View Full Version : Dimensional Agility + Blink Shirt! (Need help with a character for a new game) [3.P]

2012-05-16, 10:52 AM
Hello everyone. This is my first post here, I've been lurking for a while.
I've been invited to a game with the best DM in town (the guy is a legend!). In this game he seems to be doing a lactose-intolerant game. I've come up with a few possible ideas, but I wanted to know if they have any cheese and if they should fit a tier 3 centered game (t2 and t4 allowed). This is a sixth level game, using 3.5, but Pathfinder elements might be used under request.
EDIT: OK, new information. The DM is fine with Dimensional Agility + Blink Shirt. Yay! The party currently includes a gish Dread Necromancer, a UMD Rogue (I know she has rogue talents, as in Pathfinder Rogue, if that makes a difference), a Crusader and an Inquisitor.

First idea: Illusionist Swordsman
Beguiler 6, into Swiftblade the next level. This is simple, shoulod be t3, not cheesy and a concept I wanted to try. The problem is that I like being in melee and I don't see this happening with this build as is.

Second idea: Ninja
Or rather, guy with stealth and weapons who teleports. Warlock 6 with Dimensional Agility. The problem? I can't get bonus damage and I wanted to use weapons, so no eldritch claws.
The alternative is Azurin Rokugan Ninja 5/Umbral Disciple 1. I can even start with Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault and TWF, but I'm afraid SHape Soulmeld (Blink Shirt) might be seen as cheesy.

Third idea: Mystique
I saw this build in a recent thread, I think it was Changeling Rogue 1 (with racial substitution)/Warlock 1/Swashbuckler 4. It had Seduction from Swashbuckler, bonus to social skills from Warlock, take 10 from Changeling Rogue, Silver Tongue feat from Dragon 318, Naberius through feats. That is a very solid social character, but with all those classes, Dragon Magazine, online class features and all... I don't know, I could see this seen as cheesy.

Since the DM said he is fine with Blink Shirt plus Dimensional Agility, I need to know how I can get the best relevant bonus damage and skills with this setup. Rokugan Ninja kinda works, but I really dunno. I want to go into Incandescent Champion next, so that I can get more essentia for Blink Shirt and use it to attack as well.

Suggestions? I'm open to other ideas. As long as I have something special I can do, I can deal moderate-to-high damage and I have good movement skills, I'm happy with a build.

Oh, one more thing. This DM goes for written fluff, so I have to justify stuff I take.

2012-05-16, 11:47 AM
Cheese in pathfinder is not very cheesy. Yeah there are still the really good few spells, but I find it to be much more balanced. But your not using any 3.P stuff, your using all 3.5. My recommendation is to just talk to him about your character and see what he thinks.

Cheese is relative, there are still places where VoP is considered broken and Samurai still sees play... and there are places where Mid-Level op. is the bottom rung so your cheese better stink up the game if they are even gonna notice. I have seen DM's shrug off d2 crusaders, saying it's not broken.

One surefire way to avoid cheese is minimize your character. Try to play from only a couple of books or choose from only base races or feats from just completes. Makes it hard and interesting, unless your a druid... I played in a 5 book limit game once, where you could only use 5 books (your pick), it was intense character building, and we saw alot less random splatting. It makes books like ToM and MoI better as well.

2012-05-16, 11:50 AM
Cheese in pathfinder is not very cheesy. Yeah there are still the really good few spells, but I find it to be much more balanced. But your not using any 3.P stuff, your using all 3.5. My recommendation is to just talk to him about your character and see what he thinks.
I'm using the Dimensional Agility chain, actually.
I don't want to bring him an overpowered/cheesed up character and get a bad first impression from him.

2012-05-16, 11:53 AM
I'm using the Dimensional Agility chain, actually.
I don't want to bring him an overpowered/cheesed up character and get a bad first impression from him.

Ask him what things he doesn't like. Some DM's hate fly before 6th level, some dislike long distance teleport. Others hate things like charm. I think your over using the word cheese though, to be cheese you really gotta do something op. So unless your character has the words Genesis, Natural Spell, Dragonwrought, Natural Spell, Wildshape, Polymorph, Wish, ect., ect., in its description your prolly fine.

2012-05-16, 12:13 PM
Beguiler/Swiftblade doesn't look exactly viable to me, it's not equipped to be in melee at all and Swiftblade doesn't have much to offer the Beguiler chassis. A more traditional arcane gish with a lot of illusion spells would be a better choice, and you could get a T3 gish with a T1-T2 casting class. Like any gish, it still wouldn't be very viable in melee until you get a few more levels, but you would at least have the proper defensive spells and offensive buffs and be able to get the Minor Shapeshift reserve feat. An Illusionist or Transmuter with Conjuration and Evocation prohibited going Martial Wizard 6/ Swiftblade should work, you can pick up Able Learner and have much of the same flavor as a Beguiler starting out.

For the Ninja build, just use Swordsage and call it good. Nothing cheesy about that, and you can TWF with Shadow Blade, and even pick up Assassin's Stance for Craven.

That third one I probably wouldn't consider cheesy, unless your DM thinks game mechanics are welded to their built-in flavor. Cheesy would be an Item Familiar giving you bonuses to all those skills equal to your number of ranks in them, on top of the custom-made Competence bonuses on it.

2012-05-18, 09:47 AM
Added more info to the OP. I'm going with Blink Shirt + Dimensional Agility on an Azurin.
I'm also considering Ronin. My character is supposed to be a ronin anyway and banzai charge looks very good combined with Dimensional Dervish

2012-05-18, 04:28 PM
PF's Magus class can Dimension Door+Full Attack as soon as he learns the spell, no strings attached beyond a -2 penalty to the attack rolls.

2012-05-18, 05:45 PM
PF's Magus class can Dimension Door+Full Attack as soon as he learns the spell, no strings attached beyond a -2 penalty to the attack rolls.

It gets online a lot later than I needed. With Blink Shirt, I get Dimensional Dervish at level 7. With Magus, I get it at level 17.

2012-07-23, 04:42 AM
Blink Shirt is one of the very few ways to make Dimensional Dervish worth getting.

What chassis are you putting it on? As long as the DM doesn't think teleporting is OMG HAX YOU BYPASSED THAT PIT TRAP, it should be fine.