View Full Version : Feat ideas for a Pathfinder Cleric variant

2012-05-29, 10:29 AM
My friends and I are playtesting a new campaign setting with our GM. Custom world, custom races, the whole shebang. I initially rolled my character up as an inquisitor (With the heretic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/heretic) variant), but I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not having fun playing it. I've tried doing a number of things with it, but the real problem I've run into is everything I do overlaps with someone in the party who can do it better (Our group is a staggering 7 players, so some overlap is to be expected).

Our group just hit level 4, so I'm going to take this opportunity to talk to the GM and see if I can retrain my character to a new class (I'm not having fun mechanically, but I'm really enjoying the character, so I don't want to scrap him completely). I don't want the transition to be really jarring, though, so I'm trying to select options that will still feel a bit like what I've been doing already. So, I'm looking at playing Cleric with the divine strategist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/paizo---cleric-archetypes/divine-strategist) variant. I'm excited for the caster support ability, because my character is really closely tied in with another character, who's playing an (updated to Pathfinder) Dread Necromancer, and the divine strategist power syncs really well to cover for Inquisitor's cunning initiative feature. I'm going to keep the same Domain I had as an inquisitor (Death with the Undead Subdomain).

I'm now trying to figure out what two feats I should give my character. The inquisitor version of my character had Weapon Finesse and Combat Expertise. I was hoping to focus on combat maneuvers, but I'm actually probably giving up on being in melee and focus more on spells (As I have a 20-foot move speed and the two melee characters we have are Barbarians). These are both pretty passive feats, so I'm not afraid of swapping them out (I'm not even sure I've actually used Combat Expertise).

So I'm looking for some good feat suggestions. It's worth mentioning that due to Divine Strategist, I don't have Channel Energy as a class feature. Ability scores are as follows:

Str 12
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 18
Cha 8

Skills are: (Note: The race itself makes Stealth and Perception class skills, and traits were used to open up Knowledge: Dungeoneering and Survival)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Sense Motive

Beyond this, the only thing I know for certain as far as build or feat selection is that I'm going to encourage the dread necromancer to take Allied Spellcaster with me at 5th level.

Any help is appreciated. :smallsmile: