View Full Version : Back to the Basics (IC)

2012-05-26, 10:43 AM
Thrane is a country of holy men and knights. Almost the entire poulation is devoted to the guiding hand of the Silver Flame, the collective entity of the churches founder and the Couatls who had once roamed the world. Through the young Keeper of the Flame, the eleven year old girl Jaela Daran, the Silver Flam makes its will in the world known, and it is through her that the five of you find yourselves in your current situation. Each of you was approached by an agent of the Silver Flame, a man of roughly thirty years of age with shortcropped blonde hair and a hardset jaw. He introduced himself as Mohram and told you that he had been asked to invite each of you to a meeting with the Keeper. He does not know why each of you was summoned, but he does know that it must be important.

Upon arriving at the Cathedral you are greeted by the young girl and she explains why she had summoned each of you. Arythawn Keep, a fort on the southern border of Thrane that wathces the border of both Breland and the Mourneland, has recently gone out of contact. Given its closeness to the Mournlands, Thranes Queen has asked Jaela to dispatch troops to deal with what may be an incursion of the vile creatures of the Mournland. The Church is currently spread thin however and few true soldiers are avaliable for the task. She communed with the Silver Flame and it recomended the faces that now stand before her; the five of you.

She does not know how each of you may contribute to the investigation, but she hopes that each of you will be willing to assisst. She has offered a reward of 500 GP to each of you upon successfully returning with news of what has befallen the fort. She also provides funds for travel on the Lightning Rail to Aruldusk, from there it is about two days travel south until you arrive at the fort.

Before you set off she pulls aside Tauroneo and Kya, as they are both members of the Order to some degree. She charges Tauroneo with keeping the other four safe if any danger should be encountered at the fort, but does not make it an order for the Geas. She says that selflessness is an important step towards forgiveness. To Kya she explains that this mission will act as a sort of right of passage. The safe return of all five of them would prove that Kya is ready to begin proper training as a Paladin of the Silver Flame.

She bids you all farewell and you set off. Ariving the next day in Aruldusk, and two days of further travel south you find yourselves face to face with Arythawn Keep. It is a run down fort, damaged during the Last War with signs of repair work being nowhere in sight. The fort rests on a small hill. The main gate faces the east towards the massive wall of mist and magical energy that hovers above the Brey River. To the west is a small wood that climbs a short distance up the hill on which the Keep stands.

You are about five minutes from the keep proper. I apologise for the rail roading right at the beginning but my time on today is somewhat limited because I still have unfinished work to do from yesterday. As such I wished to put you in a position where my presence was a little less necessary as I can't uphold a proper lengthy conversation today. I ask that you all make your first decisions here and then discuss with eachother on the OOC what you would have done during the three days of travel and how you might have come to know each other. Tonight when I get back on we can begin this game in ernest.

2012-05-26, 11:14 AM
Opel takes a step forwards. Her right hand crosses her chest to rest on the hilt of her falchion. She stands in her characteristic straight-backed posture, as though working in the possibly not completely absurd hope of being mistaken for a statue.

Closest I've been to home in a while, not that it's a home for aught but monsters anymore. She gazes at the walls of the nearby fort, then off to the right into the trees. She avoids looking east.

"Do we want to walk straight in, or do we sweep the surroundings first? I've no desire to play at pine-cones, but there could be anything in that wood. Your thoughts, Sir Knight? It's your captaincy."

She focussed on the fort, and forced her eyes further left, to the east and into the mist. Gate to the east. That's a dark sign in the circumstances.

2012-05-26, 11:32 AM
Tauroneo steps forward a few times, his chin held high. He looked to the woods and then at the castle itself. "Our job is simple. We are to figure out what happened at the fort. We won't get our answer in any woods. The best place to look would be within the fort itself. Anyone disagree?"

2012-05-26, 11:42 AM
Opel turns her head to look at Tauroneo. A straightforward individual, and lacking imagination. Excellent qualities. In a soldier. "As you will. Shall we take the front gate with the eyes of all the mist upon us, or look around for a back door?" And did your little silver saint tell you anything interesting?

2012-05-26, 12:18 PM
Tauroneo thought about it for a moment. "We will go up the front gate, or at least I will. If it's been taken, we should know before getting there. If it hasn't, then there would be no reason to use any back entrance." And I refuse to return to such tactics.

2012-05-26, 12:39 PM
[At the Cathedral]

Laucian's thoughts whirl as he considers if his hidden dragonmark has anything to do with his selection by the Silver Flame. Either way, he came to Thrane with the desire to infiltrate the ranks of the clergy and nobility in order to information traffic through them, and thus far this has been his greatest opportunity to interact directly with high ranking members of the church. Laucian graciously accepts his mission and promises to assist the party in whatever ways he can. Upon learning the pay for the mission, Laucian is doubly pleased, as the amount should be exactly enough for the magical item that he so desires, a set of magical vestments frequently made with Changling Wizards. In lieu of gold Laucian requests his payment to be made via this magical item ((Vestments of Many Styles, Races of Eberron page 175)).

[On the Rail]

Laucian will take the two days travel on the train as an opportunity to better understand his companions and their motivations. Among the many things he discusses with each is a planned and fair equitable distribution of any Loot uncovered. ((Further details of discussion will be in OOC ))

[Arythawn Keep]

Laucian takes a sweeping gaze of the keep and its surroundings, looking for any signs of human life. Please Sir Knight, allow me a few minutes to do a proper sweep of the grounds. Madame Kya, perhaps you can take care of the woods while I cover the rest of the ground?. Laucian will turn towards Tauroneo, Sir Tauroneo, I shouldn't be more than a quarter hour. If you hear this sound then there is trouble and come quickly but cautiously towards the sound. Laucian will take out a signal whistle and blow 3 solid notes (softly now so as not to attract attention). If you hear this sound, there may be trouble but do not approach until I return. Laucian will blow two short notes that sound very close to a birds cry. Finally, If I am about to be captured or killed, you will hear one long note, followed by a series of short bursts, the number of short bursts will tell you roughly how many combatants I see. He waits for an acknowledgement of understanding from the Knight before proceeding. Once he has it, Laucian will turn and begin moving towards the keep sweeping back and forth.

-Is the gate open?
-Are there people anywhere?
-Any signs of quick departure, such as random items on the ground, carts left out with stuff on them, etc?


Move Silently:




2012-05-26, 12:50 PM
Tauroneo looked at him and nodded. "Fine, but our mission does not require anything beyond finding out why it is no longer working. Combat and retaking it if it is taken are unnecessary, as of now."

2012-05-26, 01:21 PM
Laucian acknowledges the Knight. Trust me Sir Tauroneo, combat and retakings will be your domain, I'm a simple facilitator.. He will then proceed with his search.

2012-05-26, 03:16 PM
Kya will eye Laucian suspiciously. "I will check the woods if you desire, but I do not see any reason to."

Kya takes her bow in hand, and begins a sweep of the forest.

2012-05-26, 03:20 PM


Move Silently:





2012-05-26, 06:58 PM
Turtle Heart watches the discussion somewhat passively. "A quick look around the surrounding area couldn't hurt. I am content to wait here until it is done."

2012-05-26, 10:13 PM
A quick sweep of the grounds surrounding the fort does not reveal much. There are no signs of combat and the main entrance, also the only entrance to the keep as far as you can tell, is still shut. Nobody patrols the battlements although a portion of the battlements on the southern wall is missing, not enough to compromise the wall but enough that it would make defense of that section difficult. This comes as no surprise given this fort has still not been fully repaired since the end of the Last War. You can't hear anything from inside the keep.

A brief sweep of the woods shows the area immediately around the fort to be devoid of all life except for the trees and shrubs themselves. Not so much as a squirrel or a bird can be found wandering the woods around the base of the hill. Otherwise you find nothing unusual in the woods.

2012-05-26, 10:26 PM
Laucian returns to the group once his sweep is complete. Laucian will face Tauroneo but will speak to everyone. There is certainly something amiss, no sign of fleeing, combat, or life. It's as if the people just disappearred. The gate is shut but there is a section of wall damaged that we could most likely scale if we can't find another entrance. I am sure there is one, however I didn't see one during my sweep.

2012-05-26, 10:44 PM
Kya also returns to group and reports her findings. "Nothiing in the forest, the only thing unusual is the fact that no animals are there."

2012-05-26, 10:51 PM
"I don't like that. I don't like that there's nothing, not even animals. We'll try the front gate first, see if we can get through there. If not, show us where that opening is." Sir Tauroneo began to walk away, heading towards the front gates.

If nothing happens on the way there... he tries to open the door the proper way and calls outs, "Is anyone in there?"

If that doesn't work and nothing happens again... Tauroneo took a few steps back. "Hold on, I'm going to see if I can do something about that." He tried to shove the gates open forcefully.

Strength Check: [roll0]

(Note: Anyone can stop him at any point in this, in your post.)

2012-05-26, 11:23 PM
Laucian will draw his bow and knock an arrow while Tauroneo proceeds. If nothing happens Laucian will turn to the cleric, Do you possess magics that may open the gate?

2012-05-26, 11:35 PM
The double door of the gate swings open with little resistance, requiring some effort due to the weight of the doors, but not much. Inside the walls is a small square, a courtyard that extends from a short distance to your left, all the way to the wall on your right hand side, it looks to be a perfect square. Three door ways can be seen leading into the fort itself which extends upwards about thirty feet, ten feet past the walls. Two lone carts filled with various boxes and crates lie next to the wall alongside what looks like a stable.

Tomorrow I will have time to work on maps. I'll link them to my signiture and you'll have access to them as refrences whenever you need.

2012-05-27, 12:13 AM
With bow drawn, Laucian will follow Tauroneo into the square. He will make his way to each door and put his ear to it, then he will inspect the carts.






2012-05-27, 12:15 AM
Kya will follow the others in, bow in hand, eyes peeled for any danger.

2012-05-27, 12:19 AM

2012-05-27, 12:23 AM
Tauroneo draws his sword and shield and stays close to Laucian as he goes to each door and then the carts. "I want everyone on your toes from here on in. We don't know what we'll find in here. At this point, I doubt it's going to be a mundane reason why they're not here."

2012-05-27, 05:40 AM
Opel has been keeping to the rear of the party as they barge in the front way. She doesn't like it, but she keeps forcing herself to look back eastward into the Mournish fogs beyond the river. Whatever happened here, we've got no reason to presume it stayed here.

On entering to the courtyard she briefly whispers to Laucian. "A more powerful Cleric than myself could shatter the hinges, but there'd be no need. First rule of the magical gifts is not to use them when you can just hit something, thirty-fourth rule of staying alive is never smash a door if there's a faint chance we might want it intact later." With that, she starts to pull the doors shut behind the party.

strength check:[roll0]

2012-05-27, 06:04 AM
While Laucian listens at the doors, Turtle Heart wanders across to check the boxes and crates in the carts for anything interesting.
I assume Search checks should be rolled by the DM? Otherwise if I rolled poorly I'd know I rolled poorly rather than there just being nothing to find.

2012-05-27, 06:08 AM
If the doors close, Opel will take one of her shortspears and use it to search the stable area. She'll also look for a bar or something heavy to seal the gates from the outside.


2012-05-27, 08:57 AM
Laucian and Tauroneo
You crefully place your ear at each door, listening intently for any sound of movement inside. At the door on the left side of the courtyard you think you can hear the sound of light, clawed footsteps. At the other two you do not hear anything. The carts are filled with various pieces of mundane equipment. Rope, oil, lamps, firewood, etc.

You do not see or hear anything of particular note, only what has already been described.

See Laucian's search of the crates, you find the same kind of equipment.

The gate slides shut with relative ease, and it is soon back the way you found it. The stables give off the scent of decay, as if meat were left standing out for several days. By the size of the stable you would reckon that it at one point heldfour or five horses. In the back corner of the stable there is a large mound of hay. Moving the hay with your spear you uncover the carcass of one of the horses that must have inhabited the stable. It looks like its been gnawed as pieces of its festerig flesh are mising in large chunks.

2012-05-27, 09:15 AM
"Dead horseflesh and signs of scavengers," said Opel tonelessly. "Somebody has been here. Somebody with hands. Something as large as a horse carcass didn't get covered in hay by the wind in a sheltered courtyard. Someone covered it up."

She took a deep breath. In spite of the charnel reek of the failed nightmare she still enjoyed the smell of hay. "Also, only the one dead horse in a stable built for five. Sir Knight, did your...Mistress give you any details as to this place's regular garrison?"

2012-05-27, 10:04 AM
Laucian will grab the rope and a few pints of oil, tucking them away, I only have twine with me, and you never know when fire will resolve a situation.. Laucian will turn to Touroneo, Two quiet doors and one with sounds. I suggest we look beyond the two quiet doors, once they are clear we check out what's making the clawing noises.. Laucian will wait for confirmation from Touroneo before gathering the others.

If Touroneo agrees, Laucian will quickly collect the party in the center of the square and let Touroneo do the talking. If no one states the status of their searches then Laucian will directly ask everyone if they found anything.

2012-05-27, 10:09 AM
"Behind which door did you hear noises, Master Laucian? The south, the south-west, or the north-west?" Opel indicates the doors in turn with her shortspear before returning it to the sheath on her back.

((might be of no importance, but let's just make sure we know where's where))

2012-05-27, 10:21 AM
Laucian will indicate the door on the left. Perhaps we'll find the culprit of the horse corpse you've found.

2012-05-27, 10:27 AM
Opel smiled. "I think it's very likely. But as with the hay, who had hands to close the door?"

2012-05-27, 12:14 PM
Tauroneo nodded and waited as Laucian rounded up everyone in the center. "There were supposed to be 60 people here, yet not even the forest holds any life. First, the situation: Something human like, maybe multiples, has come here and eaten raw or rotting horse, and then had the intelligence to hide it away and close the gates. The carts contain lamps, rope, firewood, and the like. One of the three doors contains sounds, so we'll check the other two first. After you check a door, we'll move the carts over and block off the door. Whoever wants to help me do that, thank you. Everyone else, be with Laucian as you check the doors. Any objections?"

2012-05-27, 01:38 PM
"That plan is acceptable. So, which door first, Laucian?"

Kya, bow at the ready, will follow Laucian to the door he checks.

2012-05-27, 04:21 PM
Northeast and then counterclockwise.. Laucian will wait for Touroneo to get the first cart ready. During the wait Laucian will take an arrow, his mirror, and some twine and begin lashing the mirror to the end of the arrow at an angle. Kya, stand back, square to the door with your bow drawn. Turtle you take the left side of the door, looking through to the right. I will that the right side.When ready he will put his ear to the door once again and then slowly open it just a crack. when it's open enough to slide the mirror through he will use the arrow and mirror to see around the corner. If he sees nothing he will swing the door open.

The goal is to have As much of the otherwise of the door as visible as possible to the group. If there is no creatures on the other side of the door then Laucian will poke his head through to see what's beyond and will then close the door. He will then proceed to the next door and do the same thing. If neither door yields anything interesting then next he will move onto the door with the sounds.

Waiting until the carts are in place, Laucian performs the same mirror peek as the previous two doors. This is why I need a periscope. He then opens the door and peeks through.

2012-05-27, 04:33 PM
Tauroneo and whoever helps him push both carts into position and then holds his ground right outside the third door. He was far enough for the door to swing open, but that was pretty much it.

2012-05-27, 04:38 PM
"Hmm. Poor horse." Turtle Heart moves passively into position, as instructed by Laucian, and gestures to Badger to defend it. "Badger."

2012-05-27, 04:52 PM
Kya moves into position, arrow nocked, bow drawn.
Readying an attack to shoot if anything attacks Laucian

2012-05-27, 07:25 PM
The first door opens into what appears to be a dining hall. There are 3 tables stretched across the room with many chairs, face down on top of each table. Looking around inside there are no signs of creatures, combat, or anything out of place except the distinct silence. A closed door is built into the left hand wall.

The second door opens into a much small room. A pantry of sorts with shelves of various different ingredients and cooking utensils stacked around the room. A few crates lie against the right wall underneath the shelves. One of them is open and is filled with potatoes. A closed door is on the left hand wall. From this door wafts the scent of fresh cooking, some sort of stew maybe?

If you wish to continue to the third door just say so and I'll tell you what happens there. If you wish to explore this scent, likewise, let me know.

2012-05-27, 08:53 PM
Laucian will whisper to Touroneo, I'd rather capture a cook that can talk than fight a clawed beast that can't. I say we explore this a little more before we move further along, perhaps we can get our answers quickly and get out of here. Laucian will wait for a decision from Touroneo before proceeding.

[If Touroneo Agrees to try and capture the cook]

Laucian will put his ear to the door, attempting to hear who may be beyond. He will then instruct the the others to grab one of the crates with a top, open it, empty it into the the square, break a small hole in one side, and then bring it back. Once it is back he will grab a couple small stones from the ground and climb into the crate with his bow in hand and an arrow knocked. He then whispers to the others, wait outside and be ready to rush in if neccessary. I am going to try and lure them out and see how many are in there. Assuming everyone agrees, he will throw a rock against the door and then duck into the crate closing the top, peering out of the newly broken hole. He will wait a few seconds, if no one comes out, he will throw another rock.

[If no one comes out]
Laucian will get the others and prepare to open the door

[If someone comes out]
Laucian will count how many there are and attempt to see if any others are in the room beyond.


2012-05-27, 09:04 PM
Tauroneo nodded about going to the kitchen first and moved the second cart to block the third door. When he heard what Laucian wanted them to do, he shook his head. "Too damn complicated, too easy for a single thing to go wrong." Instead, he grabbed onto the handle of the door and swung it open, putting himself in the doorway with his shield up. "Direct approach, much simpler."

2012-05-27, 09:12 PM
Kya chuckles softly at Tauroneo and aims her bow at the doorway, ready to loose an arrow should something attack.
Again, readying action to shoot if someone attacks Tauroneo

2012-05-27, 09:17 PM
Laucian will shrug and stand behind Touroneo with his bow up and arrow knocked.

2012-05-27, 09:41 PM
The next room is definately the kitchen. More shelves and hooks hold vrious pots, pans, cooking utensils, and ingredients. An island in the middle of the kitchen has half the carcas of a skinned horse lying on it. Nearby the island is a cauldron hung over a smokeless fire. Tending the pot with a spoon in one hand, a mace in another and a shield in yet another, is one of the oddest creatures any of you have ever seen. It turns to face Tauroneo when it hears the door open and has a confused look on its face for all of a second before it lets out a shout and raises its shield, but not before Kya's arrow...

The creature is blue skinned and has no distinct seperation between head and torso. It's two eyes and two mouths are a part of the torso and each mouth is filled with jagged canine teeth. It has four arms, two of which sprout from the torso at eye level, the other two from the level of the lower mouth.

Anyone with Knowledge Dungeoneering please make a roll now. Because Kya specifically stated she was readying a shot for when she saw something, she gets off her arrow as a surprise round. Roll initiative, I'll place each of you on the map to show your positions in one moment.

2012-05-27, 09:52 PM

2012-05-27, 10:03 PM
((I take it that since I wasn't online when all this happened, I'm stuck at the back of the party and can't get a spear off in the surprise round))

K/Dungeoning:(MAX 10) [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2012-05-27, 10:17 PM
Badger is unsettled by the shout of the creature, and growls lowly, staying close to Turtle Heart.

2012-05-27, 10:22 PM
The four armed creature charges at Tauroneo standing in the doorway, dropping the spoon on the way and grasping its mace in another hand. It swings right as it reaches Tauroneo, but it clangs harmlessly against Tauroneo's shield.

2012-05-27, 10:32 PM
((IF I could see the thing then I should have had a spear attack first))

Thrown shortspear: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Subtract 1 or 2 as appropriate to the hit roll for range.
Crit confirmation if required [roll2]

2012-05-27, 10:37 PM
Tauroneo plants his feet firmly on the ground, successfully blocking the creature's attack. He strikes at the creature with his sword. "Everyone, get outside. I'll hold it off at the first doorway."

If it crits: Check: 1d20+3
Damage: [roll2]

2012-05-27, 10:40 PM
You bring your sword down and respond to his swing with one of your own. Yor weapon slashes across the creatures face, drawing blood, but the cut does not seem nearly as deep as it should be.

2012-05-28, 07:27 AM
Opel, warned about the situation by the shouts of her team-mates, decides against joining the crush in the pantry. She runs back into the dining room area, vaulting the cart with the vague feeling it should be loaded with fruit, and heads to fling open the door into the kitchen.

Will it have another aberration behind it? Will Opel regret she didn't spend this round casting Magic Weapon? Will she ever find her long-lost classmate that broke her heart when she was just a little girl? Stay tuned.

2012-05-29, 04:25 AM
Turtle Heart steps back from the doorway, and readies a dart in its hand.

Badger follows, standing in front of it, ready to defend if necessary.

2012-05-29, 11:30 AM
Opel throws the door open and finds herself once again in the kitchen, this time on the other side of the creature. No other creatures exist in the room, just the one being held at the doorway by Tauroneo.

This time, as the creature swings the mace again, Tauroneo is not quick enough to block it with his shield. The mace slides under the rim of the shield and smashes Tauroneo squarely in the chest.

Tauroneo takes 5 points of damage from the impact.

2012-05-29, 11:43 AM
Kya steps back and releases another arrow.

Move 10 feet north, fire!

2012-05-29, 11:50 AM
Tauroneo stumbled backwards upon being hit by the mace. "Feisty one, aren't you? If you can understand me, say something." Either way, Tauroneo returned his shield arm to a better position, albeit getting partially in the way of his own attack. He swung his sword again, holding his shield in the defensive position regardless.

Attack: [roll0] / Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] / Crit: [roll3]
Fighting defensively, AC of 18.

(Fight defensively... get a threat.)

2012-05-29, 12:06 PM
Kya's arrow flies towards the creature and it barely manages to block the deadly shaft with its shield before it punctures the creatures skin.

Tauroneo's sword speeds forward, and the creature is far too slow to react. The sword, entoers one of the creatures mouths and the tip exits out the far side of the monster's body. Upon pulling the sword out, the creature tumbles to the ground, dead, at the feet of Tauroneo.

2012-05-29, 12:14 PM
Good work, quickly search the body and then hide him in one of those crates. Laucian whispers. He then runs into the kitchen looking for anything that will clean up the blood. Assuming he finds some kind of rags and water he will bring them back and begin mopping up any blood that he finds, being careful not to get any on himself. He will then run to the cauldron and try and reduce the fire underneath it (Laucian wants to make it look like the fire has died down, like the creature has been gone a while, and at the same time he doesn't want an unwatched fire burning hot after they leave the room).

Once they are done with all of that, Laucian will put his ear to the door in the kitchen.


2012-05-29, 12:16 PM
Listen: [roll0]

2012-05-29, 12:33 PM
Tauroneo sheathed his sword and placed his shield on his back. He bent down and picked up the creature. To Laucian's request, Tauroneo simply said, "No." He moved the creature to the table and set him down on it carefully, putting him next to the dead horse. He returned and picked up the mace from the ground (and the shield too, if it was dropped on death). Returning to the table, he put the mace on its chest and crossed its arms, so that all four would be resting on the mace. "We came here to find out what happened to this place, not to kill and defile the current inhabitants, even if they might have been what happened."

He turned around, leaving the creature there. He turned to face Opel and asked, "Did you see anything of interest in that room?"

2012-05-29, 12:41 PM
Does this guy have no sense whatsoever? You want to leave a body laying here for anyone to find it and bring in reinforcements to potentially kill us all? I didn't sign up to die protecting the rights of a creature that attacked us and potentially was involved in the disappearance of the true residents of this establisment. Laucian will look at the body, And I suppose you're against looking to see what he has on him as well too, right? Because nothing can be learned from things he might be carrying, I suppose? Laucian will shake his head in bewilderment, I suppose we will learn more by walking blindly straight to the center of the fort flinging open doors in our path? Laucian will collect his arrows and his belongings and retreat to the square where we will wait, clearly annoyed by the third straight poor desicision by their leader.

2012-05-29, 12:44 PM
"I won't loot him. Nothing's stopping you, though. And no, I don't want to leave the body there, but we really don't have time to go and bury him. Do as you wish, but I won't be helping you."

2012-05-29, 12:57 PM
Kya will quietly collect her arrows, then return to the small room, watching the arguement.

We'll never get anywhere if we fight amoungst ourselves.

"While it may be prudent to cover our tracks, I feel it would be better to move quickly. Better to be done and gone before any hypothetical persons have a chance to attack. Tauroneo, is there anything you would like me to do?"

2012-05-29, 01:08 PM
"Would you be able to see if you can tell how many of those creatures passed through this area? You know what you're capable of doing better than me, but we'll be moving on soon. As you said, we should move quickly."

(And I'd say wait for Marlowe to return before moving on, since it's currently 6am for her.)

2012-05-29, 01:13 PM
"Very well."

Kya sees if whe can tell how many passed through.

I think I'd roll survival on this? I'll do a search, just is case.

And I agree we should wait for Marlowe

2012-05-29, 02:32 PM
After Tauroneo places the body of the creature on the table, Turtle Heart stands by it, and watches the argument between Laucian and him with some interest but doesn't get involved.
Then it shrugs and tosses a piece of horse meat from the table to Badger.

2012-05-29, 05:05 PM
Searching the room for tracks is impossible. The stone floor prevents impressions from being left behind. However, based on the dust and dirt on various parts of the floor, you estimate that a hundred plus people passed through this room at some point or another over the course of the last week. Either that, or the room hasn't been cleaned 5-6 days and only 30 or so people have.

2012-05-29, 05:31 PM
After looking around, Kya says "It is impossible to tell. My tracking skills are more meant for the wilderness. Depending on their cleanliness, it could've been anywhere between a few dozen and over 100 within the past week."

2012-05-29, 07:50 PM
"I didn't see anything we didn't spot before, Sir Knight. I had other things on my mind." Opel responds to Tauroneo. Strange fellow. Does he think I was browsing for souvenirs? "Is horse all of what our little friend was cooking?"

Since she's moved to guard the door in the left wall, she might as well listen.Listen: [roll0]

2012-05-29, 08:06 PM
"Just thought you might have noticed something on the way here that one can't see so well from the doorway." He turned to the cauldron and shrugged. "Haven't actually checked it yet. Though, I wouldn't want to drink or eat it either way." He approached the cauldron and looked inside.

2012-05-30, 08:11 AM
Laucian and Opel both listen intently at the door. They make out no sounds on the other side of the door.

2012-05-30, 08:15 AM
Opel gives her head a sudden shake, "I can't hear anything. Could be anything. Laucian, Kya, come lend your ears when you're done stealing the pies." She takes a step back and to the side of the door, to cover the stubborn opaque exit in case something should suddenly make an entrance.

"Also, I'm sure we could agree that opening this one quietly would be a nice change. If anyone needs something with which to poke or push or probe, I can spare a slightly horsey shortspear" Or maybe we should use a clean one, and save the horsey one for the enemy. Might give them an infection. No, that's a silly plan. I'll leave it to Sir Knight to suggest.

2012-05-30, 09:21 AM
Laucian sticks with his initial plan and retreats out of the room towards the square (he'll stay in the storage room where he can watch the square and the kitchen). He'll mostly close the door to the square, leaving it just open enough to see into the square. Once the rest of the group goes through the door Laucian will LOOT the body of the killed creature.

Depending on what happens when the open the door will dictate the degree of the looting.

2012-05-30, 09:27 AM
"Or you could do that", says Opel flatly. "Very well. When everyone has finished what they're doing, I'll just quietly push this door open with a pointy stick. Unless it opens toward us, in which case I'll stand here meaningfully until a man opens it for me."

((Teamwork and subtlety are fun.:smallsmile:))

2012-05-30, 09:49 AM
Laucian will wave Opel on.

2012-05-30, 10:28 AM
Opel sighs. Chivalry is dead. She carefully pulls the door open as quietly as can be managed, letting it swing open on its own momentum as much as she can to keep her hands free. Then she steps across to stand against the wall next to the open portal. Her Falchion in her hands with the flick of a free action, ready to give swift comfort to any that step through from the other side.

Move Silently is in order:

2012-05-30, 10:37 AM
Tauroneo sees what Opel is doing and moves over to stand perfectly in sight of the doorway. He draws his shield and sword as he moves and does not try to be quiet at all. While he didn't agree with sneaky attacks, as they lacked honor, he wasn't against not dying, and any amount of help (like Opel attacking if they passed through the door) was appreciated.

Move Silent: Take 1, total of -3.

2012-05-30, 10:46 AM
Kya will stay behind Tauroneo, bow drawn and pointed at the door. Readied action to shoot if something attacks.

2012-05-30, 11:04 AM
"Hsssst!" hissed Opel. "You should aim through the door, not at it. Unless the magical background radiation here is a lot stronger than we were briefed."

((sorry. couldn't help myself))

2012-05-30, 11:09 AM
Tauroneo shook his head. "There's nothing there, just a hallway. No creatures, from what I can see." He took a few steps forward, (glad that Opel had stated they had to pass through from the other side) and rose his shield as he looked in both directions of the hallway. He was a bit past the door, so anyone would still be able to pass it.

2012-05-30, 11:18 AM
I hadn't realized the door was open, I meant doorway :smalltongue:

Kya will follow Tauroneo, standing just west of him, bow drawn.
same readied action

2012-05-30, 11:21 AM
The hallway is sparsley decorated, just plain stone blocks for walls, and a tiled floor. No living creature can be seen in the hallway, except for you.

2012-05-30, 11:25 AM
After looting the corpse, Laucian will follow the others into the hallway.

2012-05-30, 11:27 AM
((Missed the update))

Opel is through the door, facing east.

2012-05-30, 12:20 PM
Tauroneo looked down the hallway again on both sides. "We'll start on that side..." He signaled the dead end part of the hallway. "And clear the rooms as we go to the other end. So that nothing can come from behind us." He began to make his way down the hallway, shield up and ready, until he reached the door.

Move Silent: [roll0]

2012-05-30, 12:22 PM
Opel moves to the door directly opposite, and listens in on the foul goings-on going on on the other side.

Mv silently:[roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-05-30, 01:00 PM
Kya will continue to face east, keeping an eye out for anything that comes that way

readied action to attack if anything attacks.
spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2012-05-30, 02:15 PM
You can not hear anything on the other side of the door.

2012-05-30, 02:19 PM
Tauroneo decided to copy what everyone else was doing and put his ear to the wood.

Listen: [roll0]

2012-05-30, 02:23 PM
Opel steps to the side of the door, gesturing to Tauroneo to open it, assuming he isn't too busy.

((Same drill as before. Also, 2 hours to catch the plane. Much excitement))

2012-05-30, 02:23 PM
You here a faint scuffling noise, as if something small was shuffling around inside the room.

2012-05-30, 02:31 PM
Tauroneo nods and heads away from his own door. He sheaths his sword, so that he can properly open the door. He opened it and stepped back, drawing his sword yet again and putting the shield into place.

2012-05-30, 02:33 PM
After Laucian is done with the body he will do a quick search of the kitchen and then join the others in the hall.


2012-05-30, 02:41 PM
Assuming that Bully-boy does not suddenly step back shouting "OH MY GOD THE HORROR" at the sight of what's through the door; Opel steps through, Falchion out and an action ready.

Mv silently:[roll0]

((I enjoy making rolls. One day I'll get a good one.))

2012-05-30, 02:49 PM
The room is a storage room. Shelves are lined with various boxes labled things like rope, oil, canvas, firewood, just to name a few. Hammers, chisels and other crafting tools hang on one wall.

2012-05-30, 02:52 PM
"Anyone saving up for a house? No? OK, brief search and next door then. Where's the Elf with the blueberry mouth?"


2012-05-30, 02:53 PM
"You really don't make sense sometimes... often..." Tauroneo went through the storage and stood by the next door.

2012-05-30, 02:57 PM
Laicians ears perk up at what Opel says and after he's done will go inspect.

2012-05-30, 03:00 PM
A house? Blueberry mouth? What is she talking about? She really confusing... Kya will think to herself, still watching towards the east.

2012-05-30, 03:00 PM
Turtle Heart wanders through to the storage room, Badger staying close to its heels. "Have you found anything yet?"

2012-05-30, 03:13 PM
"Lots of hardware, some building supplies, one superannuated war-surplus construct with a gardening obsession. Keep an eye on the elf. I'll go help Bully-Boy with the next door."

2012-05-30, 03:15 PM
"You mind if I ask why you called me 'bully-boy'?" He got into position, right in front of the door, and waited for her to get ready.

2012-05-30, 03:22 PM
Opel looked a little surprised. "Tauroneo. Taurus. Bull. Hence, Bully." And saying your proper name out loud makes me feel I should break into a song about mountains and rivers and streams and such. And "Sir Knight" is becoming wearisome.

She gets ready to open the door for the knight this time, pulling out one of her shortspears in case she reveals anything nice to throw it at.

Here we go... and pull (or push).

2012-05-30, 03:30 PM
Tauroneo shrugged at her reply and got ready to move through the door when she opened it, shield already up.

Readied action: Pass through the door.
Condition: Door opens.

2012-05-30, 03:39 PM
Turtle Heart looks across to the door out to the hallway when Opel mentions keeping an eye on the elf, but ultimately decides to remain where it is. It hangs back, dart in hand, as Tauroneo and Opel prepare to open the door.

2012-05-30, 04:43 PM
After Laucian is done with the body he will do a quick search of the kitchen and then join the others in the hall.


You find nothing else of interest in the kitchen. Just some cast iron pots and pans, some cooking utensils, but nothing of interest.

"Anyone saving up for a house? No? OK, brief search and next door then. Where's the Elf with the blueberry mouth?"


Looking around the room you find two boxes labeled with something interesting. One is labeled Alchemists Fire, one is labeled Smokesticks. Unfortunately the box with Alchemists Fire is empty, but there are still three Smokesticks lying around in the other box.

Also, the door open's out into the next room, and swings to your right.

2012-05-30, 06:48 PM
While the rest of the party is playing in the storage room and preparing to open the door they found within, Luscious will walk up to the northeastern most door and put his ear to it.


If he hears nothing, then he will slowly open the door and using his mirror contraption, he will look to see what is beyond.

Move Silently:

If he hears something beyond the door then he will go to the storage room and tell the rest of the party what he heard.

2012-05-31, 08:20 PM
I'm going to proceed under the assumption that Opel picked up the Smokesticks that she found.

Opel pushes the door open and it swings forward with a small creak. The next room appears to be an armory. Assorted spears, swords, maces, hang from racks placed against the wall while chainmail and leather are stacked in mounds near the center of the room. No creature stirs at the sound of the door opening.

On the map the blue circle is the armor. The rectangle is a rack, one side has weapons, the other some armor that was not piled on the floor.

You can hear a scraping noise inside the room, like something is scratching against the stonework of the walls or floor..

2012-05-31, 08:30 PM
Laucian will proceed to creep the door open just long enough to see whats inside and then shut it again.

2012-05-31, 08:48 PM
You crack open the door and are met with the sound of running water although it sounds like it's echoing from somewhere nearby to this room. There are several wooden stalls lined against the east wall. The noise is coming from one of these stalls. Now that the door is open you realize it wasn't so much something scratching, as the it was the clacking of claws against the stone floor.

2012-05-31, 09:01 PM
Are the stalls enclosed? Or can this thing come out and attack if I inspect further?

If they are enclosed, then Laucian will draw his bow, knock and arrow and creep in quietly to see what he can see.

Move Silently:


If anything attacks him then he will immediately let fly an arrow. He will try and stay hidden, so that if he decides to shoot he will have a surprise round with sneak attack.

Also, does he see where the water is coming from?

2012-05-31, 09:20 PM
The stalls are closed, but there is a gap under each of them. Kneeling down peek under the gaps you can see a small hole in the ground in each stall. In the third stall, you can see what is making the noises. It has the same genral shape a rat, but is much larger. Instead of fur it is covered in chitinous plating and its tail curls up like a scorpions but with a claw on the end, not a sting. It has yet to notice you.

You cannot see the source of the water.

2012-06-01, 08:30 AM
The stalls are closed, but there is a gap under each of them. Kneeling down peek under the gaps you can see a small hole in the ground in each stall. In the third stall, you can see what is making the noises. It has the same genral shape a rat, but is much larger. Instead of fur it is covered in chitinous plating and its tail curls up like a scorpions but with a claw on the end, not a sting. It has yet to notice you.

You cannot see the source of the water.
Laucian looks at the giant rat consideringly, then looks down at his primary melee weapon, a dagger. He then looks around for something to climb up on and sees nothing but the stall walls which aren't very high or large. A bit annoyed now, he looks at his short bow and compares the damage he thinks he can do verse the natural spikey armor on the rat. Finally he pulls out a flask of oil and thinks about what he can do with that, hearing the water and looking at the wooden stall doors, he decides against that course of action. Weighing it all together, Laucian decides that this is probably a fight he should walk away from. Sighing to himself he creeps out of the stable and closes the door. He then heads into the rooms where he thinks Opel and Touroneo are to inform them of what he has found.

When he enters the storage room he will look around and grab anything that looks useful, a hammer (into his sack), 2 more flasks of oil (into his backpack), and then moves on to the armory.

When he enters the armory he will get very excited and immediately swap his short bow for a long bow. Next he will look for a melee weapon (Rapier or Longsword) for himself, which he will immediatly put on once he finds one.

Under the assumption that the inhabitants are dead, Laucian will grab all the bows and 2 sets of chainmail (one for himself and one as loot) and place them in his loot sack. (He intends on hiding this sack on this floor somewhere before going down the stairwell).

Finally he will go and find Opel and Touroneo, Theres a giant armorer rat in a stall in the rom at the end of the hallway. Looked nasty. I let it be, don't know if it's worth killing it now.

EDIT: When looking around and looting, Laucian will also look for an empty sack to replace his now full one. He would like to go down the stairs with 2 empty sacks in pocket.

2012-06-01, 10:52 AM
"Giant and armored? And you don't think we should kill it? We'll take it out before going to check the other rooms. Don't want anything behind us, after all." He looked around at the equipment, tempted to take one of the lances, but he held himself back. Wanting to get out before he did so, he told Laucian, "I think I'm going to go and remove it. Anyone who wants to come, come. I won't be passing through this room and instead going down the hallway after."

He did as he said and headed over to the bathroom, both sword and shield drawn. He opened the door and looked into the room, to see if the rat had left the stall.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2012-06-01, 11:03 AM
Kya will let down her drawn bow and follow Tauroneo to kill the rat.

Move silently: [roll0]

2012-06-01, 12:37 PM
It's in a stall with a closed door, doubtful it could get out on its own so I didn't worry about it, but I'm fine killing it..

If Laucian sees that Touroneo wants a lance then he will grab one and out it in his sack Maybe the Knight will be a little less moral after he's had his first taste.

Spot to see Touroneo's interest:

Sense Motive:

After looting the room Laucian will follow Touroneo to help kill the rat. When he enters the room it is with bow drawn and arrow knocked.

2012-06-01, 03:46 PM
Roll a move silently both of you when you open the door, that will determine whether or not it notices you before you reach the stall it's in.

2012-06-01, 04:02 PM
He did as he said and headed over to the bathroom, both sword and shield drawn. He opened the door and looked into the room, to see if the rat had left the stall.

Move Silently: [roll0]

(I did roll. It was a 4. Kya, right below my post, got a 5. Though, that was a opening it just a crack to look though. If you needed a new roll when he fully opened the door...)

Tauroneo fully opened the door upon seeing that the creature was still in the stall.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2012-06-01, 04:31 PM
The clacking noise that the rat had been making ends. There's a sound similar to both a squeak and howl, and the rat dashes under the stall door, getting stuck between the door and the floor.

Now we roll initiative.

2012-06-01, 05:02 PM
OOC: I assume I'm a round late since I was looting the lance and bows and whatnot


Laucian's first action will be to move into a position where he can fire an arrow at the rat (assuming someone doesn't kill it before it's his turn), where he will get some flanking damage. If this isn't possible then he will just fire an arrow at it.


If Crit is needed:


Sneak Attack Damage:

2012-06-01, 05:51 PM
Kya will move to the northwestern corner and loose an arrow at the rat.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-06-01, 09:16 PM
Tauroneo ran up slightly in front of the rat and moved his shield up. He also got ready to strike once it was ready.

AC up by 2, due to defensively attacking. AC: 18
Readied action to attack once it's ready.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2012-06-01, 09:29 PM
Tauroneo enters the room, placing himself directly in front of the rat, shield poised, sword raised, waiting for the rat to free itself so he can strike. As Tauroneo takes up his position, Kya sprints to the other side of the small room, and looses and arrow at the rat. Laucian moves to the corner closest to the room and raises his own bow as well. Opel moved to position herself next to Tauroneo, but never made it all the way there.

Before Opel was able to reach her destination, before Laucian could let fly his arrow, before the rat had even fully extricated itself from under the door. Ky's arrow pierces the creature through an area on its neck that was not protected by chitinous plating. The rat instantly sieses its struggles and collapses limp on the floor, still wedged between door and ground.

2012-06-01, 09:34 PM
Laucian drops his bow, Nice shot Perhaps I could have taken it myself...

Laucian will walk over and look for any markings, collars, etc. Anything that might give hima clue as to its master.

When he is done inspecting he will stand up. There's at least one more of these on the floor, then I think the only thing left is to head up the stairs.

He will then begin making his way to the door to the final room that needed to be explored.

When he gets there he will bring his bow up and knock an arrow, waiting for whoever is going to open the door.

2012-06-01, 09:38 PM
Tauroneo shrugged and bent down to pull it out of the position it was in, after Laucian went away. He put it more in the center of the room and removed the arrow, throwing it onto the ground when he saw it was broken.

With the creature down, Tauroneo followed Laucian to the following room and waited at the doorway. "Anyone want to see if this is the same room from the courtyard by listening? Or should we just burst in quickly?"

2012-06-01, 09:41 PM
Thank you, Kya said, walking over to retrieve her arrow, annoyed the knight had just tossed it aside. After picking it up and realizing it was broken, she sighed and tossed it aside herself. She followed Laucian to the final door, bow drawn.

2012-06-01, 09:43 PM
Laucian puts his ear to the door and reports what he hears.


2012-06-01, 09:45 PM
Searching the rat's corpse is quick and you do find something. Around it's right front paw is a silver ring. It looks like it was fitted while the ring was still open and then welded shut. It's too small to fit over the paw of the rat. There is small engraving on it. A symbol that you are somewhat familiar with.

You hear the sounds of two or three creatures, scuffling, squeaking, a faint clatter of claws on stone. It seems to be more rats.

2012-06-01, 09:53 PM
Laucian will try and discretely cut the ring off without making a huge bloody mess, look at it and then hand it to Touroneo, Is that a dragonmark?

2012-06-01, 09:55 PM
(Guessing that happened before we left. And that it's a royalty/nobility check.)

Tauroneo looks at the ring and the engraving.

Royalty/Nobility (Knowledge): [roll0]

2012-06-02, 07:21 AM
Turtle Heart joins the others by the door they're investigating. "Was there fighting? Sorry I missed it." It spots the ring and tilts its head inquisitively. "What is that you've found?"

2012-06-02, 11:01 AM
"I'm not sure what it is, but I can tell you it's not a dragonmark." He passes it back to Laucian and goes to the door. "Get ready, all of you." He gets ready to open the door but waits for them to get ready.

2012-06-02, 11:34 AM
Not a dragonmark? Interesting...

As they prepare at the door Laucian has a bright idea. Why don't Opel and I go through the other door. There are multiple creatures behind here and having two people hand to hand will work better. Each of you can take one door and Kya and myself can fire arrows from behind you. Turtle can assist wherever he feels he would be of most use.

2012-06-02, 11:41 AM
Tauroneo nodded. "Let's just hope that there's one room and not two. Both of you go, but how do we open the doors at the same time? All I can think of is counting to a number, but that might not work. Any ideas?"

2012-06-02, 11:53 AM
Laucian will pull out his signal whistle, and hold it up for everyone to see. We will have to move the cart so give us a couple minutes. He will then head off with Opel to he other door.

2012-06-02, 12:26 PM
"Yes. I'll follow behind you," Turtle Heart nods to Tauroneo, "and offer what support I can. Though you all seem far more practised at this kind of thing." it adds, somewhat sheepishly.
It gestures for Badger to defend it, again.

2012-06-02, 12:50 PM
Laucian nods to Turtle.

When they get to the next door Laucian begins moving the cart. When it's out of the way he stands back from the door and pulls his signal whistle out. When Opel and Turtle are ready he blows the whistle and then draws his bow and knocks an arrow, ready to fire at the first thing that moves in the room.

2012-06-02, 12:56 PM
When Tauroneo heard the whistle, he swung the door open, allowing Kya to fire at any creature inside. His shield and sword were already out.

2012-06-02, 12:56 PM
Kya nods at Laucian's suggestion and stands behind Tauroneo, bow drawn, ready to fire at the first rat she sees

2012-06-10, 04:04 AM
"I want it on record that this plan is reckless and lacking in subtlety. Let's do it" Opel waits for the whistle, her Falchion in her left and a shortspear ready to throw in the right, and kicks the door in when she hears the whistle.

Strength test: [roll0]

((Well, there's a nice way to start.:smalltongue:))