View Full Version : Negative Levels on Multiclassed Chars

2012-05-28, 12:11 PM
So, the negative level rules are actually kind of ambiguous about what happens to multiclassed characters.

RAW, it seems that a psion/wizard/cerebremancer would lose both a prepared spell of highest level, and access to one power as well as the power points it would have cost.

But also by RAW, it seems that an ultimate magus or a mystic theurge would only lose one spell slot of highest level. Is that right? Or should it mirror the cerebremancer situation, for fairness?

How does this work with, say, a Wizard/Warblade/Jade Phoenix Mage? I presume they take a hit to both caster level and initiator level, and lose one highest prepared spell . . . should they also lose one readied maneuver? If so, do they lose access to it for the rest of the day (as a psion) or just get it back the next time they refresh?

Of course no matter what the character is, he or she loses 5 hp, gets a -1 penalty to attacks/saves/skills, etc. But it seems to me they really didn't make it clear how negative levels should affect multiclassed characters.