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2012-05-14, 05:49 PM
So i posted in a thread to join a gestalt pbp game and got some pretty bad scores. 14,13,13,13,12,12.

My original idea was cleric 3/ walker in the waste 10/ Dread witch 5/ dread necromance 12, but the DM may not let me use it now because he doesn't want any nature based spell casters, though i don't see how witw is. And says no matter what summoning undead is evil. Can someone help me make a level 15 gestalt build anything really would be ok. I would go ranger/ Paladin but ranger is also considered nature. Please play ground i need your help

2012-05-14, 09:14 PM
So i posted in a thread to join a gestalt pbp game and got some pretty bad scores. 14,13,13,13,12,12.

My original idea was cleric 3/ walker in the waste 10/ Dread witch 5/ dread necromance 12, but the DM may not let me use it now because he doesn't want any nature based spell casters, though i don't see how witw is. And says no matter what summoning undead is evil. Can someone help me make a level 15 gestalt build anything really would be ok. I would go ranger/ Paladin but ranger is also considered nature. Please play ground i need your help

Are you allowed to go double Prestige Class?
Warlock/Enlightened Soul//Cleric/Eldritch Disciple.

Warlock for constant effects and damage effects. Cleric for some basic healing and buffing abilities, as well as some situational utility. At level 5 or so you should qualify for both Eldritch Disciple (Dual Progression Warlock/Cleric PrC that advances cleric 'casting and warlock invocations/EB) and Enlightened Soul (Warlock PrC that's for good-aligned "redeemed" warlocks.) Start out as a Warlock Cleric of a Fey creature, perhaps one of the Courts in general. Have some sort of epiphany or paradigm-shifting event at around level 5 that re-directs you to a more benevolent patron (there are some good aligned fey deities, a little google-fu should help you find them) for the last 10 or so.
So, you've got 15 levels worth of Invocations from Warlock/ES, and another 10 levels of Invocations and EB from Enlightened Soul, along with 15 levels of Cleric casting. Shoot yourself in the foot by taking the Fey Heritage Feats from Complete Mage so that you're balancing out by not actually optimizing your feats while having tons of tools available.

So, plenty of healing (including an option to burn Turn attempts to turn your Eldritch Blast into a Healing Blast that you can also use your invocations through (Eldritch Glaive of healing, or Spear for when you're too far to reach with normal Cure spells, or AOE's if you don't care what you hit with your healing.) Lots of damage capacity (12d6 EB if I'm reading the effects right) and while you're not a Natural based divine character, the Fey have a similar feel to them, albeit with a more arcane set of talents and preferences.

Edit: I have never been accused of being good at Char-Op. There're probably a dozen things in the build I suggested that won't work as well as I think they do, but you can try your own research to fix them.

2012-05-14, 09:18 PM
I'm not very good at gestalt, but I have a couple of things for you to consider. First, ask your DM if you can reduce your 14 by 1. If he falls for it, you can reroll the stats (I think those rules are in the PHB). Failing that, I would start looking for classes that can get by with stats that are extra "meh". I would recommend a Warlock, or maybe a Dragonfire Adept. Both are more or less SAD, and they can even get by without a single high score. Finally, I would consider template stacking. Let's say you go with Dragonfire Adept, whose main ability is Constitution. Pick a Mongrelfolk for +4, take Dragonborn of Bahamut for +2, and Arctic +2. Even with your limited means, this gets a 20 on your primary stat. Other than that, I can't be of much assistance, but see what happens.

2012-05-14, 09:32 PM

6th level spells, skills, int casting both sides, can channel for big damage with a sword, can also sneak around and/or talk people out of whatever you want to talk them out of.

2012-05-14, 10:31 PM
Those stats make things difficult. Especially since the no-nature thing blocks off most good shapeshifting.

How does your DM do level adjust? If it goes on one side, try a half-celestial or a pixie. Put the level adjust on the non-casting side and enjoy. Or if you really like monsters, try a couatl rhd 9 / abjurant champion 5 / spellsword 1 // la 7 / factotum 8 and do absolutely everything.

Also, what do you want your character to be good at? It's hard to tell from the examples you gave.

2012-05-14, 10:48 PM
normally i play a buffer or a paladin rogue, shadowbane inquister build,saddly with them stats mad would be to big of a problem. I want my character to be able to tank if he needs to on his own, and well 306hp total I so far have the most hp with the dry lich build that he is letting me test run because i can do no evil and as i said bring the dead to life is evil. But I also want to be able to help the rest of the group stay alive.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-05-14, 10:59 PM
Those stats aren't bad; they just aren't that exceptional. The number of 13s is a bummer, but really, you have no bad stat. This can be somewhat useful.

You also have some leeway as far as races are concerned to make adjustments. Can you afford to dump DEX? Then being a Dragonborn Dwarf makes you much more durable (18 CON > 14) for +0 LA by dumping DEX and CHA, which can make a good Dragon Shaman or Dragonfire Adept (just put your attribute points by level into CON and buy a +CON item), or a Dragonborn Goliath for +1 LA by really dumping DEX, but getting a +4 to STR and CON out of it, which you can buy off and be a decent Barbarian or somesuch. An Orc makes you much stronger (18 STR > 14) by dumping your mental stats, which in this case just makes them mediocre, so you're not completely missing out, which again makes serviceable melee if you pick a high HD class(es). Combining these things, you could have a Warblade//Dragon Shaman with the Quicken Breath and Entangling Exhalation metabreath feats, or something to that effect.

This can be done a number of different ways; it just so happens that I was best able to think of ways for a STR/CON build to go if all stats are good (but none are great). Basically, you're used to min-maxing the raw ability score; how good can you be at min-maxing templates?

2012-05-15, 12:43 AM
There are a few buffs that don't require stats: bardsong and white raven. A simple bard // warblade is viable. You can fairly easily get your cha to 17 to get the full advantage of bard casting (which often has spells at lower level than sor/wiz, making it easier for you). And Insightful Strike will help you deal meaningful damage without a ton of strength.

For a more arcane (and more charisma-requiring) variant, make that bard 8 / war weaver 2 / sublime chord 2 / war weaver 3.

Optionally swap out some or all of warblade for cleric. You lose hp, but gain the ability to heal yourself (and your friends all at once -- war weaver isn't limited to arcane spells).

If you can, swap out for levels on the non-arcane side for half-celestial. Even on hit dice it's easily worth it.

2012-05-15, 10:25 AM
Well nothing from ToB is allowed because in his world the nine swords were never made so the classes don't exist. As for your second part it sounds like a good idea, i will just need to throw 15 more levels into it. As for half celestial I can't. more than +1la. How would throwing in cleric and the template saint sound though as a normal human?

2012-05-15, 09:50 PM
Saint is LA+2, but if your DM doesn't mind go for it. If that's no good, you might try Aasimar.

Righteous Doggy
2012-05-15, 10:29 PM
Well nothing from ToB is allowed because in his world the nine swords were never made so the classes don't exist. As for your second part it sounds like a good idea, i will just need to throw 15 more levels into it. As for half celestial I can't. more than +1la. How would throwing in cleric and the template saint sound though as a normal human?

Wait, people actually use the fluff as is? Make it up! No one came and told me where magic or where a fighter learned his feats...

2012-05-15, 10:37 PM
Those stats make things difficult. Especially since the no-nature thing blocks off most good shapeshifting.

@OP: No naturey casters or no naturey characters at all? If only the former, there's a couple of spell-less ranger variants that would make the Wildshape Ranger/Master of Many Forms build possible. Not sure what I would match it with in gestalt, tho; it's a relatively complete build on its own.

2012-05-15, 10:38 PM
I don't really know enough about the build you want, what restriction there are, or the other roles already covered but I would have to say that for what you're use to take Warlock15\\hexblade 15 if your DM will allow it

warlock has a bunch of no saves abilities all at will which is good because you have lower stats, and can pull out the old trust eldritch glaive if you need to tank and want to save money on a weapon. Hexblade states that you need to play any non-good in order to use it, but that doesn't mean that it's evil (good clerics can cast curse too after all) so run that by your dm.

If you're allowed Cleric (A tier one class) why not do a StP Erudite\\Archivist and use your stat points to boost int, basically making a character that can learn every spell and power in the game (and most definitely by level 15 almost all of them) starting with your 14 you could boost it to 17 just on points gained from leveling up which will allow you to use all of the powers you have at that level. for some No saves spells look here http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166063

For a tanking support How about Knight or marshal on one side, with bard on the other? then PrC as needed or based on what you can find.