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View Full Version : [D&D 4e] The Blazing Corsairs! Act I: Team, Assemble!

2012-05-22, 07:10 AM
Welcome to the small town of Rivercrest. A small fishing village on the west coast of the King's Highway Lake. A strong human majority lives in the town with a small dwarf population mixed poorly in. Among the 20 or so buildings that make up the town, many of them are simple shacks used for homes, a few are boat docks, fishing supplies, and the largest building in Rivercrest, The Leaking Dingy Tavern.

A table tumbles over and causes the glasses and mugs to fall to the floor with a loud shatter that spreads a few feet with shards flowing in it. After the commotion and the echo from the shattered glass dies down, a young man attempts to get back to his knees after being the cause of the knocked over table, but a black leather boot pins his forearm to the ground, soaking his sleeve in the wasted ale.

A tall bear of a man stands over him, his body covered in scars and injuries, his muscles flexing as he intimidates the entire crowd, and what's left of his shirt (which is really just a few belts, scraps, buckles, and a bandoleer across his chest with a steel shoulder guard connected to it) bearing a crimson ax with an orc skull pierced by the handle, marking him and the other 5 men behind him (a little more civilized in appearance and wardrobe) as members of the Orc Blood mercenary pack.

He glares down at the man under his boot with solid rage shaking his voice. "What did you just say boy?"

Irish Musician
2012-05-22, 11:27 AM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon say there at the bar, drinking his mead, the only little vice that he took from his ventures in the Feywild, and the only reason he ever comes in to town anymore. He sat there, enjoying his vice, when another bar fight started. This time by a big man, who Jargon knows of the Orc Bloods, a vicious, ugly, horribly mean Mercenary pack, and he rolled his eyes. Again?, he thought to himself, These bozos always do this. Try to act all tough and superior, ingrates. They have no idea what real power is, idiots. Jargon tries to ignore them, though he keeps an eye out for what will happen next. He has always hated these guys, and has always wanted to teach them a lesson.

2012-05-22, 12:48 PM
Devlin was more than a little shocked at the ease at which he'd gotten the the ire up of the large man currently pressing his boot up against his shoulder. Granted, that was exactly what he had been trying to do, but it was starting to seem a lot less like a bit of friendly banter than it was a fight he was presently on the losing side of.

"I simply asked, if you mother's taste in men lay solely with ettins and trolls?" The currently pinned man said, deciding to go for broke. "I really thought I'd like to meet such a woman, but if you've been offended . . . well, I don't suppose you have a sister do you?"

Pushing the man's boot aside he suddenly rolled backwards and rose to his feet, hand on the hilt of his weapon.

2012-05-22, 01:04 PM

The thickly-muscled dwarf pauses from the inspecting of his mug to consider the exchange he's hearing. Despite himself, he smiles briefly, letting a low chuckle escape before returning to his silence. His attention, however, stays with the confrontation.

2012-05-22, 04:21 PM
Cordus Leon - Bard

Cordus grins devilishly as the small entourage gathered around him begs for more tales of his many exploits. He gives a longing look to his empty mug.

"Perhaps I could share a few more stories, however all this talking has gotten me quite parched and I can't seem to remember anything at all. Another mug of ale would certainly wet my whistle and help me recall some of my more exciting adventures."

The sound of breaking glass draws the rooms attention away from Cordus, much to his chagrin, towards a rather burly individual harassing a smaller man.

Upon hearing part of the exchange between the two men a sly grin crosses the bard's face. One of the women sitting next to him latches an arm around him.

"Do something, Cordus?", she urges with a look of worry.

A low sigh escapes Cordus' lips as he rises from his stool and saunters towards the muscular individual.

How did I get mixed up in this mess? I thought I'd be able to have a little fun in this backwater before moving on. Now I'm forced to backup all my big talk. What a drag!

Once in the large man's periphery he stops and holds his hands up in a nonthreatening manner. "How about I buy both of you fellas a mug of ale and you can peacefully talk out whatever disagreement your having?"

While not a skilled diplomat he had been able to talk his way out of many compromising situations over the years. He just hoped he'd be able to pacify the brutish man's rage before a fight broke out.

Diplomacy Roll:

2012-05-22, 09:03 PM
The huge man slowly tilts his head towards the bard that has invited himself into his frey. "And why does another little man wish to enter into someone else's fight? You heard the lad, how can we let something like that go?! If you still wish to order us all a round, we'll be nice and take this outside. If not, beat it punk."

The man turns his back on you again, towards Devlin.

2012-05-22, 10:55 PM

Seeing someone willing to talk sense, the dwarf carefully finishes his drink and moves to stand by the bard in case trouble starts.

Testing what may be a cardinal rule of skill challenges (Intimidation auto-failure):
Intimidation: [roll0]

2012-05-23, 04:13 AM
Taking notice of the man, and subsequently the Dwarf now taking a stand behind seeming to back him up, an idea occurred to Devlin, though it would only last as long as the others seemed willing to play along. "I'm afraid the time to settle this over drinks has long since passed!" He declared, now standing boldly towards the Orc Blood mercenary, though directing his speech as much towards Cordus and the Gwarim. "I appreciate your support brothers, but if this fool wishes to take issue with our band, then it is at his own peril!"


Irish Musician
2012-05-23, 08:27 AM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon laughs to himself, but isn't laughing about anything that is currently going on, he is laughing about something in his head. As he finishes his mead, he start muttering to himself. Loud, raucous far fights tend to get him a little wound up and his powers tend to fly off the handle at people. Suddenly realizing that his chaotic arcane powers are surging through him, he finishes his mead, tosses a gold coin to the bartender, closes his eyes, and breathes, trying to control his wild nature.

Tell me if the big ugly dude gets too much louder or bumps into Jargon or something, because he is about ready to explode with Arcane energy.

2012-05-23, 12:18 PM

Believing the young man is speaking about the bard and glossolalic man at the bar, the dwarf keeps his visage stern at the would-be troublemakers.

2012-05-24, 06:53 AM
The large man slowly looks around at his odds, then laughs to himself. "Are you serious?! Hahaha! Your little band of misfits seriously want to take us on?! We out number you almost 3 to 1!"

The man is clearly getting more and more annoyed, and his voice is getting louder and louder. The entire tavern now is deadly quiet, with every pair of eyes watching what could be a huge fight in the small building.

Irish Musician
2012-05-24, 10:48 AM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

If anyone, including the big annoying man and his cronies, were to look at Jargon they would see him gripping his staff hard and shaking. They would actually see his skin moving with arcane energy below the surface. And every now and again, some arcane energy would actually shoot out from his body , much like a sun flare, and strike a cup, bowl of pretzels, and would even get a person here and there, much like a little shock of static electricity. But the louder the big man gets, the more frequent the arcane flares started coming. Jargon looks up to the bartender and says at a little higher than a whisper, "That gold wasn't just for the drink. I'm sorry if too much gets broken."

2012-05-25, 12:33 AM
"Clearly your mathematical abilities are akin to your mother's choice in male company." Devlin scoffed, "For you fail to realize that you are already surrounded by my companions." He gestured elaborately past the increasingly loud man, while subtly winking at both Gwarim and Hircine, hoping they notice and have the sense to play along. Or at the very least, that his 'friend' turns around long enough to allow him to bolt for the door.

Perception [roll0]

Irish Musician
2012-05-25, 01:32 PM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon, all of a sudden, gets up from his chair, pushing it back and knocking it down and turns to the big man. He looks at him, eyes glowing with arcane energy, and arcane magics still flying off of him announces to the man in a booming voice seething with power, "You shall not bring harm to these people. Stand down and leave this place, or you SHALL feel the wrath of my Fey Arcane magic!!!! NOW BEGONE!!!!!!"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2012-05-25, 07:53 PM
The brute that is causing all the trouble just looks over at you as you yell out across the room. "Yeah, you think you're scary you little book worm? I've killed dozens of wizards punk, and most went with a single hit! What do you actually think you can do to me?!"

As the brute stands there laughing at your might, the rest of his crew standing behind him starts to shake in their boots, and one by one, steps back slowly from the brute immediate reach, and then the group of them bolts out the door.

As the brute looks over his shoulder and sees the last "comrade" scurrying out the door, he hangs his head with a sigh. "Fine. I'll just take my anger out on them when they stop. But you boy," he spins quick on his foot and points towards Devlin "You better watch your ass!" With that he stops out of the tavern, swinging the doors open hard enough to bust one off the hinges, and yells down the street at the still running "comrades". You yellow dragon cowards! Get back here!!

Skill chalenge success: 100exp each

2012-05-25, 09:36 PM

Looking over the young man, Gwarim checks to make sure none of the shards have seriously cut him. After a moment, the dwarf peers at him with a serious, but not unpleasant expression.

"That mouth of yours can land you in trouble, sir," he says. "Still, no harm's come from it."

Glancing at the tactful bard and the man still blazing with arcane power, he then continues, "So you're merceneries, eh? Don't suppose you have a use for someone who knows how to fight?"

"Ah, and what is the name of your band?" he asks, casually setting the table and a nearby chair aright. He then leans back, looking over the assembled men.

Irish Musician
2012-05-26, 12:45 AM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon takes deep breathes in and out, walks over to the bar, and slaps his hand down on it. The bartender, knowing what Jargon needs and pours a big glass of mead. Jargon, his hand shaking almost spilling the mead, downs the entire glass full. After a few moments, his arcane powers seem to calm, as well as himself, and he seems a little saner. Looking at everyone, he scoffs and says, "WIZARD?!! HA! I am no wizard rotting away in a library scrounging for my powers. Brute fool." Then he looks at Devlin, "Devlin, it isn't smart to run your mouth all the time. One day someone won't be here to protect you, and you will have more than a few bruises." He then rolls is eyes and sits back at the bar.

2012-05-27, 12:12 AM
Cordus Leon - Bard

Once the large man storms out Cordus wipes his sweat soaked brow. His rather rapid heartbeat also settles down after a few minutes.

A wide smile crosses his face as he turns toward Devlin. "Really, Devlin! Were not here a whole day and your already casing trouble.", he snickers while giving his friend a playful shove.

His attention then focuses onto the Dwarf that came to their aid. "We could definitely use another warrior within our ranks, though you'll have to ask Devlin about that."

The bard then hollers out to the bartender. "Hey barkeep! Since we kept this place from turning into a war zone, how about you supply us with some free drinks?", he asks while returning to his band of groupies.

Diplomacy Roll:

2012-05-27, 12:32 PM
Devlin quickly replaced the look of surprise and awe at Jargon's rather grand entrance and boast, with a look of smug satisfaction as he turned to Hircine. "What do you want me to say?" He asked in response, rubbing his arm as he took a seat beside the bard's fawning followers and ordered a fresh drink. "I was only looking for a good time. Besides, it seems we've managed to find some actual members to round out our warband."

Turning to Gwarim, he held out a hand, "The Blazing Corsairs would be proud to count you amongst its members." he said, pouring on the charm. "And to you as well, milord spell-slinger." He glanced at Jargon with a smirk.

2012-05-27, 10:34 PM

Looking for a moment like something is occurring to him, the dwarf finally sneezes. Afterward, he offers his own calloused hand, his face earnest behind his voluminous, braided beard.

"Captain Devlin, is it? Men here call me Gwarim Blackshield."

2012-05-28, 02:02 AM
"No captain necessary . . . " Devlin began accepting the dwarf's hand readily before pausing. Thus far the this whole idea of a mercenary band had been nothing but a lot of talk and blustering and back and forth between himself and what passed for the other 'companions' who were apart of it. But now, with himself, Cordus, what could only be a solid dwarf fighter, and the bolstering force of Jargon behind them all . . . 'Go for it.' his inner voice goaded him, and go for it he did.

"Technically speaking, I'm the Executive Officer of our little band. Cordus serves as company commander, and I as the operations officer and master at arms." Devlin spoke with a calm assurance, all business, even though he was rather making it all up on the spot. Cordus had always had a way with words and people, and a natural knack for leadership, if not tactics. He lacked however Devlin's talent for 'procurement' and so he decided now would be an excellent time to carve out for himself a position of some authority that suited his abilities, while leaving the actual responsibility of the job to one more suited for it. "Welcome aboard brother Gwarim."

2012-05-28, 11:59 AM
The bartender finally comes over to your group, after cleaning up the toppled table and shattered mugs, with a tray and 4 mugs of ale on it. He sets it down on the table beside you and mutters as he walks away. "Here you go guys. I guess you did save a bit more damage then there could have been." He walks away again back to the bar, leaving you guys with your drinks.

2012-05-28, 11:31 PM

Accepting one of the offered mugs, Gwarim takes in a mouthful, savoring it before swallowing. The ale clearly has won his approval.

"So what's our contract?"

2012-05-29, 07:47 PM
Cordus Leon - Bard

Managing to slip away from his band of admirers Cordus moves over to the table where Devlin and the others are seated. He grabs a mug of ale and begins heartily gulping the liquid down until he hears his named mentioned as company commander.

He barely manages to keep from choking on his beverage. Setting his mug down he gives Devlin an annoyed look. "Whoa! Hold your horses, friend. If anyone's going to be in charge it'll be you, being responsible isn't really my deal."

2012-05-29, 08:08 PM
Unable to answer Gwarim's question before Cordus could make his way over, Devlin turned to him dripping with mock deference. "Why Commander, I didn't think you would be so modest. Your a fine field officer by my estimation and have a real knack for inspiring words and and rallying calls." His face then turned to one of fiendish delight as he gave a wink, "Besides, I think I might know a way to convince you." He said in a quieter tone.

Looking past his shoulder towards the fawning admirers he had left at the bar, Devlin called aloud, "Why ladies, I suppose our Captain Leon here has neglected to mention that he just happens to be Company COMMANDER of the Blazing Corsairs? He did? Well, you should by no means let him forget it this evening." Devlin looked back and gave Cordus another week as he whispered. "Don't worry about it, all you have to do is flash that smile of yours, get us the good contracts at a good price and I'll handle all the technical details. It's a shared responsibility."

Turning back to Gwarim as the groupies began to lament the woes of such a rugged mercenary captain, Devlin was interrupted by the sudden scream from behind the cellar door. "That's interesting." He said, making his way towards the door and motioning Gwarim to move up along side him.

2012-05-29, 08:13 PM
Halfway through your sentence, a high pitch scream tears through the air. Most of the patrons jump to their feet at the shriek, but no one moves more then that. They just stand there, frozen and staring at the cellar door behind the bar, which seems to be hiding the source of the scream.

Irish Musician
2012-05-29, 08:16 PM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon began to walk over to the table and say something about joining the little band, but he is cut short by a scream. He looks at the others, then at the bartender, "What in the Nine Hells was that?"

2012-05-29, 08:25 PM

Driven to action by the scream, the dwarf immediately readies his shield as he stands, then hustles to the cellar door with a deferential nod to the bartender.

Move action to stand
Minor Action to ready shield
Standard action to move to the door.

2012-05-29, 09:07 PM
Cordus Leon - Bard

"Phew, saved by the scream!"

He gives Devlin a stern look. "We'll finish our conversation later."

The bard then bolts up from his chair, brandishes his wand, and rushes over to the cellar door.

He frowns toward the barkeep. "What do you have running around down there, friend. From the sound of things it's pretty dangerous, which means it'll cost you a pretty big sum of coin for our group to take care of it."

2012-05-31, 11:25 AM
The bartender looks as surprised at the scream as you, and looks equally as scared. As the sweat runs down his brow, he finally finds his voice. "Running? All that is down there is the reserves of ale. It's just a cellar. Wait... Where's Alora?!"

2012-05-31, 12:06 PM

The stout warrior flings open the cellar door and rushes inside.

2012-05-31, 02:55 PM
Cordus Leon -Bard

"A damsel in distress, were on the job!", he yells out pointing his finger dramatically in the air.

With wand in hand he follows Gwarim into the cellar, a look of grim determination on his face.

Irish Musician
2012-05-31, 10:22 PM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Jargon hears the scream and runs behind the dwarf, who had swung the door open. Arcane energies already surging through his body, Jargon charges into the room, ready to slay anything that is messing with the sweet Alora.

Initiative [roll0] - Also, if anything is near her or hurting her in anyway, I immediately blast it with an at-will.

2012-06-04, 08:48 AM
The cellar doors burst open and you immediately see Alora laying on the ground at the foot of the stairs. As the light shines onto her, a rat scurries away from the bite and the blood on her legs. As it scurries away, it suddenly explodes with a loud *POP*, as Jargon lowers his hand again.

2012-06-04, 08:58 AM

Rushing forward to Alora, the dwarf kneels down in concern, his weapon not yet readied.

Apply first aid to Alora and determine what injured her.

Heal: [roll0]

2012-06-04, 09:34 AM
You are not able to heal her, or even stop the bleeding, but you are able to tell that the wounds on her legs look like bites.

2012-06-04, 09:55 AM

"She needs a healer!"

2012-06-07, 03:16 PM
Upon hearing the shout, Deviln grabs the nearest in patron by the scruff of his collar. "Is there a healer in this village?" He demands, quite pleasantly, and politely, but still gripping the man firmly by the collar.

Irish Musician
2012-06-08, 11:51 AM
Jargon Wildcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=401915), Wild "Crazy" Sorcerer

Knowing what Cordus' particular brand of arcane powers were capable of, Jargon rushes over to him and starts ushering him over to the girl. "Heal her with you arcane song, bard. I know you can. Hurry, before she dies!!! Jargon then looks around to see if he can tell where these little bastards, as he put it, went and what they were.

I don't have jack in perception, but I am going to make a roll anyway. also, wanted to make a Nature roll to figure out what they were, and a Arcana roll to see if they left any sort of "arcana trail" I could follow.
Perception [roll0]
Nature [roll1]
Arcana [roll2]

2012-06-08, 07:53 PM
Cordus Leon -Bard

Cordus who had been standing in a daze hurries down into the basement at Jargon's urging to help the young woman. He draws his flute and plays a soft healing tune, alleviating the lady's injury.

If possible I will use Majestic Word.
If not here's a heal check [roll0]