View Full Version : [3.5] Alignment Help

2012-05-28, 10:54 PM
I will soon be running a Duskblade in a campaign, who's a vampire hunter/undead hunter and is willing to use any means possible to destroy undead. He believes he is doing good by removing undead from the world, but at the same time he won't think twice about killing an undead even if it causes minor harm(such as having a trap kill a innocent an undead master in a dungeon). What alignment would this be?

2012-05-29, 12:24 AM
I'd say Lawful Neutral, but Alignment in general is relatively flexible. This could probably be played as the "misguided evil" end of Lawful Evil or the harsher side of Lawful Good.

It could also depend on context. If this was in a world where all undead are evil abominations, then it would be a bit closer to LG, but in a world where undead are sometimes used for manual labour, and where good or neutral undead and necromancers exist, it would be closer to LE.

2012-05-29, 02:27 AM
I think Randomguy nailed this one fairly well, but there one other thing to consider...
If the duskblade completely ignore the laws of the land in his anti-undead crusade there's a fairly good argument for chaotic neutral - a lot depends on how you regard Law/Chaos and personal behaviour patterns/legal adherence.
Hmm, long words, I'm not sure I could understand that at first pass, so what do I mean by that?
If the character is pretty predictable in how they react to any given situation they are Lawful in their personal behaviour patterns.
If they have a high respect for the laws of the land (even when they disagree with them) they they are lawful for legal adherence.
(Note that someone who always breaks the law in the same way is probably lawful, while someone who always breaks the law is unpredictable ways is definitely chaotic.)
Now these two are fairly unrelated and it should be your choice how you interpret alignment, but do check with your DM if you think they might disagree or they're strict on alignment.

To a fair extent what may decide your character's alignment is how your react to things other than undead - that would be your true character, but you have a slight touch of insanity - monomania when it comes to undead.

Oh if your DM ever took the WotC Herald Test for Living campaign GMs and agreed with the alignment question answer then call him true neutral and laugh at unholy blight etc. WotC got that answer so wrong...