View Full Version : 4e and temporary flight abilities

2012-05-19, 11:30 PM
So, the 4e monk can, at level 3, have two "fly your move speed, fall if you aren't landed at the end" abilities very easily (one a utility power, one the move component of an encounter power).

RAW, I think that they can't chain the flight together. Since the way it is written suggests that at the end of each ability, if the character's feet aren't on solid ground, they will fall, I don't think they could use two move actions in one turn to continuously fly 2x their move speed.

OTOH, I think it makes SENSE that they could. Can they use the second ability whilst "falling?"

What say you?

2012-05-20, 01:52 AM
Not having the abilities in front of me, I can't say for sure, but I'd probably base it on the fluff. If flight is just a handy mechanical way to represent a "weightless" leap, then I'd say they have to land between hops. On the other hand, if the fluff actually descibes it as flying or hovering, then I'd say no landing is necessary.

One could always split the difference, and say they have to touch a surface in between, but allow that surface to be a wall or celing.

2012-05-20, 05:49 AM
So, the 4e monk can, at level 3, have two "fly your move speed, fall if you aren't landed at the end" abilities very easily (one a utility power, one the move component of an encounter power).

RAW, I think that they can't chain the flight together. Since the way it is written suggests that at the end of each ability, if the character's feet aren't on solid ground, they will fall, I don't think they could use two move actions in one turn to continuously fly 2x their move speed.

OTOH, I think it makes SENSE that they could. Can they use the second ability whilst "falling?"

What say you?

You've already got it figured out, it seems. By RAW, they must land. However - if it makes more sense to you (as the DM) for them to be able to chain both together, then go for it! It's not very unbalancing. The Monk is a solid class but it's not the Ranger. So I'd say go for it if you think it sounds cool or is appropriate for the character.

2012-05-20, 06:48 AM
I might rule that they have to touch something they can be supported on on, however briefly, first. So you could land on a tree branch and launch off of there or land against a wall and fly off of there.

It DOES make it more Wuxia, after all.

2012-05-20, 10:36 AM
^ This. When I see the 4E monk in my head, I think of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" style "flight" where it's really a weightless jump. As long as you touch something between move actions it counts as landing.

The rule of cool definitely applies to monk abilities in my opinion. D10 damage with a bucket? Sure! Why not? Jackie Chan does it in movies all the time!