View Full Version : Primordial Campaign Setting Test Run (D&D 3.5)

2012-05-29, 10:14 PM
Welcome to those of you still here.

The air feels warm and humid, the sun at high noon as you find yourselves stepping forwards onto the shore of the Holy Lake at the center of this continent. To each side, as far as the eye can see step others all in different clothing and armors, of different builds and races. Some stand towering, others shorter than any creature in memory, and even a few animals and halfbreeds.

All with a somber, yet determined look upon their brave faces. They immediately begin moving in different directions, some greeting each other. Still others mount immediately, and begin riding or flying off.

Each of you recognize the faces of some of those around you from memory, some from portrait or book, some only from stories and legends.

As they begin moving towards their destinations you feel an urgent pull to the west. Groups begin to form and you notice how broken, cracked, and scarred the earth is here. Far to the north a battle begins, yet you feel no need to go, the west is more urgent, and you know your destination. For some of you it is home, for others it was only a city you visited, be it frequently, or on occasion. Dragons, and other creatures circle in the air as both guards and greeters, their cries loud, and near-deafening.