View Full Version : Metamagic Maddness and Caster levels?(or 'Am I reading this right?')

2012-05-18, 04:56 AM
I dont play high end casters often so this maybe completely wrong but here goes anyway...

So I am browsing through metamagic powers and found these:

Arcane Thesis - one spell becomes higher CL and also makes any metamagic but heighten cheaper by 1.
Metamagic School Focus - when giving metamagic on spells from this school they cost 1 less.

So the combos and possibilities started turning in my head so I want to ask the first thing that came to mind (I am sure you have many others you can suggest and feel free to do so!)

I could be 'Thesied' on Enervation and give it Split Ray (+2), Empower (+2) and Repeat Spell (+3)

The end level slot this would cost is 1 + 1 + 2 -1 = 7.

So for a 7th level spell slot I get 4d4 x 1.5 levels of an opponent (average = 15) with no save...

Is the above correct?

Now the next part of the thread has to do with Caster Level and if bonuses to CL stack.

Do they?

For example if I have a CL of 15 base... does the +2 from Arcane Thesis + 1 from casting a domain spell (UA variant) , +1 from my Robe of Arcane Might and +1 from Tome of Stilled Tongue (MIC, Vecna Relic) stack to send my CL up to 20?

Does it mean that combined with Spell penetration and Arcane Mastery I can bypass SR 32 without even rolling???

2012-05-18, 05:26 AM
Arcane thesis is a old trick. Don't remember all the shenanigans people do with it, though I recall invisible spell being involved.

On increasing cl, check this handy list (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872350/Raising_Caster_Level).