View Full Version : BlackHeart: Queen Of The Black Rose

2012-05-15, 11:47 PM

South Africa:
The powerful witch-doctors and shamans of the African continent allied with Egyptian rebels to kick Thea's army out of Upper Egypt, two hundred years ago. Negotiations of keeping Thea's army out of Upper Egypt's territory has been metting set-back after set-back. It appears that the Black Rose will rise once again. Now the most powerful army in the entire world, if Thea conquers the world, then it will be a most dismal place indeed.

Within the Thean Empire there are work camps where the old and abused are left to die from exhaustion, dissidents are murdered through forced starveation, and religions which refuse Thea even lipservice are brutally oppressed. You are descendants of great warriors and villains of your time. It is time for you to fight the Empress Thea, before it is too late. But how, her sorcery is great! Even the greatest in the world fear her.

You have been gathered here to face an assault from the Black Rose. Officially there is no assault, but our spies have assembled enough information to know what will happen next.

Milo v3
2012-05-16, 02:11 AM
Seems they finally trust me. Or they are desperate enough.

"So how are we meant to combat this assault?"

2012-05-16, 03:26 PM
Very early that morning, Maia woke in the soothing dark of the African night, under the wide starry sky stretching above the steppe, drifting out of sleep like a fish out of its watery home. She was sitting up against a rock - it mattered not, she could sleep in any position - and slowly massaged her aching temples while gauging what she had learned during the night.

It has been some time now that she has been Dreamwalking farther and farther through the minds of the Queen's people, trying to find valuable information in their dreamscapes and nightmares. It's easy once you get the hang of it. Someone dreams of someone else, and you slip between the dreams of these people, forging chains of acquaintance across the continent, always following the red thread of the Black Rose's plans.

She winces as Rasard speaks up, startled by the voice speaking in the here and now, cutting through her daydream like a hawk's screech. She has been drifting again.

"They're coming at sunrise", she quietly replies in her dusky voice, her long fingers playing with an arrow that has a greenish sheen to its point. "I saw the general dreaming of his victory on this field, the sun rising in his back. They seem quite confident, nary a doubter among them."

Indeed there have been very few nightmares among the men marching to meet them - fewer than any human being has a right to have before a bloody battle. Nothing compared to the dreams that the all the people in their dilapidated huts and deathly campsites have every night. Nothing to the nightmarish pressure wrapping itself around her mind even now.

Maia has been dreading the battle, but now finds herself looking forward to finally doing something.

2012-05-16, 05:35 PM
"No unbelievers, yes?"
Siegmund continues to sharpen his sword, then he adds:
"That is good. It is unkind to torture a man with fear before you kill him."
The sound of his voice resembles that of a raven.
Already he can feel the Allfather's messengers gathering. What news will they bring? Victory or demise? Or both?
Not for the first time he curses the wise woman who urged the Jarl to send him away from his fireplace into 'the land where the sun burns so hot, it turns the peoples' skin black'. He still suspects that the old Adalgisa, who had always loathed Siegmund, only uttered her 'prophecy' to get him as far away as possible.
Well...it worked. There is only one place further away than this land. And he does not intend to go there.
Fastening the helmet, lifting the shield and feeling its weight are a familiar ritual. A trifle that helps to calm the nerves. It has always been that way before a fight.
In former times things were simpler. Fighting for some master, fighting for her... He pauses, but then continues his preparation after a heartbeat. Later he fought for the Jarl or at least he fought at his side. But now...what exactly is he fighting for?
He chuckles.
The battle will be a most welcome distraction.

Milo v3
2012-05-16, 06:05 PM
Rasard wasn't sure how reliable dreams were but they were all they had.

"If the sun is behind him then they will be coming from the east. Since they are amazingly confident they must know something we don't, likely a weapon of some kind. Maybe a person with abilities such as ours. If so then they will likely be in one of two places, the centre of the forces or the frontlines.

Either way it would be dangerous to attack head one. An Ambush or attacking from the side will likely be a better strategy. Hilai can likely allow us to reach a good position without any difficulty. I will observe from above, analysing the situation and looking for any threats.

Can any of you see fault in this strategy?"

2012-05-16, 08:48 PM
Taijut pulls out his bow and begins tightening the string. His hair a mess all over his face.

"Good strategy. You would make a good war chief. Shall I ride out with Teneg?"

He whistles and a chestnut mountain horse trots up beside him. Its mane flowing down its neck. A light saddle, slightly more than a sheet of cloth, rests upon its back.

2012-05-16, 08:48 PM
The Battle Of Thebes

The Watch
"House the watch, Zor?" The footsoldier asked the other. "All's quiet as it has been." Suddenly however, the footsoldier's expression changed from apathy to terror, his African face turned white. "Ura, we are unprepared."

Xiang Ji
"They should attack in mere hours. Sources indicate that an army of fifty thousand is expected here. I'm unsure why they have waited for two hundred years to assault on us again. It would be wise for us to all pray to our Makers and gods soon, if we have not already." Just then the war horn sounded. "OH, Heaven. I spoke too soon."

Milo v3
2012-05-16, 11:06 PM
We are at the top of the watch tower aren't we? :smallamused:

"Seems like we will have to act quickly. I will try to keep track of everyone so we can stay in touch."
From the top of the Watch Tower, Rasard gazed at the far away ground. Then swiftly jumped over.

His body started to fall, but before he hit the ground Rasard's body was covered in burning light. Horus had awakened.

A Falcon flew out of the Rasard's ashes. Gazing at the world beneath him.

2012-05-17, 05:12 AM
Velhar walks away from the others, he goes to a place where he can be alone.

''What shall i do, i am no warrior''
''Shall i stay in safety''
''The others will think of me as a coward''
''But i can't go to the front, i am no fighter''
''Shall i just try to outlive the battle, make myself usefull later on''
''My skills are worthless in this situation''
''What shall i do''
''My own life is of the largest importance''
''But if i fight in front, and survive, it will be to my advantage''
''It is too risky, i can't''
Then suddenly Velhar remembers the Tarot deck.
''I go up front, if it goes badly i can always use it, that is what it is for''
Velhar laughs reliefed.

Velhar walks back to the others.

2012-05-17, 08:56 AM
Upon seeing Rasard fly off, Taijut straddles Teneg and with a whistle they rode off toward the battle. Taijut slung his bow over himself and proceeded to tie back his hair, as it was an annoyance when undone. When finished he pulled his bow back out, reached for and arrow, and waited as Teneg rode on.
"Do not fear, Teneg, no harm shall come to you while I am here."

2012-05-17, 09:24 AM
Leviathan looks out from his perch atop the tower. "And so it begins" A wicked grin appears on his face.

2012-05-17, 12:21 PM
Hilai goes through his morning routine of practicing his forms. As well as awakening his body, the ritual frees his mind for contemplation. The army coming against them is overwhelming. Our side has neither chosen the location for battle, nor the time. This way leads to defeat. Best to give ground, attack from ambush, harass supply lines. Draw the enemy to the desert or the jungles. Let them die there of their own accord. Alas, Hilai does not command this army. Can the powerful few assembled here make a difference against an army? Perhaps focusing on the leadership would slow or stop the assault. This focused attack could be done by few.

Hilai checks his equipment, verifying his bombs are prepared.

"I will find the general. Watch for a bright flash."

2012-05-17, 12:31 PM
Upon seeing Rasard fly off, Taijut straddles Teneg and with a whistle they rode off toward the battle. Taijut slung his bow over himself and proceeded to tie back his hair, as it was an annoyance when undone. When finished he pulled his bow back out, reached for and arrow, and waited as Teneg rode on.
"Do not fear, Teneg, no harm shall come to you while I am here."

What you soon saw would have filled others with horror. Mad-women crawling on fours, covered with blood and filthy rags. They were tossing the flesh of their kill with them. One of them saw you and grinned savagely with their teeth, and growls, she grabs a rock and tosses it at you with ferocious strength, skill and speed. Others continue to gnaw on boans, drinking blood and eating flesh, yet still others toss their spears, attempting to skewer you.

Leviathan looks out from his perch atop the tower. "And so it begins" A wicked grin appears on his face.

You see the mad-women ranks, and behind them, their is an approaching, massive wall of wall of Legionares. Behind them, still yet is a great mass of soldiers cloaked in black.

Hilai goes through his morning routine of practicing his forms. As well as awakening his body, the ritual frees his mind for contemplation. The army coming against them is overwhelming. Our side has neither chosen the location for battle, nor the time. This way leads to defeat. Best to give ground, attack from ambush, harass supply lines. Draw the enemy to the desert or the jungles. Let them die there of their own accord. Alas, Hilai does not command this army. Can the powerful few assembled here make a difference against an army? Perhaps focusing on the leadership would slow or stop the assault. This focused attack could be done by few.

Hilai checks his equipment, verifying his bombs are prepared.

"I will find the general. Watch for a bright flash."

You begin to make your way past the mad-women, who know instinctually something is awry. Those who have not drunken blood or eaten flesh, the ones standing gaurd actually, sniff and smell you out. You still aren't seen, however, and you are nearly out of their grasp, until one with glowing red eyes sees through your bombs and draws a curved dagger. She snarls and lunges at you with the blade.

Milo v3
2012-05-17, 05:33 PM
Avatar of Horus Above the City
"What are these? Demons in flesh of women?"
Rasard flew towards the "mad women" trying to think of a way to help.

A caused a great wind behind him and burst foward, but stopped nearly immediately once he reached the battle.

Seeing the creatures use projectiles the falcon blinked. A strange gust of wind blew infront of them, causing not only their projectiles to slow, but also so that his allies arrows grew in strength.

2012-05-17, 06:49 PM
Velhar looks at the others.
''So how long untill this gets real''
''I only carry a dagger do you guys think i have time to run over to the armory and grab a spear''
Velhar smiles awkwardly.

2012-05-17, 08:07 PM
With the wind now at his rear Taijut loosed an arrow at one of the mad-women. Simultaneously Teneg turned to evade the creatures.

"Thank you Rasard, this assistance is appreciated."

He smiled slightly grabbing another arrow.

2012-05-17, 10:28 PM
Leviathan jumps off of the top of the tower, mustering water around his legs to rocket him into the air, and come crashing down next to the rest of the group. "What did I miss?"

2012-05-18, 01:44 AM
Siegmund throws a quick glance to Velhar, before marching of to the front line.

"It already is real. But since the battle will not be over in a few minutes you might as well arm yourself properly."

Viewing the enemy battle array makes him realise that the flesh-eating mad women are meant to distract them and to sow fear into the hearts of their warriors. The more damage they do and the more horror they create, the easier the task of the legionnaires will become.
Feeling the wind Rasard created in the back, he gives his flying companion a silent nod.

"I will take skirmishers with me to assist Taijut and try to slow them down. The more time and effort they need to fight us out there, there more these things will become a hindrance to the steady marching legions behind them."

With that he gathers some light troops and marches towards the enemy.

2012-05-18, 03:00 AM
“The general of this army is a pale man of sharp features, his armor adorned with red and gold, a tall horsehair plume on his helmet”, Maia tells Hilai before he vanishes. “He is not very tall, although he likes to see himself as such in his dreams”, she smirks. “His horse is white, and it armor shines golden as well. He strongly believes that he is on the light side of this, that he does is the right thing.” Quietly, she wishes the dark man good luck as he vanishes, unsure if he ever heard her doing so.

Staying on top of the tower, Maia keeps a keen eye on the battlefield, readying her bow, taking stock of her three full quivers. Plenty of arrows, but she still has a feeling there won't be enough. She shudders involuntarily at the sight of the madwomen in the front of the army, remembering having touched their dreams. Evil Dreams, full of delirious raving and demonic imagery. Whether they would succumb to her poisons, Maia knows not. But she is confident that her companions will deal with this first wave of madness, and so she ignores them in favor of the lines marching behind.

The wind catches her flyaway curls as she perches behind a battlement, keeping an eye out for faces she knows, faces of people who are high up in the command chain. Those she will target from above, trying to eliminate as much command power as she possibly can.

Milo v3
2012-05-18, 03:45 AM
Rasard noted this allies replies. It seems my gale is helping. But it will end soon once the normal wind returns. That is disapointing but hopefully it will last at least a couple more minutes.

The falcon glided towards over the battle, hoping that he wasn't noticed by the horde. Horus screeched commands at his host, and spoke with Rasard's tongue.
No, I can do more from up here.

Rasard returned to his strategy...
If they are trying to demoralise us, we probably should as well. The legion dreamed of the sun rising behind them. Might as well use that.

Rasard concentrated to continue the Assisting Gust and watched for the Sun. Knowing that once the Sun rose, he could awaken his true powers.

2012-05-18, 06:13 AM
Skewering one their heads, you kill one of her instantly. You managed to avoid all the spears, and even stones tossed your way. Even your horse is fortunate thanks to the wind sent you way to help you. You take manage to take out many of the Mad-Women with your flight of arrows until finally you realize that as many as you can take out, your powers of temporal distortion are still needed after the wind slows. . . Finally an exchange of fire between you and the horde of madwomen are stopped, and a horde of ravenous ghoulish women are upon you. . . Or are running after you like dogs. None of them manage to keep up with you on your horse.

Suddenly skirmishers of arrows, sling bolts and spears are sent flying into them as they are skewered, crushed or punctured to death by the many projectiles. Strangley however, after minutes of infighting between the elite unit of African warriors and the Mad-Women, the horde is suddenly removed from your sight for a moment, the Mad-Women flee, leaving their gory meals behind. What happens next seems to be even more disheartening than the Mad-Women-Themselves, because a massive Troll woman with raven black hair is seen in the distance. She tosses a large boulder, crushing over a dozen of the African warriors, before she resumes her charge.


2012-05-18, 06:40 AM
Leviathan sticks out his arm. Pushing his comrades back. He looks at the troll woman.
He is looking for any armor, and if the woman isnt wearing armor, he is going to charge her :).

Milo v3
2012-05-18, 06:50 AM
First Ghuls now a gargantuan fiend!
Without the Sun I can't strike. Stop trying to force my hand. I can only give support until the time comes.
I'm doing my best now still thy tongue.

He couldn't wait for the sun anymore. The raptor started to glide down to the troll, making sure to stay out of its reach. Horus and Rasard spoke in unison.
"You Shall Not Harm These People"
Rasard flapped his two wings at the troll, using the force to try and stop its charge and render it immobile.

2012-05-18, 07:31 AM
The sudden retreat of the flesh-eating Mad-women leaves Siegmund a bit perplexed until he sees the charging Troll. Readying his sword he gauges the creatures strengths and weaknesses while he apporaches it.

2012-05-18, 09:58 AM
Hilai notes the madwomen with disgust and disincorporates, vanishing before them. He moves steadily against the current of bodies pressing forward, though their press does slow him. In his state, sounds are distant and colors faded. The madness of the madwomen is muted as well. From here, it's hard to view them with anything but pity.

Hilai notes the giantess, but his mission is elsewhere. He continues his way through the ranks.

2012-05-18, 10:31 AM
Leviathan starts running full-tilt at the troll. As the lumbering beast draws closer, Leviathan widens his stance, and his eyes turn a storm-Grey as he reachs out to the blood inside of the troll's veins. Slipping into his thermal vision, Leviathan watches as the giant blob of heat expands while the blood in it's veins starts to boil.
"You might want to back up!" Leviathan growls.

2012-05-18, 11:36 AM
Velhar runs down to the armory.
He grabs a short spear and a shortsword. He grabs a scabberd for the sword too. I fastens the scabbard to his belt.
''Ghoul women, come on''
''Should i take an armor''
''Nah, it propperbly just slows me down too much to be of any use''
''Where should i go''
''Side by side with our soldiers''
''Propperbly, i might survive that way, maybe even kill something''
Velhar strikes the blunt edge of his spear at the wall.
Velhar exits the armory, then runs over to the soldiers.

2012-05-18, 04:37 PM
As Teneg gallops past Leviathan, Taijut leans backward and fires an arrow, narrowly missing Leviathan and burying itself into the troll.

A few moments later he pulls his feet from the stirrup and rolls backward off of Teneg. He whistles and the horse begins a wide berth back around. He takes a deep breath and concentrates his temporal distortion and physical bolstering. Suddenly volleys of arrows fly at the pursuing mad-women. To the naked eye it almost appears as if there must be two more archers at Taijut's side.

2012-05-19, 01:34 PM
Leviathan clutches his hands and drains all of the blood out of this the abomination's husk of a body, the flowing red liquid seeping out of it's pores.

Milo v3
2012-05-19, 07:04 PM
Rasard was shocked, the beast was strong enough to keep moving even with my Allied Gale, but Leviathan killed it so easily. It didn't make sense.

What was that thing?

Rasard whipped his wings at the creature. A huge gust pushed down on the demon, hopefully slowing it.
"Air Pressure!"

He wanted to make sure it was dead.

2012-05-19, 07:18 PM
Leviathan clutches his hands and drains all of the blood out of this the abomination's husk of a body, the flowing red liquid seeping out of it's pores.

The troll woman died within minutes of continues fire from arrows, and it's blood turning into water. Within minutes the whole horde of mad-women had fallen. Unexpectedly, the mass of shock-troops had been disbanded.

The mass of Legions stopped, and suddenly, it too turned. The great sea of cloaked warriors seemed to fall back on it's own. However, a small gaurd of one thousand marched towards the Egyptians and African's army and stopped.

Hilai found the general among this honor gaurd.

Milo v3
2012-05-19, 07:47 PM
The Demon fell faster than expected and the swarm of enemies was breaking away. We might be able to stop this army...

Seeing the Honour Guard, Rasard swooped around to face them, a tailwind increasing his speed.

Has the sun rose yet?

2012-05-19, 08:04 PM
The Demon fell faster than expected and the swarm of enemies was breaking away. We might be able to stop this army...

Seeing the Honour Guard, Rasard swooped around to face them, a tailwind increasing his speed.

Has the sun rose yet?

The sun has finally begun to show it'self in the surprisingly quick battle. However, the General, Sura Ali sends a messenger to the other army. As the messenger makes his way to the other side of the battlefield, the party that is in the battlefield face tempting decisions. Do they kill the messenger and prevent a parley? Or do they allow negotiations to take place?

Milo v3
2012-05-19, 08:19 PM
Once sunlight touched his divine flesh, his form cracked reveling shining light from within the Falcon.
Rasard swiftly darted down to the messenger.
"Where are you going?"I'm slightly confused on which side sent the messenger if it was our side then ignore this post.

2012-05-19, 08:23 PM
Once sunlight touched his divine flesh, his form cracked reveling shining light from within the Falcon.
Rasard swiftly darted down to the messenger.
"Where are you going?"I'm slightly confused on which side sent the messenger if it was our side then ignore this post.

The messenger gulped. "I've been given explicit orders to reach Thebes and inform the city of our wish to parley."

Milo v3
2012-05-19, 08:35 PM
The Invading General must realised he is combating people with strong powers.
"Silence Horus. This will help us gain dominance....
I will help you reach our lord, But Betray Us And Horus Shall Gain Vengance."

2012-05-20, 01:00 AM
Leviathan looked at his allies. If I can get at its blood, It will die. He smiles devilishly as he proceeds to trot over to the husk.

2012-05-20, 01:02 AM
Leviathan looked at his allies. If I can get at its blood, It will die. He smiles devilishly as he proceeds to trot over to the husk.

2012-05-20, 01:52 AM
Maia's eyes widen in dull surprise at the sight of the troll woman. She has seen the monster in various forms in the dreams of the army approaching them, but had assumed it was just a manifestation of the power they believed themselves to have or a nightmare motif. The monster under your bed. It is hard to keep reality and dream images apart sometimes, and she prefers to be cautious as to defining which is which. But now she wonders what else of the things she has seen in their enemies' dreams might be real…

Arrow nocked, she continues to watch the battlefield, but until now none of the people she is looking for have come into range. She gets ready, bowstring taut, when she sees the honor guard approaching, but hesitates when she notices the messenger detaching himself and riding towards them. Parley, when they're so confident of their victory?

Maia relaxes her grip on bow and arrow, putting the projectile back into its quiver and shouldering it. Bow in hand, she descends the tower and walks in the direction of the messenger's destination, her bare feet padding softly in the dust of the plain, turned golden by the sunrise. She wants to hear this.

2012-05-20, 05:37 AM
Velhar looks at the fleeing soldiers.
''Well, that wasn't too hard''
He looks at a soldier, who stands beside him, with a big grin. The soldier has a serious expression on his face.
Then Velhar spots the honour guard.
''Well at least now i get a chance to test my fighting skills''
Velhar moves his hand across the tarot deck.
''They never knew what hit them''

If/ when the two sides clash i melee Velhar draws a card from the deck to give his side an advantage.

2012-05-20, 11:22 AM
Leviathan tuns his head towards the messanger. Parley? What for?

2012-05-20, 02:54 PM
"The Lord Sura believes that an attempted conquest of the city may be innoportune for both us and your'selves. He would not enjoy a siege which would cost many lives, and cause immense suffering. Now, if you don't mind, I"ve got to make it across the field now."

2012-05-20, 05:04 PM
Leviathan laughs, He thinks its a trap and would enjoy springing it.

Milo v3
2012-05-20, 08:21 PM
"Leviathan, I will ask you to not harm this messenger."
Rasard then started to glide over the messenger, aiming to protect him from attack.

2012-05-21, 06:06 AM
Leviathan nods and backs away from the messenger; muttering to himself about how hilarious something else would be.

2012-05-21, 11:57 AM
Siegmund joins the others, anxious to hear what this messenger has to say. This fight was over far too quickly...

2012-05-21, 11:46 PM
The City Of Thebes

The Warchief awaits for the message, considering that this may be some sort of trick.

High Lord Sura's Messenger

"Lord Sura does not wish to consider an assault on this city. He asks that the city consider a ceasefire until he may contact the Queen and ask for a ceasation of hostilities." The messenger says to the others.

2012-05-22, 12:53 AM
"And why exactly would this queen of yours consider peace? Did she not send your lord and his troops out for bloody conquest? Was this all but a misunderstanding?"

Siegmund takes a step towards the messenger.

"Speak sense, man!"

2012-05-22, 02:31 AM
"High Lord Sura is one of the few in our Empire who can "negotiate" with our Majesty Queen Thea without fear of death. Since your city seems to have "exceptional" talent gaurding it's walls, it would behoove High Lord Sura to inform her Majesty of the difficulty in conquering you. She could, if she wished, divert her attention to elsewhere."

2012-05-22, 04:10 AM
Maia, who has been awaiting the messenger at the War Chief’s side, frowns. That seems too easy. She has walked the general’s dreams and gotten to know him as a tactician who is to fear. For instance, the preservation of his own troops might factor in his decision. Probably he doesn’t want to squander all his troops on this conquest alone but set his sight on targets that bring more benefits for his troubles. But Thebes is a city of strategic value – would he give up that easily at the peril of enraging his queen? Or could it be a trap?

“And the Queen would allow him to retreat from a target as important as Thebes, just because he might lose a few more men in the conquest? Just like that?” she asks quietly, clutching her bow with a white-knuckled hand. “Will she acknowledge whether he even properly tried? It’s not as if she very much values the life of those who fight for her…”

Is there any harm in trying the approach that Lord Sura proposes? But the Queen’s troops were so confident of their victory… What is it that we’re not seeing?

2012-05-22, 07:29 PM
"Yes, well, it must be known that High Lord Sura and her Majesty are known to disagree with eachother, certain times nearly without incident." The messenger explains. "High Lord Sura wishes to do as the Queen commands and to only do as the Queen commands. It would be unwise for him to do MORE Than she commands, just as it would be unwise for him to do less."
Maia can see through the messenger's dreams that he has suspicion that High Lord Sura and her Majesty may be lovers, or at least connected to eachother somehow."

2012-05-23, 12:37 AM
"The fact remains that - so far - he has done less than commanded by his queen. Did your lord tell you anything that could make us trust his offer?"

2012-05-23, 12:47 AM
"The fact remains that - so far - he has done less than commanded by his queen. Did your lord tell you anything that could make us trust his offer?"

"The fact also remains if he wanted to he could swamp this fortified city with an eight to one odds and consequently wipe every man woman and child out. If he conquers this city, you see, some of our more valuable assets will need to be fueled with the blood of innocents in order to be maintained, an unfortunate ramification which horrifies the High Lord Sura."

Milo v3
2012-05-23, 01:01 AM
"You say he would rather not take this city because he doesn't want to kill innocents. He is a general who sent in Ghuls as his front-line soldiers. I don't think he cares about the loss of innocents."

While he talked, Rasard retained his falcon form.

2012-05-23, 01:04 AM
Siegmund nods to Rasard's comment smiling sardonically.
"Threats are an ill means to create trust. My point is that your lord could also decrease the toll that horrifies him so much by proposing a truce and then - once our guard is down - betraying us. What kind of assurances he can offer?"

2012-05-23, 01:08 AM
Siegmund nods to Rasard's comment smiling sardonically.
"Threats are an ill means to create trust. My point is that your lord could also decrease the toll that horrifies him so much by proposing a truce and then - once our guard is down - betraying us. What kind of assurances he can offer?"

"Uh, as for your comment on conquering this city, it is true that you don't really know. So here is High Lord Sura's offer. Evacuate the city of non-warriors and spare it the pain of being food and our walking dinners, and perhaps then High Lord Sura will attempt a conquest."

Milo v3
2012-05-23, 01:12 AM
"So he isn't offering a truce. You twist words as if it was paper and all you achieve is ruin. What is he truly offering death or peace?"

2012-05-23, 01:16 AM
Siegmund throws an inquiring glance to Rasard, Maia as well as the Warchief and the others.
"I suggest we let him have some food and drink while we debate our answer in his absence. What do you think?"

OT: Siegmund will ask his question after the messenger has answered to Rasard.

2012-05-23, 01:17 AM
"So he isn't offering a truce. You twist words as if it was paper and all you achieve is ruin. What is he truly offering death or peace?"

"Hmph" The messenger grunts pompously, as if you shouldn't ask any questions. "The truth of the matter is that as messenger, I have been sent to offer you, some intriguing evidence that what he offers is genuine. If you really wish to test his sincerity, I could, if I wished, point out certain truths among us that some of you may find interesting that I know. I am, of course, refering to the fact that one of you is a powerful Prophetess of dreams. I can feel it inside my mind. Many of you are, to put it mildly, intriguing to me. I am Abdel, by the way, no longer the Nameless Messenger I have introduced myself as. If you really wish to further trust my sincerity, what else would have me do? I can, if you wish sleep while the Seeress enters my dreams."

2012-05-23, 01:28 AM
Siegmund falls silent. Debating an answer has become less important after the messenger revealed that the enemy knows far too much about them. How could they know about Maia?

2012-05-23, 01:41 AM
Maia has raised both her eyebrows as the messenger speaks about the relationship between the general and the queen.Putting it together with what she's seen in his dreams, the revelation washes over her. Now, if that isn't an interesting piece of information...

But then she wrinkles her brow at the messenger's next words. Evacuate the city? That sounds like a really bad idea... They would have to channel thousands of people through the unprotected countryside while having an army surpassing their own number sevenfold watches, trusting them not to interfere. Even Maia can see that's not an option.

The messenger's final suggestion surprises her. He can feel it? Nevertheless, a slight smile enters her face. You cannot lie in a dream. Finally she says: "I think Siegmund is right. We need to talk about this. Abdel, it is nice to meet you. My name is Maia. Now, would you excuse us for a few moments?" Of course she already knew his name, but there's no harm in being polite.


If the others concur, the messenger is offered some sustenance and they can talk alone, she voices the idea which the messenger's suspicions about the general have given her.

"You know I could enter his dreams and see whether he is speaking the truth," she says. "And I'm sure he does, because he has offered it in the first place. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that Abdel doesn't know everything his general plans. I, too, would send a messenger who is completely sure that they're telling the truth.
"You see, we could consider evacuation - if we could only be sure that none of the Queen's people interfere," she continues. "So we need security. So here's my idea: If someone important, say, the high lord general himself agreed to be our... guest for the duration of the evacuation, and we promised that no harm come to him, unless, of course, the troops interfered or endangered the lives of our people..."

She doesn't end the sentence - she knows it's a big "if". But having the Queen's possible lover in their grasp might also pose another opportunity. If his messenger tells he truth, the man sounds quite sensible. Maybe they can persuade him of their plight, make him see how bad it all is under the Queen's rule. If he really has at least some sway over her...

Milo v3
2012-05-23, 02:04 AM
Rasard shifted to his human form, as his voice was much more quite.
"I think that sounds good. We should probably send Velhar, he is skilled with weaving words. I do wish we could find out how he learned about us. If its his ability then it might be mind-reading."

2012-05-23, 10:09 PM
Xiang Ji
"It seems Velhar isn't here at the moment. If you want, I could always just rip it out of his soul and see if it's real. That could work." Xiang Ji said sadistically. "We'll just have to wait and see I guess. What do the rest of you think?" He waited for the answer. He knew that they'd say everything from hell yes, to hell no. It depended on who gave the answer."

2012-05-24, 12:24 AM
Velhar spots the others and run over to them.
''What have i missed''
''Hopefully not anything important''
Velhar looks at the others with an awkward grin.

2012-05-24, 12:41 AM
Xiang Ji
"We're planning what to do with this strange messenger here. He claims to have dangerous knowledge over us, but he claims that High Lord Sura, the enemy general, wishes to spare the city. We needed you to chime in on this situation and see what you had to say about letting him be investigated by Maia's dream-walking. I say yes, we need to see if he's telling the truth."
"Maia suggested High Lord Sura stay as a hostage in order to ensure the people are evacuated while he sends for a messenger to the Black Rose Queen."

2012-05-24, 12:44 AM
Siegmund considers his answer carefully before he speaks. The enemy has made it clear that he considers himself to superior - in numbers as well as in what he knows.
However, this could be turned into an advantage.

"While we stumble around in the fog, not knowing who this High Lord is and what he is capable of, the enemy seems to know much about us. I say we invite High Lord Sura for peace talks and perhaps as a hostage. If he comes we can have a look at our enemy and gauge his strengths...and his weaknesses."

He takes a deep breath.
The next part will not be to the liking of everyone in the room - especially those who think in terms of honor. However, there can be no honor at the point of a sword.

"Should we find him not...sincere enough or should his troops relax their guard while he is here, we launch a surprise attack. The talk with him should give us ample time to prepare accordingly. If he intends betrayal, our attack would negate his advantage - if he is sincere a surprise attack would give us an advantage."

Siegmund falls silent.
Gripping the pummel of his sword he awaits a storm of clamor and contempt.

Milo v3
2012-05-24, 12:56 AM
"While Siegmund's tactic's might not be the most honourable, it is probably the best strategy. These are our enemies. Even if he is sincere they are likely to just come back later or the Empress might just send someone less sympathetic."

2012-05-24, 01:05 AM
Siegmund clears his throat and sends a thankful glance towards Rasard. This was not as hard as suspected. He looks around what his allies might have to say about it.

2012-05-24, 01:17 AM
Xiang Ji
"Hmmm..." Xiang Ji responded. "Seems nothing wrong with it. You know that some of the things the Black Rose does to uncooperative victims, or even cooperative losers are quite vile and legendary even among my very ancient nation." He clears his throat. "Of course, not that my nation is vile." He considers thinking about the situation for another moment. "As for High Lord Sura himself, I think we should consider sparing him any ill treatment. I have an idea that he could perhaps prove more useful than just a hostage."

2012-05-24, 01:22 AM
"And what would that be?"

2012-05-24, 01:25 AM
Xiang Ji thinks for a moment as of what to say. "I sense something strange in the soul of High Lord Sura. It would be unwise to make a move against him. I have dabbled, initiated and finally became adept at unseen forces. These magics have enabled me to see directly into the spirits of others occasionally. While we were discussing the war with Abdel, I forced my vision into the soul of Lord Sura. There's just something about him that seems as if he will cross our paths once more, and more significantly."

2012-05-24, 04:02 AM
„I concur“, Maia answers to Xiang Ji’s musings about the High Lord’s soul. “I think he could be a powerful asset if we manage to sway his confidence about the righteousness of his motives and those of his Queen. As Abdel pointed out, he might indeed have some… influence over her.” The olive-skinned woman gives a slight smile, but her eyes are sad as she turns to Siegmund.

She sees the sense in his proposition, but thinking like that doesn’t particularly please her. “And he would be very stupid indeed to plan treason while in our hands, wouldn’t he? I don’t think he’s a stupid man. Nevertheless, I suppose it’s a good precaution,” she sighs, “as long as nobody gets too trigger-happy… Treason can take many forms, and some take offense at any perceived slight...” She pauses a moment and looks at the Northern man, her eyes holding the question that inevitably follows: Can you avoid that?

“As to Abdel, I can Walk his dreams if you wish me to do so. It won’t take long.” Her fingers play with a little vial containing a dark liquid.

2012-05-24, 04:06 AM
Xiang Ji
"Fine by me, I think the rest of us have gone ahead and gave you their permission as well." Xiang Ji gave his permission. Then thinking about something else, he leaves the room. "Hmmm" You hear him say something about liquids and spell reagents, but you don't recognize any of the ingredients. It's obviously something sorcery related.

2012-05-24, 05:51 AM
“And he would be very stupid indeed to plan treason while in our hands, wouldn’t he? I don’t think he’s a stupid man. Nevertheless, I suppose it’s a good precaution,” she sighs, “as long as nobody gets too trigger-happy… Treason can take many forms, and some take offense at any perceived slight...” She pauses a moment and looks at the Northern man, her eyes holding the question that inevitably follows: Can you avoid that?

Siegmund sees the question in Maia’s eyes. He does not avert his gaze for he is no stranger to betrayal…and to loyalty for that matter. To him acting dishonorably in the very name of honor is no paradox.
“It is true that if he delivers himself into our hands it would seem stupid of him to plan betrayal…”
His grim countenance breaks for a small roguish smile.
“But that would be the exact way, I would do it.”
The smile is gone in a heartbeat.
“Have no fear, my Lady; I do not kill men for perceived slights. If I kill I do so to achieve an aim.”

Does he?
But that the same old question.
What is he fighting for?

2012-05-24, 07:34 AM
Leviathan steps foward from the shadows:
"If I may my lord...."
He stops and looks curiously at the messanger.
"I would like to elaborate... in private."

2012-05-24, 08:22 AM
''So you want meto interrogate him'' Velhar asks Xiang Ji
''I think we should let Maia Dream walk him. As long as it will not affect him psychologicaly. We need all the knowledge we can get''
''As for Siegmund's plan i see no problem with it''

2012-05-25, 01:05 AM
"Dont't worry - it won't hurt him", Maia answers Velhar's question and rises from her seat to go to Abdel who has been provided with food and water elsewhere. She smiles apologetically as she enters the terrace where he is sitting, handing him the vial.
"We'll do it", she simply says. "And I'd rather that you take this sleep potion yourself. Three drops is all you need for an hour or so. I promise it won't hurt you. And no harm will come to you while you sleep." Her tired eyes glitter. "Nevertheless, this is a brave thing to do." It's true. No one has allowed her knowingly into their dreams before.

If Abdel has taken the medicine, it won't take long until his eyelids become heavy and drowsiness overcomes him. Sleep will take him in less than ten minutes. Maia just sits opposite of him, leans back against a pillar and closes her eyes. She never needs help with going to sleep and slips easily into the realm of the messenger's dreams.

The color of Abdel's dreams is blue, the color of the night and of secrets well kept. Maia stands under a vast sky that stretches above an old stone city like dark velvet. No stars, no moon. Just an empty sky and a foreign place, tinted the color of indigo. Maia has seen this place in Abdel's dreams before, and she thinks it might be the city from his childhood. In our dreams, we often go back to the places that we haunted as children. The ancient city looks oriental to Maia, Persian maybe. Karaj? Qom?

She turns around and sees the temple - another feature that she already knows from Abdel's dreams. It's a monument to Zoroastrian faith, built long before the Queen took the spiritual individuality of the people away, but here, it is still standing tall, crumbling only from age and the desert winds. The giant doors of the building are firmly closed, and Maia knows that she would have to invest no small amount of power to pry them open. Abdel is a man of secrets, his dreams full of blue darkness and closed doors.

But Maia is not here to gauge the man's secrets. The thing behind the door, she senses, has nothing to do with the general and it doesn't hide lies. It hides something about Abdel himself. Maybe it is the secret to how he can know about her? Maia is intrigued, but decides to tackle this challenge another time. They only have an hour of sleep, and even with the potion that won't given them more than maybe fifteen minutes of dream-time.

She senses the dreamer's presence behind her, and turns. She has eschewed the option of turning herself into something else as she so often does. After all, it wouldn't do if the Queen's people all dreamt of the same woman. But as Abdel already seems to know about her powers, there is no use in showing him her disguises. She just looks the same as outside, sans weaponry: exhausted air about her, tangled hair, dusty peasant's attire and bare feet.

"Hello Abdel", she says to the scrawny dark boy before her, and her smile fades as her eyes drop to the fine silver chain that encircles one of his ankles. Strange. That is new... Something has changed in the way he sees himself since the last time she was here. She suppresses the frown that tries to sneak on her face and holds out her hand instead. "Shall we go see the High Lord general?"

She concentrates on the general's appearance, on his being, on Abdel's relationship to him, to bring forth everything in this dream that Abdel knows about his leader. She wants to know everything the High Lord has told his messenger, wants to see the situations and the general himself through Abdel's eyes as she stands next to him. Whatever they have talked or insinuated about this mission, whatever Abdel has been ordered to do... If there is something dark about Abdel's purpose here, she will see.

2012-05-25, 09:15 AM
Leviathan shrugs and goes back to his training room.

2012-05-25, 09:18 AM
What Maia sees is nothing like what she thinks she sees. She feels herself divested of most of her powers, only she doesn't feel as if she is in danger. She knows instinctively that no harm will come to her. Suddenly, the Abdel she sees is in a vast palace, with Maia now inside of it, and Abdel currently sits on a lavishly ornamented throne. The "Persian" Abdel's form suddenly changes into a crowned man who steps forth from his decorated throne, smiles and waves. "Welcome to my world. I am Morpheus. How do you do?"


Leviathan shrugs and leaves to his training room. On the way, he notices Xiang Ji waiting for him.

2012-05-25, 01:03 PM
Leviathan motions for the chief to follow him.

He goes over to a bag filled with sand and starts to strike at it.

" If past experience serves well enough sir. I'd say let a few of us follow him to his leader, and we take them by surprise."
He jumps up into the air and spins his leg at top speed, slamming it into the bag, sending it hurling towards the wall.
"We could take a step towards ending this war if it is done right."

2012-05-25, 05:41 PM
As she has decided not to change, it takes Maia some time to notice that she cannot use her powers, even if she wanted to. Just then, everything begins to shift, the veil pulls aside and the throne room forms around her, leaving her just enough time to wryly reflect whether it was her own wish to see it that made the night-shrouded city appear in the first place.

When the crowned man steps forward, introducing himself, Maia's eyes widen, and her dream-form flickers for a moment, as if she had trouble of keeping it together. "But...", she stammers, caught off-guard. Could it really be true? But it all makes sense: His knowing her, his eager readiness to invite her into his dreams, her powers weakening in his presence... But then what happened to Abdel, she wonders. Or was there ever an Abdel, even?

Maia catches herself staring and suddenly averts her eyes, sinking into a deep curtsey. "M-my Lord", she says in her dark voice, sounding a little rough around the edges.

2012-05-25, 06:07 PM
Xiang Ji looks skeptically. "War, it's just begun. Don't be too sure. The Empress is powerful beyond measure. The only way we managed to stop her advance two centuries ago was with direct intervention from our gods."

"No, no. That's alright." Morpheus insists. "Even if you are technically one of us, you have much to learn, so much can be forgiven. There are some very important things you should know, Maia. It is true that High Lord Sura is on our side. However, has . . . strange feelings for the Empress, Thea. He even knows her real name, as do I." He pauses for a moment. "The gall of that woman to name herself "Goddess". . .

"So let's get to the point. Her name is Akantha. She was a sorceress centuries ago in Rome. When her Father, the King of Sicily vanished, her brother Belisarius murdered many of her brothers and sisters with the help of Rome, she rose from her island nation, conquered Rome and eventually the rest of her great Empire. Many do not understand that the Queen Akantha gained her Immortality through unusual means, even for the gaining of Immortality."

"Her power is strange, alien and mysterious, even to me. "

Milo v3
2012-05-25, 09:38 PM
Rasard slowly followed his companions into the training room, sure that Maia had everything under control.

As he walked in, he could hear the Xiang Ji's words. The warrior stood apart from his companions, he needed space for his sword.
Rasard grasped his blade, and begun to swing it around him. Cutting the air with each slice.

"Which gods do you speak of Xiang Ji?"

2012-05-25, 10:04 PM
Rasard slowly followed his companions into the training room, sure that Maia had everything under control.

As he walked in, he could hear the Xiang Ji's words. The warrior stood apart from his companions, he needed space for his sword.
Rasard grasped his blade, and begun to swing it around him. Cutting the air with each slice.

"Which gods do you speak of Xiang Ji?"

"It's only been two hundred years. Surely you still know the gods of your nations." Xiang Ji looked confused. "Of course, sometimes people forget. But to forget so soon. Oh how sad that is." He mused. Baffled at why Rasard would ask such a question he continued. "Which one should I mention first?"

Milo v3
2012-05-25, 10:37 PM
Rasard glared at the feeble mage.
"I was wondering which gods you meant. The gods of one nation is different to gods of the other. Some nations might have no gods. To say I do not remember is a very foolish thing to say. I am a vessel to Horus, ancient lord of the Sky and War."

2012-05-25, 10:41 PM
Xiang Ji laughed. "How about the Scandinavian gods of Odin, Thor and the others, or of course Horus? Or mine?" He let the subject drop. "Nevermind, just tell me what you wanted to talk about, huh? There's plenty of things we could discuss with Maia after she's done with her chat."

2012-05-26, 02:39 AM
Maia listens intently to the Dream Lord's explanations. "Akantha", she murmurs, tasting the strange and long-forgotten name. "How... how did she gain immortality?", she asks in a voice so quiet that it doesn't even echo in the vast throne room. She isn't sure if she wants to know.

And the general - he can prove a more valuable ally than any of them could have hoped, and now it seems much more likely that their plight won't fall on deaf ears with him. "Lord Sura is a man of conflict, then", she muses. Love and morals are bad things to be at odds. An opportunity to talk to the man away from his troops now seems more important than ever. "My lord, is that why you took this guise - to be close to him? Or is this just a temporary state? And what is it that you want me to do? As you said - I have so much to learn yet..." Morpheus is a god. What can she do that his own powers won't grant him?

2012-05-26, 09:43 AM
Shooting Xiang a Look as he picks up another bag:" I am almost six hundred years old, Don't act like I don't know. We have vessel's of old gods and new ones, the potential in this palace surpasses 100 times the potential we had 200 years ago. You know we have the men for the job, let us take the opportunity. Let us make the darkest hour shimmer with a glimmer of hope."

2012-05-28, 09:58 PM
"The truth is, Akantha was at one time the daugther of a great god. This god vanished from the world at one time, leaving Akantha and her brother, Belisarius, and many of her brothers and sisters alone with servants to raise them. Belisarius enlisted the help of Rome to conquer and murder his way to the throne. Akantha and Belisarius fought eachother, Akantha won and took the throne. From there, in her bitterness she declared war against Rome, and in five years she over-took the Empire out of one of the small islands in the Meditarranean Sea. She took much of Europe, then Africa, and finally went East. Akantha's power has been a sight to behold."

Xiang Ji And The Others
"Perhaps you are right. Despite, however, your positions as somewhat gods, I have a talent which I thought you should have. I can see directly into their souls. Though I do not doubt your suggestions at striking at the heart of the enemy has merit. Something about it doesn't seem . . . right. I don't even mean morally."

Milo v3
2012-05-29, 06:41 AM
"You have piqued my curousity Xiang. When you gaze at me. Do you see two beings or one?"
Rasard wondered if Horus dwelt within him, if so then what the god told him may be true.

2012-05-29, 07:29 AM
''So we got a girl who can see dreams, a guy who can see souls, and i can tell if someone is lying''
''Looks like we won't have to get to the queen with brute force''

2012-05-29, 07:34 AM
"That depends completely on the circumstances. I do not believe, that she will fall easily. Besides, empires have a habit on drowning in blood rather than to simply lie down and die. Therefore, I believe the sword will have its day."

2012-05-29, 11:32 AM
"So she is the daughter of a god. Which one was he? And is that what makes her immortal?", Maia asks. Questions over questions.

"And I don't think you've answered my former question, my Lord.", she smiles apologetically. "Should we leave the High Lord Sura to you in Abdels's guise? Or have you just found temporary reprieve in this man's mind?" May be the god of dreams can understand the general so much more better than they can. Or maybe not - maybe it takes a mortal to fully understand...

2012-05-30, 02:39 AM
Xiang Ji
Xiang Ji sees Horus inside you and laughs. "I'm not sure what I see. A great and mighty deity perhaps, or perhaps just one of the strong spirits that call themselves a god. I see you too, however."

"I"m not so sure which god this was. His name has been hidden from the gods, even as he was on the world. We call him by different names, because we cannot pronounce his powerful name. This god's name is not even written by the Fates. Since Akantha is born from such a one, the Fates are unable to write her name as well." He then turns his attention to general Sura. "I heartily suggest you leave the matter of General Sura to me. Your friends are seeking to jeapardize the war if they go through with this plan to strike while the enemy's gaurd is laid down, although their tactics are sound for this plan. Just trust me, there's something in the midst of the city that will reveal you if you do this."

2012-05-31, 04:11 PM
Maia nods slowly, her brow furrowed. "But then what shall we do, my lord? Having the Lord Sura over was our only plan for a safe evacuation of this city's people... Should we thus just resume hostilities?" Her voice sounds pained at the thought of more carnage.

2012-05-31, 04:12 PM
Morpheus nods. "Simply accept his plan as he offered it. I mean, attacking his soldiers during this negotiation may make the Queen more cruel in her deeds than she already is. I suggest taking Lord Sura up on his noble offer."

2012-06-04, 03:18 PM
Maia slowly shakes her head. "Just trust the High Lord General, without anything in our hand to secure the deal? The others won't like that..." Nevertheless, she thinks, they will have their hands full enough with the evacuation alone. But... "And we'd just be handing over the city to the Queen on a silver platter. Oooh, they will like that even less..."