View Full Version : oh wailey, wailey, wailey.. my ftp thinghy, it doesn't want to work!

2012-05-23, 09:12 AM
basically I'm trying to set up a ftp server on my work 'puter, which surfs the web though my dad's home router.
I've found me a step by step tutorial (almost literally adherent to what soft and hardware I'm working with, if a bit outdated) downloaded all manner of softwares and done all I know how to do to try and put it all together nicely, but to no avail..and I just am not confident enough to prod the router too hard, because there are 4 more computers that depend on it working nicely, (some of them essential for work, my own included) and I don't want to have to call a tech for being a klutz and having borked it.
As it is, several bits of software that are in the computer now seem to tell me that all's well and should be working.. and I have no real idea about where to look to check if it's true.
(I suspect that I've made either a mistake in creating my no-ip host address, or I haven't properly done the router reconfiguration..the most shady part of the step by step guide I had)

I'm thinking I should start from scratch with a big do-over.

so.. does anyone kow a good link to a really dumb-friendly step by step guide?? possibly one with a great big arrow that points at several key elements that one may have done wrong and how to check if that's the case?

in the end, all I want is to be able to allow a number of people to download stuff from my computer..something that could be useful for work and play.

2012-05-23, 04:39 PM
Have you actually "prodded" the router at all? In order to get an externally accessible FTP site, you will have to set up an incoming rule that directs FTP traffic hitting the router's IP to your specific machine--it isn't going to know which of the four you have to send it to otherwise!

2012-05-23, 05:30 PM
Have you actually "prodded" the router at all? In order to get an externally accessible FTP site, you will have to set up an incoming rule that directs FTP traffic hitting the router's IP to your specific machine--it isn't going to know which of the four you have to send it to otherwise!

I've done some prodding..probably just not the right kind of prodding..mostly because the screenshots of the step by step thing are a bit different from what I have to work with, and it seems some things on there are outdated compared to the actual hardware..so I've kinda improvised there..
I just got told that I could just use hamachi software and be done with it

I'll see if I can figure it out