View Full Version : Looking for 10th level 3.5 campaign ideas

2012-05-27, 03:56 PM
As the title says, I'm looking for a campaign, preferably to do with nature/druids for approximately 10th level characters. A premade campaign would work. Even campaign ideas would be a good thing. I can think of story lines but I have a problem picking appropriate monsters for the players to face. i don't want them to only fight animals the entire fight.

If I were to make my own, I was thinking of having a druid that has been corrupted/had his mind twisted. He was going to try and wipe out the local towns and revert things to their "natural order". The setting is one that we created which is pretty much core 3.5 with a few of the complete books added in. Party make up is generally varied as there are about 8 people that play total but only 4 are there at one time usually.

I don't know what would really warp him but i was thinking the druid could be a second to last boss fight with whatever corrupted him as the final fight. I was hoping to send the characters off on a few (roughly 3) side adventures to gather pieces of something they need to access his stronghold. As I said though, I have problems coming up with things for the adventures to fight along the way and filling in gaps in the story. Got any ideas?

2012-05-27, 05:22 PM
You, my friend, are in the wrong sub-forum. You should be in recruitment. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=51)

Good luck with your campaign though!

2012-05-27, 08:32 PM
Are you looking for a game to join or are you asking the playground for a module that suits what you described?

2012-05-27, 08:33 PM
Are you looking for a game to join or are you asking the playground for a module that suits what you described?

O...if you are just looking for a module you got the sub-forum right...

Unusual Muse
2012-05-27, 09:50 PM
Tales of the Old Margreve (http://paizo.com/store/v5748btpy8hp6/) is a really cool setting/adventure path. It has lots of flavor and is perfect for all sorts of Druidy shenanigans. There are a number of "modules" in the book; they max out at 10th level, but the setting is so rich that once you've run what's in the book you'd probably have ideas for 10 more you could make yourself.

2012-05-29, 04:19 PM
i'm looking for a module, or even just ideas to help me make my own. the group thinks druids suck because of how poorly two of them played them. I want to 1)showcase druids 2) get away from the typical undead/bandit campaigns we've been doing and focus on the more natural side of things as well. Ill take a look at that book you suggested. Anyone else have any ideas?

before I read these, I created a forest populated with various fey, plenty of animals, and even some elementals around druid that is considered a master of elements. i think these creatures will offer a good variety of hack and slash as well as lots of mind altering creatures. I also have a few druids as minibosses that I build very differently: the elemental druid as mentioned above, a druid focused on wildshape combat, and a druid focused on summoning significant quantities of creatures. The druids guard "relics" that when presented at a shrine, open a portal to the last bosses lair. At each druids location, I've placed a puzzle that the players can do optionally for some additional goodies/information.

For final boss/thing that twisted the minds of the forest denizens, I was thinking green dragon. however, i am not 100% pleased with this final challenge. i'd prefer something that fit a little better a presented a challenge that they haven't seen before.

Does that sound like it would be entertaining? I feel like my specific group of players would like it, but some outside input would be appreciated.

2012-05-29, 05:42 PM
Definitely check here for druid info http://coboard.wikia.com/wiki/Druid#Equipment

I liked the old 2nd ed. druid hierarchy where each forest had so many 1st, 2nd, 3rd level etc. druids and to advance past a certain rank a druid had to defeat the higher ranking druid to take his place.

Perhaps you could have a forest of evil druids and the infighting between them over power struggles is upsetting the balance and the PC's have to end it. That way you have druids, BBEG's and a hook.

2012-05-30, 03:24 AM
Perhaps the druid could employ fang golems (http://www.scribd.com/doc/49212032/47/GOLEM-FANG) or be a sea themed druid with the power to summon a cracken

2012-05-30, 12:54 PM
It'd be a tough fight for 10th level PCs, but I once put together a short encounter appropriate to the setting. The locals speak of the "killing tree"...an old gnarled tree deep in the woods. A seer of some note has heard uncorroborated rumors of a vile cross between a dryad and a medusa that might account for these fanciful tales and has hired the PCs to investigate.

The tree itself, in an idyllic sylvan glade, is out of place amongst the life that has sprung up all around. About 70' tall, the crown is long since gone, and it's a hollowed out tree trunk with three equally thick hollowed-out branches. Also out of place are half a dozen different wooden statues...humans, centaurs, etc.

The glade is inhabited by several large preditory animals...bears, mountain lions, etc, but these are incidental to the fight. The main threat is not the tree itself, but what dwells within it...a variant beholder named Erathagalis who has been out in nature too long and has had it get under his skin.

Substitute flesh to wood for flesh to stone, baleful polymorph for slay living, and charm animals for charm person.

Erathagalis hollowed out the tree, and has made a large "mouth" and a number of tiny holes through which he could fire his eye rays. He'll try to extract information from the PCs and extort a large bribe to placate the "powerful nature spirit"...but it's also entirely possible he'll get bored or hungry (impersonating a nature spirit is hungry work after all) and go on the offensive.

Note that if he feels that his lair and secret are compromised, he can use his disintegrate on the base of the tree and bring it down, hoping to have it fall on multiple PCs.

Uncle Pine
2012-05-30, 04:35 PM
Treant are CR 8, so they would probably fit in your campaign.
You should also have a look at the blightspawned template (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/blightspawned.shtml) in order to make everything more rotten. Personally, I love that template.