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2012-05-24, 11:53 PM
It's a poorly kept secret that the Rusty Dragon serves the finest breakfast in Sandpoint. It's true that Ameiko's establishment is best known as the raucous standard for local braggarts and ever-untrustworthy roving "adventurers," but the proprietor's collection of exciting stories and deft hand at he samsien are only eclipsed by her collection of exotic spices and deft hand at pastry. That, and the triple shot of brandy she managed to get into each serving of her special "dog hair blintzes," a legendary hangover cure among locals.

You aren't there for the food, though. Well, not just the food.

"Are you going to order some more coffee, or just sit there reading it?" Huffs Ameiko in mock anger, "you know I'm not going to kick you out like that bent-copper busker, but I could use the table. You're almost as bad as Shalelu." She nods towards the elf, who takes up an entire table with her mug of tea and apricot tart (which you well you know Ameiko wouldn't let her pay for).

"It," as Ameiko calls it, is a copy of the woodcut print you founded nailed to every posting board in town when you got up this morning:

Let it be known that the honorable Sheriff Belor Hemlock, in response to the recent use of incendiary and explosive fireworks by the Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh to waylay travelers, has re-instituted the heretofore suspended bounty of 10 gold pieces on fresh, right goblin ears.

A further bounty of 300 gold piece has been placed on the head of the goblin known as "Gutwad," leader of the Licktoad tribe.

Additional rewards may be forthcoming for those who find and eliminate the source of the goblin's fireworks.

The paper includes a crude drawing of "Gutwad," notable only for it's scarred right eye, comically bulbous belly, and garish spiked headdress.

2012-05-25, 12:29 AM

Bryseis sits in her work clothes, still rather filthy from a day at the forge, enjoying her dinner and the general atmosphere of the inn before heading home for the night. Her thoughts dwell on the last conversation she had with Niska Mvashti before she died, and the promise she'd sworn. Koya was staying around the town for the time being, so it seemed that Bryseis would be free to head out with the others to cleanse the surrounding area of its goblin menace.

"I think maybe I'll do it," she responds to Ameiko as she swallows a mouthful of the woman's excellent food.

2012-05-25, 12:45 AM
"If only I could afford coffee" Kyus muttered under his breath. Greatswords were not the sort of thing that came cheaply, and he had busted his savings to get one for Elle, and spent the rest on some poor quality armour. And so he found himself in an interesting situation. He wasn't prepared for the life of adventure he had been building towards. He lacked half the necessary equipment. He didn't have a backpack. He didn't even have a weapon of his own. And the only way that Kyus could easily get the money needed would be to take out the goblins. He had to adventure to get the money necessary to adventure. Wonderfully paradoxical.

As Ameiko mentioned Shelelu, Kyus resisted the urge to look at her. Now was not the time to think about her. He could think about her once he'd established himself as a hero. At the moment, he had to be focused on what was important. He might not be ready, but he needed the money. So, he'd have to take a leap of faith, then.

He stood up and moved towards the poster, mentally preparing himself for the jeers that were about to occur when the other regular patrons realised what he was about to do. They knew that despite his dreams, he wasn't made out to be an adventurer. Not a muscle on his body, and without the money for tuition in the arcane arts. He wondered what they would think when they saw what he could do, now that he actually could cast magic.

"Mind if I help you out with that" Kyus said to the woman who just announced her interest, who looked like she was fresh from the forge. Maybe not the first person you would expect to be an adventurer, but neither was Kyus.

2012-05-25, 01:00 AM

Sliding her empty plate away from her, Bryseis stands and walks over to stand next to Kyus, giving him an appraising look.

"You sure you're prepared? I of course wasn't planning on going alone, but you don't seem the adventuring type. No offense meant, of course."

2012-05-25, 01:05 AM
PD-G13 "Petey" sits in...well...his metal skin. Except in extremely cold weather, Petey doesn't see the need for clothing. He has spent the day alternating between helping Ameiko around the tavern and aiding Sheriff Hemlock in keeping the town safe (usually from animal pests, but sometimes the occasional humanoid troublemaker).

In a monotone voice (which is really how he speaks almost all the time), Petey replies, "Ameiko, I do not seem to 'speed up' or 'energize' with the consumption of 'coffee,' so I have stopped consuming it. Also, I am here because you seem to think I need to learn to 'socialize' more."

After scanning the wood cutout, the warforged thumps a heavy fist on the wooden table, rattling it. "The unlawful goblins WILL be prosecuted with extreme prejudice."

2012-05-25, 01:41 AM
Ameiko drops a steaming mug in front of Kyrus. "You can pay me back with a good story about the hunt," she says. "If you beat Shalelu to them, that is. I swear that she'd walk around wearing a goblin-ear necklace, if she thought I'd let her in the Dragon with it."

"There's no better socializing than over a meal, Petey. And comments like that are half the reason why I keep telling you to practice talking to more people." With that, the young tavern-keeper moves off to quiet a patron shouting for attention.

2012-05-25, 01:57 AM

"This one's on me," Bryseis says, tossing down a silver to cover Kyus' drink and a refill for herself. She sits back down at her table and looks again at the younger man across from her. "What do you do, exactly, that you think you're the adventuring sort?"

2012-05-25, 02:02 AM
After the young tavern-keeper moves off, Petey scans the tavern, locating two persons of interest. The golem gets up stiffly, and walks purposefully over to the woman in the dirty work clothes and the weak-looking young man.

"Greetings, fleshlings. How is your day? I am told that asking such questions is part of the 'social convention' of these parts. My aural sensors detect that you desire to end the life-functions of these 'goblins' in Brinestump Marsh. I support your endeavors and will recommend to Sheriff Hemlock that you two be temporaily deputized. Yes, even you, frail-looking one."

2012-05-25, 02:28 AM
"Thanks for the drink" Kyus said, taking a sip of the beautiful coffee.

"What do you do, exactly, that you think you're the adventuring sort?"

"I have my talents" Kyus said, raising his hand and letting a spark of arcane energy jump from one finger to another. An effortless gesture, less than a cantrip, and one that Kyus did for a bit too long. He still hadn't got over the ecstasy of actually having magic. "And if you give me a minute, I can do much mroe than just that. Got my very own celestial paladin thing." Kyus paused as he tried to remember the technical name from his book. "Eilodon. She's called an Eilodon. Between her and a couple of other spells I've got up my sleeve, I'll be more than prepared." Kyus could tell that a large smile was on his face as he talked about it. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. "So, what can you do?"

"Greetings, fleshlings. How is your day? I am told that asking such questions is part of the 'social convention' of these parts. My aural sensors detect that you desire to end the life-functions of these 'goblins' in Brinestump Marsh. I support your endeavors and will recommend to Sheriff Hemlock that you two be temporaily deputized. Yes, even you, frail-looking one."

"Wow, I've been deputised. I have to say, of all the many ways I imagined this happening, I never thought it would be by a walking suit of armour that called me 'frail looking fleshling'."

2012-05-25, 02:35 AM
"Imagined...what, happening? That the start of your 'adventuring' includes beings and situations outside of your norm? Or do you merely refer to being deputized?"

2012-05-25, 02:35 AM
Psst... it's eidolon, not eilodon. :smallwink:


"I've no idea precisely what it is you just said, but I'll certainly find magical performances interesting. I just use my sw--" the young blonde woman replies before being cut off by the strange metal man talking loudly at them. She stares confusedly at him, unsure how to respond.

2012-05-25, 04:19 AM
Stupid mistake from me, but I think I'll run with it. Makes sense for someone so new at summoning to make mistakes.

"I don't have a problem with situations outside my norm. At least, I don't think I do. But there is a difference between 'situations outside my norm' and being recruited by a suit of armour that seems to have escaped from the guard barracks" Kyus had expected to meet unusual companions as a hero, but it was only now that he realised how unusual they would be. "If you want to help, I have no problem with that. I even encourage it. I'm a mage and summoner. And... um... Actually, how about we give everyone our names. I'm Kyus"

2012-05-25, 04:38 AM
"I'm Faith," Faith says, sidling over to insinuate herself into the conversation. She smiles brightly. "Scholar, wizard of some small skill, would-be adventurer. I'm told goblins are a good place to start with that--" she glances over at Shalelu, who seems to be fully distracted by her pastry "--and there's safety in numbers, so... count me in!"

"As for this fine specimen," she adds, tapping Petey with her fingernail as if expecting a hollow sound, "it's a construct. A... thing... starts with 'f', I think." She snaps her fingers, trying to remember "I forget the proper name. I've seen simpler, cruder models at the academy in Magnimar but this one is magnificent. Where are you from?"

2012-05-25, 07:33 AM
A burly figure darkens the door, barrel chest still wearing the heavy leather apron of a smith, beard and skin darkened by soot streaked with sweat. His voice booms out, "Ameiko, you have my usual ready? Eh, what's all this?"

"Bryseis, Kyus, Petey, 'morning. Huh, goblin bounty. Little buggers starting fires again. Well business has been slow and we can't have the town burning down. Looks like you lot are thinking of going at it? Eh, count me in then. Brother's got the work covered for a few days, a bit o' coin would sit well in my pockets."

"Petey, that new elbow-plate fit up proper? Not still squeaking, is it?"

"Oh, for any that don't know, I'm Conrad. Conrad Smith, to be specific."

2012-05-25, 09:38 AM
(I'm going to leave Petey's speech in capslock to show that he is speaking loudly and in monotone all the time)


When the half-elf joins the table and speaks, Petey turns to look and pay attention, as he has been taught to do. The tapping of his skin does not peoduce a hollow sound, as Petey's insides are packed and the skin thick. "I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE WARFORGED RACE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR RUST, DO NOT BOTHER. A MOVING GOLEM GATHERS NO RUST." Isn't the saying 'A rolling stone gathers no moss'?

When Conrad the smith finally shows up loudly, Petey shows off that elbow plate. "IT IS WORKING QUITE WELL. MINIMAL WEAR AND TEAR. THANK YOU."

2012-05-25, 11:03 AM

With a bemused expression on her face, the blue-eyed young women speaks up. "I'm... just going to go wash up. What say we head out this evening, if we've already got such a large group? I'll just need to go get my things."

And with that Bryseis exits the inn, heading down the street towards her home.

2012-05-25, 11:28 AM
Conrad holds up a hand. "How far is the camp? We don't want to be wandering about in the dark. Maybe an earlier start would be better?"

To Petey, "Let me know if anything starts acting up. You provide an interesting challenge."

any time Petey needs repair, Conrad can help. He can add 5 once a day to any craft check involving metal.

2012-05-25, 07:56 PM
It's morning.


The brinestump marsh is only about 3 miles south of town, a 1 hour march

2012-05-25, 09:36 PM
"OK, if you are Petey, and if you are Faith, then you must be Bryseis" Kyus calculated from Conrad's information, pointing at each person as he did so. At least there was someone that he knew in this group. That would make things much easier.

"How far is the camp? We don't want to be wandering about in the dark. Maybe an earlier start would be better?"

"The swamps are only an hour away, so it won't be that hard to reach. If someone goes and gets Bryseis, there's no reason why we can't all get ready now and leave. I only need to get my armour on and spend a minute to summon my eilodon.

"Conrad? You know Bryseis. How about you see if she's alright to meet with everyone else in an hour or so. That should give everyone time to get ready."

2012-05-26, 03:53 AM
"No time like the present, I guess," Faith says. "I have all my things. Oh! Except for Albert - my familiar - but he'll find me once we're outside."

She takes a small breath, a little nervous. She was going to be an adventurer! Goblin-hunting wasn't the sort of story she'd hoped to be a part of but it was a start - and if it was good enough for her sister...

Plus the 'war-forged' seems like a formidable machine. Surely goblins couldn't be a threat to something like that.

2012-05-26, 04:18 AM
For Bhaakon's sake, I will not use all caps for Petey's speech. Just remember LOUD and MONOTONE.

Oh also, I appear to have limited internet access for the weekend.
The warforged stands up. "I am ready to go anytime. What is this 'Eolodon' you speak of? My databanks do not have records of it."

2012-05-26, 11:59 PM
With everyone agreed to pursue the bounty, you depart the Dragon to gather your gear, set your business in order for a short absence. At the agreed-upon hour, you're back at the tavern and ready to set off.

I'll leave is up to you to decide what time of day you want to leave. Like I said before, it's only about an hour's march to the swamp.

2012-05-27, 12:29 AM
Bryseis returns to the inn a short while later, her hair still somewhat damp and her skin quite clean; the effect is profound, as her unassuming good looks shine through brilliantly.

That may also have something to do with the gleaming silver shirt of scale mail she is now wearing, complete with silver greaves and gauntlets and a blue tabard with the crest of Iomedae emblazoned large on it. A longsword hangs comfortably at her hip, and it is plain from the way she moves that she knows how to use it. On her left arm is strapped a large steel shield, and under her right she carries her helmet, with a loaded backpack on her back completing her attire.

"So..." she says with a grin as she steps into the common room. "Are we ready to go yet?"

2012-05-27, 04:34 AM
"I am ready to go anytime. What is this 'Eolodon' you speak of? My databanks do not have records of it."

"An Eilodon is an extraplanar creature that can be summoned by those with the necessary knowledge. My Eilodon will be able to fight alongside each one of us and give us a bit more firepower"Kyus made sure to correct Petey's mispronunciation of Eilodon. It felt good to be the expert or a change.

"So, everyone meet back here and we will go" Kyus said, and with the time agreed, left to get ready.

After getting ready

By the time Bryseis had returned, Kyus had already been waiting for twenty minutes. "Finally. We are wasting time by waiting here" Elle said, standing behind Kyus. Unlike Kyus, who, with the exception of the bright rune shining on his head now that Elle was in the material plane, was mostly unassuming, Elle was a majestic figure, taller than most and decked in heavy armour, etched with a large glowing duplicate of Kyus' rune. In her hand she held her greatsword, the one part of her that Kyus actually had to invest money towards, to his finances great frustration. At least he didn't have to pay for the armour. Her face was fair, with pure blond hair cut short and eyes that could only be described as piercing, complete with all the negative connotations that phrase had. Kyus learnt quickly to avoid her harsh stare. She truly was a celestial creature. Or an angel. Or whatever exactly she was. Kyus couldn't remember exactly how that worked.

"This is Elle, my eilodon" Kyus said as he pointed behind him.

"Eidolon" Elle corrected bruskly.

Kyus tried hard not to show his embarrassment. "Damn, now I feel bad for correcting Petey earlier. I've been making that mistake all day. Look, don't mind her. Elle is annoying, a hardass and annoying, but she'll fight a good fight." Kyus looked over Bryseis, looking professional in a well crafted suit of armour. "Got to say, it is nice to know that someone here is actually semi-professional about this. Between you and Elle's general... shininess, I look terrible in this cheap stuff" Kyus said, indicating to his wooden armour.

2012-05-27, 05:02 AM
In the tavern, Petey's left hand has turned into a gun-arm, and he is ramming some blackish powder down the barrel with expert movements. He also has a backpack, although it is likely less full of things compared to the packs of the others.

When Kyus comes in with Elle, the Warforged launches into a greeting. "Greetings, steel-encased fleshling. You are wiser than the boy, choosing to protect body well with metal. I approve of your assistance on our mission. Is Kyus your supervisor? It would be strange to have the wise supervised by the less wise."

This conversation happens well before Bryseis returns, but when Bryseis arrives, Petey will again indicate his readiness.

2012-05-27, 05:45 AM
When Faith returns, she has her hair tied up in a practical braid, revealing the slightly pointed tips of her ears. She carries a bundle of camping gear - which she has obvious trouble lugging along - a bow, and a quiver of arrows. Perched on the shoulder opposite the quiver is a black raven which peers about with beady eyes.

"Oh my," she breathes when she sees Elle. She looks to Kyus. "You bound a celestial while I was doing my hair? I feel a bit out-magicked. All I ever managed was Albert here." She indicates the raven, who ruffles his feathers.

"Tweet tweet," the raven says in a croaking voice.

2012-05-27, 04:34 PM
Before Bryseis arrived, when Petey was talking to Elle.

"Kyus is not my supervisor. He is my summoner, and we are bound together. It is through him I gain the ability the ability to manifest on this plane."

After Faith arrived

"This is Elle, my Eidolon" Kyus said, being very careful to have each syllable of Eidolon in the right place this time. "I'm not good enough to summon her at even a fraction of full power, sadly, and I can't do much other magic. So don't worry. You will out-magick me by the end of this"

2012-05-27, 04:43 PM
http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af244/judeferguson42/B.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=402722)

"Now that we're all here and ready, then, let's head out!" Bryseis says with a purpose, looking around at the assembled group. An interesting bunch, to be sure; it would be intriguing to see how their varied talents blended when it came down to it. Tightening her backpack's straps, she slips on her helmet, leaving its chin strap unbuckled and its visor raised as she heads out the door and south out of town.

2012-05-27, 06:20 PM
Before Bryseis arrived

Continuing to speak with Elle, Petey monotones, "So, you do not have to do as he commands, L? What is your mission? My mission is to serve The Law."

After Faith arrives

"You there, weak-muscled fleshling named Faith. It is illogical to bring camping here, for we are not traveling far. If you must bring it, have the sturdier fleshlings aid you. Will your Albert aid you in combat or knowledge? If not, you can leave it home as to lessen the weight."

When it is time to leave

Petey steps in front when the party starts its journey. His head on a swivel (mostly figuratively), he watches for any dangerous animals or goblins, and scans for environmental hazards as well.

Shall we wait for Stack? He'll be gone for the weekend. Petey has Perception and Survival of +6 of Bhaakon needs to roll any rolls secretly. Our Warforged has become the scout. Yay.

2012-05-27, 07:29 PM
You still haven't given me the time of day, so I'm going to assume it's early afternoon

The march through town is quick and dusty, the late-summer heat and a steady off-shore breeze turning the dirt streets into a breeding ground for dust devils. The winds slackens off as you cross the bridge at the edge of town and head south.

The road is empty, as goblin attacks have caused wise travelers and local fisherman alike to avoid the area, and you make good time. In less than an hour you reach the high moors at the northern edge of Brinestump swamp, giving you a good view across the marsh to the steep bluff at its southern boundary, a little more than a mile away, but the high cypress, willows, and oaks growing in the delta below effectively hide anything in the Brinestump itself.

Up ahead, a weathered wooden post with a crudely carved fish marks the head of a well-used path that dives straight into the wall of vegetation.

2012-05-27, 07:47 PM
Sensing that they were now entering the truly dangerous territory, Bryseis buckles the chin strap of her helmet -- although still leaves the visor up -- and draws her longsword, keeping a firm grip on it as they forge ahead into the swamp. She whispers in Celestial a prayer to Iomedae to keep them safe and to guide their hands, kissing the blade of her sword as she finishes.

2012-05-28, 05:26 AM
[QUOTE=Frosty;13298659]"You there, weak-muscled fleshling named Faith. It is illogical to bring camping here, for we are not traveling far. If you must bring it, have the sturdier fleshlings aid you. Will your Albert aid you in combat or knowledge? If not, you can leave it home as to lessen the weight."

"I aid her in plenty of ways," Albert grumbles. "And I can fly, tin man. Lots of uses for a smart cookie who can fly."

"He's a friend," Faith says diplomatically. "An extra pair of eyes. And he doesn't weigh much, even to a 'weak-muscled fleshling' like me."

Faith grips her bow nervously at the sight of the swamp and shifts the weight of the bundle in her other hand. No chance to back out now.

"Albert," she says, "would you...?"

"No problem," the raven replies. He launches himself off Faith's shoulder with a clatter of wings and swoops into the trees. "Tweet tweet, nothing to see here, just a regular everyday bird, tweet tweet..."

Albert's going scouting for goblins:
Perception: [roll0]
Stealth (untrained): [roll1]

EDIT: I hate you, forum dice roller. :smallmad:

He'll come back if he finds any goblins, if he gets spotted, or after five minutes. Empathic link should keep me updated with how he's doing.

2012-05-28, 05:44 AM

"So, you do not have to do as he commands, L? What is your mission? My mission is to serve The Law."

"My mission is similar. I am here to fight injustice in all forms" Elle said, with a rare sense of approval in her voice.


"Hey Elle, do you see anything. Your better at that than I am" Kyus said. Like Bryseis and Faith, he was worried by what was about to happen. For the first time since he left, he was starting to feel afraid.

"I do not need you to ask. I know what I am doing. I do not need you distracting me"

"You know, it is possible to do that without the hostility. Why can't you be nice like Albert?"

"I am here to fight injustice. Not be nice"

"They aren't mutually exclusive" Kyuss muttered, to which Elle just annoyed. He turned to Faith "Jealous of Elle now?"

Perception rolls
[roll0] (Elle)
[roll1] (Kyus)

2012-05-29, 12:58 AM
The smart-mouthed raven disappears through the gap in the trees marking the trail-head. Waiting for the bird to returns proves to be one of the longest five minutes of your life (so far at least), but you manage fight off the urge to pursue, and Albert emerges from the treeline without much to report. All he can tell you is that the trail is winding and boggy, two facts you quickly discover for yourself.

The breeze dies away completely as you head into the dense vegetation of the swamp, leaving the thick, steamy air of the swamp to wring the sweat from every pour, a smell as good as a dinner bell for the multitudes of buzzing insects looking to sop up the salty runoff or tap a vein for a blood meal.

Fifteen minutes of trudging along the narrow trail finds you standing before a rather suspect-looking bridge. An uneven deck of moss-covered planks spans a stagnant waterway, supported by a pair of slim logs that sag nearly to the water's surface.

@Faith, Elle
Movement in the brush on the opposite bank catches your eye, but you don't get a look at what might have caused it. The spot is across the bridge and a dozen paces or so off to the right of the trail.

2012-05-29, 01:14 AM
Looking around at the rest of the group with a shrug, Bryseis sheathes her sword and steps out onto the bridge, using both arms to steady herself as she moves out over the murky, stagnant water of the swamp. Her eyes are down and wholly focused on the path in front of her, and the tip of her tongue is visible between her teeth as she concentrates.

2012-05-29, 04:17 AM
The bridge groans under the young woman's weight and bends to kiss the water below, but Bryseis reaches the other side.

2012-05-29, 05:10 AM
"Hold on!" Faith calls to the paladin as she crosses. "I think I saw something moving just to the right of the bridge - there!"

She points with an arrow, her bow at the ready.

Ready an action: If something nasty pops out of the undergrowth, take a shot.

2012-05-29, 06:07 AM
"I saw it too. Be ready" Elle said. bringing her sword to her hand and starting to cross the bridge. "The rest of you stay here unless necessary."

2012-05-29, 06:57 AM
Conrad's limp becomes more evident as the march goes on, he struggles to hold place in the loose formation, meticulously cared for chain jingling merrily from his odd gait. He is busy studying the trees as the others talk, already knowing most of them and content to listen to learn of those he didn't.

The others warning halting his misgivings about the bridge, he draws the heavy hammer from its place on his back. As soon as hand touches metal his stance becomes for solid, promising capable action should violence ensue.

2012-05-29, 07:28 AM
Elle clears the bridge as well, which seems capable of supporting one person at a time, if under some protest. The group remains tense, waiting for something to come bursting out of the brush, but their vigilance is rewarded only by the endless buzzing of hungry insects.

The vegetation here is thick morass of thistle and shoulder-high reeds that could hide anything smaller than a horse just a few steps off the trail.

2012-05-29, 08:09 AM
Conrad waves the others forward. "So Petey, which one of us you reckon is heavier? I suppose you get to go last, I don't think a swim will hurt you too much, though I don't trust that bridge for either of us."

2012-05-29, 09:51 AM
Once she gets across, Bryseis draws her sword again and peers around into the surrounding vegetation, trying to see if she can spot whatever it was the others saw.

Perception [roll0]

2012-05-29, 06:58 PM
Bryseis shoulders her way through the thick reeds, towards the spot where the others saw movement. After a few moments of struggling with the plant life, she breaks onto a game trial that leads right to he water. The open spot is screened from the main path by the very bush Elle and Faith saw rustle.

A three-toed footprint, about the size of a grown man's, is impressed deep into the muddy bank. Water seeps in to fill the print as Bryseis watches.

2012-05-29, 08:29 PM
(How deep is the water? Can Petey just walk through the river?)

"You should go first. My metal body is not susceptible to drowning."

2012-05-29, 08:59 PM
Conrad nods. "Thought as much." then joins the others on the other side.

Seeing the others looking at the print, "Never seen the like of that. Anyone reckon what it might be? And if we ought be concerned?" He holds his hammer in both hands.

2012-05-29, 09:41 PM
Judging by the width of the watercourse, it can't be much deeper than about 5 feet.The groups continues crossing one at a time, and though the bridge groans and pops in protest, i holds up. Petey crosses last, nearly falling in when a rotten plank gives way, but catching himself before he gets wet.

Oddly, I can't find rules in the SRD for identifying a creature by its tracks. If you want to attempt to identify the track, roll a d20 and I'll apply the correct knowledge modifier from your sheet (I don't want to give you the creature type in case no one passes).

2012-05-29, 10:48 PM

If we're identifying creatures, I think a Knowledge roll is the most appropriate. The survival check is merely to *find* or *follow* the tracks imo.
"Was that creature, whatever it was, perhaps a scout of some sort, reporting our presence to the goblins?"

2012-05-29, 11:13 PM
"Probably. Not human, that's for sure."

Kyus' knowledge roll [roll0] (Add 4 if an arcana check)
Elle's knowldege roll [roll1]

2012-05-29, 11:15 PM
Server issues killed rolls. Rerolling

Kyus [roll0]
Elle [roll1]

2012-05-30, 02:48 AM
Faith hikes her skirt up to scurry across the bridge, then joins the others peering at the mysterious footprint.

"It's too big to be a goblin... right?"

Knowledge: [roll0]

+4 on top of that for Arcana, Planes, History or Engineering.

2012-05-30, 02:49 AM
Bryseis shrugs as she glances down at the footprint, and then returns to scanning their surroundings.

"Tracks are not my strong suit. I just hit metal against metal... one way or another."

2012-05-30, 07:09 AM
Conrad nods. "Well put. Let's follow the trail for a bit, see what we find. If it is a beast, then we can leave it and have time to reach our goal. If it is something else, then it can be dealt with."

2012-05-30, 11:08 AM
"Let us continue then."

2012-05-30, 05:12 PM
Which trail are you following, the game trail or the main trail?

2012-05-30, 09:04 PM
"Let's follow the game trail."

2012-05-31, 01:25 AM
If the main trail was a bit overgrown, the game trail is down right claustrophobic. Swords are put to use chopping back the elephant grass, thorny brambles, and low-hanging branches that constantly grab at clothing, scratch flesh, and catch between armor plates. The wisp of a game trial snakes up to higher ground, where the vegetation thins to reveal a monstrous den.

A ten-foot-high mound of branches, logs, and reeds lies amid the trees here, nestled in a narrow, muddy clearing. Flies buzz and swarm around the foul-smelling mound of rotting vegetation, occasionally flitting through the narrow entrance to disappear into the shadows within.

Though your darkvision allows you to see through the entrance, only a small portion of the interior is actually visible. For what it's worth, the part you can see is unoccupied.

2012-05-31, 02:22 AM
Kyus grunted as another twig scratched his clothing. He needed to get better armour. And a weapon. He had nothing to cut his way through everything. Kyus would've complained about the route, but he had realised long ago that the path of a hero would involve some difficult walks. It was lucky he hadn't had to go in a sewer yet.

Kyus was just about to express his pleasure that they had reached the clearing, but Elle, unaffected by everything, stared him to keep him quiet. She took a peek inside, using her enhanced sight. "I can't see far inside, but it looks clear."

2012-05-31, 04:37 AM
"Ugh," Faith mutters. What an unpleasant location. She bends down and picks up a small stone, enchanting it with a minor cantrip so it glows with a soft white light, then tosses it into the mouth of the mound.

OOC: Casting light on a pebble, then tossing it into the cave.

2012-05-31, 05:34 AM
Faith's set the pebble alight, and manages to avoid embarrassment by skipping it through the opening on the first throw. The light leaks out through the many chinks in the wretched hovel's construction, but doesn't do much to improve your view. A human would have to bend nearly double to get through the entrance, far too small to let you see the entire interior.

2012-05-31, 07:16 AM
Conrad eyes the opening skeptically. "Well, I won't fit. Could always make it bigger, bu that would be rather rude if we don't know who, or what, made it."

The big man pulls of his helmet to scratch at his bald head. "Volunteers?"

He looks again at the structure.detect magic, just in case

2012-05-31, 09:01 AM
The branches had bothered Petey absolutely none. He walked with confidence, branches not leaving a scratch on his metal skin. "Perhaps bird Albert can perform reconnaisance once more?"

2012-05-31, 05:07 PM
Nothing magical

2012-05-31, 05:52 PM
"Well, I won't fit. Could always make it bigger, bu that would be rather rude if we don't know who, or what, made it."


"There might be more space once you get inside. I'd volunteer to try and enter, but if anything happens inside there I'm nearly defenceless. Let's see if Albert can scout, and if he can't, Elle could try and go inside."

2012-06-01, 04:18 AM
Unwilling to the let the others risk entering first, Bryseis gathers herself and strides confidently into the clearing, up to the entrance, and--shield raised to protect her exposed neck--leans in.

Aside from a palpable stench of rotting meat and vegetation, the only things in the den are a pile of bloody, shredded clothing formed into a nest, and nearly a dozen mud spheres arranged in a pyramid.

2012-06-01, 05:41 AM
As Bryseis marched inside, Elle followed, not prepared to let Bryseis face whatever dangers were inside alone. Her tall figure meant she struggled to enter through the small entrance and prevented her from having her sword raised, but she successfully entered and saw how harmless it was.

"Its safe, but there is something in here. I think its magic."

At this, Kyus followed the other two inside."You could have warned me about the stench" he said, before starting to intently examine the mud spheres. "Elle, havea look around and see if there's anything that isn't immediatly obvious. I'll see if this reminds me of anything I've read."

Kyus: Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]
Elle: Perception [roll]1d20+4

2012-06-01, 05:42 AM
Forgot to close tag for Elle's Perception roll.

2012-06-01, 07:13 AM
Hearing what was found, Conrad looks cross. "Another foul beast disturbing good folk. The goblins aren't enough, we need this creature...doing whatever it does. Bloody clothes don't appear from thin air, nor bones. The questions is, do we try to find this, or head on to the goblins? I don't know who this has been attacking, but I suspect it couldn't be more dangerous than all those gobbos trying to burn down the village again. Maybe this riddle ought wait till later then. Could even catch it in its hole, save the trouble of the hunt."

2012-06-01, 08:58 AM
"The creature is not here currently, so we cannot do much good here. Let us go forth to the goblins for now."

2012-06-01, 06:55 PM
Kyrus examines one of the spheres more closely, unsure if it has any arcane use. As he picks up the hand-formed mud ball, the dry outer layer flakes off under his thumb, revealing a yellowed ridge of bone, More scraping uncovers a poorly-preserved head, little more than a dirt-stained skull with scraps of scalp clinging to the outside.

2012-06-01, 09:01 PM
Kyus dropped the skull and yelled out in shock. It took a couple of seconds of trying to start his sentences before he was finally able to explain his finding. "It's a head. It's a goddamn head. Whatever lives here and been killing folks and collecting their heads" he said, his voice still uneven. "I want to find this thing."

However, hearing Conrad and Petey talk, he had to admit they had a point. "Your right. Let's see if we can find the goblins, then lets deal with this thing."

2012-06-01, 09:45 PM
With most the bushwacking done on your initial foray down the game trail, the return trip to the main path is much easier. Once there, you head deeper into the swamp.

You cross a second bridge, much sturdier than the first, and then then come to a third that even shows signs of recent repair.After a few more minutes of walking, the vegetation thins and the muddy trail leads up to a swampy lagoon. The open ocean is visible just beyond these shallow waters, while an old two-story building, its walls soggy with moss and its roof sagging with age, sits on the lagoon’s eastern shore.

2012-06-02, 09:43 AM
Conrad rest his hammer over his shoulder, glad to be away from the macabre scene in the mud hut. "Now, who would be living out here? I suppose we ought say hello. Likely whoever lives here either knows something of the goblins, the creature, or has already fallen prey to one or the other. I can knock, be ready in case something says boo."

He starts toward the front door, holding his weapon casually, but ready in need.

2012-06-02, 11:55 AM
"I will go knock. This place may be a crime scene." Petey goes up to the door.

2012-06-02, 11:47 PM
The door to the old house opens just as Petey reaches forward to knock. A male halfling sticks his head out and stairs the half-construct up and down. Dark bags under each eye mar the short man's pale complexion, he's filthy, and his arms sport a number of wounds poorly bandaged with cloth torn from his grubby clothing.

"Um, hello?" He says in a shaky voice, perhaps a bit unnerved by the strange thing at his door, "I wasn't expecting any, er... visitors."

2012-06-03, 01:00 AM
The magical steam golem holds up his right hand (the one that is not currently a gun-arm), arm straight, palm towards the gnome. A classic 'halt' signal, although it could also mean a greeting. "Greetings, citizen. Do not fear. We are here to clean out the goblinoid infestation in the marsh. If you have information about the whereabouts of goblins in the area, your aid will be appreciated. In return, we may be able to render some assistance onto you, such as basic medical treatment."

2012-06-03, 09:48 AM
"Hello," Faith says, squeezing up next to Petey. "Why are you living all the way out here? Isn't it dangerous?"

2012-06-03, 05:52 PM
"Not if you know where not to go." Responds the halfling with a shrug. "The city is full of thieves and cut-throats, the swamp has goblins and snakes. At least the goblins and snakes aren't bigger than me." He finishes with a forced chuckle.

"If you're looking for trouble, though, you'll want the old fish trail. Just go to the main road and head south, it's the next trailhead. It leads right to the front gate of a goblin village. If there's nothing else." The halfling begins to retreat back into the house.

Roll a perception check

2012-06-03, 05:56 PM
"Your contributed is valued, small fleshling."
Perception check: [roll0]

2012-06-03, 06:35 PM
"Hey, before you go, do you know anything about some sort of killer around here? We saw a hut down a game trail, and just want to see if you know anything?" Kyus said. He was brave enough to admit that skull had scared him. As soon as the goblins were stopped, he was going to come back and find the person, even if the others didn't want to help.

Kyus: [roll0]
Elle: [roll1]

2012-06-04, 03:32 AM
"Oh, well, thank you." Faith is a little perturbed by this strange halfling but she reminds herself to live and let live.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-06-04, 07:14 AM
"Hold a moment. You appear injured. Perhaps we can help?" Conrad holds up a hand to stop the gnome.

perception [roll0]

Okay, he's not the look out.

heal roll if he allows inspection [roll1]

Need so many more skill points. Putting them into craft for character reasons eats them quickly.

2012-06-04, 10:29 PM
Bryseis keeps a watch while the others talk, not wishing to let her guard down in such strange environs. She holds her shield and longsword at the ready, her eyes flicking about for signs of danger.

Perception [roll0]

2012-06-05, 01:08 AM
The halfling moves to close the door, but stops at Conrad's offer of aid. "Well, if you wouldn't mind looking. A snake bit me while I was picking some blackberries, and I scratched my arms pretty badly running out of the brambles." He admits sheepishly.

"I don't know anything about any hut or killer, but...OW!" He yelps as Conrad rips a fresh scab off along with the bandages. His arms are cut up quite a bit, and there's a pair of puncture wounds on the fleshy part of his right hand. "You've started it bleeding again, you oaf! Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

@Bryseis, Faith
Something about his story seems off. You're sure that he's not telling the whole truth about his injuries, but you feel confident that he's genuinely ignorant of the hut you found.

2012-06-05, 01:46 AM
Bryseis darts a glance over as the bandages come off before returning to her survey of the area.

"Are you sure that's what it was? I can't say that I've ever seen bushes do quite that much damage."

2012-06-05, 05:30 AM
"Well, they were quite big, um, and I...er...oh, blast." The halfling's stuttering explanation devolves into an angry howl which quickly peters out to silence as its features melt away into its head, leaving a blank slab of flesh were its face once was.

In an instant the creature grows half a foot, and muscles bulge from its limbs as it whips a still-injured arm around to club the shocked Conrad on the side of the head. The astonished smith drops like a sack of bricks.

10 damage. I feel like a punk dropping the healer with a surprise round sneak attack, but I'm playing the encounter as written, and you were the one examining its wounds.

knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 12
A faceless stalker, a race capable of molding their bodies to imitate humanoids. They are known to feed on the blood of those they manage to grapple. This particular example seems smaller and weaker than the descriptions you've heard.


Conrad is unconscious and dying

Sorry for the kludged together map, the one provided by the AP was very small.

UP: Bryseis, Faith.

2012-06-05, 08:31 AM
As the halfling morphs into something monstrous and takes down Conrad with a single blow, Bryseis lets out a cry of rage and lunges at the thing, standing protectively over Conrad's body with her shield raised, her silvery longsword lashing out at the shapechanger.

Moving to Conrad's square. If I get penalties for sharing a space with him, fine; she's not letting that thing get him.

Longsword, w/ Power Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2012-06-05, 05:40 PM
"Aaah!" Faith scrambles backwards away from the... whatever it is, not a goblin, that's for sure. Albert bursts from her shoulder in a flurry of wings to alight at a safe distance as she fumbles for an arrow, none of her magic suitable for this situation.

Taking a withdraw action to a tree within 30 ft.

Free action - drop hobo bundle.
5 ft step to K4
Shoot the thingy with an arrow: [roll0] (including the -4 penalty for shooting into melee)
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Still hate you, forum dice roller. :smallannoyed:

2012-06-05, 08:07 PM
Faith scrambles back and drops her bag, using the newly free hand to draw and launch an arrow. The missile flies high, embedding itself in the plank wall above the door, while Albert beats a hasty retreat to the upper branches of the nearest tree.

Bryseis has more luck, stepping over Conrad's comatose form to deliver a precise slice that nearly severs the creature's right biceps. It retracts the injured limb before the woman's sword can amputate it, spoiling its next swing in the process.


Everyone is up.

2012-06-05, 08:44 PM
"Damn" Kyus said as he saw Conrad fall, before swearing even more profusely. It took him a moment to react, until he realised there was something he could do. He ran behind Elle and placed his hand upon her, infusing her body with magic. Couldn't do much, but it would help. And got him out of harms way.

Kyus moves next to J3 and casts Guidance as a standard action.
Also, knowledge check: [roll0]

Strengthened by Kyus' spell, Elle moved to attack the halfling, striking as hard as she can at the foe, the magic infusing her body seeping into he strike.

Elle moves to J5 and attacks as a standard action, using up her guidance
Attack Roll = [roll1]
Crit Confirmation = [roll2]
Damage = [roll3]
Crit Damage = [roll4]
Also, knowledge check: [roll5]

2012-06-05, 10:02 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 12/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
"You will disarm yourself and surrender, citizen." The...thing...obviously does not disarm its own arm, so Petey springs into action. "Looks like I shall do it for you." Taking a step back, the warforges raises his gun-arm and FIRES!

5ft step to 4I
Standard Action: Attack the faceless stalker with musket
Petey's attack (+1 PBS, -4 Firing into melee): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-06-06, 05:41 AM
Elle step forward, bringing her greatsword down in a powerful overhead chop that catches the creature in the shoulder and continues on until the blade wedges in its pelvis. Petey's shot does little more put the thing out of its misery as it flops around on the eidolon's blade.

Silence settles over the area as the echoes of the gun dissipate. The swamp, previously buzzing, croaking, and crowing, with life, falls into an apprehensive quiet at the unnatural racket. You to hear a muffled tapping noise from inside the house, like someone rapping on a locked door.

120 XP each

2012-06-06, 07:13 AM
"Oh. Oh dear." It was all so fast. Faith, embarrassed by her terrible shot, tries to catch her breath. "What do we do about Conrad? I don't know anything about healing."

Albert meanwhile swoops over to perch on Faith's mis-aimed arrow, cocking his head. "All at once I heard a tapping," he declaims in his croaky voice, "as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. There's something still in there folks."

2012-06-06, 08:05 AM
Bryseis moves carefully into the house, looking for the source of the rapping. Upon locating it, she'll do whatever is necessary to open whatever is the source of the sound

2012-06-06, 08:33 AM
"We should search inside, both for surivors and for any potential source of healing for Conrad."

2012-06-06, 08:51 AM
Conrad lays on the ground, his dreams disturbed a a strange feeling that he is missing out on something.

2012-06-06, 04:35 PM
Kyus ran in as he heard the creature die. "You're right, Petey. Elle, could you help?" he said as he saw Conrad spread across the ground. At least he wasn't dying, but Kyus wanted him off the ground.

"Of course" she said, as both explored the small hut for anything that could help.

Making Perception checks in case they are needed to search the hut
Kyus Perception check [roll0]
Elle Perception Check [roll1]

2012-06-06, 11:06 PM
Bryseis traces the tapping sound to a wall in an upstairs bedroom. "The knothole," rasps a strained voice as soon as the paladin begins trying to break through, and she follows the direction. The knot proves to be a hidden catch, freeing a section of false wall and revealing a cramped hiding place.

"Water," whimpers the injured, dehydrated halfling within.

The others sweep the house for some source of healing. The creature you killed had already been through the place, and left the fruits of its search on the kitchen table: a trio of small vials, their contents murky with an herbal bouquet. Despite its injuries, the faceless stalker hadn't been desperate enough to quaff the unknown liquids.

2012-06-06, 11:34 PM
Bryseis sheathes her sword and leans her shield against the wall, reaches into the hollow and gingerly picks up the halfling, carrying him to the nearest chair or bed. While he gets comfortable, she roots around in her backpack and pulls out her waterskin, uncorking it and holding it out to the poor fellow.

"That thing is no more worry, sir. You can rest easy now. Do you require anything else?"

2012-06-07, 02:05 AM
Locating the murky...liquids, Petey tries to see if he can make heads or tails of them. After all, he does have some training in alchemy. He doesn't breathe, but he can still smell.

Craft (alchemy) check to try to ID the liquids if possible: [roll0]

2012-06-07, 04:50 AM
Oddly enough, IDing potions is a perception check by RAW (tI'd allow you to sub a craft: alchemy check, but your perception modifier is higher anyway). In either case, you need to roll for each vial.

The first is a cure light wounds potion

"By Old Deadeye, I thought I would die in that bolt hole," sputters the halfing after downing half of the proffered waterskin. "That thing had me penned up in there for two days."

"Oh, where are my manners? The name is Walthus Proudstump, and I'd be a poor host indeed if I couldn't thank my saviors by name." He rolls off the bed and lurches unsteadily to his feet, "and I'd like to get a look at the imposter's corpse, if you don't mind helping me down the stairs."

2012-06-07, 05:46 AM
"Of course," Faith says, offering her arm to help the halfling down the stairs. (Albert remains outside, perched on the arrow, misquoting literature. "Why is a raven like a writing desk? Because it slopes with a flap.")

"I'm Faith. This is Bryseis, the machine examining your infusions is Petey, that's Kyus and Elle... and the wounded man there is Conrad," she finishes, more than a little guilty that she left him where he fell, but he's huge and she's not very strong. "I hate to impose so soon after rescuing you from your ordeal, but do you have any medical supplies? Conrad got hit when the thing took us by surprise."

2012-06-07, 06:02 AM
Kyus couldn't find anything else except the vials, and since Petey was examining them, Kyus decided to move onto the next problem. Walthus. He seemed safe, with Faith and Bryseis taking care of him, but a dark thought entered his mind.

"Look, I don't want to seem like a ****, but I've encountered the home of a murderer and a monster I had only ever read in books impersonating someone today, so I'm not exactly at my most trusting. Is there anything you can do to prove you aren't another faceless stalker? Sorry, but you can understand my caution" Kyus said, trying to sound as reasonable as possible. Personally, he kind of expected his first adventure would be something nice and simple, instead of facing nearly every horror he could think of. With his luck the goblins were going to be cannibals

2012-06-07, 06:35 AM
Nice to meet you Faith, Bryseis, Kyus, Elle, and Petey. Yes, I've got something downstairs that might help. I keep a few potions stashed away in case my snakes get a little too frisky. I'd hoped to use it myself, but your friend looks to be suffering worse than my little headache. He takes one of the vials you found (the one that Petey had identified) and carefully administers it to Conrad. The smith's eyes flutter open almost immediately as the potion takes effect.

Heal [roll0]

Hearing Kyus's objection, "No, no, I understand completely, but I don't really know what I can do to prove myself. I don't get into town much at all, and I don't know anything about that, what did you call it, faceless something?"

@ Kyrus
Your original knowledge check is good enough to remember another odd fact: a faceless stalker's disguise is only for show, it can't actually eat with the mouth that it molds for itself.

2012-06-07, 07:02 AM
Conrad sputters and cough. "What...what happened? Ah, the gnome, its right there!"

When no one attacks, he pauses to take stock of the situation. "Anyone going to fill me in?" He rises cautiously, keeping an eye on their host as he retrieves his hammer and lays a glowing gauntlet to his remaining wounds.

CLW [roll0]

2012-06-07, 08:54 AM
Hearing the discussion of how to prove Walthus' innocence, Bryseis smiles a bit to herself. She then closes her eyes and focuses upon that new part of her that had only manifested recently, listening to what it has to say.

Bryseis shall Detect Evil and focus on Walthus.

2012-06-07, 11:43 AM
Your surreptitious search for an evil aura comes up empty.

2012-06-07, 12:12 PM
"I'll vouch for him," Bryseis speaks up. "I sense no ill will about him."

2012-06-07, 12:56 PM
"You are the owner of this place, halfling? Thank you for the healing assistance. The law is happy to take care of people who Break and Enter like the faceless...monster over there.

Conrad, the halfling you spoke to was a fake. A different fleshling wearing a flesh disguise. It had no face in its true form. It disabled you, and then we prodded its behind with great alacrity."

2012-06-07, 01:11 PM
Conrad soaks the report in for a moment. "Okay, this gnome good, other thing a monster. Right. So...do we need to do anything else here? Are there any more of them?"

"If our host is content, we still have goblins to deal with, not that I am eager to get in another fight at the moment. I don't suppose you know anything about the goblins?"

2012-06-07, 11:44 PM
"If Bryseis vouches for you, I'll trust her. I assume she wouldn't do that unless she was confident." Kyus said

"If you can tell us anything about the goblins or the killer in the hut just off a game trail a few bridges back we would appreciate it."

2012-06-08, 04:58 PM
The euphoria of his rescue wearing off, the exhausted halfling settles into a chair in the main room of hs home. "Hmm, well, the goblins built themselves a village right in the middle of the old fishing trail into the swamp. It's not that hard to find, if you don't mind walking up to their gate and knocking. I wouldn't recommended trekking off the trail, though, unless you know where you're going."

Hearing mention of a killer, he chuckles. "Not that old 'Soggy Bottom Monster' again. Every year or two someone wanders into the swamp and gets swallowed in a bog, killed by goblins, or bit by a snake, and all the townspeople blame it on some monster or madman. Then a drunkard comes out and sees his shadow in the fog and runs back screaming about seeing the thing. I've been here over a decade, and I've never seen anything like that. If it were living in a hut so near to my home, I think I'd know."

2012-06-10, 07:47 AM
"There was definitely something back there," Faith says. "A... nest, I think, with skulls inside that were covered in mud. I don't know if it's the Soggy Bottom Monster but it's something nasty."

OOC: On to the goblins?

2012-06-10, 04:25 PM
The halfling shudders, "Maybe it was the thing that attacked me, I don't know."

2012-06-10, 05:27 PM
"This monster is a secondary objective. We must destroy the goblins first as our primary objective. Do you know of any ways to sneak into the camp, small fleshling?"

2012-06-11, 04:41 AM
The halfling looks Petey up and down, still a little put off by his appearance. "I don't suppose you brought a boat with you? That would be easiest. The whole swamp is a delta, so the waterways go everywhere."

2012-06-11, 06:59 AM
Conrad looks down at his armor, then his weak ankle. Not exactly fit for swimming. "It never occurred to me to bring a boat. Not really my specialty. Front gate sounds like a fair plan. It may be possible to resolve this without a pile of bodies. Goblins aren't known for being reasonable, but we shouldn't give-up hope yet."

2012-06-11, 09:17 AM
"Goblins are also known to speak Goblin. Can we even speak to them?"

2012-06-11, 09:26 AM
"I certainly don't know their tongue," Bryseis adds with a shake of her head. "And I will agree with the sentiment that they are not generally known for being reasonable. As much as I don't like it, we may be forced to simply attack them."

2012-06-11, 03:25 PM
"I speak Goblin," Faith pipes up. "It seemed like an interesting language, so I learned the rudiments while I was at the academy. And the usuals: Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, a few others... I'd be happy to translate during our negotiations."

2012-06-11, 03:49 PM
"That is adequate. You can tell them to lay down their arms or face the long arm of the law. Now, let us depart."

Turning to the halfling before the group leaves, Petey adds, "Thank you once more for your information, citizen."

2012-06-11, 06:16 PM
"Please wait a moment! It's not much of a reward in exchange for my life, but please take this before you go." The halfling staggers over to a bank of hooks near the door and pulls down an dark emerald cloak. The child-sized garment stretches and grows as he hands it to Bryseis. "My uncle's lucky cloak. It has a bit of magic in it that might help you in a pinch."

It's a cloak of resistance +1

120 XP each for saving Walthus.

Saying your goodbyes to Walthus, you head out back along the path. It's getting late in the afternoon, only a couple hours until sundown, and cooler air has begun to trickle back on shore. The pervasive damp in the atmosphere has condensed into a thick mist by the time you reach the rickety bridge near the mysterious hut.

I'll need a marching order and perception checks, please. The path is wide enough for you to walk two abreast.

2012-06-11, 08:56 PM
"Well, sleep better knowing we tried to talk, for all the good it will do." Conrad walks toward the front, hammer in hand, ready to prove himself after the embarrassment of falling to the first attack form the first foe of the expedition. He eyes the bridge again. "Think it will hold? Suppose there's nothing for it. Lightest first again."

2012-06-11, 08:59 PM
"This cloak has defensive properties. I propose we issue it temporarily to the one who fell unconscious in the fight. Best use of resources."

2012-06-11, 10:22 PM
Heading out first, Bryseis does not pause as they reached the bridge, merely saying curtly "One at a time," before stepping out and across. She keeps her sword drawn, ready for danger at any time.

Perception [roll0]

2012-06-12, 01:52 AM
"I've got no problem with Conrad getting it. With luck, I won't be getting into fights anyway" Kyus said, in the middle of the march. Without any weapons, Kyus felt it was best that he surrounded himself with the others. Elle, meanwhile, bought up the rear. If anyone managed to creep behind them, they would need someone capable of defending it.

Perception rolls
Kyus: [roll0]
Elle: [roll1]

2012-06-12, 04:37 AM
"That's a very generous gift," Faith says, noting the way the cloak magically resizes itself. "We'll put it to good use, I promise."

As the party walk Faith hangs back with Elle, memories of being face-to-no-face with the monster in Walthus' hut keeping her away from the front lines. She sneaks occasional unsubtle glances at the eidolon, turning magical theories over in her head. The world is full of wonders!

Albert rides on her shoulder, beady eyes watchful.

Faith: [roll0]
Albert: [roll1]

2012-06-12, 10:47 AM
The group keeps a wary eye out as Bryseis tests the rickety bridge. Petey and Kyus lock eyes with the strange creature hidden in the underbrush just as it springs out, a flying mass of flesh that might be considered human if it weren't for the backwards-bent knees, three-toed feet, and vertical maw splayed open from mandible to collarbone.

It clamps its grotesque mouth shut on Pete's shoulder and shakes, piercing plate to rip the softer bits beneath. The gunslinger is flooded thoughts of rage and violence, an animalistic wrath that nearly staggers Petey with its intensity.

5 damage. DC 12 will save (you're immune to sickened, however, subsequent bites have additional effects, so you still need to save even though there's no immediate danger from failing)

DC 12 Dungeoneering
This is a sinspawn, a being created by binding an impure soul with even fouler magics. You vaguely recollect and incident involving them in Sandpoint some years ago. This particular variety is a wrathspawn, and can overwhelm those it bites with wrathful urges.


Petey and Kyus are up, Surprise round actions only (move or standard)

2012-06-12, 08:37 PM
Kyus was lucky to spot the creature as it attacked. Everyone else except Petey was still unaware, and Petey was currently trying to fend off the creature's attack.

Kyus did the first thing he could think of to help, reaching out and touching Petey's armour, and letting the little magic that Kyus could muster to flow into Petey.

Kyus casts Guidance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/guidance) on Petey.

2012-06-12, 08:58 PM
Will Save: [roll0]

2012-06-12, 09:00 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 7/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Enraged, Grit 2/2
(Hmm, I forgot to ID the other two potions, but I can do that after this battle I suppose)
A blue haze (not red. Blue) clouds Petey's vision. The golem feels emotion...a rarity for him, and he knows not how to deal with it. The blue screen of death hate compels him to try to destroy this grotesque monster. The warforged doe snot even acknowledge the damage done to his frame. "Begin program, 'Terminate with extreme prejudice' effective immediately!""

5ft step to 9E
Standard Action: Attack the abomination with musket
Petey's attack (+1 PBS, +1 Guidance): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-06-13, 05:08 PM
Petey raises up his arm to fire, bu the creature knocks it away with arm, while its other set of filthy claws rakes painfully across the warforged's chest.

4 damage

No new map, since no one has moved.

everyone is up

2012-06-13, 05:20 PM
(Petey Moved remember? Out of AoO range of the enemy?)

2012-06-13, 11:48 PM
Spinning around at the sound of battle behind her, Bryseis charges at the strange thing attacking her teammate and brings her sword slashing down upon it, a battle cry of Iomedae echoing from her throat.

"May The Inheritor's justice be upon you!" she cries.

Charging to C8, using Power Attack to give me -1 attack, +2 damage. However, +2 attack and -2 AC for charging.

crit confirm[roll1]
crit dmg [roll3]

AC at 16 from charging.

2012-06-14, 12:54 AM
Kyus quickly reached out to Elle, touching her and infusing her with a similar burst of magic, as she drew her sword and moved to attack the new foe, launching a powerful slash at the creature's flesh.

Kyus casts Guidance on Elle

Elle moves to D9 and attacks the wrathspawn, using Guidance.

Attack roll - [roll0]
Crit Confirmation - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Critical damage - [roll3]

2012-06-14, 02:33 AM
Bryseis's charge runs the creature through, pinning it in place for Elle's greatsword to lop its head off cleanly. Blood sprays out of the stump of a neck as it twitches and flails againts the paladin's shield, taking few moments to realize that it's dead. Once it's played out it death throws, Bryseis plants a foot on its chest and extracts her sword.

120 each

2012-06-14, 05:57 AM
"So, what is this thing" Kyus said, examining the corpse with unease. Despite being decapitated, Kyus gave it a small kick to confirm it was really dead. "Is this that Soggy Bottom Monster, or is it our mysterious killer." He knew he should be focusing more on the goblins, but he kept remembering the horror and revulsion that he felt when he found the skull.

"The creature is a Wrathspawn" Elle announced "Literal sin made flesh." Kyus was surprised she knew. As an extraplanar entity, Elle often lacked knowledge of these things. Seeing the surprise on his face, she simply added ""It was in one of your books. I had little else to do while you were busy studying."

Kyus laughed. During all the time Kyus had spent preparing and learning magic, Elle had lectured him on how he was wasting time reading and they had to start as soon as possible. The idea of Elle actually reading a book amazed him. "Let's see if we can find out anything about this monster. I would like to think we have solved one of the mysteries of these swamps and the whole place isn't swarming with aberrations"

Perception checks, if they are required.
[roll0] - Kyus
[roll1] - Elle

2012-06-14, 06:09 AM
"Elle's right," Faith confirms. "Sandpoint had some troubles with sinspawn years ago. Maybe this one escaped."

She daintily pokes at the wrathspawn's three-toed foot with her own. "This matches the footprint we found earlier, so it might be our mysterious skull-collector. I think the Soggy Bottom monster is a myth, though, like the Sandpoint Devil. If there was something terrible out here surely it would be eating the goblins or something."

2012-06-14, 07:07 AM
Totally useless in two consecutive fights!

Conrad lowers his hammer, the thing dead before he can even move to help fight it. "Myths start somewhere. We've already killed two monsters worthy of scary stories around a campfire. Be glad to see the goblin camp, least they are normal, well, more normal, by any rate. Course I'd as soon be rid of the lot of creatures out here. Blasted swamps, seems to breed monsters."

2012-06-14, 08:11 AM
Bryseis remains silent during the conversation, not having much to contribute as her knowledge of strange creatures is rather limited. Instead, she is trying as best she can to clean off her shield, which got quite covered in blood and gore as the thing flailed against it.

"None of these creatures has been particularly hard to take down, so far. I wonder what the goblins will be like," she muses as she finishes up her cleaning.

2012-06-14, 09:38 AM
Petey shoots the coprse one more time in anger. "My structural intgrity has been greatly compromised. That thing was deceptively strong."

2012-06-14, 09:48 AM
warforged heal 1/2 from sure spells, right?

Conrad looks Petey over. "Well, the plating will have to wait, but I think I can help with the deeper cut. Hold still. Torag, mend this wounded warrior."

CLW [roll0]

2012-06-14, 01:47 PM
"Thank you, Conrad. Your expertise is always welcomed. Let us go hunt the goblins now."

2012-06-15, 04:16 AM
You leave the monster behind to rot in the fetid swamp, and quickly make your way back to the main road. Walthus is right, it's not hard to find the old fishing trail, a well-trod path flanked here and there by patches of burnt ground. The sun is sinking low on the horizon, but , if the previous trail is any indication, there should still be enough light to reach your goal and walk home in the dusk.

The bridges on the old trail are cruder but sturdier than on the new trail, the path well-beaten by the repeated passage of small, unshod feet. All eyes are peeled for an ambush that never comes, a decided lack of activity that's almost disconcerting as the goblin compound comes into view.

A filthy village-fort surrounded by a crude wooden palisade sits atop a low hummock of solid ground here. A wooden gate in the north wall of the palisade lies in shambles on the ground. Nearby, a large, algae-filled pool on the northeastern side breaks the palisade and allows a clearer view into the village’s interior, which consists of a collection of ramshackle huts connected by wooden walkways, all built on thick wooden stilts. A circular pit just inside the gate glows with the dying embers of a large bonfire.

2012-06-15, 05:55 AM
"Do we have a plan?" Kyus whispered, knowing he was probably being overly cautious. "I can give someone a little boost, but it only lasts a minute so I won't be able to give everyone a boost. Also got a nice force armour spell I can cast, but it is my most tiring spell and doesn't interact well with normal armour. Except Elle's, for some reason. Not a lot of help in preparation, sadly."

Basically, I can cast Guidance for one minute, or mage armour. And I have Grease if needed in the actual fight

2012-06-15, 07:20 AM
Conrad frowns, both at the thought of the coming fight and the shoddiness of the construction. Not a bit of proper building in the place. Torag's anvil, its a wonder any of it stands.

"Well, let's get on with it then. I say we walk to the opening and call out a greeting in gobbo. No point in letting them take the walls against us when it goes South."

going to cast bless as soon as things start.

2012-06-15, 10:29 AM
"It looks deserted..." Faith muses. She frowns. "Albert, be a dear and take a sideways look?"

Albert leaps into the air and circles around to the west, landing on the pallisade and peering about, looking for signs of life. Meanwhile Faith approaches the collapsed gate with trepidation. She clears her throat and warbles in Goblin, feeling a little self-conscious.

<Goblin> "Greetings the camp! Longshanks is here to talk: you get, we get, everyone gets. No dogs, no horses!"

2012-06-15, 10:30 AM
Oops, Perception for Albert: [roll0]

2012-06-15, 01:04 PM
Petey has his gun-arm ready, not sure if this is an ambush. It's too quiet...

2012-06-15, 06:44 PM
Faith approaches the gate and delivers her message and waits a few beats for a response, but the sound is the omnipresent buzz of insects and a loud crack from the dying fire. The edgy half-elf's gaze instinctively darts to the fire, where it locks with the hollow, burnt-out eye sockets of a goblin skull. Dozens of other charred bones poke out of the ash.

Albert completes his circuit of the village and lands before Faith. Rather than explain his findings, he inclines his head towards the building flanking the gate. A think trickle of smoke wafts up through a hole in the rotten thatching.

2012-06-16, 02:26 PM
"They're all dead..." Faith whispers. She points towards the building with smoke rising through the thatch. "There's something in there, I think."

2012-06-16, 06:04 PM
"Perhaps someone else came to claim the bounty? If it has neutralized the goblin menance, we should thank it?"

2012-06-16, 06:17 PM
"Let us check that it is benevolent first. We do not wish to leave a greater danger" Elle announced and, sword raised, slowly moved to enter the hut that Albert was indicating

2012-06-16, 11:35 PM
Bryseis follows Elle, face tight and expression grim, inwardly horrified at such a slaughter, even if it is such devious creatures as goblins. This wasn't battle -- it was massacre.

2012-06-17, 01:50 AM
Fairly hurt, Petey follows in right after the paladin, his gun-arm ready.

2012-06-17, 02:55 AM
Elle mounts the short ladder leading to the hut in two steps and very nearly rips the wicker door off its hinges in a violent motion that upsets her balance. The split second she needs to steady herself is enough to cost her whatever advantage she had on the three goblins huddled around a small fire within.

Map, etc.

Bryseis and Faith won initiative, 1st full round. The rest of you will have to wait until after the goblins. The buildings and walkways are all 5ft off the ground, and using the ladders to get up costs an extra 5ft of movement.


You can't see it, but there's a door and ladder where Elle is standing.

The circle south of you is the fire pit; walk through that at your own risk.

2012-06-17, 06:03 AM
<Goblin> "Words, not swords! Longshanks here to talk!"

Seeing the goblins huddled around their fire, Faith continues to attempt negotiations - but she nocks an arrow to her bow anyway.

Ready an action: shoot the first goblin I can see who makes an attack.

2012-06-17, 08:19 AM
roll diplomacy

2012-06-17, 03:41 PM
roll diplomacy

Diplomacy: [roll0]


2012-06-18, 06:17 AM
"Eats flame, longshanks," shrieks one of the goblins in broken common, whether in response to Faith or as a general principle isn't really clear.

It pulls out a wooden and dips the fuse sticking from one end into the fire. Almost immediately a shower of sparks comes shooting out of the Desnan candle, showering Elle in white-hot sparks and ash.

1 non-lethal damage, 1 fire damage

A second goblin whips out a dogslicer and stabs at the eidolon, but the crude blade bounces off Elle's armored skin.

The third stares at the firework, giggling maniacally.

The map is unchanged. The one with the firework is at D3

Not that it matters in this case, but in the future, pre-roll readied attack actions

Everyone is up, full round actions

2012-06-18, 07:12 AM
(Before opening the hut)
Conrad moves toward the smoke. "Well, any luck and it just means someone beat us to the bounty. Rather that than find out there are MORE monsters out here than we've already dealt with."

Conrad tries to gather his thoughts, but is surprised by the fire before he can stammer out an attempt at diplomacy. He waits for a clear opening to get into the building, ready to hammer the first goblin in reach.

I believe I can't move through allies spaces when they are threatened, so Conrad will delay until he can get adjacent to an enemy, then attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

HP 5/9
AC 16
2/4 LVL 1 spells

2012-06-18, 05:41 PM
Elle fought through the sparks, attacking the lone goblin with a furious attack.

Move Action: Elle moves to F2
Standard Action:
Elle Attacks [roll0]
Crit confirmation [roll1]
Damage roll [roll2]
Critical Damage [roll3]

As Elle attacked, Kyus reached over to the only person he was close to and lay his hand on Faith, channeling his magic into her, this time.

Cast Guidance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/guidance) on Faith

2012-06-18, 05:58 PM
The E2 goblin is dead

2012-06-18, 07:14 PM
Bryseis scrambles up the ladder, getting her shield up and protecting her as soon as possible, and faces off against the goblins threatening to overrun Elle. Struggling to not hit her ally in the confined space, she swings at one of the goblins.

Move up to E3. Attacking with Power Attack.

crit confirm[roll1]
crit dmg [roll3]

2012-06-19, 05:19 AM
"So much for diplomacy." Faith mutters. Not willing to waste Kyus' spell, she draws her bow and shoots.

I can't see the map while I'm at work (image hosting sites are blocked) so apologies for the wibbly-wobbliness of this action.

Faith is going to shoot at the nearest goblin she can see. If she needs to make a move action to get LOS, please move her accordingly. But not into the firepit: 18 Int says that's a bad idea. :smalltongue:

Shot (+2 Dex, -4 shooting into melee, +1 guidance): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-06-20, 01:39 AM
ooc - I've been too busy to get a post up. If you must NPC me, just have me shoot a goblin. I'll post tomorrow.

2012-06-20, 05:15 AM
Elle clears the doors, whipping her sword across to cleanly behead a goblin in the process. Bryseis rushes towards the goblin with the Desnan candle, but misses badly as she's forced to bring her shield up to protect her eyes.

Fortunately, Conrad's hammer strikes true, caving in the goblin's skull. The still-burning firework skitters off as it drops from the goblin's nerveless grasp, showering the floor with sparks.

The crowd in the building doesn't leave Petey much of a shot as he mounts the ladder, and his musket ball goes wide as he over-corrects to avoid hitting Bryseis. Between the black powder and the firework sputtering on the floor, the building is quickly filling with smoke.

no game effects, yet

Outside the building, the goblin's shout has stirred up some activity. Doors burst open on two of the closest building, and a half dozen more goblins pour out to join the fray.

One trio bounce down a ladder and makes for Faith and Kyus, one lighting another firework that misses badly, and another swinging with a dogslicer that Faith easily sidesteps.

Another pair sprints along the raised walkways, joining the general melee in the smokey building. Their sudden arrival distracts Bryseis for a second, allowing a goblin blade to sneak passed her shield and carve a bloody line in her arm.

3 damage

The final goblin move down to the ground behind Petey, lighting off another Desnan candle which spits sparks harmlessly off the nearby wall.


orange: using fireworks

Everyone is up

2012-06-20, 08:45 AM
Wincing in pain, Bryseis lashes out again, seeking to clear this tight fighting space as quickly as possible before things get too ridiculous. It was a shame that diplomacy had failed, but she was not about to let some goblins win.

crit confirm[roll1]
crit dmg [roll3]

2012-06-20, 11:54 AM
Conrad swings again, ignoring the bits of goblin matter clinging to the cold steel face of his hammer. "Sounds like trouble outside. Let's finish these quickly and help the others."

(attacking D3, or moving forward to D3 if Bryseis drops that goblin and attacking D4)
damage [roll1]

HP 5/9
AC 16
2/4 LVL 1 spells

2012-06-20, 12:17 PM
Faith scrambles backwards, suddenly closer to the goblins than she'd wanted to be. The idea of three-foot savages seemed comical just ten minutes ago, but now they're stabbing at her with knives and shooting fireworks at her it all seems rather more real.

But this what she had been saving her magic for, after all. With her free hand she makes a mystic gesture, calling on the wind to waft the sand of sleep across some of the goblins.
5 ft step to H2
Cast sleep on the intersection of J-K 5-6, hitting the three goblins there. Will DC 15 to resist.

2012-06-20, 05:37 PM
The hut now crowded with her compatriots and hearing the commotion outside, Elle moved to help Kyus and Faith. "I'll help the others" she called as she pushed her way past Petey and down the ladder, attacking the first goblin she saw with a thrust into the goblin's body.

Elle moves to F5 and attacks the goblin

Attack Roll [roll0]
Crit Confirmation [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

Kyus nearly panicked as he saw the goblins attack, as Faith narrowly avoided an attack. He was about to cast one of his stronger spells, until he saw Faith doing something similar at the pair that had just attacked her. Not willing to exhaust himself on one of the lone goblins still in the area, he instead placed his hand once again on Faith, enchanting her in preparation for whatever might happen.

One day, Kyus will be able to do something other than cast Guidance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/guidance)

2012-06-20, 09:11 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
The warforged would normally give a chance to surrender, but the goblins are clearly trying to kill them. "Lethal force authorized. No more aiming for non-lethal areas."[/color]

With that, he aims straight for the head of one of the goblins not engaged in melee. With that, h e steps back and reloads his gun-arm with expertise.

5ft step to 3G
Standard Action: Attack the goblin @ 5E
Petey's attack (+1 PBS): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

Standard Action: Reload gun-arm
Oops, I forgot my musket takes a standard action to reload for now unless I use a paper cartridge.

2012-06-21, 07:23 AM
Elle leaps out of the elevated hut as Petey retreats to reload. Thought the eidolon's swiping sword misses its mark, it does catch the end of the Desnan candle and knock the goblin's aim wide.

Inside, Bryseis's sword snags on the low-hanging rafters of the goblin-sized structure, while another swing of Conrad's hammer staves in another skull with ease. The attack isn't without it's cost, though, as the heavy maul unbalances the big man and leaves him open to a nasty stab.

3 damage

Faith rushes through her spell and releases her empowered sand, which settles on two of the three advancing goblins. The sputtering firework falls to the ground and rolls into the fire pit as its wielder collapses in slumber, while the goblin that had attacked the half elf also succumbs. The third, though, draws his blade and jabs it home, embedding it deeply in Kyus's thigh.

4 damage

A ragged shriek comes from the direction of the pond, as yet more goblins tumble from their hiding places and scramble towards the battle.


orange=active firework

2012-06-21, 09:48 AM
Bryseis shouts in frustration as another swing misses, and takes a quick moment to solidify her footing before trying again.

crit confirm [roll1]
crit dmg [roll3]

2012-06-21, 09:51 AM
Conrad winces from the blow and staggers back, lightheaded, and implores Torag's strength to keep him in the fight.

F2, CLW [roll0]

2012-06-21, 02:23 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
Now finally reloaded, Petey moves to get a better shot at the appraoching goblins. "SURRENDER NOW!"

He aims, he is ready, and he fires (Touch attack)!

Move action: Move to 6J
Standard Action: Attack the goblin @ 7N
Petey's attack (TOUCH ATTACK, +1 PBS): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-06-21, 02:52 PM
Kyus screamed in pain as the blade dug into him. He had stupidly not moved in attempt to protect Faith, but seeing Elle knock the firework out of the goblin's hand reminded him that he couldn't allow himself to break his connection with her. Instead, he retreated, then turned to conjur a thin film of grease under the goblin who attacked him's feet.

Kyus takes a 5ft step to I1 and casts Grease, centred at the intersection on the intersection of I-J 2-6 so it doesn't disturb the sleeping goblin

Frustrated with her miss, Elle swung again at the goblin, wanting to go help Petey as quickly as she could

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2012-06-21, 03:42 PM
It's all chaos. Goblins seem to be pouring out of everywhere. Faith reaches out to the winds once again, this time to the weapon of the storms, the lightning. Sparks crawl across her hand and - against her better judgement - she lunges forward to try and deliver the charge to the nearest goblin.

I didn't actually realise I could do this, so I'm going to include a link to the appropriate rules page (search for 'Touch Spells in Combat') in case you didn't realise also: turns out I can cast a touch spell, move, then use it (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat). Which is what I'm going to do:

Standard: cast shocking grasp
Move: to I3 (or I4 - I'm not 100% sure where the grease spell is ending up)
Free: touch attack on goblin in J3

Touch attack: [roll0] (-1 base, +1 guidance, +3 because the goblin is presumably either wearing metal armour or carrying a metal weapon)
Damage: [roll1] electricity

EDIT: Again, I hate you, forum dice roller.

2012-06-21, 11:17 PM
Frustrated by the cramped surroundings, Bryseis takes her time with her latest thrust, and skewers her target through the chest. "Boss Gutwad will deal with you! Just like the bone men!" Shrieks the survivor as he sprints out the door and flees along the raised walkway.

Kyus's spell leaves his assailant flopping around in a puddle of viscous grease, unable to defend itself as Faith delivers a jolt of electricity strong enough to stand its few hairs on end, but little else.

Elle's second swing is on the mark, gliding through the goblin's outstretched arms like they weren't even there. The goblin stared dumbly at severed hands grasping the Desnan candle as it tumbles to the ground, then brings his blood stumps up to his eyes to confirm the situation before fainting dead away.

Petey finished loading his arm and skirts the fire in search of a clear shot, and finds one. His target's head explodes like a rotten watermelon under sledgehammer, splattering his fellows with brains and bone.

The gore-splattered goblins stop short and turn tail, disappearing back around the corner. A few second later, you hear the hollow thud of goblin fists on a locked door. (In goblin) "Open! Open!"


2012-06-21, 11:40 PM
Petey reloads yet again, and gets ready to execute one of the sleeping goblins in a few seconds.

2012-06-21, 11:45 PM
Shooting a contemptuous glance at the goblin she finally felled, Bryseis scrambles down the ladder and chases after the one attempting to escape, breathing heavily in her heavy scale armor, unused to running around in it so much.

Double move to I7.

2012-06-22, 02:18 AM
Elle moved next to Bryseis as the fight calmed down. "We've routed them, though they have have retreated to set an ambush. You all did well, though next time someone should protect the casters. THat was a foolish mistake we made"

Elle moves to H7

2012-06-22, 06:56 AM
Conrad scrambles down the ladder, following Bryseis. He stops next to one of the prone goblins. "Think its to late to take prisoners? I suppose we can't have any more behind us while we deal with the rest. Should probably have just burned this affront to sound architecture down instead of going in after them to clear it out."

double move, H6

2012-06-22, 09:34 AM
"We shoud finish these off first before they wake up."

2012-06-22, 11:46 AM
"I will not strike down helpless opponents myself. However, I know that we do not want them behind us while we continue. That is all I have to say on the matter," Bryseis finishes simply, going to clean off her sword and armor before kneeling to pray to Iomedae, her sky-blue tabard fluttering slightly in the weak breeze as she removes her helmet and sets it on the ground. Her short blonde hair is matted and stuck to her forehead by the sweat of both heat and exertion.

2012-06-22, 01:37 PM
"I think we need to retreat as well," Faith says. "We're hurt, and I've little magic left in me."

Also, there's still a live one rolling around in the grease - Faith will withdraw to G3 to avoid it.

2012-06-22, 07:34 PM
Decide if you're going to withdraw or not. If you are, then the map is unnecessary.

The goblin fleeing on the walkway disappears around a corner, and you soon hear its voice added to the other begging to be let into Boss Gutwad's hall.

2012-06-22, 08:42 PM
Conrad scowls. "We have the best of them. Strike while the iron is hot. These blasted fire-tubes could burn down the entire town if we don't end this now! If you need healing, get over here. Torag's given me enough strength for a bit more."

2012-06-22, 10:27 PM
"Conrad is correct. The goblins proved themselves unable to defeat us. Kyus and Faith may be low on magic, but we have proven that as long as the goblins do not sneak behind us, we do not need magic to defeat them"

"Just make sure that they don't" Kyus said as he applied pressure to his wound. "I wouldn't mind getting this healed"

2012-06-22, 11:25 PM
Bryseis shrugs as she rises from her prayer, looking down at the cut in her side.

"I'll live," she says, sheathing her sword and retrieving her helm from the ground. "I do agree that we should press the advantage on these goblins. They have shown that they are not open to diplomacy, as unfortunate as that is, and they pose a threat to the town."

2012-06-23, 05:46 PM
You guys are lucky this is not my paladin character in this campaign. She'd give you guys SO much crap for killing the goblins here. In fact, she'd raise a stink about accepting the job and would want y'all to apprehend or drive away the goblins instead of killing them. Luckily Petey is much more ok with killing the goblins.

Petey replies, "Fleshling-Bryseis will not finish off the offenders, but I can." He takes his time to aim carefully at the head of a sleeping goblin, and fires at point-blank range into the temple.

Petey Coup-de-Graces a goblin. 13*x4 crit = 52 damage. Insta-death

2012-06-23, 09:56 PM
The three helpless goblins are quickly dispatched, while the pounding and whining of the survivors is cut short as they're allowed in to Gutwad's stronghold.

Inside, you can head the occupants scrambling to barricade the double doors with anything that's not nailed down.

2012-06-24, 02:58 PM
"Let them barricade that entrance," Faith says quietly, "and we can go around to the side. Explore a bit. Maybe we can find where they're getting these fireworks from?"

2012-06-25, 07:02 AM
Conrad touches Kyus's wound, closing it quickly. CLW [roll0]

He looks around the village. "Well, we can post a guard on the building and have the others look for the fireworks. Have to be careful though, probably have some sneaky way out. 'Course those same fireworks may get them out of the building, if needed. If we split-up, I'll take the front door. Not the sharpest eye around, don't move to fast neither, but I can plug a hole."

2012-06-25, 09:03 AM
"Are you sure that is necessary? If we just kill all the goblins, we can explor at our leisure. For example, they are all barricaded inside that building. We can just set FIRE to the building...killing them all."

2012-06-25, 10:44 AM
Bryseis shakes her head when the idea of burning the building down comes up.

"Killing them in battle is one thing, but we will not block them into a building and burn it down. That is highly dishonorable. I say we either get them to come out and fight, or merely gather up all the fireworks and weapons we can find and leave; they will be little threat without weapons."

2012-06-25, 11:01 AM
If you're going to search, start rolling perception checks. You can take a 20 if you like, but it's a big enough village that such an exhaustive search will take until nightfall.

2012-06-25, 12:15 PM
"Well, burning the hut may put them in a mood to surrender. Or not, hard to say with goblins. Not saying we should burn them alive, but going in after them is risky. Like as not, they have more fireworks in there anyhow, if that is where they fled to. Give them fair warning, ask them to surrender, and encourage them if they refuse to be reasonable."

2012-06-25, 11:17 PM
"Thanks, Conrad" Kyus said, before expressing his opinion on the debate. "I'd rather not just burn the hut. It doesn't seem, you know... heroic." He felt out of his depth debating this kind of thing. This was the sort of stuff the bards usually left out of tales. "THough I do believe we should be able to fight whatever is in there with a proper application of magic. Both Faith and I are nearly exhausted, but it shouldn't take much magic to control a room. If one of us does something like what we did last time in an enclosed space, it should adequately control the goblins long enough for the rest of you to defeat them. Once we clear the village, if you are worried about Faith and I, we could rest and regain our strength before leaving the village".

"My only concern with burning down the hut, if they do not surrender, is these fireworks. While I admit I lack knowledge of these devices, surely it is dangerous to have these devices close to a flame. If we can be certain that burning the hut down will not be dangerous, I suggest we simply burn it down"

2012-06-25, 11:51 PM
"Fleshling, what is this 'honor' you speak of? My databanks contains very little information on the practical applications of it. I am under the impression that we are to end the life processes of as many goblins as possible, and are in fact being paid to do so per-goblin. Fire would be expedient. If any explosives are set off, then the process is even quicker AND we have eliminated the threat of explosives."

Petey starts looking around: Perception - [roll0]

2012-06-26, 04:20 AM
"Honour is what lets you look at yourself in the mirror," Faith says. "It's something that helps you be a good person even when you have to do bad things. It's got practical application for us, even if not for you."

She sighs.

"I don't want to be the sort of person who locks goblins into a building and burns it down. They would do it to us in a heartbeat, but... no, let's look for another way in."

Faith: [roll0]
Albert: [roll1]

2012-06-26, 07:15 AM
Conrad frowns. "I wasn't suggesting locking them in. Putting aside the fire plan, then let us deal with matters directly. Offer surrender and disarmament. I doubt they'll take it, but we'll make the offer. When they refuse, we can try taking the door, using what magics we have left, or knocking the pylons out from under the hut, disrupting any defense they would offer."

The buildings are mostly raised off the ground, right? A few whacks should undo goblin architecture.

2012-06-26, 10:41 AM
Bryseis sighs and runs a hand through her tangled blonde hair.

"This is getting us nowhere. One of you said you could speak goblin, yes? Translate for me," she says resolutely, setting off towards the hut the goblins retreated to. When she gets within 20 feet of it, she begins speaking loudly enough to be heard from within.

"Goblinfolk! We wish no further quarrel with you. If you lay down your weapons and leave this area, terrorizing the people of Sandpoint no more, we will spare your lives. You have one minute to decide, otherwise I cannot speak for what my allies may try to do."

Diplomacy - [roll0]

Hell yeah good roll!

2012-06-26, 11:58 AM
Faith follows Bryseis to the door and translates as faithfully as possible into Goblin.

Take 10 to aid another on the Diplomacy check. That should get a +2 bonus, right?

2012-06-26, 03:39 PM
The hurried search of the goblin compound turns up little. A few filth rooms stacked with moldering blankets, fuzzy bread, and poorly cured meats, mixed in with random assortments of broken tools and shiny things. In one of smaller, more isolated buildings, Petey finds a small sack tied up in the rafters which contains three skyrocket fireworks and 23 gold.

The scrambling inside quiets for a moment as Faith translates Bryseis's offer. After some mumbled arguing from within, the sounds of shifting furniture begins again with even greater urgency. Just as you're about to call out the one minute time limit, one of the doors pops open just wide enough for an obese goblin in a tattered purple bathrobe and spiky red 'crown' to be shoved out. "You tell 'em Boss!" squeaks a voice form within, as the door is slammed shut and barred once more.

The fat goblin turns to bang on the door, but catches himself, turns, and and carefully arranges his regalia. In goblin, he shouts, "Gutwad will never surrender to filthy humans!"

roll perception

2012-06-26, 08:10 PM
Kyus tried not to laugh as he saw the goblin leader waddle into view, with an appearance that made Kyus' money issues insignificant. Elle, however, did not see the humour and prepared for whatever the goblins were planning.

Kyus: [roll0]
Elle: [roll1]

2012-06-26, 09:54 PM
Assuming Faith translates that into Common, Petey says, "Faith, translate this to Gutwad: Gutwad, but it looks like your allies have surrendered YOU to us. Cooperate with us, and you may yet live. Tell us where you got the explosives."

2012-06-26, 10:16 PM
Roll diplomacy, also the perception check

2012-06-26, 10:26 PM
Perception: [roll0]
Dilpomancy: [roll1]

2012-06-26, 11:42 PM
Might I suggest that you roll perception checks for us? It saves time, and it doesn't tip us off that something's happening in case we fail the check.


2012-06-27, 12:55 AM
I do roll some secretly, but sometimes I want the players to be suspicious, particularly if important plot points are at stake.

Gutwad puffs himself up and responds before Faith can translate, showing that he knows common well enough, even if he doesn't deign to speak it. "Gutwad has no more shiny sticks," he shrugs and shows you his empty hands, "and he will not share map to ship."

You hear a wet thud as something heavy is dropped in a mud puddle. You're sure it came from behind Gutwad's stronghold.

2012-06-27, 04:39 AM
"Map to ship?" Faith says, picking up on the goblin's error. "You got these from a ship?"

Faith Perception: [roll0]
Albert Perception: [roll1]

2012-06-27, 05:33 AM
"Now we have a mysterious map to deal with. So now a simple mission has turned complicated because of a previously unknown detail. And here I was thinking this was nothing like the bard's stories." Kyus said

2012-06-27, 06:56 AM
Conrad scratches his beard. "Well, blasted things had to come from somewhere. No way goblins made them. Suppose we better get that map and make sure there aren't any more. No point in disarming this lot for another tribe to get ahold of them. Let me try, if you'll translate."

"Hm. Greetings chief. We are here on behalf of the village of Sandpoint. We believe you acquired this fireworks with hostile intent and have come to disarm you. Come out and surrender them all, as well as the map to their source, and we will do no further harm to your people. We have already shown our strength, you don't have to die today.

perception [roll0]
diplomacy [roll1]

2012-06-27, 04:14 PM
Petey whispers (as best as a Warforged speaking monotone can whisper) to the others, "Something heavy was just dropped in a puddle behind the building Gutswad came out of. Perhaps destroying evidence?"

2012-06-27, 04:27 PM
You, too hear the wet thump Petey mentioned, accompanied by a muffled curse in goblin. It's coming from behind the Gutwad's stronghold.

"Gutwad not die today." The corpulent responds with a dismissive wave. He continues as he edges his way along the raised walkway, "Goblin plans just too clever for stupid longshanks. You should leave now, before I get angry."

2012-06-27, 05:10 PM
"I'll check. It might be something dangerous and I'm expendable." Elle said as she circled behind the building

2012-06-28, 02:17 AM
Gutwad cracks a needle-toothed grin as Elle finishes her sentence. Before the eidolon can take a step, the surprisingly spry (for his girth) goblin unshoulders his longbow and plants an arrow in her chest. She drops, unconscious and struggling for breath.

"'Ex-pend-able' must be bigspeak for dead." says the chief, sounding out the unfamiliar word.

5 damage puts your eidolon at 0 HP with 1 HP of non-lethal damage, so it's unconscious

Everyone is up, full round. To see what is going on behind the building you'll have to move somewhere with a clear line of sight.


2012-06-28, 02:32 AM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
Petey wastes no time springing into action. Taking a position to the side, he aims for Gutwad's...gut. "This goblin has earned a death sentence. Commencing extermination."

Move to 14N
Standard Action: Attack GutWad
Petey's attack (+1 PBS, Touch attack): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-06-28, 04:37 AM
"Two can play that game," Faith mutters, readying her bow. "Or three," she amends as Petey's gun goes off. She takes aim across the small distance that separates her from the goblin...

Move: Ready bow
Standard: Attack
Free: 5 ft step one square 'up'.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Meanwhile Albert is going to use Stealth - hiding on/behind the buildings - and double-move-at-half-speed through the air, looking to see what's going on out the back. I think O14 is a good destination square for him.

Stealth (+2 Dex, +8 size): [roll2]

2012-06-28, 07:05 AM
"Right, I'll move around the back, make sure no one tries to flank us again." Conrad jingles as he lumbers off, ducting to get under the structures and move toward the back.

move to N14, either moving again to get to the stairs or reacting to whatever he sees.

2012-06-28, 07:27 AM
Kyus swore as Elle cried out in pain and collapsed on the ground. It took a moment to realise why she hadn't been dismissed back to her home plane before he realised the arrow had only knocked her unconscious, which, surprisingly, was a problem.

Kyus may have said that his supplies of magic was running low, but that wasn't the whole truth. He could still summon plenty of additional support, except for the fact that Elle disrupted the link. Instead, he cast the necessary spell to dismiss her.

As according to RAW, I can't use Summon Monster without dismissing Elle first, Kyus is dismissing Elle so that he can summon some conscious back up next round

2012-06-28, 12:38 PM
Growling in frustration, Bryseis steps up to Gutwad, drawing her blade and swinging it at the creature's gut all in one smooth movement.

"Why are you so unreceptive to diplomacy?!" she yells at the fat goblin.

5-foot-step to P12, drawing my longsword as part of the movement. Then, attacking Gutwad.

Attack [roll0]
Crit Confirm [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

2012-06-29, 05:05 AM
Gutwad's grin only widens as Faith's arrow and Petey's bullet fly wide, and sets to pantomimes some rather crude gestures to his own great amusement when Bryseis's sword gouges a bloody wound in his distended belly. The goblin howls in pain and drops his bow, instead grabbing his staff (actually a spear decorated with seagull feathers and shiny shells) and bouncing a wild jab off the paladin's shield.

Petey and Conrad round the building to see a group of goblins trying to escape over the palisade. They'd likely have no problem making their getaway--the half-rotted logs offer plenty of holds and gaps--if they weren't stubbornly attempting to lift a large trunk over the wall to another pair of goblins waiting to catch it. Even at a distance you can tell that the large box is too fine to be goblincraft.

Faith and Conrad ended in occupied spots, so I had to adjust their moves.


2012-06-29, 06:58 AM
Last round I still had a move left, contingent on what Conrad saw, so I should be able to get closer before the start of this round. Not that it matters, except for having a charging line. Can you charge through an allies space?

Seeing the goblin's goal, Conrad calls to the others, "They are trying to get away with the fireworks! We're going to need some help stopping them. I can see six."

Knowing he has to act quickly to disrupt their efforts, he charges forward, hammer high.

does passing the ones up higher provoke AOO's? Conrad will charge as far south as he can without provoking and attack whichever goblin is easiest to hit (no height bonus, if possible), preferably one that is pushing the trunk to maximize disruption.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

AC 14 from charge, HP 9/9

2012-06-30, 07:59 AM
Faith spends a moment trying to draw a bead on Gutwad but can't quite manage now Bryseis has engaged him in combat. Frustrated that she can't help, she instead hurries around the side of the building to find a more advantageous shooting angle.

Double move to M14

2012-06-30, 11:39 AM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
The warforged starts reloading his powder weapon. "Contraband found. Intercept!"

Move to 17M
Standard action: Reload gun-arm.

2012-07-01, 04:27 AM
Seeing that Gutwad was alone and expecting Bryseis and Faith to be able to deal with him, Kyus instead runs to the others, getting into position to summon additional support from another plane.

However, without enoguh time to cast the spell, he instead enchants Petey again with the cantrip he had used so often.

Kyus moves to N13 and Guidance on Petey, as Summon Monster takes a full round

2012-07-04, 06:34 AM
Gutwad gathers his prodigious weight in preperation to lunge at Kyus, but thinks better of his target as Brysies's sword slices through his bath robe to draw a line of sparks on the chain shirt beneath. Instead, he uses the height advantage of the walkway to maneuver his spear over the paladin's shield, through her armor, and a deep into her shoulder.

4 damage

Around the corner, Conrad's charge sends the broken corpse of a goblin bouncing off the palisade. The box drops in the mud with a soggy thud as its remaining bearers mob the lame smith, one scoring a bloody slice through the man's armor.

2 damage

The two goblins outside the wall abandon their friends, and quickly disappear into the bush.


2012-07-04, 08:58 AM
The paladin of Iomedae grits her teeth against the pain, staring back into the goblin's yellow eyes, and swings her sword viciously at him.

Power attacking.

crit [roll1]
dmg [roll2]
crit dmg [roll3]

2012-07-05, 08:05 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
The warforged takes a quick step back in order to have more room to fire. Still, he can't chance hitting the smith, and chooses his shot carefuly.

5ft step to 16M
Standard Action: Attack Goblin at 18M
Petey's attack (+1 PBS, Touch attack, -4 Shoot into melee): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-07-06, 07:11 AM
As Petey took a step back, Kyus started his spell and summoned a large rat in front of the warforged. The rat viciously attacked the goblin in front of it.

Kyus casts Summon Monster I spell like abiltiy to summon a Dire Rat

Rat attacks the goblin at M18
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-07-06, 07:13 AM
Conrad grimaces as he weathers the goblins blows, though he is pleased to see the chest fall...right before the blade getting through. Need to reinforce that spot. Ow. Better keep fighting.

attacking N18 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-07-06, 07:27 AM
Faith nocks another arrow and dithers - the chaos of the battlefield spoils her shots, and she risks shooting one of her allies every time she looses. Still, she can't just stand around - she takes aim at the goblin chief and lets fly.

Attack vs Gutwad (includes -4 for shooting into melee, not -4 for cover since I wasn't sure if it applied): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Seriously? :smallmad:

2012-07-10, 05:04 AM
There's no CR adjustment for bad rolls.

Bryseis swings wildly and misses. Her blade cleaves into the planking of the raised walkway and sticks for a second, leaving her open as she wrestles is loose. Faith's terrible shot does little to prevent Gutwad from exploiting the opportunity, as he jams his spear deep into the paladin's gut. Darkness dances on the edge of the woman's vision as the Goblin Boss yanks his weapon free, and she collapses onto the damp ground.

7 damage, You should be at -2 HP, roll to stabilize

Dogslicers ring off armor as the goblins continue their assault on Conrad, but to no effect. Unfortunately, Conrad and Petey prove equally ineffective at hitting the squirrely little devils. Even Kyus's summoned rat proves unable to connect, as a goblin, long used to dodging such vermin in the swamp, dances away from its snapping maw.


Purple = unconscious/dying

2012-07-10, 11:58 AM
Conrad twists to deflect the incoming blows. Just have to remember the stunties have different angles. A twist and a dip should keep them off. He keeps up his offense, knowing it only takes one solid hit to end a goblin, their melon-heads tempting target for his hammer.

more Gallager action

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-07-10, 09:42 PM
The warforged calmly reloads once more. "Please step away from Gutwad. Your bodies inhibit my aim.."

2012-07-11, 04:57 AM
"My pleasure," Faith mutters, trying to stifle the urge to run away now the confident warrior has fallen. She scrambles onto the walkway next to her and moves to stand next to Petey, taking a wild shot at the nearest goblin.

Move to L16. Shoot goblin in M18.

Attack (including -4 for shooting into melee): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Oh for... the last time I was rolling this badly it was because I'd picked up a double-d10 by mistake. X(

2012-07-13, 05:17 AM
As Bryseis fell, Kyus was surprised how quickly he managed to process everything and react to the chaos. As his rat took another bite at the goblins, Kyus started summoning a second rat to attack Gutwad. Just as the first rat finished its attack, it disappeared as a new rat appeared right next to Gutwad, just as violent and making another attack.

Rat makes an attack
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Then, after the attack, Kyus casts Summon Monster 1 and summons a dire rat right next to Gut wad

THe new Dire Rat attacks Gutwad
Attack Roll [roll2] (What happens when a rat's bite crits?)
Damage [roll3]

2012-07-13, 06:56 AM
As Kyus calls forth a new summon, Gutwad takes the opportunity to drive his spear into the young summoner's thigh. His howls of glee quickly change their tone, though, as another enormous rat materializes behind him and takes a sizable chunk out of chief's flabby calf.

7 damage

Faith's arrow find noting but air, but it's still enough to get her target's attention. The snarling goblin leaps forward, but his rusty blade only gouges the planking of the walkway. The two battling Conrad prove more fortunate, darting in to score another bloody jab as the man's missed hammer swing unbalances him.

2 damage


Need another stabilization attempt from Bryseis

2012-07-13, 08:52 AM
Conrad takes a moment to gather his focus and take a strong stance before attacking again. "Hammer and tongs, this little buggers are quick. Torag guide my hand!"attack N-18 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

wow-not going to bother confirming the crit, he's dead.

The goblin's head explodes like an over-ripe mellon.

2012-07-14, 04:09 AM
"Step back Petey," Faith says as she scrambles along the walkway, keeping a wary eye on the goblin. "This one's a bit... indiscriminate."

With a cracking sound, sparks begin to crawl across her fingers and jump from her body to the planking at her feet.

This action is predicated on (the likely event of) Petey moving so he's not next to Faith, since lightning flash is a PBAoE; if he stays put I'll think of something else.

5 ft step to L17
Lightning Flash: [roll0] lightning damage + [roll1] rounds of dazzling for everyone standing next to Faith; Reflex save DC 14 for half and no dazzle.

Also, it's a Su ability so no attacks of opportunity.

2012-07-15, 12:57 AM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
Petey has something similar in mind. "Kyus, step away from Gutwad immediately and I will take the shot!"

He delays until kyus has moved out of the way, and then will 5-ft step out of the way himself to so that Faith can do her work. Oh, and then he shoots Gutwad. He does NOT take the time to aim carefully, since the only other possible target is the rat, and he does't give a...rat's ass...whether he accidentally hits the rat or not should he miss Gutwad.

*bam* After a successful shot, Petey uses one of his few alchemical paper cartridges, which lets him reload in record time. He is again ready to shoot!

Delay until after Kyus.
5ft step to 15M
Standard Action: Shoot Gutwad
Attack (+1 PBS): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

Move Action: Reload with cartridge

2012-07-15, 01:04 AM
Bryseis moans and gurgles a bit on the ground, blood running from her mouth. Her armor is getting rather dusty down low on the ground like it is, and some of the silver chasing on it is chipped from her heavy fall. If she ever wakes up, she will most likely be quite upset about that, having made the armor herself.

2012-07-15, 03:40 AM
Kyus steps back through the door into the room behind him, trying to escape Gutwad. He clutched his wound in pain, surprising himself with his grit. He had no idea how he was still standing. His rat took another attack, though Kyus, hearing Petey's plan, compelled it to also retreat and give Petey an open shot.

Kyus makes a 5ft step to M13.

Rat attacks Gutwad then takes a 5 foot step to Q13
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-07-15, 04:55 AM
Gutwad braces his spear to charge after the retreating Kyus, but Petey's blast stops him short. The lead ball blasts through chain mail like tissue paper, exiting the other side along with a fair portion of the fat chief's gut. Somehow he manages to hold his feet, and frantically rips a vial from his belt and downs the contents as he takes cover around the corner of the building.

Faith summons up a pulse of electrical energy as Petey steps away, sending the already injured goblin into pained convulsions. It collapses forward, writhing arm jamming its blade into the half-elf's foot as it dies.

2 damage. Your attack put it at 0 HP, and it used a standard action to attack, taking one damage in the process

Conrad's latest hammer blow raises a fine mist of blood, brains, and bone shards as it pancakes a goblin skull, a sight which this remaining opponent opts to gape at with gleeful fascination rather than attack.


Bryseis takes another point of damage, DC 14 constitution check to stabilize

2012-07-15, 07:02 AM
Still uncomfortably close to Gutwad, Kyus fashioned armor out of telekinetic force using most of the magic he had left. Hopefully that will bring him the necessary protection.

Meanwhile, his rat attacks Gutwad again, trying to rip out the recently regenerated flesh.

Kyus casts mage armour on himself

Rat attacks Gutwad.
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-07-15, 11:25 AM
"Ow!" Faith stumbles, overtaken by a sudden fear for her toes. No time for self-pity, though; she scrambles down from the walkway and joins Conrad to finish off the last goblin. "Conrad! Bryseis needs your help!"

Move to N19
Lightning Flash again. [roll0] damage + [roll1] rounds of dazzle, Reflex save DC 14 etc.

2012-07-15, 06:00 PM
The goblin drops, leaving only gutwad to deal with

2012-07-15, 07:15 PM
PD-G13 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=351020)
HP: 10/12 AC: 16 Saves: 4F / 6R / 2W
Conditions: Grit 2/2
Petey follows gutward, stepping forward a bit and then shooting once more! "No escape!"

5ft step to 14N
Standard Action: Shoot Gutwad with musket
Attack (+1 PBS): [roll0]
Damage (+1 PBS): [roll1]

2012-07-15, 09:03 PM
Hearing that he is needed, Conrad turns form the fallen goblin and rushes back to the fallen Paladin, crouching and laying a hand on her.

Move to O-12, cast stabilize

cast defensively if he would provoke [roll0]