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View Full Version : [Bloodline] Childe of Sune

2012-05-20, 12:24 PM
Many a hopeful mother has pledged her first born child, or firstborn daughter, to Sune if the Goddess will only assist in their pregnancy – or sometimes in their marriage. Sune, being a Goddess of Love and Beauty in all things, including relationships, will sometimes grant such a request. And although young mothers often forget their pledge during the fuss and bother of pregnancy, the Goddess never does.

There have been times when a giddy girl in love, or a woman in desperate straits, has pledged her entire line for the next several generations. The Goddess is never greedy, never taking them all, but she may select a child every few generations to serve her purposes.

{table=head] Level |
Minor |
Intermediate |

1 | | | Craft (any art) +2
2 | | Craft (any art) +2 | Disguise Self
3 | | | Cha +1
4 | Craft (any art) +2 | Disguise Self | Encouraging Smile
5 | | | Beauty Affinity +2
6 | | Cha +1 | Charm Person 3/day
7 | | | Perform (any art) +2
8 | Disguise Self | Encouraging Smile | Minor Change Shape
9 | | | Wis +1
10 | | Beauty Affinity +2 | Paen to Love
11 | | | Beauty Affinity +4
12 | Cha +1 | Charm Person 3/day | Aura of Love
13 | | | Diplomacy +2
14 | | Perform (any art) +2 | Purified Beauty
15 | | | Con +1
16 | Encouraging Smile | Minor Change Shape | Lips of Rapture
17 | | | Beauty Affinity +6
18 | | Wis +1 | Imp Aura of Love
19 | | | Bluff +2
20 | Beauty Affinity +2 | Paen to Love | Gift of Sune

Skill boosts: Sune is a Goddess of beauty and encourages her followers to seek and produce beauty, including in the arts. Those adopted into the work of Sune first receive inspiration from her to be more able in crafting art. Next, they receive inspiration in performances. Later still, they are blessed with a better understanding of how to work with others in harmony.
Their final lesson is that when all else fails, sometimes a little white lie is the only recourse.

Ability boosts: Sune's blessing creates a deeper appreciation for art and beauty. As one's appreciation grows, their thoughts and hearts dwell more often on these things, and their very lives become more and more imbued with art and beauty. This results in a very attractive personality. Later, as they mature, this manifests in a greater Wisdom. Later still, Sune blesses those she has touched with the fortitude to maintain grace and beauty as time and the world start to wear down the body.

Beauty Affinity: Those who feel deeply for art or beauty will respond favorably to a Childe of Sune. In addition to overt followers of Sune, this includes those devoted to the arts, those very attached to their own or another's beauty, and those who seek or are in the throes of love.

(Lvl 2) Disguise Self (SLA). At-will.
Sune expects those she favors to be as perfect as possible in appearance. Knowing that mortals are not capable of perfection, she allows them to use Disguise Self. They are expected to make the subtle changes necessary to compensate for mortal imperfections. Many will make delicate, almost imperceptible, adjustments throughout the day to work with the changing ambient light and environment. It is hoped that knowing how beautiful they can be will encourage them to greater efforts toward achieving it. When visiting her temples on special holidays a Childe of Sune is expected to show the most perfected form of themselves.
This ability is not intended to compensate for inattention or slovenly upkeep of one's beauty or dress. Woe to the Childe of Sune who thinks she can let her natural looks slide just because she has this spell!
When 2 or more of her followers come together to share in private rites of love and delight, then too they are expected to be as perfect as they can be, both for each other and for their Goddess who is witness to all love and beauty.
It is always considered very rude to dispel this ability.

(Lvl 4) Encouraging Smile (Ex). A smile from a Childe of Sune is uplifting, renewing one's sense of goodness and pleasure in the worlds.
As a swift action, a Childe of Sune can flash an encouraging smile at one being. This being must be able to see the Childe's smile for the effect to work. If the being is suffering from any morale effect (including fear, etc), they immediately receive a 2nd Will save to resist it. A Childe may only use this ability once per being per instance of any given effect.

(Lvl 6) Charm Person (SLA) 3/day

(Lvl 8) Minor Change Shape (SLA): 3/day, unlimited duration. As the Changeling ability. Confers the ability to alter one's appearance as though using Spell:Disguise Self, but affects the body physically (but not one's possessions). This ability is not an illusory effect but a minor physical alteration of facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. As the Changeling ability, it also confers the ability to alter one's gender. One using Minor Change Shape reverts to his natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals his natural form. If this ability is used to create a disguise, the character receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a full-round action.
Sune is Goddess to both men and women, and their appreciation of love and beauty can be very different. In addition to granting her chosen access to beauty which is more permanent than that conferred by Disguise Self, she also expects them to explore what love and beauty are like for the other gender. Only then can they begin to understand what those terms truly mean.
It is always considered very rude to dispel this ability. If a Chlide of Sune becomes pregnant while Minor Change Shaped into a female, by the grace of Sune they may not be transformed (or de-transformed) into a shape or gender that would interfere with the proper growth or birth of the baby.

(Lvl 10) Paen to Love (SLA): The Childe of Sune is often inspired to orate or sing or even dance in honor of love and beauty and pleasure. Those who are privileged to witness this find themselves inspired.
The paen can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. Those within 60' who can see or hear the Paen receive a +2 morale bonus to any check made in the pursuit or nurturing or protecting beauty or love. This affects them for [1/2 Charisma bonus +1] hrs.

(Lvl 12) Aura of Love (Su)
Sune can manifest as an unseen surge of excitement in the air that makes all beings in a locale happier, more energetic, and more closely attuned to the sensual— that is, made acutely aware of the smells, tastes, and feel of their surroundings. They not only feel better within themselves and toward others, they also also more fully appreciate the pleasure to be had through their senses.
The Childe of Sune's devotion to Love and Beauty and Pleasure manifests this aspect of Sune's presence as Aura of Love, radius 5'/4 character levels, which may be turned on or off as a swift action. This improves the attitude of anyone in the aura by 2 steps, not just toward the Childe of Sune, but towards everyone else in the aura. Should this increase the person's attitude beyond Helpful, this causes the person to act as though Charmed for [1/2 Character level] hrs. One can be affected by the Charm effect no more than once a day, and retains all their memories of this time. This aura may be resisted with a Will save (DC 10 + Charisma mod). This aura has no effect on those who are feeling hostile toward the Childe of Sune. If at anytime a being is attacked or feels they are in serious peril (physical or otherwise), the Aura ceases to affect them.
Known Children of Sune are regularly requested to attend the monthly revelries at the Temples of Sune where they are treated as highly honored guests, carrying the benevolent spirit of their Goddess. Generally, only the highest level clergy in service to Sune will know that Children of Sune even exist, and who they might be is a closely guarded secret. If this effect of a particular Childe of Sune becomes known, they will begin to receive regular and increasingly insistent invitations from the highest social and political circles.

(Lvl 14) Purified Beauty (Ex): Immunity to diseases and poisons.
Sune blesses her Children with immunity from the ugly and disfiguring ravages of diseases and poisons.

(Lvl 16) Lips of Rapture (SLA): The kiss of a Childe of Sune is the closest most mortals can ever come to experiencing the charms of Sune herself. It is an enlivening and rapturous event.
A Childe of Sune can choose to make her kiss confer a state of passion and bliss upon a willing recipient. Her kiss grants him/her a [1/4 character level] morale bonus on attacks, weapon damage, skill checks and saves. The bonus to saves increases by +2 vs enchantment spells and effects. It also temporarily stops the effects of exhaustion, fatigue, sickness, nausea and shaken effects. The downside to this kiss is that is also has the effect of a daze spell upon the recipient (the normal saving throw applies) as if cast by a Sorcerer of the Childe of Sune's character level. This ability lasts 5 rounds, and can be used [Charisma mod]x/day.

(Lvl 18) Imp Aura of Love (Su) – Same as Aura of Love, but bigger and stronger. The aura has radius 10'/4 Character levels, improves attitude by 3 steps, and the Charm effect lasts [Character Level] hrs. It may be resisted with a Will save (DC 10 + Charisma mod].

(Lvl 20) Gift of Sune
The Childe of Sune feels a gentle kiss upon her lips and undergoes a fantastic transformation through the blessing of Sune herself. She becomes so attuned to the forces of natural beauty that she transcends mortal definitions of beauty. This Childe of Sune has now had her experiences of seeking and appreciating various aspects of beauty and love as a mortal. This kiss comes when Sune considers the Childe ready to begin training in earnest to serve her. This Childe of Sune will presently be approached by another Petitioner or Divine Minion of Sune and initiated into Celestial worship...
The Childe of Sune receives the blessing of Youth's Beauty (Ex). She ceases showing the effects of aging, and appears to attain eternal youth. For each year that passes, she appears to look a year younger, until she reaches an apparent age between 15 and 30 years old (or the equivalent for her species). She may choose to stop this apparent reversal of age at any time. During this time, she gains +1 Charisma for each age category she reaches in reverse. She also no longer takes penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged, but age boni still accrue as she learns from her experiences, and she dies of old age as normal.
Further, this Childe of Sune is no longer affected by any effect which causes Charisma damage, and any effect that causes Charisma drain cases Charisma damage instead. She also gains a +2 bonus on all saves to avoid Charisma draining abilities and effects.
Her type changes to fey if it was not fey already, and she gains all the traits of the fey type. When interacting with fey, she is treated as a fey.

Feat:Improved Gift of Sune
A trickle of Sune's influence constantly comes through your being from the Celestial realms.
Prerequisite: Gift of Sune
Benefit: Charisma +2. You now have an Aura of Exquisite Pleasure (Su), those who come within 30' of you must make a Will save (DC 20) or become Stunned in contemplation of overwhelming sensual pleasure for 1 round / your character level; those affected by this aura may try to Will save each round to shake off the effect.
In addition, as Sune in her Greater aspect is a universal Goddess of Love and Beauty, that which shines through you is attractive to all; you now have Universal Appeal (Su), race and species no longer matters when determining who is affected by your Charisma or Charisma-related skills and effects.


Sune Dogma:
“ Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one’s being and reveals one’s true face to the world, fair or foul. Believe in romance, as true love will win over all. Follow your heart to your true destination. Love none more than yourself except Sune, and lose yourself in love of the Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act each day, and seek to awaken love in others. Respond to love at least once in a day. Encourage beauty wherever you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and protect those who create them. Keep your own body as comely as possible and as attractively displayed as situations warrant. Let hairstyle and clothing best suit your personal appearance, striving to stir and delight others who look upon you. Moreover, hide not away, but always seek to present yourself to those around you in a pleasing variety of garbs and activities so as to move them with love and desire. Love those who respond to your appearance, and let warm friendship and admiration flower where love cannot or dares not. ”


Ed Greenwood created Sune for his home Dungeons & Dragons game, stating that she was merely the Greek deity Aphrodite renamed.
It is established that most of the racial gods of love (such as Hanali Celanil of the Seldarine) are in fact aspects of her- those who are not, such as Sharess, and Lliira, have since become her exarchs.

(Much borrowed/stolen and adapted from Prc:Heartwarder (F&P), PrC:Heartwarder Revised, various Succubus info, the Valentine Holiday feats, the Book of Erotic Fantasy, and various book and wiki entries on Sune in the making of this bloodline.)

(Thanks to Welknair for his review and advice on this bloodline.)

2012-05-20, 12:29 PM
My first of the 'new' bloodlines'. Please let me know what you think.

2012-05-20, 07:16 PM
Flavour-wise it is intresting and quite frankly a good alternative to the normal bloodline description.

That said, I can't help but feel that some parts of it are over-powered, just a tad.
For example: at level 6, the offical devil/celestail major bloodlines provide a 1/day smite and most of the other major bloodlines provide +1 natural armour.
They don't give you a level 1 spell with 3/day uses. Even Fey's major bloodline that lists it as one of it's powers only has Charm once a day at level 6 (and they get Low light vision at that level).

Also...Disguise Self at will? Even if one were to take the Doppleganger Bloodline and upgrade it a major (following the way they were offical major-minor bloodlines) it wouldn't work like be that powerful. In fact, the offical bloodlines don't offer any (Sp) or (Su) abilites more than once a day.

Some of your homebrew abilities are realy cool. Encouraging Smile is just awesome, and not over-powered as is Paen to Love. ^^ Congrats on those sweeties!

Purified Beauty is nice, though it might come a little late and Aura of Love a little early for my taste. Just an idea...reverse them.

Gift of Sune and Lips of Rapture are both really iconic (both the modern and original contations of the word). Which is really cool...but might make the bloodline overcome the class in terms of utility. Esspecially the Gift. That is less than blanced.

As for Minor Shape Change...I'd like to remind you of the 'Once a day rule"...
It is cool and in theme, but it wouldn't hurt too much if you restricted it a little more.

2012-05-20, 07:22 PM
Flavour-wise it is intresting and quite frankly a good alternative to the normal bloodline description.

That said, I can't help but feel that some parts of it are over-powered, just a tad.
For example: at level 6, the offical devil/celestail major bloodlines provide a 1/day smite and most of the other major bloodlines provide +1 natural armour.
They don't give you a level 1 spell with 3/day uses. Even Fey's major bloodline that lists it as one of it's powers only has Charm once a day at level 6 (and they get Low light vision at that level).

Also...Disguise Self at will? Even if one were to take the Doppleganger Bloodline and upgrade it a major (following the way they were offical major-minor bloodlines) it wouldn't work like be that powerful. In fact, the offical bloodlines don't offer any (Sp) or (Su) abilites more than once a day.

Some of your homebrew abilities are realy cool. Encouraging Smile is just awesome, and not over-powered as is Paen to Love. ^^ Congrats on those sweeties!

Purified Beauty is nice, though it might come a little late and Aura of Love a little early for my taste. Just an idea...reverse them.

Gift of Sune and Lips of Rapture are both really iconic (both the modern and original contations of the word). Which is really cool...but might make the bloodline overcome the class in terms of utility. Esspecially the Gift. That is less than blanced.

As for Minor Shape Change...I'd like to remind you of the 'Once a day rule"...
It is cool and in theme, but it wouldn't hurt too much if you restricted it a little more.

It's worth noting that Reddir here is aiming more towards the balance level of my bloodlines, not the official ones. The official ones were kind of cruddy. But I do agree that a few elements need some toning-down.

2012-05-20, 07:27 PM
...Oh. *facepalms*

I'll go have a look at your bloodlines then.

2012-05-20, 09:16 PM
...Oh. *facepalms*

I'll go have a look at your bloodlines then.

No worries, I should have posted a link in my second post.

Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11487854) is Welknair's document, which the new bloodlines try to follow. It is also linked in his signature.

And the following are a few of the new Bloodlines. There are more linked in Wlknair's extended signature:

Ancestral Blood, The
Blood Chameleon
Child of Now
Chosen of the Far Realms
Dragon Descendant

2012-05-20, 10:12 PM
Flavour-wise it is intresting and quite frankly a good alternative to the normal bloodline description.
Some of your homebrew abilities are realy cool. Encouraging Smile is just awesome, and not over-powered as is Paen to Love. ^^ Congrats on those sweeties!
Gift of Sune and Lips of Rapture are both really iconic (both the modern and original contations of the word). Which is really cool...but might make the bloodline overcome the class in terms of utility. Esspecially the Gift. That is less than blanced.

Thank you very much for your compliments. It feels good to know someone liked it :)

But, I have to acknowledge that while I tweaked some of the abilities (sometimes a lot), almost all of them were taken from other sources. I can't remember where I got Encouraging Smile, but Lips of Rapture is a tweak of an ability from the official Heartwarder Prestige Class. Paen to Love is from a homebrew of the Heartwarder Prestige Class (from these forums. I'd link it but the search function is not working for me :( ).

The Gift of Sune ability was also originally from the Heartwarder, but I mixed it with Youth's Bounty and an altered Aura of Exquisite Pleasure, both from the Book of Erotic Fantasy.

I'm really glad you feel I was able to get the concept right. It was a lot of fun fitting things in place to convey the idea of Sune and her chosen ones.

That said, I can't help but feel that some parts of it are over-powered, just a tad.

I do want to get the balance right. Please reevaluate the abilities after looking at a few of the other 'new' bloodlines.

Purified Beauty is nice, though it might come a little late and Aura of Love a little early for my taste. Just an idea...reverse them.

Part of my design philosophy for this Bloodline was to group the traits into 3 sets, each upgrading or evolving every 6 levels.

I have Purified Beauty coming with the "Appearance/Beauty" line. And Aura of Love coming with the "Charm" line.

I'd rather not change their sequence, but do you think they can be tweaked to better fit their place in the progression?

2012-05-21, 11:00 AM
It's worth noting that Reddir here is aiming more towards the balance level of my bloodlines, not the official ones. The official ones were kind of cruddy. But I do agree that a few elements need some toning-down.

I did dial it back a bit, but I guess I did not go far enough?

2012-05-21, 02:56 PM
It suddenly struck me that I hadn't properly specified which traits were Supernatural (Su) and which were Spell-Like Abilities (SLA). That has been corrected.

I tried to have those that were direct blessings from Sune be (Su). And those in which she simply gives access to a particular magic be (SLA).


I also made the Aura of Exquisite Pleasure to be (Ex). The other option is (Su)... Its not anything conscious on the part of the Child. She is just that alluring now. Pheromones, etc account for it not being sight-based.

On the other hand, it could be argued as a side effect, a spill-over, of being so closely tied to Sune and her influence. It could be a mystical effect, a true "Aura" of sensuality....


Do you think I got it right?

2012-05-22, 09:23 AM
I pulled Aura of Exquisite Pleasure and Universal Appeal from Gift of Sune, made them into a feat which has Gift of Sune as a prerequisite. I also made them explicitly (Su) in both fluff and mechanics.

I'm hoping this brings Gift of Sune closer to balance while keeping the stronger version available to those who are willing to spend a feat, most likely but not necessarily in Epic levels.


How does this Bloodline look now? Do you feel its playable and balanced with the other bloodlines?

2012-05-22, 10:22 AM
-So if you use encouraging smile to give someone a second will save against Cause Fear, can you then use it for them against Scare? Can another Child of Sune use it for them for Cause Fear? And is it usable again the next day, or never again for that character forever (the text indicates forever)?
What about effects that didn't allow a will save the first time?
-Aura of Love has a very low save DC for its level. Is that intentional?
-Improved Aura of Love seems to say that the aura itself lasts for 1 hour per character level, which I don't think is what you meant. You should clarify.

2012-05-22, 11:04 AM
-So if you use encouraging smile to give someone a second will save against Cause Fear, can you then use it for them against Scare? Can another Child of Sune use it for them for Cause Fear? And is it usable again the next day, or never again for that character forever (the text indicates forever)?
What about effects that didn't allow a will save the first time?
-Aura of Love has a very low save DC for its level. Is that intentional?
-Improved Aura of Love seems to say that the aura itself lasts for 1 hour per character level, which I don't think is what you meant. You should clarify.

Thanks for pointing out where things were not clear :smallsmile:

I fixed the wording a bit for Encouraging Smile and Improved Aura of Love, is the intention more evident now?


Re effects that didn't allow a 1st Will save....I don't know :smalleek:

Does anyone have a suggestion?


Re DC for Aura of Love, my intent was as a festival or social situation buff. Generally, its intended for times when most people will intentionally try to feel good.

It also supports the rp in social situations where getting an uptight and overly officious/serious person to open up just a little (a drink, flirtation, almost anything they willingly enjoy) will then open them up further to be glad-handed, seduced, conned, etc. So:
1) party face gets person to drop guard for just a moment
2) Aura kicks in
3) smiles all around.

Do you think this conceptually is a sufficient ability for this level? If not, how might I change it?

If you think the concept is good, can I tweak the DC or other mechanics to support it better?

2012-05-22, 12:49 PM
Thanks for pointing out where things were not clear :smallsmile:

I fixed the wording a bit for Encouraging Smile and Improved Aura of Love, is the intention more evident now?

Somewhat; I take it that two individual Children can't use it on the same person for the same effect.

2012-05-22, 01:38 PM
Somewhat; I take it that two individual Children can't use it on the same person for the same effect.


Personally, I would say that unless the two Children were twins (and maybe even then), each person's smile is different - different shade of affection or promise. And so, two different people should be able to use this (Ex) ability to give two additional saves.

....But, this is an rp perspective. Do you see the mechanics as balanced?

2012-05-22, 06:49 PM

Personally, I would say that unless the two Children were twins (and maybe even then), each person's smile is different - different shade of affection or promise. And so, two different people should be able to use this (Ex) ability to give two additional saves.

Better make that clear in the text then.

....But, this is an rp perspective. Do you see the mechanics as balanced?

That I couldn't really tell you.

2012-05-22, 07:08 PM
Better make that clear in the text then.

Now that I look at it, I see it was very oddly worded.