View Full Version : Maug Stone Spitter and Multiweapon Fighting?

2012-05-15, 12:35 PM
Hello everyone.
*disclaimer, perhaps this is an old old matter, but I scoured this and brilliant gameologists thru googiling and came up dry bar few mentions, so I am posting this*

Recently I was reading about different planar inhabitants and came across Maugs. I have seen them before hand, but didn't gave them too much though. Now I am looking them over and I have a mechanical question.

Maugs get iconic "grafts" which are really weapon installations more than anything else. I am assuming plenty of people can use them, but lets just assume, its "maug only"[its not to my knowledge, but lets skip this].

My interest was sparked when I saw the "stone spitter" graft. It is essentially an iconic shoulder cannon from predator. It does not require proficiencies to operate[so it seems] nor does it require hands to be in. However it does say its usually located on a shoulder and to me this means not always. This leads me to believe that we can graft it into Maugs hands at the very least.

My idea was to get 4 of these things, graft them on Shoulders and hands respectively and use Multiweapon fighting line to pull what Thri-Kreen do with soulbow class.

So what does everyone thinks about this? ^^ Would this make an interesting set of NPCs? Even if I stop say 3 of these to leave one hand for a weapon, that is still nice range capability and still kick ass in melee? The problem once again lies in damage as its it seems that it doesn't add str to this. So perhaps sneak attack is where I should try getting damage from?O_o Wand of unlimited range for sneak attack fixes the range issues...

Keld Denar
2012-05-15, 12:51 PM
You need 3 or more hands to qualify for MWF. Doesn't matter how many weapons you could wield, you don't qualify unless you have more than one hand. A human with a sword in each hand and armor spikes does not qualify for MWF anymore than your maug with 4 rockets duct taped to his body.

2012-05-15, 01:32 PM
Hmmm... I though because they are grafts, they become natural weapons ergo make you qualify for multiweapon fight? Much like Tentacle graft or something along those lines...

Well if they are not qualified, than I suppose just have two of them and use them when someone is in range and than just switch to melee options when they are close.

P.S. I don't suppose that using these grafts, it would qualify someone for exotic weapon master and his close quarter range combat trick?

Agent 451
2012-05-15, 02:38 PM
You could give them Aberrant Limbs (DMGII p.157) to gain the extra arms.

Edit: You also gain MWF as a bonus feat if the character is an NPC

2012-05-15, 02:47 PM
I think you might be able to rejigger the Girallon Arms soulmeld into letting you qualify for MWF, too.