View Full Version : [SW SAGA] Anti-Jedi build thread

2012-05-15, 01:53 AM
Jedi are great characters to play in SWSE and when optimized are very difficult to beat or provide a challenge to. I am opening this thread to see what people have come up with over the years to provide a sufficient challenge for a Jedi heavy group.

Race: Any, to include droids
Stats: 28 point buy
Classes: All

Look forward to seeing what people come up with against both lightsaber focused and force power focused Jedi. Thanks!

2012-05-15, 04:22 AM
Read, and enjoy. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217372):smallcool:

2012-05-15, 02:00 PM
Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12058074&postcount=16) is a post where I muse about how to make Jedi into unhappy campers.

2012-05-16, 06:53 AM
Interesting. I was curious about how to make an aiming build actually have a chance to hit a Jedi, since they max out UTF and deflect shots quite well. Some taking the Soresu(?) talent that allows them to reroll deflect/blocks. Also good points with using nets or the grenade version of those. I have never really dealt with those weapons. And the CR5 encouter. That is priceless and I am going to have to give it a try.

Keep the good ideas coming!

2012-05-17, 02:31 AM
Read, and enjoy. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217372):smallcool:

While the post list was amusing, I must point out that from all of those gadgets, NONE have ever successfully caught the Roadrunner.

Seriously though, I'll try to make an actual build later, but for now some ideas. Launchers of any kind fair well against Jedi. Flame throwers and slug weapons do well (not sure about Saga rules exactly on the slug weapons, but canon says lightsabers do not fare well against bullets). Splash damage weapons are very effective. Stun grenades are nice, too.

In one book, Stokhli Spray Sticks (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stokhli_spray_stick) gave Luke Skywalker a very hard time.

For defense, Cortosis metal items are brittle but due to its high conductivity temporarily short out a lightsaber upon the slightest contact. Beskar (mandalorian iron) is very light and strong. It doesn't disable lightsabers, but is nearly impervious to them.

Ysalamir (ysalamiri) (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ysalamir) are small lizards that repel the Force up to a few meters. Groups of them could expand the 'anti-force bubble' up to a few kilometers. Jedi cannot even use the force at all (ie can't rely on their lightsaber skills or force abilities) to go into or while inside the bubbles, and cannot use their senses to detect danger coming from inside a bubble. No more "Spider-sense is tingling!"

Some SIMPLE tools, and RandomLunatic's tactics equals some troubled Jedi.

2012-05-17, 09:23 PM
Spray sticks and slugthrowers aren't any better than normal weapons against Jedi under the SAGA rules, unfortunately. (Well, except that you can use a Stokhli spray stick to grapple them if you hit, and as RandomLunatic mentions in his post, grappling is a pain if you do it right.) Instead, your go-to weapons should be sonic pistols and rifles, from the KOTOR sourcebook. The damage is a little lower than normal blasters, but they can't be deflected, forcing Jedi to rely on Force powers or their oft-neglected Reflex defense.

Area weapons are good too: grenades, flamethrowers, and the like can't be deflected. Splash weapons like flechette launchers and blaster cannons are a decent substitute — you'll at least deal half damage — but autofire is not a good idea.

... unless you're a bunch of mooks trying to bring down a single Jedi, in which case go for it. Focused fire is a good tactic in general, actually, since most Jedi have a hard time dealing with lots of attacks. (Jedi with Force Shield, Energy Resistance, or the Shii-Cho talent are sometimes exceptions.)

Ysalamiri are a classic anti-Jedi tactic, though they may be difficult to acquire (not well known in most eras, found only on a single planet, bulky and conspicuous to carry around, and they require specialized care and equipment).

RandomLunatic's post mentions some good anti-Jedi build elements: Stymie (scoundrel talent from Clone Wars, Overwhelming Attack (feat from Clone Wars), Unstoppable Force (likewise). Unstoppable Force is practically a must-have for any build that expects to go up against Jedi — even lightsaber combatants often have a Force Slam or Mind Trick up their sleeve, and it'll save you from being completely screwed by Force Grip. I'm sure there's more stuff out there if you want to dedicate your entire build to killing Jedi, but these three are easy to pick up and often useful in other situations too.