View Full Version : Epic! Eberron! Quori! HELP!

2012-05-21, 03:34 PM
No, I couldn't come up with a better subject line...each time I tried, it was garbled and twice as long as it needed to be.

I've got a concept in mind for an epic Eberron adventure, and would definately appreciate the help of the many other DMs here, particularly those familiar with Epic adventures, the Quori, or particularly both.

The core of the concept is on page 15 of Secrets of Sarlona. The basic idea is that the Quroi are a race that inhabits the Eberron-equivalent of the Realm of Dreams (Dal Quor)...they're roughly analogous to the Baatezu of the 9 Hells...a dominant race of LE outsiders that rules over their own particular plane.

However, there's a problem. Every so often (say once every 40,000 years or so) the entire plane of Dal Quor and all its inhabitants are "reformatted"...everything they are and everything they know wiped out and replaced with a totally different fully-formed existance. This is supposed to be the "natural cycle" of things.

The immortal, extremly powerful race of the Quori has decided they don't want to be wiped out and remade...they like themselves just as they are. So they've been meddling on an incredibly grand scale in the Prime (Eberron) in an attempt to stave off the planar armageddon clock from ticking off that last second...it's already overdue.

So here's the concept. The Hanbalani (massive psionically resonant monoliths) are basically 'anchors' that not only work to drag Dal Quor gradually closer to Eberron, but also to hold back the turning of the age. A massive effort to blow up Hanbalani would, presumably, be enough to allow the process to right itself...right?

Not quite. Somewhere, in the depths of Dal Quor itself, the damage done to the cycle by the presence of the Hanbalani has allowed the Quori to drive a gigantic "wedge" into the cycle of the ages itself. The Hanbalani continue to deepen the process, but even if they were somehow ALL destroyed, the "wedge" would remain, retaining the progress to-date. This would prevent the cycle from turning and allow the Quori to start over completely.

So, then...how would you go about crafting a 25th-ish level adventure based around discovering and destroying the wedge that's been holding the cycle of the ages back from turning, thus allowing Kalashtar freedom fighters around the whole of Eberron to destroy the Hanbalari and usher in the new age?

There's not a lot of material to draw on to base Epic adventures off of. I am referencing Razing of Redshore (L20-21, D92) and Quicksilver Hourglass (L30, D123), both published in Dungeon. If anyone knows of others I could look at to better gauge and eyeball the power levels, I'd appreciate it.