View Full Version : Rise of the Rulelords (IC)

2012-05-24, 03:46 PM
For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in smaller wooden structures rebuilt after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new pastor Abstalar was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn’t the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site’s blessings from the gods and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred. The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the first day of autumn. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them. The turnout for the opening speeches is quite respectable, and the four keynote speakers each deliver short but well-received welcomes to the festival. Mayor Deverin’s friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky, the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear
himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone’s but Larz’s amusement. Sheriff Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening’s bonfire, and his request for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town’s previous church five years ago. Fortunately, Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes as he delivers a not-completely-irreverent
recap of the long process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of self-promotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his new production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda! Finally, Father Zantus steps up give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway.

2012-05-24, 08:01 PM
Kelleth Wilton arrived in Sandpoint about 10 days ago, his first stop on his pilgrimage out of Windsong Abbey. The Abbey had been his home for the past 12 years as he was raised and trained, but the time had come for him to enter the world and find his destiny. Sandpoint was naturally his first destination.

Since arriving in town Kelleth has primarily volunteered his time at the newly finished temple, offering healing and small blessings free of charge to those in need.

Today, Kelleth smiles at the townsfolk around him. He didn't catch most of the speeches; he hadn't arrived in time to get a spot near the front and he can't see the lips well enough to read them from back here. But the impression he gets from the faces of those around him is that they were well received.

With the speeches over, the young man reaches into his backpack and pulls out his slate and a piece of chalk. He hasn't been in town long enough to teach any of his new friends more than a small handful of sign words, so he'll still need to write to communicate with them if he comes across them while perusing the bazaar.

2012-05-24, 08:31 PM

Nicholas ace had managed to fight the sweet town off a small map from a past deal. He and his associate, bodyguard Heran, had not so rough a trip to the recovering town. Upon arrival, he tosses the ol' coins around, and tells it's light weight. sighing, he clamors around the places, looking on at some of the speakers, but, mostly trying to find a good place to set up a camp site, rhetorically, not actually. He walks just slow enough for his guard to follow, but stay a few meters back, for inconspicious encounters.

Ace tries to find some homely people to talk to, business types, some that manage his same code of style. He needs not hide his rapier, for it is civil use, only self-defense. He normally uses it as a forearm rest for his right arm, whilst talking to some people.

Upon finding someone in a minister's looking attire, he hopes it to be the pastor for the new attempt at a church. Walking up, with his bodyguard close behind, so he hoped, Ace introduces himself. "Nicholas Ace, Nobleman from the west. You must be.... ah the name slips my memory.. Pastor...." Ace is not too keen on the local's names, but hopes to make it seem all a purpose.

2012-05-24, 09:26 PM

Heran stands calmly behind Nicholas, watching the young noble with one eye, while carefully taking in his surroundings with the other. He keeps his hand on his sword, but does so in a non threatening manner, simply being sure he's prepared in case something shows up.

2012-05-24, 10:01 PM
OOC: Assuming it's Kelleth that Ace and Heran are approaching...
Kelleth looks up as the foppish man approaches and addresses him. He's taken slightly aback by the feline appearance -- he's not accustomed to many of the distant races -- but quickly recovers. When the man reaches "pastor", Kelleth chuckles kindly and holds up a finger in the universal gesture of "just a moment".

He lifts his slate and scratches quickly with a practiced hand. No, I'm not the pastor, just a pilgrim. My name is Kelleth. I am glad to meet you; how may I be of help? He then turns the board to display it to the nobleman.

2012-05-24, 10:28 PM

A universal ah moment comes over Ace, and he notices that the young man was impaired. Still, not hard to work around, he mouths each word perfectly, still speaking outloud. "Ah, well, do you happen to know the most major head around here? I'd like to speak to a fellow nobleman, or, a man of stature. No offense meant." Smiling, he does offer his hand to the man. "Nicholas Ace. But, please, call me Ace."

2012-05-24, 10:55 PM
Kelleth takes his hand with a smile. He wasn't overly fond of people that thought themselves important, but he understands it's just part of their mental reality. To him it's more of a mild annoyance than an offense.

Rather than waste time writing out a response, Kelleth gestured for the man and his friend to follow him. He then began to lead the way toward the section of the faire where he expected to find Sheriff Hemlock.

2012-05-25, 02:29 AM

Recovering after a few children bump into him along the street, the robed crusader secures his belongings, his facial expression drooping to that of "mildly annoyed." Along the way, he thinks to himself,

I love Varisia! Beautiful countryside. But why did I have to listen to those wizards and get here on the third boat out of Nidal? It'll be fine, they said! You'll have plenty of time to get a room at the inn before the festival starts! I swear, wizards have no sense of time!

He continues working his way through the crowd of the festival, dodging jugglers and exchanging blessings with the patrons when he decides to flag down the nearest passerby and ask for directions.

"Excuse me! I am a pilgrim of Iomedae in search of an inn or temple. I would appreciate your kindness."

2012-05-25, 08:05 AM
"most of the inns are full, but you may find something after the Festival."

2012-05-25, 12:12 PM

"Thanks for your assistance."

He turns and decides to at least enjoy himself at the festival for a while. He makes sure to secure his swordbelt before venturing back into the crowd.

2012-05-26, 05:53 AM

Following after the young man, he peers around out of pure boredom. The common things are what he is used to, but this place is too religious for his taste. Pastors are great to have on your side politically, but for his own purpose, he's not a very devout man.

2012-05-27, 06:34 PM
At noon, Father Zantus and his acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child who she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon’s cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna—a furious storm of a thousand swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.Lunch is provided free, at the expense of Sandpoint’s taverns. Each brings its best dishes—this event is a marketing push by the taverns as much to win new customers as it is to feed a hungry crowd. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the lunch is, once again, Ameiko Kaijitsu, whose remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow the other offerings, such as the Hagfish’s lobster chowder or the White Deer’s peppercorn venison.

2012-05-28, 11:48 AM

After eating the meal that was freely given out to everyone, he tapps Heran on the shoulder, getting his attention so that they both may wander. Ace traveled in front, being the more social one. He continued on, trying to find the leader of this whole organized sanction.

OOC Wandering around until i meet an NPC that is heading this stuff.

2012-05-28, 08:35 PM
eventually ace does meet up with the father running the festival.

2012-05-28, 10:26 PM

Heran follows dutifully after Ace, the larger man always alert for anything that might be of note.

2012-05-29, 12:07 PM

"Excuse me, Father!" Assuming his best guess at the title, Ace follows after the man that looks to be the highest up person.

2012-05-29, 12:51 PM
Father Zantus turns "yes, what can i do for you child?"

2012-05-29, 01:12 PM
Zalim makes his way to the feast and afterwards, gives his thanks to the preparer Ameiko.
"That was a wonderful meal, miss. Allow me to introduce myself; I am a cleric of Iomedae, on travel at the behest of my goddess. My journey has led me to Varisia, and I was hoping to confer my blessings to the people of Sandpoint. In short; I seek the high priest of the temple of Desna, but I fear I have lost my way."
He chuckles a bit at his last sentiment.
"In return, anything I can do to assist you or the people here, I promise I will perform to the best of my ability."

2012-05-29, 01:26 PM

"I was just contemplating. Is there any way we could go inside, and you could enlighten me to all the preperations and funds it took to do this? It would be much obliged. Being an up-and-coming man of stature, it would help me greatly to peak into the world of finance."

Young Ace keeps a furry smile with his sharp teeth never portruding in signs of hostility, only a cheerful smile.

2012-05-29, 01:48 PM
Ameiko laughs as she looks around "there he is talking with that Catfolk."

Father Zantus replies "Well i may be able to talk to you in depth about it in a few days, but the main funds were mostly given in charity for the families who lost people in the fire."

2012-05-29, 02:24 PM
Zalim chuckles a bit, taking a good look at the group before responding,
"Thank you for your assistance, ma'am. If you'll excuse me..."
The robed man clasps his hands in a gesture of blessing and treads over to the man and the Catfolk, offering the same gesture while listening in patience and silence, his eyes taking in everything they could.

2012-05-29, 04:46 PM

Heran eyed the robed newcomer, keeping a close watch on him. He didn't like something about him, although he was unsure what yet.

2012-05-29, 05:24 PM

Nodding his head and listening to the idea of charity, he thought about the whole scheme of it. This wasn't his form of business venture, or anything, but he did enjoy the entire festival. "Well then, I'll take you up on that offer. In a few days, i might have more questions all the same. Peace be with you." On the final word, Ace stumbles by the robed man, not caring so much for other people.

In a cool distance away from a group, Ace sits down, and holds conversation with Heran. "No one looks too suspicious to you, do they? I'd hate for you to have to burn the place down."

2012-05-29, 07:47 PM
OOC: sorry or not posting so long. came down with a cold that laid me out flat for the weekend. not the way I wanted to spend my memorial day... :/

Kelleth moves along to his appointed table for the feast -- he's assisting with the serving -- after failing to find the Sheriff and depositing the noble in the middle of the faire with an apology.

Once he's finished serving, he helps himself to a plate of food and lingers over it for a while, noticing that the noble has found the pastor and some other man is also waiting to talk to the pastor. He shakes his head and keeps at his food.

2012-05-31, 07:17 PM

"There was one that came up to us, but you long since outpaced him. Although i do believe he is or may be following us still."

2012-05-31, 07:41 PM

"Just keep it peaceful for as long as you can. Something's of virtue around here. I just need to ask the right questions to the right people." Ace tapped his rapier with a firm holster, and enjoyed the texture smoothly.

2012-06-01, 10:52 PM
A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the
excited crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky. A stray
dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and
the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn
toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken
the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a
woman’s scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another
scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new
voices rises—high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human.
The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with
disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses
with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around
its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from
shrill, scratchy voices.

Perception to act in surprise round:

Ace [roll0]
Heran [roll1]
Zalim [roll2]
Kelleth [roll3]


Ace [roll4]
Heran [roll5]
Zalim [roll6]
Kelleth [roll7]

When the thunderstone detonates, three different groups of
goblins quickly mobilize. One group emerges and races north into the festival grounds. Another band invades via the open northern gate.Dozens of goblins take part in the raid, When the goblins attack, they shriek and leap and race and cackle, taking great joy in the panic and fear they spread among the humans (whom most goblins insultingly call “longshanks”). Some goblins wave torches and light tents on fire, while others chase children and pets with ill intent. The entire time, goblin warchanters sing a horrifically catchy and nerve-wracking goblin song at the top of their lungs, further spurring their kin into murderous frenzy. Everywhere the you all look, goblins tear through merchant stalls, menace locals with their dogslicers, throw rocks through windows, and otherwise make terrors of themselves.

Three goblins run up to Ace, Heran, Zalim, and Kelleth, holding their crude weapons and torches with malicious intent.

Heran acts first, then zalim, then the monsters in the surprise round,
then in normal rounds it's ace, kelleth, heran, zalim, monsters

2012-06-01, 11:30 PM

Heran growls. He knew something like this was gonna happen. Drawing his weapon, he took up a prepared stance in front of Ace, protecting his charge first.

Since i only get a standard action, draw my weapon and five foot in front of ace.

2012-06-02, 12:18 AM

I'm not letting 'em kill any more of these people! Zalim scowls, grabbing hold of his weapon for strength as he grits his teeth, the Chelaxian shouts in a booming voice, "By the light and fire of Iomedae, I command thee! Drop your weapon!"

Burning Disarm on the goblin nearest to Zalim, or if all three are within range (25ft), on the slowest-looking one. Reflex DC 15 or [roll0] fire damage

2012-06-02, 12:35 AM
The nearest goblin shrieks in pain as it drops it's weapon.

One of the goblins moves to strike Heran:

Damage if hit:

And the other runs over to the nearest building and starts to set it on fire.

2012-06-02, 01:05 AM
To Kelleth, the detonation of the thunderstone is felt rather than heard, akin to the feel of wind on your face when you flap a rug to loose the dirt. He grimaces at the goblins that follow. Shortly, he sees the companion of the nobleman he met earlier struck by one goblin, taking a grievous wound. In response, he moves closer and then draws on his inner calm and funnels it outward.

Channel energy; heals 1d6 to everyone except the three goblins (Selective Channeling) withing 30ft. Healing for Heran: [roll0]

2012-06-02, 02:13 PM

"Thanks chap. Try to not alert too many people of how crappy you are at fighting. Make it look like you've got a shot at winning." Staying ever the swash mouthed type, he can't help but turn a phrase on his ally, staying in his shadow. He clinks his foot against his long scabbard, before letting his hand grasp his trusty rapier. Unlike the others, Ace is not a fighter, only one who defends himself in dire need of it.

Draw weapon, and go back to back with Heran to avoid flanking.

2012-06-03, 09:18 PM

Taking hold of his sword in two hands, he swung it down hard into the goblin in front of him, keeping his stance and position while he did.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-06-04, 06:06 PM
Herans Sword swings down towards the goblin, who quickly side-steps the blade, dodging it.

2012-06-04, 09:25 PM

"If it's a fight you want, come and get in line!" Taking sword in hand, Zalim grips the weapon in both hands and raises it overhead, bringing it down in an arcing swing against one of the goblins.

Move Act: Draw sword.
Standard Act: Attack; Readied attack against first goblin to come in range.
-Attack: [roll0]
(-Crit Confirm: [roll1])
-Damage: [roll2]
(-Crit Dmg: [roll3])

2012-06-06, 05:30 PM
Zalim's sword missed as the goblin dodges. Fire is spreading on one of the buildings that the goblins were near. The nearest goblin picks up a fish and starts eating (no AoO) and one of the goblins comes into the area of the battle. 2 goblins left.

New round starts.

2012-06-06, 10:36 PM

Smiling at his trusty blade, he moved away from Heran for no appropriate reason, other than cockiness. He attacked the closest goblin threatening him he could.

Move to attack nearest goblin.

2012-06-09, 09:42 AM
Kelleth draws upon his inner conviction and recites, mentally, a prayer for courage. He relaxes slightly as he feels the prayer answered.

Bless: All allies within 50ft of me get +1 to attack and +1 to saves vs. fear for 1 minute.

2012-06-10, 05:30 PM

Heran lashes out again at the nearest goblin, hoping this time to strike true

Move if necessary, and then attack

[roll0] +1 for bless

2012-06-10, 09:06 PM

Zalim arcs his sword overhead, bringing it down with a two-handed swing.
"I'm sorry! But I must stop you to protect them!"

Move Action (if needed): Move to nearest goblin
Standard: Slashing!
[roll0] (+1 for Bless, assuming I'm near Kelleth)

2012-06-11, 09:58 PM
As the last of the 2 goblins drop dead, you hear a dreadful song coming from behind you, A female goblin guides 2 more goblins along with her towards your group. Same init.

2012-06-12, 03:37 AM

Turning around to meet the woman and the song, he pats at his guard, Heran. Motioning the man to his new sight, Ace readies up against an attack, hoping to stay out of the action for now.

Take steps to hide behind Heran, and ready Rapier against an attack.

2012-06-12, 09:31 AM
Kelleth hears nothing as the new goblins approach, but he does notice Ace and Heran turning around. Following suit, he sees the female and her cohorts approaching. He can't tell for certain what she's doing, but she does seem in charge. He hatches a quick plan.

After moving a few feet to place Heran and Ace between himself and the goblin, Kelleth opens his mouth and directs a booming word at the female goblin. "Approach!" He can't hear himself, but the monks at the monastery spent years helping him learn to produce a few key words accurately. The power behind the word makes the sound of it resonate.

Cast Command (Approach) on female goblin. Save: Will DC 14. If failed, on her turn, she must move toward me as quickly and directly as possible. She may do nothing but move during her turn, and she provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Edit: formatting.

2012-06-13, 10:00 PM

Heran moves up towards the other goblin, the one that wasn't cast on, and swings his sword in towards its gut, hoping to cleave it in two

[roll0] +1 for bless

2012-06-14, 07:18 PM
As Kelleth speaks the female goblin starts to come towards him, everyone can make an AoO. Heran's attack eviscerates the small vile creature, killing instantly.

2012-06-15, 08:23 AM
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-06-15, 11:30 AM
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-06-15, 09:23 PM
The female goblin is killed, the remaining goblin flees toward the gate screaming in fear. above the screams of fear of citizens who were attacked by goblins die down, one sticks out for the terror in his voice "HELP!" the scream comes from the north.

2012-06-18, 09:54 AM
Zalim rushes through the crowd and fallen goblins in the direction of the voice.

2012-06-18, 11:13 AM

Ace turns to his guard, and then eye balls the situation. Sighing with a bit of poison in his voice, he offers up a question to his employee. "Would you like to go after the victim, too?"

2012-06-18, 08:20 PM

"I am being paid to protect you. If i am to do my job, i must do it right, so it would only be upon your orders that i gave chase."

2012-06-19, 09:30 PM

Scoffing at all that has happened for a simple meet and great, Ace assumes his image to be defiled if he shied from a fight, or worse, looked like a bad guy as a public figure never would like to be seen as. After tapping his rapier on his shoulder for a bit, he coughs and turns towards the scream. "Blasted all. Let's go. Just, try and make me look heroic. The more optimal PR i get, the better."

2012-06-19, 11:25 PM
As you rush towards the scream, you see a single goblin slice a dog with his weapon, killing it, and starting towards a man cowering in the corn between a wall and a cart.

2012-06-21, 12:37 AM
Kelleth turns to follow the others with his eyes as they move off. As he does, his eyes land on the goblin approaching the man. Not knowing what else to do, he pulls his sling from his waist, wishing he'd brought his mace or armor to the party. He loads a stone and hurls it at the goblin.


2012-06-21, 06:15 AM

Given the timing, he rushes at the goblin that had slain the dog after the man shot his feeble sling. Unsheathing his blade, he rushed with a charge of 'honour' at the beast, assuming Heran to be soon after.

Given much thought to this plan, he'd have great public image after this, win or lose. Win, he's a grand hero, lose, he's heroic and brave. With a smile on his face, he takes up perfect, albeit sliding, fencing stance, and jams the tip of his trusty rapier towards the feral beast.

Charge attack on the Goblin.
Attack: [roll0] (+1 from charge.)
Damage: [roll1]

2012-06-21, 06:17 AM
Rolling Critical threat.
Attack:[roll0] ((Add one if i still get the boost from the charge.))
Damage: [roll1]

2012-06-28, 10:50 PM

Heran follows behind Ace, covering him, he chooses to keep his sword low and let the young noble do the work now, allowing him to show himself up easier.

Oh ****, i'm sorry, i thought i responded to this before work last week.