View Full Version : Spellbook of BS (Help Requested)

2012-05-28, 09:46 PM
I shall first say please and thank you in advance, in case I forget to add it at the end.

At one point or another, I acquired the book "On Bull****" by Harry G. Frankfurt. In one campaign I'm in, we joked about it being my Wizard's spellbook. Then the joke then became reality.

Our DM would like to make some of our special items Artifacts, or Legacy Weapons of a sort. To be more precise, they're becoming "Powerful Magical Items" of unspecified sources. My item is my spellbook, but we're having some trouble coming up with a good idea for its power. I'm the only magic-user in the party. The other two are a Rogue and a Ranger. The Ranger's item is a sword-bow that is a +2 Bow or a +1 Longsword depending on which hand he holds it in. It only functions for him, and any time it's not in his hands, it's simply a sword hilt.

The Question: What special properties might a powerful magical 'Spellbook of Bull****' have, besides being a spellbook?

Some of our thoughts:
1.) Spontaneous Casting from any spell in the book. The issue is that we don't limit spells in the book by pages, it may as well be a blessed book as well. That's not an advantage for me, because even my other characters' spellbooks under the same DM are limitless.
2.) Quick Actions for spell casting. My DM was vague on it, but the ability to cast multiple spells in a round (Generally, we just say spells are a standard action due to laziness, unless it obviously requires more. Identify has been reduced to 10 minutes.

Other Houserules:
Spell Components are a hassle to deal with, we say (though I realize this may be heart-breaking for some of you). Consider everything Silent, Stilled, and Eschewed (ignoring gp value of material).

Edit: I'm glad this site has a built-in censor. :smallsmile:

2012-05-28, 09:55 PM
Well there are a bunch of questions to start with: IF it's pathfinder then there are rules for such items in the ultimate magic. They do stupid things like...If it's a book made for an envoker then you can cast envocation spells at +1 CL.

If it's 3.5 then you can do a few other things. I would suggest things like you can add so many levels of metamagic feats to spells for free...as in a quicken two widen and perhaps an adamantine mixture.

If that isn't quite what you're looking for give me an idea of something else.

2012-05-28, 10:01 PM
Ah! How did I forget to mention the version? We're using 3.5.
Metamagic is acquirable through normal, every-wizard means. I'm looking more for something people would call BS on. If we were in an arena and I pulled some shenanigans with my book's power, the audience and the announcer would scream Bull**** in unison, while I say "Yes, yes it is. Fear the power of BS!!". Something more along that line, if possible. Something abnormal that would set him apart from a Wizard without his book.

If I had a good example of such an ability, I might not have posted here in the first place. :smallredface:

2012-05-28, 10:04 PM
Spontaneously convert prepared spells into heightened silent images, but only ever of target creature naked.

2012-05-28, 10:09 PM
While that ability would be fun to use on a regular basis, it wouldn't help against things that are already naked. Perhaps as an add-on, later. :smallcool:

2012-05-28, 10:12 PM
Semi-tangent: The material component for bull's strength is in fact BS.

I might give it the ability to cast corner-case spells like hold portal directly from the book 1/day. If you get 20 different spells but only 1/day each, it encourages you to get creative with BS spells and find actual applications. I'd get together with the DM and pick the worst & most overspecialized spells you can for each spell level (like hold portal) and make a list. Assuming your allies' weapons scale, you would likewise get higher level spells from the book as you level up.

The spells don't have to actually be horrible just heavily situational. Avoid spells you might actually use in several situations even if they're somewhat situational. So no spider climb. I'd also let you prepare these spells like any other spellbook if desired. I mean if there's a dungeon where you can plan ahead of time that you'll need 5 copies of gust of wind then kudos to you.

2012-05-28, 10:12 PM
Ah ok, something that I would consider total bull....

Baleful Polymorph no save/SR 2/day at long range

that's the worst possible thing I can think of. As a wizard..there really isn't anything you can do...

I take that back. If you cast a spell while you have your book in hand you can cast ANY spell from any list at the same caster level for a straight swap of spell slot. (i.e. one magic missle for a cure light wounds)

Or possibly tensers transformation at will....

Or the book is made from a dragons heart and inked in the blood of a devil...giving you the ability to summon a dracolich at will.

2012-05-28, 10:27 PM
The biggest problem here is that magic can already do so mind-bogglingly many things, so it's hard to come up with a kind of effect that would get a reaction other than "oh, it's X obscure spell, I wonder where he found a copy of it". Getting a BS call on magnitude of an effect would be easy, but it would also be overpowered.

The one idea I've managed to think of that might get a "BS" reaction without being absurdly powerful is swapping the effects of success and failure on saving throws. Say you cast a Fireball while using this ability; people who succeed on the save would take full damage while those who fail would take half. This would have monks, rogues, and other high reflex classes shouting "BS, I totally dodged that, how the **** did I still get burned?". Depending on how powerful these items are supposed to be, it might be a good idea to make it non-optional so you can't just make your opponents screwed no matter what their saves are.

Fable Wright
2012-05-28, 10:27 PM
Well, to start with, the book has to allow it's wielder to immediately ignore the effects of Antimagic and Dead Magic places. Alternatively, it makes the effects of all spells and effects the wielder uses (Ex) effects. Then, it has to generate an antimagic field that Disjunction can't penetrate, that obviously only applies to buffs and spells that non-allied creatures have. Then, it has to let you spontaneously convert any spell you have prepared into any other spell in existence, on any spell list, and you can Quicken them with no change in spell level or casting time. Possibly with the added ability to burn a spell slot of any level to get a number of Swift actions equal to the expended slot +1 in a round.

Or, if you wanted to keep it balanced, you could just keep one facet of that. All spells become (Ex) and immune to counterspelling, so not even Disjunction can slow you down. An antimagic field applies to all enemies around you. Spontaneously convert any spell slot to another one in, say, the same school, but a number of times per day equal to your Int modifier (since you are, after all, unable to plan for all contingencies). Or all of the above, but it takes away your familiar. That would make it completely balanced. :smalltongue:

2012-05-28, 10:30 PM
Should give you Glibness 3/day. A book of BS should allow you to be the best BS-er around.

2012-05-28, 10:37 PM
While held it grants plus +10 to bluff, disguise, diplomacy, and intimidate, and feinting as a free action. +4 on will against illusions and enchantments and grants Charm person at will at caster level 20 (or yours, whichever is higher). All enchantment and illusion spells are cast at plus 4 caster level and have +4 to the save. Anyone other than yourself that reads the book is automatically confused as per the spell at caster level 20.

Sound good?

P.S. Glad to hear someone else read the book and liked it.

EDIT: You should read the spiritual sequel "On Mind F***ing"

2012-05-28, 10:41 PM
Considering the 'legacy weapon' comparison, i guess you want something with the ability to 'grow' in power as you do.
Since i din't read the book this might be appropriate or totally useless.

0: Blessed book
1: Spontaneous metamagic 1/1
2: Spontaneous metamagic 2/1
3: Spontaneous metamagic 3/1
4: Spontaneous casting 1/day
5: Indestructible
6: Spontaneous metamagic 4/2
7: Spontaneous metamagic 5/2
8: Spontaneous metamagic 6/2
9: Spontaneous casting 2/day
10: Teleport without error
11: Spontaneous metamagic 7/3
12: Spontaneous metamagic 8/3
13: Spontaneous metamagic 9/3
14: Spontaneous casting 3/day
15: Arcane potency
16: Spontaneous metamagic 10/4
17: Spontaneous metamagic 11/4
18: Spontaneous metamagic 12/4
19: Spontaneous casting 4/day
20: Overwhelming magic

Blessed book:
The Legacy book works like a blessed book, with infinite amount of space avaiable.

Spontaneous metamagic X/Y:
The Legacy book grants his owner a metamagic pool of X points each day, wich can be used to enhance a spell the owner's cast while wielding the book without increasing its spell level or casting time, using any metamagic feat the owner's has access to. Doing so expends a number of points equal to the modifier of the metamagic feat used (minimum 1). You can only apply metamagic feat with a modifier equal or lower to Y.

Spontaneous casting X/day:
The Legacy book grants his owner the ability to cast any spell contained in it the owner would be capable of memorizing. Doing so increases the casting time of the spell to 1 full-round action (if not already greater). This ability may be used X times each day.

The Legacy book becomes impervious to mundane and magical harm. Like an artifact, nothing less than a Miracle, Disjunction or Wish spell can damage or destroy it.

Teleport without error
Once per day the Legacy book can Teleport without error (as the spell) to his owner, whenever his owner desires.

Arcane potency:
While wielding the book the caster level of the owner is increased by 2.

Overwhelming magic:
The Legacy book is not hampered in any way by antimagic fields and similar effects, it also grant his owner the ability to cast spells ignoring effects of this kind. To do so the owner must succeed, as a free action, in a caster level check with a DC of 15 plus the caster level of the antimagic effect. If this check fails the spell is wasted.

2012-05-28, 11:12 PM
The idea of a BS spell list is very intriguing. Worth discussing with my DM.

Most of this BS is too much BS for my opinion, but still what I was asking for. I don't think he'll put up with the overpowering things for long, though.

That progression is pretty neat! My only issue with things like that is when we tend to end the campaign before we hit level 20, and I never reach my full potential and miss out on a big part of my planned power...

Bonuses to social stats are near-worthless in our campaign, but very good ideas if I ever bring it to one where the skills aren't so unused.

Ignoring Antimagic is a good idea, a very good idea. An antimagic field applied to all enemies may be out of the question. I've already given up my familiar, as I dislike them in general. Spontaneous conversion to any spell of that school, good limitation.

Swapping the saving throws is a great idea to have someone call BS - if the DCs are already low and easy to pass... Sadly, mine are not so. Most people would succeed more with that change.

Some more ideas I've had:
1.) Perhaps some sort of sacrifice for a spell from any list. Make a Will or Fort save, or perhaps a Concentration Check, DC 10 or 15+spell level, and if I fail, I take [spell level] damage.
2.) "This book grants the ability to enhance a spell as though having applied the metamagic 'Quicken Spell' to it for X times per encounter" is closest to what my DM had come up with as a thought, just to clarify.

I laughed at that semi-tangent a while up the page. :smallsmile:

2012-05-28, 11:59 PM
Once per day, you can command the book to fly at an opponent and strike it. This is a ranged touch attack. If you hit, any target with 50 or fewer HP is knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes. A target with 100 or less HP is staggered for a round.
For some reason, the first thing I thought of was you throwing the book at them, and knocking them out. I doubt this would get another kind of book thrown at you either :smallbiggrin:

Another alternative is using the book to provide some kind of barrier. It would not look like a magical barrier. In fact, it would just look like the book floating around you. If an opponent attacks, the book will physically stop the attack (like catch the opponent's axe in mid-air, giving either an AC bonus or acting like a wall.

2012-05-29, 12:20 AM
Look up Node Magic rules from the book Champions of Ruin.

Make the book a, oh, class 6 node and rule it gives you Node Spellcasting and Metanode Spell as bonus feats.

You can now cast up to six levels of metamagic out of unaltered spell slots. You can also boost the ECL of a spell by a Concentration check. You also have six spells of sixth level or lower granted to you by the book. As in, any six spells, from any list, of sixth level or lower.

If Node Magic's not BS I don't know what is. :D

2012-05-29, 01:50 AM
Possible BS spell list:

Hold Portal, Mount, Comprehend Languages, Detect Undead, Tenser's Floating Disk, Nystul's Magic Aura, Ventriloquism, Animate Rope, Expeditious Retreat
Arcane Lock, Obscure Object, Gust of Wind, Magic Mouth, Misdirection, Phantom Trap, Bull's Strength (only b/c material component = BS)
Sepia Snake Sigil (must pay for costly material component), Daylight, Illusory Script, Secret Page
Minor Creation (only BS), Hallucinatory Terrain, Mnemonic Enhancer (only BS spells)
Mordenkain' Private Sanctum, Mordenkain's Faithful Hound, Major Creation (only BS), Dream
Guards and Wards, Legend Lore (only works on feces, not necessarily bull), Eyebite, Control Water, Move Earth

Spell compendium might be useful too because there are some awfully specialized spells in that book. Maybe to fill level 4 at least. There's a 4th level spell that raises submerged ship wrecks to the surface IIRC, no joke.

2012-05-29, 05:52 AM
That's a good point, but we're going to stick with "Mages don't wear armor." for our own preferences.

2012-05-29, 02:16 PM
and you can Quicken them with no change in spell level or casting time.

sounds useful!

2012-05-29, 04:04 PM
We're liking the idea of knocking someone unconcious by throwing the book. Ranged Touch Attack, 3+Int/day, and it knocks them unconscious for 1+Int rounds. We'd use 1d4+Int, if it weren't for the fact I already have 20 Int, and that's most of an encounter.

2012-05-29, 04:47 PM
Perhaps have the book be like a metamagic rod? Or Boccob's Blessed book? Or have it be invulnerable to damage and theft?

2012-05-29, 05:01 PM
By using a full round action, you can "book cast" a standard action spell of spell level = 1/2 your HD, with the result being that the spell is automatically cast as still and invisible?

2012-05-29, 05:15 PM
If it's 3.5 then you can do a few other things. I would suggest things like you can add so many levels of metamagic feats to spells for free...as in a quicken two widen and perhaps an adamantine mixture.

If that isn't quite what you're looking for give me an idea of something else.

This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Given the example you gave about the bow/sword I'd say a -1 to any meta magic feat cost would be reasonable.

You can also get bonus spells, a +CL, a bonus to you int, a permanent spell effect that's active as long as you have your book on you, etc. Really there are tons of things you can do. I'd go for a big bonus like getting him to allow you to pick one spell any level (that you can cast) and make it persist. You get to pick the spell every day when you pick your spells.

2012-05-29, 05:50 PM
We have agreed upon the previously stated Book Attack, -1 to metamagic, and Invulnerable/Theft-proof (Teleportation to me at will)

2012-05-29, 07:49 PM
Did I read correctly that there are no material costs for your spells ever? Thats BS enough I'd think, just have the book filled with spells that have expensive material components...

2012-05-30, 08:06 PM
Indeed. It's easier (and cheaper) that way. We don't get as much money the DMG suggests, normally - but we got quite a lot because of my Birthday. We're around level 6 with the gold of a level 10 party.

Edit: I lied. Together in the party, it's about one level 10 person. It's a level 6 party with the equivalent value of a level 7 party.

2012-05-30, 09:04 PM
I also picked this book up at some point, good read.

I might have gone with an ability to call shenanigans. The book gives your wizard a chance to define bull**** a number of times per day equal to wis + half level. When you define something as BS, that single action can't happen. Example, your wizard is hit, so attack has it's damage rerolled or your spell doesn't get past SR so you can choose a different spell and replay your turn.