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2012-06-29, 03:44 PM
+++IFF Code imputed to confuse the servitor, worked out better than i expected.+++

I'd like to procure the Sonic Lance for use ~ New talent gives chance to use the thing possibly maybe.

"Ah. The wonders of the Machine God."

That twin linked autogun. I call dibs. And if not, I'm taking the sight.

Zen Master
2012-06-29, 04:26 PM
+++IFF Code imputed to confuse the servitor, worked out better than i expected.+++

I'd like to procure the Sonic Lance for use ~ New talent gives chance to use the thing possibly maybe.

Yea, about that. Delta-Rho:

The sonic lance utilizes technology you do not recognise. You're not entirely certain it's alien, however, but it certainly is some form of heretech.

More detailed study (and tech use rolls) are required for a full breakdown of it's stats and abilities, and likewise for it's use - but you feel rather certain this is a ranged weapon with the shocking quality. Not that it utilizes electricity (not as it's business component - that would make the 'sonic' appelation a bit silly), but it stuns.

The servitor is also a chapter all it's own. To your keen, trained eye, this is a very specific thing indeed: This servitor is a Skitarii Techguard Praetorian, which should never be found outside the ranks of the Techpriests of Mars.

Furthermore, this specific specimen seems .... and once recognisable and well-known, but at the same time alien and strange. The lobster armor plating, for instance, is very, very non-pattern, as is it's armament (the sonic lance in particular - a twin-linked autogun is pretty standard).

"Ah. The wonders of the Machine God."

That twin linked autogun. I call dibs. And if not, I'm taking the sight.


I doubt anyone would be so heartless as to separate gunslinger from gun - who breaks up a happy couple like that? 'Tis surely abminable in the sight of the Emperor.

Stat-wise, it is a standard autogun with the Tearing quality. It has 60 rounds in a mag, but uses them at double speed.

2012-06-29, 08:24 PM

I doubt anyone would be so heartless as to separate gunslinger from gun - who breaks up a happy couple like that? 'Tis surely abminable in the sight of the Emperor.

Stat-wise, it is a standard autogun with the Tearing quality. It has 60 rounds in a mag, but uses them at double speed.

And you are a saint for not separating me from my new toy of metallic aimed death. Could I remove the sight on it and transfer it to another weapon, or is it integrated into the gun?

Stig, seeing the opportunity to add yet another weapon to his growing arsenal, picks up the autogun and slings it over a shoulder. To the others he comments:

"You can never have too much gun."

I can has spelling.

2012-06-30, 12:44 AM
++++There is some high level corruption going on here ~ this servitor should not be found off a Forgeworld or outside of a high ranking Magos's command and add to the fact that it is equipped with this strange weapon and armour++

+++I believe i can possibly get this thing to work after some study and that it may have some non lethal capacity+++

It wont let me use the Colour text option atm

Zen Master
2012-07-01, 06:02 AM
+++IFF Code imputed to confuse the servitor, worked out better than i expected.+++

I'd like to procure the Sonic Lance for use ~ New talent gives chance to use the thing possibly maybe.


The sight is indeed detatchable, and transferable onto another weapon. But .... who'd wish to deny themselves the ability to waste ammo at twice the rate? =)

"Ah. The wonders of the Machine God."

That twin linked autogun. I call dibs. And if not, I'm taking the sight.

And you are a saint for not separating me from my new toy of metallic aimed death. Could I remove the sight on it and transfer it to another weapon, or is it integrated into the gun?

Stig, seeing the opportunity to add yet another weapon to his growing arsenal, picks up the autogun and slings it over a shoulder. To the others he comments:

"You can never have too much gun."

I can has spelling.

++++There is some high level corruption going on here ~ this servitor should not be found off a Forgeworld or outside of a high ranking Magos's command and add to the fact that it is equipped with this strange weapon and armour++

+++I believe i can possibly get this thing to work after some study and that it may have some non lethal capacity+++

It wont let me use the Colour text option atm


It wouldn't let me use the spoiler option - I had to type in the code manually! Oh, the hardship =)

The armor is, in fact, just carapace quality - it is strange only in design. the weapon however is strange. It will take you a few hours plus some tech use rolls to figure it out - at which time more info is available.

2012-07-02, 01:03 PM
Wormwood looks around.

"Wh...which w-way should w-we go?"

2012-07-04, 11:47 AM
+++I'll see if i can access a service terminal +++

if there is one
Tech use +10 (INT 40) [roll0]

+++See if there is anything in these boxes that may be useful for now or later +++

2012-07-04, 01:10 PM
Afternoon all.
I'm going to be out of internet range for the next 6 days or so. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Enjoy your week!

2012-07-04, 03:25 PM
Wormwood will help with anything involving looting.

Zen Master
2012-07-09, 07:34 AM
I .... am back! =)

+++I'll see if i can access a service terminal +++

if there is one
Tech use +10 (INT 40) [roll0]

+++See if there is anything in these boxes that may be useful for now or later +++

As a matter of fact, there are two: A small data access terminal presumably tasked mainly with inventory for the stores in the room and such, and a security terminal at the door.


Tech use tests for both, if you like. Stores is an easy test, security is hard.

Afternoon all.
I'm going to be out of internet range for the next 6 days or so. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Enjoy your week!

I hope your internet privation if for enjoyable reasons, like river rafting or space flight. Have fun anyways =)

Wormwood will help with anything involving looting.

Basically, in this room is most anything anyone could wish to have for an extended surface stay on an unexplored planet. Most of it brand new, still in it's manufactorium shrink-seal wrapping.

2012-07-09, 08:13 PM
I .... am back! =)

As a matter of fact, there are two: A small data access terminal presumably tasked mainly with inventory for the stores in the room and such, and a security terminal at the door.


Tech use tests for both, if you like. Stores is an easy test, security is hard.

I hope your internet privation if for enjoyable reasons, like river rafting or space flight. Have fun anyways =)

Basically, in this room is most anything anyone could wish to have for an extended surface stay on an unexplored planet. Most of it brand new, still in it's manufactorium shrink-seal wrapping.

I am returned. With sunburn.

Stig rustles his way through various containers, searching for a collapsible shovel and, he hopes, night vision goggles. He has an inordinately large amount of fun playing with the bubble wrap.

2012-07-09, 10:29 PM
What's everything someone would need for a small stay on a planet? Because Wormwood will carry what he can. Paranoia and all.

After securing what he can, Wormwood repeats his earlier question.

"Which w-way?"

2012-07-10, 12:49 AM
Stores Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0] +30 for Easy
Security Panel Tech Use +10 (40) [roll1] -20 for Hard

Zen Master
2012-07-10, 02:48 AM
I am returned. With sunburn.

Stig rustles his way through various containers, searching for a collapsible shovel and, he hopes, night vision goggles. He has an inordinately large amount of fun playing with the bubble wrap.

Goggles cannot be found. There is, however, a handheld auspex unit which features all sorts of sensory enhancements, among them night vision.

What's everything someone would need for a small stay on a planet? Because Wormwood will carry what he can. Paranoia and all.

After securing what he can, Wormwood repeats his earlier question.

"Which w-way?"

Everything? Think of a camping trip in Jurassic Park. You need everything you'd bring on a regular trip - plus everything you'd want to make sure dino's didn't make you their lunch.

You can carry much, of course, but perimiter defences, portalatrinariums and so on are impractical to lug around.

You could bring them aboard your shuttle when leaving, however.

Stores Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0] +30 for Easy
Security Panel Tech Use +10 (40) [roll1] -20 for Hard

Sorting through the stores, you find that all of these nice items were bought many cycles ago - none have been used.

You wrestle for a few rounds with the security panel - sadly, it's machine spirit refuses to cooperate, and you are unable to access.

You can open the door to the rest of the ship - but you cannot access the rest of the security network.

2012-07-10, 10:53 AM
Goggles cannot be found. There is, however, a handheld auspex unit which features all sorts of sensory enhancements, among them night vision.

Everything? Think of a camping trip in Jurassic Park. You need everything you'd bring on a regular trip - plus everything you'd want to make sure dino's didn't make you their lunch.

You can carry much, of course, but perimiter defences, portalatrinariums and so on are impractical to lug around.

You could bring them aboard your shuttle when leaving, however.

Stig stashes the auspex unit away and moves over to Wormwood.

"Anything need carrying? Provided its not breakable."

Zen Master
2012-07-13, 02:17 PM
So um ... if everyone is done with this room, there is that doorway at the far end.

You may make a mental note of having 'everything required to survive on a hostile planet that doesn't require machinery to transport' - not including special items like polygum and Redole Rebreathers and stuff.

2012-07-13, 02:22 PM
Lets make a move+++

Nixios will open the door and check that the coast is clear (reasoning that a Tech adept coming from a storeroom is less suspicious than anyone else)

Zen Master
2012-07-13, 03:22 PM
Lets make a move+++

Nixios will open the door and check that the coast is clear (reasoning that a Tech adept coming from a storeroom is less suspicious than anyone else)

Imagine for a moment the lowest level of the ship you are on.

Down the midsection of the ship runs a corridor, at one end of which is the room you are in. As Delta-Rho looks out the door down this long corridor, it's clear that this level of the ship holds it's raw guts: Stores and supplies, as well as engines, life support, powergrid and so on. This is evident - to the technically conscious - by the type and number of installations, guages, pipes, switches and so on.

As I said, you are at one end of this long (150 feet) corridor. At the opposite end is a large and secure door - solid armorplas. Various less daunting doors lead off left and right, at regular intervals. At about the midpoint of the corridor it widens. At this point are a couple of powerlifters, more servitors, and two larger doors. Here is also a lift and stairs up to the higher levels.

Apparently, no one is about.

2012-07-13, 06:50 PM
Wormwood shivers.

"F-f-feels too quiet."

He moves out with Delt-Rho after unceremoniously dropping the heaviest loot onto Stig. He keeps his gun stowed away, but he constantly has a hand on it. He looks around.

"Th-these servit-tors f...friendly?" He turns to the techpriest. "And c-can you open th-that b-big d-d-d-door?"

2012-07-13, 08:49 PM
Wormwood shivers.

"F-f-feels too quiet."

He moves out with Delt-Rho after unceremoniously dropping the heaviest loot onto Stig. He keeps his gun stowed away, but he constantly has a hand on it. He looks around.

"Th-these servit-tors f...friendly?" He turns to the techpriest. "And c-can you open th-that b-big d-d-d-door?"

Stig eyes the hallway with distaste. Shifting the larger-than-previous pack on his back, he tightens his grip on his lasgun, keeping it at the ready.

Hallways. Why is it always hallways? I hate hallways.

"No cover and way, way too open. This has trap written all over it.

I'll go first."

Zen Master
2012-07-14, 08:50 AM
You proceed down the corridor. These dimly lit bowels of the ship bring to mind all the tales you've heard of the black holds, and the things that fester and thrive there. Half-human chimera, their genes fused over countless eons with those of vermin and beasts - rats and slugs host to xeno symbionts. You imagine the rooms on either side of the corridor to be entire nests of clawed and fanged monstrosities you'd much rather die than ... face, and then die.

The doors opening to the left and right (there are four in all - two close to you this side of the midsection, and two more on the opposite side) would offer a man a modicum of cover, should a firefight erupt.

Oh .... I should like, say, some perception rolls, relevant actions you'd like to take, and specifically how and how far you proceed down the corridor.

2012-07-14, 08:55 AM
Wormwood, as always, will be behind Stig. He'll proceed cautiously, as he is wont to do, eyes darting around. However, he will check to see if the closest door to him (say, the one just to the right when they come in) will open. But he'll draw his pistol while doing so.

Awareness roll. Base 41.

Hoooooooooooooly crap. A roll fit for the Emprah.

Zen Master
2012-07-14, 10:10 AM
Luck is justified - if often annoying.

I shall reveal to you what your senses tell you - whether your perfect roll served no purpose as the rooms are all empty, silent and harmless, or if you just bought a last-second warning to avoid certain consumption - soon as I have everyone's position =)

2012-07-14, 05:08 PM
Note to self: get more team-members
Stig moves for the nearest door on the right and halts beside it, eyes peering into the gloom. He'll hold there, limiting his exposed portions to the head that he sticks around to take a look.

For the emprah. Need a 31 or lower.

2012-07-14, 05:11 PM
Or not. I'll try again.
Welp. Failed that one badly. A 70 to to my needed 31.

As Ray Charles would say, "I can't see sh*t!"

Zen Master
2012-07-15, 03:59 AM
The doors are closed tho. Just waiting for Delta-Rho to post as well.

Zen Master
2012-07-18, 05:12 AM
Right. I will decide Delta-Rho's actions for the time being. I shall endeavor to neither make him strangely omniscient nor get him killed =)

As Wormwood and Stig take positions in the nearest, left doorway, Delta-Rho moves to the right one opposite. While his companions prepare to check out what's behind the doors, Delta-Rho inspects his surrounding, from a technical perspective. His vox unit softly intones:

+++Fascinating. Piping is modified but original Mars/Calipo Pattern. Choice of materials, layout and design, even placement of luminem tiles. This ship is ancient - and was once Imperial Navy.+++

He turns his attention (and his weapon) down the corridor towards the lift and stairs, securing that direction while his companions proceed.

2012-07-18, 03:38 PM
"And here we go."

Stig hits the button to open the door and sticks his head around the corner.

I'm assuming that I use the previous Perception roll.

2012-07-18, 03:39 PM
Wormwood takes the opposite side to Stig and readies his Hecuter.


Alright, let's see what that 1 reveals.

2012-07-19, 12:54 AM

Sorry was away for longer than i planned

Zen Master
2012-07-19, 02:53 AM
Wormwood hears what he can only describe thusly: It sounds like the soft, scittering clickity-click of a hundred tiny spiders walking over a metallic surface. Slightly muffled, though that might be just the door.

Let me know if, and how, that info affects your actions. Then we proceed.

Oh ... and just for the added suspense, lets roll initiative too =)

2012-07-19, 06:20 AM
Wormwood squints as he hears the click-clacks across the door.

"I h-hear something in there," he quietly pointed out to the others.
"B-b-be c-careful."

No real changes. Lil more scared now.

I suppose I'll just go ahead and roll that initiative, like you said. ****ing spiders, man.


2012-07-19, 12:09 PM
"That's not good."

Stig's grip tightens on the grip of his lasgun.

As they say, the only thing one need fear is fear itself.

And spiders.

INIT roll: [roll0]

No changes other than that. I hope these AREN'T spiders of the facehugging variety.

2012-07-19, 12:27 PM
Init: [rol]d10+3[/roll]
Covering Door with LasCarbine


Zen Master
2012-07-20, 04:15 AM
Stig pushes the button, and the door slides into it's recess with a soft hiss. The room beyond is dark, filled with unidentifiable shadows and shapes. By the light falling in through the door you do recognize what seems to be some sort of ground crawler, taking up the center of the room. It is placed within yellow markings, and there is a sort of control box on a stand next to it.

The rest of the room - from what you can tell in the sparse light - is boxes and barrels and spare parts and knick-knacks. A single box stands right in the cone of light from the door, octagonal in shape and just under waist high. I has warning stickers on sides and lid.

Wormwood, after the briefest pause, points (possible with slightly shaky hands), and says: 'I-i-in t-there. S-spiders.'

As you stand there, looking at the box, you - entirely unexpectedly - hear the soft pop-and-hiss of the ship announcement systems switching on. From this, a pleasant barytone speaks: 'Owen, the lightshow up here in the cockpit seems to indicate we have an open airlock down in Storage E. Since we've not been sucked screaming out into the void yet, I'm guessing it's a glitch, but could I bother you to go down there and give me eyes-on?'

Initiative remains. Actions please.

2012-07-20, 09:18 AM
Wormwood looks at his companions.

"****. Wh-wh-what do w-we d-d-d-do?"

While I'm talking to them, rolling a power roll for Wall Walk, Threshold 8. Lessee, +5 for WP, +1 for Staff...

And add 6 for...25. And a 9. Oh dear.

2012-07-20, 09:22 AM
GM (once more)
Sorry for the double post, but seeing as I rolled dat 9...rolling on psychic phenomena.

Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap

2012-07-20, 09:48 AM
GM (should be the last one)
I. Am. So sorry. Things normally don't require a triple post, but the problem is that these rolls only happen if you rolled a certain number before it. Dangnabbit.

Anywho, this is gonna suck.


OK. Warp Burn. At least that's funny and not fatal or permanent.

Zen Master
2012-07-20, 10:27 AM
GM (should be the last one)
I. Am. So sorry. Things normally don't require a triple post, but the problem is that these rolls only happen if you rolled a certain number before it. Dangnabbit.

Anywho, this is gonna suck.


OK. Warp Burn. At least that's funny and not fatal or permanent.

Now me, I don't mind the multiple posts - unsure what the admins may have to say about it. I'll roll duration for you, save you yet another post.

If I even remember how it goes.


[roll0] rounds. As you try to manifest, you channel the energies of the warp. Just so and so to flip gravity on it's head - as far as you are concerned.

No one will ever know how you slipped. If it was malicious intent of some nearby warp creature, polluted energies of the beyond, or simple human error, but as you finish manifesting, something sends a powerful pulse into your brain, frying your thought processes for a while.

The rest of you see a look of intense concentration on Wormwoods face. For a brief moment you smell diesel oil, and a slight glow emanates from the walls. Wormwood lifts one foot to place it against the wall, then suddenly doubles up in pain, holding his head with both hands.

2012-07-20, 12:46 PM
+++What is that and are you ok+++

2012-07-20, 01:11 PM
Wormwood attempted to answer, but could only verbalize various swears and profanities.

Eventually he calmed. "D-d-didn't like th-the sound of th-that. An-n...any of it. I'm g-gonna hide. T-t-tried to use my ps...psyker p-p-powers. It w-w-worked. I f-****ed it up. But it w-w-worked." He groaned and shook his head, almost feeling loose traces of the Warp slipping away. "S-s-so. Wh-what do w-we d-d-do ab-bout th-that Owen g-guy?" He began to continue his trek up the wall as soon as his senses cleared.

Zen Master
2012-07-20, 03:24 PM
We are in combat rounds people. I need Stig to post as well, before you two do any more =)

Talking is free tho, but still - only so much conversation in a single round.

2012-07-20, 05:42 PM
Alrighty then. Personally, I say we step inside and close the door. Hopefully he wouldn't check. But hey, combat time.

"Covering the hallway."

Stig squats and leans around the doorway, weapon pointed down the hall, waiting for "Owen" to appear.

So, he's positioned himself on inside the room and is leaning around the doorframe. There's no target yet, so I can't say... well, I'll try. Can I take a half action and have him "Aim" down the hall? I don't know it that would add any bonuses or not. You're call GM. And that's all for me.

Zen Master
2012-07-21, 04:09 AM
Initiative order:

Wormwood: 13
Stig: 13
Delta: 4 (I rolled for you manually, since your dice roller code seems incorrect)

Thinking to cover the corridor, Stig takes a step inside the door.

There is a soft 'boop!' sound, and a red light winks on beside the inside doorframe. Just before Stig has time to turn his back on it, the single crate with warning stickers - strategically placed right in the cone of light - pops with an explosive 'whumf!'. The top flies off, and the four sides unfold onto the floor. Inside the box itself is a profusion of tech - scanners scan, targeters target, weapons draw beads and open fire. On each of the four sides now on the floor are three crawly little metal bugs - spider bots. Though small, they have a look of menace to them.

They have only on target. All twelve launch themselves (jump, as it were) at Stig.

Please wait in suspense a moment as I manually roll all their many attacks.

12 spider bots jump at Stig. Of those, 7 hit. Of the 7, 3 slip off, not managing to get a grip - another four attach themselves to various bits of clothing.

Seven stingers glow an electric blue, before diving for poor Stigs soft, defenceless flesh. With little zaps of directly applied electricity, they seek to sap the big mans strength.

Three attacks penetrate. I take the liberty of rolling the required toughness tests vs toughness 42.


Each failed roll means one point of fatigue damage. Since one of the attacks was a crit, Stig also takes a single wound. Thus are the blessings of (technically) non-lethal weapons.

Meanwhile, with four spider bots on Stig, 8 are on the floor. 3 Land on their feet, while 5 land belly-up, and need a round to right themselves.

Uh - and just in case you were wondering: Yea, I figured this was surprise, so ... now you all get to react =)

2012-07-21, 08:51 AM
"Stig! F-****ing spiders!" The second Wormwood could focus, he drew a grenade, took aim, and hurled it into the mess of spider bots before moving up the wall.

Actions! GRENADE. Man I sure hope those spiders are far enough away. If they aren't at least 4 meters away, well...pretend Wormwood tossed it a bit behind them. Anyway, I dunno all the bonuses/penalties I would get for chucking this thing, so I'm just gonna go ahead and roll.
To hit: [roll0] (base 42, but aim gives +10)
Damage (in case it hits): [roll1]

Oh and my half action was to aim, which I think you can do with grenades.

2012-07-21, 08:52 AM

Quickdraw Shotgun
Attack mechospiders not on Stig(move to side if need be): BS (36) [roll0]

2012-07-21, 08:53 AM
Forgot to roll damage


2012-07-21, 03:42 PM
Stig remembers what his sergeant once told him when asked what to do if set on fire.

Son, if you ever manage to get your ass lit on fire there are three things you do and one thing that if you do will get you shot. The three things are stop, drop and then roll. The thing that will get you shot is screaming. Screaming is for the weak and infirm. And I will not have either in this outfit.

While spider bots don't count as fire, Stig figures it'll work just as well.

Hence, he drops and rolls, headed for the door.

Not sure what rolls apply here, so that's all for me.

Zen Master
2012-07-22, 04:09 AM
Interesting - grenadery.

Round one, results:

Here is what might have been if Wormwood hadn't forgot the subtle implications of Warp Burn.

Wormwood decides to go all-in, dropping the bomb (quite literally) on the spider bots. His throw is accurate - the grenade scatters a bit, but nothing to affect the result. I rolled Righteous Fury and 20 damage to the small robotic pests. They, as well as the box they came from, are torn to bits and scattered about the room.

What actually happens is that, mind numb and fingers fumbling, knowing he should act, he tries to retrieve a grenade, but fails.

With the ring of his old drill instructor ringing in his ears, Stig drops to the ground and rolls over the small crawlies clinging to him. I've rolled agi to hit, with the same bonus I gave the bots for being ... like, attached. I can report that with a crumble of small bits of plasteel and sharp wince from Stig, they are crushed and imbedded in his fleshy parts.

Delta-Rho brings his weapon about, draws a bead and fires. The math is 36 WS, +30 for point blank, +10 for aim (because you aim with SS weapons, right?), meaning 4 hits. The spiderbots, while annoying, are hardly robust, and all four are blown to tiny bits.

Six bots remain, and right themselves, ready for more mischief.

Further down the corridor, there is a ping and the sound of servos, as the elevator starts it's way up.

EDIT: Five bots remain, dammit. Also, for the time being, Stig, please remember that fatigued equals -10% on all tests =)

2012-07-22, 06:34 AM
His random thoughts yet blocked his progress! Wormwood smacked his head against the wall. Before he grabbed a grenade again, he tried to clear his head as best he could. He really wanted stuff to go boom.

Wormwood is going to grenade something. And if the spiders all die, Owen may be getting a pineapple surprise.

2012-07-22, 10:35 AM

Give Owen the Surprise - Chunky Salsa is better in a Elevator
Thing thing as another shot (I need a Combat Shotgun or at least a Pump Action)

+++Elevator in action, we are going to have more company soonish+++

New Action

Shoot second barrel at rest of mechobugs where possible
BS (36) +10 (Aim) +30 PB [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Gah, that is why the Addition of boni is best done after the roll as if you do it before it jips you

2012-07-22, 01:00 PM
Stig comes out of his roll, aims and lets loose a single blast at one of the bots.

Well then. Stig ceases his rolling and aims as a half action, then fires as his other. Rolling hit and damage. Hit is -10 for fatigue but +10 for aiming so it all balances out to a 50. So, 50 or less

Hit: [roll0]

And so much for that. Oh well.

Zen Master
2012-07-22, 02:23 PM
Stig comes out of his roll, aims and lets loose a single blast at one of the bots.

Well then. Stig ceases his rolling and aims as a half action, then fires as his other. Rolling hit and damage. Hit is -10 for fatigue but +10 for aiming so it all balances out to a 50. So, 50 or less

Hit: [roll0]

And so much for that. Oh well.

Before we officially open the second round of combat, might I point out that you are in point blank range of several targets, and equipped with a burst fire capable weapon?

You may have a -10 penalty ... but you have +40 worth of bonuses. Or +30 total.

2012-07-22, 03:06 PM
Before we officially open the second round of combat, might I point out that you are in point blank range of several targets, and equipped with a burst fire capable weapon?

You may have a -10 penalty ... but you have +40 worth of bonuses. Or +30 total.

If you insist.
Hokay. So. Seeing as how the resident glorious overlord has added some previously unknown information (to me), I'll rework that set of actions. Many thanks boss man!

So, burst is a full action that grants an extra hit for every degree of success and adds a +10 to hit. Point blank is another +30 for a total of 40+. So with the -10 for fatigue thats a +30 bonus making for the previous roll of 62 a valid hit, as I needed an 80 or below. With 2 degree of success, that gives me two more hits. Damage for those is as follows:
Hit 2: [roll0]
Hit 3: [roll1]

Wow. That was a lot of work for pulling the trigger three times.
I guess each shot was at a separate target.

Zen Master
2012-07-24, 02:53 PM
My apologies for slow updates.

Do we have all actions going into round two? I think we do - Mr. Wormwood being confined presently to the twisted corridors and warped rooms of his own tortured mind.

So, Round Two (DING!):

Stig - lying on his back, with bits of spider protruding from him in a manner that looks painful and uncomfortable - raises his rifle and fires a burst of deadly photons at the spiderbots. The rapid whiplash sound of laser pulses signals the instant cooking, melting, combustion and/or explodification of three of the little beasts.

Delta-Rho, on the other hand, struggles with the machine spirit of his trusty scatter gun, avoiding a misfire, but meanwhile missing the targets entirely. Shot dings, zings and zooms around the room as it ricochets off various paraphernalia.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the ship and unknown to all (except those who read this little bit of trivia), Owen waits for the elevator to ascend. He taps his foot, and whistles a little tune. Bulkheads are think on military vessels, and with the engine idling, lifesupport humming and what not, what little noise he hears he discounts as the bones of the ship settling a bit.

He checks his chronomat - synchronized not to the shipboard standard, but rather to that of his home on Sepheris - and recalls that he must also run diagnostics on the starboard void stabilizer fin.

And after this exciting interlude:

The last two spiderbots lunge once more after our friend Stig. Both hit, but only one of the little automated pests manage to penetrate his armor.

Stig now has three points of fatigue. One more, and it will be time to draw lots whether Delta or Wormwood get to drag the big mans' unconcious body through the remaining combat =)

2012-07-24, 03:08 PM
Wormwood's actions: DERP


2012-07-24, 03:35 PM
Cursing like only a Guardsman can, Stig drops his lasgun, grabs both bots, and proceeds to slam them into the floor. Repeatedly.

I have absolutely no idea what kind of rolls would go into this. So, that's my turn.
GM, its all yours.

Zen Master
2012-07-25, 02:10 PM
Cursing like only a Guardsman can, Stig drops his lasgun, grabs both bots, and proceeds to slam them into the floor. Repeatedly.

I have absolutely no idea what kind of rolls would go into this. So, that's my turn.
GM, its all yours.

With a dangerous gleam in his eyes, Stig yanks the two diminutive bots off him, and repeatedly dashes them against the floor:

'WILL ...'
'YOU ...'
'STOP ...'
*tinkle - pling*
'bloody ... damnable ... spider things!'

The valiant brigade of the Secure-Tech Annoyo-Matic SpiderBots has met it's doom, ground down to tiny flecks of once shiny tech. Somewhata shakily, the big guardsman regains his feet and retrieves his weapon.


How I decided success or failure in this: I rolled a simple attack roll using the lasgun, assertained that Stig could easily have dispatched the spiders anyways, and let flavor trump mechanics.

I hope I hit the approximate mood of Stig towards this little security measure =)

Delta-Rho, being last in the round, still has his action to take. Then, it will be time for another exciting episode in the life of Owen (Airlock Eyes-On Man).

2012-07-25, 03:35 PM
I had a Perils of the Warp, so I gain a Corruption point, right?

Zen Master
2012-07-25, 04:40 PM
I had a Perils of the Warp, so I gain a Corruption point, right?

Oh - uh ... attention to detail. I heard of details once, decided they were pesky little creatures, and that I wanted no truck with them. Like spiders. Or um, smurfs or something.

Yes, you gain a corruption point. Thus tainted is your soul by exposure to the swirling and limitless sea of madness that lurks beyond that thin, leaky and insubstantial border of dimension.

Grats - if it's your first =)

2012-07-25, 11:27 PM
At the destruction of the bots Nixios will take up a position to the side of the door frame (for cover) with Lascarbine out and aim at the Elevator door ready for it to open

Zen Master
2012-07-26, 04:20 AM
Round three, then:

At the start of the round, you hear the elevator servos stop. You must assume that somewhere above, Owen is entering.

Wormwood holds his head and mutters what could be prayers or curses - or both.

Stig still suffers from fatigue. Fatigue fades at a rate of 1 point pr. hour of no combat actions.

Hey - there are more doors! =)

2012-07-26, 07:06 AM
+++Do we engage this hostile or move away?+++

Musing that if its this location he is heading to then we could avoided him but we need to keep knowledge of our shuttle hidden

Zen Master
2012-07-26, 09:21 AM
By turning your heads you can confirm that Storage Bay Echo (or whatever it was I named it before) is the one you guys came from.

It would be possible to close the airlock, thus effectively hiding the shuttle - Owen is, after all, unlikely to open it and peer out, to see if anything is out there. I can inform you that there is no window in the hatch.

Just informing you of stuff that I figure you'd know from simple observation.

2012-07-26, 10:19 AM
"The longer *grunt* we stay unnoticed *groan* the better. I'll head for the door. Rho, I think I'll need help closing it."

Stig, despite feeling like he had stuck his fork in an electrical socket (and he was not discussing HOW he knew that feeling), heads for hatch. He only runs into one door on the way.

Spending the turn moving to the door and grabbing a handle. That's all.

2012-07-26, 10:50 AM
I think Wormwood still has at least one more turn of further derp.

2012-07-26, 11:14 AM

Nixios will pick wormwood up and drag him out of direct sight before following Stig to shut the door

+++We will be back shortly Wormwood+++

Zen Master
2012-07-28, 04:43 AM
From down the corridor, you hear the elevator begin it's ascent.

You get the airlock closed without incident. Depending on how thorough Owen is, and how tech-savvy, he could use the control panel to discover that someone is outside. It does require a tech-use roll, however, and most people simply don't have the skill.

If you want to hide, where would you go?

2012-07-28, 04:51 PM
"Quickly. To the other room. Find a box and hide behind it. Or in it."

Stig moves back down the hallway and into the room which contained the spiders. As quickly as possible, he grabs all the large spider pieces and tosses them back into the box from which they erupted.

"Rho! Get the door!"

He then grabs Wormwood and drags him into the darkest part of the far side of the room.

And thats all for me.

2012-07-28, 04:53 PM
Wormwood mutters incoherently. Herpaderp.

Zen Master
2012-07-29, 06:39 AM
Ok - leaving combat rounds for now.

Your actions, such as I understand them to be. Lemme know if there is anything else you want to do.

Delta-Rho goes back to storage E, and closes the airlock. Everyone then proceeds into room you cleared of spiderbots, close the door behind you, and finds a place to hide. Stig makes the effort to clean up the spiders and close the box as best possible.

I assume someone has some sort of light source. The room you're in contains, as previously mentioned, various supplies. It's a longish room, maybe 20 feet by 70. In the north end of the room - towards the engine room and away from storage E where you entered - are a row of large, sarcophagus-like affairs: Large coffinlike affairs with a tangle of tubes attached and numerous dials, guages and read-outs. There are four of these. One is currently open and clearly off-line.

Outside the room, you can vaguely hear the elevator reaching the bottom. It's doors open, and whistling is heard. Between whistling, Owen takes the time to mumble a bit to himself - what, you cannot hear through the door.

2012-07-29, 09:41 AM
If Wormwood wakes up from his Chaos stupor, he'll prolly catch the seriousness of the situation and stay hidden. Otherwise, he'll drool or something.

2012-07-29, 11:15 AM
Nixios will be in what ever darkest corner he can find behind something

Zen Master
2012-07-29, 11:32 AM
Alright then.

Safely hidden within Storage D, you listen to Owen walking unseen past the door, into Storage E. He whistles, he mumbles, he checks the airlock is in fact not open right out into open space, and there is no sound of atmosphere escaping.

At this point you may roll perception.

Then, he moves back towards the elevator, closing Storage E behind him.

2012-07-29, 11:34 AM

Awareness ftw. Base skill is 41, I dunno what other modifiers there are.


2012-07-29, 02:21 PM
Perception 36 [roll0]

2012-07-29, 02:48 PM
So Knives is going to be away for most of the day. He's going to let me roll that Perception check. Stig's actions are to hide patiently along with the rest of us.

Stig's base perception is 31.

Zen Master
2012-07-29, 04:06 PM
What you hear, respectively:


Inner monologue: Once we get back somewhere civilized (not too civilized though - eww), I need to get my hands on one of them Cadence Arms boltguns. Those are sweet. Hm, I wonder what became of ol' Evy from back home - that girl had some of the best ... oh, hey, what is this box anyways? Oohh, parachutes. Might come in handy

... and so on =)


Mumble-mumble looks fine mumble mumble say, old girl, where's your mumble mumble. Whistle-mumble-whistle.


You hear Owens footsteps down the corridor. Under his breath - in between whistles - he wonders 'dang it, why's it always me gets sent on these errands.

He enters Storage E, and you hear 'well, this looks fine. No breach, no nothing.' As he turns to leave, you hear him pause, then 'say, old girl, where's your weapons gone, eh? Mebbe off for repairs or refit?'

Then you hear him leave, close up the storage room, and proceed to ride the elevator back up.

Where ya wanna go next?

2012-07-29, 04:13 PM
Wormwood struggles to get up, still woozy from his mental malfunction.

"I th-think we're g-good," he says after the elevator leaves. He walks over to the open sarcophogi. "Wh-what's th-this?"

I know Wall Walk is on, but after the 10 turn limit comes up for sustaining powers, I'mma just let it go. Fat lot of good it did.

2012-07-29, 07:08 PM
We all in the same room?

2012-07-29, 08:39 PM
Stig, after *gifting* himself three of the parachutes, moves over to Wormwood, lasgun still held in hand, but no longer with finger on trigger.

Stig will never turn down free useful stuff. Parachutes are definitely useful.

Zen Master
2012-07-30, 03:59 AM
We all in the same room?

By Stigs instruction, you all hid in Storage D - where the spiders were. The plan made sense to me, so I didn't question it overmuch =)

Wormwood struggles to get up, still woozy from his mental malfunction.

"I th-think we're g-good," he says after the elevator leaves. He walks over to the open sarcophogi. "Wh-what's th-this?"

I know Wall Walk is on, but after the 10 turn limit comes up for sustaining powers, I'mma just let it go. Fat lot of good it did.

As noted, there are four sarcophagi. One is open and empty, clean of whatever horribly viscous fluids it would have contained. Numerous tubes - one can only horribly imagine the orifices they whould have connected to - fill the cradle, which itself is clearly manshaped.

You look from the open one to the next one over. Inside you see a very large human male. With a half-mask covering the lower part of his face, you only take note of the low brow and beetling eyes - however, staring for a moment at this, you figure: This could be Big Lug. Checking the remaining two caskets, you find yey another two Big Lugs. However, upon closer inspection, these guys are slight variations over the theme - Big Lugs, but not quite identical to Big Lug.

2012-07-30, 06:18 AM
Ok i was unsure so i thought it best to check

Nixios will examine the pods

Tech Use +10 (INT 40) [roll0]
Common Lore (Tech) (INT 40) [roll1]

2012-07-30, 06:37 AM
Wormwood points at the Big Lugs.

"Th-th-that c-can't be right. I k-k-killed him," he mumbles quietly. He raises his head and speaks up. "Th-these guys m-m-might have someth...thing to d-do with F-felicia and Antoun's d-deaths. And. Y-you know. Us."

Well, huh. I'd love to blow these up, but that'd prolly get us spotted. I'd also like to cut their power. That would also get the ship's attention, most likely. So. What do?

Zen Master
2012-07-30, 08:15 AM
Ok i was unsure so i thought it best to check

Nixios will examine the pods

Tech Use +10 (INT 40) [roll0]
Common Lore (Tech) (INT 40) [roll1]

Examination reveals:

These are clearly some sort of cryo-devices. Highly interesting to you in light of your specialization in biomancy. The cryo-sarcaphogi themselves are known tech - though in an unusual configuration - however, the Big Lugs are an entirely different matter.

This is your first time up close with a specimen, and these guys are greatly enhanced. Bone structure and muscle tissue are clearly super human, the skin looks to be extremely tough, and if you had to guess, you go so far as to expect organ redundancy as well.

Furthermore, their genitals are clearly shrunken and most likely of no use for reproductive purposes.

On top of all their enhancements, you would guess at a much reduced intelligence.

All this, btw, from a failed tech use test, and a succesful common lore test.

Wormwood points at the Big Lugs.

"Th-th-that c-can't be right. I k-k-killed him," he mumbles quietly. He raises his head and speaks up. "Th-these guys m-m-might have someth...thing to d-do with F-felicia and Antoun's d-deaths. And. Y-you know. Us."

Well, huh. I'd love to blow these up, but that'd prolly get us spotted. I'd also like to cut their power. That would also get the ship's attention, most likely. So. What do?


Felidae. The nice assasin-lady's name was Felidae.

2012-07-30, 08:20 AM

2012-07-30, 12:33 PM
"As if one was not enough. Shoot 'em?"

There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by proper application of bullets. At least as far as Stig is concerned.

2012-07-30, 04:21 PM
"As if one was not enough. Shoot 'em?"

Wormwood shook his head. "W-w-we c-could be d-det-tected..."

2012-07-30, 07:49 PM
Wormwood shook his head. "W-w-we c-could be d-det-tected..."

Looking at both Wormwood and Rho, Stig queries:
"Thoughts? Options?"

2012-07-30, 07:54 PM
Looking at both Wormwood and Rho, Stig queries:
"Thoughts? Options?"

Wormwood believes we should finding some place for Rho to hack would be best. That said, maybe we could overload these things and make it look like an accident,

Zen Master
2012-07-31, 08:23 AM
"As if one was not enough. Shoot 'em?"

There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by proper application of bullets. At least as far as Stig is concerned.

Wormwood shook his head. "W-w-we c-could be d-det-tected..."

Wormwood believes we should finding some place for Rho to hack would be best. That said, maybe we could overload these things and make it look like an accident,

The proper application of bullets could work - but these guys are frozen in their cryo tubes, and Delta-Rho can inform you that without a proper, controlled and assisted thaw, they are basically dead the instant the machines are turned off.

Whether turning them off will prompt some reaction from the captains lightshow in the cockpit is another matter - you really have no way of knowing.

As to detection, Delta already discharged a shotgun, and no one heard. Bulkheads (especially on military vessels) are thick, and sound doesn't travel far.

Now, the elevator shaft is entirely another matter.

2012-07-31, 09:02 AM
"Rho, w-we sh-should find where th-th-they st...store inform-m-m-m-m...info. W-we came to f-find evidence. M-maybe w-we should focus on th-the mission."

That being said, Wormwood enters a discussion with Rho on if there's any way possible to make these short circuit and kill the occupants, while making it look like an accident.

"If w-we play our c-c-card r-right, we c-can m-make them think th-th-this is all a p-problem with the elec...elec...electrical s-systems."

Is there any test you could do to see if there's a way to make it look like a technical accident, Rho? I want these bastards dead 5 minutes ago.

2012-07-31, 11:11 AM
"Rho, w-we sh-should find where th-th-they st...store inform-m-m-m-m...info. W-we came to f-find evidence. M-maybe w-we should focus on th-the mission."

That being said, Wormwood enters a discussion with Rho on if there's any way possible to make these short circuit and kill the occupants, while making it look like an accident.

"If w-we play our c-c-card r-right, we c-can m-make them think th-th-this is all a p-problem with the elec...elec...electrical s-systems."

Is there any test you could do to see if there's a way to make it look like a technical accident, Rho? I want these bastards dead 5 minutes ago.

"I have little knowledge in this area. I'll stand guard till you need me."

Stig moves around the room, searching through various boxes and seeing what is to be found.

Don't know if there's anything to find, but I'll roll perception just in case. Need a 31 or lower.

2012-07-31, 01:09 PM
+++I will see about it after i get a good log of them in my files+++

Need to acquire a Pict recorder...

Do the cables from the pods lead to any particular terminal or port?

Zen Master
2012-08-01, 04:41 AM
"I have little knowledge in this area. I'll stand guard till you need me."

Stig moves around the room, searching through various boxes and seeing what is to be found.

Don't know if there's anything to find, but I'll roll perception just in case. Need a 31 or lower.

It's actually Stig's idle prodding about, looking for loot that isn't nailed down, that leads him to the wall socket, to which the cryo tubes are connected.

Being a reasonably practical sort of guy, he wonders: "Say - ya think we could simply yank out them sarco-thingies?"

+++I will see about it after i get a good log of them in my files+++

Need to acquire a Pict recorder...

Do the cables from the pods lead to any particular terminal or port?

The cryo tubes appear to be self-contained and not connected to the shipboard data systems.

2012-08-01, 08:13 AM
+++I cant see any links to the rest of the ship concerning data or systems aside from the power for cryo. Do it but let us be prepared in case there is a fail safe on the bridge+++

2012-08-01, 08:29 AM
Wormwood shrugs and moves to unplug the cryo thingies.

Zen Master
2012-08-01, 08:37 AM
The lights on the control panels of the three active cryo sarcaphogi wink out, and the soft whirring of fans subsides. Nothing else happens.

Then ....!

Nothing continues to happen.

For reference, there are three more storage rooms, the engineering room, and a lift and stairs to the other decks of the ship.

2012-08-01, 08:41 AM
Wormwood is going to look through another storage area.

Before he leaves, he looks at the cryo tubes once more.

"If w-we plug th-th-them b-back in, will they rean-n-nimate? Th-the less evidence we l-l-leave that we've b-been here, the b-b-better."

I don't remember where all the doors are, so I'll just randomly pick one.

2012-08-01, 09:21 AM
+++They shouldn't but we can let them thaw for a little while until we are ready to if you want+++

Zen Master
2012-08-01, 10:44 AM
Wormwood is going to look through another storage area.

Before he leaves, he looks at the cryo tubes once more.

"If w-we plug th-th-them b-back in, will they rean-n-nimate? Th-the less evidence we l-l-leave that we've b-been here, the b-b-better."

I don't remember where all the doors are, so I'll just randomly pick one.

The corridor stretches the length of the ship, with Storage E (your point of entry) at one end, storage C and D (where you fought the spiders) closest to E. Then the elevator area, where the corridor also widens (to make space for lifting machinery for loading and off-loading), then Storage A and B at the opposite end of the corridor, and finally Engineering.

Unless you feel otherwise, I assume you enter Storage C?

2012-08-01, 01:06 PM
The corridor stretches the length of the ship, with Storage E (your point of entry) at one end, storage C and D (where you fought the spiders) closest to E. Then the elevator area, where the corridor also widens (to make space for lifting machinery for loading and off-loading), then Storage A and B at the opposite end of the corridor, and finally Engineering.

Unless you feel otherwise, I assume you enter Storage C?

C it is. Wormwood's gonna go for that. Knives says Stig will follow me, although I imagine he'd do that anyway.

Zen Master
2012-08-01, 02:11 PM
Wormwood opens the door to Storage C. From the corridor, a cone of light falls into the dark room. Centeret in the light is a box with yellow markings and warning stickers.

The room is largely empty except for some sort of workbenches, various (possibly advanced) machinery, and against the far wall, four large, manshaped upright hulks.


2012-08-01, 02:56 PM
Chucking a grenade at that box with warning labels on it. No more bloody spiders.

Wormwood also lets Rho know about complicated looking machinery and those slightly worrisome hulks.

Rolling against BS, base is 42. I suppose I could also bother to aim, so +10 at least.


2012-08-01, 03:31 PM
Seeing Wormwood tossing around high explosives like they were candy sets Stig a little on edge. He grabs the man and drags him from the doorway and closes the door.

And prays. Lots of praying for prevention of hull breaches.

2012-08-01, 03:34 PM
Nixios will recouple the cryo cable before he leaves - +++Power failure it will be deemed as+++

Reload Shotgun and move to join others in next room (need a Ironclaw)

Zen Master
2012-08-02, 07:45 AM
Chucking a grenade at that box with warning labels on it. No more bloody spiders.

Wormwood also lets Rho know about complicated looking machinery and those slightly worrisome hulks.

Rolling against BS, base is 42. I suppose I could also bother to aim, so +10 at least.


Wormwood, full of un-fulfilled grenady urges, lobs a frag at the box. He sees to his satisfaction that it flies at a highly satisfying trajectory towards it's target, then ...

Seeing Wormwood tossing around high explosives like they were candy sets Stig a little on edge. He grabs the man and drags him from the doorway and closes the door.

And prays. Lots of praying for prevention of hull breaches.

... Stig grabs the smaller man by the shoulders and lifts him bodily from the doorway, closing it and leaning against it. 'Darn it Worms,' he growls, 'beyond those walls is nothing but the void!'

With a giant *CRUMPH!* the grenade goes off. No scream of escaping atmosphere is heard. However, grenades are MUCH louder than shotguns and lasguns.

Nixios will recouple the cryo cable before he leaves - +++Power failure it will be deemed as+++

Reload Shotgun and move to join others in next room (need a Ironclaw)


So ... should I expect you to inspect the resently derelicted room, and inform you what you detect?

2012-08-02, 09:26 AM
+++What did you do!+++

2012-08-02, 01:06 PM
+++What did you do!+++

"F-f-found more sp-spiders. S-sent them t-t-to the Warp. Or w-wherever they g-g-go."

With that said, Wormwood lightly pries Stig off of him and returns to inspect the room.

Oh, Emperor, I hope the bulkheads held most of that sound.

Zen Master
2012-08-02, 03:32 PM
"F-f-found more sp-spiders. S-sent them t-t-to the Warp. Or w-wherever they g-g-go."

With that said, Wormwood lightly pries Stig off of him and returns to inspect the room.

Oh, Emperor, I hope the bulkheads held most of that sound.

Ceiling mounted cranes are overhead - various appendages dangle from them, clearly intended not only for lifting. They are mounted with an array of tools, as if they should assemble or dismantle something.

Along the wall to your left are what appear to be four arcane pieces of machinery, upon each of which is mounted some sort of armored, square-ish block-thing. A symbol of some sort adorns each machine.

To your right are shelves with part - stuff you figure is hydraulics, armor plating, gears and other such tech-arcanery beyond your ken.

Along the last wall, opposite the doorway, are what you can only guess to be four huge suits of powered armor. Mentally sizing the suits up for the Big Lugs, you figure it would be a match.

In the center of the room are four platforms, upon which you imagine the Big Lugs would stand to be armored up.

To your right, beside the door through which you entered, are what you can only describe as really huge friggin shootas.


You were on a black ship. That is an arbites vessel, and you've seen stuff like this before. Or, similar, at least. What occurs to you, looking at this, is 'wow - this is kinda like the gear that the space marines uses ....'


Frankly, rather than feed you info, I'd like to hear your own thoughts on what you've found so far. Then I'll provide additional info as required.


This could be Stig's worst nightmare. Power armor! Bolters! Huge stacks of ammo!

And all of it sizes bigger than anything he could ever hope to use himself. Inside, he despairingly wails 'WHY, EMPRAH, WHY-YYYY!?!?!'


2012-08-02, 06:09 PM
Ceiling mounted cranes are overhead - various appendages dangle from them, clearly intended not only for lifting. They are mounted with an array of tools, as if they should assemble or dismantle something.

Along the wall to your left are what appear to be four arcane pieces of machinery, upon each of which is mounted some sort of armored, square-ish block-thing. A symbol of some sort adorns each machine.

To your right are shelves with part - stuff you figure is hydraulics, armor plating, gears and other such tech-arcanery beyond your ken.

Along the last wall, opposite the doorway, are what you can only guess to be four huge suits of powered armor. Mentally sizing the suits up for the Big Lugs, you figure it would be a match.

In the center of the room are four platforms, upon which you imagine the Big Lugs would stand to be armored up.

To your right, beside the door through which you entered, are what you can only describe as really huge friggin shootas.

Can i dismount it all and load into the shuttle as it will save a lot of time and money in the future if i nick it now and don't have to acquire it another way

+++Oh my Omnissah+++

Tech Use +10 (40 Int) [roll0]
Common Lore: Tech (40 Int) [roll1]
Common Lore: Mechanicus (40 Int) [roll2]
Some Logic to bind it all together (40 Int) [roll3]

+++This is quite the set up - some of this is rather proscribed equipment for a non Adeptus organization+++

Zen Master
2012-08-03, 05:35 AM
Can i dismount it all and load into the shuttle as it will save a lot of time and money in the future if i nick it now and don't have to acquire it another way

+++Oh my Omnissah+++

Tech Use +10 (40 Int) [roll0]
Common Lore: Tech (40 Int) [roll1]
Common Lore: Mechanicus (40 Int) [roll2]
Some Logic to bind it all together (40 Int) [roll3]

+++This is quite the set up - some of this is rather proscribed equipment for a non Adeptus organization+++

A string of remarkably good rolls there.


To make a long story short: Biomancy enhanced soldiers with heavy-duty power armor and boltguns. Yes, someone is making an attempt at making their own 'space marines'. You have serious doubts the Big Lugs are quite a match for the real deal, but against the average imperial guardsman, these guys would be horrifying.

And just to be clear: Wrack your mind as you may, you are challenged to find a more heinous tech-heresy than this.

Now. You go over the suits of power armor, and this is what you find: These suits are clearly inspired by, and based on, space marine power armor. However, as far as you can tell, these suits are based on Mk.IV power armor, the type prevalent in the Great Crusades at the time when the Calixis sector was first conquered and colonized.

(bear with me ifme lore is only partial in this area)

Outwardly, the suits to not greatly resemble space marine armor, but their inner workings and technical adaptations clearly indicate to you that such is their origin.

About the machinery in the room: It simply wont fit in your small shuttle.

I should maybe add that - while I'm not about to tell you what your character wants out of life - having a Big Lug to dissect might be just up your biomancy alley.

2012-08-03, 06:06 AM
++++++Home Brand Marines - far from the real deal but still a nasty thing to fight, see if we can find a trolley...

2012-08-03, 09:21 PM
"Rho, are these bolters Astartes issue? Are the shells? If so, could you identify their source of production? Might give us a clue as to where these heretics have acquired such gear?"

Oh Stig wants one so badly. However, even owning such a weapon is heresy of the highest order should they be true Astartes weapons.

That said, there is nothing wrong with... admiring, such beautiful pieces of destructive machinery.

Nothing at all.

Zen Master
2012-08-04, 11:12 AM
++++++Home Brand Marines - far from the real deal but still a nasty thing to fight, see if we can find a trolley...

There are various devices for transportation about - from trolleys to powerlifters.

"Rho, are these bolters Astartes issue? Are the shells? If so, could you identify their source of production? Might give us a clue as to where these heretics have acquired such gear?"

Oh Stig wants one so badly. However, even owning such a weapon is heresy of the highest order should they be true Astartes weapons.

That said, there is nothing wrong with... admiring, such beautiful pieces of destructive machinery.

Nothing at all.

The bolters and ammo are definitely not astartes issue. Just like the power suits, however, they reasonably closely resemble patterns that were common issue (as common as astartes weapons ever were) at the time of the crusades. Recent adaptions of old designs, descendants from common ancestors that have followed another course of evolution.

All astartes issue weapons and ammo are imprinted with the imperial aquila. In the same spot is instead a sigil of an eye within a gear.

2012-08-04, 01:22 PM
+++How much evidence do we need because i am finding the extent of this setup worrying and in need of bumping up the ladder - we will a sample of the shells and weapons and one of the cryo chambers in the other room, i think a suit of armour is a bit cumbersome to bother with+++

Zen Master
2012-08-04, 04:25 PM
Allow me to interject, that - in principle I agree, the amount of illegal tech on this ship is pretty damning.

However, you came here for specific information. Something you haven't found yet.

Now, there are certainly actions open to you. For one thing, it is within the realm of reason that Maldanis would confiscate this ship, based on the information you have now.

However ..... it is a ship. It might decide to do the ship-like thing, and move off.

Stay, risk discovery, death and other inconveniences.

Go, and risk losing all the goodies you came for.


2012-08-04, 06:12 PM
+++At the very least we should store this evidence in the shuttle before progressing to far +++

2012-08-04, 06:36 PM
"Th-th-then get a sample. I suggest acc-c-companying Rho to m-m-maybe j-jigger some sort of m-m-makeshift b-bomb - I still have g-g-grenades - to k-k-kill the eng-g-gines. Then sh-shoot a call to M-maldanis and m-maybe stow aw-w-way in the ship t-t-til he g-gets here."

He pauses. "Th-th-that's risky, th-though. A...alternatives?"

2012-08-04, 09:20 PM
"Perhaps we could split. Rho could take the shuttle back while Wormwood and I cause havoc? Whatever our choice would be, I suggest moving all evidence to the shuttle door, but not into the shuttle yet. Don't want to set off another alarm.


Rho, is there a way that you could deactivate the sensor for that door? That would allow us to move things onto the shuttle without drawing attention to ourselves."

Stig is always one for dastardly plots. Especially if they involve explosions.

Zen Master
2012-08-05, 04:48 AM
As a matter of general interest: Do you guys remember exactly what you're here for?

There are various ways in which you can go about this. Anything from stealth over subterfuge (is that the proper word for pulling the wool over their eyes and cheating them blind?) to full blown assault. Each poses it's own risks and benefits.

You need not decide yet precisely what the grand strategy is. But for each grenade tossed, for instance, the chances of a succesful stealth raid lessens =)

This will remain true until the day the tech-priests of Mars re-invent the lost secret of the Silenced Frag Grenade, lost since the Dark Age of Technology!

2012-08-05, 07:17 AM
As a matter of general interest: Do you guys remember exactly what you're here for?

If I recall correctly, evidence to implicate Duncan and deGrassi of doing naughties to their customers. Like murder them/leave them to die on planets. Like any true disciples of the Emprah, however, we are easily distracted. Also, I wouldn't think psykers have the best common sense, especially where grenades are involved.

Wormwood will just yoink a shell for evidence's sake and suggest we move to another level, possibly where Rho can hack into a mainframe.

Or we could find someone to interrogate. Let's just keep moving. Next level, anyone?

2012-08-05, 12:09 PM
+++Stig is correct, we need to prepare everything near the shuttle rather than open the door again and risk discovery - I could try to over ride the sensor but im not sure i could do it without setting it off again +++

2012-08-05, 08:17 PM
If I recall correctly, evidence to implicate Duncan and deGrassi of doing naughties to their customers. Like murder them/leave them to die on planets. Like any true disciples of the Emprah, however, we are easily distracted. Also, I wouldn't think psykers have the best common sense, especially where grenades are involved.

Wormwood will just yoink a shell for evidence's sake and suggest we move to another level, possibly where Rho can hack into a mainframe.

Or we could find someone to interrogate. Let's just keep moving. Next level, anyone?

Post moving stuff, I'm down for the elevator. Maybe to floor seven? Guns, tools, keys to super weapons...

Zen Master
2012-08-06, 03:38 AM
If I recall correctly, evidence to implicate Duncan and deGrassi of doing naughties to their customers. Like murder them/leave them to die on planets. Like any true disciples of the Emprah, however, we are easily distracted. Also, I wouldn't think psykers have the best common sense, especially where grenades are involved.

Wormwood will just yoink a shell for evidence's sake and suggest we move to another level, possibly where Rho can hack into a mainframe.

Or we could find someone to interrogate. Let's just keep moving. Next level, anyone?

The evidence Mr. Draven suggested, specifically, was navigational data and passenger lists. Who goes where, who returns or does not. There may be much more than that, however - heretech homebrew space marines, for one thing. I wonder if there could be more ... nah, likely not.

+++Stig is correct, we need to prepare everything near the shuttle rather than open the door again and risk discovery - I could try to over ride the sensor but im not sure i could do it without setting it off again +++

You could certainly disable the sensor. But it's entirely likely that the only way to access it .... is to open the door. A clever techy would place the workings so that was the only way to get at them.

Post moving stuff, I'm down for the elevator. Maybe to floor seven? Guns, tools, keys to super weapons...

Reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Yrhv33Zb8

You move down the corridor to the main working area / access point. This is where the primary goods and utility airlock is - opening via a ramp in the floor. Two powerlifters stand by one wall, and various machinery stands about. You also note two articulated gunturrets, clearly intended to defend the ramp in case of attack.

Beyond this area lie the last two storage rooms, and the engineering section.

And the elevator is here. On both out- and inside of the elevator doors is a note reading thusly:


Dear fellow crewmen - and madam - I point your attention to the fact that, owing to our recent infestation of skeezers in the sinks, I have placed and activated spiderbots in all storage compartments.

In the hopes of avoiding what happened to Jurgen last time - can we please all try to remember to *simply reach inside the door, and deactivate them on the wall switch*?

Really guys, I really don't know why this would be so hard to remember.


There is also, of course, stairs. And a listing of the decks, as follows:

Deck A: Bridge, captains quarters, quest cabins, defensive arrays 1-2
Deck B: Crews lounge, guest lounge, crews cabins, defensive arrays 3-6
Deck C: Storage A-E, Engineering, automated deck defences
Subdeck: Sinks, engineering crawlspace (added in red marker: Stay out!)

Where to, gentlemen?

2012-08-06, 09:09 AM
The evidence Mr. Draven suggested, specifically, was navigational data and passenger lists. Who goes where, who returns or does not. There may be much more than that, however - heretech homebrew space marines, for one thing. I wonder if there could be more ... nah, likely not.

You could certainly disable the sensor. But it's entirely likely that the only way to access it .... is to open the door. A clever techy would place the workings so that was the only way to get at them.

Reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Yrhv33Zb8

You move down the corridor to the main working area / access point. This is where the primary goods and utility airlock is - opening via a ramp in the floor. Two powerlifters stand by one wall, and various machinery stands about. You also note two articulated gunturrets, clearly intended to defend the ramp in case of attack.

Beyond this area lie the last two storage rooms, and the engineering section.

And the elevator is here. On both out- and inside of the elevator doors is a note reading thusly:


Dear fellow crewmen - and madam - I point your attention to the fact that, owing to our recent infestation of skeezers in the sinks, I have placed and activated spiderbots in all storage compartments.

In the hopes of avoiding what happened to Jurgen last time - can we please all try to remember to *simply reach inside the door, and deactivate them on the wall switch*?

Really guys, I really don't know why this would be so hard to remember.


There is also, of course, stairs. And a listing of the decks, as follows:

Deck A: Bridge, captains quarters, quest cabins, defensive arrays 1-2
Deck B: Crews lounge, guest lounge, crews cabins, defensive arrays 3-6
Deck C: Storage A-E, Engineering, automated deck defences
Subdeck: Sinks, engineering crawlspace (added in red marker: Stay out!)

Where to, gentlemen?

I'd say either Deck A or Deck C. The latter might allow us to bypass the automated defenses... or turn them on the crew if needed. However, it would eat up time and make discovery much more likely.

Deck A would likely be the location of the information we seek, but Emperor knows who or what lurks within. Still, we'll have to go there eventually and it would make things faster.


Personally, I'd go with Deck A. Might as well get this over with.

@GMThe elevator comment was a Halo reference. Also, how long have we been on the ship time wise?

2012-08-06, 09:35 AM
Agreed. Wormwood believes we may as well get this over with. Besides, we take the bridge, we could possibly take the ship.

Unless Owen goes commando and takes the ship back via sabotaging engineering.

2012-08-06, 04:45 PM
+++I wonder what a Skeezer is+++

Nixios will have put the evidence in a easy to load spot near the airlock and join the other two

Zen Master
2012-08-07, 07:54 AM
+++I wonder what a Skeezer is+++

Nixios will have put the evidence in a easy to load spot near the airlock and join the other two

A skeezer? Well - discovery awaits! A short trip into the unlit, cramped crawl spaces below is all that stands between you and discovery. And the spiderbots, of course ... but, wait!

Agreed. Wormwood believes we may as well get this over with. Besides, we take the bridge, we could possibly take the ship.

Unless Owen goes commando and takes the ship back via sabotaging engineering.

Owen - Super Secret Commando Janitor Man.

I'd say either Deck A or Deck C. The latter might allow us to bypass the automated defenses... or turn them on the crew if needed. However, it would eat up time and make discovery much more likely.

Deck A would likely be the location of the information we seek, but Emperor knows who or what lurks within. Still, we'll have to go there eventually and it would make things faster.


Personally, I'd go with Deck A. Might as well get this over with.

@GMThe elevator comment was a Halo reference. Also, how long have we been on the ship time wise?

C happens to be the deck you're on. So on that note, A makes more sense. I should ask if you talk stairs or elevator?

2012-08-07, 12:25 PM
Stairs would be best. Nothing like getting trapped in an elevator. Also, as cool as Skeezer sounds (I keep thinking Skeever, friggin Skyrim), Wormwood thinks that if they needed a horde of spiderbots then they aren't worth it.

Also, Owen could most definitely be a

Owen - Super Secret Commando Janitor Man.

I mean, look at Wormwood.

2012-08-07, 02:02 PM
C happens to be the deck you're on. So on that note, A makes more sense. I should ask if you talk stairs or elevator?

Stig speaks to many things. However, he has yet to learn the ancient and revered language of the stairway. To his eternal shame.

So, Stig makes his way to the stairwell. Is deck A up, or down? Or is this one of those damn ships that does it from side to side?

Also, on janitors. Everyone knows they are in fact a clan of ninjas who have played a large part in their conquest of the world.

Zen Master
2012-08-08, 07:20 AM
Any sort of special considerations before you troop up the stairs? Marching order, tactics, what you watch out for - all that jazz?

Or shall I just .... let the dice decide what happens next?

2012-08-08, 07:21 AM
Poor Stig is exhausted. Mayhaps paranoid Wormwood should take point? I do have flashbang in case we run into someone.

2012-08-08, 11:01 AM
Nixios will go second with Shotgun ready

Zen Master
2012-08-09, 05:59 AM
You ascend the stairs. Your footsteps on the corrugated steel seems as loud as Delta-Rho's shotgun, and with each step you feel the crew must have heard. About halfway up, you all jump in chok at a loud noise - only to realise it's just the elevator starting. Whatever that might mean.

It is clear that the elevator is the primary means of going about the ship - the stairs are narrow to the point of being claustrophobic, and various pipes and cables criss-cross everywhere.

Finally, you reach the top. Utilizing equal parts common sense and tense caution, you listen at the door. Hearing nothing, you open it a crack and peer through. You find yourselves at one end of a short corridor.

Just to your right is a transparent glass door, with the instription:

Captains quarters
Guest quarters

Beyond the glass you the corridor sports five door, the one at the end open into what you surmise is the lounge. One of the doors is marked Captain Draven.

To your left are three doors, marked respectively Arms Locker, Data Core, and Bridge and Navigation.


I should note that I've been using the title of captain to describe two different men. Hald Draven is the owner and master of the ship. But internally, I've been thinking of him as the skipper.

The guy you all heard on the vox system - whom I called captain - is not actually captain so much as first mate.

Or something along those lines. Maritime titles confuse me, it seems.

Basically, you recognize the barytone as not Draven - and assume he is the ranking officer on board for the time being. Provided Hald has not yet returned from the Space Lounge.

So .... with such a choice selection of attractive destinatios - where to gentlemen? The bar, perhaps? =)

2012-08-09, 06:10 AM
Ugh, Wormwood leaps at the sight of the Arms Locker, but Data Core sounds much more like what we need. He turns to Delta-Rho, pointing at the latter option.

"W-w-w-we should g-go that w-w-way, r-right?"

They could always get more explosives/weapons later.

Yeah, unless anyone has a better reason, Data Core is the way we'll go. No sense splitting up, and we need the info anyway.

As for Draven...so, wait, the guy we talked to, didn't he say this was deGrassi's ship?

2012-08-09, 08:12 AM
+++The core should have what we need and then we can see what the locker holds if there is time+++

Zen Master
2012-08-09, 10:36 AM
Gah! Bloody names, they are like ants!

Of course this is DeGrassi's ship. Draven is the other guy. The good guy. You hope. Heheh. Mwahahaha... chuckles.

(ok - he's totally the good slightly better guy)

2012-08-10, 05:02 PM
"Whatever you decide, I stand ready."

Stig knows when its best to leave things to those who know better. His expertise is shooting things. Lots of things.

He settles himself, lasgun at the ready, finger on the trigger.

Zen Master
2012-08-11, 06:27 AM
Someone needs to decide on an actual course of action. Meanwhile, I should point out that you can hear people working somewhere nearby - muffled conversation, the subtle sounds of desk work being done, the tinkle of glass from the lounge and so on.

You are not alone.

2012-08-11, 07:55 AM
I think we're going to head into the Data Core. We won't talk, but as long as we're not overly loud, I don't think anyone will hear us and think we're not a part of the crew.

And if they don't, well. Bullets.

Zen Master
2012-08-11, 09:06 AM
You leave the stairwell and go to the door into the data core. Unlike the others in the corridor, this one looks rather secure - the door itself is no different from the rest, but there is a keypad next to it, and a closer look at the frame reveals that it is made to withstand rather a lot of physical force.

A couple of good tech-use tests might convince the keypad to open. Elsewise, the code might be somewhere about. Or, naturally, someone might be persuaded to open the door.

Naturally, it is also conceivable that the info you want is accessible from somewhere besides the server. It's hard to imagine navigational data being inaccessible from the bridge, and there may well be access points or terminals elsewhere.

While you stand there, deciding, the vox switches on again for a moment. The pleasant abrytone announces:

'Ahoy, shipmates' it begins, 'word from the station is that DeGrassi shall be returning in about an hour or so. Hence, whatever ill-conceived plots you have thus far allowed to keep you from doing your actual jobs, please stop and snap to it - I mean for this boat to be ready for departure in two hours.'

2012-08-11, 09:42 PM
You leave the stairwell and go to the door into the data core. Unlike the others in the corridor, this one looks rather secure - the door itself is no different from the rest, but there is a keypad next to it, and a closer look at the frame reveals that it is made to withstand rather a lot of physical force.

A couple of good tech-use tests might convince the keypad to open. Elsewise, the code might be somewhere about. Or, naturally, someone might be persuaded to open the door.

Naturally, it is also conceivable that the info you want is accessible from somewhere besides the server. It's hard to imagine navigational data being inaccessible from the bridge, and there may well be access points or terminals elsewhere.

While you stand there, deciding, the vox switches on again for a moment. The pleasant abrytone announces:

'Ahoy, shipmates' it begins, 'word from the station is that DeGrassi shall be returning in about an hour or so. Hence, whatever ill-conceived plots you have thus far allowed to keep you from doing your actual jobs, please stop and snap to it - I mean for this boat to be ready for departure in two hours.'

"Gentlemen, I believe that is our cue. Rho, the door please. Wormwood, keep an eye on the hall. Anyone peeks their head out, shoot first... and you know what, forget about asking questions."

Operators gonna operate.

2012-08-12, 09:29 AM
Tech Use +10 (Int 40) [roll0]

2012-08-12, 09:32 AM
using a Fate Point to reroll that

Hack Door Keypad:

Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0]

Well that's still not good but its not 3 degrees of failure only by 7 points

2012-08-12, 11:52 AM
Wormwood nods and attempts to look as casual as he can while keeping watch, one hand settled on his pistol under his robes.

Zen Master
2012-08-12, 02:58 PM
Wormwood nods and attempts to look as casual as he can while keeping watch, one hand settled on his pistol under his robes.

using a Fate Point to reroll that

Hack Door Keypad:

Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0]

Well that's still not good but its not 3 degrees of failure only by 7 points

"Gentlemen, I believe that is our cue. Rho, the door please. Wormwood, keep an eye on the hall. Anyone peeks their head out, shoot first... and you know what, forget about asking questions."

Operators gonna operate.

Feeling decidedly naked and conspicuous, you take position to cover Delta-Rho as he works. With Stig covering one direction and Wormwood the other, Delta mumbles a prayer to the Omnisiah, hooks up to the dataport and start tapping keys.

++++ One moment, gentlemen - I think I have it ++++

He works on, and after a few moments, he utters one of those bursts of static that you've come to equate with dissatisfaction.

++++ This is harder than it appeared ++++

Wormwood and Stig:

Your attention is directed outward. You hear people talking in the adjoining rooms, someone laughing. At one point you snap your weapons to ready positions as the elevator starts up - but clearly it went to one of the other decks.

Nothing happens so far, but there are people all around you. Eventually, something will.


Someone made the effort of doing this right. You actually rather approve of the workmanship. There is even a trap - a simple system, covering a more complex one. Trip the first, you automatically set off the second.

This can be done - but not without a certain risk, and not quickly (in other words, it will take two rounds and two succesfull tech rolls).

2012-08-12, 04:14 PM
+++This could take a while - its encrypted with a more deceptive system that what it seems+++

2012-08-12, 04:18 PM
And the rolls which i forgot in the other post

Hack Code - Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0]
Hack Code - Tech Use +10 (40) [roll1]

+++No idea what will occur if this door doesnt open this time+++


2012-08-12, 05:39 PM
Wormwood feels his paranoia start to really kick in. He wonders if he should start bringing around janitor supplies in order to appear like a janitor. Instead, he's much happier with preparing a flashbang just in case someone gets too curious.

"An-n-ny luck, R-rho?"

2012-08-12, 06:41 PM
"Wormwood how many 'nades you have left? We might need to make a very explosive exit."

Stig remains calm, but he will freely admit, if asked, that this is getting a little harry.

And he's from Dusk. So that's saying something.

2012-08-12, 07:11 PM
"Wormwood how many 'nades you have left? We might need to make a very explosive exit."

"T-t-two. I'm ready t-t-to start a p-party whenever."

Zen Master
2012-08-13, 07:08 AM
And the rolls which i forgot in the other post

Hack Code - Tech Use +10 (40) [roll0]
Hack Code - Tech Use +10 (40) [roll1]

+++No idea what will occur if this door doesnt open this time+++


Whut - identical rolls?! Well.

Bracing yourself for a difficult task, you spray a bit of sacred oil and gust a bit of blessed auto-censer fumes (a special mix of diesel and prometheum) to appease the machine spirits - then set to work.

Hacking the system is no less tricky - but your approach is that of a cult mechanicus adept, not some bumbling amateur. You avoid the traps, extract the binaries you need, circumvent detection subroutines and open the lock. Nuff said.

It still takes time though.

While Delta-Rho is working, one of the doors - the one marked Navigation - opens. As it happens, this is the direction Stig is covering.

No one comes through, but a hand appears, leaning on the doorframe, and someone - back turned - adresses someone else still in the room:

'One more thing,' the mouth attatched by various means to the hand says, 'we need void coordinates calculated, warp engines primed and all checklists complete. Anything else? Oh, and should I bring you guys anything from the mess?'

Delta-Rho intones, softly:

+++ almost there +++

Actions, gentlemen?

2012-08-13, 05:32 PM
Stig very, very quietly aims at the open door.

He also prays that they hold off a little more.

In his mind.


Emperor, please grant this boon. Keep them busy and unknowing for just a bit longer.

2012-08-13, 10:00 PM
Wormwood, staff in one hand and gun in the other, also aims at the door, figuring that there would be no way for them to talk themselves out of this one. While not the praying sort, he did start mentally muttering various profanities and oaths.

Zen Master
2012-08-14, 02:44 AM
Right - good. I'd like a roll of initiative from everyone. I already know Door Guy's initiave roll, so I know exactly when he turns around =)

2012-08-14, 05:18 AM
Rolling! Paranoia, help me out!

Zen Master
2012-08-14, 08:51 AM
Second by second action replay:

Second one:

Door Guy says: Soo thaats oonee cooffee foorr mee, aaand twooo ...

With a small, satisfied hiss, the door sides open as Delta-Rho slides the last bit of data into position, convincing the keypad the correct code was just entered.

Second two:

Door Guy continues: soodaass foorr yoouu guuyss ... Riight, Ii'll bee riight ...

Second Three:

To be disclosed.

Now wouldn't it be so much fun if a squad of heavily armed guys snuck up from the opposite direction, while you guys were totally focussed on the (possibly) harmless Door Guy?

2012-08-14, 02:09 PM
Yes. Yes it would. You monster.

Rollin for the right to shoot first!


Requesting permission to dive roll into the room?

Zen Master
2012-08-15, 04:41 AM
Ok - I don't need initiative from Delta-Rho. He has been working on the lock for two rounds, and enters at the start of the round, before anyone else.

Wormwood follows, his rampant paranoia keeping him always on his toes.

Stig, ever watchful of his friends, is naturally the last to enter. Just as Wormwood slips inside, Door Guy takes a step back, into the corridor, and starts turning.

Stig dives through, and Wormwood punches the button the close the door. Everyone makes it in time - though Stig rolled the same initiative as Door Guy.

Now ...

You are inside the data core. A terminal is online, and open - someone has been working here and left without logging out. That means no need for hacking - all you need is time to sift through the logs and find what you came for.

What you find is this:

Among the files on hand are a list of notable noble houses of the Calixis sector. This is used as a cross-reference - anyone on this list is taken about the Far Voyager, and taken not beyond the outer rim, but to ...... Dusk.

Anyone not on the list is taken to another set of coordinates - this one beyond the outer rim. From what you can tell, the Far Voyager goes to two places that are effectively outside the Imperium. One is where they off-load the big game hunters and adventurers - another is some sort of refuelling and resupply point. You have coordinates for both, of course.

Another thing: The Far Voyager makes frequent stops at Gaol. Apparently to buy fuel and supplies - but more specifically, you find this:

There is a schedule and time table for visual detection of some mobile, and otherwise undetectable, space object. There is no record of what this is - but there is no loading or unloading at this location.

I believe those are the answers you came to get. Let me know if there is anything else you want to check for - and I'll tell you if it's there for you to find, how long it takes ... and what happens while you search =)

Also, consider what your actions should be from this point. Sneaking back out and conferring with Scrivener Maldanis is one option - but the choice is yours, of course.

2012-08-15, 06:03 PM
Stig will stand ready to do whatever it is the others decide. Though he will position himself next to the door, bolo knife held in one hand, other ready to grab if someone happens to enter.

It never hurts to be too prepared.

2012-08-15, 08:27 PM
OOC: I can't really think of anything else we'd want to do. We should probably leave as little evidence that we were here as possible.

IC: Wormwood's fear sense is tingly (well, it always is, but this is special, guys) and he's quite ready to bug out. If Rho can make sure we have a copy of that data, we can leave real quick-like.

2012-08-15, 10:52 PM
+++This looks to be what we need, i will just upload* it +++

*onto pad and into Personal storage

2012-08-15, 10:54 PM
Then we'll do that and bugger out. Here's hoping that it doesn't involve copious amounts of gunfire and explosives.

But really, that'd be awesome. I just seriously doubt we'd make it out alive, being in the middle of an enemy ship and all.

Zen Master
2012-08-16, 01:39 AM
OOC: I can't really think of anything else we'd want to do.

Well .... I can =)

Thus far I've played this as a stealth mission. As such, there should be a chance to get in and out without being detected - and you're done well and not doing anything irrationally rash. Except for one grenade, for which there were rolls made.

You have what you came for, and can make your way out. You know the way, everyone's busy preparing for DeGrassis return. Who knows, it might be easy? And it holds the advantages of them not knowing that they are, again, under investigation.

However, there is another option. You've mentioned it yourselves: You could take this ship. You have clear evidence of several crimes - if you take the ship, you can deliver everything to Maldanis. Who might be happy. On the other hand, he might prefer that you'd remain unkown to the opposition a while longer.

There is another consideration that I will leave you to puzzle out yourselves.

2012-08-16, 06:01 AM

"G-g-guys, let's take th-the sh-ship."


Rho, you're key for the mission. Anyway we could head back to engineering and cut, say, life support to the bridge and possibly shut down power to key areas of the ship without us being affected?

Or we could shoot our way to the bridge. I just think we should take engineering first and see what we could do from there.

Zen Master
2012-08-16, 08:21 AM
Random note on lore below:

On Navigators and navigation:

I've never seen a really definitive conclusion on whether all human ships have navigators. If they do, it leaves interesting questions about how all other races navigate the warp.

At any rate, I have my own answer.

Without a Navigator, a ship has little choice except follow predefined, 'safe' routes. For this reason, ships like the Misericord trundles along the same path, century after century after century. It has no navigator, but since time out of memory, it knows a set of navigational markers that are safe to follow from planet to planet.

Certain ships have a bit more ability - still without the benefit of a Navigator. The ships of the cult mechanicus undoubtedly have the ability to travel the stars by technological means rather than ... well, magical. Of course, in general they will have Navigators - they invented the Beacon, after all - but they can make do without.

All imperial military vessels will have Navigators. This adds to their speed and agility, and is a primary reason why the imperial might stumbles on - wounded, fading and doomed to fail eventually ... but still, all concerns aside, the greatest power in the known universe.

A ship like a rogue trader, may or may not have a Navigator. I consider Navigators to be rare and therefore excessively expensive. So ships on the very outskirts of imperial law will have some way of getting around. If rich enough, sure, they have a navigator. If not .... well, other races get around, so there must me ways.

2012-08-16, 08:52 AM
+++Lets not, we have what we arrived for and to try for control of a ship on uncertain actions without full knowledge of what other forces are aboard this vessel is asking for trouble beyond our capabilities+++

+++We only saw in 3 stoarge area's - what if more Lugs exist or Servitors in the other places ~ there is great presence of Tech Hersey here and the Engineering section is likely to be its core+++

2012-08-16, 09:27 PM
"R-right. I sup-p-pose w-we could j-j-just leave."

Although he itches for checking the armory, Wormwood realizes we honestly have no idea how many other people, spiders, skeezers or Big Lugs are still on the ship. We really, really should bugger out.

Zen Master
2012-08-17, 04:57 AM
Well - Stig seems to be the swing vote, maybe?

At any rate. If you chose to leave, I'd like to hear what precations you're taking, what considerations you have and so on.

If you should decide on the aggressive option after all, the same applies, of course =)

2012-08-17, 02:39 PM
Stig, while it pains him to leave a mass of undiscovered weapons... undiscovered and un-gifted, realizes that the mission comes first.

"I say that we vacate as quietly and quickly as possible. I'll move out first. We head for the stairs. We get spotted, drop them quick as possible. Make for the ship as fast as possible. Wormwood, check the outside the door and I'll head out first. Emperor protect.

Stig moves to the door, switching out the bolo for his lasgun and priming himself for what is to come.

2012-08-17, 04:07 PM
Wormwood nods and prepares to open the door. And possibly flashbang. His hand will be on his gun underneath his robes, but there's no use hiding a heal staff.

Zen Master
2012-08-17, 04:15 PM
So in the end, as is so often the case, it all boils down to one single random event - the outcome, be it succes or failure, entirely dependant upon that single unknown.


High is good. Low is bad.

Bolo knife ready to strike, Stig does the only thing that can really be done. He pushes the button, opening the door to the corridor.

As luck would have it, the timing is good, but by the smallest margin. Just as the door slides open, Door Guy, back turned, enters Navigation, sodas in one hand, latté in the other.

'I'm back, guys' he intones, luckily covering the sound of the door, 'lets get some work done. We need engine burn for Gaol in just over two hours.'

With Door Guy out of the way, it's a quick trip left, down the corridor to the service entry to the stairwell.

Back down the cramped stairs you go, into the belly of the ship once more. You hear the elevator going to and from a couple of times - and imagine the storage deck now crawling with men, working, preparing to disembark.

However, when you crack open the door on the lowest level, it is as deserted as when you arrived. You quickly return to Storage E, grab the gear you stashed, and crowd into your small shuttle.

As you open the airlock, you once again hear the pleasant barytone voice of the ... lets call him first mate, that's propably less confusing.

'Hey,' he says, 'that light is on again. Owen, did you check that airlock? Do we have anyone on lower deck to go have another look?'

Your shuttle disengages.

In the cold, dark emptyness of the void, it's very hard to see anything that isn't emitting any light on it's own.

It's easy to spot DeGrassi's shuttle as it burns toward his yacht. You wait until he is securely docked in the primary bay of the yacht, before engaging your own engines. It's no more than a couple of hours burn, before you can return to Scrivener Maldanis and report back.

Et voila, mssr's. Stealth mission succesful.

I can remember some - but likely not all - of the loot you've aquired. Parachutes, a lucky boltshell, a sonic lance, a heavy stubber (?), and planetary survival gear. Remind me of anything I'm forgetting.

You gain 1500 experience.

Next update will be debriefing with Maldanis - provided that is where you chose to go. Meanwhile, any considerations, conversations and actions you wanna take, please let me know.

2012-08-17, 05:15 PM
Holy crap, I shot up to Savant-Warrant. I'll make changes over the next few hours, moving back in to my apartment at the moment. If I recall correctly, that "heavy stubber" was a dual-linked autogun or something. Delicious dakka for Stig, most likely.

Again, in regards to our xp: holy crap.

EDIT: I'll also roleplay a bit, but as I said, moving back in is a bit of a bitch.

2012-08-17, 05:32 PM
Dual linked autogun with tearing damage as fate would have it. Stig is most pleased with his new acquisition.

No. He is not cooing at it. Such questioning of his manliness is bordering HERESY.

Now, onto roll play.

Stig settles himself into the rather uncomfortable seats that the shuttle provides, letting the adrenaline flow out of him. He grins at Wormwood and calls to Rho.

"How longs this flight looking? Do I have time for a nap?"

2012-08-17, 09:54 PM
+++You do, these shuttles are not know for quick speed +++

Nixios will attend to the Shuttle when needed but will otherwise go over the data he has collected and sort it better to present to the scrivener - The dead lug, the gear that was for it and the Sonic Lance

Updated Character Page

Nixios Delta-Rho

WS 30
BS 36
S 34
T 40
Ag 36
Int 40
Per 41
Will 34
Fel 30

Fate: 1
Divination:"if a Job is worth doing it is worth dying for"

Insanity: 1


Common Lore (Tech) +10
Common Lore (Machine Cult)
Scholastic Lore (Chymirsty)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Secret Tongue (Tech)
Tech Use +10
Trade (Scrimshaw)
Logic +10
Medicae (+5 First Aid)

Technical Knock
Melee Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Pistol Training (Las)
Electo Graft Use
Eletrcal Succor
Chem Geld
Light Sleeper
Leap Up
Arms Master
Deadeye Shot
Lumein Charge
Iron Jaw
Quick Draw
Heightened Senses (Sight)
Heightened Senses (Hearing)
Mechadendrite Use (Medical)

Traits: Mechanicus Implants

Mico-Bead (interfaced with Implants)
Laspistol + charge pack
Lascarbine + charge pack
Metal Staff
Mechanius Robes and Vestments (Good Quality)
Spare Parts (5)
Data Slate
Glow Lamp
Scared Machine Oil
Flak Coat
Extra Charge Pack for Las Carbine
Overcharge Pack for Las Pistol
Shotgun w/10 shells
Sonic Lance

Stranger to the Cult

old: Sound Constitution x2, Basic Weapon Training (SP), Intelligence Advance (Simple), Medicae Skill, Tech Use +10
LastLevelup: 850xp spent out of 900xp
Arms Master, Scholastic Lore (Chymirsty), Ballistics Skill Advance (Simple), Deadeye Shot, Lumein Charge, Iron Jaw, Quick Draw

Current Levelup:1550xp MW: Sound Constitution (100xp), Heightened Senses-Sight (100xp), Common Lore Tech +10 (100xp) Security (100xp) Demolition (100xp)
EP: Mechadendrite Use-Medical (200xp) Sound Constitution (100xp) Electrical Succor (100xp), Speak High Gothic (100xp) perception:simple (250xp), Heightened Senses-Hearing (100xp) Logic +10 (100xp) Leap Up (100xp)

I Could be in Engiseer but there is a lot i still want from EP first

2012-08-18, 04:26 PM
"Excellent! After such a mission, naps are of great importance. As is drinking. Shall we share a drink in celebration upon our return?"

Looking at Wormwood, he repeats the question.

"Care to join us for a round or four?"

2012-08-18, 04:31 PM
For once, Wormwood felt a justified relief. He'd made it through a nigh-disastrous infiltration mission on a ship in the middle of the void.

"Eh. W-w-what's the w-worst that c-c-could happen?"

2012-08-18, 07:23 PM
For once, Wormwood felt a justified relief. He'd made it through a nigh-disastrous infiltration mission on a ship in the middle of the void.

"Eh. W-w-what's the w-worst that c-c-could happen?"

Stig was unable to suppress a wince.

"Given the things I've seen, some pretty bad things. Ah well, a good drink is to be appreciated, even with portends of future difficulties. After we report to the scrivener, we drink. Also, we should perhaps alert our friend that his competitor has been vanishing people. What say ye?"

2012-08-19, 10:56 AM
"S-s-sounds like a p-plan."

With that, Wormwood decides to take a nap, as infiltration is exhausting.

2012-08-19, 08:26 PM
After watching one of his partners pass into... well, wherever psykers go when they sleep, Stig made himself as comfortable as possible and settled in for a nap.

Before he dropped off though he calls to Rho,

"First rounds on me. I owe ya for the servitor and the door opening."

With that, he drops off, catching a quick nap before its time to get back in the fray.

Zen Master
2012-08-20, 04:47 AM
As Wormwood and Stig drift off, Delta-Rho sets to work.

A highly evolved specimen of Homo Mechanicus, his capacities are far beyond what would be possible for a mere sapiens. It is the work of but a few moments to call upon his own machine spirits, divide and direct, issue commands and monitor progress.

Subroutines take over. One directs the shuttle, maintaining course and monitoring life support and other vital systems. Another sifts through the data collected as deGrassi's ship. Yet a third starts extracting the hard facts about the exotic Sonic Lance you grabbed off the combat servitor. A fourth formulates theoretical requirements for the growing of the Big Lugs. And so on.

Below his breath, a prayer issues:

+++ opus omnia, mechanicus sancti, thy beacon guide us, thy golden throne preserve us +++


Some time later, the shuttle is guided into berth with Maldanis' ship.

On approach vector, you have your first chance to actually see the ship from the outside. Thus, this is the first time you realize the size of it. Stig describes it thusly:

'Emprah - if that thing were a troop transport, I swear it could carry a full regiment, at least!'

The accomodations of troop transports are notoriously sparse, but still, the ability to carry a thousand fighting men is impressive in any ship.

You are received by the Butlery Guy, who welcomes you - seemingly a bit reluctantly - and informs you that Scrivener Maldanis is currently unavaialable, but will join you later. You are each given a room - spacious and luxurious - and a pass to allow you access to all areas of the ship. Butlery Guy is clearly unhappy with random mercenaries running rampant on 'his' ship, and tells each of you, in turn, to:

'Please be so good and make an effort not to break anything.'

Now, two options present themselves (quite possibly more): You can either wait, and debrief with Maldanis - or you can find somewhere to take that drink (be it the bar aboard Maldanis' ship, or one of the watering holes on Wreck.

2012-08-20, 05:25 AM
i'll take the Wait and install my Medical Mechadendrite option

I have been think the shuttle we have been using is much like a UT-47 Kodiak ~ would that be a fair comparison

Zen Master
2012-08-20, 08:28 AM
i'll take the Wait and install my Medical Mechadendrite option

I have been think the shuttle we have been using is much like a UT-47 Kodiak ~ would that be a fair comparison

It's a bit too .... iPod for my tastes. It looks more like a civilian version of this (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Navy/ARVUS-LIGHTER.html).

2012-08-20, 08:58 AM
I'm sure that Maldanis' bar has some choice liquor. And besides, we deserve it. We pulled off some hardcore shenanigans.

So Wormwood's going there. I'm sure Stig will follow?

2012-08-20, 10:32 AM
I'm sure that Maldanis' bar has some choice liquor. And besides, we deserve it. We pulled off some hardcore shenanigans.

So Wormwood's going there. I'm sure Stig will follow?

That he will. Good alcohol is not to be turned down.

Zen Master
2012-08-20, 11:11 AM
The bar isn't so much a bar - rather, it's what a bar would want to grow up to be, if it were remarkably cultured, educated and refined.

It consists of three semi-circular rooms, adjoining at a central area featuring a small fountain, several decorative statues - of saints and such - as well as comfortable chairs and a grammaphonetical array featuring several vox units - offering what is known among imperieal connoiseurs as quadiophony.

The three semi-circles offer each their own setting: One is dominated by an auto-astro-labe, capable of showing various configurations of stars and planets in the Calixis sector. Another has walls filled with data slates on numerous topics - some auto-updating, with news barely a few months old. Lastly, the third area serves the dual purpose of dining area and conference room - for this purpose, it's walls are movable on intricate robotic rails, making it possible to divide the room in many ways, ensuring privacy for negotations or ... other things.

Presiding over all this is ... the Butlery Guy. With reluctantly polite demeanour, he offers:

'Gentlemen. A drink? Perhaps the malphian selection is not to your palates - maybe something from Tranch or Gehenna? I cannot offer any grog or rotgut, but the spirits destilled in the Lathes is very um, refined, very pure?'

2012-08-20, 02:32 PM
The bar isn't so much a bar - rather, it's what a bar would want to grow up to be, if it were remarkably cultured, educated and refined.

It consists of three semi-circular rooms, adjoining at a central area featuring a small fountain, several decorative statues - of saints and such - as well as comfortable chairs and a grammaphonetical array featuring several vox units - offering what is known among imperieal connoiseurs as quadiophony.

The three semi-circles offer each their own setting: One is dominated by an auto-astro-labe, capable of showing various configurations of stars and planets in the Calixis sector. Another has walls filled with data slates on numerous topics - some auto-updating, with news barely a few months old. Lastly, the third area serves the dual purpose of dining area and conference room - for this purpose, it's walls are movable on intricate robotic rails, making it possible to divide the room in many ways, ensuring privacy for negotations or ... other things.

Presiding over all this is ... the Butlery Guy. With reluctantly polite demeanour, he offers:

'Gentlemen. A drink? Perhaps the malphian selection is not to your palates - maybe something from Tranch or Gehenna? I cannot offer any grog or rotgut, but the spirits destilled in the Lathes is very um, refined, very pure?'

"Two from Gehenna. Rho? You want the Lathes?"

2012-08-20, 03:37 PM
"Two from Gehenna. Rho? You want the Lathes?"

"I-I-I want th-the L-l-lathes."

Zen Master
2012-08-20, 05:11 PM
Butlery Guy looks as Stig with slight disapproval, and says:

'A double, then sir?'

The size of the imperium taken into consideration, it's exceedingly rare that any planet produces more than one beverage suitable for interplanetary export.

The spirit of choice on hive Gehenna is the Slingshot - a spicy, salty sort alcohol, usually served whipped with a raw glister egg. Glisters are, of course, all but unheard off anywhere but on Gehenna, hence it's always slightly doubtful it's the proper sort of egg one is served.

Butlery Guy serves up the drink, and turns to Wormwood.

'The Lathes' Aqua Vitae is generally served on the rocks - as it were, sir. Let me know, however, if you'd like maybe a glass of water. It's rather on the strong side.'

The glass Wormwood is served contains a crystal clear fluid, clearly of very high percentage, and with a smell that makes you think 'engine degreaser.'

A look of uncertainty and distaste passes over Wormwoods face. Seeing that, Delta-Rho intones:

+++ What's wrong, Wormwood? The Aqua Vitae is of exceedingly high quality, free of all pollutants and blessed by the machine god. We use it to degrease engines! +++

2012-08-20, 05:43 PM
Stig chuckles. He settles onto the bar and sips at his drink, taking in the view of the rather impressive room. Glancing at the butler, Stig queries:

"If I may be so bold, how old is this ship? And was this room part of the original construction?"

2012-08-20, 06:06 PM
It's time to degrease Wormwood's digestive tract. He's downing it.

2012-08-20, 06:26 PM
It's time to degrease Wormwood's digestive tract. He's downing it.

This'll be good.

2012-08-20, 06:33 PM
+++Yes, although Im interested to see the effects of Lathe's Spirits on a full organic since Wormwood wants to try it +++

Zen Master
2012-08-21, 03:44 AM
The Lathe Aqua Vitae is certainly an ... aquired taste. Besides it's very high alcohol content, it has many secondary uses such as cleaning wounds, degreasing, and as fuel in a pinch. Mixed with a certain powder, it also serves as a substitute for prometheon.

It is VERY strong - on the order of 90% pure alcohol, with the remainder being various additives to give it it's special qualities. Gulping it down, Wormwood struggles for breath for a second - then a rather pleasant warmth and aftertaste manifests itself.

This stuff ain't bad.

Stig, sipping on his double Gehenna, is also quite happy with his drink - and for his part, Butlery Guy seems delighted to answer.

'Well sir,' intones he, 'this vessel was commisioned, not so much as a yacht as a home in space for Varymont III Hax-Patheus. This was more than 200 years ago - the relations between houses Hax of Calixis and Patheus of Malfi has greatly cooled since those days. Due to that whole Tranch debacle, I fear. Personally, he confides, 'I've had the honor of serving House Patheus for some 30-odd years now. Before .. the scrivnener.' Clearly, Butlery Guy doesn't quite feel a scribe is a worthy master of the ship.

2012-08-21, 06:54 AM
+++Its about second to Sacred Machine Oil in potency of what it can do - except we don't drink that+++

Nixios will wave a data pad over Wormwood and observe the readings ~ Life is but a big scientific study

+++Blow here+++ indicating another small device

2012-08-21, 07:17 PM
The Lathe Aqua Vitae is certainly an ... aquired taste. Besides it's very high alcohol content, it has many secondary uses such as cleaning wounds, degreasing, and as fuel in a pinch. Mixed with a certain powder, it also serves as a substitute for prometheon.

It is VERY strong - on the order of 90% pure alcohol, with the remainder being various additives to give it it's special qualities. Gulping it down, Wormwood struggles for breath for a second - then a rather pleasant warmth and aftertaste manifests itself.

This stuff ain't bad.

Stig, sipping on his double Gehenna, is also quite happy with his drink - and for his part, Butlery Guy seems delighted to answer.

'Well sir,' intones he, 'this vessel was commisioned, not so much as a yacht as a home in space for Varymont III Hax-Patheus. This was more than 200 years ago - the relations between houses Hax of Calixis and Patheus of Malfi has greatly cooled since those days. Due to that whole Tranch debacle, I fear. Personally, he confides, 'I've had the honor of serving House Patheus for some 30-odd years now. Before .. the scrivnener.' Clearly, Butlery Guy doesn't quite feel a scribe is a worthy master of the ship.

"He has claimed the ship for himself, has he? How did he hold such authority?"

2012-08-22, 01:45 AM
Wormwood blew into the presented nozzle.

"Woo," he managed.

Round 2, bottom's up.

Zen Master
2012-08-22, 02:58 AM
+++Its about second to Sacred Machine Oil in potency of what it can do - except we don't drink that+++

Nixios will wave a data pad over Wormwood and observe the readings ~ Life is but a big scientific study

+++Blow here+++ indicating another small device

A few small tests and calculations allow you to calculate within a margin of 5% exactly how the rest of the evening - and the next morning in particular - will develop for Wormwood. At present rate, he's heading for ... well, the head ... in one hour twenty minutes.

If Delta having any himself?

"He has claimed the ship for himself, has he? How did he hold such authority?"

'Well, sir, it's really not for me to say, but ... this ship was commandeered by an Imperial authority. Quite legally, I'm sure.'

Wormwood blew into the presented nozzle.

"Woo," he managed.

Round 2, bottom's up.

With a look of slight disapproval, Butlery Guy serves up another round.

Meanwhile, the bar is filling up. The crew is fairly small for a ship this size - however, they are clearly a very mixed lot. You see men in women in various forms of work clothing, officers in Imperial uniform, guild colors from various crafts, and so on. You spot an elderly blind man attended by a servant, and a particularly swaggering youth with tatoos and cross-hung gunbelts. Finally, Maldanis himself joins the party. He nods at you, and takes a seat at a table near the astrolabe.

2012-08-22, 05:20 AM
Yes he is, but he will be savoring it and letting it diffuse into his system at a better rate than wormwood is

Zen Master
2012-08-22, 07:07 AM
Yes he is, but he will be savoring it and letting it diffuse into his system at a better rate than wormwood is

I wonder:

Does Delta-Rho have such things as taste buds? Or ... a mouth? Or does his sensation of taste come from chemical analyzers, and is his drink injected into a receptacle, to be consumed in a manner resembling an IV feed?

2012-08-22, 07:29 AM
I wonder:

Does Delta-Rho have such things as taste buds? Or ... a mouth? Or does his sensation of taste come from chemical analyzers, and is his drink injected into a receptacle, to be consumed in a manner resembling an IV feed?

Given he ate (and complained about having to do so) in the dinner hall on the station yes there is a mouth in there somewhere under the respirator (for the moment)

2012-08-22, 08:10 AM
Wormwood shoots down the shot like a champ. Or, at least, that's what his silly psyker-powered, alcohol-addled mind tells him.

He does notice Maldanis sit down through the haze. His usual panic manifests - and dies, thanks to this wonderful engine degreaser that those now-wonderful techpriests invented. Praise be to the Emprah.

"We infiltrated a ship and found something," he says, gesturing at Rho to do his thing and explain the technical information about deGrassi's travel business that Wormwood may have glanced at for all of two seconds. "Straight from the datacore on deGrassi's private yacht." He did remember some bits, though. He still had an hour to go before this stuff really went to his head.

Zen Master
2012-08-22, 09:04 AM
Maldanis, sipping wine and reading from a pile of dataslates, is joined by the blind man and his servant.

When Wormwood approaches, Maldanis listens attentively, but indicates to all of you that debriefing can wait until morning, if you like.

It seems most everyone on the ship is in the bar, relaxing and having a bit of fun. However, a few serious faces are seen: Maldanis, the blind man, and of course the Butlery Guy, whose face is always serious.

2012-08-22, 09:08 AM
Nixios will steer Wormwood away

+++Sorry to disturb you - we are i am conducting Alcohol Stress testing on the Pysker+++

2012-08-22, 09:50 AM
The increasingly intoxicated psyker stares intently at the unblinking optics of the techpriest.

"Does that mean more drinking?"

2012-08-22, 04:34 PM
Meanwhile, the bar is filling up. The crew is fairly small for a ship this size - however, they are clearly a very mixed lot. You see men in women in various forms of work clothing, officers in Imperial uniform, guild colors from various crafts, and so on. You spot an elderly blind man attended by a servant, and a particularly swaggering youth with tatoos and cross-hung gunbelts. Finally, Maldanis himself joins the party. He nods at you, and takes a seat at a table near the astrolabe.

... uh. Dare I ask how physics allows for this?

Stig nods at the implied "someone had the power and used it. It isn't healthy to ask too many questions" and nodding his thanks to the buttler, raises himself up and moves over to join Maldanis. While passing Rho he comments,

"Five thrones says he last a half hour."

Upon approaching Maldanis, he queries,
"Mind if I join you sir?"

2012-08-22, 04:42 PM
"Stig! Why are you not drinking? For the glory of the Emprah, and all."

Wormwood has still not caught on to the fact that he isn't stuttering.

Just to be safe, it wasn't an accident. Aqua Vitae is awesome.

2012-08-22, 04:55 PM
"Stig! Why are you not drinking? For the glory of the Emprah, and all."

Wormwood has still not caught on to the fact that he isn't stuttering.

Just to be safe, it wasn't an accident. Aqua Vitae is awesome.

Stig grins as only a manic Guardsman can.

"I am my friend! But my area of expertise is in slow steady consumption. I work best when I can lure them in, catch them unawares and then strike like the fist of the Emprah!"

And no. He is not talking about women.

2012-08-22, 05:24 PM
"Does that mean more drinking?"

+++In Measure amounts - Yes+++

2012-08-22, 05:25 PM
"Well I'm calling Exterminatus on this drink. Round 3."

Zen Master
2012-08-22, 05:37 PM
Maldanis smiles, indicates a seat.

'Stig, am I not right? Please.' He turns to his companion, and says: 'Stig here has served previously as a guardsman, a regiment from notorious Dusk.'

Turning once more to you, he introduces the companion: 'Stig, this gentleman is Vespeth Shah, a psyker like your friend Wormwood, but of different ... talents. Very specific and usefull ones, Vespeth is is a highly treasure asset, and our only way of obtaining news and information not months out of date.'

You clearly feel the blind mans gaze settle on you - a rather discomfiting sensation. He speaks in a very calm and polite, but very dry and monotonous voice:

'Good evening, Master Stig. I see upon you the scars of war. But you have the strength of many, do you not? You have one of the Emperors finer gifts bestowed you - true dedication.'

2012-08-22, 06:15 PM
Maldanis smiles, indicates a seat.

'Stig, am I not right? Please.' He turns to his companion, and says: 'Stig here has served previously as a guardsman, a regiment from notorious Dusk.'

Turning once more to you, he introduces the companion: 'Stig, this gentleman is Vespeth Shah, a psyker like your friend Wormwood, but of different ... talents. Very specific and usefull ones, Vespeth is is a highly treasure asset, and our only way of obtaining news and information not months out of date.'

You clearly feel the blind mans gaze settle on you - a rather discomfiting sensation. He speaks in a very calm and polite, but very dry and monotonous voice:

'Good evening, Master Stig. I see upon you the scars of war. But you have the strength of many, do you not? You have one of the Emperors finer gifts bestowed you - true dedication.'

Stig, though slightly unsettled, decides to take the compliment at face value.

"Thank you sir. I do merely what the Emperor asks of any man. Duty ends only in death after all."

Zen Master
2012-08-23, 06:24 AM
So .... one drunken binge later, morning finds you mostly intact, with the notable exception of Wormwood, who feels like he's been passed backwards through the gearbox of an org Gargant.

Odds and ends:


Your readings of Wormwood are interesting. His intoxication is consistent with bodymass, and as such unremarkable. However, there are effects on his mental status. For one thing, the stutter disappears. For another, he seems to have a clarity, a presence of mind, that is enhanced. This effect is countered, however, by drunkenness.

There could be basis for some experimentation here. Spook+alcohol+something - or some such.

How much effort you wanna throw at this is entirely up to you =)


You speak with various people, picking up bits of information. You learn that Vespeth is adeptus astra telepatica, and as such responsible for long-range communication. He speaks rather a lot in riddles, and has insights about you that are bordering on unpleasant.

A chat with Maldanis reveals an unexpected interest in weapons and armor. You find out that - despite or because of his physical shortcomings, he likes to be prepared for a fight, should one come fight him.

The Butlery Guy, towards the end of the night, tells you a bit of his personal history. He was major domo for the noble who owns this ship, a life-long servant hailing from a family of life-long servants. You find that he kinda resents being an indentured servant - but he resents change more =)

Finally, you get around to talking to the swaggering young gunslinger, who goes by the handle Hot Lead. Clearly of a ganger background, this Metallican chap is the resident gunsmith/armorer/personal bodyguard for Maldanis. He proudly shows of tattoos, saying how 'this one is for killing so and so' and 'that one is for joining the Slinger Guild' and so on.


You wake in a terrible state. your life has held few opportunities for drunken binges, and your hangover is monumental.

However, not long after you wake, Butlery Guy turns up at your room, offering what he informs you is 'van Leutens Remedy' - a Machine Cult concoction that works to reset body chemistry, largely curing hangovers.

You remember little of the evening before - but Vespeth Shah you do recall. Clearly an Adeptus Astra Telepatica, he serves as a reminder of your (relatively) good fortune. Despite everything, your ordeal has left you mostly intact. You have been deemed basically strong enough to wield the powers of your mind, unchecked and free.

Not so the Astra Telepatica. Judged too weak to resist the perils of the warp, and the entities that lurk there-in, Vespeth has been stripped of most everything that makes life worth living. His tortures include blinding, the loss of taste and touch.

You are all summoned for breakfast and debriefing. I'd really like for one (or all) of you to write up what you tell Maldanis. It will give me such a nice overview of how much of the plot I've actually managed to confer =)

2012-08-23, 08:49 AM
I can write up something by this afternoon.

2012-08-23, 01:45 PM
I can have a write up by this evening. I'll pm it to you.

Zen Master
2012-08-25, 04:56 AM
The debriefing takes place in Maldanis' office. Considering the nature of the ship, this room is surprisingly sparse and austere, and you realise Madanis must have had most of the pompous furnishings that grace the rest of the ship removed.

Likely you wonder why anyone would ever do such a thing =)

Seated at a large desk (made from a material Stig, at least, recognises as wood), he ask you to be seated, then listens intently to your reports.

After you finish - complementing each others words, and adding details as you remember them - he is silent for a while, before speaking again.

'I was for many years an acolyte of the inquisitor Sternhauer. I never really wanted the seal myself, I am not by nature ambitious, merely dutiful. Perhaps that was my mistake' He chuckles.

'The inquisition has been worried for many, many years about the unexplained disappearances in this system and a few others nearby. That's pretty much what the inquisition does - it worries.'

'Now, see, I don't actually have the seal yet - but I shall, once we return victorious from this mission. I've been named Inquisitor Maldanis, but not yet recognized by the Calixian Conclave.'

He pauses, gathering his thoughts.

'When I came here, I had a core unit of very capable acolytes, and orders to investigate where and why people are disappearing. This is something that has eluded the inquisition for many, many years - but it has remained low priority, because it is so distant a problem, and so ... minor in scale.'

'Yet the data you have brought is ... most distressing. Investigation of the Big Lugs reveals that they are cloned. A primitive, yet effective, geneseed, designed to make pliable super soldiers. Reverse engineering of the armor you found clearly indicates that this is an adaption and modification of space marine power armor - although of a design thousands of years old.'

'There are always nobles attempting to push the boundaries of what number and quality of troops they are allowed in their personal retinues. This, is different. No one would dare use this, no one anywhere in the imperium. The purpose must be something different.'

'All this does little to solve the original mystery. Where and why are people being taken? We still don't know.'

He picks up a data slate, and starts adding things to it:

'We know this:

Someone - most likely deGrassi - is abducting people
Someone is supplying him with heretech
Said heretech is advanced, and shows adaption of early mechanicus and astartes designs and patterns
This is all somehow linked to Gaol, and some system outside Imperial space
What ever is behind all this, someone out there is willing and able to engage the inquisition - and win, at least the first engagement

So at this juncture, gentlemen - do you have any suggestions on how to proceed?'

2012-08-26, 01:15 AM
Gentlemen, today the world lost a great man. Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, died at the age of 82.

I post this in memory of a great man, one of the few privileged enough to walk amongst the stars. May he never be forgotten.

2012-08-26, 01:38 AM

That just sucks, man.

I think we should head to Gaol. That seems like where all the answers are. Although I'd love to get better gear, I need to salvage more, and I sense enemies at Gaol.

Unless I'm missing something(s).

Zen Master
2012-08-26, 04:03 AM
Armstrong: Achieved more in his lifetime than most can dream of, and lived to high age. I hope he had loved ones around him when he went - if that is the case, I doubt he has reason to be unhappy =)

Stuffs: I have some inklings of what sort of gear you guys want. Stig wants things that go boom, and armor I imagine. Delta wants a combat shotgun. Wormwood I'm somewhat more hazy about.

Could you set down maybe just a few words about what general direction you want to develop your character in?

Maldanis looks puzzled for a breif moment, then speaks.

'You know - I wonder at this Gaol. Clearly there is something there, something they need, but I can't imagine anyone going to Gaol for fuel or supplies. It has to be the worst place for it in the system.

No ... there is something else at Gaol. Must be!'

2012-08-26, 05:33 AM
+++I'd be suspicious of any tiny religious cult ~ more so one that claims what it does. Sounds like the perfect place for non standard idea's to grow and to have a covering front+++

Ya, More than 2 shots is a great boon - plus its a somewhat passable melee weapon or a Vanahiem Assault Shotgun would be nice as well...

Sad About Armstrong but he had a remarkable life and a lot of it as well

2012-08-26, 09:24 AM

Since Wormwood is going down the militant side of the Psyker-tree, so anything that causes big boom is welcome.

Better armor would also be nice - something with protection from the vastness of the void would eventually be preferred, as being vented into space is kind of sucky.

See, the thing is that Wormwood is exceedingly paranoid, so I imagine I would get equipment for him that would be "just in case" measures. The problem is finding anything specific. Since our techpriest is going the bio-route, I could possibly pick up Tech-Use and get some nifty equipment, perhaps become a hacker of sorts; I don't really need many more non-psychic combat Talents, and Wormwood does 43 Int, so that's nothing to sneeze at.

Also, piloting is now an option. We have noticed that Wormwood is into ships. Eventually he'd probably want his own, or at least be high up on a ship's crew.

So, in summary: things that go boom, items with random functions that could possibly make our lives easier (think like a long-range auspex, or even implants, as long as implants don't affect psykers in the fluff too badly), and very eventually a ship.

Wormwood wants power. Getting flame powers can do that.

2012-08-27, 11:12 AM
A newer and bigger gun is always near the top of Stig's list. More armor is always good.

Stig is going the sniper route for the various fun traits and skills. He is a very sneaky giant of a man.

Who shoots things. Lots of things.

2012-08-27, 02:59 PM
I'm thinking we need a way to Gaol, and maybe enlist Draven's help. He seems resourceful.

Well, using us as resources.

Zen Master
2012-08-28, 04:46 PM
So it seems everyone agrees the next stop is Gaol. Maybe reuniting with Draven underway - maybe getting a method of transportation more stylish than a sublight shuttle.

+++I'd be suspicious of any tiny religious cult ~ more so one that claims what it does. Sounds like the perfect place for non standard idea's to grow and to have a covering front+++

Ya, More than 2 shots is a great boon - plus its a somewhat passable melee weapon or a Vanahiem Assault Shotgun would be nice as well...

Sad About Armstrong but he had a remarkable life and a lot of it as well

Maldanis mulls this over. It is, he informs you, a cult at least nominally dedicated to the Imperial Creed, the Gospel of the God-Emperor, and the Ecclesiarchy.

This by no means rules out heresy or corruption - but a healthy dose of religious zeal is encouraged, going far enough for rather hysterical fanaticism to be considered a useful quality. (these are not, of course, the words Menelaus uses =)

There is the thing about the faithful 'seeing the countenance of the God-Emperor'. That bit is unusual. Also, the nature of the station-cathedral is rather unorthodox. But we'll get to that.

A newer and bigger gun is always near the top of Stig's list. More armor is always good.

Stig is going the sniper route for the various fun traits and skills. He is a very sneaky giant of a man.

Who shoots things. Lots of things.

On big sneaky guys:

For a campaign I once wrote up an encounter where the adventurers would meet a (potentially hostile) group of Ogre Adventurers.

There was an ogre druid shapeshifter, an ogre rogue, an ogre ranger, and the leader was Nox - an ogre barbarian/psionic warrior, who could dish out prodigous amounts of damage with a 2-hander.

The point here being the ogre rogue, who had low agility, was large size, and generally just didn't do all too damn well on his move silently and hide in shadows. But for a strength rogue, when he got off a sneak attack, he did just tons of damage.

On shoota's:

Now ... how did that go again. Someone held a little speech, in which he bragged about his giant hunting rifle - a single shot carbine rigged to fire adeptus bolt shells. Who was that again?! And ... we're you guys right outside his bedroom just recently - but never thought to check?!

Damn. I don't remember :p

I'm thinking we need a way to Gaol, and maybe enlist Draven's help. He seems resourceful.

Well, using us as resources.

Draven may have left the Space Lounge. You didn't make any plans to return there.

Another thing for your consideration: If you go to Gaol, deGrassi may be there - depending on your timing. You have the data from his flight cogitator, so that's in your hands.

Finally .... Maldanis understands the need for better gear. His ship is equipped only with various standard items. However, there are armorers and gunsmiths in Wreck. He sends one of his people there with a shopping list.

In the simplest terms, that means:

A guards flak suit is available to everyone.
Combat shotguns are available to everyone.

Furthermore, Maldanis is able to find some weapons that are strictly impractical for use onboard spacegoing vessels:

One heavy stubber is available.
One grenade launcher is available.
One flamer is available.

Finally, he is able to aquire one suit of articulated carapace armor. It's really quite a beautiful piece, embossed with the imperial aquila and regimental markings of some long forgotten regiment from Tormentus Secundus. What it has in style, it does however also lack in discretion: You can't really go anywhere in this, if you don't want people to see you as imperial agents.

Any final preparations or considerations, before going to Gaol, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll write up an intro forthwith.

2012-08-29, 01:20 AM
On shoota's:

Now ... how did that go again. Someone held a little speech, in which he bragged about his giant hunting rifle - a single shot carbine rigged to fire adeptus bolt shells. Who was that again?! And ... we're you guys right outside his bedroom just recently - but never thought to check?!

Damn. I don't remember :p

Stig prefers to keep his weapons heresy free. I'm pretty sure that even possessing such shells would get him shot in short order.

Besides, he's got a twin linked autogun with tearing. There is a custom gun that he's got his eye on though. Its the Armageddon pattern autogun from the Inquisitors handbook. A solid gun with a very nice amount of damage potential.

That aside, he plans to stock up on ammo and supplies before the next mission. And while he would love that armor, being low key is the name of the game. Carapace armor is about as far from low key as one can get at a reasonable price.

2012-08-29, 06:25 AM
Stig, if you don't take that carapace armor, I will. But you really should take it, you being the tank and all.

Right, so, better armor and a shotgun for everyone! I have no training in any of the new things, but I am a living flamethrower, so there's that.

Random question: is the carapace armor too big to be worn under my robe? I know AP doesn't stack (which doesn't matter in the first place since it's a tattered bloody robe), but could I wear the robe over it like Ciaphas Cain?

(I also seem to remember Cain's version being specially small, or something, though, so there's that, too

Zen Master
2012-08-29, 08:04 AM
Random question: is the carapace armor too big to be worn under my robe? I know AP doesn't stack (which doesn't matter in the first place since it's a tattered bloody robe), but could I wear the robe over it like Ciaphas Cain?

(I also seem to remember Cain's version being specially small, or something, though, so there's that, too

Drape cloth over metal armor - sure, no problem, knights have being wearing surcoats since before the dawn of the Emperor.

It's impractical, and you can't put it on yourself, and if it strays out of shape for any reason, you can't straighten it out yourself either.

But this is the Empire, where we consider such practical concerns the limitations of weak-willed and undisciplined minds. Servants of the Emperor have been wearing cloth over their carapace, power- or even terminator armor since time out of memory. Of course it can be done!

2012-08-29, 08:12 AM
1 Ironclaw (can i specify it as its actually less Shots per clip and Semi Auto to be used as a Club and be reliable)

1 Guard Flak (although is it possible to wear Carapace under my Robe - I'm kinda bulky looking as it and no-one is game to disrobe a Tech priest)

Depending what the Launcher is loaded with means its possible to use on Ship with fear of a Hull Breach.

Do i get my Dendite installed and have had time to investigate the Lance?

2012-08-29, 08:15 AM
Sounds like we all want the carapace, and it'd be useful on any of us. How about a roll decided by Acromos?

Zen Master
2012-08-29, 10:46 AM
1 Ironclaw (can i specify it as its actually less Shots per clip and Semi Auto to be used as a Club and be reliable)

1 Guard Flak (although is it possible to wear Carapace under my Robe - I'm kinda bulky looking as it and no-one is game to disrobe a Tech priest)

Depending what the Launcher is loaded with means its possible to use on Ship with fear of a Hull Breach.

Do i get my Dendite installed and have had time to investigate the Lance?

Hm .... I was looking at the Irontalon, initially.

Ironclaw is ok by me, though why you'd want to, I dunno - you can slap a melee attachment on any basic weapon. I find it somewhat offending that a guy with high strength can get more damage out of a club - but then, a club cannot be mono-upgraded.

Dendrite installation and research shall be included when I do the next wall-of-text installation =)

2012-08-29, 11:33 AM
Hm .... I was looking at the Irontalon, initially.

Ironclaw is ok by me, though why you'd want to, I dunno - you can slap a melee attachment on any basic weapon. I find it somewhat offending that a guy with high strength can get more damage out of a club - but then, a club cannot be mono-upgraded.

Dendrite installation and research shall be included when I do the next wall-of-text installation =)

Technically Clubs can - its just not a very sharp edge but another form suitble for the weapon involved.

I've thought about it some more and am not sure why i wanted it so badly so i'll just take a normal one: 1 Benelli Forge M41k Combat Shotgun.

Sounds like we all want the carapace, and it'd be useful on any of us. How about a roll decided by Acromos?

Everyone wants more ARM to get between them and the bad stuff and Techpriests are kinda famous for being unhurtable tanks later on in progression

2012-08-29, 12:19 PM
Everyone wants more ARM to get between them and the bad stuff and Techpriests are kinda famous for being unhurtable tanks later on in progression

And psykers need everything they can get. Still, I'm cool with either coming up with a roll for it or allowing Acromos to RP Maldanis into giving it specifically to one of us (and if that were the case, my money is on Stig).

2012-08-29, 01:01 PM
I'll wear it if given, but if not you guys can fight for it. And if I do get it, I request a large trench coat to wear over it. One should at least attempt to be inconspicuous.

Zen Master
2012-08-29, 02:12 PM
I would consider the opinion that ... if your front guy wears the heavy armor, everyone behind him benefits. But the gear is yours to divide as you see fit.


There is really no reasonable way to wear a coat on top of carapace.


There are Imperials with carapace/trench coat combinations - but generally, the chest and shoulder pieces go on top of the coat, not under.

A robe is somewhat another matter - that's just a square of cloth with a hole in it.

2012-08-29, 03:32 PM
Yeah, I'll vote for Stig. Wormwood will find more gear via CLEANSING FLAME.

2012-08-29, 10:21 PM
In that case, I guess it's screw subtlety I've got armor.

Are there any benefits that come with the full suit? Specifically the helmet?

2012-08-29, 11:11 PM
You could still drape a cloak over it if you want to be less overt - maybe later we can get you a Camoline one

2012-08-30, 01:33 PM
You could still drape a cloak over it if you want to be less overt - maybe later we can get you a Camoline one

An idea. Now to find a cloak in that size...

2012-08-30, 06:35 PM
So equipment issues aside, I think we're ready to proceed.

To Gaol, crazy people, and a penchant for explosions.

Zen Master
2012-08-31, 02:57 AM
Alright - sorry for delay. Trouble in the little home.

Lets see if I can remember everything.


Medicae mechadendrite is installed, of course. Maldanis has fascilities and help on hand to assist.

The sonic lance is an exotic weapon - but clearly an effective one. It is an energy weapon that fires a powerful wave pulse, and has a blast 3 area of effect. Armor protects against the effect (hence low penetration), but anyone damaged by the blast must roll vs toughness or gain one level of fatigue. These do not stack, however - the weapon is able to inflict only one level of fatigue.

You also find time to replace the chain and make further improvements to Wormwoods chain sword. Moving it, effectively, from poor quality to good.


Newly armed and armored. Off to a monastary carved from space ice - where explosives will be such a good idea =)


Oversize cloaks seem to be somewhat of a thing in the Imperium. Maldanis has one brought in from Wreck. Not like it isn't entirely obvious that you're armored underneath tho =)

There are no particular upgrades for this armor. Frankly, you guess the reason to be that they were uninstalled and sold separately. It's is ready for a helmet mounted targeter, and a full environmental seal. Oh, and it's the good carapace. The 6/all kind. I didn't want it to be, but then I looked at the picture I posted, and thought 'oh darn - that's stormtrooper armor, ain't it?'

Not one to go back on my word, am I.

Now, it's all good and well that you're ready to head to Gaol. But ... as I said, you know that deGrassi was also going there - and when. I need to know if you're heading there while he's present ... or when he's not.

2012-08-31, 07:14 AM
I suppose we should try to reach there at least a day before he does. If we want to confront him, we let him show up. If not, WE RUN.

2012-08-31, 11:16 AM
I suppose we should try to reach there at least a day before he does. If we want to confront him, we let him show up. If not, WE RUN.

What information do we have on Gaol? Other than we want to blow it up?

I would aim for at least 3 days before him. Give us time to set up and scout the area.

Zen Master
2012-08-31, 11:44 AM
I suppose we should try to reach there at least a day before he does. If we want to confront him, we let him show up. If not, WE RUN.

Um, yes - about that. He's there now. You can get there before he's planning to leave - but not before he arrives.

What information do we have on Gaol? Other than we want to blow it up?

You know that:

It is a monastary devoted to the God Emperor
It is carved entirely out of a giant lump of space ice
The devout worshippers there claim to see the face of the Emperor, in the suns corona
The place also does some limited trading - they buy supplies, naturally, since they station-monastary has no production capacity, and sell some basic supplies, like fuel
You have no idea what sort of supplies deGrassi might need from there, that he couldn't get at Wreck or the Lounge - evidence suggest ... nothing

2012-08-31, 11:47 AM
Ah. Well, in that case, screw him. If he recognizes us and **** hits the fan, we can always, you know, shoot him.

And then I could set everyone on fire.

My point being Wormwood doesn't care, I'm cool with leaving whenever.

2012-09-01, 10:42 PM
Ah. Well, in that case, screw him. If he recognizes us and **** hits the fan, we can always, you know, shoot him.

And then I could set everyone on fire.

My point being Wormwood doesn't care, I'm cool with leaving whenever.

Stig stands ready to go to battle in the Emprah's name.

Zen Master
2012-09-02, 03:39 AM
Let it be decided then, by the God-Emperor! I shall delve into the secrets and mysteries of His tarot, roll the two-sided die, and all shall be revealed.

One: You arrive while deGrassi is still present
Two: You do no such thing


More to follow shortly(-ish).

Zen Master
2012-09-03, 06:24 AM
Behold! The will of the Emperor, made clear. By his decree, thus shall it be.

Since this is another simple in-system hop, you are one again stuffed into the shuttle. By now familiar with the controls of the shuttle, it is easy for you to program the piloting cogitator, and get the craft underway.

Newly rested, refitted and ready for action, you hunker down as the small craft blazes away across the system. Gaol's orbit relatively distant, say comparable to Mars' orbit in the holy Terra system.

As you approach, the nature of the monastery becomes clear. Signalling buoys transmit holy scripture and prayer over all coms channels. The station itself is nothing short of terrifying: Unless one is perfectly at ease with the concept explosive decompression and an eternity drifting as a frozen corpse in the void, the ice monastary is a constant reminder of the abruptness with which the Emperor can retrieve what he has given.

The station is literally transparent. Everything is carved from ice, except for the very few systems needed to operate: Airlocks, life support systems. It is incredibly cold - not just because a sub zero temperature is needed or the station would simply melt, but it feels like the ice and empty void beyond sucks the life and warmth right out of you.

Just a few, brittle inches of ice is all that stands between you all and the emperor.

As you swoop in approach, you once again sport deGrassi's yacht, the Far Voyager. There are no docks at Gaol - instead, it's either an umbilical or a free jump to get across to the airlock. And the shuttle doesn't have it's own umbilical.

So in your void suits, you take the ultimate leap of faith, and all somehow manage to get safely across to the wonderful station you're visiting. You are received by robed priests pulsing purifying fumes from autocensers, and mumbling benedictions and prayers.

Up close, the insanity of this place presses in on you. It's one thing to be spartan, to live the ascetic life of a monk. But somehow it's another to set up dwelling, basically in the midst of open, empty space, with hardly any creature comforts of any sort. There is no artificial gravity. There is no light. There are no rooms here - only various shelves carved in the walls of the ice, where the monks may keep their holy texts and prayer beads - about the only possessions allowed.

The layout of the monastery is simple. Where you arrive is the nave, where everyone is purified and blessed. Directly forward lies the cathedral, a huge spherical room with intricate carvings of icons and religious murals on all walls and an altar set in the center. To what we can call left or right, or west and east, lies corridors with the bare shelves that serves as cells for these monks. Opposite the entrance lies the reliquary, where lies a book of prayer blessed by St. Drusus himself, and the staff of some preacher you've never heard of - St. Solitus of the Void.

You are received by Brother Menelaus, and elderly and slightly hoarse fellow, who - in awe - informs you that you have arrived at a most blessed juncture.

'You shall receive the most rare of blessings, my friends,' he mumbles, barely above hearing, 'for the spectacle is about to begin. The Emperor shall reveal unto us his benign aspect, and we shall see the very face of God. Blessed be - blessed be.'

Everyone is gathered in the cathedral. Mass is starting. To one side, you notice deGrassi along with another man wearing an assortment of goggles and guages, along with toolbelts and bandoliers. This man is busily typing away on a dataslate.

Welcome to Gaol.

2012-09-03, 11:24 AM
This place sounds awesome.

"A blessing you, say?" asks Wormwood. He's begun to notice his lack of a stutter and, while still a bit timid, he can speak with noticeably better clarity.

I also got really tired of typing out stutters. I decided that a mixture of discovering Aqua Vitae, confidence, and super psychic fire would effectively cure his psychological tic. Of course, he still stutters when speaking of daemons, but speaking of daemons could give him flashbacks.

Wormwood will go to the mass and take part of this.

Also rolling psyniscience to see if there's any psychic shenanigans going on, especially with that weird dude with deGrassi.

Base Per 41, psyniscience roll

I mean there's probably nothing here anyway. You could also consider this an awareness check, I guess. Which I have +10 in.

2012-09-03, 01:31 PM
Stig, being an appropriate level of paranoid, settles himself in to keep an eye on two things: DeGrassi and Wormwood. The former because he is an enemy, the latter because a Psyker, sanctioned or not, in a ball of ice filled with fanatics is asking for something to go terribly wrong.