View Full Version : PF Sorc Confusion.

2012-05-20, 08:50 PM
I have been playing 4e for a few years now and will be playing in an Eberrom 3.pf campaign and some of these terms don't make sense to me. I chose to be a Dragonmarked heir. Sorcerer with the House Member Trait.

What is the blood line list? Is this simply my known spell list or the list of spells that I get at 3rd level and every odd levels after?

Do I have to take eldritch heritage even if I am already a sorcerer?

That's it for now but I am sure other questions will arise. :D

2012-05-20, 09:06 PM
The Bloodline chosen determines which spells you get in addition to your spells known. Bloodline spells are automatically added at 3rd level and every two levels beyond.
You are not obligated to take eldritch heritage, though you may do so, provided you chose a bloodline different from the one you already have.

2012-05-20, 09:11 PM
So my bloodline list is 9 spells large at 19th level?

2012-05-20, 09:22 PM
Ok, we'll take a 5th level Sorcerer with the Arcane Bloodline. He would known 6 0 level spells, 4 1st level spells and 2 2nd level spells. Now in addition to this, he automatically knows Identify and Invisibility. An example spell list might look something like this.
0-Detect Magic, Dancing Light, Spark, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message
1-Protection from Evil, Shield, Grease, Magic Missile, Identify*
2-Web, Alter Self, Invisibility*

2012-05-20, 09:25 PM
So my bloodline list is 9 spells large at 19th level?

He also gets the arcana and powers.

2012-05-20, 10:27 PM
My concern is that my first level bloodline power specifically affects my bloodline list. Since I get no blood line spells at level one, my level one bloodline power is useless until level 3. Is this correct?

2012-05-20, 10:37 PM
Which bloodline are you talking about? I'll have to read it to be certain, but if your bloodline power specifically affects your bloodline spells, it would do nothing until you gained your first bloodline spell at 3rd level.

2012-05-21, 12:39 AM
The Dragonmarked Bloodline from the Eberron setting: http://pf-eberron.wikidot.com/bloodlines:dragonmarked

2012-05-21, 03:59 AM
go here and read through the bit that talks about bloodlines


Should explain most of it. If you have any more questions though feel free to ask them.

I would also reccomend taking the official draconic bloodline over dragonmarked just becuase the dragonmarked bloodline powers seem pretty lame.

2012-05-21, 04:24 AM
Let's take a look.

Least Power (Sp): You may use any spell on your bloodline list as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to half your sorcerer level (minimum 1) - if this would result in a caster level too low to cast the chosen spell then it cannot be cast. These spell-like abilities do not gain the benefits of your bloodline arcana. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (the spells share a common pool).

You can use your first level bloodline spell at first level as a spell-like ability with a caster level of 1. Starting at level 8, you can use your 2nd level spell, at 12, your 3rd level spell, at 16 your 4th level spell and at 20th your 5th level spell.
Your caster level is always half your sorcerer caster level, with a minimum of 1.

I also think that the dragonmarked bloodline is much more powerful than the draconic bloodline (which is lackluster at best). Some of the spell lists are stacked with great spells, and the abilities are pretty good. The first level ability alone is more powerful than almost any other first level bloodline power.

2012-05-21, 06:05 PM
Let's take a look.

You can use your first level bloodline spell at first level as a spell-like ability with a caster level of 1. Starting at level 8, you can use your 2nd level spell, at 12, your 3rd level spell, at 16 your 4th level spell and at 20th your 5th level spell.
Your caster level is always half your sorcerer caster level, with a minimum of 1.

I also think that the dragonmarked bloodline is much more powerful than the draconic bloodline (which is lackluster at best). Some of the spell lists are stacked with great spells, and the abilities are pretty good. The first level ability alone is more powerful than almost any other first level bloodline power.

Wow thanks, that really explains it. I was worried that i access the spells at the levels specified (3rd, 5th and so on) instead of when my effective sorcerer level qualifies me to use them, as you explained. Thanks. These are augmented by the advanced dragonmark and extra dragonmark power feats right? So I can choose from up to three spell like abilities (depending on my house) if I take the feat at three and I increase my spell like ability pool. Did I read that right?

On a possibly unrelated matter, which of the dragonmarked houses grant the best hard control list of spells? I am currently leaning towards Medani, Sivis, or Orien because the way they are written in the books are so badass.