View Full Version : Aurin C. 2: YOU DECIDE!

2012-05-26, 07:39 AM
Aurin (3.5/P) Campaign is near the beginning of the 2nd chapter and needs input.


The players:
Ungar the Half-Ogre Barbarian
Dina the Aesimar Summoner
Quill the Kobald Bard
Moonbug the Grippli Druid

The players were en route to a military settlement to fight in a war they knew nothing about (against huge griffon-like creatures coming in from a rift from whats probably like the beastlands), 3 of the creatures (5HD pseudo-griffons), slammed the stagecoach the players were in off a ledge and down some scree, they have a gunslinger NPC and a guard in their coach.

All players take falling damage, plus extra damage due to the things in the carriage, causing the guard to die. As the griffons are taking the horses away from the convoy (being defended by the other guards to no effect), they manage to get 2 of the living guards away from the caravans up top and escape down the hill into a bog.


The players adventure through the bog and manage to scare one of the guards off, at nightfall the other guard gets attacked by a giant mosquito and infected with potent malaria before they manage to kill it, they keep the rest of them away with smoke from resin-filled high branches of the surrounding trees.


The players are about to embark on CHAPTER 2: The Blood Fey

This is a chapter based around a psionic creature called the blood fey, she is a powerful psionic trapped within a dark broken tree in the middle of the bog, she is bound and has limited abilities, none of which effect fey in her current state.

The forest is inhabited by a type of sprite the players have seen but thought were bugs, they know of the bloodfey.

The players have just slept and the bloodfey has used dream to communicate with them all, only the druid knows sylvan though.


The Plan

I've given the druid key words in the dream to hint that the bloodfey is a wish granter, and as such I've made the unbinding of her happen in 2 ways:

-4 humanoids must place their hands on the tree at the same time, at which point they will be prompted to make a wish individually, first the tree will cause a hand injury by shooting spikes out through the players hands and grapple them to the tree, second-- psionic powers will twist the wishes but they will remain beneficial-- such as if the ogre wishes for a more powerful axe it will use Graft Weapon, after which the tree will be destroyed and liquified into black ooze, the ground will dissolve into a pit which leads to the bloodfey's dungeon which the players can choose to enter.

-If the tree is destroyed the bloodfey will be freed and the tree will dissolve into ooze and slump the area into a pit that leads to the bloodfey's dungeon.

I don't expect the players to enter it.

Treat the players as being level 4, how can I modify, throw monsters or excitement, make this challenging, or generally improve the fluff/crunch?