View Full Version : Mass Effect: the (fan edited) movie

2012-05-22, 07:24 AM
I figured I would share something pretty cool with the Playground. A very good friend of mine recently finished and recorded a speedy playthrough of Mass Effect for the purpose of editing the content into a feature length movie. Why do you ask?

1) It’s Mass Effect
2) His friend owns a PS3 and never had the opportunity to play ME

Here is the trailer to it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhWvSlnGLrM). It’s pretty neat and Bioware reTweeted on their feed (can’t get the link of that presently).

And here is the feature presentation! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IaciFkW87g&list=UUb4oBx3_spngMdDcWH7Pxmw&index=1&feature=plcp) It comes in just north of two hours and forty four minutes. It was a real treat to watch and I do have an assurance that Mass Effect 2 will be done in a similar fashion. That is a bit down the line so for now enjoy Mass Effect: the (fan edited) movie!

2012-05-22, 07:43 AM
It certainly sounds like the most cinimatic playthrough I've heard of. I might check this out when its completed.

2012-05-22, 08:11 AM
It's about 99% cinematic scenes and conversation. He had to use some gameplay bits to demonstrate changes in environment or to add some action as ME didn't really have many cinematic scenes that showed combat.

It was fun to help him edit the thing. Of course he did all of it but he had a few people give it a watch and look for bugs. It was really fun to watch and jogged my memory of important bits of information concerning the ME universe.

And I can tell you that this was a labor of love. He had to go frame-by-frame to find shots with the conversation wheel and alter the screen to hide them, forcing him to adjust and recenter every frame recorded.

2012-05-22, 08:15 AM
It's about 99% cinematic scenes and conversation. He had to use some gameplay bits to demonstrate changes in environment or to add some action as ME didn't really have many cinematic scenes that showed combat.

It was fun to help him edit the thing. Of course he did all of it but he had a few people give it a watch and look for bugs. It was really fun to watch and jogged my memory of important bits of information concerning the ME universe.

And I can tell you that this was a labor of love. He had to go frame-by-frame to find shots with the conversation wheel and alter the screen to hide them, forcing him to adjust and recenter every frame recorded.

2012-05-22, 09:36 AM
Man. That's amazing. Probably pretty cool to see, too.

Now if someone would only do it for the next 2 games.

2012-05-23, 01:46 PM
Whew, update!

The final version has been cut up and will go through one last screening tonight or tomorrow night before my friend makes it available. Turns out the file is about 7 gigs and takes roughly 6 hours to upload to his Youtube channel: Threepixelpro (http://www.youtube.com/user/threepixelpro)

Hopefully all ME fans will have something fun to watch this weekend! :smallsmile:

2012-05-27, 04:56 PM
The final cut is finally out! I'm updating the original post with the link and a little bonus will be coming out soon. :smallwink:

2012-05-30, 06:36 PM
As promised, though woefully delayed, here is that little extra (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQqI5asdmEE&feature=g-all-u) for you all. This is an alternate ending for Mass Effect using some of Keith David's other voice works. It makes for an...interesting experience. :smallsmile:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-05-30, 06:49 PM
Oh man, that sounds pretty cool!