View Full Version : Light Warriors, Assemble! IC

2012-05-15, 03:36 PM
The year is 199 of the Second Era, an age which seems on the verge of collapse. Reports abound from lands to the west that the earth itself has begun to rot. The cities of Provaka and Onrac both say the oceans are stagnating. Raging wildfires have turned the eastern lands into a barren waste, and even the air itself seems to have stilled. Amidst the chaos that runs rampant across the world, the city state of Cornelia faces its own problems. King Gerald II has sent ordered posters stationed around the city, calling for anyone with either knowledge of the surrounding countryside, the sudden turns of events around the world, or knowledge of mysterious crystals, a picture of which is etched at the bottom of each poster.

2012-05-15, 05:05 PM
Cornelia is a great city! Caroline took another bite out of the juicy leg of meat as she walked down the crowded street. And this meat is delicious! I must remember to stop at that tavern again. Next time I'll even pay for it with my own gold, instead of some pickpocket's. But that is what he gets for trying to lift some of mine. Caroline practically strutted down the street, the adrenaline singing in her veins from the bar-fight mixed with the hot meat in her belly to give her an almost gleeful outlook on the day.

That is until she saw the poster. The poster with the image of the jewel. The same jewel sitting in the bottom of her coin pouch. The same jewel she had practically killed a man in a bar for, when he had tried to lift her pouch. The jewel whose last owner burned a village to the ground, and killed mighty warriors, and powerful mages alike. Caroline tore down the poster, and made her way to where the paper said.

A leg of turkey lay on the dusty road from where she dropped it. The rats went after it just as fast as they could, just as they always did. Just as they always do.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-15, 08:56 PM
Wandering. Always wandering. Usually alone. Such is the fate of a Dragoon, thought Cid as he walked through the streets of Cornelia. He had wandered to this city because he heard that there was trouble that needed fixing, people who needed killing, wrongs that needed righting. So it was just like every single other city in the world at that time, really.

When Cid finally stopped thinking and looked around, he was shocked to see a poster with a picture of a crystal on it. The same crystal the Dragoons had been passing around since time immemorial.

Cid McCloud quickly abandoned any other thought as he made a bee-line for the castle.

2012-05-17, 01:12 PM
Caroline moved quickly toward the castle rolling up the poster and sticking it in her satchel. As she moves quickly through the crowds, she takes note of the half-elf moving quickly up the same street as she is, namely as he moves in a very similar direction in great haste. She takes a discerning look at him, trying to figure out what he is. Perception: [roll0] What does she see?

2012-05-17, 01:51 PM
As Caroline runs towards the castle, she gets a brief look at the half-elf in front of her. The first thing she notices is the large polearm on his back, before he disappears into the crowd, moving faster than a normal person could.


As Caroline looks for the young man who had vanished into the crowd, a stray piece of parchment flies into her face, nearly tripping her up. A quick glance shows that it is a wanted poster.

Caroline only:

For crimes of Treason, Kidnapping, and Desertion

Sir Garland Armstrong

Last seen fleeing to the northwest on horseback, with Princess Sarah de Cornelia in tow.
Warning: Armed and Highly Dangerous

2012-05-17, 03:52 PM
"Well, Posters are just telling me everything today," Caroline thinks to herself, "I'll hold onto you for later, first this crystal business. There will always be time for random bounties later." Caroline takes to running after the very fast elvish man.

2012-05-17, 07:00 PM
Alassė is walking through the city, quickly and uncomfortable. Her eyes dart around, her hand tapping along her longsword. This place felt...wrong...she could barely hear The Green here, only whispers and the sadness of loneliness from the occasional tree or shrub. She didn't know what she was looking for, all she knew was that help was needed. Before long she realized she kept seeing posters, with a familiar image on it.

That crystal...her hand went to the place below her armor where the crystal hung. This King was looking for it. Perhaps if she found why this King needed the crystal, she could secure help for her people.

Perception to find where I need to go: [roll0]

2012-05-17, 07:39 PM
As Alassė wanders through the market places in the city, her eyes wander, and eventually pick up the odd sight of a young, somewhat elvish-looking man, followed by a green woman chasing after him, with huge tusks, with a very similar crystal hanging from the half-elf's wrist.

2012-05-18, 10:47 AM
Alassė's eyes fall on the crystal. She begins to follow after the others, keeping a bit of a distance away from them.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-18, 12:03 PM
It's a chain of stalkers.

2012-05-19, 09:54 PM
After several minutes of chasing each other, the three crystal bearers find themselves standing before the entrance to Cornelia Castle. Two guards, dressed in standard armor and carrying longspears stand at the door, barring the way.

"Halt! What is your business at the castle today?"

2012-05-19, 10:08 PM
Caroline pulls out the poster she pulled down. I'm here for this. Be a good little guard and help me out with this will you?

2012-05-19, 10:22 PM
Really, it's less of a chain and more of them both following you.

"Ah, yes." the guard says, giving Caroline a slight look for the "good little guard" crack. "What news do you have, perchance? Knowledge of goings-on outside our borders, or are you another person with knowledge of the crystals Lekain spoke of?"

Beowulf DW
2012-05-19, 11:31 PM
"I don't know about the streetwalker, here, but I'm here about those crystals." says Cid, lifting his wrist to show the crystal on his bracelet.

2012-05-20, 03:15 PM
"You...you also possess a crystal like that? Most interesting. Young man, please, come with me.

2012-05-20, 05:35 PM
I have seen a crystal much like his before. As well I have been all over and know the area well. Who is this Lekain and what do they want with this crystal?

2012-05-21, 01:01 PM
Knowledge (History) DC 15
Lekain was a sage and prophet who lived up until about 180 years ago, and is known for his eerily accurate predictions of future events.

DC 20
One of his more well known prophecies was regarding a strange set of four crystals, and those who carried them.

DC 25
The prophecy speaks of the "Four Warriors of Light," Bearers of the Crystals who will return the world to balance.

"That's the king's business, ma'am." The guard replies to Caroline. "My only orders are to bring along anyone claiming to know what's going on. You're actually the second group today to arrive here claiming knowledge of those crystals, and the half-elf here is the second person to actually carry one! Here, follow me, I'll take you to the waiting room. When it's your time for an audience with the king, we'll let you know."

The guards escort you all down the main hallway of the castle, and into a small room where some fruit, cheeses, and wine have been set out on a small table. Already sitting at the table is a young, black haired man.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-21, 01:44 PM
Cid helps himself to some of the wine while he waits.

2012-05-21, 03:18 PM
Untrained Knowledge Check for history: [roll0]

Caroline proceeds to rudely eat of the dainty food, scarfing down handfuls at a time. So... where did you find that crystal anyway?

Beowulf DW
2012-05-21, 04:13 PM
Cid glances up from his wine.

"The Dragoons have been passing the crystal around for as long as there's been Dragoons."

2012-05-21, 06:50 PM
"Perhaps it was a dragoon who attacked us then," Caroline thinks to herself. So you guys get these crystals all the time? The one I saw was red.

2012-05-21, 07:15 PM
Alassė hangs back and watches both people show off their crystals to the guard, before they are led inside. Alassė steels herself before also walking up to a guard.

"Good day, I have one of the crystals seen in the images."

She pulls the crystal out from under her armor.

Knowledge History: [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2012-05-21, 09:01 PM
"The Dragoons only ever had one crystal. We kept passing it on to each other in the hope of figuring out what it does."

2012-05-22, 06:27 AM
"Well if this one speaks the truth, it was not a dragoon who left this crystal after the massacre." Caroline thinks silently. What do you know of the other crystals? My travels have produced little in the way of knowledge. Then as Alassė reveals her crystal. "Another one? If it was this easy to find them, I should have put up posters!" And where did you get yours little one?

2012-05-22, 02:35 PM
Alassė looks down at the half-orc, to answer.

"I removed it from the neck of an enemy of The Green. I have kept it ever since. I am Alassė Nśmenessė, a humble warrior for The Green.

2012-05-22, 03:44 PM
Heh, And I am Caroline the Twiceborn. Prideful warrior for myself.

Beowulf DW
2012-05-22, 04:33 PM
Cid focuses on his wine until he finally notices the silence.

"Oh. I'm Cid. Hi."

2012-05-25, 03:39 PM
As the chatter in the room dies down, a knock comes at the door, and a young man in fine clothes walks in.

"Hello, all of you. I am Rorick, the king's adviser. From what I hear, you each have knowledge of the crystals, yes? Please, come with me, King Gerald if waiting."

A few moments later, you each find yourselves in the throne room, facing the king as he sits on his throne, looking at each of you rather excitedly.

"Welcome, travelers! I understand you have many questions about what exactly is going on. Well, I do as well, which is why I have called you here today. A prophecy, told 200 years ago by the astrologer Lekain, speaks of four Warriors of Light, each holding a magic crystal, which would bring balance to the land. Rorick tells me that some of you even have some sort of crystal, yes? If that is the case, I would like to offer you a challenge. If you are truly the Warriors of Light, then perhaps you can help me in a matter most grave."

Beowulf DW
2012-05-25, 06:14 PM
"Grave matters are a Dragoon specialty, your majesty."

Cid pauses a moment until recognition hits him.

"Wait, 200 years? That's about the same amount of time that the Dragoons have been around."

2012-05-26, 08:37 AM
What would be this grave matter you speak of your majesty? There are just so many to choose from.

2012-05-26, 01:02 PM
The king gives a weak chuckle to Caroline's response. "You speak the truth, young lady. There are far too many grave perils facing the world today, including one that struck my own family recently. A few days ago, one of my finest knights, Sir Garland Armstrong, went rogue. He kidnapped my daughter, Sarah, and is ransoming her against the crystals you now hold. Naturally, I do not ask you to give up these crystals, but to save my daughter. My spies have told me that Garland is hiding in a small shrine to the Northwest of the city, through the Abbeywood. If you would bring my daughter back safely, I would grant you whatever boon you wish, within reason. If you are truly the Warriors of Light, then perhaps this task should be easy for you. Will you accept?"

2012-05-26, 01:22 PM
Alright, one damsel saving special then. You've got me interested enough.

2012-05-28, 09:04 PM
"I will help you in this act, but I must too ask for help. These calamities have effected the forests and The Green cries out in agony. My people are dying. yes, I can help, but we must save The Green and those who commune with it."

2012-06-04, 02:44 PM
"Help shall be given, young elf." The king replies. "Others have sent word of a village of elves to the south, beyond the sea, who are working to restore the earth. Should you succeed in your task, I shall happily give you a boat from my fleet, as well as the service of a crew, in order to ease your travels.

So, if we're ready to head out, I'm thinking setting up a voice chat this Thursday (so that Scott has time to get internet at his new place) to deal with your encounters, maybe around 7. What do you guys think?

2012-06-04, 03:30 PM
I'm good with that... might I suggest the Roll20.net virtual tabletop that has just entered open beta?

Beowulf DW
2012-06-05, 06:14 AM
I'm game. Let's do it.

2012-06-06, 01:11 PM
Yeah, I can do that.