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2012-05-20, 07:42 PM
Although the Gold Goblin stands in a much-neglected neighborhood and the building itself has long stood dormant and empty, it makes a comeback as the big day comes. Crowds of participants and spectators mill about on the street or file together through the main doors to sign up for the tournament. Overseeing this gathering is a larger-than-life-size statue of a goblin,apparently cast in glittering gold, that stands atop the entry stairs with a smirking expression of satisfaction on its face, as if personally enjoying the crowds that shuffle past it into the doorway beneath the gambling hall’s gilded dome.
You all have your various reasons for coming to the Gold Goblin on the day of the tournament, but without fail you all arrive(not nesserally together.) . Just inside the main doors, two sultry beauties scantily clad and wearing faux bat wings, devil horns, and tails play the part of alluring succubi. Both are employees of the Gold Goblin, and they cheerfully register contestants for the tournament and process entry fees. Armed guards stand nearby to either side of an immense treasure chest into which each patron’s entry fee is added. The guards are on hand to not only protect the money, but to prevent any overzealous admirers from trying to dare the infamous touch of a succubus. Beyond the main doorway is the hall’s game floor. Dozens of gamblers, waitresses dressed as succubi, and bouncers mill about the room, wandering amid tables offering various games while dealers shuffle cards, roll dice, and spin wheels. Moving through this throng are a dozen more of the barely clad, batwinged vixens serving drinks and batting coal-black eyelashes flirtatiously for tips. In the center of the chamber is a short podium atop which sits a massive gold chest affixed to the floor by similarly gaudy chains. On either side of it stands a barechested bouncer in the exotic garb of some foreign sultan’s court. Each stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and with a naked scimitar of prodigious size tucked through his waistband. High above them, from the hall’s cloth-draped ceiling, hangs a brass birdcage within which crouches a small,bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly.
You can all assume that you had the 1 GP entrance cost and are now somewhere within the Gold Goblin Gambling hall, you can also RP your arrive if you wish. As you entered to signed a mock contract to sell your soul to the devil.
Not sure wither you guys would like to role-play the gambling or would rather just assume you gamble for awhile, give your option on the OOC, please

2012-05-20, 08:02 PM
A lean, handsome man saunters towards the entrance. Before entering, he finds a discreet location, and casts Detect Magic. He then enters, throwing a suggestive wink at the succubi standing guard. Upon entering the main hall, he finds a secluded corner from which to survey the proceedings

2012-05-20, 08:15 PM
For Joren
As you walk through the room, you eventually make your way past the sullen creature in the birdcage and detect an aura of magic around it.

2012-05-20, 08:47 PM
A big, scruffy man holding up a wicked-looking polearm makes his way through the crowd, occasionally drawing nasty looks from the people he elbows aside. He doesn't bother to disguise a lascivious grin at the leggy serving girls, and scribbles his name onto the contract without really reading it.

"Always with the contract in these places. These guys really are taking their theme night seriously, though."

2012-05-20, 08:59 PM

Quietly eying over the contract, Leonardo stumbles to find a proper pen to sign with. finally making handle with a pen, he scribbles a chicken scratch name on the pad, and on that pad, was not Leonardo Reyes. He wishes not to gamble, but look at the cautious guards that stand such a nice view with their silly swords. Both of his axes poach his outer thighs, smacking silently against his knee caps.

Not enjoying the scene, he constantly only darts his eyes left, right, and down, trying to figure out a clean line to walk in. Bumping into the poorly dressed women, he scoffs a dubious scowl in their direction, thinking a woman should wear more decent attire. noticing the man with the large pole arm bump by, he can't help but feel a fighter's hope rise. This man should prove a great showing in the future, even if it would be just death. Leonardo rests his hands on both Amor and Guerro as he calmly finds a soft place to sit and wait.

2012-05-20, 09:04 PM
Pulling down his deep green keffiyeh, the dark haired elven man paused to arch an eyebrow at the crowds surrounding the Golden Goblin. Though having witnessed and participated in gambling amongst his tribe back in the Expanse and scant few other occasions in his travels, he had never witnessed an establishment devoted to gambling on such a scale, or in such a spectacle. Entering the gambling hall, the myriad of dice and wheels and cards and other games of chance was a marvel to him. Garish though the surroundings and decoration were (particularly the gaudily attired human women in their sultry costumes), the rules of play were fascinating to him, particularly the games centered around dice thrown across the tables.

'Undoubtedly, the proprietors of this establishment are simply out to swindle those of lesser minds unable to recognize just how stacked the odds are against them.' He thought to himself. His curiosity was piqued enough however not to notice the caged impish looking creature until it gave a rattle to the cages above. Upon noticing it, Elethir was more than a little surprised and decided this establishment was worthy of deeper scrutiny.

2012-05-20, 09:28 PM
As you wander around the gambling hall you hear talk of the strange dark cloud that hangs over the sun, locals calling it the blot, while some just laugh and talk about it jokingly, other lower whispers talk of it as a bad omen of death and misfortune to come.

2012-05-20, 10:05 PM

Bart looked on the den of gambling and other things with a mixture of confusion and hope from across the road. The confusion came from being young and being unable to understand the allure devils had to some people. They just disturbed him. The hope came from the item in his pocket. A flute. A very simple flute to be honest, hand carved by an apprentice wood cutter because the master was to busy working on a desk for a rich client. The sound was a little off and every time Bart played he had to adjust his style just a little to make up for it. It had cost Bart almost every cent he had. Only one gold coin was left and he was about to spend that getting into the den before him.

"It's your only shot Bart. None of the other events this big will let a kid like you anywhere near them." He had told himself the same thing ten times other times since waking up that morning. The eleventh didn't make it sound anymore convincing. It really was his only shot, however. Bart couldn't make money doing anything else. He wasn't old enough to apprentice himself to some people, to old to do so to others. And his gifts... he couldn't charge for that.

So he confidently strode toward the main doors, paid the toll to get into the place and almost made it through them when a big hand grasped his shoulder. Bart had been hoping the bouncers wouldn't take note of him, maybe even mistake him for a halfling. The one that was holding onto his shoulder appeared brighter then that however. He turned the young boy around and looked into his eyes, flinching when he did. 'Everyone did.' Bart thought grimly. His eyes had that affect on people.

"Where do you think your going kid?" The bouncer was trying not too look into Barts eyes when he asked his question. 'Everyone flinches.'

Bart, thinking quickly, answered, "I'm here to see my mum." He waved to one of the scantly clad women across the hall, trying to hide his blush as he did. The girl, perhaps just playing her part or perhaps not seeing that Bart was a child from that distance, waved back. "See! She told me she'd get me some food today while she worked, so long as I behaved and stayed out of the way."

Bart smiled at the bouncer innocently, who looked uncertain about what to do. Realizing that he almost had the guy, Bart added, "I promise I'll behave mister. Stay in the corner and won't bother no one, just like me mum told me too."

The bouncer, already swaying toward letting him in, gave a grunt of consent and let him go. "If I hear you caused any trouble, I might throw you and your mom out. Understand?"

Bart nodded and quickly darted inside, heading straight for one of the nearest corners. When the guard finally looked back toward the line of those entering Bart snuck away, breathing a sigh of relief as he did. He had been lucky there had even been someone close enough for him to see and use to get in. The misty clouds that enveloped everything beyond about thirty feet was often a hindrance for the small boy, but thankfully he had learned how to live with it. And thankfully the guard hadn't noticed the walking stick in his hands or the rather larger wooden disk on his back as what they actually were, a club and shield.

'Now to find myself an employer.' Bart thought to himself, going to the nearest girl dressed as a devil.

He blushed furiously as he tried to ask the girl a question, her scantily clad body far to much for someone his age to be able to handle in any other way. "Excuse me miss, who do I speak to about getting a job?" Realizing that his question might be misunderstood he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a flute. "Ya see, I'm a musician and I was hopin' I might impress someone with my playin'. Maybe enough to get food and some new clothes."

[roll0] Diplomacy- To talk to the girl at the end.

The rest was trouble I made for myself, so I hope I don't have to roll for it. If you'd like though I can change it or roll in OOC.

2012-05-20, 10:41 PM
The Woman looks down at bart with curious eyes, until she sees his eyes, as she flinches and tries to press it of as a twitch, she looks down again, prepared to talk this time, "Sorry, little boy, but this isn't really a place for a child as young as yourself to work, but maybe you'll want to play one of the fun games we have here. i'll escort you myself so you don't get in trouble with the guards." she carefully takes your hand and tries to lead you to one of the less crowded tables. as you pass the large men guarding the large chest in the room, one gives you a jealous look when the Woman tries to press you against her thighs to get through a tight crowd.

2012-05-20, 10:56 PM

Bart sighs, not resisting the gentle pull of the ladies hands. He hardly notices the guards jealous look, too busy trying not to look himself. Bart was just old enough to know what showing so much skin meant and just young enough to feel completely and totally embarrassed by seeing it.

When they got to one of the less crowded tables Bart, looking a bit abashed, tries to pull of a pretty pathetic lie. "Miss, I be thankin ya' for carin' but ya' know... I am a... halfling right?"

The lie sounded pretty bad, even to him, but he hoped the lady would either believe him and hear him out or think him joking to try and hang out with some of the adults. Either way, he sounded innocent at least. Innocent was something he could pull off without trying.

[roll0] Bluff

2012-05-20, 11:07 PM
The risque woman looks at you for a sec and blushes deep red "oh...may, i'm so sorry, i didn't think, that was very rude of me... please allow me to get you a free drink." she quickly rushes away towards the bar without you getting a word in, you here her mumbling as she rushes away " so close... can't believe i touched..."

2012-05-20, 11:21 PM

To say that he was surprised the woman believed him was an understatement. That she was going to get him a free drink for it was even more so. Before he could stop her though, she was walking toward the bar. Her words actually made him chuckle a little, though he hid it with a cough fairly well. Bart supposed it might be odd for her to have 'touched' a halfling if she wasn't used to them. Bart himself knew several halfling children and had even healed a bruise or a cut for them when their play, as it always did, lead to falling off high places.

(If the woman comes back)

When the woman eventually returned, if she did, Bart would wave off the drink. "Gotta stay sober if I'm ta' impress an employer ya' know. They all look down on a man who drinks on the job." The accent he had added was as close to genuine as he could get, which was actually pretty close all things considering. He tried again, this time trying to fake being confident as he did. "Perhaps if ya' take a listen ya' would be more willin' to help me out, yes? I'll play a short song, one a friend of mine taught me."

Bart raises the flute to his lips and begins to play before the women can object. The song was probably a simple one originally, especially on a flute, but in Barts hands it becomes something more complex. The notes interwoven together move quickly and lightly, leaving a sense of mirth and joy in the music and in the song player. The flute, despite Bart's low opinion of it, was probably the best thing that apprentice ever made. It had cost a pretty penny too, so that's probably a good thing.

When Bart finished the short, catchy tune he smiled, honestly pleased with himself. It wasn't his best, but it was close. "What do ya' think miss? Willin' ta' help me find a job? Just pointin' me too the right person is all I really need."

Perform (taking 10) = 22 (+5 Cha, +3 Class, +1 rank, +1 trait, +2 masterwork instrument)

[roll0] Diplomacy to try again to get some help and or info.

2012-05-20, 11:29 PM
The woman looks at you, avoiding direct eye contact and says "well after the event you could come back and talk to saul vancaskerkin, and you know a drink always helps the nerves when dealing with things, so please i insist that you have this drink, as an apology from me." she looks at you with a guilty and hopeful look on her face.

2012-05-20, 11:30 PM

Bart, not wanting to hurt her feelings and thinking he owed her for the info, sighed inwardly. On the outside he smiles and says, "I suppose yer right there miss."

He reaches out for the glass and pretends to take a sip. His reaction is just a little over the top, but it probably gets the point across. Barts eyebrows go up and he gives a rather goofy grin. "Whoa that's strong. In a good way, mind ya', but strong. Not like me dwarf friend Garrad's stuff, that'll knock me out with a sip like that, but much stronger then anythin' my folks might have made. Thank ya' kindly miss."

Bart grins up at the lady and pretends to take another sip, this time turning as he does so the glass shakes a little, hiding the amount in it a bit better. "I don't want ta get ya' in trouble, so don't let me be keepin' ya' any longer."

[roll0] Bluff

Gotta see what I roll first so I can write a good or bad lie. XD

2012-05-20, 11:41 PM
The woman gives a smile before turning away and leaving you to your game. As she walks away from you you see numerous heads at your table watch her go, then suddenly they all turn to look at you, some giving cold glares, others giving jealous stares, one man even claps at you.

2012-05-20, 11:54 PM

Bart blushes heavily and feigns taking another sip before offering the drink to one of the men who had given him a cold glare. With genuine good cheer, for he was a rather happy child despite his situation and had just learn what he needed to on the side, Bart says to the table, "We're all here to have fun and earn some money. Don't let me spoil it."

With that the young kid walks a bit off to the side of the table, his intent obviously to watch the others play. He was curious to see what all the fuss was about and thought the least crowded table was likely the spot where he was least likely to get stepped on. Given the height of some of those walking around, it wasn't as far fetched a concern as one might think. Bart hadn't entered the contest or signed the contract, having passed himself off as a kid to get in and thus not needing too, but gambling was a curious thing for him, being one of the things he wasn't allowed to do as a child. Alcohol would have been too if his halflings friends parents hadn't let him sip their wine on the last holiday. He had ended up on the roof by the next morning somehow.

'Saul Vancaskerkin. That's who I need to find. If I can just impress him, maybe I can start earning enough to get off the streets. With a home, even an apartment, I can even open up shop as an official healer on the side. Without having to charge too!' So excited was Bart by the idea that he began smiling again, though most might mistake it for a general enjoyment of the evening. The expression was however, to a few people who knew to look for the signs, a bit too innocent for a drunkard, a gambler or a man visiting a den of vice.

Regular = Spoken
Italic = Thoughts

Just in case. XD

2012-05-21, 01:35 AM

Mirve, purple traveler's cloak covering most of her body, stands half-hidden across from the gambling establishment indecisively. She needs to go in there, it's a great place to gather information, if you can stay sober and inconspicuous, and Mirve can do at least half of that, able to down spirits fit for a dwarf, but still...

I need her in there. But what if someone sees our mark? Might get ugly. That'd be bad. But she's an extra pair of eyes and she's better at detecting trickery than I am, and there's bound to be plenty of that. Is there ever bound to be plenty of that.

Deciding that a second pair of eyes, ears and social concious. as well as moral support, was worth a risk, she doubles back down a desserted ally, finds a secluded place, and summons her companion.

Elisa smiles. Good day, Mistress. What do you require of me today? Mirve smiles back, calmer, now. Good day, Elsie. I need a second pair of eyes and ears. We are entering into a gambling hall that sells itself as a pit of hell. Stay alert. Elsie Simply nods and smiles at her mistress.

Bolder, now, both covering their summoner's mark with their hoods, they take the long way around and return to the phony pit of hell. Entering was not much of a problem in itself, although the fake succubi bothered her and she kept as far away from them as possible, trying not to be seen by them. But then there was the contract. Both people would see her sign, with her hands of wood and metal, and people would notice her. Or she didn't sign, and she was an anomaly. Dammit. Grinding her nails into the flesh of her arm first for comfort, she took out her own ink pen out of her back pack and signed down both "Mirve" and "Elsie" in a beautiful hand on that sheet, showing no outward emotion and an absolute calmness doing so. Fake names meant people couldn't find you, and then again, fake names meant people couldn't find you. Painfully aware of the stares that both her arm's bared, blue, scared flesh and her prostheses had drawn, she entered the establishment at last.

She in to scan around, and within moments, Elsie whispers in her ear: Up there, Mistre-Miss, she corrects herself. Mirve looks up, almost jumps out of her skin but managing to remain outwardly calm, and immediately tries to identify this "devilish" creature for what it is.

2012-05-21, 01:37 AM
[roll0] (Know. Planes Check.)

2012-05-21, 01:49 AM
For Mirve
It's an imphttp://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/Crazyfailure13/Imp.jpg

2012-05-21, 01:56 AM
As the windows begin darkening with twilight, several gamehall employees enter, carrying torches shaped like pitchforks skewering burning heads made of straw and cloth to light several large braziers, giving the hall a more infernal hue. A hush falls over the gathered crowd as a short man climbs to the central podium, accompanied by two gorgeous “succubi,” and stands before the gold, chain-shrouded chest there with a demoness on either side. He wears a formal suit, and his thinning black hair is slicked back. His left arm
ends in a stump just above the wrist, and affixed to it is a bronze cap from which protrudes an oddly shaped key. This is Saul Vancaskerkin, the owner of the Gold Goblin and host of the tournament. He bows before the crowd and clears his throat before speaking.

“Welcome, one and all, to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and our chance to cheat the Devil and win back not only your soul but all of his gold as well.” He says this last as he pats the large chest before which he stands. “I hope you found your reception by the Devil’s lovely temptresses suitably entertaining.” This is met by a general murmur of laughter and a few catcalls. “Let’s take this moment to thank Old Scratch himself for attending this event. Not only did he loan us these lovely, dark angels, but he also emptied the deepest vaults of Hell itself to provide the gold for this tournament.”

With this, Saul directs the crowd’s attention up to the imp in the birdcage. At the sudden attention, Old Scratch flies into a flurry of rage, banging the cage bars, spitting, howling, and screaming vile epithets in Infernal at all assembled. His theatrics are received with guffaws and even a smattering of applause. As the crowd dies down, Vancaskerkin continues.

“Of course, he plans on replacing what he loses in gold with the souls of those of you who don’t win. The tournament rules are quite simple—as you play, you’ll earn more chips. And with those chips, you’ll be able to bribe your way out of the current Hell you’re trapped in, working your way down deeper until you get to Old Scratch’s treasury. Currently, all of you are Old Scratch’s prisoners in the first of the Hells, Avernus. If you want to work your way down to the ninth circle, you need to win games. Each time you win, you’ll be awarded a golden eye. If you come in second, you’ll get a silver tooth. And third place wins a copper heart. These bits of flesh and bone are what the devils use in Hell for currency, and they’re what you’ll need to pay in order to bribe your way into the next layer of hell. The first player to win a game after reaching Nessus not only keeps his winnings for that game, but also earns back his soul and the ten thousand silver coins that the Devil put up for this tournament. You can, of course, decide to cash out your winnings at any time you want, but if you do, or if you run out of money entirely… well, that means Old Scratch gets you.”Vancaskerkin grins evilly and the caged imp cuts loose with another profane tirade. “And that earns you the Devil’s Mark and an escort out of the game hall until the tournament is over. What, you ask, exactly is this Devil’s Mark? Well, it’s something too utterly horrible to even contemplate. The forfeiture of your very soul, it is. But I suppose I can show you what it is—gods know I more than deserve the Devil’s Mark. In fact, better make it two, girls!” With that, the two succubi accompanying him lean over and each firmly plants akiss on Saul’s cheek with her ruby-red lips. When they pull away, their lip rouge has left clearly visible prints in the same shocking red on his cheeks. Saul beams as he cries out,“The Devil’s Mark, everyone!” which is greeted by a flurry of shouts, catcalls, and hoots “Now, let’s cheat the Devil and take his gold!” which prompts one more rabid flurry from the imprisoned fiend above, and with that, the tournament begins.

2012-05-21, 02:01 AM

Standing around, he notices the small group of activity. His eyes trace over the place, and notice the small kid. The clothes the small one wears tips him off that the kid needed something, not like he needs to be in a place like this. Remembering the family he left behind for his grand, well, not adventure, but duty, Leonardo steps forward, tailing the kid. He begins to contemplate about his life, and what he has done so far. He becomes lost in thought, only working on pure instinct to follow the kid.

Leonardo bumps over some guards, accidentally lays an elbow or back-hand on a waitress, and even the occasional tipping of a small table. Small tears form in the corners of his eyes, first out of sadness, but then out of happiness. He thinks back to how easily Timothy had lifted an axe, making it a proud moment for Leonardo in deed. Steamy in his vision, he begins to lose the kid. He pauses for a moment, and wipes his eyes on the sleeves of his garb.

Finding the kid once more, he shuffles forward faster, trying to make ground. Tapping the kid on the shoulder, he drops to a knee, and smiles, still red on his cheeks from his tears. Smiling as best he could, he hoped not to scare the kid. "Hello, Young fellow. Is there anything I can help you with?"

2012-05-21, 02:09 AM
An Infernal creature! Here! Unnerved but intrigued by this discovery, she decides to see if this might an excellent opportunity, although she feels uncomfortable taking contact with such a creature. Going away from the center of the room, she turns towards Elsie, trying to hide her casting with animated whispering discussion with Elsie; she casts Message targeting the Imp, taking advantage of the noise to have a neigh-unbearable whispered discussion with the Imp. (In Infernal) Hello, Imp. Pardon for contacting you like this, you must find me rude. My name is Mirve, the Tiefling. What is you name? May I ask by whom and for what reason you have been caged?

Bluff check to hide spell: [roll0]
Diplomacy check: [roll1]

2012-05-21, 02:35 AM
When you speak the imp swings it's head back and forth looking for the source of the voices, when he finds none he sighs leans his head back and whispers, "those damn voices again..." you hear this.

2012-05-21, 02:42 AM

The young lads attention was too caught up in the display of the owner, whom he would be trying to meet after the tournament, to notice the rather awkward and red faced Leonardo until the man was kneeling before him. Inwardly, Bart said some words he probably wasn't supposed to know. The guy seemed nice enough but Bart couldn't be thrown out. He needed to start making some real gold and that meant being in this place, though unlike everyone else his gambling was being done off the table.

He couldn't get caught, so he decided to keep up the lie he had started earlier. "Look at this friends. Another person thinks I'm a kid. If this keeps up, they won't even let me by any drinks later."

Bart chuckles and looks at the man, shaking his head. Inwardly his stomach twisted into a knot. Three people he had to lie to just to get in here. He didn't like lying, despite how good at it he was. The one time people can't be callous and distant is the one time Bart would prefer they were. The irony. "I'm fine, thank ya' kindly."

2012-05-21, 02:47 AM
It's delusional. Fantastic.(Still in Infernal) Oh, I am quite real. I comunicate to you not in delusions, but in magic. You, yourself, are a being of magic. See that it is so, you who are mocked as Old Scratch. Look down on me, and see that which marks me a scholar of Outsiders. Unwilling to gain nothing from that which she has alredy risked, she asks Elsie to draw back her hood, reveal the red hair and the Summoner's mark upon her forehead, and look up at the imp, as she describes to the Imp their current location and the hair he should look for.

2012-05-21, 02:49 AM

He knew better than to see this child as a grown adult. He wouldn't be any older than his own son, Timothy. His face became clear, and he stood, looking like he was more enraged, than turned off by the mean remarks. Too enthralled by the vision of his family, and how he left them, he thought quickly.

"Then here, for my mistake as seeing you as a child, my friend." Leonardo saw nothing more to use his money on. He dipped into his pocket, and tossed out 35 gold pieces, all nice and tight in a baggy. He turned, not caring to play in this outrageous tournament. He, instead, went off to talk to the man in charge, wanting closure, and wanting a test to place his skills into.

Thinking less about the young man, he walks forwards and onwards, caring only to make haste, and speak with the curator. Making it past some of the wandering guards, he thought it wouldn't be easy to meet with the head of the place. Still, he wanted to talk to the man, wanting, no, needing to do something constructive while so far from home. "Timothy... I promise, I'll never forget you.."

2012-05-21, 02:53 AM
As you tell Old Scratch of your location he looks toward you, grabs the bars of his cage and snarls a little, "What do you want with Old Scratch, incomplete Sheling. speak what would cause you to bother Old scratch when he's having a horrible servitude."

2012-05-21, 03:01 AM
Leander has been standing in the background until now, his greatsword, burnished armour and holy symbol hidden beneath a long red cloak. At the appearance of the imp he grimaces, reflexively clutching the hilt of his weapons. He hears the voice of Ragathiel in his mind. Suffer no fiend to live.

Warily, he'll step forward for a better view, picking out the more interesting contestants in the crowd.

I'll chuck a detect evil as well, to ascertain the imp's intentions.

2012-05-21, 03:04 AM
Elsie smiles at the Imp, glad to be able to cover for her Mistress in such a manner. Mirve is glad for the state of the Imps mind. This is a being i can take advantage of, if it has any worth whatsoever to give that purpose. Let’s find out. I’m after information on the man responsible for your horrible servitude, Saul Vancaskerkin. What do you know of him, Old Scratch? What dirty secrets of his do you have, that they may be used against him? I might have ways to make him pay for his misdeeds.

[roll0] Bluff check to fool Old Scratch of Mirve's abilities and motivations.

2012-05-21, 03:05 AM
The imp is evil by nature, however it seems intent and content to sit in it's cage, however when your detect evil activates you get an immense headache, and notice that most of the rooms in habitants are evil.

in response to mirve's questioning, the imp speaks "Old Scratch only know what he told Old scratch, and old scratch only do what he's told. Old Scratch told not to speak to strange people." at the end of his speech he flies into a rage and start beating at his cage.

2012-05-21, 03:10 AM

Bart had known enough mean spirited wizard apprentices and such to know that a bag that sounds like it contains coins might not. What? You don't know anyone like that? Where have you been living?

Anyway, Bart waved the bag off, both wary of what was in it and uncertain that he wanted to accept charity even if it was actually coins. He didn't mind it when he played his flute on the side of the street, but he felt like he earned that. This was... well Bart didn't know what it was and it bothered him.

As the man left in a storm, looking rather angry, Bart suddenly became a little worried about where the guy was going. Deciding it was best to be cautious he moved away from the table toward the edges of the room. He notices, as he does, two rather interesting women. One appeared to be talking to the other, only the other was facing away from the first woman and toward the imp. Being a kid and having both the attention span of a small animal and the curiosity of one, Bart of course immediately began to sneak closer, trying to look casual and invisible at the same time.

'You'd think being sneaky in a crowd full of people would be easy.' Bart thought to himself, annoyed that the crowd made it that much harder to navigate. Not only that but sometimes he had to go around people and the cloudy edges of his vision would swallow the woman, leaving Bart uncertain if he was still going in the right direction. Eventually he makes it close enough to hear what she was saying, or at least he thinks he close enough, and thankfully not drawing any extra attention to himself as he does this. Unfortunately, he sticks out plain as day like anyone else. And doubly unfortunate that the woman appears to be simply mouthing the words to Bart, who is unsure who she is talking to and how it's a conversation if she's not actually making any sounds.

[roll0] Stealth - To be all sneaky like. Will have a better description of how well he does when I see the roll.

2012-05-21, 03:17 AM
Dammit. Unreliable beast. Well, that's one source of information gone. Let us go see if we can get an audience with the head sinner himself. I will not back down now, I cannot back down now. Thank you, Elsie, let your hood fall back upon your head. Elsie simply nods and does as instructed, and then follows her Mistress towards Saul Vancaskerkin, the irritation making her lose her caution, needing to clean herself of the feeling of failure. She cannot allow herself to fail.

2012-05-21, 03:24 AM
Your companion Elsie notices a small person "sneakly" come up behind you.

2012-05-21, 03:27 AM
Though unable to ascertain anything regarding the fiendish creature known as Old Scratch above them, Elethir did here some interesting rumors regarding the warped light he had observed to befall Riddleport since arriving here. Not content simply to eavesdrop, he turned to the crowd at hand, looking to identify any possible kindred spirits in such a den of iniquity.

'It would seem I am the only one of my kin to fall victim to this establishment's wiles.' He reflected, as he scanned the crowd, taking in the plethora of local lowlifes and charlatans, till his eyes settled upon a rather odd looking young woman (by mortal standards) amongst the crowd. She stood somewhat apart, and seemed disengaged from any of the numerous games.

Approaching her cautiously, he observed her interesting prosthesis and a certain 'otherworldliness' to her, before taking the opportunity to speak.

"Greetings to you, planetouched." He said, speaking subtly but directly as he ventured a guess at the girl's ancestry. "Tell me, are you another plebian patron of this house of sinful delights or are you as intrigued by the presence of such a creature as that", he nodded towards Old Scratch, "as you are by the other odd phenomena of this city?"

2012-05-21, 03:29 AM

Bart, seeing someone else approach that was quite heavily armed, quickly pulled a disappearing act to vanish into a nearby group of people. This time his small height seems to work to his advantage as he finds a table nearby to hide behind. However, both curious and bored from having to wait through the games around him he couldn't play, Bart decided to hang just close enough to try and hear the conversation. He didn't notice, as he was straining to get an ear close, that the ladies friend had apparently spotted him.

[roll0] Stealth

2012-05-21, 03:32 AM
Miss, we are being approached. Elsie whispers, and indicates discretely. Mirve looks around, and white eyes meet hers. They intrigue her. She decides to get herself a chance at talking to their owner. She holds out her left-hand prostheses, held in place by bandages covering her arm, and softly beckons the owner of the eyes closer when he is close enough that their eyes can meet, and she does, intently. Hello. My name is Mirve. Pleased to make your acquaintance, White-Eye. May I be of assistance?

*edit* Mirve approaches as non-threatening as she is able, now distracted from all else by this find, intent to talk to him

2012-05-21, 03:35 AM
To spot Bartholomew attempting to hide as I approach Mirve:


2012-05-21, 03:36 AM
new check to follow Bart:
[roll0] Mirve,
[roll1] Elsie

Elsie noticing this attempt to hide, Mirve decides to pretend not to know where he is, for now, and turns towards the Elf confronting her.

2012-05-21, 03:38 AM
Mirve loses track of Bart for a moment until Elsie points her in the right direction, and Elethir keeps his focus on Bart constantly.

2012-05-21, 03:40 AM
(Elven)Greetings, Elf. I am no quickwife, but merely curious, as you suggest. This is indeed a place of interesting things. My name is Mirve. May I have yours? The boy. I'll find him, he is an anomaly, easy to note. I will find him.

2012-05-21, 03:45 AM
Noticing the young human child scamper out of sight amongst the crowd at his approach, Elethir none the less turns his attention to the woman now speaking to him. (Elven) "I meant no disrespect." He begins, moving his eyes to greet those of this new compatriot, "but I welcome the chance to explore the oddities of this establishment with a kindred spirit. I am Elethir, called Brightbough amongst the tribes of the Mwangi. And you are?"

For the moment he focused his attention on this new conversationalist, though kept a wary eye on the child so recently to have escaped attention by the other patrons of the Golden Goblin.

2012-05-21, 03:49 AM
(Still Elven)Ah... I am afraid that I am not comfortable giving you my last name. Mirve will have to suffice, I'm afraid. Assume I have no clan, because it is not far from the truth. May I ask what you are here for? Is gambling a draw for you? An unusual interest, I note. No offense intended.

Elsie knows to keep her eye on Bart, as dicretely as possible, while Mirve speaks with the elf. Elsie knows to do what she is good at.

2012-05-21, 03:50 AM

'Of course. They speak other languages.' Bart sighs, his boredom coming back again as the conversation he can't understand between one odd, and short, woman and one heavily armed man continues. Deciding that caution was the best part of valor, and thinking that was how the saying goes, Bart goes off to find a table with an interesting game to watch. He doesn't look back at the two before they fade into the cloudy mist his vision was limited by, not liking to actually pay attention to people being swallowed into it.

2012-05-21, 03:54 AM
Elethir gave the woman a more determined evaluation now that he was speaking with her directly. "No offense taken." He replied, "And I must admit while the myriad rules and strategies of the various games of chance are intriguing, I am here pursuing more enlightening goals." He was wary at how much to reveal to her at present, but did not believe it would hurt to reveal to her the simple rumors he himself had yet heard.

"Have you been in Riddleport long?" He asked, "I myself have been here only long enough to observe it's most peculiar patterns of the day, particular the appearance of Blakely's Shadow, or the Blot as it is more commonly referred to. Are you familiar with it?"

2012-05-21, 03:55 AM
The room goes silent as a woman spills a large amount of gambling chips,
Everyone give me a perception check.

2012-05-21, 03:58 AM
[roll0] Perception (He might not be close enough to even see. XD)

Edit: Yup, he's not.

2012-05-21, 03:58 AM
Perception check:[roll0]

2012-05-21, 04:00 AM
Mirve is snapped back into reality violently. A source of some information at last! And a polite, intelligent one at that. Mirve pays careful attention to the Elf now, finally content to let Elsie keep track of her interest on her own.

(Elven)My goals are similar, mister Elethir. I am here for insight and information. I am afraid that I do not know of these things, as I am not very skilled in approaching others. Would you do me the kindness of informing me of these things, so that we may at least be equally lightly informed of events?

2012-05-21, 04:00 AM
Anybody who got over 10 notices 4 large men approaching the chest full of money in th center of the room, and can give me a will save.

2012-05-21, 04:10 AM
OOCWill Save:[roll0]

The four men that he notices seems peculiar. However, he is pretty taken back.

2012-05-21, 04:14 AM
Not quite noticing the men approaching the chest, Elethir begins into an explanation of what he has heard regarding the relatively recent appearance of the Blot in the last month, its intermittent fluctuations and the reward posted by the Overlord regarding it's origin.

"I came here seeking passage to the nearby elven ruins of Celwynvian, but am hard pressed to believe that this 'Blot' is a natural phenomenon."

(For Mirve)
The darkness in the sky over Riddleport is known
locally as Blakely’s Shadow, or simply the Blot.
The Blot first appeared over Riddleport about
a month ago and has remained in the sky ever
since. It has changed size and shape and has
even disappeared intermittently, but has always
returned after several hours.
The overlord has offered a 500 gp reward to
anyone who can determine what the Blot is
and if it poses a threat to the city. Many have
undertaken the challenge but so far there have
been no results.

2012-05-21, 04:21 AM
As the 4 men come closer to the chest a bright light flashes through the room and blinds everyone but Leonardo for 1d4+1 rounds( roll for your self.)
you hear this after the flash, “All right, folks! Drop to the ground and don’t try anything stupid and we might let you live!”
the blinded civilians drop to the ground.
you see a man and a woman rushing for the chest, and the 4 large men start looting the people on the ground.

2012-05-21, 04:23 AM
Mirve, not noticing the commotion, decides to take an interest in the source she has found.
This blot- interesting circumstances. Might be a catastrophe, natural or otherwise. Certainly something to keep an eye on. However, I admit that I am interested in your own doings. You seek the Elven ruins? May I be so rude as to ask wherein your interest lies, what it is that drives your quest, so to speak?

2012-05-21, 04:26 AM

Withdrawing his two blades, he rushes at the man that ran at the chest. Using his axes in an impromptu sync, he makes a nice attack with both blades.

Move to the man at the chest.
Attack using both blades.
Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2012-05-21, 04:26 AM
Blinded by the burst of light that interrupted the conversation, they both drop prone, Mirve pushing Elsie to the ground

2012-05-21, 04:28 AM
Before he can reply, a bright light emanates around the room, blinding Elethir ([roll0] rounds) though he does not drop to the floor so readily as the rest of Riddleport's civilian populace, instead taking a step forward, bowing his head and placing one hand upon the scabbard of his blade, hoping to delay long enough to regain his sight.

2012-05-21, 04:28 AM
Leonardo misses both attacks.
everyone roll init

2012-05-21, 04:31 AM
Initiative roll: [roll0]

2012-05-21, 04:32 AM

Mirve tenses for assault, shutting her eyes tightly and trying to understand what is happening by listening intently, staying still and remaining calm.
Elsie panics, but stays still, clutching after Mirve's hand. Mistress! What has happened to mistress! This is my fault, I should have been vigilant, why didn't I keep attention, why did I focus so on White-Eye, mistress mustn't be hurt I cannot allow her to be hurt.

2012-05-21, 04:40 AM
mirve you get a turn first

2012-05-21, 04:45 AM
Mirve stays calm, drawing her longspear and laying it down beside her, letting her hand remain on it, which calms her considerably. She still tries to track the commotion by listening in.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-05-21, 04:49 AM
unfortunatly mirve is unable to understand the surrondings with sound,
as leonardo attacked the man running at the chest the, man tries to touch you with a withered stick.

Leonardo takes 3 damage.

it is now leonardo's turn.

2012-05-21, 05:01 AM

Flinching at the easy hit he took, Leonardo takes time, and attempts a greater attack. He raises both axes now, Slamming them downward in an X motion over the man that threatens him.

Full attack.
Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2012-05-21, 05:05 AM
the man deftly dodges the strikes leonardo tries to assault him with.

as the 4 men see you still up they stop looting the people on the ground and start to run for the exit. the woman with the group starts running towards leonardo. Elsie's turn.

2012-05-21, 05:14 AM
Elsie finds her Mistress's hand, which calms her. Knowing she is there next to her, Elsie rises, trying to keep aware of her surroundings. She prepares to hit anyone who comes close to her mistress.
Readying an action to hit those who close in on them, as well as a free-action five-foot step taken as part of the readied one if someone becomes adjacent to her

Perception: [roll0]

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 05:29 AM
A hooded woman, sitting in one of the dark corners, was watching the events in disgust and wondering if she hadn't picked up wrong tavern for finding next job. She really didn't liked that "demonic" theme - would these people see real devil, not that silly imp in the cage, they would run. Not only that, but apparently nobody was interested in giving her job.Everybody was in for hazard and skimpy dressed women, she could hold a damn sign "Alchemist For Hire" over her head and nobody would notice. And that was before the attempted roberry and getting blinded. Yeah, this is the last time she's picking up tavern based solely on it's name.

Some part of her doesn't want to get involved, other however takes pity over all those robbed people and even those who had fun, before it all started. Some old habits make her quite enraged at the though of letting the robbers go.

She picks up her bow and aims at the woman who seems to be leading this operation, running towards two axe-wielding warrior. She sets her arrow, aiming at woman's legs. It's not he wisest thing to do. But Alira Etefloss isn't exactly know for doing only what's smart.

I'll probably should wait for DM to answer Elsie, but I'm in a little rush here, sorry.
Attack [roll0]

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 05:31 AM
And now I forgot to roll for damage :smallannoyed:
And roll because of crit

2012-05-21, 06:29 AM
The woman falls dead in her run as an arrow soars clear into and out the otherside of her throat, elsies attack prepare is set, Mirve's turn.

2012-05-21, 06:39 AM


Joren, previously distracted by the Elven conversation he'd eavesdropped upon, begins to realize what's going on around him. He pulls his crossbow, and attempts to find an out of the way place, moving to it as best he can.

2012-05-21, 06:44 AM
Mirve lies disoriented on the floor, unable to decipher what's going on, and decides to establish communications with Elsie, and casts Message targeting her. Do not worry, Elsie. I am alright. Can you see what is happening?

She attempts again to realise what is going on:

2012-05-21, 07:11 AM
Ok everyone is starting to get back their sight now

2012-05-21, 07:35 AM
Whoa, lot of action while I'm asleep.

Init: [roll0]

Kiavar had the misfortune of having the flash go off right in his face. He'd started drinking already, and his dilated pupils were so blasted that he was only beginning to recover now. At least he retained the presence of mind to drop to the floor, but now his blood was up and he was getting angry. Picking his polearm up from where it leaned against the table, he scanned around himself for threats and try to get a sense of what was going on.

2012-05-21, 09:02 AM
The only enemy left is the man holding a withered stick, the man falling to his knees with a look of grief and pain, and he starts to raise the stick to touch his throat.

2012-05-21, 11:10 AM
Jacob walks into the room and seems to late to have to sign the contract. He mutter under his breath. Damn it. I knew I should have paid for that faster horse to get me here. When he sees the fight going on a smile flickers across his face. Now this, is what I came here for. He draws his longsword and approaches the men and confronts them ready for a fight.
Initiative [roll0]
Could I have my first action straight away seen as the combat started whilst I wasn't there.

2012-05-21, 11:14 AM
Jacob uses his Arcane pool to enchant his sword. And slashes at the closest man whilst casting burning hands on the man.
Longsword [roll0]
Does combat casting make me do minus two on the attack roll? Antway the Burnin hands needs reflex save to half damage. [roll2]

2012-05-21, 11:16 AM
Having been sufficiently blinded not to want to risk combat, Elethir dropped down as he could assume only the other patrons did, pulling his keffiyeh up over his ears and face he hoped not to attract too much attention. Sensing his vision returning though, he knelt into a ready position, scanning the room to see most of the combatants had already been dispatched.

Spotting the man directing the wizened rod to his own throat, he rose to his feet with a cry of alarm, "Stop him!", even as he drew his own weapon.


2012-05-21, 11:30 AM
If Combat's already over, then I suppose we should just ignore my second action. That way I get my spell and my Arcane pool back. Apollogies for not reading the thread thoroughly enough before posting. :smallredface:

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 05:36 PM
Alira looks dissapointed at the dead woman.
"Damn, my aim is off. She says to herself, slowly approaching man who looks like he is about to blow his head off with a wand.
"Hey you, axe guy, you're okay?" She says to fighter who was trying to stop the robbers. Approaching frozen guy she tries to recongize what did this to him.

knowledge Arcana [rol]]1d20+6[/roll]

She stops when she's next to the woman's corpse, picks up her arrow and starts searching the body. She plans to do this with all of them, one by one.

2012-05-21, 05:49 PM
Recovering his vision, Joren rubs his eyes and puts his crossbow away before speaking.

Rising from the floor, he recasts Detect Magic, and approaches the elven maid hovering over a woman's body.

"Well, that... got out of hand..." he looks at the body, scans the room, then locks eyes with the elf. "Joren Rothsfuss at your service." He lightly kicks at the corpse. "Friend of yours?"

2012-05-21, 05:58 PM
With the man apparently paralyzed, Elethir now approaches him, eager to remove the wand from his hand and restrain this member of the attacking group. With a nod towards the elven bow woman and the pike armed human he used his rapier to flick the stick from the man's hand.

"Were they after the prize money?" He intoned towards the guards, and other patrons like himself, currently standing, not taking his eyes off the old man.

2012-05-21, 06:02 PM
"I didn't see nothing. Whatever that flash was, hit me full force" grumbles Ky as he keeps trying to blink the huge dark blob out of his vision.

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 06:33 PM
Alira looks at suprisingly nochalant man with a little bit of confusion on her face, like she's wondering what to do with him.
"Nice to meet you. No, it's not a friend of mine. But I would appricate if you would show some respect to the dead." She says to him. And then goes back to looting the bodies.

2012-05-21, 07:53 PM
Joren watches the looting elf with an ironic smirk. "Noted," he chuckles. "Let me know if you find anything 'respectable'." Noticing the elven man prying the wand from the frozen man's hand, he strides in that direction.

"Smart move. Mind if I have a quick look? It'll do you more good if you know what it is."

Is my Detect Magic pinging anything?

2012-05-21, 08:09 PM
Suddenly, before you could finish looting, saul vancaskerkin rushes from one of the hallways in the back of the room, he has a worried look, he starts to talk, but a flurry of angry customers swarms at him, this continues for a moment until he promises to return chi chips at a 110% rate, after the last customer leaves he motions to all the pcs to follow him.

2012-05-21, 08:12 PM
Turning to Saul before being able to respond to the pike armed human, Elethir nods and drags the old man to his feet, checking him for any other arms or equipment. "You are the proprietor of this establishment I assume?" He asks, making his way forward.

2012-05-21, 08:21 PM
A bit chafed by being ignored by the elf, Joren nods at the pikeman as he saunters toward Saul's beckoning. He casts a brief glance over his shoulder to see who else tags along.

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 08:31 PM
"I pity your loss. If you want to hire somebody to get the money back, I'm in." Alira continues looting the corpses, trying to find anything useful or any sort of clue.

What check is for that? Perception?
Perception [roll0]

"Any idea who could be behind it? Any enemies? Loan holders? Somebody whou would like to discredit you? Goblins who didn't liked the name? Devils or churches that didn't liked the theme?" She asks. She watches him carefully, trying to see if he doesn't behave suspiciously.

Sense Motive: [roll1]

2012-05-21, 08:33 PM
Saul smiles at you, "well of course im the owner, everyone else damn left after that." he laughs, "you'll seemed very heroic today, would any one like a drink."

As you loot the 2 corpses you find a wand, a scroll of shrink item, a spellbook, Bracers, 50 GP in house chips, Masterwork Leather armor, and rapier.

2012-05-21, 08:37 PM
Ky follows the proprietor, more out of curiosity than anything else; he couldn't think of a reason that he would be singled out, but then again, he couldn't think of anything else to do with the rest of his day. With his luck, he might be hired to track down whoever it was that attacked.

2012-05-21, 08:41 PM
Saul laughs again as he sitsat a table, "i can think of many who would try this, but whats important right now is, that you all look like able-bodied men and women, and i would like you all to work for me." he summons the only waitress left and orders beer for everyone.

2012-05-21, 08:46 PM
Joren nods toward Saul as he takes a seat. He winks at the waitress as he signals for a brew. For the first time, onlookers would notice a soot-black bird alight on Joren's shoulder as he reaches for whatever food might be on the bar.

2012-05-21, 08:50 PM
Kiavar chuckles "What, did you fire your door guards? I assume you're not asking us to be replacement servers."

2012-05-21, 08:50 PM
The waitress who was giving a strange look at you because of the bird, notices you wink, blushes, and rushes towards the kitchen area.
Saul gives a slightly sad look "they quit. i'm not asking you to be a replacement server, made the ladies man over her could be." he motions towards joren,"no you would do better as a guard or bouncer."

2012-05-21, 08:58 PM
"That I would," Ky replies with a snort, "depending on what it is that made your previous guards quit right before the place got held up."

2012-05-21, 09:01 PM
"the guards actually quit because of the hold-up, however aside from doing jobs in the gambling hall, my main reason for hiring you all is because, you all give of the shine of a youthful generation, and this may scare off some of the criminals who would otherwise give me constant trouble.

2012-05-21, 09:05 PM
"Come now, Saul; surely you can do better for a man that can make water taste like wine?"


Joren proves his point, Prestidigitationing Saul's beer to taste like a fine vintage

Crap! Two posts while I was posting! Damn my slow typing!

2012-05-21, 09:09 PM
"Alas, im just a Old man trying to repent on his misguided youth, these criminals don't want to give me a break and let me live out my old days in peace." he takes a sip of his beer and is taken aback to taste the difference in flavor."my, my, isn't this odd, perhaps i should think of something different for you."

Man on Fire
2012-05-21, 09:14 PM
"How much are you paing?" Alira asks, having finished searching the bodies."I'm an alchemist, I can take his water and turn it into actual wine. My service is not cheap." She sais, noding at sorceror.

Also Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-05-21, 09:18 PM
"Well, it just so happens that I'm looking for some steady work. This might just be right up my alley. The name's Kiavar, by the way, in case you lost the fancy show-contract."

2012-05-21, 09:20 PM
he says he will pay 10 GP per week, plus a cut of the profit from the gambling hall.
"those contracts were thrown away as soon as they were signed, they were just a gimmick."

2012-05-21, 09:23 PM
"I could be persuaded to stay on for awhile, and I won't run up your overhead on reagents..." Joren casts a side glance at the Alchemist.

"Joren Rothsfuss, at your service, Saul. The bird's Barnabas. He doesn't say much." Joren flashes a wry grin.

"Who seems to be giving you problems?"

2012-05-21, 09:27 PM
" problems are for the morning for now mingle among yourselves, drink what you can, and you can find a ready bed in the gold goblin."
(i'll be putting a map of the gold goblin up on the first page of the OOC, and telling what each room is, so i won't post IC for the moment.)

2012-05-21, 09:33 PM
"Can't say no to that... Anywhere else we should know about?"

Joren awaits a reply, and after receiving it, eyes the alchemist over his mug of ale.

"Find anything useful while performing your last rites there?"

2012-05-21, 10:36 PM
"I'm amenable to act alongside as security for your establishment. If only to raise the coin necessary to make my way in this city. I'm a bit curious though regarding the creature you keep in the cage above the floor, but my questions on that count can wait. My name is Elethir, and I am at your service." Elethir nodded in ascent as their now employer left, and then too his new companions gathered together, sharing drinks and conversation.

"It is an oddity though, to find such a fiend, or the imitation of one captive in such an establishment. Not the only oddity considering the organized and concerted attempt those bandits made today either.

2012-05-22, 12:30 AM
Jacob aproaches Saul.
Excuse me for one moment. These infidels might think working for money is fine, but the only thing I need at the moment, is some information. MY boss wants me to find out about this blotch in the sky. And unless you know what the hell it is, then I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer. I would rather not stay in this city for long, so get me the information, I'll work it off. Or I leave immediatley. He says this with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

2012-05-22, 01:16 AM
Saul shows only the slightest sign of reaction, then he whispers in jacob's ear "your a man on a mission, i get that, but if you want my help you'll do a little less, threatening, and a little more working, maybe i'll even know something about this mysterious blot."

2012-05-22, 02:48 AM
Stepping up to Jacob's side, Elethir shot the man a dangerous glance and moved in close to him. "Calm yourself, spellblade." He whispered furtively as he now stood between him and Saul. "Truly, I am as concerned and interested in the strange darkness, but you should temper your tongue and your methods if you are to be successful." A lesson he himself had hard learned amongst the mortal races over years.

2012-05-22, 02:59 AM
* As Combat Ends*
Elsie looks around the establishment with her regained vision. No more hostiles. Mistress is safe. Horrid, disfigured claws that had burst out of her fingers to protect her mistress, although kept concealed until opportunity came to use them, was reformed into lithe, pretty hands.
(Over the Message, Perception 25 for those close to overhear, in Infernal) Mistress, the instigators appear to have retreated. Are you unhurt? May I help you on your feet? No. Thank you, Elsie. Refusing Elsie’s hand, Mirve rises and sheaths her spear, listening in on the Head Sinner making his offers. Interested, she listens in. This is what I was looking for. I need to join these people. Well, let's see what we can do about the one we've come somewhere with.

Mirve approaches the group, speaking first to Elethir:(Elven) the creature is an Imp, Mister Elethir. A delusional, daft Imp, comfortable with its servitude. (Common) Saul? My interest lies in information. If working for you is your requirement to obtain this information from you, so be it. I am willing to accept a position here as security, and accept the housing you have offered, which by extension means Elsie here will as well. Mirve, at your service. I will on no terms whatsoever dress up as the devil's quickwife, incidentally.

2012-05-22, 04:02 AM
Saul smiles, and nods before walking away into ne of the hallways.

2012-05-22, 05:45 AM
Leander walks purposefully after Saul, wanting to set some things straight.
Detect Evil, just to be sure

He then turns back, thinking ruefully about how he had hesitated when the combat started, I guess they were right, training is very different to a real fight.

Hanging his head with the shame of his inaction he introduces himself to the rest of the group.

"Well met friends! I'm sorry I wasn't of more use. I'll do better next time."

2012-05-22, 06:47 AM
Joren drinks deep from his mug, and ***** an eyebrow at the Elven dialog, but gives no other sign of comprehension.

Setting his mug down, he returns the greeting of the apologetic man. "Fret not, we all have our uses. We're still here, so no harm done." He slides the man a mug. "Drink up, friend! I imagine you'll have a chance to prove your salt yet."

Joren then spends time introducing himself around, always with a mug no less than half full.


Seriously, auto-censor? OK, how about "raises an eyebrow"

Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 07:56 AM
"Name's Alira, consider me hired. Don't worry, unlike some people, I won't be wasting time hitting on everything with breasts in the building." Se says, nodding at the sorcerer."We'll discuss the payment later." She adds.

And the a Paladin walks in. Very duchy one to that. "Great, exactly what we needed, a knight in shinning armor has come to save the day." She whispers to hersalf, sacrastically."Nothing important." Alira answers the question of Sorcerer.

"I'm going to work with a womanizing sorcerer and a paladin. You know what? I feel like a need a drink." She says and goes to get some.

2012-05-22, 09:31 AM
Mirve, uncomfortable as she is to approach the servers, chooses not to take Saul up on his offer of spirits, and choses to attempt to start a conversation with Elethir.
(Elven): As we were rudely interrupted, and now apparently in the employ of the same individual, I'd like to continue on our conversation, so if you don't mind, could we find a table somewhere to sit down and discuss the relevant predicaments?

2012-05-22, 09:57 AM
To Saul. I suppose I will work for you then, but it is only temporary. I have to prove myself to my boss as a man who is not only a skillful fighter. Your work offer is accepted but I do not want any pay for it. I would rather just work for information indstead of making money. Fo I came here for that very thing. Jacob goes to join the others at the table.
So, my newfound friends, would you consider letting me join your group. I beleive myself to be rather talented in the art of war, and I could be great use to you. And seen as we're security guards together I propose we also learn together about this blot in the sky.

2012-05-22, 10:11 AM
Mirve responds to Jacob’s inquiry without looking at him, simply staring straight ahead as she speaks, her response emotionless and matter-of-fact. Our interests coincide. I personally see no harm in working towards acquiring that information with you, or anyone else here interested in such pursuits, although I am not convinced we are, as yet, a "group" per se.

Still not looking at him, she points first towards herself with her left prosthesis, and then at Elsie.
Mirve is my name. Elsie is hers. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Pleased to make your acquaintance. responds Elsie, in tones much more welcoming and friendly, in stark contrast to Mirve, and removes her hood to reveal her Summoner's mark, red hair, tanned skin and blue eyes, smiling at Jacob.

2012-05-22, 10:25 AM
As he turns up his mug, Joren peers toward Alira. "Never a waste of time when I succeed," he says, half toward her and half into the mug.

After polishing off his tankard, he rises to get another. Barnabas flaps upward as Joren rises, before settling on his shoulder again. As he passes Jacob, Joren claps him on the shoulder. "Welcome aboard. Swordarm's always good to have around." As he passes, the astute observer would hear him whisper in Draconic:

"Always need someone to stand behind, anyway"

Getting a new tankard, Joren exchanges a few niceties with the wait staff before returning to the table.

2012-05-22, 10:34 AM
Mirve: Perception check [roll0]
Elsie Perception check [roll1]

Elsie repeats the sound of the words that she heard to Mirve over the Message, while still facing towards her and whispering into her ear in a playful manner, which Mirve memorizes and will write down on a sheet of paper with the pen in her bag later. Time to find and learn a new language...

2012-05-22, 01:03 PM
Elethir nodded once more to Mirve, "I am already familiar with the young woman and her companion, but it is a pleasure to make the rest of your acquaintance. I am Elethir, an elf of the Mwangi Expanse." He drew back his keffiyeh and and ran a hand through his hair, tying off the cloth around his arm for the moment. Fetching some bread and cheese from a nearby cupboard, he avoided the ale for the moment, preferring to remain sharp as he got a read on his new companions. "It's a bit early in the day I know, but I hate to greet new people on an empty stomach."

2012-05-22, 02:09 PM
Jacob gets a glass of your finest wine and takes it to the table. So what will this guard duty need us to do then? I suppose I'll be needing my sword for the job.

2012-05-22, 02:30 PM
Elsie, would you..? Elsie nods, and gets up to fetch some food. Turning to face Jacob, she now removes her hood, revealing her yellow eyes, devoid of whites and entirely without any actual shape within the eye itself, baring her light blue, heavily scared, skin, also letting her red hair fall down over her shoulders. Also revealed is the identical mark to that of Elsie. I feel safe in guaranteeing that you will need your blade, Mister Jacob. Saul said that what happened today was unexpected, but he also said guards are hard to keep. I do not think him entirely trustworthy, I admit. I believe this guard duty will be... interesting, all in all. Thank you, Elsie. Mirve finishes, as Elsie returns with bread, cheese and some wine.

2012-05-22, 02:41 PM
Joren takes special note as Mirve lowers her hood. Calmly stifling his reaction, he addresses her as he continues drinking. "Safe to assume you're not from around here? Worry not, I harbor no ill intent, simply getting to know my... co-workers..."

Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 02:54 PM
"Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law." Aira answers Jacob. "Oh wait, that's paladins. We just need to stop any fights, molesters and robbers." She picks up another drink.

2012-05-22, 02:56 PM
Mirve shifts her uncomfortable eyes to Joren at this.
Safe to assume, I am not from around here. Neither I harbor much ill intent, and it is also my intention to get to know my... co-workers. To precede your question, my... uncomfortable heritage is that of a Kyton. That, in itself, has not affected my behavior much, but as you can see, I've inherited the tasteless urge to replace body parts...
She cracks a humorless smile as she slowly raises her hands in the air.

2012-05-22, 03:35 PM
So guard duty should be easy after all the training I've been through. I'm practically special services and my job is to investigate the blot. So I suggest we do what this guy wants for a bit, until we have the information we need, then we leave as soon as possible. I personally do not want to spend the rest of my life as a guard to a gambling hall.

2012-05-22, 03:50 PM
Smiling, but this time with the rest of her face, althought with those eyes, still unsetling.
Hmm. Rational, if a bit agressive and impatient. I rather like you, mister Jacob. Purpose is important. I agree. I harbor some contempt for this establishment’s owner, I admit. She shifts her shoulders slightly as she speaks, making a wave with her right prosthesis, as if weighting her own words. Then, she reaches for her food, digs in, and sweeps her glass of wine in one fluid movement, or as fluid as possible considering her circumstances.

Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 04:13 PM
"Wait a minute, since when am I in this for any sort of information?" Pardon me, but I don't know you and I don't care about your mission. Sure, I don't want to spend rest of my life working here, but give me one reason why I should do what you say?" Alira says, looking confused at self-proclaied leader of this group."I'm in it for the money, you'll promise me more than he, I'm with you. Otherwise, sorry, I'm not charity." She adds, just in case this guy was one of those who cannot take a hint.

2012-05-22, 04:50 PM
Responding to Mirve, Joren doesn't flinch a bit at her statement. "Hmm. Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose... Glad to make your acquaintance, and that of your... friend"

Joren wears an amused grin during the exchange between Alira and Jacob. Leaning back in his chair, he props his legs up on the table. Barnabas hops forward to maintain his perch.

"Being informed is an admirable goal. But so is being wealthy. One will help finance my travels, one won't. I've no desire to make my home here, but I will take advantage of what opportunites present themselves."

He pulls off a pinch of bread and tosses it toward his shoulder. Barnabas snatches it out of the air, and gulps it down.

2012-05-22, 04:53 PM
Mister Jacob does seem to have some trouble with the concept of individual drives and motivations, but I'm intrigued by you, Miss Alira. You appear to have some issue with self-proclaimed authority, beyond your need for proper compensation.

Mirve does not turn to face Alira, once more talking into the air without any hint of emotion in her voice.

However, I apologize for my presumptuousness and for touching upon personal matters. I am being quite rude. she nods towards Alira as she says this, still not meeting her eyes.

Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 05:26 PM
"No, it's I who need to aplogize. It was rude from me to outburst like that. Alira says, sitting back into her chair."I won't hide it. I'm a mother. My son is in city far away. I travell the world, selling my services to anybody who will pay and send him most of the payment. Ideals, authorities, gods, oaths, missions - I'm not against those things. I just don't care about them. They won't feed my son's belly." She sais, looking directly into Summoner's eyes. "I know some people here would condemn me for it." She glances at the paladin. "But I don't care. I'm in it for money, whatever you people like it, or not."

2012-05-22, 05:50 PM
Mirve meets Aliras eyes, not smiling, but not emotionless, absolutely focused and intense. She speaks, her eyes not shifting focus for a moment, staring steadily during the entirety of her monologue. Miss Alira, as I've already said, it is my opinion that purpose is important. You have a singular purpose, a force that pushes you, that is the source of your willpower, your ability and willingness to achieve. You are also devoted completely to another. I know much of that. Elsie is like that . Elsie blushes, briefly, before realizing where this is going and looks shocked.

Mirve lowers her eyes.

My mother was like that.

Elsie now looks devastated. Mirve regains her posture and returns her yellow eyes to Alira, reflecting her face in those shapeless globes.

I don't think I am like that. I admire you, Miss Alira. I also envy you. You will survive, because you must. There cannot be any doubt.

She pauses, and empties her pint of wine once more.

2012-05-22, 06:02 PM
For the first time, Joren seems a bit unsure, the trademark smirk absent from his mouth, which hangs slightly open. After a beat or so of silence, he clears his throat.

"Ahem - Yes, well... Now that we've all dumped our privies out in front of each other, perhaps we should all determine whether or not we each intend to follow along on this little misadventure. For my lot, I'll say I'm in. I came here hoping to find employment, an dash it if that's not exactly what I've found. What say the rest of you?"

2012-05-22, 06:09 PM
Holding her eyes closes now, Mirve swallows her wine. She returns her hood upon her head, obscuring her face once more.

Force of habit. I copy temperaments.

Emotionless, again.


Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 06:48 PM
"I don't know what to say. I probably doesn't deserve that praise..." Alira is stunned by Mirve's words, doesn't know what she should say. She quickly jumps at chance to change the topic."I'm in."

2012-05-22, 10:27 PM
As many of you talk and agree or disagree with each other, your conversation has carried into the night and you all feel the tug of weariness and exhaustion pull on you, after a few more minutes a woman in a Dwarf in a suit walks out of a door and says he will guide the tired to their rooms for sleep.

2012-05-22, 10:48 PM
Joren will continue to drink, and introduce himself to rest of the party. Along and along during the evening, he engages an attractive waitress in conversation. Towards the end of the night, he makes his move, inviting her in a private moment to join him for the evening

OOC - Crazyfail:

OOC: We don't have to play this out in any detailed manner, you can just PM or address a spoiler to me here or in OOC to determine success or failure. Just feel it's what Joren would do. :smallwink:

Man on Fire
2012-05-22, 10:56 PM
Alira excuses herself and goes to her room. She feels dizzy - she drank quite a lot and now wants just to sleep for a while.

2012-05-23, 12:00 AM
The man who leads the tired to their room introduces himself as Larur Feldin, saying he has worked with Saul for a while, he leads the Men to one room and the ladies to their own room.

2012-05-23, 04:04 AM
Mirve quietly follows Larur Feldin, and then enters the room with Elsie in tow.
Goodnight, Mistress. Elsie looks a bit sad as she tries to smile.
Goodnight. Mirve unsummons Elsie.
Before she goes to sleep, Mirve writes down the Draconian phrase she had memorised in as close an approximation she can find of the phonetics the words had. She then writes down the full names of everyone she had met that day and some notes to remind her of what she knows about them.

2012-05-23, 07:19 AM
Joren sighs, as he enters the men's quarters. For once, he is sorely disappointed not to be going to bed alone. Before bed, he appears to whisper a brief conversation with Barnabas. The raven then flies up into the rafters to perch for the evening.


I assume Barnabas was unsuccessful in determining a price to see Lil, but my guy does know where to go. Is that right?

2012-05-23, 09:17 PM
Content with the conversation, and seeing the others begin to depart, Elethir moves to a corner of the sleeping quarters, takes a seat and pulling his keffiyeh up and over his head and eyes, begins his cycle of meditation on the days events, and rest.

2012-05-23, 09:43 PM
Kiavar skipped the conversation and headed upstairs for an early sleep, as the ale was making him sleepy.

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 06:54 AM
Alira takes beed close to the window and goes to sleep*, her bow and equipment convinently within her reach.

*Pathfinder Elves do sleep, right?

2012-05-24, 08:08 AM
The next morning, after everyone have slept,eaten, and drank their fill, saul approachs everyone "well,well, everyone looks ready to go, but for the moment the goblin needs cleanin' and that isn't a job for you, so each of you gets 20 gold, take it and familarize the town today."

2012-05-24, 09:43 AM
Mirve gets up, summons Elsie, greets Elsie a good morning, gets some breakfast, greets the others morning, lets Saul talk without looking at him, accepts Sauls payment without looking at him, and decides she wants to see what the others will be up to today.

2012-05-24, 10:10 AM
Joren rises, excuses himself to the privy, where he casts his morning Prestidigitation, then (along with Barnabas) joins in a leisurely breakfast. Upon finishing and receiving his stipend, he swaggers towards the door.

"I don't know about you heathens, but I have prayers to get to. Anyone know a quick route to the Temple of Calistria?"

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 12:03 PM
"Does this place has any sort of canteen? I assume that food is a part of our payment. You don't want us to leave our posts for a dinner, don't you?" Alira asks, hiding the money into one of her pockets.

2012-05-24, 12:23 PM
Mirve does not look at Alira as she speaks, but gives her a slight nod of recognition.
Morning, miss Alira. I hope your rest did you good? I also realize now that might be the wrong term, so if you'd prefer ma'am, or similar, do tell. Her tone is polite, and she gestures as she speaks, but it is also somewhat distant.

2012-05-24, 12:55 PM
Joren rises, excuses himself to the privy, where he casts his morning Prestidigitation, then (along with Barnabas) joins in a leisurely breakfast. Upon finishing and receiving his stipend, he swaggers towards the door.

"I don't know about you heathens, but I have prayers to get to. Anyone know a quick route to the Temple of Calistria?"

Hmm, prayer. I've never been to any kind of chuch before or prayed. This would be a new experience. I would like to join you, as there may be a chance to speak to the people of Riddelport about this damned blot.

2012-05-24, 01:05 PM
Joren raises his brow at Jacob's request. He whispers in Draconic:

What kind of perversion is this?

Barnabas' head twists 90 degrees.

"Certainly, my friend. Always glad to welcome a new soul to the faith. However, you should know that I take...confession... alone. You'll have to find your own cleric once we arrive."

Barnabas begins to preen his feathers.

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 01:28 PM
"Miss is fine. And I sleept well, how about you and Elsie?" Alira nods to Mirve.

2012-05-24, 01:48 PM
Elsie smiles at this, and giggles faintly. Mirve shifts her head towards Alira and continuous gesturing as she speaks.
Also well, Miss Alira. I find myself, however, without any plans for the day. Do you happen to have any, that we might find something to do together? Mirve leans in slightly closer, lowering her voice. (Elven) Coincidentally, I assume, perhaps wrongly, you never know, from the context of a previous conversation, that Joren and Mister Jacob are heading for the whorehouse, although I am not entirely sure Mister Jacob is aware of this, it might be that either Joren's innuendo went over his head, or I went too far in assuming it's presence. (Common, returning to previous posture and volume) To my credit, Elsie believes the former to be correct, but she is partial.

2012-05-24, 02:25 PM

APMI, how likely do you imagine it is that I heard the Elven bit? I'll Perception it if need be

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 02:29 PM
"No, I don't really have any plans for today." Alira answers Mirve. Then, in Elven, she whispered "He doesn't look like a kind of guy who would go pray to the temple. You want us to spy on them?"

2012-05-24, 02:31 PM
Very likely, if Barnabas would be as keen to share information as the quick-to-please Elsie is. You probably ask this because you want to role-play it, which I like, so roll if you want to, but feel free simply take it for granted that you heard, interesting happenings and conflict is fun.

2012-05-24, 02:35 PM
Joren takes note of the ladies' hushed conversation, but gives no sign of paying much attention.

He turns to Jacob and claps him on back, saying "Anyone else? No? Well then, this coach is pulling out. Any other penitents will have to catch up."

He turns on his heel, and strides out into the daylight. As soon as Joren breaches the doorway, Barnabas takes flight, and keeps position some 25-30 feet above Joren.

2012-05-24, 02:40 PM
At this, Mirve discretely casts Message targeting Alira. OOC: I’m not giving you a freebie on this one, it's DC 25.
(Elven, over Message)Are you suspicious of Mister Jacob? He does not seem adept at subtlety, in my opinion. However, I wouldn't trust Joren if my life depended on it, and it very well might. If you believe following them worthwhile, I'm in, Miss Alira. Mirve has gone back to staring in front of her as she speaks, showing no emotion outwards.

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 03:07 PM
"Neither of them looks like a big schemer, but people aren't exactly how they look at first sight. If we have to work with them, it won't hurt to keep an eye of them. This one time at least." Alira whispers in Elven.

2012-05-24, 03:23 PM
Mirve nods.
Good point. Agreed, then. We follow them. I need to watch out, thought. Jorwen doesn't have an Elsie(good thing too, considering where I think he's going..), but he does have that horrible bird. It is small, decidedly at least as sneaky as he is, and it can fly...

Man on Fire
2012-05-24, 05:44 PM
"And is probably smart enough to stay away from an archer."

2012-05-24, 09:24 PM
As they start out down the street, Joren speaks softly to Jacob: "This is a tough town, as I understand it. Best we both keep an eye out for trouble."

Above, Barnabas also keeps a lookout for trouble, as is their practice whilst travelling

Perception (Joren): [roll0]
Perception (Barnabas): [roll1]


Seriously? :yuk:

Man on Fire
2012-05-25, 05:25 AM
Alira, when following two men, tries very hard to not be noticed, by hiding behind the corners, dissapearing in larger groups and hiding behind objects.

Stealth [roll0]

2012-05-25, 07:36 AM
Mirve leaves her backpack and belongings behind in her room and unsommons Elsie.

Mirve stalks some 30 feet behind Alira, trusting her Message as a way of finding her way if she loses sight of her, following Aliras lead and attempting to disappear among the crowd, making sure to always have cover from the air.

[roll0] (Note that the distance should add at least +3 to the DC for Joren and Jacob, +4-5 for Barnabas, as the distance is greater from the air.)

2012-05-25, 10:14 AM
I agree. I shold keep my wits about me and my sword in hand. Jacob clutches tighter at his sword.

Perception check if needed. [roll0]

2012-05-26, 07:37 AM
After, about 30 minutes of walking, you reach the church.

Man on Fire
2012-05-26, 09:07 AM
Alira, checking out if she hadn't lost Mirve in this hseer amount of people, continues spying on two men. This place brings a lot of memories - she remembers pleasant times of her childhood in temple, her training, friends she make, crushes she had, quests she went on. Of course now many of these memories have much more bitter taste and sigth of the temple is not as pleasant to her, as it once was. Once such places were for her sanctuaries, where servants of gods would take care of their children. Now it's a symbol of blind worship of petty bastards who thinks they can toy with mortal lives.

Stealth [roll0]

2012-05-26, 10:45 AM
Mirve casts Message once more, and then catches up with Alira, still hiding from their targets. My pardons, Miss Alira, I should have explained this earlier. This spell allows short distance, superior, whispered conversation. I normally only use it with Elsie, so it wasn't obvious to me you wouldn't know about it.

Mirve looks upon the temple, attempting to identify it as being a temple of Calistria. 1d20+1 (Made a mistake with the roll:smallsigh:)

Well, this is indeed a temple of Calistria. What now? Should we follow them into the temple itself? Mirve casts a glance towards Alira, and sees unease in her face. Miss Alira? Is something the matter? Are you alright?

2012-05-26, 10:46 AM
[roll0] Knowledge: Religion DC 10 check to identify symbol of clergy.

Man on Fire
2012-05-26, 11:04 AM
"Useful thing. Speaking of which, give me a minute and keep an eye on them". alira says and goes into the corner, to preare extract she will drink in case of being found.

Prepare Disguise Self Extract.

2012-05-26, 11:13 AM
Mirve carefully secures a hidden position some way away from Jacob and Joren and keeps an eye on them, as instructed.
In case of new perception check: Taking 10(10+2+2-1=13)+1 DC for every 10 feet of distance, Assume a current distance of 30 feet

2012-05-26, 11:50 AM
Jacob looks at Joren then at the Chruch. Well, this is a disappointment. I excpected a huge cathedral with spires and a bell tower. I've seen castles massivel more impressive than this. Still, I'm intrigued to what could be going in on here. SOmeone might know something about the blot in the sky.

2012-05-26, 01:46 PM
Joren turns his head toward Jacob, saying, "Let's not rush to judgment. Remember, it's not the color of a lass' frock that matters, it's what's on the inside that counts."

Also, in case of second Perception checks:
Joren: [roll0]
Barnabas: [roll1]

2012-05-26, 03:04 PM
DC 18 Perception to detect whispered comunication:[roll0]

2012-05-26, 03:57 PM
Joren turns his head toward Jacob, saying, "Let's not rush to judgment. Remember, it's not the color of a lass' frock that matters, it's what's on the inside that counts."

I suppose you are correct. It is just that I am used to grans buidings with great towers adn I've heard stories of great cathedrals, so I was intrigued to see one in person. As with the women, I only choose the finest of women. Usually with extravagent frocks but also with a nice inside Jacob smiles and winks at Joren as he says this. He has gotten of with a fair number of women in his time.

2012-05-26, 07:28 PM
"Doubtless, my pious friend. Let us see what blessings this day holds."

As Joren moves to go inside, Barnabas flutters down to perch on his shoulder

Man on Fire
2012-05-26, 09:14 PM
"We go in. Try not to stand out." Alira says to Mirve and waits a moment, before going into the temple, to keep distance between herself and two targets. She has prepared her extract, to drink in case of any trouble.

2012-05-27, 04:08 AM
Very well, Miss Alira. I shall strive to be inconspicuous.

Mirve waits a moment, letting Alira once more get some distance, so that Mirve may be ready if something happens, and then follows her into the temple.

2012-05-27, 05:14 PM
As you enter the Church you see an ordinary looking church, with a holy symbol posed on the far wall from the entrance, a few pews line the main path. You all notice, however, that there are several men that are neither praying or paying grace, they instead semm to be drinking or smoking, and a few of the sisters of the church are near them, seemingly whispering tempting words close into the men's ears, every now and then one stands and leaves into the back areas of the church with the sister cooing to them.

2012-05-27, 05:37 PM
Joren playfully genuflects at the doorway, before sauntering up to the closest sister. He makes sure to separate from Jacob, so that abbess knows he is not interested in a group rate.

"Good morning, sister. I wish to sample the favors of the Unquenchable Fire. Might I inquire what manner of 'donation' is required to recieve the... 'sacraments' of your goddess? Also, word of a certain priestess has reached my traveller's ears. Might the inimitable Sister Lil be available to hear confession?"

I don't if I need one, but in case you want one for gathering info or haggling, here's a Diplo Check:

Man on Fire
2012-05-27, 05:48 PM
Alira quickly notices people who are clealy acting out of place. Some part of her wants to smirk and say something about those bastard gods getting what they deserve, their temples turning into borthels. But another part of her remembers her own childhood, her own, happy times spend in a temple not larger than this one. In fact, it was familiar in many ways. Seeing such things happening is such place makes that part of her boil from disgust. Only her own grudge against the gods stop her from doing what she would once do - take damn sword (haven't use those for a while) and teach those people new position - chopped. She must reminds herself she is not a paladin anymore and quite frankly, she was such hothead back then, now she learned to be more cautious and not jump to the conclusions so easily...maybe that's actually one of those temples that supports sacral prostitution?

Knowledge Religion [roll0]

"Apparently he likes to pray in most men favorite way." Alira says to Mirve, once she sees their target getting on to clearly buy services of one of the sisters."Don't know if I want to spy on him anymore, I have no desire to watch him and some w***e shaking it up."

2012-05-28, 01:57 AM
Mirve looks upon the scene before her, without any truly powerful emotions about it all. The Human women dressing up as tieflings at the Gold Goblin had gotten to her a lot more by comparison. But it felt bad to simply leave it at that, to make this pointless.

Very well, Miss Alira, I agree nothing much will be gained from stalking the two of them from this point on. However, I recognize now what I've heard before. This is the locale of Lavender Lil, a well-known tiefling who seeks shelter here from... someone. Dammit, pardon my inability to acquire proper rumors. In any case, Joren want's an audience with her, and I admit that she interests me.

2012-05-28, 10:50 AM
Jacob realises that Joren is not interessted in any further conversation and walks to one of the sisters. He reaches for her hand and kisses it lightly.
Greetings, fair lady. My name is Jacob. I have come to this place of... prayer for knowledge. Do you happen to know anything about this blot in the sky. Do you know of any cause of it. I could definately make this information worth your time. He then winks at her. He goes for a more direct approach than Joren.
Diplomacy roll [roll0]

Man on Fire
2012-05-28, 01:08 PM
"Well, that changes the matter. Any idea how to spy on him without getting detected? I don't think we can easily follow them unnoticed."

2012-05-28, 03:36 PM
Mirve thinks this over for a moment, attempting to find a way to solve the problem presented.

In all likelihood, they’ll be alone and the presence of someone else would be strange, I have no spell that singlehandedly accomplishes that task, Elsie has no ability to do so and Joren knows of her already... I am afraid I do not know how to listen in on that conversation. I apologize, Miss Alira.

Mirve lowers her head slightly, althought she is still not looking at Alira as she speaks.

2012-05-28, 05:28 PM
She looks at you with a smile and whispers in your ear " 5 gold an hour, sir."

Man on Fire
2012-05-29, 10:27 AM
"I can always just buy services of one of the girls, as disgusting as it would be, and ditch her to spy on him. But I would probably have to pretend to be a man, which is double disgusting."

Roll Knowledge Religion to see if trying to go as a woman won't get Alira into trouble. And another to see if they aren't know from defences against spells like disguise self.

2012-05-29, 10:59 AM
Spoilered, just in case:

Originally Posted by Crazyfailure13
The Priestess whispers in your ear that it will be 5 sp for her to get Lil, and that Lil charges special rates.

Joren passes the sister a gold piece via handshake, and whispers in her ear:
"Thank you for the effort, Sister. Put in a good word for the generous Joren, won't you?"

Did we determine I needed another Diplo roll, or no? I'm fine either way

2012-05-29, 12:54 PM
Jacob smiles at the woman. I have business to be doing, but I suppose an hour or two wn't make much of a difference. Before we get started do you have any information on the blot in the sky?
Jacob presses 10 gp into her hand and kisses her on the lips.

2012-05-29, 12:59 PM
the woman smiles "no, but i think it's the work of..." she whispers even softer "Demons. Now let's go find a room."

no the woman asked for a bribe, s as long as you paid you don't need a diplomacy roll.

2012-05-29, 02:14 PM
Joren can't help but give a wry grin as he sees Jacob depart with a priestess. He mutters under his breath to Barnabas:


"And here I was worried the boy actually came to pray... A sharp one, he is."

Whilst waiting for Lil, Joren looks around the main hall of the temple, observing both clergy and congregation...

Joren: [roll0]
Barnabas: [roll1]

2012-05-29, 02:28 PM
After a short wait a young woman with a long white robe with the hood up comes toward joren, she looks down at him "it's not to often i'm asked for by name, what can i do for you?" a glint of purple shows under her hood as she smirks at joren.

2012-05-29, 03:27 PM
Noticing Lavender Lil meeting Joren within Mirve's field of wiev caught her by surprise; Mirve was convinced she would be more careful. She feels safe within these walls, Mirve realizes. Focusing on the matter at hand, Mirve turns to Alira.

Sneaking in through such means might be a possibility, yes, if Lavender Lil wishes for privacy, but that is apparently not the case just yet.

Mirve pauses for a moment, contemplating.

We are too suspicious if we are noticed to be spying, I do not want her hostile towards us before we have a chance to either know something substantial about her, or have a chance to talk to her. What about we attempt to join with Joren to talk with her? It would be strange for her to be asked for specifically twice in one day, so it's our only chance at talking to her directly without being suspicious. We lose the information we could have gotten from Joren, and he gets a chance to observe us, but we might gain information in kind from Lavender Lil.

Mirve looks intensely into Aliras eyes now.

What do you say, miss Alira? If we approach them right now, we have a chance at attaining something.

2012-05-29, 03:35 PM
Jacob note's this down in his mind and happily follows the young priestess away, a huge smile cracking over his face. This should be good, I'm starting to like this place. I didn't know it came this cheep. Although, should the guildmaster here of this, then I will have to think quickly.

I suppose I should just not post in the IC for a bit, whilst Jacob's having his fun. :smallwink:. Although Jacob is very proud, he does have a liking for tha ladies, which can go a bit over the top if he hasn't been satisfied he will even pay. He will calim after this that he did it purely for information, but that is a total lie.

Man on Fire
2012-05-29, 04:18 PM
"You mai join them, I'll disguise myself and try get some information on this Lil. And keep everybody's eyes from you."

Alira sneaks out of the building, finds an alley where nobody will be looking at her. Seconds and one empty flask later a stunning raven-haired elven girl (http://www.episodeseason.com/digital-art/sexy-warrior-girls/sexy-warrior-princess.jpg), who is much more undressed than dressed, steps out from that same alley and walks into the temple in the most provocative manner possible. There she stands for a moment, or rather poses with very provocative expression on her face, giving everybody a look like if they belonged to her. She picks up the most innocent-looking of the sisters, goes directly to her and without even stopping until her face touches the girl's. As she forces five gold pieces into her hand, she whispers, if you can call that saying something just loud enough for nearby people to hear, into her ear, in low, seductive voice, "Show me your room and I'll show you paradaise."

I better hope this is enough for me to take 10 on Bluff and/or hatever check Dm requires, 'cause I feel dirty.

2012-05-29, 04:21 PM
Joren smiles in spite of himself at Lil's approach. "Sister Lil, I presume? You do me an unestimable honor. Joren Rothsfuss, your faithful servant and admirer."

Reaching for her hand, he swiftly but tenderly kisses it before continuing. "Lil, if I may call you that? Word has travelled far of your unsurpassed charm and beauty. Being a pilgrim seeking the wonders life can offer, I simply had to come and behold your grace for myself. May I have the pleasure of your company for an hour or so?"

Again, making Diplomacy rolls just in case (He really wants to impress her).
Diplomacy: [roll0]


F'ing A. All that buildup for a 2? :smallfurious: I hate probability....
:smallfrown: Any chance I could take 10?

2012-05-29, 05:08 PM
Seeing Joren's social fo pare, and Alira's attempt at an unwise distraction, she sights to herself.

He's going to hate me for this. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

Mirve strides forward confidently shaking of her hood and reveling her eyes and hair as if she is truly at place, and confronts Lavender Lil.

You'll have to apologize my dear comrade his social misstep, Lavender Lil, as you are truly someone who can makes others forget their own rights from their lefts. He's a good fellow, and means well. I do hope you'll give him a moment of your undoubtedly invaluable time.

Diplomacy check [roll0]

2012-05-29, 05:36 PM
Lil has a look of surprise on her face "what do you want?" she takes a step back "your not here because of Zincher, are you?"

the young woman looks at you slightly taken aback "it's not often we get women in here, but sure why not." she smiles and leads you into a back room of the church by the hand.

2012-05-29, 05:50 PM
I've shocked her. She's not steady right now. That might mean trouble. That might mean now is the time to press for advantage.

Frightened beyond belief, but sure that she most press on, she answers:

I want... to make a favorable impression on you. While I've unfortunately been gifted by a frightening appearance, my intention is by no means to intimidate, bully or scare, and I'm bad enough catching up on rumors, with this appearance of mine, that I do not actually know who Zincher could possibly be. I have heard, however, that you are threatened by something, and therefore wanted to see what support could be given to end or otherwise lessen that predicament. Apparently, my friend here also wanted a word with you, which did complicate matters somewhat. When I apologized for this social misstep, I truly, sincerely, meant it. I ask your pardon for this intrusion on your trusted church's hospitality.

2012-05-29, 06:02 PM
Lil seems to calm down at the mention of not knowing zincher "I don't need your help, what is it you want?"

2012-05-29, 06:14 PM
Annnnd she closes up like a clam when she cools down.

Bluntly, in few words, and honestly? Talk. I want to talk with you. Not put you under any pressure, not toward any specific goal, just figure out the situation. I find you interesting, regardless of the situation. I have no stake in anything in this town- I am an outsider.

2012-05-29, 06:27 PM
When Mirve initially steps in, Joren is impressed by her boldness, and gladdened for the help. As she continues to speak, however, he becomes more and more perturbed by her apparent horning in on his good time.

"And I am here simply as a petitioner, enchanted by your charms, and eager to discover your beauty. Perhaps we could spend some time away from prying eyes and ears together. If you have need of my services afterward, so be it."

diplomacy: [roll0]


2012-05-29, 06:34 PM
she frowns "and what situation would that be, i was fine before you got here."

2012-05-29, 06:38 PM
Grinding her teeth at this utter idiocy and collision course with the Wall of Utter Failure, she bravely goes on:

Well said, If not well argued. Social missteps, left from right, we've been there. I'll leave you to it.

Diplomacy [roll0]

And with that and a slight indication that she'd like to return later, she turn around, sends Alira a Message that it's time to get out of here, and leaves.

2012-05-29, 07:06 PM
as Mirve turns to leave, she hears Lavenders comment, and bursts.

I've threatened your calm, protected world. It doesn’t matter what I'm saying right now, I threatened you in the beginning of this conversation. I apologized for that. Twice. Stated my difficulty in expressing myself and lamented that. I'm backing away from that can of worms entirely, and I don't even know what they are or if they are even worms at all and not butterflies, but that doesn't matter to you, because you are stuck so far down that can I can't even see you. No, you were not fine before I got here. I don't know if I've ever seen someone less fine. You are obsessed with this, lady. Let it go or deal with it, it's none of my business, I've been trying to say so this entire conversation, but don't let it be. Otherwise, it won't be that Zincher fellow who ends you, whoever in the name of the Pit itself that is, it'll be you. Calm down about it, and deal with it as you are capable of and see fit. Do not ****ing dwell on it until it eats you up.

She finishes with intesity, having held eye contact the entire time, having gestured excitedly with her arms to the point where one of her prosteshes were almost falling of. She looks away as she ties it back onte her stump of an arm with the bandages.

2012-05-29, 07:30 PM
Lil looks at you with a very anger look, "Girls, these people and their friends are no longer aloud here."
The priestess' procede to round up jacob, Mid-session, and toss you out.

2012-05-29, 09:01 PM
As Mirve steps outside, horribly aware of her failure, and aware that this failure was not because she gave up, but because she didn't give up, she is not sure what to do now. However she returns her hood upon her head, and speaks to her allies.

Mister Jakob, I am sorry you were pulled into this. Mister Joren, a word, please.

Mirve grabs Joren by the wrist with her left prostheses and attempts to take him a few steps away from the church, so that she might say to him what she needs to say. Once more, she stares straight into his eyes as she speaks.

Mister Joren. I was here because I could not trust you. I take it you had reasons not to trust me as well. When I stepped in, I did so with the intention of assisting you, or else giving you a second chance. This attempt failed. I should have backed down at this point, so that there might be chances for you later, I recognize this now. That in there was a fiasco, of incredible proportions. If we cannot trust each other, this kind of thing might happen again. I don't expect you to like me, especially not after that, but it is in our mutual interest to work together now. For that purpose, you have my trust, mister Joren. You have my sincerest apologies.

She extends her right Prosthesis towards him.

Allies, that we might live through this without causing utter mayhem from this point forward?

2012-05-29, 09:45 PM
Joren's gray eyes have never seemed icier than they do as he stares holes into Mirve. Leaving her prosthesis where it hangs, he turns on his heel heading back towards the Golden Goblin. As he turns, Barnabas flaps up, and Joren mutters to him.

Well, that was a waste of good ship fare. Back to the Goblin for drinks, and figure out our next destination.

Barnabas replies:

Just don't shut your eyes to any possibilities, mate

2012-05-29, 09:54 PM
Letting her prosthesis remain outstretched for a few moments before letting it drop. The she bursts into nervous giggles.

Heh. Heh, Heh. He tried to out-stare me. Me. Heh.

Calming down a bit, she decides that what she needs right now is to talk with Elsie. To the ladies bedroom at the Golden Goblin it is.

2012-05-30, 01:28 AM
Jacob is outraged at the way he was taken out only ten minutes in.
Please can I have five gold back? I only started on the first hour.
Diplomacy [roll0]
He then approaches Mirve. I was trying to get information out of her, and you go and stop me because of some row you had with another prostitute! He turns and walks swiftly back to gold goblin. Trying to catch up woth Joren.

2012-05-30, 08:55 AM
Mirve enters the Golden Goblin without so much as a nod of recognition towards the staff or her comrades, going straight for her quarter’s withouth the slightest indication of emotion.

Mirve enters the ladies quarters at the golden goblin, checks that no one is in the vicinity, and summons Elsie.

Welcome back, Mistress, what can I- Mistress, you are crying! What has happened!?

Mirve is breaking down now, not with gentle tears, but deep, loud, exhausted sobs. Elsie tries to wrap her arm around her, but gets violently shoved away, as Mirve crawls into the corner of her bed

Elsie, she, she... Mirve pauses, gulps for air, tries to speak once more; Lavender Lil, she... she is like me, Elsie! She is like me oh god, she is like me, she's desperate to act, she needs to get out of there, but she's caught in a trap now, she can't go away, so she's stuck, letting her fear keep her there, frozen, inactive, until her hopelessness eats her up inside!

Elsie looks at Mirve with fear, not knowing how to handle this at all. Mirve's curved up in a ball now, clutching her legs, and finally quiets down slightly, taking long, slow breaths, like her mother had always told her to do.

Looking into Elsies eyes with determination, she speaks with as steady a voice as she is capable now:

We must help her Elsie. She won't see us anymore, but she asked me about Zincher, he's connected to her fear. We can go through him. This time, though, we need to be careful. We need to know about all this before we act.

Elsie calms down now, like a dog that follows her mistress's emotions.

Of course, Mistress.

2012-05-30, 09:45 AM
Joren reaches the Goblin a few paces ahead of everyone else. At a whisper, Barnabas flits off and finds a perch facing the door.

Joren sits at the bar, and requests a drink as politely as he is able under the circumstances. Draining the first mug, he requests another, and grumbles to himself momentarily. When the second ale arrives, Joren takes the first drink and sighs deeply, his shoulders appearing to rise and fall nearly a foot with the depth of the exhalation. Joren then begins to drink his ale more slowly, hoping to savor every last drop.

Around the halfway mark of the second tankard, he begins to look around the bar for social contact beyond the bartender. Specifically, he looks for Ashlee. Upon meeting her glance, he motions for her to have a seat with him momentarily. When she does, he signals for another tankard.

"Miss Ashlee, please join me in a quick drink before returning to your labors. I so enjoyed meeting you last evening, and hoped we could indulge in a bit of genial talk."

As she does so, Joren engages her in light conversation, picking up from last night. He queries her on her life, where she is from, how she came to work here, all the while attempting to put the morning's failures behind him for now. He asks idly about what else there is to do in Riddleport, and just what it is she enjoys here. He answers any questions she may ask, but does not expand into an overabundance of detail.


And where was THAT earlier? :smallamused:

2012-05-30, 10:09 AM
When Jacob reaches the gold goblin, he walks towards where Joren and Ashlee are talking and when he hears talk of the town, he breakes into the conversation. Hello, miss. My name is Jacob, and it's a plaeasure to meet you. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with my friend Joren, I too would like to know a bit more about this town, seen as I've recently arrived here. I'm particularly fascinated by this blot in the sky, do you happen to know anything about it? He then talks to Joren. I'm sorry for what happened in the church, I too was irritateed at madam Mirve's behaviour. You appeared to have something to talk to that woman about. What was. I'll get you a drink to talk over. Jacob then calls for three drinks to the table and starts to drink one himself.

2012-05-30, 11:04 AM
Ashlee gives a little smile at the arrival of the new person "Sorry, i can't drink while i should be working, if your looking for a place of merryment look for the Publican house, it's a temple of Cayden Cailean." she waves as she gets up to go back to work.
After a few minutes you notice something odd, any pieces of metal around you seem to have become magnetized.

2012-05-30, 11:14 AM
As Jacob approaches and Ashlee steps away, Joren mutters under his breath in Draconic:

"Fantastic. Another interloper meets with the same result." He then uses an obscure Draconic curse word

When he notices the magnetism, he immediately casts Detect Magic and begins to look around the room. He tries to determine the effect and its origin:

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2012-05-30, 11:50 AM
The magnetism seems to originate from above you.

2012-05-30, 12:01 PM
Mirve writes down what she has learned on the sheet with the Draconian phonetics and the things she knows about Joren, Jacob and Alira, and returns it to the hidden compartment within her left prosthesis. Then, she takes a new sheet, writes down the new information once again, and returns to the main hall of the Golden Goblin, realizing that Alira probably won’t be back yet, so she decides to find Joren.

She approaches him directly.

Mister Joren? I know who Zincher is, now, if you are interested.

She hands him the new sheet with her notes.

2012-05-30, 12:57 PM
As Mirve addresses him, Joren does not break his gaze from the ceiling over his head. He ignores the papers for the time being.

"uh-huh... super. Although I think we may have more pressing concerns."

Still looking at the ceiling, he rises from his stool, and places a hand on his chest. Suddenly, he appears to be wearing gleaming translucent armor, which appeared as if from nowhere

Mage Armor - 3 1st levels left today

Heading towards the stairs, Joren pulls and loads his crossbow, still watching the ceiling. Barnabas hovers near his head.

"Master Jacob, if you would be so good as to accompany me upstairs? Bring your weapon."

Joren, breaking his stare from the ceiling for the first time, snaps his head down to look Mirve dead in the eye.

"And you: Bring your friend."

2012-05-30, 01:41 PM
Mirve meets Jorens eyes without the slightest shift in her expression, retuns her note into a pocket of her cloak, draws her spear, conjures the same transluent armor around Elsie as that of Joren, and follows him up the stairs, casting spells while ascending, toching first Elsie with another spell Guidance, then herself Guidance, then pokes Joren in the shoulder with a charge Guidance, then Jakob Guidance.

Divine guidance. Might come in handy. Will it to help you when you need it, and it will be of assistance. Doesn't last long, thought.

For those with spellcraft, Guidance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/guidance)

2012-05-30, 01:53 PM
As you walk up the stairs you come to the walkways over the gambling area, the only upstairs, their is. nobody is on the walk ways, but you notice the magnetism is still drawing metal upward.

2012-05-30, 01:58 PM
On your guard.
As Mirve and Elsie reach the walkways, they look around, checking for dangers.


2012-05-30, 02:01 PM
Jacob drwas his longsword and tries to hold it against the magnetism.
Is a strength check neccesary to keep hold of my sword [roll0] It would be a pleasure to accompany you, I will have both my spell and my sword at the ready. You should not feel any fear, if I am the one protecting you. He smiles cockily at Joren. Then runs ahead to be in front.

2012-05-30, 02:08 PM
Mirve speaks up, in monotone: Ever eager, I note, Mister Jakob. I expressed the opinion that guard duty would be... interesting, did I not?

2012-05-30, 02:18 PM
Joren offers no resistance as Jacob pushes his way forward. In fact, he mutters under his breath:

"Well, yeah, that's the plan, shield-boy"

Joren smiles as Barnabas follows Jacob to get a bird's-eye view of the proceedings. Joren follows a few paces behind.

2012-05-30, 02:33 PM
You all are standing on the empty Walkways above the gambling area as the magnetism suddenly stops.

2012-05-30, 02:46 PM
Joren (recasting Detect Magic if needed), scans the walkways, looking for the spot he sensed the magnetism from. He calls to Barnabas:


"There HAD to be something up here. Let me know what you find"


Joren: [roll0]
Barnabas [roll1]

2012-05-30, 02:52 PM
Mirve stops as the magnetism ends.

Well, that shrouds the situation in greater confusion. Notice anything, Elsie, Joren?

Still looking, use previous perception checks.

No, Miss.

2012-05-30, 02:57 PM
The magnetism does not seem to have originated from the walkway and nothing looks out of place on the walkways

2012-05-30, 03:04 PM
No trace. You noticed it first, Mister Joren. suggested plan of action?

2012-05-30, 03:35 PM
Joren lets his crossbow drop just a bit. Barnabas lands on his shoulder, and they whisper a hurried exchange. He begins to ramble, seeming not wholly aware of his tone or content.

"Hmm... Perhaps we got up here a tad late. Saul may know more about this. Do devils give off magnetism? Where is that thing, anyway?"

Somewhat disheartened, Joren puts his crossbow away, and unless stopped by something or someone, will head back downstairs.

2012-05-30, 03:41 PM
Jacob looks dissapointed that there is nothing to be found here, but he keeps his sword raised, just in case.
I do hold some knowledge of these demons. I have never studied this in my traing institute. But should any problems arise I shall quickly see that they end.
For any knowledge on this king of thing. Arcana [roll0] PLanes [roll1]

2012-05-30, 03:50 PM

No known Devils produce Magnetism

2012-05-30, 04:09 PM
Mirve sheaths her spear and returns downstairs with her usual cold demeanor, Elsie, with her usual friendly smile, stalks behind her as always.

Very well, mister Jacob, mister Joren. With that matter less urgent, I have information I was about to share . I've found that Clegg Zincher, who Lavender Lil so feared previously today, is a local Crime lord out for her life, after her involvement in the murder of his brother. The church is her safe haven.

Still without much in the way of emotion in her voice.

Man on Fire
2012-05-30, 06:06 PM
"Sorry to dissapoint you, but I came here to talk. I just didn't wanted people to know that." Alira, still in her alerted form, tells the prostitute."I thought that if somebody's gonna know some useful rumors, it will be you girls. I'm new in the city and wanted to gather some informations about certain person. The owner of Golden Goblin."

Diplomacy to convince her to talk [roll0]

Also, DM - can we get over this quickly so I can go back to rest? Last what I want is to be team cat.

2012-05-30, 06:11 PM
The prostitute looks at you funny "you mean that old gambling hall? i've never been their before, but if you don't want to have some fun, i'll be going." she drops your gold on the bed and walks out.

2012-05-30, 06:37 PM
Joren returns to his mug, but looks over the notes Mirve had earlier. He sips at his ale as he reads over the notes.

"In deep with a crime boss, eh? Shame, that. May have to look into this, make up for this morning's misdeeds." The last phrase draws a stern glare toward Mirve.

Looking back to the notes, Joren continues. "But we should certainly also endeavor to find out about the strange magnetism here. And maybe what happened to that demon. Devil. Whatever." He sips more of his ale, idly scanning the papers.

Barnabas preens under his wing.

Man on Fire
2012-05-30, 06:53 PM
"That wen't well." Alira picks up her money and leaves, before the effects of the spells stops. Once they do, she heads back to the Golden Goblin.

"How you're guys doing out there? Did I miss anything?" She tries to contact Mirve by message spell.

2012-05-31, 01:08 AM
Mirve prepares something to eat, attempting to find something with some nutrients this time, preferably fruit, and some water.

She speaks absent-mindedly as she prepares food, which makes her seem almost nonchalant.

Your turn of phrase confuse me, mister Joren. Are you saying you, or we, or I might have to look into this? But yes. Making up for that was my intention. So was dealing with this matter regarding Lavender Lil.

Mirve sits down to eat. Still not really focusing on Joren, she speaks into the air:

It was a Devil. An Imp. Not very intelligent, at that. I also agree regarding the magnetism, I believe it was for this kind of thing we were hired here in the first place.

Message is basically short-way walkie-talkie- it can’t handle ranges of 30 minutes’ walk from the Golden Goblin.

(Elven, over message with Alira as she comes back to the Golden Goblin) Welcome back, Miss Alira. Well, here goes: Jacob, Joren and myself are no longer welcome at the church, Jacob is irritated and Joren is not letting that one go. Turns out the famous prostitute Joren was interested in, Lavender Lil, is wanted dead by a local crime boss by the name of Clegg Zincher. The Golden Goblins Imp is gone, and not long ago, the upper part of this establishment become magnetized, drawing metallic objects upward: Joren, Jacob and myself investigated, but the effect ended and we found nothing.

That is the gist of it, I think. Are you well and unharmed, Miss Alira?

2012-05-31, 09:17 AM
Joren sets the papers down, and looks straight ahead as he speaks.

"You may do as you like. I intend to investigate this Zincher affair along with why the ceiling just tried to steal my coins, as time allows."

He sips from his mug again. His eyes roll down to observe the papers on the bar. "An 'imp,' you say? Heard of them, don't know anything about them. But I can't say anything that can be called 'the devil' even in a tavern contest sounds like it can be trusted. You happen to know how old Saul came to be in posession of such a creature?"

2012-05-31, 09:38 AM
Mirve continues to stare into space as she eats, pausing now to answer Joren:

While I agree with you that trusting devils is unwise, I believe that this goes for Saul himself as well. Regrettably, I have not had opportunity to discuss this matter with him, so no. All I know is that its name is Old Scratch, or at least it believes that to be the case, and it seemed quite delusional. Still, it's a lead to consider.

She pauses for a moment to finish her meal, then continues:

As for your stated course of action, it is my intention to share my information with you in regard to the Zincher business. I'll stand by my previous statement in this matter. It is also my intention to find ways to use that information for appropriate purposes. In that, cooperation might be a useful tool.

2012-05-31, 09:53 AM
I think we should find this "Zincher" and find out what the wants, then we kill him.

2012-05-31, 10:22 AM
At this, Mirve shows the hint of a smile. She straightens her face before responding.

Mister Jacob, your forthrightness is charming, as always. That was indeed the gist of my statement, minus the implication that some manner of subtlety and research into the matter might be an appropriate move. I have to admit that you got the cooperation bit down as well as I did, if not better, though.

2012-05-31, 10:37 AM
Joren appears to casually mull the situation as Jacob speaks. He replies:

"Killing this 'Zincher' does appear to be a solution. However, steps must also be taken to ensure neither a power vacuum nor someone worse takes his place. I would say let's first see what he wants, and if reasonable, work on it before killing him. Of course, should he prove... unreasonable...".

Joren takes another drink. He turns his gaze for the first time, and addresses Mirve.

"Very well. Do you know more about this Zincher than what is in your notes? If so, let's investigate in that direction. I expect whatever caused the magnetic reaction will still be here when we return."

2012-05-31, 10:55 AM
Mirve lets her hood fall back, meeting his stare evenly but politely, without any hostility or humorless smiles.

...and there we have the care I've come to expect of Joren. No, I only learned about him by name when Lavender Lil let that little tidbit slip. Investigation is indeed in order. We'll have a greater chance if we all look for leads, I can be charming when I want to be, and I suspect that to be true of you as well, Mister Joren, but I do not think I am yet to see you at your best. I take it upon myself to brief Miss Alira of the situation.

Mirve rises to clean up after her meal, but finishes:

As for the magnetism, we will likely have time for that little conundrum during work hours, and in any case, we need to talk to Saul about that. Zincher takes priority while we have freedom with our time.

2012-05-31, 11:05 AM
Joren grins, partially out of frustration, partially out of genuine amusement.

"For once, my dear Mirve, we are in complete agreement. Fetch your little friends, and let us be off to discover more about Master Zincher."

He finishes his ale, and turns to Jacob. "This isn't much of a 'lead,' but it sounds as though this Cailean temple may contain some information peddlers. At the very least, their... 'sacraments' may loosen enough lips to guide our path."

2012-05-31, 11:05 AM
Saul walks out of a hallway "what's these i'm hearing about Zincher?"

2012-05-31, 11:08 AM
"That is precisely what we are endeavoring to discover, Master Saul. Pray tell, what might you know of a 'Clegg Zincher,' besides his reciept of a poor name?"

Diplo (Gther Info): [roll0]

Fudge. I am due some AWESOME rolls later in the campaign

2012-05-31, 11:11 AM
"He's a Crimelord, one of the masters of the city, been trying to ruin me for years, i'd retalitate but he's untouchable, legally or illegally, i would be going near him if i were you."

2012-05-31, 11:16 AM
Mirve pauses, interested.

One of the masters of the city? A crimelord? Who is he, to garner such a position on such terms?

Gather Information: [roll0]

2012-05-31, 11:18 AM
"Well, let's say you're not us. What would it be worth to you to have this particular thorn removed from your side? And how would one, or several, go about it?"

Diplo again: [roll0]

Man on Fire
2012-05-31, 11:38 AM
"I'm okay, I only made a fool of myself and didn't learned anything new. So, why are we investigating this Lavender girl anyway? Other than our Sorcerous friend wants to get in her pants?" Alira speaks through message to Mirve, in Elven.

"Hey guys, what are you doing? I heard we have magnetised ceiling or something like that." She says, enterign the room where her commrades are discussing.

"Hope you haven't told them it was me doing Almost-Naked-Skank show in the church. If anybody will ever find out, I will die from shame." She uses the massage again, to tell Mirve. Of course, in Elven.

2012-05-31, 11:48 AM
Sauls head turns alittle, he walks over to Alira, looks at her for a second and whispers to her "you don't look like an Almost-naked-skank." in elven.

He then returns to joren's question, "your 10 years too young to take Zincher head on lad, stick to something that won't get you killed." he breaks out laughing.