View Full Version : PF current campaign NEED IDEAS

2012-05-23, 01:36 PM
OK guys, here it goes...

I'm the dm for my group. The three people I play with aren't very good but they are passionate. We have a ranger who uses a crossbow, a infernal sorcerer that is super prissy (and therefore causes huge problems in the group and in towns) and a cleric that wants to lead but never has a decent idea. None of them are power gamers or optimizers (which I am) and i'm trying to come up with a way to balance combat, investigation, and roleplaying. The problem that seems to be coming up is that when I present them with a chance to investigate or give them free reign in a town with literally EVERYTHING that is needed for any possible situation...they basically lube up their thumbs and put them in the holiest of holes. I'll lay the current scene and an example of what I mean.

The game starts with all of them in a pretty decent sized town. They have a festival that is the equivalent of 4th of july meets thanksgiving. While the day of the parade and feast, a caravan bearing the symbol of asmodeus shows up. Long story short the temple says the festival needs more muscle. The mayor of the town says no thanks and the party all hears the exchange of heated words about not being bullied OR paying "protection" money. Later that night the town comes under attack and the pc's are knocked out and have visions and flashes of the town burning and the mayor being strung up by the cleric of asmodeus. They track the caravan after they awake and are discoverd by a local sergeant in a roaming patrol of the nations army. They find out that the caravan comes from a temple in a town.

This is where it gets a little...infuriating....

They start investigation the town (which actually surprised me) and the sorcerer went to the brewery. In there they are talking about how much they hate the local nobles cause of their lack of work ethic and how much money they waste. I told him, before he opened his mouth, there are 7 people in here, all gruff and pretty drunk. They all look like they would kill their mother for enough to drink for a few more days. The sorcerer then laughs and says, and I quote (I wrote it down it was such a huge blunder ) "The nobles here are a joke. I have more money invested in my platinum spliced shoe laces then those <insert vulgar word> have in their families vaults" Needless to say they tried to roll him for his kicks. He ended up burning them all down and most of the explosive liquor. The party then screams at him and tells him to get his huggies cause he is now going to be baby sat. later that same night the party kicks in a building, kills three people without legal cause and flee town. Now they watch (from a distance) as the caravan starts clear cutting a near by forest. Three in game days later ( two hours irl) they finally decide to rob the leaders tent while he sleeps and gets their hands on his spell book (he is a 5/5 cleric of asmodeus with the magic and law domains and a wizard conjurer) now here is where I want some help.

So he is going tobe able to find them (who doesn't keep a spare spell book) He is going to track them and kill the npc fighter with them. He is also going to use his one free "You owe me" from a devil. He is after all a cleric from cheliax. I want them sent to a desert setting. I do NOT want them to end up in dark sun. I want a similar type setting, but without the amazingly powerful monsters. Frankly they just aren't smart enough to conquer those level of monsters. The party is level 6 all the way around and I want some interesting monsters and ideas for a few sessions worth of roleplaying and about 5 decent sized combat encounters. I want them to be about level 9 by the time they leave. So...ideas for what to have them do while they are there, a few good monsters and a little bit of "OH god you are such a douche". Any help at all would be appreciated. The only real book I have access to is the bestiary 1 and anything online for free. so links and anything else you guys can supply would be amazing. PM's are welcome if you dont want to show anything incase your players read these forums...sadly mine are way to dim for that.

2012-05-23, 01:57 PM
Rather than thinking Dark Sun, why not send them to Qadira or Osirion? Levels 6-9 is about the right spot for them to get tangled up with non-noble genies and their followers, for instance.

2012-05-23, 02:10 PM
Quadira? Oirion? I've never heard of these settings or places. Is there anyway you could send me a link to somewhere with some info on these?

2012-05-23, 02:23 PM
Quadira? Oirion? I've never heard of these settings or places. Is there anyway you could send me a link to somewhere with some info on these?

They're part of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. I assumed you were playing in it since you mentioned Cheliax. Qadira (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Qadira) is a pseudo-Arabian country (part of the larger empire of Kelesh); I loved Al-Qadim back in the 2E days so I have a soft spot for that sort of thing. Osirion (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Osirion) is similarly pseudo-Egyptian.

Also, you can find most of the contents of the Bestiaries (and most of the other core rulebooks) online for free, since it's Open Gaming License content. d20pfsrd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary) is better laid-out, in my opinion, but the PRD (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/) is both official and more complete.

2012-05-23, 02:48 PM
LOL sorry. I know about cheliax because I have the good and evil diety books. I want the core PF setting. I love original stories but a campaign world is just so rich. I am problay going to buy the PF book soon. I live in a small town so the local book store is little more then a prostitute. I will look into those places as well. thanks so much. So...any ideas on my problem for not being able to much that is fun for me? Any sort of plot points while there?

2012-05-23, 04:58 PM
I think I missed a vital part of this story. Why do you want them sent to a desert setting? How does this tie to the theft of the book from the cleric? Also, not every Cleric of Asmodeus has a free 'you owe me', as far as I know; the magic powers bestowed by a deity should take up all the freebies Asmodeus gives out (Really, even those powers should have screw-over rules attached to those when dealing with him.).

I can't remember the name of the module, but there was a low-level desert setting called something like Kalmarain or Katapesh that I played in. But really, why're you wanting to change the setting so drastically?

2012-05-23, 06:35 PM
I wanted them sent to the desert as a punishment for messing with the guy. It's his revenge for the irritation the party caused him. He figures a slow painful exposure death is far more painful then just being killed. This is also more motovation for the party to go after this guy cause he is my BBEG.

As far as the owe me one thing goes, I know that a cleric doesn't get that, but his wizard side ties into his background. He released a devil from a summoning circle that it was put in as a punishment. So he is going to use his freebie to punish people who annoyed him.

Also, another reason for the desert is because I want to do a desert type of setting for a bit. I want a little survival and a culture shock. They think that cause they are adventurers that they are sanctioned by god to what they want when they want. every time they go into town they tell people how lazy and scared they are just because the party happens to be the PC's. So...if I put them in a rough enough environment where everyone else can survive and they are struggling to, then they can feel the whiplash of it. I am a dm that will have an npc the party has traveled with for a while leave if they treat him/her like crap or just a heal bot. I want them to treat an npc as a party memeber not "You're the man with all the answers cause the dm controls your voice. " When I dont give tthem what they want to hear they forget to cut him in on the decisions, loot, goals etc etc. To balance that, when they walk into a town I let all their fancy clothes and 20 cha kick in. People love them, but cha is a two sided coin. Long story short, I want them to be butt sore and realize it's role playing not Final Fantasy.

Also, I need to incorperate a reacurring npc. suggestions?

2012-05-25, 12:59 AM
I've not GM'd before but....some thought of what might be fun:

You might try ruins with undead, if the cleric can handle them. I'm thinking the Ozymandius-poem style, cities of old empires from a more verdant time which are now nothing more than broken columns and piles of stone, and the hungry or vengeful dead.

Maybe a strange idea, but a vast 'sea' of super-fine sand, which acts a lot like quicksand. They need to cross it, but how? You'll have to tailor it so they will have to make use of their spells intelligently.

Semi-mindless insects/etc after the sun sets and it gets cooler. Can provide a challenge without out-strategizing them.

Silly, but: Meteor impact, turns out to be aliens/something that is invading. They have to try to prevent the takeover. If they fail, they might be remorseful, but you can say that the aliens were susceptible to the dessert climate and died anyway - but wait till they worry about the end of the world.


For recurring NPC + get them to rp...there are lots of old stories about powerful spirits that play with mortal for fun or spite, or to test or teach them.

You could have some djinn or similar who, out of boredom or whatever, comes to interact with them, and treats them exactly how they deserve based on how they interact with him. He can come in many guises, only revealing himself after he punishes or rewards them.

2012-05-25, 06:05 AM
Why not send them to a layer of Hell?

It would suit the "owe me a favour" kind of thing. And would be suitably scary.

Not every creature encountered in Hell has to be a devil. There could be whole settlements of Fiendish Humanoids, effectively slaves. Dretch could be roaming the plane in great quantities which would be like a zombie-plague. The powerful devils could occassionally make an appearance to bully, belittle or do something "unholy" to the "citizens". Not every encounter has to be violent or combative.

It could really put the characters in their place.

They could make allies of the locals, and find that there is a portal somewhere on the plane, and they have to make their way to it, avoiding the particularly nasty denizens, they may even decide to try and save some of the unfortunates.

And then.....

Just when they think they've finally made it out of Hell, you could get really funny.........

2012-05-25, 08:09 AM
The Noble Djinn is a great idea and I will steal that for use in a later session.

If you have a favor from a devil, are you really going to blow it on some theif when you have a backup? Gold will suffice here. Have them ambushed at night by assassins. The Assassins use Fort save VS Unconsious poison. Cleric sells party into slavery to recoup losses, party wakes up from drug-enduced stupor in the back of a caravan...in a desert.

now it's all good AND internally consistant, without any diablos-ex-mechina.