cutting through the musty air of the ancient landing bay.

Using Held in my Gaze as a Half Action. Opposed Willpower Test against the daemon: WP 60 +10 fruits of corrupted blood -10 fear = 60
If I beat the daemon, it can't move until I use another power or move out of range, it takes 1 damage from warp instability, and it can't use Daemonic Presence or any psychic powers until it beats me at an opposed willpower test. I will expend a Fate point to add an extra degree of success if the demon rolls a degree of success higher than I do, or to reroll this test if I fail it.

Firing hellpistol as a half action. BS 39 +20 for full round action aiming, -10 fear = 49

If hit, [roll2] energy damage at Pen 7

2012-06-16, 12:23 AM
The servitor clicks and whirrs, cogitating.

Fired to no effect. Evasive maneuvers disruptive to hit acquisition: possible xenotech(?) psychic effect(?) Analysing target movement patterns, adjusting targetting calculations.

Servitor is spending a full round action aiming.

Sellus' willpower reroll: [roll0]

2012-06-16, 05:37 AM
Josef grits his teeth and lashes out with his sword, his hatred a weapon in and of itself.

Attack [roll0] TN 50
Damage [roll1]+modifiers

Parry [roll2] TN 55

2012-06-21, 12:46 AM
I-786's rushes to close the gap alongside Josef. The weapon mounted on his shoulder hums to life and releases a blast towards the daemon. The energy from the hellgun is soon followed by a wicked stab of the skitarri's blade as the warrior's footwork takes him slightly to the side of Josef, trying to force the creature into seperating its attention to capitalize; but inwardly unsure such a beast was capable of confusion.

MIU Hellgun (Free Action) BS 43 + Point Blank 30 (?). TN 73[roll0]
WS 51 + Career 10 + 2v1 10. TN 71 [roll1]

Hellgun [roll2] Pen 7
Mono Sword [roll3] Pen 2

Dodge (if attacked)
Ag 47 [roll4]

The blast strikes home, taking the creature just barely in the shoulder as its image phases in and out, making the targeting system struggle to keep a bead on it. I-786 avoids a clawed arm the comes for him, but it throws off his attack. The precision jab of his sword having some of its weight taken from it.

2012-06-21, 06:30 PM
Caius curses as the daemon reaches the crew so quickly. At this rate, the autocannons will be as much of a threat to his shipmates as they would be to the daemon. He watches the daemon closely, taking careful aim and waiting for an opening in the melee that he might take advantage of.

"Everyone, get clear of the hostile if you can! Give the shuttles room to light it up!"

Full-round aim

2012-06-21, 09:22 PM
The being lunges for Josef and I-786 seemingly solidifying in the midst of its lunge, becoming more vivid and real, and all the more horrifying for it, its barbed arms dripping of unknown liquids as it swings at its prey.

With reaction speed borne of battle against horrifying creatures Josef quickly parries the Daemons swing with a twisting motion and with great skill continues the twist into a thrust into the tender underbelly of the daemon, but against his expectation, it fails almost completely to disembowel it, it simply gives him a shallow cut.

Simultaneously Caius screams out for them to move out of the way, but with the Daemon in combat with Josef and I-786 he stands ignored.

The two squads with great professionalism simply aim at the Daemon, and ignore the panicked orders from Sellus. Their minds focused on their task, and their will steadfast as they aim for the Daemon.

I-786 using speed born of efficiency twists just enough that the swing misses him, but at the same time the picture of machine like operation, his shoulder mounted Hellgun fires a blast as his sword swings out to cut the arm that almost disembowelled him, but it simply nicks the tough Daemon hide.

Sellus continues panicking his effort to freeze the abomination using his eye, only terrifying him even more, his orders becoming nonsensical born of slight desperation. His Servitor by his side, simply refining firing solutions, and waiting for an opportunity to unleash the Omnissiah might.

So you successfully gave the daemon some paper cuts. (3 Wounds). Also next time please post the modifiers of your rolls with them.

The two Squads are aiming, and the ships did squat except perhaps gibber a bit.

Enemy: 14
Josef: 13
Caius: 13
Squad 2: 13
Squad 1: 12
I-786: 10
Sellus: 7
Ships: 7
Servitor: 4

2012-06-21, 10:21 PM
I-786 weaved back and forth from the creature's claws. His own sword coming up barely fast enough in too many cases to deflect a killing blow. He keeps pace with the beast though, the small motors in his bionic arm whirring with speed and fury.

Seeing the combination of their attacks causing little if no visible damage, and hearing Caius scream, I-786 takes a moment to glance and consider their positions. With a nod he looks momentarily to Josef and back to the daemon. "Commisar Mendel! Get back! Now!"

With that, the skitarri tries to keep the beast's attention and force it away from the commissar. The weapon MIU waits for what seems like the perfect chance between the trio's maneuvoring to send another blast of energy at it. While, at the same time, his sword swipes and jabs followed by skilled footwork, engineered all towards putting an enemy into a killing field. It had worked many times in his past with his manufactured brothers of war. He had tried it again now. He had the briefest of moments to hope the pilot would not resist, and between breathes shouted "Master Caius, now!"

Hellgun FA BS 43 + Point Blank 30 = TN 73 [roll0]
Maneuvore WS 51 + 2v1 10 + Good 5 + Career 10 = TN 76 [roll1]

Dodge TN 47 [roll2]
Dodge will be saved for the guncutter and not the daemon.

With effeciency expected and feared of the tech-guard, I-786 follows the movements with deadly effeciency. A slash from the skitarri and a blow from the commissar were seperated by milliseconds, in which a burst of energy struck out from the shouldered-mounted weapon at the same moment both's eyes would be spared from the flash. In keeping with his people's deadly legacy, I-786 follows up with mechanical swordshipmanship that accounted for nearly every maneaovre another could try and react with. He didn't look back to the commissar, but instead stepped between the daemon and him to seperate the combatants and allow Josef a window to move. Caius would only need pull the trigger.

2012-06-21, 10:24 PM
Sellus curses as the beast shrugs off his attempt to close down on it's psyche, and tries again.

::Look at me, beast. LOOK AT ME.::

Using Held in my Gaze as a Half Action. Opposed Willpower Test against the daemon: WP 60 +10 fruits of corrupted blood -10 fear = 60

If I beat the daemon, it can't move until I use another power or move out of range, it takes 1 damage from warp instability, and it can't use Daemonic Presence or any psychic powers until it beats me at an opposed willpower test.

If failed, trying Held in my Gaze again. If successful, firing hellpistol as a half action. BS 39 -10 fear = 29

second gaze attempt (or firing pistol): [roll1]

If hellpistol hit, [roll2] energy damage at Pen 7

2012-06-21, 10:48 PM
Servitor 264 brings it's heavy bolter to bear.

Pattern acquired. Firing.

The servitor's heavy bolter whips over it's shoulder and then roars, firing a cacophony of oversized bolt shells towards the daemon, the muzzle flash brightening it's dead, expressionless face for a thankfully brief moment.

[roll0] BS 30, Full Auto Burst +20 +20 full aim= TN 70

2012-06-22, 08:58 AM
The Commissar almost ignores the suggestion to fall back, until he realises why it was said. As much as he wants to gut the daemon personally, he takes a few steps back, his sword held in front of him defensively, as he waits for the withering fire to slam into it.

He spits on the ground and tenses his shoulder muscles, expecting hell to erupt around him.

[roll0] Parry if Daemon reaches melee. Dodge vs guns.

2012-06-26, 02:27 AM
Sweat begins to bead on Caius's forehead. Shooting into such close combat usually ends in "acceptable losses" or "heroic sacrifices", but if the skitarri pulls this off...

"Master Caius, now!"

I-786's words cut easily through the apprehension. The gun cutter's cannons come alive, sending a spray of fire towards the daemon.

Long-barrelled Autocannon 1: [roll0] BS 38, Fear -10, Full Auto Burst +20, Aim +20, MIU +10 = TN 78
Long-barrelled Autocannon 2: [roll1] TN 78

2012-06-27, 11:16 PM
As the warning about the approaching concentration of firepower is called, both Josef and I-786 move with increasing urgency, trying in their own way to move away from the line of fire.

Josef quickly moves to disengage, but the act almost costs him greatly as the Daemon swings wildly, but his skill with the Power Sword enables him to do a counter-blow that diverts the Daemons blow to one side and with that he stands clear.

While I-786 using a series of precise blows and machine like movements quickly sends the Daemon back a few steps to its own surprise, its roar scarcely noted, but its counter blow as it is pushed back hits him like the force of a battering ram, projecting him forward and leaving his body pummelled.

Thats 8 Damage. Deducting only the toughness bonus, it makes it 4 Damage.

Seeing an opening Sellus rallying his own harried mind, in vengeance for its slight desecration uses his powers to freeze it in place. On that cue a preposterous barrage of firepower from both squads, the servitor and the multitude of gun-ships, rend the Daemon apart.

Its dying screams twisting the very insides of those that listen, its haggard appearance twisting and collapsing on its self as seemingly the souls of those it had consumed try to claw out of its darkness, their gibbering screams, lamentations and promise of service to the Dark Gods horrifying to the servants of the God Emperor. And with a noise resembling a *slurp* the last vestiges of the creature disappear back from whence it came, the howling madness of the warp.

And combat done, you have to decide what to do now. Also sorry for the delay from when i said i was going to post, but the family congregated and Portugal played football, so not much time for anything.

2012-06-28, 04:11 AM
Sellus lowers his pistol, hands still shaking a little. He realises he was holding his breath, and rasps as he intakes a big breath of air through his helmet suddenly. His skull-mounted augar arrays scan the area along with his psy-sense, confirming it to be clear of further demonic taint.

This done, he heads over to Korlen, retrieving a medical kit from his pack as he does so.

"Hold still. I need to clean the wound most thoroughly before I risk applying synth-skin." he says, removing a large tube of counter-septic. "You went toe to toe with the creature. I'm... not sure I would have been able to stand my ground, were it that close to me. You did well." he says.

Once the man is treated, he wastes no time in resuming his search.

"Let's resume our search as swiftly as possible. Caius, I'd like to check the entry point on the ceiling. Could you hover and hold station in the gun-cutter while I climb on the roof?"

Sellus clambers on top of the guncutter and activates his suit's mag-boots as it takes off, waving his arms nervously as the floor moves beneath him. He inspects the hatch in the roof of the bay, frowning intently.

Tech-Use for auger scanning: [roll0]
Psyniscience: [roll1]
First Aid roll on Korlen, 4 wounds restored if successful: [roll2]

2012-07-03, 09:37 AM
I-786's world spun along with his body as he was lifted from the ground by the blow. Fortunately, his ragged body cleared the space just as the shells began to fly. His head had crashed into his arm as his body hit the floor and he only saw the briefest glimpse of the creature being sucked back into the warp.

His human arm tries to lift himself but buckles slightly under the strain. Instead, his metallic arm raises him up until he sees Sellus arrive. He takes a quick scan of the area to ensure there were no more hostiles before letting himself back down to be worked on.

"Thank you...Sir." He said, whether in response to the medical assistance or the compliment.

When Sellus had finished his task, the skitarri raised from the floor again. Clearly put off by the fact he was leveled so easily he conceals an embarrased frown as he reaches down to pick up his blade.

2012-07-07, 06:29 PM
Under the quick ministration of Sellus the wounds sustained and the poison that likely comes with them are quickly healed. I-786 stands as if he was untouched, the only evidence of such wounds are some bandages beneath his armour.

As Sellus climbs towards the top of Caius Gun-cutter he is quickly joined by the two squads that so bravely faced the Daemon, as they rise towards the one of the many openings in the framework and the door at the end of it. His auger and senses detecting nothing that he did not already know.

I should explain that its a false roof, sort of what would have been used by cranes, but with a lot more walkways, that Sellus is approaching and would disembark. A simple look, quickly confirms that it will hold steady.

As quickly as possible the remaining men disembark and quickly set up choke points in the doorways as well as supplys in the walls. Soon enough the first batch of men are all on the ground and the shuttles return back to the ship, accompanied by 3 of the Gun-cutters, as to retrieve the remaining.

Mallius quickly informs I-786 and Mendel, that the next batch will not be able to fit on the bay, expansion is necessary.

2012-07-09, 06:52 PM
Sellus orders a winch set up so the group can quickly head back down to the bay, and bring I-786 up now the ship is gone.

"Perhaps the command staff should split up to cover more ground quickly, as time is short. Whoever wants to accompany me up here is welcome. Stay in contact, and make sure a vox-operator stays here to act as a hub for our communications."

Sellus removes the heavy pieces of his void-suit while he waits, and then stares down at the crew who will accompany him. He keeps the eye contact brief, conscious of how uncomfortable it makes people feel, before replacing his helmet.

"Come. The unknown awaits us."

He tries the hatch and then heads out of the bay.

2012-07-10, 08:04 AM
"I will assist you." He spoke to Sellus as his metallic fingers flexed and the shoulder mounted weapon swiveled to ensure everything was in working order. Sword in hand he moved in the direction that Sellus had indicated. A vanguard to the others.