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2012-05-27, 09:31 AM
It was just another ordinary day in the small mining town of Diamond Lake. Three of you went about your day as usual, running errands, performing, and slavering away in the mines. A scout from th nearby community of Bronzewood in the north was moving around the town, visiting this old rundown town for a reason only he knew. A Halfling thief wandered the town, searching for someone.

The Halfling approaches each of you in turn. To the miner, he offers a chance for better pay, a chance to get out of the mines, a chance to live for something other than his mindless work, throwing in a little intimidation if necessary. To the apprentice, he offers a chance to expand his knowledge of the surrounding area and maybe even find something that of value or a discovery that could impress his master. To the performer, he offers money. And to the scout, he asks respectfully for help and offers to pay him for his services.

He calls you all to a meeting that night just out of town and tells you of his plan. He wants out. He doesn't like his life here in in Diamond Lake and wants to put together enough money to move out and start a decent life elsewhere in the world. To do that, he had the idea of calling together a capable group of people with varied skill sets, who would be able to explore one of the catacombs in the surrounding hills. He asks that you all help him in his search and promises an even portion of whatever they find.

Derek asked me to narrate this piece as he's not actually sure what to say. Just let me know how you would respond to these offers.

2012-05-27, 10:32 AM
Barnabus says with a sort of greedy tone to his voice " exactly how much is an even portion of what we find?"

2012-05-27, 12:49 PM
He explains that it will be an even 5 way split. Anything that you all find will be sold in town and the profits split evenly between the 5 of you.

2012-05-27, 01:07 PM
"Well do you know anything about what would be inside of these catacombs? Is there one that you had a particular interest in?"

2012-05-27, 01:11 PM
I dont know why he would want to pick me for an exploration all i can do is play some music and make loud noises. That doesnt sound like a very good skill set to me.

those are just Barnabus's thoughts right now

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-27, 02:25 PM
The broad and heavily muscled goliath sits more or less silently off to the side; Gritty and smeared from a days work of pounding away at rock and iron deep underground. His yellow eyes squinting into the shady conversation, he ponders to himself, resting his chin on the thickly riveted and enforced pickaxe that had been specially constructed to keep up with his pace and might. They always said I could go back. When I make them enough monies, I can go back home. They wants me to work, but they sit back and I do all that I can. I smash and tear into the earth, a place far beneath and away from my craggy home upon the Gol-Kaa summits, and I see no end ahead of me. They always promised me I could leave, so I do my best to mine the hardest; but still I see others taken 'back to their homes' before me, disappearing several at a time to return to their lives. But still I work...

He waits through the small men talking, and timidly adds to the conversation in a thick and brooding voice, laced with the very contents of the earth; "I am want work with you. Buy me mine free, and I back go homes."- The words were muddled, true. They were broken, also true. But they meant something very important. I will fight with all I have to return to my home.

2012-05-27, 02:44 PM
He thanks Bone for being so willing, he had hoped that Bones living conditions and the promise for something better might be enough. In response to the Bard he explains that he had recently found, (accidentally) a map in his boss' office when he was asked to retireve something for a meeting he was having with another of the mine owners. This map had a few of these caves and catacombs labeled, but one of them wasn't on newer maps of the area. It was labeled as the Whispering Cairn. The halfling thought it would be worth checking out and has since confimred its existance, but thought it wise to gather help before taking a closer look at everything.

2012-05-27, 03:58 PM
Lysander takes a moment to lean back and take in the breadth of the conversation, his eyes wandering around the room.
"So, it stands to reason that we could stumble upon something interesting in those tunnels. I'm interested in any scrolls or tomes we run across. Gold does not matter much to me, as long I have my share. Far more interested in anything I can learn from this....endeavor."
Reaching into his pack after speaking his peace, Lysander takes out his spellbook to decide upon which spells to prepare; musing a bit to himself about different pages.

2012-05-27, 04:27 PM
silvertongue looks at the spell caster and his spell book with joy for he loves tricks and spells though he only knows few. Then he looks back at halfling and then the giant man in the room with them. When he looks at the giant he looks at him not with sadness but with acknowledgement. " My big friend I hear what you are saying and i can only imagine the pain that you must have within you. How much pain you must exert into every strike of your pickax. I will gladly give you half of my share to help you get away from here." He looks back to the wizard with a more serious face and says, " Though if i am to do this i will have to make up for the loss. Though it is true that i am not a master of the arcane arts i am still capable to use scrolls and would not mind getting a few to help me get better." What do you say to you getting 75% of the scrolls that we may find?". Now looking at the rest of the members," Is there anything in particular that you would like to have form this adventure? after asking the question he uses summon instrument to summon a lute and begins to play this song.
"Come all of you workers
Who toil night and day
By hand and by brain
To earn your pay
Who for centuries long past
For no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries
And counted your dead

In the factories and mills,
In the shipyards and mines
We've often been told
To keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed,
They've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch
Our pride they have robbed

But when the sky darkens
And the prospect is war
We will show who we really are"

2012-05-27, 07:56 PM
For most of the talking between everyone Layton had been silent, mostly taking everything in from all of these new faces after being asked for help by this halfling while he was here on his own business to meet here outside of town. Of course, the people, he picked...

This is probably horrible for me to think, but at least the others aren't too bad... Layton thought. I mean, it is strange for a bard to just burst into song outside of town though. It's just... Well, weird. After this thought as the bard was still 'performing for his audience', Layton spoke to the Halfling.

"I'll help you, anyone who aspires to rise above their current conditions to do something better is always a fine thing. Just as long as it doesn't become something terrible." Layton then took a moment, remembering something he should have asked at the start of this meeting. "Though, I have to wonder, what should we call each other, for the short time we'll be working together... I don't think we introduced ourselves to each other. The name is Layton, you and all are...?"

2012-05-27, 08:28 PM
The halfling introduces himslef as Jacob Shadowalker. He says its a title, not really his last name.

2012-05-27, 08:36 PM
Barnabus stops the lute but does not get rid of the insrtument, " My name is Barnabus Silvertongue nice to meet you Layton and Shadowwalker. He pauses for a moment and says with a smile "any requests"

2012-05-27, 08:46 PM
Lysander puts his tome away, and regards the group.
"I am known as Lysander Nor-Izual. I'm a fairly humble student of of magic; looking to expand the scope of my knowledge. Well, for the most part."

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-28, 09:28 AM
The Goliath takes a moment to 'digest' as much of the song as possible. Despite probably fitting their situation, it felt a tad warlike and put him off a bit. Shuddering at the prospect of causing any major violence, he continues to lean onto his pick, featuring a hand-carved Gol-Kaa word in the steelwork of the head, and listen to the others. When introductions finally got back to him, he stands taller, thrusting out his chest before more-or-less exclaiming to the others: "I am Makeavathath the 'Bone-Wrestler' of clan and family Melolgoluvolli, 'Those that live atop sharpest rock'. I am herder of goat and collector of berries. In the spring I tend to Sashara and family and in fall I protect whole clan from the bigger-men "

The Goliath again takes a long moment to think, pondering how true all of that really was.

"Or, I was this. I now just 'Bone', few can speak all name. I protect no clan. I heard no goats. I tend not my Sashara... I dig in rock and earth and mud and hate for chances. If get good rocks they say let go. Free never mine. This bring free? Good...Good. Shiny man sing of war, and struggle, but bring help to Bone? Hard to wrap the head around, but big chance this is then Kuli gumantha goli kanaketh. My shoulders are at your back. " And with the end of quite-possibly the longest speech he had ever made, the Goliath smiles and beams to the group, glowing yellow-green eyes and massive, flat teeth filling his face.

2012-05-28, 09:59 AM
Barnabus hears what the Big man known as Bone has to say, and looks over himself.....shiny man? Bigger men? What has this man been through? I have many questions for all the people here. But this 'Bone' seems to be very interesting. Lysander as well.. He looks at the Goliath hoping to help him understand why he sang the song and wants to help him,"I sing of war yes. But the war that i sing about is a war that is fought for the right reason. I sing it because I to hope to one day get out. Not to protect a clan but to start a business and be a famous entertainer. I would like to help you because it is for the right reason, same as the war that i sing about. The war was for freedom and happiness but givnig you the money is for inner peace. If i help you get out i will know that i helped you get to your Family and the rest of your clan. This is why I help you. I only hope that you can now understand. Barnabus feels confused with how he is handling himself. Usually he is taking money from the miners not giving it to them. If I help him get out will I lose my job. Will i never leave. I dont know but i guess i will just have to take the chance.

2012-05-28, 10:17 AM
Huh. Maybe I'll find what I need here after all. I'll have to remember to mention that I only have to borrow scrolls we run into. It would seem this Bard has not encountered casters who use spellbooks before, Lysander considered for a moment. No matter, it is of little consequence. He then leans on his lamp staff, and a sigh escapes him.

"So, what do you believe we can learn from the locals about these... catacombs?"

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) Check to know what could be in the Catacombs: [roll0]

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-28, 10:48 AM
The Goliath leans again onto his massive pick, snorting and nodding in acknowledgement of what Barnabus had said. A war for the right reason might be a worthy war; but no war was ever 'good'. People died. People were taken from their families. People suffered. Bringing about more of that, bringing about a war, would only bring more hate and discontent to the world. He did not want to have to be a part of that, even if it meant sacrificing himself. But his family, the risks they were already at without him, were more important. And if it took a war and plenty of dead in his wake to get back to them, then he would do what he had to.

"Thank to you, little singing man. Your words are long but have thought still. Catacombs. Mines. No difference to Bone. Bring me to where you want digging, and I will digs."

Despite his worn down and frequently bashed in head having trouble processing speech, the Goliath was at least observant to remember being told this group was selected for it's 'talents', and could put two and two together here, albeit crudely. He was selected because he was big, could carry lots of weight, and probably because he could mine out tunnels and walls on his own just as easily as teams of five humans. He snorts again, stands slightly more upright, and swings his pick up off the floor and over one of his shoulders, the sound of metal and stone echoing throughout whatever space they were in.

"Where am we going?"

2012-05-28, 01:51 PM
You know that the hills surrounding Diamond Lake are filled with old caves, tombs, catacombs and of course mines.

The halfling explains that it is unlikely many others in the area know about this particular series of tunnels and caves. If recent maps of the area have completely excluded it from their contents then likely very few people have ever gone looking through it.

In response to Bone he says that the entrance is about a days travel north of Diamond Lake. There's an old abandoned mining office about a half hour from the entrance that they could use as a sort of base of operations to store loot and return to if they need rest.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-28, 03:30 PM
The hulking and ashen Goliath stands taller and hefts the pick further up his own shoulder. His next major shift didn't start for three days, he had some free time he usually spent working anyway to prove his worth, so he had a little time to spare. Especially if it meant leaving this place for the large aeries and goat-dotted peaks he once called home. Especially if it meant getting back to his Sashara.

"Then I am ready. We should go."

Again, adjusting the weight of the truly gargantuan pickaxe, a steel and iron monstrosity of a tool, he turns toward the north and readies himself.

2012-05-28, 03:56 PM
Bone is probably right. Also he would probably smash me if i disagreed. Barnabus stands up looking at everyone with a desire for adventure, I agree with Bone, if you are all ready we should get going.

2012-05-28, 07:10 PM
Lysander straightens his posture, clears his throat, and begins to speak.
"Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. We're all itching a bit to find out what's down there, I imagine." He turns to the Bard; adding, "Barnabus, you're free to any scrolls we find after I have time to copy them into my book of spells. I wont truly need them after that point. It is my hope that this does not become a point of contention between us in the future, as I believe this is a reasonable compromise."
After all, I'm far more interested in my share of artifacts and tomes of "mundane" knowledge that the others will have no use for. Lysander considers this briefly, before shaking his head. No no, I should focus. Scrolls. Mouldered tomes of history are secondary.

2012-05-28, 07:19 PM
Looking at Lysander I did not know that wizards could just copy scrolls. And yes that is a very good deal. This will not be a problem in the future due to the fact that if you wanted to keep the scrolls i would not stop you. I really need to stop telling people i will give them stuff. I will eventually never get anything worth while out of this if I do. I have one question jacob. I can not take to many major hits. And i have no armor so I was wondering if i could somehow get some armor. Maybe some leather armor or something. I really do not want to die

2012-05-28, 07:52 PM
Hoping that he will get the answer he looks at Bone and realizes that he is shirtless, I am sure that you would also not mind gaining some armor.

2012-05-28, 08:27 PM
He says that he can't do much for Bone, finding anything in his size would be incredibly difficult. Maybe they'll get lucky and find something he can use in the Whispering Cairn.

He does say that he might be able to get something in medium size, but that the easiest way would simply be to buy it. He'd prefer to not owe his boss anything else and stealing tends to attract attention.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-28, 09:45 PM
Again the Goliath snorts at the air. "My new friend, Gol ilakae kathana kulia. 'Make sure your spear shaft is straight.' I certain I be fine, I am asset to mines like no other, and have been determined earn freedom. Even the little one not risk such loss as harming me. The company will provide, or they think there is no danger. I trust them to keep me from harm. But if harm finds me, Harm will find the harmer. "
With that last bastardized sentence, Bone shifts the hefty pick over his head, ducking slightly, onto the other shoulder, again the slam of steel and his rocky skin echoes throughout the area. Looking to the rest of the group, halfling in particular, he adds; "And I do best to keep all safe. No want anyone get hurt." and silently, in his head adds Unless it assures my freedom to return to my people.

2012-05-29, 02:19 PM
Barnabus looks at the halfling Well if I pay for the armor could you run and get it for us quickly enough so that we would not be delayed for to long/

2012-05-29, 04:02 PM
After being lost in thought for a time, Lysander snaps to attention with the look of realization on his face.
"Hmm... a thought occurs. Are there any survey records of the Whispering Cairn? I imagine there should be something somewhere regarding the general dimensions of it, as to prevent a tunnel from being accidentally made through it. Stands to reason that we could make ample use of them, assuming that they're still around somewhere." Also, it stands to reason that it'll be marked with notes. Notes that I could make use of, hopefully.
Returning to his idle thoughts, Lysander practices somatic spell components with his free hand, going over the incantations in his head.

2012-05-29, 04:43 PM
In response to Lysander, Jacob says that he researched the area to the best of his ability. He's found no records of the place anywhere, nothing that even acknowledges its existence, except for the one map his employer had in his possession.

He then says that if he needs to run off to get the armor they may as well end the meeting here for the night. He proposes that they all meet back at this spot tomorrow morning and begin their treck then, unless everyone wants to start moving tonight?

2012-05-29, 04:47 PM
Sorry about that guys, haven't had a good internet connection due to problems at my house over the last few days (which have finally been fixed).

"If our friend here need some armor, I can chip in as well. More protection on one of us means we all have a better chance of keeping safe. But Lysander, there might be survery records in the mining office, but I'm not sure if they will contain that information you're looking for to help us." Layton said to the group. "Though, I'm ready to go when you all are, just say the word and we can get going."

Maybe he'll be right. Layton thought. But that may just be wishful thinking, either way it might contain some information about what could be found inside if the place was surveyed. Layton then began to check his own gear, giving it a once-over to ensure all the buckles and straps keeping his gear on him were sturdy and wouldn't go breaking on him any time they were in the Cairn.

2012-05-29, 05:17 PM
Barnabus smiles at Layton, Thank you very much for the offer to chip in but i think we shall be fine unless you need some also.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-29, 09:31 PM
The large, broad Goliath grins ear to ear. He would be getting some extra protection on this mission, it seems.
"Thanks you, little peoples, for offering help me stay safe. If is any consolation, and if means get this work done more quick, I could head out mining post and get started while you finish up any business here. I am sure should be no problems with walk."

With that, he makes sure his pickaxe is placed properly onto his shoulder, and checks the one at his hip before aiming in the general direction of north and slowly walking out into the night, humming a tune of uprising and 'Righteous War' to himself, sauntering towards a goal he may or may not be able to find.

I am sure the littlest man could catch up anyway, he seems quick, and if his reputation is anything to value, then getting arms and armor should be as easy as taking a piss for him. Hopefully if I can get just a few of the others with me, and leave him to get more gear, I'll be able to see what this little angry man is really after down there. Besides, Fast goats provide milk, slow goats provide meat. Speed is always of the essence.- His thoughts, of course, much clearer in his head, and much clearer in Gol-Kaa.

2012-05-30, 02:16 PM
Accepting the money from Barnabus, Jacob asks you all to wait for a half an hour and then runs off back towards town. 28 minutes later he returns with two sets of leather armor, one with metal scales and studs, one just plain leather. He hands the studded one to Barnabus and then he leads you off towards the Cairn, struggling slightly under the extra weight of the medium armor. It takes you only 3 hours to catch up with Bone, who was heading in the right direction, and 15 more hours after that to reach the old mining office. Your journey is uneventful.

The office is a small building, run down and rotting slightly. It is a two room building, one large central area, with desks, two old and damp beds, various shelves boxes, most of which are completely empty, the others are filled with old wrinkled pieces of paper, a few books, and just general trash. The second room looks like it was used as a wash closet.

Derek, you are now in control of Jacob. The Cairn is another 30 minutes to the north east, and you guys can head off to it whenever you're ready.

It is now 2:00 AM on day one of your adventure.

2012-05-30, 02:33 PM
Jacob walks into the office and takes a quick look around, after seeing that the office doesn't have any other ocupents, Jacob stretches his sore limbs and sits on one of the damp beds.

"Well i don't know about you guys, but i think we should catch some shut eye before we go to the cairn."

After saying that Jacob lies down and curls up in a ball to keep warm.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-30, 02:42 PM
I will leave all the searching about this trashed room to the little people who are concerned with such things... Unless of course they'd rather sleep...

"I think about time get this on." The Goliath suggests, grinning, again ,ear to ear, before dropping the massive pickaxe onto the floor, echoing through the room, nearly breaking the floor and shaking dust off every surface. Picking the leather armor up, he struggles to put it on, ripping it in several places over his body and across his chest in the process, before eventually salvaging a few chunks in some of the more important places to protect. He thinks hard for a moment, a dark shadow of memories crossing his expression;

Today again I must protect people. Not my people, but atleast now I can try to redeem my failure. Redeem my prowess as a warrior. I will not be captured today. I would die a thousand times before I loose my freedom, again.

He shakes his massive head, the expression fading back to a broad smile and slightly duller eyes.

"There. Now I can Goli Lenamaka nae, Keep my antlers up." He holds his arms up, turning and trying to look at himself, the tight fit leather pieces groaning and stretching over his rough and gravel-like skin as he moves.

"As have said before, I ready to go when the little people want. The sooner the better, It seem."

With that he hefts up the massive pick, holding the head of the weapon towards his own face before kissing the crudely carved Gol-Kaa runes and slinging it, again, over his shoulder and standing by the door. After moments, though, he drops the end of the weapon to the ground, and leaning his neck and shoulders onto it, joins the now-snoring halfing in sleep, despite occupying the doorway.

2012-05-30, 02:55 PM
Hmm... there's got to be something sort of document around here that I could make use of... Or maybe there's nothing but mold and dust in this place.
Lysander takes a few moments to take a look around, moving various things about as he brings any scrap of paper or book to one end of the room, near the most intact looking desk.
"Let's see what we have here...", murmurs Lysander, thinking aloud.
Dragging something over to sit on while he studies, Lysander begins to pour over the documents he's assembled on the desk.

2012-05-30, 03:07 PM
Lysander has the right idea of looking around. Maybe there could be something about the Cairn that will be useful. Barnabus begins looking around through all the junk hoping to find something of use. When he finishes he moves next to the Goliath. I think we should head to the Cairn now. It is only a little bit further and it is gonna be dark wether we go during the day or night. He fixes his armor a little bit and awaits.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-30, 03:13 PM
The Goliath turns to Barnabus, armor creaking and a half-woken scowl on his face. This lasts just long enough to make anyone watching uncomfortable before bursting into a grin.

And so comes glory; In the middle of the night with a stage performer.

"A fine idea, shiny man. I see fine even dark; I sure the others will know where we went."- Struggling to whisper, he's certain the curious Lysander also catches his words.

The Goliath known as 'Bone' steps out of the room, swings the pick up onto his shoulder, and starts to walk toward this 'Cairn' that could be the very key to his freedom, humming an old Gol-Kaa dawncaller's chant to himself as he trots through he woods, armor creaking.

All the better that we start now...Less to watch out for with the littlest one staying back...and the chains he holds weaken with each step away....

2012-05-30, 03:21 PM
Barnabus sees Bone walking away. And says with a smile Well we can not leave a member of our party alone now can we? Lets go have ourselves and adventure. He loads his crossbow, takes out his whip, wraps it up in his hand, and begins to walk along side Bone

2012-05-30, 03:33 PM
Huh. Some things in here worth taking a closer look at. I imagine I can find a use for it later. Lysander briefly takes a moment to put all the intact and decipherable scraps into his backpack in a bundle, and notices Barnabus and Bone leaving out of the corner of his eye. Hmm... looks like they're getting an early start. Better keep an eye on them. He picks up all of his supplies, and quietly but obviously follows the pair close behind.

2012-05-30, 04:09 PM
I just want you all to realise something. You guys were awake for an entire day, then called to the meeting. If we assume you all woke up at 8AM that morning, then it was twelve hours until the meeting. 15 minutes for the meeting, 30 minutes to get the armor, 18 hours for the trip. You've all been up for almost 27 hours straight. Check Players handbook, Chapter on Adventuring. Maybe you'll get where I'm going.

2012-05-30, 04:19 PM
Layton stood wordless through most of the exchanges between the rest of his party as they arrived and spent time at the abandoned office, keeping his thoughts to himself about everything happening.

Well looks like it's time to get started. I'll try and keep it down a little bit. The halfling should be safe in here too, doesn't look like this office was disturbed too much. Layton thought.

Following Lysander and subsequently the rest of the group, Layton dropped his bedroll in the office in a corner before ducking out and trying to quietly keep up with the rest of the exploring group without making too much noise or being completely in plain sight, keeping his bow drawn.

2012-05-30, 06:04 PM
"Well who wants to be off?" Jacob said with the slightest hint of a yawn in it. Looking around the office he realizes hes alone.

Oh what the hell. Jacob thought to himself, I'd best go after them. Grabing what ever supplies he had put down and moved to the door. Taking a moment to notice the bed roll lying in the corner. Well at least i know the're gunna come back here. Know where's that map? Jacob pulled out the map of the area, and headed off in the direction of the cairn. I should have gotten to know them better before setting off on this journey. As he headed off Jacob pulled out one of his many daggers.

2012-05-30, 07:27 PM
Is this really the best idea. I am getting pretty tired. Does this goliath even need to sleep. He doesn't even seem to be fazed by fatigue at all. talking quietly to bone
Are you sure that this is a good idea? I dont know about you but I can be fatigued. I will gladly keep going but also wouldn't mind just stopping for even a few hours of rest now that i think about it.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-31, 12:40 AM
The Goliath breaks his stride, and turning to Barnabus, and subsequently Lysander, Laughs deeply. Sure he was tired, sure he was facing fatigue, but that was life for him.

"Little friend, if you believe we should sleeping, perhaps you should stayed with the littlest one?" The partial ribbing came between bouts of deep, hearty laughter.

Of course I'm tired, Bone thought to himself, Even the greatest warriors and finest dawncallers of the Gol-Kaa, 'those atop sharpest rocks' or not get tired. I wish I could explain to him how much getting this all done means. How it's already been months of this digging and working and I still haven't gotten the merest hint of true freedom until today, and even that is limited. Sleeping again could mean waking from this dream, and losing hope for the future...

A long silence followed his laughs, echoing throughout the wilderness and settling like ashen snow. He paused, clearly mulling over something deliberate and difficult to comprehend. Moments later he again seems to snap out of it, and shrugging, speaks to Barnabus again; "Aulak thala kaua gamala, then..." He pauses, offering no translation, this time, before turning, plunging the shaft end of his mighty pick into the ground, putting his back to it, and slumping heavily into a reclining seated position. Crossing his arms across his chest, he breathes, no sighs, heavily, before shutting his dimly glowing eyes.

"If we to rest, should do fast. Best sleep in big group, scare beasts and biggermen's scouts.", he mutters, before allowing himself to drift off.

2012-05-31, 05:54 AM
Ok, here's how the rest period is going to work, I'm just going to assume that you've all decided to take a break now. The Bone, Barnabus, Lysander and Layton all stop together about ten minutes into the walk and drcidr to get some sleep. They sleep for 6 hours and their time asleep passes uneventfully. Jacob wakes up after his six hours of rest and begins heading towards the Cairn, only to find the other four asleep. They wake up shortly after him arriving, and the five of you carry on from there. Sound appropriate?

2012-05-31, 06:10 AM
Barnabus awakes to see everyone in the party together once again and seems to be excited that he i snot leaving anyone behind. I wish i had known what Bone had said to me last night. Maybe i shall ask him when he wakes up. I am guessing that any second now he is going to get up and start walking. Barnabus once again readies his crossbow and whip and stands waiting for the first person to leave for the Cairn so he can follow.

Toska Moriarty
2012-05-31, 09:48 AM
Bone sleeps uneasily, back pressed firmly against the massive weapon partially embedded in the earth. Occasional grimaces and twisted snarls silently cross his face, intermittently spaced amongst deep and slow breaths, cold sweat dripping steadily over rocky skin and under creaking leather.

Cold. Cold and dry. The raw and sharp earth brought comfort beneath running feat. Leaping. Fleeing. Ears twitching, screams, fires. Not just the Bigger-men this time. More. Different. Not fighting, not killing. Stealing. Nets and whips and fire and traps. Everywhere. Too many. Too fast. Need to get back. Ears strain, listening for familiar voices amidst the chaos. A cliff, ravine. Leaping, running, no need to breathe, no need to look, rock to rock, barreling back, goats be damned. Day before moving again. All was packed away. Vulnerable. No. Running. Hard, sprinting. Next cliff, rocks fall endlessly down, sharp and coarse, sprinting. Smoke over the next bluff. Screaming. Yelling. Other languages, other people, other things. Grabbing the mountain, up the sheer surface. Feet bloodied, hands teh same. Scraping upwards. No pain, only need. Tearing up. Crying up. More screams. Smell of blood, and smoke, terror and fighting. Desperation. Summit. Standing, frozen. Tents, animals, burned, killed. Nets, chains, running. Fighting. Not Biggermen. Little ones. Ugly and green, stupid. Paler ones, Angry, cruel. Distant tents still intact. Familys tent still intact on other side. No time. Running, tumbling down. Earth and rock ripping at feet, feet that pound back and press hard. More screams. Terror. Pain, an arrow. Ignored, cannot see. Smoke. Screaming, blood, Bodies. Running, bowling through little people, knocking back whips, tearing at rock and weapons. More pain. Held. Tearing forward. Brutal. Numb now. Running. More shouts. Not words. Running harder. Hollowed. Tent, almost. Flap, grabbing. More screams, familiar screams. Sashara. Cant open. Wrist pulled. Turning. Little men. Sneering, yelling. Another arrow. Pain. Another whip, two wrists. Yanking, turning, trying to get to her. Sashara. Net. Knees meet earth. Screaming out, no noise. Grabbing and tearing. Net open, standing, grabbed, little hands. Gol-Kaa: "No, Stop this, Please, we haven't done anything! Stop this, I beg you! I am a simple person! Leave us, don't-" Blood. Pain. Flow. Yelling, arguing. Another arrow. Cringing. Crying. Laughter? RED. Hitting, throwing. Grabbing. Bleeding. More screaming. Echoes, light. Sky. Wetness. Numbness. Fading. Her Screaming, " Makeavathath!. Whisper. "Sashara". Black.

Awaking with a start, Bone panics and his hands slam to the ground at either side of him, fingers gripping and tearing into the earth, latching onto the very ground. His eyes fly open, the deep green glow burning yellow, almost orange, for just a moment before he closes them again and releases his grip on the ground. Bone shudders, stands, and turns to the pickaxe. Gripping onto the weapon, he rests his forehead against the cold steel a second before tearing the pick from the ground, slinging it over his shoulder, and turning to the group.
"We should more hasty. Time waits for no men." He states, boldly enough to wake most of them without shouting outright. He wipes sweat from his brow with one hand before offering a re-assuring smile to Barnabus, turning, and walking after the Cairn, and a future.

2012-05-31, 10:44 AM
Lysander awakens, at least a foot away from his bedroll. "What in the nine hells..?" Noticing what appears to be ivy on his arm, he brushes it off and sits upright. I'm starting to notice a pattern here. Ever since I've started combining arcane and divine magic.... No, that's impossible. Shaking his head in disbelief at what he just saw, Lysander got onto his feet, packing away his bedroll and taking out a trail ration. With his pack securely on, he begins to walk with his lamp staff, catching up to the rest of the group.

2012-05-31, 11:40 AM
Barnabus follows as he was actually waiting for him only to leave and then he would follow. Being awake and seeing Bone awake the way he did made him curious. How do I ask him what was wrong. Should I just ask if he is alright. I do not want to get him angry at me. This is obviously personal. But i must know..... who i Shashara. Walking along side bone but trying t talk quietly so he does not have to make the conversation public to the rest of the party if he does not want to. Bone are you alright you woke up with alot of anger. Or maybe it was pain. Does it have to do with why you call your pickaxe Shashara? I understand if you dont want to speak about it to anybody. Esspecially me, who you just met just a day ago.

2012-05-31, 02:11 PM
Walking with the rest of the group, Jacob has one of his at the ready. He clears his throat quickly before starting to speak.

"I don't see why you didn't sleep at the office, it would have been far more comfortable, and its not like we lost much time."

2012-05-31, 03:16 PM
So I guess my guy went back and grabbed his bedroll for the rest then? Ok.

Layton was the last of his group to arise from their rest, mostly passing between sleep and consciousness as the rest arose and began to move further into the Cairn.

"Well, that was a good rest." Layton remarked to himself as he quickly packed up his bedroll (which he retrieved from the office before settling down the the larger group of his party). Layton then arose and quickly ate his rations for today, redrawing his bow, like he did yesterday as his group began to scout the cave, and began to follow the rest of the group into the Whispering Cairn...

2012-05-31, 08:08 PM
The last fifteen minutes of your journey pass quickly and without trouble. Eventually you come to a hill and Jacob stops you, pointing out an opening in the hillside that is hidden behind a variety of larges bushes and several small boulders. The opening is lined by a few small black monliths and stretches back into the hill with a slight downward slope into the black maw of the earth.

A light source will be needed in the Cairn for those of you without Darkvision.

2012-05-31, 08:29 PM
"Hmm... looks like it's dark down there. Good thing I brought this."
Lysander lights the hooded lantern atop his staff, and proceeds down to the entrance of the catacombs. With any luck, we'll make a few interesting finds in here.
"Who wants to lead? I suppose I should keep to the center of the group, so that my light can reach everyone."

2012-06-01, 05:36 AM
Barnabus walks towards the front of the rest of the group. I would like to be the second man in whatever formation that we make. Barnabus double checks to make sure his crossbow is loaded and still keeps the whip rolled up in his hand.

2012-06-01, 08:59 AM
The ground around the entrance is a little unstable, forcing you to tread carefully until you enter the hill. Pushing through the bushes you find yourself in a long tunnel, about 20 ft. wide. It stretches northward into darkness. A faint breeze brings with it sibilant whispers that sound almost like sighing breath. It must be a trick of the wind, but the sound is almost lifelike.

The walls bear horizontal bands of desceptively simple geometric patterns at waist level. In places the bands reveal startling detail, but in others it looks like the wall's been hacked apart by weapons or eroded by the rigors of time. Flakes of ancient paint, brilliant purple and a dull mustard hue, still cling to the walls in places, hinting at what must once have been a riot of color. A thin layer of dust coats the floor.

Just inside the darkened tomb, the hallway branches into two shallow alcoves to the east and west.

The map is up. The circle represents the area illuminated by Ryan's lantern. 30 ft out bright, 60ft. out shadowy.

2012-06-01, 10:41 AM
Turning and looking at Lysander I suggest we do not go any further in without the rest of the party. Just incase we encounte anything. He stays looking at the entrance form which he and Lysander had entered through waiting for the rest of the party to come inside. While waiting he is quietly humming to the tune of the song he was singing beofre.

When i say quietly i mean almost silent. So that even Lysander can barely hear him.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-01, 11:46 AM
Ignoring the little song-smith's question, Bone silently forges ahead.
I Don't get it. They're never that bad... I have to get back. Soon. NOW.

Coarsely trying to 'whisper' to the others, the Golaith manages a mostly-less-booming reply: "I could go on ahead. With the light behind me I should see just fine.."

Bone carefully picks(walks) his way down the slope, doing his best not to distracted by the carvings on the walls. Unless the writing is Gol-Kaa or Gol-Kaa esc, he more or less ignores them.

Readying his pick, he heads forward, scanning into the shadowy illumination, especially aware of the apparent corners ahead of him. Blood rushing through his temples, and quite literally itching for a fight, pick at the ready, Bone dashes the last few steps and turns left.

2012-06-01, 12:39 PM
Seeing his large friend walk past him and immediately get going he follows after him still with his weapons as they were before. Though he does take the time to light a torch so that he will be able to see where he is going if Lysander does not follow. Lysander if there is anything up ahead I do not want him to have to face it alone. You can follow us or you can wait for the others to come Barnabus after saying that begins to walk fast so he can catch up to Bone and walk right behind him

2012-06-01, 01:00 PM
In this alcove the damage to walls is at its greatest. Dozens of clumsy etching mar the beautiful ancient masonry like graffiti on a city wall. A clump of soiled cloth about the size of a halfling rests in the rounded terminus of the alcove.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-01, 03:22 PM
The Goliath grunts, slightly alleviated but still on edge before edging to within ten feet of the pile of rags, masonry and etching be damned, and prodding it with the business end of his weapon. Once. Twice.

2012-06-01, 03:49 PM
The rag moves slightly when you poke it. But it seems to have only been the force of your pick axe, not because something is inside of it.

2012-06-01, 03:51 PM
Barnabus looks at the 'graffiti' on the walls and at the rags. Curious to whom the rags belong to.

2012-06-01, 04:55 PM
The graffiti seems to be just meaningless scribbles. There are distinguishable words here and there, but none of it makes sense. The scattered common and other random lines and scribbles cover runes of another kind, one that you can't identify.

2012-06-01, 07:25 PM
Lysander catches up to the other two, and notices the heavily marred walls. "What's all this?" Lysander takes a moment to take out a bit of charcoal, and some blank sheets of thin paper. After firmly placing a sheet on the wall, he carefully rubs the charcoal on the paper, getting a negative of the carvings. He repeats this process on most of the markings on the wall, rolls them up carefully, and places them in his empty scroll case. "I'll see if my mentor or his colleagues can shed light on these, after they've been deciphered. If there is any hidden meaning to them, at any rate." Given time, I'm sure I could figure out what was originally on these walls, and the meaning behind these seemingly random carvings.

2012-06-01, 08:31 PM
Barnabus now seeing that Lysander has caught up walks over to the right side of the hallway. They should be able to handle that area there does not seem to be anything. On his way to the other side he quickly looks left down the hallway that they have not been down yet to see if he notices anything while walking by.

2012-06-01, 08:40 PM
Jacob walks just behind Lysander in the group, keeping a knife ready for anything. He peers over Lysander's shoulder to examine the wall and can't make heads or tails of it, Jacod then heads to the other side of the hall to see what Barnabus is up to.

2012-06-01, 08:51 PM
This section is pretty much identical to the previous one, minus the soiled cloth. The defacing is different. But you once again can't make anything out.

You can see the corners of waht appears to be another two alcoves further down the hall.

2012-06-01, 09:33 PM
Layton had mostly stuck by Lysander's side during their first steps into the Cairn, looking over his shoulder at the graffiti on the walls, and finally decided to take a closer look.

"Any idea what any of this means?" Layton asked Lysander, taking a step up next to him to get a closer look himself. He began to look at the the symbols, trying to see if anything seemed familiar to him or looked like something he knows.

Mostly looks like a big mess. Might be something though... Layton thought, squinting at the mess on the wall to try to focus on remembering all he knows as he stared at the writings.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-02, 12:29 PM
The Goliath's attention stays with the cloth the whole time. Seeming inert (And therefore not harboring any rats or babi-fied warblades), He walks over, and setting his massive pick on the ground, carefully lifts the cloth and examines it. To the point of working it over in his hands looking for patterns, textures, and even bringing it up to his face and sniffing at it.

2012-06-03, 01:05 PM
It smells damp and moldy. It just tattered cloth. Looks like it used to be a bedroll. There are no particular patterns or special textures. Unless you count the stains as abstract art.

There are scattered rocks, debris that looks like it came off the walls, and copious amounts of dust in that little corner.

Warblade, not Swordsage.

2012-06-03, 01:27 PM
Why is there so much dust in this corner. What made all this rubble? Barnabus moves over to move the dust to see if there is anything hidden behind it.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-03, 01:43 PM
Snorting unhappily, The Goliath drops the rag back onto the ground.
"Nothing." He points out to himself. His allies already exploring the adjacent alcove, He snatches up his massive pickaxe and, holding it ready, as always, begins to approach the end of the light's reach. As he enters the center of the 'T', he peers into the darkness, eyes and ears open as ever, blood rushing to his head, turning left first, then right.
Left- Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Right- Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2012-06-03, 03:31 PM
The western alcove extends 40 feet, ending in a small marble platform raised about 6 inches off the floor. A strange, shattered arcane apparatus rests upon this platform, its curved ovular appearance giving the impression of a noble's dressing mirror. Only a third of this frame remains. An unusual glyph about the size of a mans head is carved into the baseplate of the platform.

Ten feet down the eastern passage a huge pile of collapsed rubble blocks the alcove from top to bottom. It looks like it would take weeks, even for Bone, to tunnel through the densley packed debris.

2012-06-03, 05:37 PM
Barnabus disappointed that he did not find anything on the right side of the hallway also heads down and stands on the opposite side of the alcove that bone is on. Maybe I will have better luck in here finding something useful. But maybe the Lysander can find out what this glyph is. I shall ask him if he has not already tried before I am done searching this area

for the search

2012-06-03, 05:56 PM
Scattered around on the floor at the base of the pedestal are a multitude of fragments of what appears to be a black stone. The texture of these "rocks" is clearly off and doesn't seem to match that of a normal rock.

2012-06-03, 06:28 PM
Lysander continues to look at the stonework on the walls, following it around the bend into the alcove on the other side. Noticing Barnabus, he stops and takes in his surroundings. Hmm... stale air, and the sound of silence. It's far too still here for my liking. "What's that over there?" Lysander gestures at the pedestal, as he stands adjacent to Barnabus. Then, squinting slightly, Lysander leans in a bit and takes a long look at the pedestal.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]
Move Silently, just to pull a Batman: [roll2]

2012-06-03, 07:47 PM
You notice the black shards on the ground as described above.

You guys can make knowledge checks to try and identify the glyph.

2012-06-03, 08:06 PM
"Hmm... curious." Lysander steps a bit closer to the pedestal, getting a better look at the currently unidentified sigil.

Time for Knowledge Check o' Rama, folks.
The Planes:[roll2]
Architecture and Engineering:[roll7]
Nobility and Royalty:[roll9]

2012-06-03, 09:32 PM
Lysander calmly steps over to the shattered frame and sigil, takes out the same stone-rubbing tools he made use of earlier, and takes a careful and detailed rubbing of the sigil at the base. Soon after doing so, he takes out his inkpen and makes some brief notes about the circumstances he found it in. He then gingerly rolls it up after being sure the ink wont run or blot, and slides it into his scroll case. "I'll let you know what I can find about this once I have some time to study. It's probably nothing, given the sorry state this is in." Probably? Hah! This will definitely impress Alustan. Certainly enough to justify further expeditions, at any rate. Maybe it's about time I cracked open that old tome on the subject. Shouldn't be too difficult to track it down. Hmm... these errant thoughts are more suited for sorcerers, not learned casters. I'll consider these findings later. After daydreaming, Lysander casts down his racing thoughts, to focus on the matters at hand. "Well, I believe we can proceed further. If we missed anything up here, I'm sure we can take one last check on the way out."
Bluff Check (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13342397&postcount=138)

2012-06-04, 06:01 PM
He's lying. Layton thought. Lysander knows more than he's letting on about that rune, I'll ask him about it when I have a chance to, must be something interesting but not important to what's inside the Cairn itself.

Layton notched an arrow, making sure he would be ready in case of any combat that may occur, as he had taken out his bow earlier but hadn't gotten an arrow out.

Well I don't think he'll be that happy of a camper until we get out of here and part ways if that rune really matters... Layton added to his last thought in his mind.

Looking down the hall towards the darkened as of yet unexplored area of the Whispering Cairn and up at the ceiling, trying to get a good look at the entire room and what may lie ahead for any danger, Layton turned his head quickly to the the rest of his group and asked "Alright, so if there's nothing else we can see right now, I say let's go."

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-04, 11:05 PM
Bone stands back, out of the way. All this playing with old sigils and broken stonework isn't doing us any good. Even the little smart people barely grasp whatever that used to be.
Glancing over at the caved-in section, he assumes the obvious Great, no doubt what they've dragged me out here for: Digging. He shrugs heavily, deciding to take the moment to wander down the hall further to the next 'T' intersection in order to take a look just a little further in before someone barked at him to start digging, pick at the ready as always as he stands between the two hallways, peering in either direction.
LEFT: Spot [roll0] Listen: [roll1]
RIGHT: Spot[roll2] Listen [roll3]

2012-06-05, 06:22 AM
What the hell! He needs to stop walking away. He is gonna get himself in trouble one of these times. I really want to find out what this is but once again I do not like when party members are completely alone. Lysander you do not seem to be having any luck and I am much more affective with two weapons and I can only do that if i put this torch down. Can you please follow? Barnabus puts out the torch throws it on the ground and with his weapons at the ready as they were before walks to the left of Bone.

2012-06-05, 04:44 PM
What is that Lysander guy writing down? Hes been keeping to himself this whole time.

Double checking that he still had a dagger within easy reach, Jacob starts skulking over to the rest of the group, hoping that he won't be seen by the rest of the group.

I mean really, he does seem to have more excitement in his eyes then "nothing" would imply.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]

2012-06-05, 09:35 PM
The central hallway opens into a large chamber with wings leading to the east and west. Across the chamber to the north yawns a twenty foot wide open arch draped from top to bottom in cobwebs. An eerie green light flickers from beyond the webs, casting strange shadows about the room. The place smells of animal spoor and wet fur. To the west, three short stairs lead to a wide marble dias, but the far end of the wing is obscured in darkness. Huge slabs of craked masonry have fallen from the roof of the eastern wing, giving the appearnace of a collapsed tunnel. However there is an easily noticeable hole in the center of the rubble about ten feet wide and ten feet tall.

Drawn by the sound of a potential meal, three wolves sit in waitfor the sounds they've been hearing to approach closer. One of them is disteinctly larger than the others, it also appears to be the oldest and most battle worn. When you spot them they let out howls and charge, fangs bared.

Roll initiative now please. Post your actions, order does not matter, I'll compile everything into one massive narration once all the moves for the round are in.

2012-06-05, 10:03 PM
Lysander notices the coming wolves, and something snaps within him. His demeanor seems to change drastically. No longer acting the part of the frail wizard, Lysander stands at his full height. With a spark in his eyes and a scowl ear to ear, his visage twists into one of grim and disturbed fascination. As he speaks, the words are coarse with a clear degree of hatred behind them. "You're not taking any bites out of me, you mangy bastards!" He readies himself to smack any wolves that get too close to him; watching Layton's back as well since he is the only one with a ranged weapon.

Readied Attack Roll:[roll1]
Damage roll for attack with Staff:[roll2]

Knowledge checks to know anything relevant about these wolves:
Knowledge (Local):[roll3]
Knowledge (Nature):[roll4]

2012-06-05, 10:10 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Alright, Let's rock. I'm going three-four squares up (my letter position is kind of nebulous in how it looks on my compy) and one east, overall 20 ft so I qualify for skirmish bonus and I am within 30 ft of my first target.

Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

The extra +1 is from point blank shot, which gives +1 to attack rolls and damage when firing within 30 ft of a target.

Also, rolls are a little strange on previews (two roll 0s), if there is a problem, I will re-make them on the OOC.

Layton, seeing the wolves, leaps into action, moving north past Bone and moving slightly forward in order to be able to be close enough to fire at the first wolf that had come of the hole in the rubble in the eastern alcove.

"Okay, so wolves attacking us, I thought dogs we're supposed to be man's best friend?" Layton said as he loosed his readied arrow at the animal, trying to shoot true with his first shot in order to end this fight quickly.

2012-06-06, 06:00 AM
The charge was my 30ft hoping that it was enough to get within 25ft of the wolves.
attack roll (whip): [roll0] (this is for any AOO's if they move into or through my whip range.)
strength check for trip: [roll1]
dex check( if i fail and the wolves tries to trip me) : [roll2]

attack roll (crossbow) : [roll3]
dammage roll: [roll4]

Barnabus lets the whip unroll to the floor and charges towards the wolves hoping that he can trip one before Bone or anybody does anything so that it is easier to hit them or hopefully kill them.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-06, 01:18 PM
Bone's face goes eerily blank, emotionless, cold as stone and hard and unfeeling as anything has ever been. He swings the pickaxe full circle over his head before charging the largest wolf, swinging down with all the force he has in him.
Okay, Charge action to within Ten feet of the largest wolf, using powerattack at its full use to hopefully bring it down.

2012-06-06, 04:22 PM
Jacob goes back into a crouch, after standing up in surprise by the wolves, from there he moves 20 feet north, as he walks he brings his knife up just in case.

Move Silently:[roll2]

2012-06-06, 05:24 PM
Battle Order

The Wolves act before the five of you have fully registered thier exsistance. The larger one charges, forward, a glint of vicious intent visible in its eyes. It charges Layton and takes a bite his legs. The wolves teeth tear into his calf and then pulls at his leg until Layton falls to the ground. The second wolf charges Bone, who takes a swing with his pick in response when it gets close enough. The wolf halts its charge in front of Bone, a large hole now in its flank. It lets out a faint whimper. The third wolf hangs back a bit, getting ready to move in shortly. Bone takes a quick step to put himself in range of the larger wolf standing over Layton, taking a swing with the pickaxe, but missing the creature barely. Barnabus moves into range of the larger wolf and fires his crossbow at it. The bolt flies past the creature and strikes the wall far behind it. Layton leaps to his feet, ignoring the twinge of pain in his calf and takes a quick step away from the wolf. Jacob takes several quick steps north and west, loosing the dagger he had drawn at the injured wolf. The dagger embeds itself in the creature and it crumples, falling to the ground. Lysander maintains his position, ready in case one of the wolves ventures near him in the next few seconds.

2012-06-07, 11:16 AM
Dammit! I missed! Barnabus makes sure that he is still within range of the largest wolf and swings his whip to try and trip the beast. Wretched beast, you will die! Barnabus then shoots his crossbow at the wolf.

I know that the wolves attack first so i wanted to state that if the large wolf comes after him before I act then no matter what happe
ns I shall take a 5ft step back so he is 10ft away and cannot get the AOO and will do what i said above in the post.

AOO (if he moves towards me before i act) : (trip) [roll0]
Strength check: [roll1]
Dex roll: [roll2]

Actual trip attempt: [roll3]
Strength: [roll4]
Dex: [roll5]

Crossbow attack roll: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-07, 11:40 AM
The litttle ones are already getting themselves hurt. I have to end this quickly then.On Bone's turn, move to the largest available wolf, taking a charge if possible, swinging the pickaxe and trying to kill it. Straightforward; Sorry I didnt roll the attack last time, I was abducted mid post and hastily hit enter.

Attack If can charge: [roll0] for [roll1]
Attack if cant: [roll2] for [roll3]
AOO's if possible (yay reach) [roll4]

2012-06-07, 04:06 PM
Layton felt at the bite at his calf quickly after standing up and getting away from the large wolf, wincing a bit at the pain he was in at the moment.

"Guess these guys didn't get that message." Layton said, trying to move slightly southwest so he is a bit farther away from the wolf and able to still fire at him, before trying to loose another arrow, not being able to before after getting dragged to the ground by the wolf.

Alright, so I'm going to on my turn (if I'm able) use my move action to move one square south and one west in order to get my skirmish damage bonus, and then shoot at the big wolf with my shortbow.

Attack Roll on Larger Wolf: [roll0]

Damage from attack: [roll1]

Hope that works.

2012-06-20, 07:36 AM
All right, good shot on my part! Come on focus on the battle now. Jacob reaches up to his shoulder and grabs another knife, then runs south/southeast to get a clearer shot of the large wolf. Once in a good position Jacob brings his arm up over his shoulder< and then brings his arm down, letting loose the dagger.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll (if hits) [roll1]

2012-06-22, 10:15 PM
I don't like this. Not one bit. Regardless, I can't let my intense hatred of these beasts get the better of me. Letting out a sigh and gathering his wits, Lysander intently watches the events in front of him unfold.

2012-06-23, 04:50 PM
The larger wolf moves a short distance north, putting itself in range of Bone. It bites at Bones leg and its teeth sink in deep, it tries to yank at Bones leg and pull it out from under him but finds the leg to be sturdy as rock. The one remaining smaller wolf charges at Barnabus, also snapping at the legs, but Barnabus is able whack the mangy dog away. Bone takes a swing at the large wolf who just bit him. The pick digs itself deep into the dogs flesh and it growls in response to the intense pain. It looks to be in pretty bad shape now. Barnabus' whip wraps itself around the front leg of the latger wolf but after giving a tug, the wolf stands strong, ignoring the effort despite its pain. Layton takes a few quick steps away from the fight before drawing an arrow and letting it fly. It burries itself in the neck of the largest wolf and it crumples to the ground. Jacob moves into position to throw another dagger and lets loose at the last standing wolf. It embeds itself in the creatures shoulder but it keeps going. Lysander stands there patiently, waiting for the battle to come to an end.

Bone takes 5 points of damage.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-24, 11:03 AM
Bone closes his eyes and grits himself against the pain, tearing his leg back from the mouth of the broken beast before him. This is nothing compared to the wolves of my homeland. Those brave enough to brave the mountainous crags, however, are quick to be put down by our scouts. Yet here, we only have one Gol-Kaa, I will have to end this quickly.

Looking about, one of the other wolves was already dead. That left a single wolf alive, and heading after the shiny man. Feeling the urge to scream out in anger and dive onto the beast, he takes only a second to breathe a quiet "No." and calm himself before swinging the massive pick over his head, rotating his whole body into the baseball-esc swing, and doing what he can to not decapitate Barnabus in the process, before bringing the pick straight down at the wolf.

Standard action, Attack Roll: (1d20+4)[24] And hopefully damage [roll0]
And following that through with a five foot step east, preparing to hit again if I miss, or to finish the animal as gently as possible( PET THE PUPPY ) if I hit.

2012-06-24, 11:23 AM
The pick slides into the creatures flesh. The sounds bones shattering, muscles tearing and organs rupturing could be heard. The impact knocks the breath out of the creature and it wheezes as it's driven to the ground. The impact resounds throguh the open carven and the pick drives itself into the stone beneath the wolf's body. After that initial wheeze, no other sound is made, but one of its paws can be seen twitching slightly.

Toska Moriarty
2012-06-24, 11:31 AM
A little voice in the back of Bone's head whispers Hit it again.... but a quick No, it is defeated silences that sentiment. Leaving his pick where it lay, through beast and earth, The large, hulking Gol-Kaa crouches over the beast, laying a large, calloused hand over its eyes and leaning over to whisper "You have fought well. Sleep, now, with your brothers. You have earned your release." He stays there, for a moment, making sure it dies and its pain and worry are eased (hopefully) before standing and drawing his pick again, as gingerly as possible, from the ground through the wolf.

I just want to point out that that was a very low whisper, so anyone trying to hear that should LISTEN first. AND JUST FOR FLAVOR:Handle animal check: (1d20)[16]

2012-06-24, 08:32 PM
Ok, mental note, never piss off the big guy. Jacob runs over too the two wolves he attacked and retrieves his knifes from their lifeless bodies. Taking a moment to clean off the daggers he resheathes them one in the hidden sheath on his back, the other in its place on his belt. Those were some impressive impressive swings bone. Walking over to the big guy, he reaches up as high as he can to pat him on the back, obviosly impeded by his own lack of height and bones excess of it. Jacob then moves to the west wing of the hallway to see what is there.

Search Check:[roll0]

2012-06-25, 04:00 PM
Alright, so it looks like everyone can handle themselves at least in some capacity. Layton thought. He looked at Bone and considered the care he had shown to the wolf. Mercy and care... I don't think a lot of people would expect that from the bruiser..

Well, everyone not too worse for wear? No giant bites in them?" Layton said to everyone, checking the bite he received earlier, making sure it isn't too bad before beginning to look around the room for his spent arrows.

Okay, rolling a search to find my arrows if I need to. Just hope that bite won't do anything in the long run. [roll0]

2012-07-16, 06:43 PM
Any arrows that successfully hit their target are destroyed, you'll need to go back and count those. Any that missed are found and recovered.

The wolf whimpers slightly, and struggles slightly but your words do seem to calm it. It passes away quietly.

A wide dais spanning the back half of the western wing calls attention to the faded fresco on the upon the south, west, and north walls. From a vantage point at the center of the dais, the wall's paintings make it look like you stand within a massive room with seven short hallways radiating outward from a central point. A chain dangles at the end of wax hallway and each chain bears a gleaming colored lantern. Clockwise, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

2012-07-16, 07:28 PM
Interesting wall but that's it i guess. Jacob thought to himself, standing on the dais observing the walls. "Well nothing over here you guys," Jacob said to the group, and then walked back over to them to look at the wolves den.

2012-07-20, 09:37 PM
"I'm no worse for the wear. I suppose we should continue onward, then. Anyone object?" Lysander takes a moment to brush some dust off of himself that was kicked up in the fight, and lets out a sigh, feeling at ease. Glad those damn things are dead. Last time I encountered that breed.... No. Not now. Not ever again. Shaking his head, Lysander makes his way cautiously down further into the Cairne.

2012-07-20, 09:48 PM
You manage to find a old leather backpack among the rubble in the northern part of the den. Inside is lantern made of steel. The intricate glass is an indigo color and it looks very old.

2012-07-21, 09:02 AM
Well that was certainly interesting. I believe I will have to write a song about our first battle together. The first step to freedom. Barnabus then walks over to the goliath to speak to him. Well done Bone. I do not understand why you would show the beast any compassion after attacking us but you probably have a good reason for it. Before this you were all for heading deeper into this cairn, so I say while they are searching over there in the rubble we should head on. Walking over to the next room Barnanbus begins to search. There is a indigo lantern in here to? They might be connected somehow.
I assumed that i would be able to see what Jacob saw but I rolled a search anyways to see if I could get any more.

2012-07-21, 09:30 AM
You also take a quick look around. In the northern segment of the den, near where the pack was found, you spot a small piece of stone that is a different color from all the others. It's a small piece of marble carved in the likeness of a finger.

2012-07-21, 09:58 AM
A finger? How odd. Maybe there was a statue here that was broke. That could be what was holding the lantern up at one time. Barnabus begins searching more in depth this time. hoping that because he was useless in the battle maybe he can do something to redeem that here.

for the search i would like to take a 10 on the square where I found the finger and all the squares adjacent to it. so that would be a 17 on each square for the search.

2012-07-21, 10:30 AM
A more thorough search reveals no other pieces of marble, or any thing else of note for that matter.

Toska Moriarty
2012-07-21, 01:03 PM
With the closing of the lasts wolves eyes Bone snorts a grunt of relief. Shrugging off Barnabus's comments about heading further, he simply grunts "Wait" before hefting the wolf's corpse off the ground and carrying the creature back to its den and laying it there. Doing the same with the other wolves, he is sure to make sure they are properly 'at-rest' by shifting around their nesting materiel before turning his attention to the room.

[roll0] Seeing as my max is seventeen and Kon didnt find anything with that, let's hope I dont blind myself with that search.

Having looked about and laid down his enemies to rest, Bone hefts his weapon up over his shoulder and moves to observe the others; waiting to again be needed.

2012-07-21, 03:06 PM
"Further in we go then." Layton said, not paying much mind to searching around the room. Looking as Bone put the wolves into their dead as some form of 'laying to rest' for them.

Hm, don't see that every day... Anyway, we can always take another look around here our way out, I'm pretty sure we'll all be coming back out this way anyway. Layton thought to himself, joining the others in the room ahead to take a look around with the rest of the group.

Rolling a spot check for the next room, looking around (including up and down!) at it overall seeing if there's any signs of creatures, damage or structural instability because of the rubble we've seen if I can use my spot to get a look without getting close (since search requires you be within 10 feet of something. If I don't find anything, I'm probably just going to search next post...


2012-07-21, 04:25 PM
In the wolves nest as you push material around, you notice a glint of silver and pull an ornate bracelet out of the largest wolf's nest.

I'll post again shortly with info on the next room.

2012-07-22, 08:49 AM
I'm going to assume that you all proceed into the next room because Layton won't be able to see anything without Lysander's light and nobody else is carrying a lightsource so I'm guessing you are all following him after doing your searching.

The wide staricase leads down and forward about 60 feet before opening into an immense domed chamber. Seven short tunnels branch out from the room in all directions. Each extends about 30 feet before ending in rounded walls. At the terminus of each hallway dabgles a thick chain, attached to an unseen cieling. Five of the chains bear colorful lanterns, but two hold nothing at all. Opposite the entry stairs, a bright green lantern containing what looks like a torch casts a wierd, murky light about the room. Countless chips of glass and shiny metal inset into the chamber's domed cieling reflect this light, giving the impression of starlight and falling snow. The dome starts aboutt en feet of the ground and reaches its apex at 30 feet.

Below the dome's peak, a long dias holds what appears to be a marble sarcophagus. A milky white bas-relief figure, perhaps of a human, rests passively on the srcophagus lid.

The dias is carved in the shape of a stylistic arrow and a short stone shaft extends from the foot of the arrow. It points down the hallway where the orange lantern lies.

There is a new map avaliable to see from my signiture.

2012-07-22, 02:17 PM
Lysander carefully walks his way down the stairs into the main chamber, taking a moment to consider the nature of the lanterns. Hmm... I wonder if this has something to do with prismatic magic. This will require some careful thought. And a little magic, perhaps. Proceeding closer to the lit green lantern, Lysander gets ready to take a better look at it. "Alright, let's see what this is." With a few hand gestures and the use of some Draconic key words, Lysander prepares to cast a spell, leaving out the last verbal component. After making sure his lamp is securely against the wall outside of the green lamp's tunnel, he picks up a loose stone. Leaning out from the edge of the opening, he throws the rock in towards the lamp, ready to spring back for cover.

Perception Checks while moving into the chamber/at it's entrance, along with knowledge checks:

Knowledge (Arcane):[roll2]
Knowledge (Religion):[roll3]
Knowledge (The Planes):[roll4]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering):[roll5]
Knowledge (Nature):[roll6]
Knowledge (Local):[roll7]
Knowledge (History):[roll8]
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering):[roll9]
Knowledge (Geography):[roll10]
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty):[roll11]

Before I forget, I suppose throwing a rock an attack roll, technically. Thrown Rock: [roll12] and Damage, if it accidentally hits anything lamp-like: [roll13]

2012-07-22, 11:41 PM
I will use these knowledge checks for any knowledge checks you need to make in this room. Just a heads up.

The room is completely silent. You notice nothing out of the ordinary, or anything apart from what you've already seen. The rock falls short of the lantern, but does bounce past beneath it. Nothing happens as the rock passes nearby.

Just so you know, generic spot checks will not help at this point. You need to specify what you are looking at.

2012-07-25, 12:32 PM
Nice room Jacob thought to himself, then he walks around the room seeing if there is anything to fIND
Search: d20+4

2012-07-25, 12:54 PM
Layton looked around the dimly lit room. Moving closer to the center dais, bow drawn, Layton looked into each of the alcoves, checking for creatures whilst being wary of the dais. It stillness in the dark cairn was disconserting, to Layton, and made him keep on alert for any danger that may jump out at him and his party members. It looked as though the cairn ended here, in a room with small alcoves for lanterns. But there may be more that meets the eye...

Lanterns of different colors, with an arrow-shaped dais pointing towards one... Layton pondered. Maybe the dais can point at every single one of the alcoves, and something happens when it's pointed on that alcove.

Layton tried to spot anything special in the orange alcove, the poor lighting not giving him much help on its own, and hoped focusing on the alcove and looking for something would let him find out if his theory was true.

Noted. So, in response I'm going to try to focus on seeing if there is anything in/happening in the orange lantern alcove that makes it different from the others, so no would be a good spot time I guess since I don't want to be waltzing every which way in this place until I know nothing will just jump out from the shadows.

Spot for any differences in the orange alcove than the others:
