View Full Version : You're Cordially Invited...

The Unborne
2012-05-14, 08:13 PM
James Marshall Wingates

Tongues of flame darted around the the Covent Garden Theatre: everything was on fire from the scant number of trees dotting the playhouse's boundary, to the multitude of litter piled conveniently around the entrances and exits, to even the convenient vegetable market just outside the building. In the midst of blaze and vapour, James Marshall Wingates, a debonair editor and thief (though not necessarily in that order), stands just below the steps into the theatre with embers dusted on his shoulders and small flames licking their ways around his apparel burning him for every second he remains stationary.

Behind the twenty-something bloke is a small drop-off into the Thames—a rather sweet relief; however, more pressing matters reveal themselves as the raging inferno in front of James parts ways and a humanoid creature constructed purely of fire steps from out the playhouse leaving ember footsteps in its wake. Though an amorphous shape, the elemental's long and flickering hair hints at an overall feminine nature. It mouths of a few words that sound like the sizzle of flesh meeting an unbearably hot metal.


"Miss Gladstone?" a shrill voice calls out from behind a desk two sizes too large for such a tiny lass, "I think someone's at the door." Indeed, the young girl proves to be correct as a few knocks make themselves louder over the sound of snoring coming from one of the other bedrooms. The girl keeps her eyes on the governess trying to sneak a peak at how the more matured woman conducts herself in the routine tasks of an otherwise mundane day.


James finds himself staring at an oncoming embodiment of fire while being on flames himself.

He takes 2 dice worth of lethal damage for two rounds (which includes this round [roll0])

Roll initiative.

2012-05-14, 08:24 PM
Hot! Hot! Hot!

There are times when great witticisms spring to the minds of great men. Then there are times when the only thought running though one's head is AAAAAHHHHHH!

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-05-14, 08:34 PM
Miss Gladstone

At the knock Miss Gladstone stood, simultaneously adjusting her peculiar red-tinted glasses and slipping the morning paper she'd been reading onto the chair she'd been previously sitting on. "Mind your work, Mary," she admonished as she saw the child pay more heed to her than the work she'd assigned her this morning. Stepping out of the room and into the adjoining hall with its front door Miss Gladstone took a moment to perform some appearance maintenance in the hall mirror before she approached the door. She made particular note of ensuring her crucifix and gold band were still in their proper place before she approached -- her appearance, a boon for most others, simply annoyed her when she was far more interested in ensuring little Mary received an acceptable upbringing.

At the door she stood as straight and tall as she could in her new boots with the most recently fashionable design and heel length. Proud and imperious as she could make herself Miss Gladstone clasped the door handle firmly and opened it confidently to face the person beyond.

The Unborne
2012-05-14, 11:12 PM
So Hot

The wildfire nymph tilts its head to the right and smiles revealing teeth white as a noon sun and dissipates quickly into nothing but appearing a few meters forward erupting from the tiniest leaf left forgotten on the ground. It continues to do this disappearing/reappearing act like a dance or skip from one flammable object to the next until reaches mere centimeters away from the roguish editor.

Upon a closer look, James notices its (what can only be) hair swirl into fiery curls reaching outwards just to lick his enticing cloth-based attire. Of course, such observations prove to be moot given the temperature now around the man has grown to unbearable levels.


Before the door is even open an inch a bubbly, bovine beastbuor breaks all decorum and rushes into the residence almost knocking over the uptight Miss Gladstone. "I can't believe it!" she says throwing her hands up to her face with almost childlike glee. In one of them, a crumpled up, white envelope flashes from side to side as the woman prances about. Babs takes a few more seconds to unleash her excitement before calming down into a more comprehensive manner. One can sometimes tell the effects of a well-trained governess in the life of a matured lady.

"I figured you already knew, but look how pretty they did this letter!" She almost forces the letter into Miss Gladstone's hands before continuing, "To think he would get married this unexpectedly. My word, you'd be somethin' else to throw 'nuff chink into such...such things."

She pauses to collect herself and her vocabulary and then says, "Imagine the wedding!"

On the front flap of the envelope is a broken seal and on its face are the perfectly handwritten words: "You're Cordially Invited."


Round and Order: Round 1, Order 11

Embodiment of Fire: 11, 7, 3
James: 10, 6, 2

2012-05-15, 02:31 PM
Miss Gladstone

Taking the letter from the excited woman Miss Gladstone tried not to jump to conclusions about the safety of her personal correspondences as she opened it once again and removed the contents for reading -- as to the woman's blathering Miss Gladstone hoped she would calm down on her own as the letters contents were examined.

The Unborne
2012-05-15, 03:08 PM
The Contents

Written in a fashionable script with hints of a quill-based nib the letter inside reads simply:

We found the days were much too short
for all the dreams we wanted to share
and all the love we wanted to give

Levinia Dempsey
James Marshall Wingates

request the honour of your presence
as they begin a life of dreaming,
loving and sharing together
Saturday, the twenty-first of May
eighteen forty two
at six o'clock in the evening
Holy Trinity
Bishop's Road

2012-05-15, 08:41 PM
Miss Gladstone

With bulging eyes Miss Gladstone read the florid invitation. Who would be foolish enough to agree to a marriage with that loutish brute, she thought, and almost at once an image of a poor doe-eyed girl with half a brain popped into her head. There was another matter to be dealt with before she proceeded to beat her employer to the brink of death -- less if he showed some modicum of sense -- and that was the prattling that had gone on when the woman burst in and thrust the letter at her. "What are you talking about? He's engaged, but what else are you babbling about?"

2012-06-03, 04:02 PM
Still hot?

James would love to stay and engage the lovely lady in witty repartee, or fight, for that matter, but at the moment it was probably most important not to be on fire.

With that in mind, he proceeds to fling himself straight into the Thames, hoping the water wasn't too polluted this fine evening...

Many apologies. The two-week trip to Europe removed me from my Victoriana stuff, which I promptly lost. I've got it back now.