View Full Version : Things to do with my Fire subtype?

2012-05-24, 01:03 PM
Hi. I have this Hellfire Warlock I am making, and by DM fiat in-game accident that made me a Fire Creature. I don't know much about subtypes and such, and this one doesn't seem to have any advantages other that Immunity to an energy type I am already heavily resistant too. How would I go about getting the subtype to works for me?

2012-05-24, 01:27 PM
With fire immunity, you have no reason to ever be not on fire.

2012-05-24, 01:34 PM
Lava bath.

2012-05-24, 01:35 PM
With fire immunity, you have no reason to ever be not on fire.

That depends! Is my Chausible of Fell power fireproof? Are my clothes? Does my character suffer penalties for being on fire for trying to bluff, Suggestion, or Charming people? :smalltongue:

2012-05-24, 01:46 PM
That depends! Is my Chausible of Fell power fireproof? Are my clothes? Does my character suffer penalties for being on fire for trying to bluff, Suggestion, or Charming people? :smalltongue:

Well, the Pyrokineticist actually gets a Bonus to charisma while being on fire, so I'd think you'd be a lot more convincing for Intimidate and Diplomacy checks, as well as Bluff checks due to the confusing "why is this crazy broad on fire?" moment.

Your gear will probably get torched unless it's as connected to the Plane of Fire as you are though, so you may want to look into treating your stuff with Fire Resistance before you walk into an inferno of some sort. You can however go bother an inquisition that's famed for burning people and amuse yourself by bluffing them into thinking you're blessed by their patron deity while spouting off as many contrary concepts to their own as you can think of.

You can also set a building on fire while you're in it to force enemies away to buy time for a better escape plan than "Set the whole place on fire."

Grass-fires are deadly to armies on the open planes. Run around with some match-sticks and prevent wars.

Win all kinds of fire-walking competitions.

Perform in the circus.

Set up a mine-craft-esque base in a volcano that you can only get to by swimming in lava.

2012-05-24, 01:48 PM
With fire immunity, you have no reason to ever be not on fire.... unless you want to carry any gear with you, that is.
fire immunity

A creature with fire immunity, such as a fire giant, never takes fire damage. Let me extend Snowbluff's point.

Fire immunity protects you all the time, but it doesn't uniformly extend to your gear. You still need to roll saving throws each round, and if you ever come up with a natural 1 each piece of equipment needs to have a save vs. the fire damage the character would normally experience except for their immunity. From page 136 of Player's Handbook:
Automatic Failures and Successes: A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a saving throw is always a failure (and may cause damage to exposed items; see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw, page 177). From page 304 of Dungeon Master's Guide:
Those unlucky enough to have their clothes or equipment catch fire must make DC 15 Reflex saves for each item. Flammable items that fail take the same amount of damage as the character.

2012-05-24, 01:49 PM

2012-05-24, 01:50 PM
There is a fireproof cloth (can't remembe details) from which you can make clothing. however, if you're immune to fire? CLOTHE YOURSELF IN FIRE! Ignus, of Planescape: Torment wore no petty mortal clothing, and no one DARED say a word!

As to the other items, I'm sure there's a way to make them fireproof.

2012-05-24, 01:57 PM
... unless you want to carry any gear with you, that is.
Or just have gear immune to damage. Riverine protective cases for everything!

2012-05-24, 02:00 PM
Lava bath.

A task that can only be completed by me and Crusaders who consider themselves a threat... to themselves. /salute


This is what I was talking about! These silly suggestions are a lot more entertaining!

Might be a little strong, but my other option is punch-happy Eldritch Claws/Snap-Kick/Beastrike. Note to self: Learn a method of Acid Immunity.

There is a fireproof cloth (can't remembe details) from which you can make clothing. however, if you're immune to fire? CLOTHE YOURSELF IN FIRE! Ignus, of Planescape: Torment wore no petty mortal clothing, and no one DARED say a word!

With my high Charisma, maxed intimidate, and items, scary people like this would be awesome! but how would you suggest I gain some flamy clothing?

@Curmudgeon: Yeah pretty much.

Bahamut Omega
2012-05-24, 02:33 PM
You do know that being a Fire subtype you get the immunity to fire, but you also take a vulnerability to cold, right? My advice, avoid blizzards at all costs. Also, direct as many battle tactics to include, "Hit me with a fireball while 5+ guys are on me."

2012-05-24, 03:01 PM
Ah yes, the old Necklace of Fireballs gambit.

2012-05-24, 10:07 PM
Fire immunity protects you all the time, but it doesn't uniformly extend to your gear. You still need to roll saving throws each round, and if you ever come up with a natural 1 each piece of equipment needs to have a save vs. the fire damage the character would normally experience except for their immunity. From page 136 of Player's Handbook: From page 304 of Dungeon Master's Guide:

Where is the bolded section stated? I know it's absolutely common sense and any GM would rule it as such, but if you take no fire damage, and your equipment takes the same amount of fire damage you do, wouldn't the equipment not take any fire damage?

2012-05-24, 10:15 PM
By RAW, no it wouldn't take any damage, because it takes the same damage you do and you take no damage. Being immune to fire turns everything you wear immune to fire by RAW. Silly like that.
Then again, a warlock could just use UMD to craftmagic item (class feature) and get his gear some fire immunity. Pretty sure CArcane has rules to do that to spellbooks, just ask your DM to let you extend that to all your gear so you can safely shower in lava before breakfast. Sure as hell nothing is more refreshing.

2012-05-24, 10:27 PM
Being immune to fire turns everything you wear immune to fire by RAW.

Even with that interpretation, the equipment you wear simply takes no damage from catching fire. Other sources of fire damage (like the item being individually targeted with fire attacks) would work just fine. It's even sillier than we thought! :smalltongue:

2012-05-24, 11:42 PM
Where is the bolded section stated? I know it's absolutely common sense and any GM would rule it as such, but if you take no fire damage, and your equipment takes the same amount of fire damage you do, wouldn't the equipment not take any fire damage?
Actually, no. That's from the DMG on items catching fire, as Slipperychicken noted. The PH refers to this on page 177:
The randomly determined item must make a saving throw against the attack form and take whatever damage the attack dealt It's not the damage the creature actually takes, but the damage they receive from the attack before immunities or other considerations.

Sorry for the confusion. I was responding to Flickerdart's suggestion that the character be on fire, and not so much the fire-based attack scenario. However, as the Player's Handbook is the primary source for rules for playing the game, I used the above quote to provide the clarification you bolded; it's not just "common sense" but rather the required reading of that rule. When there's a possible disagreement, the primary source is correct.

2012-05-25, 12:21 AM
Sorry for the confusion. I was responding to Flickerdart's suggestion that the character be on fire, and not so much the fire-based attack scenario. However, as the Player's Handbook is the primary source for rules for playing the game, I used the above quote to provide the clarification you bolded; it's not just "common sense" but rather the required reading of that rule. When there's a possible disagreement, the primary source is correct.

Awesome. That actually makes me feel a lot better, knowing that 3.5e rules make sense in this case.

2012-05-25, 02:27 AM
Dye your hair blue or white, wear white/blue robes, be as wintry as possible in your attitude. Carry a wand or two of Cone of Cold or Icebold or whatever, for show. Spout random lines like "Winter is coming" and such nonsense. Make all that very publicly known. Watch poorly-prepared enemies throw fireballs at you thinking they're nailing your one weakness.

2012-05-25, 02:44 AM
Dye your hair blue or white, wear white/blue robes, be as wintry as possible in your attitude. Carry a wand or two of Cone of Cold or Icebold or whatever, for show. Spout random lines like "Winter is coming" and such nonsense. Make all that very publicly known. Watch poorly-prepared enemies throw fireballs at you thinking they're nailing your one weakness.

This would be pretty cool. One my to-do list. Definitely.

Morph Bark
2012-05-25, 05:29 AM
... unless you want to carry any gear with you, that is. Let me extend Snowbluff's point.

Fire immunity protects you all the time, but it doesn't uniformly extend to your gear. You still need to roll saving throws each round, and if you ever come up with a natural 1 each piece of equipment needs to have a save vs. the fire damage the character would normally experience except for their immunity. From page 136 of Player's Handbook: From page 304 of Dungeon Master's Guide:

Being on fire deals 1d6 points of fire damage per turn right? That just means you need to make the gear you carry have a hardness of at least 6.

Actually, no. That's from the DMG on items catching fire, as Slipperychicken noted. The PH refers to this on page 177:

It does specify "attack" though, so being on fire, not requiring an attack roll and thus not being an attack by RAW, would not cause items you carry to take damage. That is, if the parts quoted are the only relevant part regarding items taking fire damage and assuming being on fire does not ascribe to a special clause that it does count as an attack without requiring an attack roll.

RAW, y so silly?

2012-05-25, 05:53 AM
Why so silly indeed. Don't forget to get an item that allows temporarg use of the spell on frostburn that gives you the cold subtype. Now your character is the avatar of "A song of ice and fire". And you will have a go to counter for your weakness!

Morph Bark
2012-05-25, 06:38 AM
Why so silly indeed. Don't forget to get an item that allows temporarg use of the spell on frostburn that gives you the cold subtype. Now your character is the avatar of "A song of ice and fire". And you will have a go to counter for your weakness!

Bard 3/Barbarian 5/Frostrager 3 with Troll-Blooded and Blazing Berserker and something that grants acid immunity. :smallamused:

2012-05-25, 07:56 AM
Bard 3/Barbarian 5/Frostrager 3 with Troll-Blooded and Blazing Berserker and something that grants acid immunity. :smallamused:

Sadly the op is a hellfire warlock.
I do enjoy that combo tought... gotta throw it on my group next time they have a blaster. Then again... he could go claw hellfire lock frost rager! Slash, burn and freeze baby:o

2012-05-25, 11:05 AM
Being on fire deals 1d6 points of fire damage per turn right? That just means you need to make the gear you carry have a hardness of at least 6.

Energy damage is halved. It only needs to have a hardness of three.

2012-05-25, 11:42 AM
Energy damage is halved. It only needs to have a hardness of three.

Ah, good point.
His Chaucible needs a casting of Hardness (SC, Wizard 6) to survive being on fire. And the hardiest common material in the DMG that you can make into clothing would be leather, with hardness 2. His choices for clothing are gonna be getting some Hardened leather, in which case he's going to have to be spending fistfuls of gold for every bit of clothing he plans of wearing and is going to end up dressing like Algol from Soul Calibur (http://fightersfury.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/algol-soulcalibur5.jpg) as a result. Alternatively, +1 Glamoured leather armor, or take Battle Caster and wear dragonhide armor.

2012-05-25, 09:01 PM
The planar handbook has rules to make items fireproof.
It's laughably cheap to kit yourself out in the long run.

2012-05-26, 01:51 AM
The planar handbook has rules to make items fireproof.
It's laughably cheap to kit yourself out in the long run.

... Ooooor that, yeah. It's only +50gp.

2012-05-29, 10:00 AM
Go for maximum style. Dress entirely in Red and Gold dragon skin. Get a hat with a phoenix feather in it.

Morph Bark
2012-05-29, 10:15 AM
Energy damage is halved. It only needs to have a hardness of three.

So it is. Well, fire and electricity damage anyhow. Cold only deals a quarter damage and acid and sonic deal full damage. The latter two also ignore hardness.

Does force do anything against objects? I thought it ignored hardness as well, but someone told me it doesn't affect objects.

2012-05-29, 11:56 AM
Cold only deals a quarter damage and acid and sonic deal full damage. The latter two also ignore hardness.
That's wrong. Hardness applies against all energy damage.

Each object has hardness—a number that represents how well it resists damage. Whenever an object takes damage, subtract its hardness from the damage. Only damage in excess of its hardness is deducted from the object’s hit points.
Energy Attacks
Acid and sonic attacks deal damage to most objects just as they do to creatures; roll damage and apply it normally after a successful hit.
The basic rule explains how hardness normally works, and acid and sonic damage apply normally using that rule.

Or for the short version, here's this from page 106 of Rules Compendium:
When damaging objects, a few special considerations might apply. In all cases, divide or multiply the damage dealt before applying the object’s hardness.

2012-05-29, 12:00 PM
Lava bath.

Any resistance to fire gives immunity to lava (not counting the whole breathing thing). He could do this already.

2012-05-29, 12:08 PM

I can't believe no one beat me to this (http://agc.deskslave.org/comic_viewer.html?goNumber=19)

2012-05-29, 12:17 PM
If you can find a way to make fire or lava continuously follow you, and always reside in your square, the Clever Opportunist feat will make funny things happen.

2012-05-29, 01:42 PM
If you can find a way to make fire or lava continuously follow you, and always reside in your square, the Clever Opportunist feat will make funny things happen.

Planar bubble:Elemental plane of Fire (Is their some kind of plane of lava where the plane of earth and fire intersect?)

2012-05-29, 04:45 PM
Planar bubble:Elemental plane of Fire (Is their some kind of plane of lava where the plane of earth and fire intersect?)

Seeing there are Magma Paraelementals (Manual of Planes), and they live on both Fire and Earth planes, I would say: Yes, there is a plane of lava. Worst case scenario, the same book (Manual of Planes), mentions that the Elemental Plane of Fire has Seas of Lava. Your planar bubble just needs to be a little more focused than "I cast a Plane of Fire Planar Bubble" and include the Magma Sea somewhere in there. Duck from the DMG, and pray the DM does allow it.