View Full Version : Iron Avatarist - Steampunk

2012-05-16, 10:45 PM
Welcome to...

Iron Avatarist

The judges in this Iron Avatarist contest...


Elemental|Fay Graydon


Our theme this month is...
In this Iron Avatarist you will create entries based on a Steampunk setting. If you don't know what Steampunk is, here's a TV Tropes link (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SteamPunk). And one from the Other Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk).

Remember: All artwork must be your own. Do not take, alter, or use any of the The Giant's art. Thanks.

There will be a First through Third place award for each of the following:

Best Avatar (Any creation 120x120. Please do not submit "large versions". The avatar must be able to stand on its own.)
Best OOTSatar (Anything based on a character, creature, or setting from the Order of the Stick comic.)
Best Scene (Anything else.)
Best Rookie (only applicable to those who have never won a prize in any of these competitions before)

And, of course, the Best Overall award.

And as an extra, The Ruki's Choice Award, which I will give to whatever entry I personally like the most from any category. My opinion matters, dammit.

Rules - For Participants

1. All entries must be posted by June 30, 2012. at Noon, EST.

2. Every entry must include a bolded introduction as to what category you're entering in. Additionally, if you've never won anything in a previous contest, remember to add "Best Rookie Entry". Failure to do so will make the judges miss your entry.

3. Every entry must include an italic title.

For example:
Best Avatar
Best Rookie
Ruki adjusts his steam-powered jetpack

4. All entries may be submitted ONCE and for ONE single category. ONLY exception are Best Rookie Entries, which will be submitted for both categories. All entries are contestants for the Best Overall and Ruki's Choice awards by default, so there's no need to tag those.
4.b. Another exception, when submitting a large scene, it is allowed to submit one single character from the scene as an Avatar. For example: If you submit a large comic, you may submit the character used for that comic separately.

5. You cannot re-submit an entry previously submitted to any IA competition, no exceptions.

6. Do not use spoilers. It makes the judge's job that much harder, and they may do you harm.

7. Only the avatarist who created the avatar may submit it.

8. Keep entries within PG-13 or better. Adhere to forum rules.

9. You are allowed to enter any artwork created before the contest, but you are limited to two pre-made entries per category. There is no limit for entries made for the contest. This rule still requires you to adhere to rule 5.

11. You may not submit entries made by character creators or similar automated artwork-maker thingies.

Rules - For Spectators

1. You are free to post and comment in the thread at any time.

2. Please do not quote posts with images. The entry/name will suffice. For instance to comment on the above entry:

Best Avatar
Best Rookie
Ruki adjusts his steam-powered jetpack
*removed image*

Do NOT quote the .

3. If you post an image in the thread that is not a submission, we ask that you put it in a spoiler. This keeps the image from being confused with an entry and makes the judges' job easier.

Rules - For Judges

1. Please PM me your votes before July 21, 2012. Any votes submitted after the due date may be too late to be counted.

2. Submit your votes for the winners of each category, first, second, and third place. This includes first, second and third place for Best Rookie AND for Best overall. Best Overall is decided independently and has no correlation with the votes earned in other categories.

3. The votes will be counted as follows: A first place vote gets 3 points. A second place vote gets 2 points, a third place vote gets 1 point. After all the judges have voted, the votes are counted and added up, highest score wins. In the event of a tie, my vote will be the tie-breaker.

4. DO NOT discuss or share your votes with other judges OR contestants.

5. No category is declared invalid as long as there are at least two entries, so don't skip over any category. Also, you may not vote for less than three entries as long as three or more entries exist. Doing so invalidates your vote in the category.

6. As a request, when submitting your votes to me, please do not embed the image, quote it, or link to it. Simply do something like:

1) Entry, by Artist
2) Entry, by Artist
3) Entry, by Artist

I copy your PM into a Word Document, so including anything other than text is counter-productive. Format it as you please.

Good luck!

Looking for past competitions? Check out the Iron Avatarist Hall of Fame (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37653)
(Warning, image intensive)

2012-05-16, 11:06 PM
Hmm... Want another judge?

2012-05-16, 11:17 PM
Sure thing. You got it.

Fay Graydon
2012-05-18, 09:42 AM
I am pretty sure that this has already been done... :smallconfused:

Yes it has, Otherwise I randomly did some Steampunk style avatars for nothing.
Well waste not want not.
Here's a little art to get things rolling (Despite not actually taking part in the contest)

Example Steampunk 1:
Captain Fayte of the Steampunk Air Force.

Example Steampunk 2:
Vorpal Tribblepunk

2012-05-18, 10:01 AM
Are you still looking for judges? Because I'd be willing to try my hand at it.

2012-05-18, 10:06 AM
I am pretty sure that this has already been done... :smallconfused:

Yes it has, Otherwise I randomly did some Steampunk style avatars for nothing.
Well waste not want not.
Here's a little art to get things rolling (Despite not actually taking part in the contest)


*sigh* There's been a Steampunk Theme Week, there hasn't been, as far as I can remember, a Steampunk Iron Avatarist.

That being said, even if there was, we've already reached the point where the contests are going to start repeating themselves, or at least being similar to each other. I can't come up with something completely new every contest.

Are you still looking for judges? Because I'd be willing to try my hand at it.


2012-05-18, 10:23 AM
Excellent. Now I feel like one of those celebrity judges no one has ever heard of!
Now, to get the dust off my judging gloves...
Yes, I know entries won't stop coming in until June, but these gloves are very dusty. And rusty for some reason... Oddly appropriate given the theme. Ignore all this, I've started rambling.

Fay Graydon
2012-05-18, 10:57 AM
*sigh* There's been a Steampunk Theme Week, there hasn't been, as far as I can remember, a Steampunk Iron Avatarist.

Ahhh probabbly mixing the two up :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-19, 11:33 AM
Here is my avatar that I made for the steampunk week.
Best Avatar (pre-made)
Steampunk Petersohn

2012-05-19, 11:42 AM
...Why. Why Haruki.

Why make such a perfect theme for me in the middle of exams.

You are a truly terrifying individual. :smalltongue:

edit: Time to add some pictures.

Best avatar
Castaras, in Steampunk

2012-05-23, 08:25 PM
And a bump because I'm really curious to see what people do with this one.

Best Avatar
Random Steampunk Person

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-23, 08:29 PM
I'm working on something that may take all of memorial day weekend, but I'll get it done.

2012-05-25, 12:08 PM
I'm working on something that may take all of memorial day weekend, but I'll get it done.

Awesome. :smallbiggrin: Can't wait.

2012-05-25, 02:29 PM
Ruki, you still have the old IA on your signature.

Gnomish Wanderer
2012-05-25, 02:46 PM
Woot! Steampunk forevah!

Best Avatar
The Pilot Gnome

I WILL make at least one more entry!

2012-05-25, 06:09 PM
Ooh, let me make some things!

Here are two pre-made avatars just to set my creative ball rolling...

Best avatar (pre-made)
Saint Nil, in Steampunk

Best avatar (pre-made)
EvilDMMk3, Steampunk

Edit: Remind me on the rules of art style (whether entries need to be OotS Style or not) again please...

2012-05-27, 10:20 AM
Couple More, sorry for double post...:

Best OOTSatar

Best OOTSatar
Steam Power: Is there any problem it can't solve?

2012-05-27, 10:53 AM
Edit: Remind me on the rules of art style (whether entries need to be OotS Style or not) again please...

I think you there are no limit on art style, because as you can see, there's a specific ootsavatar category.

What a coincidence, since I'm currently working on a relatively big steampunk project, and I can post something from it here. By the way, my question is (since I don't understand the wording in this part), is are you allowed to post one bigger picture as entry in best scene category, and smaller part of it as best avatar category?

2012-05-27, 02:28 PM
I think you there are no limit on art style, because as you can see, there's a specific ootsavatar category.No, that's specifically "stuff that involves characters or whatever from the comic Order of the Stick".

From previous discussions, I believe the consensus was that it should be at least "oots style-inspired". It can be pretty flexible what exactly that means (just look at Domochevsky's work, as an example), but this is specifically an avatarist competition, although it'll probably ultimately be sorted out in the judging.
Basically, aim for at least sorta-oots. Doing a completely different style defeats the purpose of the contest.

Darklord Bright
2012-05-27, 02:54 PM
We've seen totally non-OotS art before which has won entries, so it's not like it's totally disallowed or anything. I've asked this before, and the general consensus was that while OotS and Erfworld style art were the norm, there was nothing really against doing a different style. I've seen people win categories with sketches before. If it wasn't allowed, I'd figure there'd be a rule for it.

Besides, it's not like you can't do a lot of different things even if you limit it to "Inkscape Avatar Style". *Points at own avatar*.

2012-05-27, 02:57 PM
It's not disallowed, but it's more or less discouraged. If it happens a lot, then we'll probably end up with an explicit rule about it and/or a separate general art competition started.

2012-05-27, 03:04 PM
Well poop, and here I was with an idea to enter. To bad I'm not good at making OOTS style stuff :smallredface:

2012-05-27, 03:35 PM
I'm one of the judges, and I won't care if it's OOTS-style or not. Just see my avatar.

2012-05-27, 03:53 PM
Well poop, and here I was with an idea to enter. To bad I'm not good at making OOTS style stuff :smallredface:Eh, post it if you want. Just, as I said, people should watch that too much definitely non-oots stuff doesn't get posted or what I've been saying will likely end up official one way or another.

2012-05-27, 04:27 PM
Eh, post it if you want. Just, as I said, people should watch that too much definitely non-oots stuff doesn't get posted or what I've been saying will likely end up official one way or another.

I decided to try making it in OOTS style anyway. I want to learn, even if I doubt I'll ever get great enough to do my comic myself (I'm going to leave that to the professional teddy bear :smallamused:).

Only question is, where do I put the avatar once its complete, so I can show it here? I've never used something like Inkscape before.

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-27, 04:44 PM
Upload it to photobucket or whatever, then post the direct link in tags.

2012-05-27, 08:13 PM
And finished! Lets hope I did this right, and if there is anything I did wrong feel free to tell me guys, this is my first one :smallsmile:

Best Avatar
Best Rookie
Warforged, reforged into a somewhat beaten up old fashioned model


I'm not sure if it's at the right dimensions as the rules say. If I did anything wrong, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

2012-05-28, 01:31 AM
He fits in a 120 x 120 box, so I think everything is alright.

Looks very nifty by the way~ :smallsmile:

2012-05-28, 05:43 AM
And finished! Lets hope I did this right, and if there is anything I did wrong feel free to tell me guys, this is my first one :smallsmile:.

...If that's your first attempt with Inkscape, I take my hat off... I wish I was that good when I started out!

2012-05-28, 08:28 AM
...If that's your first attempt with Inkscape, I take my hat off... I wish I was that good when I started out!

Heh, thanks, because it is :smalltongue:

If it helps, I've surronded myself with artists (PinkhairAugust, Teddy, Skeppio, and Elder Tsofu occasionaly) so I have a lot of things to look at and think "ok, this is what a good looking thing looks like, so I should do something like this"

I'm aware that probably makes no sense.

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-28, 11:40 AM
Best Scene
Diabolical Plot

That was probably the most detail-intensive thing I've ever done. And by "probably" I mean "definitely".

2012-05-28, 12:54 PM
Close the contest. It's over. Mauve gets all the prizes :tongue:

(but actually, don't. Consider it motivation to try harder! :smallbiggrin:)

2012-05-28, 01:01 PM
Wow, that's impressive. I'm glad Mauve isn't a Rookie, otherwise I'll be able to enter the Rookie competition next contest :smalltongue:

Also, as a side note, animated pictures are supposed to be hidden by spoilers. But your entry can't be hidden by spoilers. Catch 22, where are yoooou.

2012-05-28, 02:10 PM
I believe we have an exception here, but I could be wrong.

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-28, 02:30 PM
I've posted gifs in the IA thread with no problems previously, so we should be fine.

Elder Tsofu
2012-05-28, 02:43 PM
And finished! Lets hope I did this right, and if there is anything I did wrong feel free to tell me guys, this is my first one :smallsmile:

Best Avatar
Best Rookie
Warforged, reforged into a somewhat beaten up old fashioned model


I'm not sure if it's at the right dimensions as the rules say. If I did anything wrong, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

And now I see that I don't have to make LaZodiac more avatars, she can do just as well herself. :smalltongue:


That gif was something, your best yet.

2012-05-28, 02:46 PM
And now I see that I don't have to make LaZodiac more avatars, she can do just as well herself. :smalltongue:

Heh, thank's a bunch. I'm still very much amature though, so I'll probably continue using your services if that's quite alright with you :smalltongue:

2012-05-29, 12:47 AM
That explains why you made that duplicate of me...

Now, to lock all my windows and doors and take refuge in my secret hiding spot...

In other words, I'm going to go off and laugh for a bit.

2012-05-29, 03:54 AM
Best Avatar
I forgot for whom

Best Avatar

2012-05-29, 11:03 AM
Ruki, you still have the old IA on your signature.

Thanks. Editing now.

I think you there are no limit on art style, because as you can see, there's a specific ootsavatar category.

It's not disallowed, but it's more or less discouraged. If it happens a lot, then we'll probably end up with an explicit rule about it and/or a separate general art competition started.

Something like that, yeah. There's no actual rule, but due to the nature of the forum, OOTS-style is expected. But yes, we've had winners with completely non-OOTS, non-Erf entries.

And I would really like to avoid a specific rule to forbid non-OOTS entries for two reasons:

1) It would discourage a lot of entries, which I would not like.

2) The rules are already long enough as it is.

I believe we have an exception here, but I could be wrong.

Er... I THINK we do, yes. The mod staff has never spoken up about over-sized images or gifs being posted outside spoilers in this thread, so I usually assume they're making an exception due to the nature of the contest.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall the rules specifically saying that animated gifs need to be spoilered. It just says it's preferable:

Animated images are still allowed as post content (preferably in a spoiler) but not in your signature or as an avatar as they detract from the rest of the forums when they are attached to every post.

@Mauve: That looks surprisingly close to what I look like when on my laptop. :smalltongue:

2012-05-29, 11:44 AM
I've got a minor question. If I'm the only Rookie ins a contest, does that still count as a Rookie win? Because winning by default seems a little lame :smalltongue:

2012-05-29, 01:01 PM
You will get a gold for entering the contest. :smallsmile:

2012-05-29, 01:56 PM
We did discuss that, but I can't quite remember our conclusions... It might have been that there need to be at least 2 Rookies for them to not be counted any more, but I'm really not sure.

2012-05-29, 03:00 PM
I suppose Serpentine is right. I'm not sure right now if there's any precedent for it.

2012-05-29, 03:49 PM
I dunno, I really can't remember our conclusions.

2012-05-29, 04:13 PM
You don't have to worry about LaZodiac being the only rookie, I'm working on something. :smallcool:

2012-05-29, 04:14 PM
You don't have to worry about LaZodiac being the only rookie, I'm working on something. :smallcool:

Ok, good luck. Won't be hard to beat me I imagine, but I wish you luck regardless *handshake*

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-29, 05:28 PM
For similar reasons, someone else'd better enter a Scene!

@Mauve: That looks surprisingly close to what I look like when on my laptop. :smalltongue:

It's almost like I've been spying on you, to determine the best method to replace you with a robot.... :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-29, 10:21 PM
I dunno, I really can't remember our conclusions.

We shall discuss it in our next meeting over lunch. *nod nod*

It's almost like I've been spying on you, to determine the best method to replace you with a robot.... :smallbiggrin:


2012-05-30, 08:31 AM
I'm undecided whether to have lunch now or nap instead...
You don't have to worry about LaZodiac being the only rookie, I'm working on something. :smallcool:Annnnd I'm pretty sure this is why we never came to any conclusions - we'd figure we'd deal with it when it happened, and it hasn't yet :smallcool:

Uuuuugh... I'm gonna end up with neither lunch nor nap, and updating the Hall of Fame instead -.-

2012-05-30, 04:18 PM
Ok, good luck. Won't be hard to beat me I imagine, but I wish you luck regardless *handshake*

*handshake* I'm also new to making things with Inkscape, so my entry surely isn't better than yours. :smallsmile:

Anyway, here is it:

Best Scene
Best Rookie
Of course it will be able to fly!


Elder Tsofu
2012-05-30, 04:36 PM
If I post an ancient request I did back when I was sort of a rookie does that count as a rookie submission? :smallbiggrin:

Best Avatar
Mr. von Whiskers


2012-05-30, 05:25 PM
Oh hey, I love that one!
Best OOTSatar
Best Rookie
Of course it will be able to fly!Hokay, so. Unless that's a character from the Order of the Stick (and if so, I'm really sorry. I'm very vague), it should be entered under Best Scene (or Best Avatar, if you want to shrink it down to 120px height).
No fuss, though. Just so's you know :smallsmile:

2012-05-31, 04:55 AM
Oh, ok, I got the rules wrong. :smallredface: I'll change it.

2012-05-31, 06:02 AM
Oh, ok, I got the rules wrong. :smallredface: I'll change it.

It's still v. good though... Curse you rookies, making my art look bad :smalltongue:

2012-05-31, 03:35 PM
Yeah. It wasn't a scolding or anything, just an FYI. I'll just check the wording on that in case it needs adjusting (and while we're on the subject: steampunk Elan's dad, anyone?).

edit: Hmm.. Ruki, how about "anything with a character from the oots comic", instead?

Also: For some reason Mauve's gif is super sped up on my phone. Weird.

Mauve Shirt
2012-05-31, 03:57 PM
Yeah, on my phone too. Crazy.

2012-05-31, 04:59 PM
I can imagine it at stupid speeds with the benny hill theme.

Morph Bark
2012-05-31, 06:12 PM
Best Scene

That was probably the most detail-intensive thing I've ever done. And by "probably" I mean "definitely".

That's... I mean... just... what? Huh. I... those...

My mind.


Moff Chumley
2012-05-31, 06:41 PM

All of my yesses. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

Gnomish Wanderer
2012-05-31, 07:29 PM
Best Scene
Airship Pirate

2012-05-31, 10:47 PM
Ooo. Niiiiiice use of perspective!

Dark Elf Bard
2012-05-31, 11:50 PM
What's the deadline for the entry? 'Cause my BVelkster's got a badass costume getting sewn...

Dark Elf Bard
2012-06-01, 12:31 AM
Best OOTSatar
Best Avatar
Best Rookie Entry
Sexy Shoeless god of Steampunk

2012-06-03, 04:57 AM
my first entry:
Best avatar
Best Rookie
Slave Leia
She is Leia from Star Wars. I always found her very steampunkish: Brass armor, chians, strange loking guns...

PS this was made especialy for the context, I'm not trying to find motives to fit my old Leia avatar in the contest. :smallbiggrin:

Best avatar
Best Rookie
Random girl with axe:

Also i really like the Sherlock holmes avatar Elder tsofu. It has movement and nice background and :smallwink:

2012-06-04, 10:25 AM
edit: Hmm.. Ruki, how about "anything with a character from the oots comic", instead?

On it.

my first entry:

That's OK, but make sure to add a title for the entry. Untitled entries cause problems during judging, because the judges all refer to it differently and I need to figure out what they're all talking about.

2012-06-05, 06:35 PM
(and while we're on the subject: steampunk Elan's dad, anyone?).

You ask and you shall receive.

Sorry it's a bit lack-luster. I ran out of inspiration for this and then had another, awesome (I think) idea that distracted me...

Best OOTSatar
Steam Tarquin (or, I can't think of a witty title, it's half-past midnight in the morning...

Dark Elf Bard
2012-06-05, 06:37 PM
Damn, Grlump! I'm glad you aren't a rookie....

2012-06-05, 06:44 PM
Yay! :smallbiggrin:

Mauve Shirt
2012-06-05, 08:04 PM
That axe is amazing!!!

2012-06-06, 08:08 PM
Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen to witness heroic exploits as you have never seen them.

The Miracle of the Age! Wonder at the technological state of affairs, marvel at a dinosaur that seems to LEAP out at you, all viewable IN THREE DIMENTIONS!

I present to you:

Best Scene
The Exciting Exploits of Arthur B. Fittlewick, Dinosaur Hunter, IN THREE DIMENTIONS

The above image is the one to be judged, however, if you are struggling to perceive any depth in the picture after following the instructions, the isolated stereogram can be found here (http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w192/pomchop/Nobody/ABF_SS_Isolated_conv.jpg).

If you want to view it in the same way as a magic eye picture, this is the link for you. (http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w192/pomchop/Nobody/ABF_SS_Isolateddiv.png)

(Hope this entry is OK, this style was influenced by OotS... slightly...)


Best Avatar
Steam Powered Dinosaur

2012-06-06, 08:25 PM
OMG OMG OMG! That is soooo cool! :biggrin:
(I would point out, though, that doing it like a magic eye makes it go inside-out; you actually have to go slightly cross-eyed, instead)

2012-06-06, 08:26 PM
OMG OMG OMG! That is soooo cool! :biggrin:
(I would point out, though, that doing it like a magic eye makes it go inside-out; you actually have to go slightly cross-eyed, instead)

Sorry, that should read "cross your eyes"... Argh, it's too early in the morning...


If people would rather view it divergently (like a magic eye picture) I can upload a version that will work for them. I much prefer looking convergently (crossing the eyes) so have made it thus.

Also, Woo, my degree is useful for making funky pictures!

Mauve Shirt
2012-06-06, 08:57 PM
I'm having serious trouble crossing my eyes and making the dots overlap... In fact crossing my eyes just makes 4 panels appear instead of merging the two.

Either way, that is really freaking cool. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-06, 09:06 PM
I'm having the same problem. But it's still awesome.

2012-06-06, 09:25 PM
I think you two are doing it too far...

2012-06-07, 01:48 AM
It doesn't matter. These things never work for me anyway.

2012-06-07, 08:14 AM
I'm having serious trouble crossing my eyes and making the dots overlap... In fact crossing my eyes just makes 4 panels appear instead of merging the two.

I'm having the same problem. But it's still awesome.
It does sound like you're crossing your eyes a bit too much - only cross them enough to make the two dots fuse. This technique is known as Free Fusion.

Don't worry if you can't though, many people struggle to do it, It took me long enough to get it right in lectures.

Oh, and if anyone wants it, I've uploaded a version that will work the same way as you view magic eye pictures (a form of random dot autostereograms). It's in the other post.

2012-06-07, 10:55 AM
I'm awesome at magic eyes :B I mean, I even knew the first time I watched Mall Rats that it wasn't a sailboat!

2012-06-07, 10:57 AM
It does sound like you're crossing your eyes a bit too much - only cross them enough to make the two dots fuse. This technique is known as Free Fusion.

Don't worry if you can't though, many people struggle to do it, It took me long enough to get it right in lectures.

Oh, and if anyone wants it, I've uploaded a version that will work the same way as you view magic eye pictures (a form of random dot autostereograms). It's in the other post.

It's alright. I find crossing my eyes to be very difficult and usually results in headaches.
However, even without the cool optical thing, it's an awesome picture.

2012-06-10, 12:30 PM
Hmm, Eveyone seems to have stopped posting. I hope it's because you're all working on super-awesome entries :smallbiggrin:

Here's another one to motivate people...

Best Scene
His Steam-inance, Le Baron de Cogzey and his faithful retainer (circa 1867)

And, as always, an avatar to throw into the mix:
Best Avatar
Le Baron de Cogzey (miniature)

Original idea for this came during the Technophobia Iron Avatarist, but at that point, I had no time to do any artwork. A few days ago I rememberd the idea, so rushed this out...


Also Ruki, thanks for choosing such a spiffing theme!

2012-06-10, 12:32 PM
I've...basically got nothing because what I did was the best I could come up with XP

I wish everyone luck on the contest!

Mauve Shirt
2012-06-10, 01:11 PM
Well, I don't expect them to win anything but since they exist I might as well.

Best Avatar
Ruki Automaton

Best Avatar
Oblivion Automaton

Best Avatar
Serpentine Automaton

Best Avatar
Elemental Automaton

Best Avatar
Madgirl Mauve

2012-06-12, 01:50 AM
Best Scene
The Exciting Exploits of Arthur B. Fittlewick, Dinosaur Hunter, IN THREE DIMENTIONS
(Hope this entry is OK, this style was influenced by OotS... slightly...)

Amazing! I don't think we've had anything like that before! And yes, the entry is very, VERY OK.


OK, guys, the results of the February (Mi Amor, Mon Cheri) contest are in. Yes, they are 3 months late. I'm working on catching up on all the old contests this summer.

2012-06-17, 09:19 AM
Aaaaand I finsished another one:

Best OOtSatar
Best Rookie
After that incident with the dragon, Inkyrius decided it was time for a new profession.


2012-06-17, 11:36 AM
Aaaaand I finsished another one:

Best OOtSatar
Best Rookie
After that incident with the dragon, Inkyrius decided it was time for a new profession.


Wow! I love it!

2012-06-26, 08:18 PM
Some very cool stuff submitted so far. Keep it up, peoples! *whip-CRACK*

Mauve Shirt
2012-06-26, 08:40 PM
I want to, but I can't imagine winning against these entries! Also my ideas would take more time than I have. :smallfrown:

2012-06-28, 05:48 AM
I want to, but I can't imagine winning against these entries!

Also my ideas would take more time than I have. :smallfrown:
Also this...

2012-06-29, 10:40 AM
Hey, guys, I'm gonna go ahead and officially extend this contest until Wednesday, July 4, 2012. I won't be available to end it this weekend, so may as well make it official.

2012-06-29, 10:47 AM
An official extension...

2012-06-29, 10:47 PM
So take advantage and send in more cool stuff!

2012-06-30, 03:50 AM
Best scene
Damn lava fluros!

2012-07-05, 09:12 AM
OK, guys, time's up!

No more entries, please!

New contest coming up shortly.

New contest is UP! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248513)

2012-07-06, 07:58 AM
Wow, this has been one of the hardest IA I had to judge in quite some time. Glad there has been good competition this time! The harder my job as a judge, the better the contest! :smallsmile:

Dark Elf Bard
2012-08-05, 08:14 PM
Is this done yet?

2012-09-01, 11:06 PM
The trophies this time are Courtesy of Mr. Elder Tsofu, round of applause for making some awesome trophies! :smallsmile: These are animated, but there are also non-animated versions at the bottom of this post (for sigging and such).

Award Ceremony

Best Avatar
First Place: Mr. Von Whiskers, by Elder Tsofu

Second Place: Maxtronaut, by Akrim.Elf

Third Place: I forgot for whom, by Akrim.Elf

Best OOTSatar
First Place: Steam Tarquin by GrlumpTheElder

Second Place: Steam Power: Is there any problem it can't solve? by GrlumpTheElder

Third Place: After that incident with the dragon, Inkyrius decided it was time for a new profession. by Lycunadari

Best Scene
First Place: Diabolical Plot by Mauve Shirt

Second Place: The Exciting Exploits of Arthur B. Fittlewick, Dinosaur Hunter, IN THREE DIMENTIONS by GrlumpTheElder

Third Place: Airship Pirate by Gnomish Wanderer

Best Rookie
First Place: After that incident with the dragon, Inkyrius decided it was time for a new profession. by Lycunadari

Second Place: Of course it will be able to fly! by Lycunadari

Third Place: Random Girl With Axe, by snusnumrik

Best Overall
First Place: Diabolical Plot by Mauve Shirt

Second Place: The Exciting Exploits of Arthur B. Fittlewick, Dinosaur Hunter, IN THREE DIMENTIONS by GrlumpTheElder

Third Place: Steam Tarquin (or, I can't think of a witty title, it's half-past midnight in the morning...) by GrlumpTheElder

Ruki's Choice
Steam Tarquin (or, I can't think of a witty title, it's half-past midnight in the morning...) by GrlumpTheElder

Non-animated trophies:







2012-09-01, 11:08 PM
Wow, I didn't even get a win in bronze. I suck :smalltongue:

2012-09-01, 11:12 PM
Wow, I didn't even get a win in bronze. I suck :smalltongue:

Look on the bright side: You're still eligible for Best Rookie.

2012-09-02, 02:23 AM
Congratulations to all the contestants. Even those who did not get trophies are still vastly superior to me in the art department.

Let's give them all a round of applause!
*crowd cheers and applauds wildly*

2012-09-02, 02:58 AM
So many wonderful and brilliant entries - congratulations, winners!

2012-09-02, 03:43 AM
Wow, I got trophies! Thank you! :smallbiggrin:

2012-09-02, 04:15 AM
So many wonderful and brilliant entries - congratulations, winners!

I second this, well done everyone. This has been one of the most impressive IA competitions I've seen for a long time!

EDIT: Also, Love the trophies!

2012-09-02, 06:49 AM
thank for all.. that trophy is realy awesome!

2012-09-02, 10:04 AM
Wow, Elder Tsofu... those trophies... *jaw drop*

Congrats everyone! It's been a hard one to judge (which is always a good thing)!

2012-09-02, 03:29 PM
Yha. Congragulations to the winners regardless, you did good :smalltongue:

Dark Elf Bard
2012-09-03, 12:27 PM

Elder Tsofu
2012-09-04, 02:45 AM
Well the trophies were not a complete rip-off inspired by Mauve Shirts animation entry*. I just got curious if I could make them and decided to try after failing at drawing funny hats as trophies.
And due to my perfectionist side it took AGES to get them done, todays truth.

My hat is of to Mauve who can put up with the animation process, and even make non-static ones. It is rough work.


Enough about trophies, good work people - a pleasure drawing for and with you. Good work judges, your decision to vote Mr. von Whiskers for first place certainly indicates a refined sense of taste on your behalf. And thanks for Haruki-kun for arranging, it is rough going I expect. :smallsmile:

*I should add that I wanted to try and best oblivions really neat new-years trophies which I got quite a few of early in my career.

2012-09-04, 08:04 AM
Oh you! :smallredface:

Mauve Shirt
2012-09-05, 05:35 PM
The trophies are wonderful :smallbiggrin: Thanks Elder Tsofu, judges, and all who participated!