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View Full Version : The Full Release of [2d6] is here! Thanks to everyone who made it possible! PEACH!

2012-05-16, 03:13 PM
The PDF (http://www.pdf-archive.com/2012/05/16/2d6-core-rules-full-release/)

The Site (http://2d6game.wordpress.com)

The pdf link is a free download via the generous people at pdf-archive.com, and the site will have an html version of the rules up sometime in the next few days.

I cannot thank everyone enough for your help in making this system a reality. It's been a crazy four years, and I couldn't have done it without you.

For those who are just encountering [2d6] for the first time, it's a quick, easy-to-learn universal RP system that's rules-lite and incredibly flexible. Don't take my word for it, try it out!

2012-05-17, 01:16 PM
I like the gnomes as gestalt of classical dwarf/gnome stereotypes and dwarves as rock creatures.

The site menus need a little more persistence, they tend to disappear if you go down below the menu item as you move the mouse over to submenu.

It would also be good if the actual pages had the same links. As is, clicking on Premade Settings brings up a blank page instead of a list, and clicking on Torata in the menu has only a short description with no links, etc.

2012-05-17, 02:13 PM
I like the gnomes as gestalt of classical dwarf/gnome stereotypes and dwarves as rock creatures.

The site menus need a little more persistence, they tend to disappear if you go down below the menu item as you move the mouse over to submenu.

It would also be good if the actual pages had the same links. As is, clicking on Premade Settings brings up a blank page instead of a list, and clicking on Torata in the menu has only a short description with no links, etc.

Ah, I'm afraid the dwarves are no longer silica-based, it was proving to be too difficult to work into the economics, politics, and culture of the world. The version of Torata you read up on is outdated, and yes, site maintenance is the next thing on my agenda now that the full release is out. I'll be cleaning up all the menus and links, putting the pdf downloads on the site instead of hosting via a third party (which I'm currently doing), and making a wiki for the core rules as well as the updated Torata rules.

Thanks for the interest!