View Full Version : Against The Marching Void IC

2012-05-26, 07:29 PM
Razeth is a rather large port town on the bank of the Yellow River, a town loyal to Lookshy (despite the distance) and one of the major points of civilisation in these parts, downriver from the main cities of the Scavenger Lands but not into the forests of the East. This status means that all kinds come here to resupply for whatever - whether it's scavenger lords gathering supplies and hired help for an expedition, mercenaries looking for work, traders looking to buy and sell, travellers heading in either direction finding it a welcome sanctuary, the town does get rather busy at times, although at the moment the focus is on a particular group of newcomers down in the main plaza, right next to the river - here there is no real dock, just a walkway next to the river, the main dock being in a wider section of the river further down.

A group of men, military from the looks of them, were gathered around a cart, while their apparent leader was talking to the head of the garrison in the town. The leader wasn't keeping quiet, though, his voice revealing quite a bit of fear as he spoke - the whole group seemed pretty scared. The locals were also hanging around, probably hoping to get some information for their next session of gossiping.

"There were six of them in total. Six warstriders. Five common warstriders built from jade, and the other...I never got a good look at it, since it had this strange effect around it - it seemed to...consume the light around it. It had a big weapon that wiped out our forces from a distance - none of us who got caught in the blast from it survived - it stripped the flesh from their bones, peeled off their armour while causing terrible injuries to them..." the man shudders at the thought "While that one was firing from range - it also seemed to have another weapon that fired these orbs of light that wasn't as powerful, as some survived a hit by that thing - the other five moved in to deal with the survivors with squads of zombies. They came from all sides, and after the beating we got from the other one, we were in no state to fend them off, and we barely got away. They...were dragon-blooded, definitely, but...different...it was over quickly."

If your MDV is 8 or above (or you spend 4 WP), roll Perception+Awareness.

Also, if your character happens to be looking out into the river, roll Perception+Awareness (if you qualify for both rolls, roll them seperately).

2012-05-26, 10:28 PM
Six Warstriders and an army of the walking dead. What preposterousness. Takao thought to himself scoffing at the very idea that anyone would field a such a force in anything less than a full scale war; and if there was such a conflict in the Scavenger Lands, Lookshy would have a part in it.

As the man's ravings continue, he finds his attention drawn to the nearby river.

Perception + Awareness
[roll0] - 2 successes

2012-05-27, 08:43 AM
Six warstriders, one of them Soulsteel, and an army of the dead. That is not good. It means they've stopped with war games and politics and have gotten serious. Assuming it's true of course. It wouldn't be unheard of for a soldier riddled with fear to remember an enemy force as larger than it actually was. Remus' pitch black eyes lazily rolled over the river as he thinks; or at least as lazily as a man who has been a professional soldier for more than twenty years can manage. Which is to say he analyzed every little detail of it searching for hidden danger. I'll need to look into this squad-leader. Find out if he is general infantry like it sounds or perhaps a scout. A scout that has risen to command, even one this small, would know not to exaggerate. I also need to find out if he would be able to tell the difference between Dragon-Bloods and Anathema. If there are in fact Terrestrial's working for the Deathlords that could change everything, or nothing. It would all depend on the numbers.

First Roll:[roll0] Botch

Second Roll:[roll1] 4 Successes

2012-05-27, 09:06 AM
A dark-skinned man is looking out over the river, reflecting on how different the world is so close to the center. The one who set him free would have appreciated it.
But the military types talking nearby catch his attention. 'Squads of zombies' near to here already? And warstriders. Though he had never seen one, he had learned about them as a tool of war when last he fought with the living dead, and his diadem let him understand what they meant as a projection of invincible might. The foe is becoming serious; this is not battle for its own sake like it was before.
Domelarance wondered idly if he could craft some for the 'hold if necessary, dream-striders to match those strange Dragon-blooded, or if such weapons must be constructed by hand. He turns to go and listen to the leader's report, tucking the leaves of his hair back under his hat, but wait! What is that in the river? He stops and looks back to the water.

Perception + Awareness: [roll0] - 5 successes.

2012-05-27, 09:36 AM
Irad Urish

Judging from power armour Irad Ulrish could be outcast dragon-blooded; as he has never been contested on this claim, he could travel in Scavangers Lands pretty safe.

"Intresting" Irad said to his Infernal comrade "Let me see if he is not lying to us, Remus."

I use 2m of personal essence on . Factual Determination Analysis. Is this raport a lie?

2012-05-27, 09:36 AM
Looking out into the river, Domelarance notices bursts of air bubbles coming out downriver peroidically, before seeing the outline of a large humanoid shape body moving quickly under the water, the air seemingly coming from it and its body blending into the river. When it reaches the water right next to Domelarance's position, it stops and crouches down, although it doesn't do anything else.

2012-05-27, 09:54 AM
Turning away from the river I looked at my companion. "Yes, good idea. I should have thought of it." Seeing him in his power armor just made me more uncomfortable about leaving Respite and Sanity's Requiem behind. But my eyes would draw enough attention, I didn't need to add Orichalcum and a Malfean artifact on top of that.

2012-05-27, 09:59 AM
Curious, Domelarance goes over to the edge of the walkway, where he reaches down and picks up a quaterstaff that, if you looked carefully, hadn't been there to be picked up. This thing might be dangerous, after all, and seems to know that it's being watched.
"Who are you?" he asks of the shape, leaning over the edge in a way that would cause most people to fall in, to get a better look at who, or what, it is swimming along the river.

2012-05-27, 11:13 AM
The figure doesn't say anything and stands, it's stance changing to indicate combat readiness.

Before Domelarance can react to stop him, it launches out of the water, revealing the identity of the figure - a sixteen-foot warstrider made out of black jade, the body completely smooth and streamlined. On the back is a blue and black jade system and propeller-like constructions are inbuilt in the feet. It fires its weapon, a black jade tube-like weapon fixed to one arm and covered with smooth plating, firing a canister that then breaks apart in flight to reveal a barrage of arrows that thud into the men at the cart, killing them before they could react. The barrage done, the warstrider lands back in the river, not inconvenienced at all by the water.

Okay, the rest of you are now clued into the fight so go ahead with rolling JB. Reaction count is 5.

Combat Order (as-is with just Domelarance and the strider guy):
Tick 2: Domelarance
Tick 3:
Tick 4: Warstrider

So yeah, Domelarance, you be up now.

2012-05-27, 12:42 PM
They must have known or seen something important if this warstrider followed them all the way back to kill them. How exciting.

More importantly though, it needs to be stopped, and unlike him, it's made for underwater action. Curse whichever invented breathing. Of course, nothing says Domelarance has to chase after it by himself. He waves his free hand at the water beneath the 'dock', trailing bits of sparkling gossamer, as something takes shape beneath the boards, and then starts out into the water of the river.

"Anyone who can, after that thing!", he says, and jumps into the river anyway.

Transient Work of Flesh and Bone, and Move action, Speed 6

Motes: 14
Gossamer: 4
PDV: 6
DDV: 7
Soak: Low

Ticks Underwater: 0

Also, isn't that really small even for a Scout Warstrider?

2012-05-27, 03:46 PM
Irad Urish

"Remus!" Irad shouted warning and pointed toward warstrider, then everyone sprang into action. Irad was not a warrior. He dodged toward first victims to try find and help the living ones. There is no chance they are all dead. Or at least Irad has a hope that they are not all dead.

Outside combat action: dash to scouts, and I try to stablize living..
Medicine + Int: [roll0]

2012-05-27, 06:18 PM
"Well, I'm always the first to admit when I'm wrong." Takao muttered to himself, striding toward the warstrider and fading from view as the camouflage systems of his armor caused him to fade from view so that he might stalk closer to the giant unnoticed.

Flurry: Join Battle + Sneaking

DV Penalty: -1

2012-05-28, 05:39 AM
And it had been such a beautiful day.

Shard had been idly braiding her own hair while listening distractedly to the leader. Warstriders, zombies, got it; but Underworld-stuff wasn't really her main area of interest, and so she didn't give much attention to what was going on. She hadn't even been looking at the river... A mistake, as she realized when the all-too familiar sound of arrows hissed through the air.

In a moment, Shard was leaping out of the way on pure instinct; only after did she realize that she'd never been the target of the attack - those poor mortals were, and the great shape that had attacked them was fading in the water.

How unacceptable! Immediately, she put a hand to the piece of clothe rolled and strapped to her back - a rather weak way of concealing the black sword beneath, but the best she had at the moment - and unfolded it.

She was getting ready to fight, but that thing was in the water. She couldn't do anything to it as long as she wasn't it close range. She had to find a way... And the enemy was going to provide said way itself, she thought. After all, those people were dead - it didn't really matter what happened to their corpses, did it? It would even be a favor, keeping them from fueling armies of spooky undead. Moving towards the water and away from the cart, she extended her senses and inhaled deeply, taking in the last breath of the dead.

Flurry: Join Battle + Draw Weapon
Join Battle: 6d10
-1 DV

Reflexive Charm: Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation (1m)

2012-05-28, 08:04 AM
"Dragons damn me!" I yell as decades old battle instincts kick into motion. Moving like aa well oiled machine I reach into my pocket pulling out the Hearthstone which immediately turns into a viridian lance. For a moment my other arm reaches for my back before I remember that I left Sanity's Requiem behind.

Join Battle:[roll0]
And I reflexively turn my Gem of the Viridian Lance into a Viridian Lance.

2012-05-29, 02:15 AM

The talk of a Warstrider seemingly made from Soulsteel had caught Ceoverian's attention. His quarry rarely struck so overtly; assuming it was the Black Brethren at all.

His ponderings were interupted by the Jade artefact's arrival. Instinctively bowing his head and asking for the Sun to guide his hand (it had no magical effect, but it was a habit that made him feel more prepared) he stood from his position on a nearby second floor balcony and dropped down, loosing his weapon from its constraints as he landed.

Join Battle: [roll0] - 1 Success, acting on Tick 6 I believe?

Not taking any actions yet since my sheet is unfinished, I ahoyld be able to actually sort that tonight.

How do we do Stunts, do we roll them or do you Volt?

2012-05-31, 04:39 AM
The warstrider leaps out of the water onto the bank, the wooden walkway along the deck falling apart as it breaks through it.

"Apparently my boss has learnt about this little trip of mine, so I'll have to be keeping it quick. Do me a favour and die quickly, won't you?"

The warstrider raises its weapon and fires another canister, this time aiming at Remus, arrows raining down on him as the canister bursts open.

Warstrider fires a barrage with his Dart Hailstorm at Remus - none of you are close together enough for it to hit more than one of you.

Attack: [roll0]

Remus (and Shard if she chooses to act in this tick now the warstrider's out of the water) is up now.

Tick 4: Remus
Tick 5:
Tick 6: Takao, Croverius
Tick 7:
Tick 8: Domelarance, Warstrider

2012-05-31, 06:29 AM
What a beautiful, shiny thing. She didn't know who it was piloting that thing, or what they wanted, but she knew she was in for quite some fun. Shard smiled happily, her hand tightening over her Daiklave... And she set into motion.

Shard was fast. Not as fast as she could be someday, but still pretty damn fast. And she was light, and she was small, and she was swift. She leaped at the warstrider, running right to the side of the walkway - and as she did so, she lowered the tip of her sword into the river, sending droplets of water into the air. The mist that constantly emanated from her sword combined with the water she was sending in the air, spreading a small cloud of mist around her - through which she jumped before coming into direct contact with the machine.

For behind the Warstrider were the floating remains of the broken planks. She set foot on one, her featherweight preventing the wood from sinking, and immediately slashed at the water to create a new wave of mist, before jumping into another and doing the same... And only then, after leaping on a third plank to confuse the warstrider, did she leap at him with all her strength, Mist Rapier slashing at him.

So, hm. I want to activate Death-Dealing Journey (3m), dash and attack, and is this a valid application of the Adorjani Excellency?

2012-05-31, 09:37 AM
"I am the shield that guards Caern from the depredations of the dead! You think this will even slow me down?! Just who the hell do you think I am?!"

My mind is a terrible storm of rage and indignation mirroring the swirling emerald flames that encapsulate me. But beneath the tempest of emotion lies the cool and calm of a well trained soldier. Moving with something between mindless frenzy and purposeful efficiency I make my way to the nearest building.

My muscles clench and protest as I grab onto the slab of wood and pull. With an enormous bellow and a release of tension I pull the door from its frame and use it as an impromptu shield. Arrows fall all around me; plunking into my shield or deflected by my spear. Some may have struck home, but if so they did not slow me down.

I don’t take even a moment of rest when the volley subsides. Springing into action I throw the door at the Warstrider with another bellow. Then, capitalizing on the pilot’s distraction I pull myself up with the door frame. Flipping myself as I reach the top I position my feet against the front of the building and spring off.

As I fly through the air the flames swirling around me converge upon my spear engulfing it in flame. With all of the force of my flight I stab my flaming spear into the Warstriders visor. And almost as an afterthought I wrap my legs around the helmet so that I won’t have to perform such acrobatics every time I want to attack the thing.

Okay. This might be a little complicated. First I activate By Pain Reforged. Then I spend the full nine motes on my First Malfeas Excellency to enhance my defense. And hopefully get a stunt as well. I then activate the excellency again, for the same cost, to enhance my attack and I also use Green Sun Nimbus Flare. I'm also hoping for a stunt on the attack as well. All of this essence expenditure means my caste mark is just barely visible.

Also since I stunted using the door as a shield I'm counting my specialty. Hope that's cool.

Extra Defense Dice: [/rollv]9d10[/rollv]

Attack Pool: [roll0] 10 Successes
This might actually be four dice more. But I can't for the life of me figure out why my sheet says my unmodified dicepool is 19 so I'm going with the 15 I can account for.

-0 [B][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
X [ ]

Personal: 0/19
Peripheral: 30/41 (9)

2012-06-06, 02:34 PM
Shard's blade was initially attempted to be parried by a large jade foot, but her efforts to distract the pilot and the door Remus threw at him throws him off enough for Shard to manage to connect, managing to cut through the jade and meet flesh.

As Remus stabs, the green flame radiating out from the initial indent the spear makes manages to crack the visor, allowing the spear to penetrate straight through the visor, revealing the first view of the pilot as the spear slashes into his cheek, leaving a gash in it. The pilot is obviously a dragon-blood, but something seems...off about him - he is a lot paler than usual, and the elemental markings showing his birthright seem weaker than usual, and he appears to be very fragile, despite the fact that he took a spear to the face and seems fine, not at all concerned with the cracked visor and the injury caused to him, as well as the other injury from Shard causing a little blood to stain his clothes.

"Heh. Gonna have to be better than that if you want to kill me, whatever you are. Now...GET. OFF. MY. WARSTRIDER!"

Shard: 1-die stunt
Remus: 2-die stunt

Tick 6: Takao, Croverius
Tick 7:
Tick 8: Domelarance, Warstrider, Shard
Tick 9: Remus

2012-06-06, 06:13 PM
Tightening his grip on his Daiklave, Takao weighs his options.

Damaging the Strider itself is out of the question. I don't have the kind of weaponry necessary for that. But if I can remove the pilot, the greater threat is ended. A plan formed, Takao puts it into motion.

With a mighty leap, Takao fades back into view to strike at the Warstrider's fuselage. With his anima flaring he jams his sword, now wreathed in as much magical flame as the rest of him, into the machine's seal to crack it open.

Leaping to the Warstrider's chest and making a called shot to the Fuselage Seals with the Daiklave. Reflexively spending 3 motes of peripheral essence to activate Essence Overwhelming (Melee) and a further mote to supplement the attack with Dragon-Graced Weapon.

Attack: [roll0] - 9 Successes.

Damage: 13L+Threshold Successes.

Anima Flux: 16

Personal: 11/11
Peripheral: 21/37

2012-06-07, 01:56 PM

The Solar noticed with intrigue the green flames emanating from man's spear, the same ones that flicker at the edges of his dreams. He also noticed, with less intrigue & more disdain, the vanishing bodies of the fallen men. But there was time for discussion & repercussion later, now his concern was stopping the Jade device.

Leaping into the battle he swung his Orichalcum stave in a wide arc around himself, raising it above his head, and landing on the warstider's back he brought it down upon the artefact with the force of a titan to punch straight through it's armour.

Attack with Orichalcum Wrackstaff.
- Combo First Melee Excellency (8 motes personal) with Hungry Tiger Technique (1 mote personal).

Edit: Since the attack is Dex based, not Str based I can only spend 6 motes on my Excellency.

Attack: [roll0] (Base) + [roll1] (Excellency) = [13 successes] + Stunt, if any

Edit: Attack Base should be 12 dice, last 2 rolls were misses, so no change.

Last two Excellency rolls no longer apply, so one less success.

Raw Damage: [roll2] (Base) = [3 successes] 8L + Attack Threshold x2 (HTT), ignores 4 Lethal Soak (min. Soak remaining 2).

Edit: So apparently you don't roll damage yet, my bad.


Act again on Tick 10.

DV penalty: -1

Hardness negates any Anima Flux damage I may or may not have suffered.

-0 [ ][ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
X [ ]

Personal - 10/17
Peripheral - 30/38 (8 committed)

2012-06-10, 09:51 AM
[Domelarance, River->Shore]

A huge shape leaps out of the river onto the bank, clear when the splash of water ends as a river dragon, its hide glittering with plates of dark crystal, with a soaking wet man holding on to its back. Domelarance slips off of the beast as it lunges towards the warstrider, its serpentine head snapping forward to crush through the warstrider's armour.

Domelarance wastes no time in following the monster, drawing his sword and soaring forward on wings of leaves that just unfolded to strike at the head of the machine. A golden light appears around him as he strikes, followed by a pulse of swirling rainbow light that tears at the Dragonblood.

Miscellaneous Action to draw weapon,
Miscellaneous Action to ready Oneiromancy,
Attack [roll0] - 4 successes, for +6L
Speed: 5

Endless Yawning Void inflicts a 2B dice, Trauma 2 effect on it (and anyone who flies up next to Domel), unless they are wearing cold iron.

River Dragon makes a bite attack [roll1] - 3 successes, for +12L and poison.

Motes: 14
Gossamer: 4
PDV: 6
DDV: 6
Soak: Low

2012-06-10, 02:42 PM
Takao's strike is enough to break the seal open, giving him access to the cockpit of the warstrider, although the pilot hasn't seemed to have noticed the intrusion yet, more concerned with the attacks coming from outside.

Streaks of reddish water appear to stream from the warstriders arms as it moves to block Coverian's staff, although again it doesn't appear to be able to stop all the force of the blow, making it move back a little, where it raises a hand to stop Domelarance's blade.

"Orichalcum, green flame, Fae...this is getting a lot more interesting than I thought...shame you didn't go along with my request...why don't you all DIE!?"

With that last word, a burst of the same blood-like liquid surges out from the warstrider, hitting everyone nearby with considerable force and power before splashing down, having lost that supernatural power, although it appears some of that liquid has joined the anima around the warstrider, which has intensified in power, violently buffeting those around the warstrider.

Pilot uses Elemental Burst Attack, enhanced by some other Charms, hitting everyone within 3 yards, which I'd say is pretty much everyone as you're all up in its face hitting it (and a few of you are actually on the actual body of the thing).

Attack: [roll0]

Anyone who is successfully hit by it adds three ticks to the time before they act and are also subjected to a poison (Damage 4L/action, Toxicity 3, Penalty -0).

Also, with the Essence used in his defence and the enhanced Burst, he enters 16+ anima flux. If you don't have hardness, you're taking a die of damage per tick if you're within 3 feet of the guy.

Tick Order:
Tick 8: Shard
Tick 9: Takao, Remus
Tick 10: Coverian
Tick 11:
Tick 12:
Tick 13: Domelarance+Dragon
Tick 14: Warstrider

2012-06-10, 03:24 PM
Moving with a desperate speed I scuttle along the Warstrider's frame trying to put as much of it between me and the incoming tempest as possible. It won't completely block the blast, the simple realities of maintaining my grip assure that, but hopefully it will spare me the brunt of it.

Well avoiding this attack is a no go without essence expenditure which isn't really worth it at the since my only option would be the incredibly inefficient first excellency. Also I can't think of an appropriately Malfean stunt.

However I am still hoping for a stunt to slightly mitigate the damage.

Roll to Resist Poison: [roll0]

Also, I have Bashing Hardness, I don't suppose that counts?

2012-06-10, 05:16 PM
As the blast hits Domelarance, he dissolves in a soft green glow, the leaves of his wings remaining to be blasted away by the liquid. The fae reforms in the air on the far side of the Warstrider, smiling slightly, with new leaves solidifying to keep him aloft.
"You're not nearly interesting enough to die to. Why don't you power down that armor before you get it hurt?"

Using Radiance of the Invincible Warrior(Waking) to avoid that.

River Dragon takes 11 of those successes, and thus is delayed to tick 16, and here is its roll against the poison: [roll0]

Motes: 11
Gossamer: 3
PDV: 6
DDV: 6
Soak: Low

2012-06-10, 07:17 PM
"Oooooh, I had never seen that before!" Shard giggled as the red liquid whirled around her, trying to cut at her like a blade; she leaped from the feet of the warstrider, trying to run, but the attack was too swift for her... Which is why she herself dissolved; as the red water engulfed her, she became red wind herself, a scarlet mist twisting and avoiding the waves. Air would always dominate water; such was the truth of this world, as wind scuplted and shaped the waves, while the sea held no power of the skies. The scarlt wind emerged from the burst and gathered on the wooden planks, forming the shape of Shard.

Despite her brush with death, she had not stopped; she had appeared still running, this time toward the warstrider rather than away from him, sword in hand and still smiling, bringing her arm back to gather strength for a thrust; as she reached the end of the plank, she leaped toward the machine's face, thrusting her sword through the Anima banner, hoping that her mist would be confused with the red water and that the amount of whirling water everywhere would make her attack less obvious.

+2m from stunt
-8m to use Who Strikes the Wind?
Another desperate front attack.

2012-06-11, 02:46 AM
Can't think of any Stunt ideas.

Spending 2 motes of peripheral Essence to activate Threshold Warding Tecnique twice and remove the penalty from my previous flurry, and an additional 2 motes to supplement my Dodge attempt with Essence Overwhelming.

[roll0] - 2 successes

Dodge DV: 11

Personal: 11
Peripheral: 17

Anima Flux: 20

2012-06-13, 01:21 PM

Croverian wrenches his stave free of the Warstrider's damaged arm. As it's pilot looses his elemental strike the Solar launches himself off the armour into the air. The sun flaring behind him he spins his golden staff and swings it into the watery wave, shattering it before it can reach him, the burning power of the Sun vaporising the red water into red steam.

Momentum carrying him into the cloud he rotates his staff again, this time when he lands on the device's back bringing it down in a blunt strike, causing it's jade body to shudder and groan.

Guess I didn't get a stunt last time, so no motes recovered.


Defend against Elemental Burst
- Heavenly Guardian Defence (8 motes personal) & an attempted Stunt.

Attack with Orichalcum Wrackstaff.
- Combo First Melee Excellency (1 mote personal) with Hungry Tiger Technique (1 mote personal). Again an attempted Stunt (if I'm not dong enough to earn stunts, please PM me Volt telling what I could do differently, I'm still very new at this).

Attack: [roll0] (Base) + [roll1] (Excellency) = [6 successes] + Stunt, if any

Raw Damage: 16B + Attack Threshold x2 (HTT)


Act again on Tick 14.

DV penalty: -1

Hardness negates any Anima Flux damage I may or may not have suffered.

-0 [ ][ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-X [ ]

Personal - 0/17
Peripheral - 30/30 (38 - 8 committed)

2012-06-14, 08:41 PM

The fae then dives back in at the warstrider, raising his sword high as he flies. He splashes through the red water and brings the blade down on the armoured dragonblood, hoping to break through the jade to the not-quite mortal within. And then he is past, one more wingbeat bringing him free of the lethal waters, though not without some pain from them.
He lets himself fall, letting gravity aid his second strike against the legs of the machine, and landing lightly, perfectly, at its feet.

A Move, and a flurry of two attacks with the sword:

[roll0] 7 successes for +6 L
[roll1] 6 successes for +6L

No hardness to resist the Anima Flux. :smallfrown:

Speed: 5

Motes: 11
Gossamer: 3
PDV: 6
DDV: 6
Soak: Low

2012-06-15, 07:45 AM
Hey, Lash, you fought Exalts during the War right?

Well I wasn't on the front lines, but yes I did take part.

So any tips?

You do realize my side lost that war?

True. But I find I often learn more from my failures than my successes.

Well in that case. With Celestial Exalts I would advise you not to overextend yourself on offense. If you throw a powerful blow at one they will just meet power with power and stop it. Instead kill them with bug bites, they often won't exert themselves to defend against miniscule attacks allowing you the chance to hit them. Even these small injuries will slow down and eventually kill an Exalt.

However you are fighting a Terrestrial so the advised course of action is reversed. Not only do they have trouble meeting power with power to stop an attack, the unique properties of their Animas give them the advantage in a drawn out fight.

Quick and brutal. Got it.

Looking down on the face of the Dragon-Blood I sneer and say. "Normally I don't like to kill the Chosen of the Dragons. But you tried to kill me, and are kind of an ass, so, just this once, I'll make an exception and relish every second of it."

In the flash of an eye I reverse my grip on the once-more flame engulfed spear. After taking the barest moment to enjoy the monsters death I pull the spear upward towards my self through the exalts throat, and ideally into his brain.

Well since everyone else was taking their action I'll do it to. This is happening on Tick 12.

I'm spending nine more motes on my First Malfeas Excellency, and 3 more on another Green Sun Nimbus Flare. And hell I'll throw in a Conviction Channel. The Atrocity I'm committing is killing one of the Dragon-Blooded Host, a grievous sin for an Immacualate, the Goal is threefold: One, Avenging those he has slain; Two, Defending the lives of those nearby; and Three, defending my own life. If you don't feel this is appropriate just say so.

Also since I have spent 12 motes of Peripheral Essence this scene my anima is now bright enough to be seen from miles away.

[roll0]+5 Successes from Conviction=14 Successes

-0 [b][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
X [ ]

Willpower: 9/10
Conviction: 4/5

Personal: 0/19
Peripheral: 20/41 (9)

2012-06-20, 12:28 PM
Although it manages to see Shard's attack before it connects, making an effort to defend against it with a jade arm, the injuries and the other events of the battle, combined with Shard's skill in her attack, allows her to make contact, making the pilot cry out as he feels the pain of the blow.

Okay, let's deal with all this.

First of all, dealing with the DB's attack:
Remus: No poison damage, but zero damage from the attack (damage die after all that soak didn't roll successes, you lucky bastard :smalltongue:)
Domelarance: River Dragon takes 3 lethal and 3 bashing levels of damage.
Takao: Attack is blocked

Now, your actions.

Since Takao hasn't acted, and I have that thing where I want to deal with all actions on a tick at the same time, I'll hold off resolving Remus' action till then, and since Croverian and Domelarance are still further down the line, I won't deal with that action yet. Dealt with Shard's one, though, and it nets her a 1-die stunt.

Tick Order:

Tick 9: Takao
Tick 10: Coverian
Tick 11:
Tick 12: Remus
Tick 13: Domelarance
Tick 14: Warstrider
Tick 15:
Tick 16: River Dragon

2012-06-22, 01:55 PM
"Cut the strings, and the marionette falls." Takao says as he sets to work severing the connections between the other Dragonblood and Warstrider.

Attack with the Reaper Daiklave against the control connections.

Speed 3
[roll0] - 3 Successes
Damage 9L+Threshold Successes

Personal: 11
Peripheral: 17