View Full Version : Human+?

2012-05-17, 03:19 PM
Heya folks. I'm dealing with a bit of world-building for a 3.p game and would like a list of any playable or non-playable races that are basically "Humans, but x, y, or z are slightly different." Cultural differences aren't as much a concern, since most of those are still slight differences mechanically.

Current groups I have working so far
-Elves, halflings.
-Illumians, Gnomes
-Azurins and the Incarnum humanoids.
-Elans and Maenads.

What other 3.p races are Humanoids that are Human but they have this one thing or a few things that make them not human?

2012-05-17, 03:25 PM
Karsites from Tome of Magic are definitely humans+.

2012-05-17, 03:27 PM
Heya folks. I'm dealing with a bit of world-building for a 3.p game and would like a list of any playable or non-playable races that are basically "Humans, but x, y, or z are slightly different." Cultural differences aren't as much a concern, since most of those are still slight differences mechanically.

Current groups I have working so far
-Elves, halflings.
-Illumians, Gnomes
-Azurins and the Incarnum humanoids.
-Elans and Maenads.

What other 3.p races are Humanoids that are Human but they have this one thing or a few things that make them not human?

Do you mean Humanoid (Human) type? I think because the core of humanity is its diversity, there aren't any published books where you have different kinds of human; unlike dwarves and elves, very few humans are culturally and physically identical. However, APG and Advanced Race Guide have variant rules for slightly different types of human you could adapt into sub-humans if you really wanted.

2012-05-17, 03:32 PM
Do you mean Humanoid (Human) type? I think because the core of humanity is its diversity, there aren't any published books where you have different kinds of human; unlike dwarves and elves, very few humans are culturally and physically identical. However, APG and Advanced Race Guide have variant rules for slightly different types of human you could adapt into sub-humans if you really wanted.

I mean that I'm treating anything that, in appearance at the least, resembles a human being and isn't too much more powerful or in need of adjustment (minimal racial HD or Level Adjustment.) This includes most of the PHB races and a number of other things like Planetouched and the Karsites mentioned above. I'm looking for any others that haven't been listed as of yet.

As far as context goes, Humans have only just arrived in the setting, but have done so at 12 different locations throughout the world. I've got 6 arrival points marked out and the resulting people/cultures that are likely to come of it (since this is a game taking place in the past of the same setting I've run a couple other games with) but I'm hopeful that I can have some help finding and sorting out other human-esque species that would develop as the setting progresses.

2012-05-17, 03:33 PM
Changeling (MM3, ECS)
Illumian and Underling (RoD)
Possibly also Aasimar, Tiefling, Mongrelfolk, Half-Orc, Half-Elf (RoD, sidebar p150).

2012-05-17, 03:40 PM
Synads (CPsi)

2012-05-17, 03:56 PM
Gosh the forums are having hicups today.

Synads are one I'd missed, and will probably go in with the Elans and Maenads as a kind of unseen ruling elite.

Karsites might work on their own, but I think they'd either fall in among the Illumians (magical race developing along with the anti-magical one as a kind of either balance or perfected trade, since Binding will be catching on in that area anyway) or among the straight-up non-magical human folks that wound up in an area antithetical to magic.

Not sure exactly where to put Changelings; they usually fall in among other species, but I guess I'll need to toss Dopplegangers in somewhere.

2012-05-17, 04:22 PM
According to Bestiary 2, some Sylphs are supposed to blend in with humans while displaying their elemental nature in subtle ways (The artwork is presumably for a Sylph whose elemental nature isn't subtle). Oreads, Ifrits and Undine, however, always have definite tell-tale signs of their nature.

In Bestiary 3, Suli resemble slightly taller and physically attractive humanoids.

2012-05-17, 04:28 PM
Deep Imaskari from Underdark, I like those.

2012-05-17, 04:31 PM
Hellbred! (FC2)

2012-05-17, 05:03 PM
The Vasharans from Book of Vile Darkness. Literally a human who gets a vile feat instead of a bonus feat at first level. They are also actually born evil.

2012-05-17, 05:09 PM
Buomman from the planar handbook!

2012-05-17, 05:19 PM
They're LA+1 and fairly big, but Goliaths and Half-giants might work as a human subrace as well.

Morph Bark
2012-05-17, 06:05 PM
Personally, I wouldn't have listed half those races in the OP under those criteria, but if yours are a bit loose, then Raptorans should be in there. Basically, "humans with wings". Silverbrow humans from Dragon Magic of course, too. Orcs and goblins. Shifters. Kalashtar.

Really, the majority of playable races that don't have HD are "humans, but slightly different".

2012-05-17, 06:26 PM
neanderthals (frost burn)

2012-05-17, 06:29 PM
There's a Humanoid in BoVD that's basically "Human but the free feat must be [Vile]". You can't get more humanlike than that.

2012-05-17, 07:05 PM
Aventi (stormwrack)
Empty vessels/Chosen (eberron)

2012-05-17, 07:35 PM
Sea Kin (RoDe pg 100) - Humanoids{human} with the aquatic subtype.

2012-05-18, 04:04 AM
Vasharans = Objectively evil humans who hate the gods for creating them. Can be anything from emo crybabies to ultimate darwinians, and unlike other Usually Evil races, they are completely believable because we all know a few of them IRL. Here they're called "sociopaths", but everything in fantasy needs a goofy name huh?

Illumians = Humans with words in their blood, strange abilities relevant to multiclassing, and a weird culture where everybody tries to be the best at everything.

Elans = Psionic humans-turned-immortals.

Synads = Psionic humans-with-two-extra-minds.

Maenads = Psionic humans with a temper problem (not quite as lame as it sounds, though still somewhat so IMO).

Also various environmental variations, but those really are just kinda lame for the most part.

2012-05-18, 11:37 AM
Also there are the humans that live in the dark underground, they're called Dark Ones. And Underfolk. And Skulks. And Deep Imskari. And I think there are a couple others.

By the way technically the Karsites are Humans Plus and Minus, as they cannot cast spells. That's a pretty big omission, not to mention the level adjustment.