View Full Version : 3.5 Python Rod - Activation Question

2012-05-18, 01:04 PM
If the user throws the rod to the ground (a standard action), it grows to become a giant constrictor snake by the end of the round.

Does this mean it's thrown to the ground at your feet? What would be the range for "throw the rod to the ground"?

Our group just got one and we're trying to figure out if we can throw it behind enemies to set up flanks and prevent retreats. If it can be thrown "over there", what would be the range? Would there be any kind of roll associated with getting it into a specific square (mostly irrelevant with the snake being Huge)?


2012-05-18, 01:09 PM
This is a legacy rule from 1st edition, like the talk in Fireball about melting gold and such. The inspiration, and the wording, comes from the Bible, where Aaron at Moses behest throws his staff to the ground and it turns into a snake.
I would say it fall in an adjacent square of your choice for the least rules headaches.