View Full Version : Dragonlance - Assault on Sanction (IC)

2012-05-27, 04:56 PM
The War of the Lance has been raging for some time now, but the tide has finally turned. With the return of the good dragons and the Golden General leading the Whitestone armies, the Dragonarmies are in dissarray and falling back to Neraka.

However, the forces of Whitestone don't have it all their own way. The advance on Sanction is meeting heavy resistance from the Dragonarmies, and is losing almost as often as it is winning. The draconians are particularly tenacious. It is in the aftermath of a particularly crushing defeat of the Whitestone forces that we begin.

Whatever reason you have to be in the area, you've all come together in a copse of trees a few miles from the battlefield and are lying low trying to avoid the victorious Dragonarmy troops who are hunting for survivors and loot.

It is dark, and you're just debating whether or not it's worth risking a fire to ward off the spring-time chill, when a heavily-wounded figure in a Dragonarmy officer's uniform staggers in to camp. They see you, and hold out a scroll before falling to their knees. Behind the fearsome visage of their helmet, you see desparation in their eyes. They gasp out three words, and collapse.

"Daergh. Austar. Kolan"

2012-05-27, 06:07 PM
Kaluzax looks up from his spellbook to see a weak and bloody soldier fall to his knees and collapse. Narrowing his eyes, Kaluzax stands up and walks over to the man, resting one hand on his heart, checking to see if he was still breathing.

"Stand back. Give this man some air," Kaluzax says, in thickly accented Solamnic. He looks down at the man's hand and sees the scroll, hesitates, and then takes the scroll and hands it to the nearest man. "This man may have died to get this message to us," he says, with a sense of both urgency and respect.

After handing the scroll off, Kaluzax turns back and desperately tries to bandage the man's wounds, tearing off his sleeves and using them as makeshift bindings, but without true medical training, Kaluzax was fighting a losing battle.

Kaluzax will hand the scroll to any party member who wants it. Whoever posts first and says they take the scroll can take the scroll.

Heal check to stop the soldier from bleeding out (basically I want him to stabilize): [roll0]

2012-05-27, 06:28 PM
Zook took the scroll, and began lightly tossing it from one hand to the other, "He doesn't look very good." He said softly. "A shame, I'd have liked to question him."

2012-05-27, 09:20 PM
Cyrano hooked his hammer back to the spring-loaded holster on his back and mopped his brow with the back of his hand. While he'd heard rumors that the draconian patrols he'd spent the last two months dodging were also fighting against the surfacers as he traversed the Underdark, he'd never expected to surface right in the middle of a battle. He panted a bit, allowing his lungs to catch up with he strain the running he'd just done had put on them.

Looking to his right, he noticed an elf thumbing through a book. Another gnome stood nearby. Before he could say a word, or even blink in disbelief, a draconian stumbled through the bushes and collapsed. He watched, dumbfounded, as the elf rushed to bandage the draconian while the other gnome took the parchment. What in Reorx' underpants is going on here?! Still, it occurred to him that of all four people in the clearing, the draconian seemed something they didn't. Which would mean, danger or no, he should try and save him.

With his right hand, he pulled the ripcord. His hammer rocketed into his left, and with a deft spin, he flicked the haft over to allow him to use the spike. With another flick, the buckler on his right arm fell free. Walking up to the draconian, he knelt quickly and felt a surge of arcane power run through him, down his right hand, and into the body of the draconian. With his left, he brought the spike down to the draconian's throat.


Move Action: walk up to draconian.
Free Action: draw weapon as part of a free action
Free Action: remove shield/buckler
Standard Action: Cast Cure light wounds [roll0]

I'm not sure what the constitution check required for casting a level one spell is, so I'll leave it for later.

2012-05-27, 09:35 PM
Zook's hand slowly drifted to his sheathed weapon as he looked at the newcomer, "And who are you?"

2012-05-28, 04:11 PM
The dragonarmy officer is dead. There's more blood leaking out of him than is generally considered conducive to a long and healthy life. Or even a short and unhealthy one.

With a closer look at him, the armour is very well made. It's delicately forged to look as though it's made of gleaming black dragon scales, and is decorated with the red trim synonymous with the Red Dragonarmy. Which is strange, considering the army that just fought here was part of the Blue Dragonarmy. The nearest Red Dragonarmy forces are the ones ruling Sanction.

2012-05-28, 10:37 PM
Kaluzax closes his eyes and shakes his head, reaching down and closing the officer's eyes before placing his corpse gently on the ground. He stands up and looks at the gnome expectantly. "Well? What does the message s- are you playing with that scroll?"

2012-05-28, 10:47 PM
"I was, until this gentleman appeared." Zook replied, never taking his eyes off of the new Gnome. "Don't worry, the scroll is safe on my person."

2012-05-28, 10:53 PM
Kaluzax sighed and rubbed his temples in exasperation. "Zook, we don't need to keep the message safe, we need to read it and act on it. Now, what does it say? Let's see here..."

Kaluzax steps over to Zook and reaches for the scroll.

2012-05-28, 11:05 PM
"Hey, forgive me my boredom, Mr. Cautious." Zook shot back as he picked the scroll out of his pack and handed it to Kaluzax.

2012-05-29, 11:18 AM
Cyrano looked at the body. Usually that works, he thought to himself. Aside from an unusual number of holes and the prodigious amount of blood outside the body, it wasn't immediately apparent what had made the machine stop working . . .

Suddenly, he realized that the elf and gnome were talking. Cyrano looked up. The elf and gnome appeared to be having a conversation about the paper the man in the dragon armor had given them. The elf seemed disinterested in him, but the gnome had a hand on his rapier. Cyrano's brows furrowed. Now why would he do that . . . And then it clicked. Obvious really. He doffed the plumed hat from his head and nodded.

"How clever of you to pretend I am your enemy, master Gnome. It should throw any archers for a loop, but I believe the density of the foliage makes it unnecessary." He paused and looked around, thoughtful. "Hrm. I had read every book in our city's libraries about the surface world, but it appears either I came up too far to the south, or palm trees grow further north than we knew, he said, peering intently at a fir.

"I suppose it is no matter", he continued amiably, dragging his eyes from the tree back to the elf and gnome. "I believe we should escape the zone of battle as soon as possible. If my name has not preceded me to the surface, you are privileged to now know Cyrano Copperbolt, heir to the Imperio of Tinsmelt and Inventor Extraordinaire. And this is my cat, Alister. . ." His voiced trailed off as he patted, then groped, an empty pocket on his backpack, frowning. He turned one way, then another, peering into the underbrush. After a moment, a small cat, jet black, came out of the bushes, approaching the trio far more warily and eyeing the gnome with considerable suspicion.

2012-05-29, 11:42 AM
Kaluzax glanced back at the new gnome and nodded with a friendly smile. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Kaluzax. I am a soldier seeking to combat the Dragonarmy. This is my comrade-in-arms, Zook."

Kaluzax glanced down at the scroll and nodded to himself. "Where there is one enemy soldier, there may be more. We should relocate for now. Our current forces are insufficient to deal with an entire brigade, even one that was severely hurt like this man."

Technically speaking, Kaluzax and Zook were of the same rank, but because of Kaluzax's tendency to take a situation more seriously than Zook's, he felt it was kind of his "job" to make sure Zook stayed focused on the important tasks at hand.

2012-05-29, 12:45 PM
Zook glanced at the other Gnome again at his introduction, a smirk playing at his lips, "Cyrano Copperbolt, huh? Never heard of you. However, you are correct in your assumption of my intent. If nothing else, you're certainly a sharp one." He noted, before turning to Kaluzax and snapping a fake salute, "Lead the way, oh fearless commander!"

2012-05-30, 05:16 PM
Cyrano nods sagely and dons his cap again. "Agreed. Since we seem to be mutually opposed to the draconians, and Alister does not seem to think either of you are outright hostile, I propose we work together. With your knowledge of the surface world and my steel, we should be able to escape our current predicament." With his left hand, he flipped the hooked hammer deftly and cocked it back into it's launcher. With his right, he retrieved his buckler.

2012-06-02, 09:57 PM
"Well, once my elven companion here reads the scroll, we can make tracks." Zook said simply, before turning to Kaluzax, "What's stopping you, 'Commander'?"

OOC: Sorry for this...I didn't know bumping like this was rude. :smallredface: I apologize to everyone.

2012-06-02, 10:06 PM
Kaluzax ignored Zook's comments as he read the scroll's contents in full.

2012-06-06, 02:16 PM
The scroll contains a detailed map of Sanction. Actually, as you open the case there are several maps. One is a detailed strategic map of Sanction, detailing important buildings such as armouries and barracks, as well as the location and strength of defensive forces and siege weapons.

The other scrolls contain maps of what you can only assume are the interiors of various buildings in Sanction, although none of them are labelled. They're still annotated, however, and one room in one of the larger maps is marked 'Harkiel's Lair'. Another map has 'Ariakas's Chambers' marked on it, and a 'Highlord's Room'.

You've all heard rumours of the red dragon known as Harkiel - she's an ancient and malign creature, devoted to the cause of Takhisis the Queen of Darkness.

Highlord Ariakas, of course, is a name known and feared across Ansalon since the War of the Lance began. He's the self-styled Emperor of Ansalon, leader of the Dragon Highlords, and supreme commander of the Dragonarmies - well, after the Queen of Darkness at least.

2012-06-06, 09:13 PM
Kaluzax's eyes widen in disbelief. "Niv-Mizzet help us...this is practically a map to victory! But why..." He looks down at the dead soldier in confusion and regret. "Why would a soldier desert his own troops and come give such detailed maps to the enemy? What on earth is happening at Sanction that would drive a man to do this to his own comrades? Surely he knows our intentions? With a map like this, we would raze Sanction to the ground and leave no survivors...so what could have gone through this man's head to make him choose such destruction?"

Kaluzax shakes his head solemnly and folds the maps up, placing them in his robes. "Regardless, you gentlemen are correct. We must retreat for now. Let us make haste to the nearest town and plan our next move."

2012-06-07, 07:32 PM
Cyrano stroked his whiskers thoughtfully. Sanction? I had no idea the tectonic plates would shift Sanction so far south in a few hundred years . . . or maybe it was three lefts rather than two lefts and a straight. He shook his head; whichever it was, it didn't matter now. "Then lead on, noble elf, and I shall follow behind as fast I am able."

2012-06-16, 08:58 AM
There's a brief rustling at the edge of the clearing, and two figures step in to the clearing, lashing tails coated with glittering coppery scales, and large wings that fan around them. They have dragon-like snouts and expressions of ferocity. They're dressed in a sort of mail-kilt arrangement, and each hold a curved sword.


One runs a forked tongue along the edge of his blade, while the other snarls at you for a moment before speaking.

"Hand over the traitor, and your deaths will be painless,"

2012-06-18, 10:19 PM
Cyrano looks at the draconian, a puzzled expression on his face. "That strikes me as a poor bargain. I'd much prefer a transaction that allows me to live rather than just die painlessly."

2012-06-19, 03:09 PM
Zook sighed, "It was a threat, Cyrano. And a poor one at that." He explained, before looking at the Draconians, "I'm afraid the traitor is naught but a corpse now."

2012-06-19, 03:28 PM
Kaluzax hesitates, then nods. "Traitor or no, this man belonged to your army. You have information on who he is, his next of kin, and the like. If anyone would be able to give him a proper burial, it would be you. Whether you intend to do so or not is questionable, but I have no reason to deny your request."

Kaluzax hefts the corpse up onto his shoulder, carrying the weight carefully, before setting him down in front of the Draconians. "There you have it. Now begone."

2012-06-19, 03:56 PM
Your response seems to confuse the draconians. They look at one another, and drop their voices to converse in their hissing, guttural speech. After a moment or two, they look back at you, and the one who spoke before, speaks again;

"You killed him? Who are you?" he sounds suspicious, which is, admittedly, a great step forward from his previous tone of overt hostility.

2012-06-20, 06:43 PM
"Cyrano Copperbolt, heir to the Imperio of Tinsmelt and Inventor Extraordinaire at your service, my good . . . draconian." He bowed low and doffed his cap. Alister backed into the bushes out of sight. "Although I must say I am surprised you don't know me. But in any case, your man is here. He is not dead by my hand, but is dead, and beyond any restorative power of mine to bring back. He is yours if you wish."

2012-06-21, 12:40 AM
"I would never take the life of a prisoner," Kaluzax says with a touch of offense. "Anyway, this man came to us gravely wounded. He died within moments of his arrival."

2012-06-21, 12:56 AM
"Come on, you expect us to believe you didn't kill him? Don't play us for fools. You called him a traitor, after all. And we certainly didn't kill him." Zook reasoned, shaking his head at the draconians.

2012-06-23, 08:58 AM
The draconians exchange glances and whisper to one another again; this time you can make out snatches of conversation.

"...double agents..."
"...wasting time..."

They seem to be very confused by something; possibly the fact that you haven't tried to fight them, possibly the fact that you're not obviously on their side. In all probability, it's a combination of both. Eventually, they look back at you, and the lead draconian speaks again;

"Will you come with us to talk to our commander?"

His companion tenses behind him, clearly expecting trouble.

2012-06-23, 10:19 AM
Kaluzax scoffs. "What, walk into your base and be surrounded by troops and then speak directly with your commander?"

Kaluzax looks to the other two and frowns. He beckons them into a quiet circle and whispers. "What do you think? We could take them down if we tried, but this might be a good chance to obtain some information on where we should go next. It's not like we have many other leads, just this map. But if it turns into a fight inside the enemy camp...we're done for."

2012-06-24, 03:40 PM
"Not a good idea to go with them, Kaluzax. While I would love to get some info, I'm not too hyped on getting gutted. We need to say no. We can take two, we can't take a whole platoon worth." Zook whispered.

2012-06-30, 09:40 AM
Cyrano strokes the muttonchop whiskers on his right cheek thoughtfully. "Hmm. Yes, a very prudent assessment." Then his eyes brighten as a thought comes to him. "One moment if you please." He steps out from the huddle and looks guilelessly at the draconians. "Good sirs, a question. How exactly do you plan to tell your bosses that you singlehandedly killed the deserter and should be rewarded if you also bring us back as prisoners? I wish to make our stories match as much as possible."

2012-07-01, 07:24 AM
The two draconians exchange glances, look at you, and then look at one another again.

At length, the lead draconian says to the other; "It's a shame we couldn't find the traitor, or any sign of anyone else, isn't it?"

His companion nods. "We'd better keep looking, then,"

Without a further word to any of you - in fact, without so much as looking at you again - the draconians turn and walk off in to the trees again.

You get the feeling you convinced them that you were far more trouble than they were paid to deal with.

Have 100xp for surprising, confusing and bewildering both enemies and DM!

2012-07-01, 11:35 AM
Kaluzax frowns as they retreat. "What do you think, Zook? Should we give chase? They are enemy combatants, after all. Our platoon is small, but I do think we could take them, and two enemies less is just two fewer swords that will threaten us later."

2012-07-01, 01:01 PM
"Perhaps, but they might be leading us into a trap. Further, can we put off relaying the rather important info we found in the scroll?" Zook replied, his gaze on the location where the draconians had left.

2012-07-01, 03:43 PM
"I suppose you're right. Let's head back to the base and speak with our superiors about this discovery. Come on then."

Kaluzax leads the way back to our army's base, where we will meet with our superiors and hand them the scroll.

2012-07-04, 09:28 AM
Cyrano falls in behind the elf and gnome.

2012-07-06, 01:57 PM
Your journey is fairly uneventful; you see a number of dragonarmy patrols, but you manage to avoid them without too much trouble. In fact, you're almost clear of the battle zone when you hear the sound of steel on steel and the shouts of men, draconians and goblins.

In the gathering twilight, it's hard to work out exactly where the sounds are coming from, but you manage to spot the small knot of struggling men and men-like creatures in the shadows of a stand of trees. From this distance it's impossible to tell who is fighting whom, as you can't make out the individual cries.

You're almost out of the immediate danger of the battle field, but still a long way from where you think your own army has retreated to. If you get in to any trouble, there's no-one coming to save you.

2012-07-10, 09:40 PM
Cyrano strokes his cheek whiskers absentmindedly. He looks down at his cat, and then back up at the others. "I have no problems removing my august presence from the battlefield, but Alister reminds me that we still seem to be some distance from friendly lines and that those soldiers might be able to help us reach our lines. Since I have no wish to attack alone, I ask you what your choice is."