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Frog Dragon
2012-05-19, 09:08 AM
Lariat Witch

Though many magicians choose to specialize, few choose to devote their efforts to a single spell. Fewer still would choose a spell such as Animate Rope to be the focus of their arcane powers. However, the rare few that do choose to do such a thing often become Lariat Witches, men and women of the arcane arts who have achieved strange powers as a result of their devotion to this single, easily overlooked spell. Though most Lariat Witches are sorcerers and wizards eager to attain the strange magical powers of rope, some bards may also choose to pursue the path of the Lariat Witch.

Though Lariat Witches come from many different backgrounds and have no central organization, they are generally willing to share knowledge and stories with each other, pleased to find someone who shares their focus.

Spells: Must be able to cast Animate Rope.
Spellcasting: Must have a Caster Level of at least 5.
Skills: Use Rope 4 ranks.
Feats: Skill Focus: Use Rope

HD: d4

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

+2|Binding Hands, Tangled Self: Knowledge, Lariat Dance: Servant|

+3|Lariat Dance: Entangle|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+3|Lariat Dance: Constrict|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Tangled Self: Rope Form|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+4|Lariat Dance: Unbreakable Bind|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+5|Lariat Dance: Armor of Twine|

+5|Tangled Self: Twine Body|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6|Lariat Dance: Bind Wounds|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+6|Lariat Dance: Lariat Storm|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

+7|Tangled Self: Greater Rope Form, Lariat Dance: Hangman Golem|+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class [/table]

Skill Points per level: 4 + Int
Class Skills: The Lariat Witch's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (All Skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Rope (Dex)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Lariat Witch gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spellcasting: When a new Lariat Witch level is gained (apart from levels 1 and 6), the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast spells before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast spells before he became an Lariat Witch, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Lariat for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Binding Hands: The Lariat Witch may cast Animate Rope at will. In addition, the Lariat Witch does not need rope to animate, and instead of animating existing rope, may choose to animate rope that is created in the process of casting. This rope may be as long or thick as the maximum size of the rope the Lariat Witch could normally animate. The rope disappears at the end of the duration of the spell. The rope may be created in any space within 10ft/class level of the Lariat Witch. The rope may be directed to move as a move action, and it can move up to 10ft+5ft/class level of the Lariat Witch. If the rope is moved out the Lariat Witch's normal range for an Animate Rope spell, the rope disappears. The created rope may be silk rope, hempen rope, or twine.

Tangled Self: The Lariat Witch's dedication to their art manifests in many ways, affecting their body, mind and capabilities.
Knowledge: Within the mind of a Lariat Witch, everything is connected. Every detail relates to another detail, making them easily recalled. The Lariat Witch has an ability identical to Bardic Knowledge, using class level + intelligence bonus for the bardic knowledge. If the Lariat Witch already had bardic knowledge, Bard levels and Lariat Witch levels stack for the purposes of bardic knowledge. In addition, the Lariat Witch gains a +2 to all Knowledge checks.
Rope Form: As a free action, the Lariat Witch may become more like the ropes their magical talents are focused on. The Lariat Witch gains 2 natural attacks, lashing ropes that extend from their hands. These natural weapons have reach, but can still attack adjacent targets, and deal 1d4+str damage. In addition, the Lariat Witch gains a natural armor bonus equal to 1/2 class level. This natural armor bonus does not stack with other racial natural armor bonuses, but does stack with enhancement bonuses to natural armor. Finally, the Lariat Witch gains Light Fortification while in Rope Form. While in this form, the Lariat Witch appears to be partially made of ropes, with qualities such as limbs of entwined ropes.
Twine Body: Even when it is not outwardly apparent, a Lariat Witch's body becomes more like more, tough and stringy. The Lariat witch gains a +2 bonus to constitution.
Greater Rope Form: As a free action, instead of activating Rope Form, the Lariat Witch may activate Greater Rope Form. The Lariat Witch becomes immune to critical hits in this form, and has the same natural attacks and natural armor bonuses as in Rope Form. In addition, the Lariat Witch gains DR 10/Slashing.

Lariat Dance: The Lariat Witch may sacrifice castings of Animate Rope to produce various effects. These effects last as long as a casting of Animate Rope would normally last when cast by the Lariat Witch. If the Animate Rope casting sacrificed is cast from a spell slot higher than 1, it counts as an amount of Animate Rope castings equal to the spells slot it was cast from (so Animate Rope cast from a level 4 slot would count as 4 castings). Using a Lariat Dance is a standard action and the Lariat Witch may sacrifice any number of Animate Rope castings within that standard action (unless otherwise stated). If a Lariat Dance has a Saving Throw, the DC for this saving throw is 10+Class Level+Primary Spellcasting Ability (defined as whichever ability modifies your save DC:s for whichever class you used to qualify for Lariat Witch). If the Lariat Witch has abilities that modify the save DC:s of transmutation spells, they also apply to Lariat Dances. The Lariat Witch must spend spell slots on the Animate Rope castings to use Lariat Dances.
Servant: The Lariat Witch may create and animate pieces of rope, as if casting the Animate Objects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateObjects.htm) spell. The Lariat Witch may animate a number of created ropes equal to twice the number of Animate Rope castings sacrificed. The Lariat Witch may not sacrifice more than 1 casting per class level on this Lariat Dance. The Lariat Witch may choose to create larger animated ropes instead, in the manner described in the Animate Rope spell.
Entangle: The Lariat witch causes rope to burst out of the ground, grabbing at everyone within the radius with a single sacrificed casting of Animate Rope. This has the effects of an Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm) spell, with the following exceptions. Firstly, the radius is 20ft, but can be increased by 10ft for each additional casting of animate rope spent. The radius may not be greater than 60ft. In addition, the reflex save DC is 10+Class Level+Primary Spellcasting Ability. This ability lasts for the same amount of time as the casting of Animate Rope used. Finally, if someone attempts to break through the ropes, the Lariat Witch makes an Use Rope check opposed by the entangled creature's strength check or escape artist check. The Lariat Witch may voluntarily fail this check.
Constrict: The Lariat Witch chooses a number of targets and manifests a constricting rope upon them. The number of targets chosen equals the amount of Animate Rope castings sacrificed and may never exceed the Lariat Witch's class level. The targets must be within range of an animate rope spell. If the targets fail the reflex save, they take 5d6+1d6/class level bludgeoning damage as the rope crushes them. This ability is instantaneous, and the ropes snap and disappear after dealing the damage.
Unbreakable Bind: The Lariat Witch chooses a number of targets and manifests an unbreakable tangle of rope upon them. The number of targets chosen equals the amount of Animate Rope castings sacrificed and may never exceed the Lariat Witch's class level. The targets must be within range of an animate rope spell. If the targets fail the reflex save, they are treated as paralyzed. They may make an escape artist or strength check (and their strength and dexterity are treated as what they would be were they not paralyzed) to escape the bind, opposed by the Lariat Witch's Use Rope check. This ability lasts for the same amount of time as the casting of Animate Rope used.
Armor of Twine: As an immediate action, the Lariat Witch may invoke ropes as armor to prevent hits and absorb damage that the Lariat Witch would otherwise suffer. The Lariat Witch may spend 2 castings of Animate Rope and make a use rope check, immediately negating an amount of damage equal to the Use Rope check result (minimum 0). Each additional casting of Animate Rope grants a +2 to the check, to a maximum of +10.
Bind Wounds: The Lariat Witch has applied their mastery of binding magic to their own changed form, allowing them to repair damage done to their bodies. As a swift action, the Lariat Witch may sacrifice castings of Animate Rope to heal 1d8+class level damage done to themselves. Each additional casting used adds another 1d8 points of damage healed, to maximum of an amount of dice equal to the Lariat Witch's class level.
Lariat Storm: The Lariat Witch may unleash a flurry of lashing ropes on everyone in the vicinity. As a standard action, sacrificing 2 castings of animate rope, the Lariat Witch deals 10d6+1d6/class level bludgeoning damage to every creature within 10ft of the Lariat witch, with a reflex save to negate the damage. Each additional casting of Animate Rope sacrificed adds 10ft to the radius.
Hangman Golem: The Lariat Witch may sacrifice 7 castings of Animate Rope to create a Hangman Golem (MM3) that can be directed with move actions. This Hangman Golem must stay within the range of an Animate Rope spell for the caster, and disappears at the end of the duration for a casting of animate rope. If an Animate Rope cast from a level 8 slot is used, the Hangman golem gains 3 bonus hit dice. If an Animate Rope cast from a level 9 slot is used, the Hangman golem gains 6 bonus hit dice. The Lariat Witch may only have one Hangman Golem created with this class feature under their control at a time.

I was reading the MM3, and ran into the Hangman Golem. Then I thought of a caster specialized in Animate Rope. Then I wrote this PRC. I ended up making it lose two levels casting due to the power of the Lariat Dances and Tangled Self abilities. Don't want to make it lose any more because that would prevent sorcerers from getting ninth level spells. In general, a character who chooses this class would probably be either a sorcerer or a transmutation specialist wizard, since powering all the Lariat Dances requires fair amounts of spell slots.

2012-05-19, 09:48 AM
I like the idea quite a bit. Does the Hangman Golem get new feats for the extra hit die. If so, it might make sense to specify/stat out what the higher hit die golems are.

As it is now it is a bit weak overall. A few more weak features might help. Maybe a bonus to use rope checks in general equal to class level?

Frog Dragon
2012-05-19, 10:05 AM
Hangman Golems are Constructs without an intelligence score. They have no feats in the first place.

As for weak, I'm not sure what you mean. It has better defenses than most casters, what with the fortification, bonus constitution, damage reduction and Armor of Twine. It also gets decent blasting with a very low cost (Constrict and Lariat Storm); 2nd level slots for AoE:s scaling to 20d6 is not much. It also gets access to a lot of tricks that are mostly unavailable for wizards and sorcerers (animate objects, entangle, self heals).

2012-05-23, 07:47 PM
One problem I've noticed is with Lariat Dance. It has you sacrifice one casting of Animate Rope, which the Lariat Witch has unlimited castings of, meaning that the Lariat Witch could potentially summon an infinite amount of Hangman Golems.

2012-05-23, 09:37 PM
Reminds me of Basil Hawkings from One Piece. I like it.

Frog Dragon
2012-05-24, 01:52 PM
One problem I've noticed is with Lariat Dance. It has you sacrifice one casting of Animate Rope, which the Lariat Witch has unlimited castings of, meaning that the Lariat Witch could potentially summon an infinite amount of Hangman Golems.
Yowch, certainly did not mean for that to happen. Hangman Golems are pretty hardcore at level 15. I added this clause to Lariat Dance: "The Lariat Witch must spend spell slots on the Animate Rope castings to use Lariat Dances."

Hmm, on that train of thought, I'm adding a "can only have one Hangman Golem created at a time" clause. Otherwise the Lariat Witch could muster one hell of an alpha strike with a few rounds to prepare.

And as for Basil Hawkins.. you know, I've followed One Piece for quite a while and didn't even pick up on that. Hawkins is made of straw though.

Cipher Stars
2012-05-24, 02:04 PM
Hmm, on that train of thought, I'm adding a "can only have one Hangman Golem created at a time" clause. Otherwise the Lariat Witch could muster one hell of an alpha strike with a few rounds to prepare.

Which is a good thing. :smallbiggrin:

Just say half your level of Golems active. And Charisma/Dex/Whatever modifier per day in Golem uses.

This is a prestige I can see myself using. For the lols, mostly.

Perhaps I can make a "Looking for group... Campaign: Go team Lol!" Or who knows.

Frog Dragon
2012-05-24, 02:43 PM
The thing is, the hangman golem is already more powerful than most things you could summon at the level, and you get it for little investment. A Sorcerer 5/Lariat Witch 10 would have roughly the following amount of slots (assuming a +6 item)

0. 6
1. 8
2. 8
3. 8
4. 8
5. 7
6. 5

Burning an amount of levels in spell slots equal to 7 is not much of a cost. This guy has 145 functional slots for Lariat Dances. Assuming you're keeping 3 Hangman golems active and have 4 encounters, you're left with 41 functional slots. And three Hangman Golems can cause some serious damage. In fact, the EL on those three would be 16. Our example sorcerer isn't expected to be able to deal with that yet. And yet he can field that lot in each battle.

I'd rather keep it limited to 1 at a time.