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View Full Version : Better feat list for 3.5 (or "what's your favourite feat?")

2012-05-29, 11:04 PM
Most of the feats listed in the PHB I feel are fairly uninteresting or useless. I'd like to compile a list of of feats which includes the better feats (mechanically and flavour wise) from all sources, as a replacement to the PHB one. I'll present this list to my (novice) players when they make their PCs. I'd like the playground to make suggestions as to what to put on this list.

2012-05-29, 11:19 PM
Ohhhh boy. You are asking for all the feats for 3.5, ever? That is a really, really long list mate.

2012-05-29, 11:34 PM
I'm not asking for every 3.5 feat ever. I'm asking people to recommend choice feats which I'll compile and present to my players instead of any one published list.

2012-05-29, 11:58 PM
Recommended and favorite are quite different.

Improved Initiative is something easily recommended to anyone that doesn't have something better to do with a feat, but is so plain mechanically it isn't going to be anyones favorite.

Two Weapon Fighting line is horrible mechanically for anyone but Sneak Attack based characters, though nice thematically and may be someone's favorite for it.

Leadership is game breakingly broken, but a pain to play, lots of extra book keeping ect ect.

Good feats (outside of a select few like Improved Initiative, Leadership, undead leadership and Wild Cohort), are almost all dependent on class. Checking any relevant handbooks (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=q4o8ggemgn1l3ltreue92pq8t5&topic=399.0) should be a good idea.

Honestly, it would be easier and more effective to compile a list of traps that should be avoided for anything but qualifications and obscure builds

Dodge, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus, Toughness, any +2/+2, Combat Casting because Skill Focus Concentration is flat out better, most uses of Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Endurance, Two Weapon Fighting for anyone with lots of bonus damage die (Sneak Attack users mostly) and dependent on your DM style, Cleave gets most of the ones in core.

2012-05-30, 12:36 AM
Off the top of head here is what I can think of that is isn't a trap:

Trap: Anything that gives a flat mechanical bonus that doesn't scale, so variations of toughness, weapon focus, ETC

Not-trap: Tactical feats, Stuff in ToB, Multiclass feats like Swift Hunter

2012-05-30, 12:41 AM
I know this is from 3.0, but no thread about feats should be allowed to exist without someone mentioning Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu.

2012-05-30, 12:44 AM
Arcane Thesis. Seriously, Arcane Thesis.

2012-05-30, 03:00 AM
Two Weapon Fighting line is horrible mechanically for anyone but Sneak Attack based characters, <snip>

Honestly, it would be easier and more effective to compile a list of traps that should be avoided for anything but qualifications and obscure builds

Dodge, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus, Toughness, any +2/+2, Combat Casting because Skill Focus Concentration is flat out better, most uses of Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Endurance, Two Weapon Fighting for anyone with lots of bonus damage die (Sneak Attack users mostly) and dependent on your DM style, Cleave gets most of the ones in core.

Confused. First you say Two-weapon fighting is bad except when you have sneak attack, then you say it's a trap for anyone with bonus damaged dice. Typo? Is the latter supposed to be an exception?

I find two-weapon fighting with bonus dice/damage works fine for a ranged attacker. It's just relying on getting a full melee attack in combat that's iffy.

Togo's favourite feats - blood of Kord, improved trip, Hawk's vision, improved familiar, quick draw, quicken spell, verastile performer, ocular spell, snowflake wardance, faster healing, close quarters fighting, most tactical feats.

Basically, I like transformational feats - feats that allow you to have to do something that you otherwise couldn't do, either by granting an additional ability, or granting a substantial bonus to an existing ability. I tend to shy away from feats that give a flat bonus to something you do often. As such many of my choices are only useful in particular builds - because I tend to enjoy feats most when they support particular builds.

2012-05-30, 06:08 AM
I know this is from 3.0, but no thread about feats should be allowed to exist without someone mentioning Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu.

You would be surprised on how often being able to command hippos comes into play in a Non-Egyptian setting...:smallsigh:

2012-05-30, 06:23 AM
Off the top of head here is what I can think of that is isn't a trap:

Trap: Anything that gives a flat mechanical bonus that doesn't scale, so variations of toughness, weapon focus, ETC

Improved Initiative is good

Not-trap: Tactical feats, Stuff in ToB, Multiclass feats like Swift Hunter

Some tactical feats are good, others less so. ToB has some bad feats as well (e.g. discipline focus)

Really, what feats are good varies entirely from one build to another.

Morph Bark
2012-05-30, 06:26 AM
Style feats are generally bad, due in part due to the heavy prereqs, which are generally crappy themselves, for usually nice, but badly-scaling abilities.

2012-05-30, 01:26 PM
I'm a huge fan of feats like Martial Study (ToB) and Shape Souldmeld (MoI). Each allows any character to learn one trick from an entire new system. Easy access to a new system without a lot of hassle is always good. It can prepare players for a new ruleset, create anxious anticipation of Bad Guys with the same options, and can add a lot of flavor to a character.

Bonus points for allowing you to choose exactly the trick you want, each time you take it. This makes them attractive to all kinds of characters, from skillmonkeys to tanks to casters.

2012-05-30, 01:34 PM
Confused. First you say Two-weapon fighting is bad except when you have sneak attack, then you say it's a trap for anyone with bonus damaged dice. Typo? Is the latter supposed to be an exception?

Sneak Attack is just the main example of bonus damage dice.

2012-05-30, 03:55 PM
Ignoring most [Epic] feats and most feats that are only useful as prerequisites.

General Interest
(Including some feats that merely reduce MAD or grant new uses of skills)
Ability Focus (MM)
Air Heritage (PlH)
Darkstalker (LoM)
Expeditious Dodge (RotW)
Flyby Attack (MM)
Imperious Command (DotU)
Improved Familiar (PHB/PGtF/CSc/CW/FRCS/RoF)
Improved Flight (RotW)
Improved Initiative (PHB)
Keen Intellect (UE)
Master of Poisons (DotU)
Midnight Dodge (MoI)
Mindsight (LoM)
Nymph's Kiss (BoED)
Obtain Familiar (CA)
Open Greater Chakra (MoI)
Open Least Chakra (MoI)
Open Lesser Chakra (MoI)
Quick Reconnoiter (CAdv)
Quick Recovery (LoM)
Shape Soulmeld (MoI)
Steadfast Determination (PHB2)
Steady Concentration (RoS)
Tactile Trapsmith (CAdv)
True Believer (MIC)
Versatile Performer (CAdv)
Wanderer's Diplomacy (PHB2)
Wild Cohort (Web)

Combat Feats
Fighter Bonus Feats, or at least they should be if they're not!
Agile Shield Fighter (PHB2)
Boomerang Daze (RoE)
Brutal Strike (PHB2)
Brutal Throw (CAdv)
Cavalry Charger (CW)
Cleave (PHB)
Combat Awareness (PHB2)
Combat Brute (CW)
Combat Focus (PHB2)
Combat Reflexes (PHB)
Combat Vigor (PHB2)
Elusive Target (CW)
Evasive Reflexes (ToB)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (PHB)
Far Shot (PHB)
Hold the Line (CW)
Improved Bull Rush (PHB)
Improved Critical (PHB)
Improved Grapple (PHB)
Improved Natural Attack (MM)
Improved Precise Shot (PHB)
Improved Shield Bash (PHB)
Improved Toughness (CW)
Improved Weapon Familiarity (CW)
Intuitive Attack (BoED)
Karmic Strike (CW)
Knock-Down (DD)
Knockback (RoS)
Knowledge Devotion (CC)
Leap Attack (CAdv)
Lightning Mace (CW)
Mage Slayer (CA)
Mounted Combat (PHB)
Multiattack (MM)
Parrying Shield (LoM)
Pierce Magical Concealment (CA)
Pierce Magical Protection (CA)
Power Attack (PHB)
Precise Shot (PHB)
Quick Draw (PHB)
Ranged Weapon Mastery (PHB2)
Robilar's Gambit (PHB2)
Scorpion's Grasp (Sand)
Shield Charge (CW)
Shield Slam (CW)
Shield Specialization (PHB2)
Shield Ward (PHB2)
Snap Kick (ToB)
Superior Unarmed Strike (ToB)
Stand Still (XPH)
Three Mountains (CW)
Throw Anything (CW)
Touch of Golden Ice (BoED)
Two-Weapon Fighting (PHB)
Versatile Unarmed Strike (PHB2)
Weapon Finesse (PHB)
Weapon Supremacy (PHB2)
Zen Archery (CW)

Born of the Three Thunders (CA)
Burrowing Power (XPH)
Chain Power (XPH)
Chain Spell (CA)
Empower Power (XPH)
Empower Spell (PHB)
Energy Substitution (CA)
Extend Power (XPH)
Extend Spell (PHB)
Fell Animate (LM)
Fell Drain (LM)
Fell Frighten (LM)
Heighten Spell (PHB)
Invisible Spell (City)
Linked Power (CPsi)
Non-Lethal Substitution (BoED)
Ocular Spell (LoM)
Persistent Spell (CA)
Piercing Cold (Frost)
Quicken Power (XPH)
Quicken Spell (PHB)
Reach Spell (CD)
Sculpt Spell (CA)
Searing Spell (Sand)
Selective Spell (ShinS)
Silencing Spell (PHB)
Split Ray (CA)
Still Spell (PHB)
Sudden Widen (CA)
Twin Spell (CA)

Item Creation
Craft Construct (MM)
Craft Dorje (XPH)
Craft Magic Arms and Armor (PHB)
Craft Wand (PHB)
Craft Wondrous Item (PHB)
Scribe Scroll (PHB)

Aligned Attack (XPH)
Azure Talent (MoI)
Deep Impact (XPH)
Earth Power (RoS)
Expanded Knowledge (XPH)
Hidden Talent (XPH sidebar)
Instant Clarity (ToB)
Midnight Augmentation (MoI)
Overchannel (XPH)
Practiced Manifester (CPsi)
Psicrystal Affinity (XPH)
Psicrystal Containment (XPH)
Psionic Fist (XPH)
Psionic Meditation (XPH)
Psionic Shot (XPH)
Psionic Weapon (XPH)
Speed of Thought (XPH)
Talented (XPH)

Improve Spellcasting
Arcane Disciple (CD)
Arcane Strike (CW)
Augment Summoning (PHB)
Boost Construct (XPH)
Cloudy Conjuration (CM)
Collegiate Wizard (CA)
Elven Spell Lore (PHB2)
Eschew Materials (PHB)
Improved Counterspell (PHB)
Insightful Divination (CM)
Metamagic School Focus (CM)
Practical Metamagic (RotD)
Practiced Spellcaster (CA)
Rapid Metamagic (CM)
Reckless Wand Wielder (CA)
Residual Magic (CM)
Somatic Weaponry (CM)
Spell Penetration (PHB)
Spontaneous Domains (CC)
Uncanny Forethought (EoE)
Versatile Spellcaster (RotD)
Vow of Nonviolence (BoED)
Wand Mastery (ECS)

Divine/Devotion: Useful Uses for Turn Undead
Animal Devotion (CC)
Divine Defiance (FC2)
Divine Metamagic (CD)
Divine Might (CW)
Divine Shield (CW)
Divine Spell Power (CD)
Domain Spontaneity (CD)
Extra Turning (PHB)
Law Devotion (CC)
Strength Devotion (CC)
Travel Devotion (CC)
Trickery Devotion (CC)

Reserve Feats
Acidic Splatter (CM)
Fiery Burst (CM)
Minor Shapeshift (CM)
Summon Elemental (CM)

Improve Maneuver Use
Adaptive Style (ToB)
Clarion Commander (ToB)
Desert Wind Dodge (ToB)
Gloom Razor (ToB)
Leap of the Heavens (PHB2)
Martial Stance (ToB)
Martial Study (ToB)
Shadow Blade (ToB)
Stone Power (ToB)
Stormguard Warrior (ToB)
Unnerving Calm (ToB)

Improve Incarnum Use
Bonus Essentia (MoI)
Double Chakra (MoI)
Expanded Soulmeld Capacity (MoI)
Psycarnum Infusion (MoI)

Luck Feats
Compared to most of this list, these are kind of weak in general. But at least they're better than the other Luck feats, and can make for a fun character concept.
Better Lucky Than Good (CSc)
Lucky Catch (CSc)
Lucky Start (CSc)
Make Your Own Luch (CSc)
Survivor's Luck (CSc)

Weird Feats
Modify your race, or Regional feats, or other things that are powerful but not likely to fit every character concept.
Aberrant Wild Shape (LoM)
Deformity (Tall) (BoVD)
Deformity (Tongue) (HoH)
Dragontouched (DM)
Faerie Mysteries Initiate (Dr319)
Fey Heritage (CM)
Fey Legacy (CM)
Fey Power (CM)
Fiendish Heritage (CM)
Fiendish Legacy (CM)
Fiendish Power (CM)
Inhuman Reach (LoM)
Jotunbrud (RoF)
Magic in the Blood (PGtF)
Mother Cyst (LM)
Prehensile Tail (SK)
Sanctify Natural Attack (BoED)
Snow Tiger Berserker (UE)
Starspawn (LoM)
Tomb-Tainted Soul (LM)

Specific to Certain Classes or Races
Archivist of Nature (HoH)
Battle Blessing (CC)
Blend Into Shadows (DotU)
Captivating Melody (CM)
Confound the Big Folk (RotW)
Craven (CoR)
Doomspeak (CoR)
Draconic Archivist (HoH)
Dragonfire Inspiration (DM)
Dragon Wild Shape (Drac)
Dwarven Armor Proficiency (RoS)
Enervation Endurance (CPsi)
Entangling Exhalation (RotD)
Extend Utterance (ToM)
Extra Granted Maneuver (ToB)
Extra Invocation (CA)
Extra Music (CAdv)
Extra Rage (CW)
Extra Readied Maneuver (ToB)
Extra Silence (RoS)
Extra Spell Secret (CA)
Font of Inspiration (Web)
Frozen Wild Shape (Frost)
Headlong Rush (RoF)
Improved Binding (ToM)
Improved Fortification (MM3)
Improved Skirmish (CSc)
Intimidating Rage (CW)
Lingering Song (CAdv)
Melodic Casting (CM)
Metamagic Song (CM)
Mortalbane (BoVD)
Natural Bond (CAdv)
Postpone Enervation (CPsi)
Quicken Utterance (ToM)
Rapid Infusion (MoE)
Rapid Recovery (ToM)
Savvy Rogue (CSc)
Silencing Strike (RoS)
Serenity (Dr306)
Snowflake Wardance (Frost)
Song of the Heart (ECS)
Staggering Strike (CAdv)
Sun School (CW)
Sword of the Arcane Order (CoV)
Tap Mantle (CPsi)
Words of Creation (BoED)

Good Multiclass-Enabling Feats
Ascetic Mage (CAdv)
Carmendine Monk (CoV)
Daring Outlaw (CSc)
Devoted Performer (CAdv)
Master Spellthief (CSc)
Swift Hunter (CSc)
Tashalatora (SoS)

Not Strong, But Awesome Anyway
Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu (Sand)
Chicken Infested (Dr330)
Fling Ally (RoS)

I recommend banning or nerfing the following:
Arcane Thesis (PHB2)
Assume Supernatural Ability (SS)
Craft Contingent Spell (CA)
Dragon Cohort (Drac)
Easy Metamagic (Dr325)
Greenbound Summoning (LEoF)
Item Familiar (UA)
Shock Trooper (CW)
Leadership (DMG)
Metamagic Spell Trigger (CM)
Metamorphic Transfer (XPH)
Natural Spell (PHB)
Precocious Apprentice (CA)
Sanctum Spell (CA)
Southern Magician (RoF)
Spellfire Wielder (MoF)
Supernatural Transformation (SS)
Undead Leadership (LM)

2012-05-30, 05:21 PM
That's a great list Draz! Thanks very much.

Big Fau
2012-05-30, 06:39 PM
I know this is from 3.0, but no thread about feats should be allowed to exist without someone mentioning Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu.

Sandstorm is 3.5, not 3.0...

2012-05-30, 07:46 PM
-snip ridiculously long list

...That's incredible.

...How... how much time did you put into making that? O_o

2012-05-30, 07:52 PM
...That's incredible.
Thanks. It's just a rough draft, so to speak; I'm sure there are some good ones I missed.

...How... how much time did you put into making that? O_o

Using the Savannah Feats Index, it took me ... hmmm, I guess it was in the ballpark of three hours? Weird, it didn't feel that long. Probably because I was half asleep for most of it after staying up way too late last night fighting with MatLab.

2012-05-30, 09:05 PM
Sandstorm is 3.5, not 3.0...

Wow. I never realized that. I don't know why I thought it was 3.0. At least it makes my original comment a bit more relevant.

2012-05-30, 09:40 PM
Ignoring most [Epic] feats and most feats that are only useful as prerequisites. ...
A few feats not on this list I commonly find useful:

Education (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Able Learner
Telling Blow (Player's Handbook II)
Extended Reach (Savage Species 34)
Greater Manyshot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot) (Expanded Psionics Handbook 47)
Improved Trip

2012-05-30, 11:58 PM
A few feats not on this list I commonly find useful:

Education (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Thought about including it, but I'm skeptical of how worthwhile it really is. The classes that have lots of skill points and high Intelligence (Factotum, Bard) already have all the Knowledge skills on their list.

Able Learner
Should be added, yes.

Telling Blow (Player's Handbook II)
Skeptical. I've seen some niche crossbow builds where it's useful. But overall I consider it a trap.

Extended Reach (Savage Species 34)
I'll be honest, I don't know Savage Species very well and I have no idea what this one does. I'll look it up for consideration -- though it would probably go in the "weird feats" list just because of its source, which has a poor reputation for balance.

Greater Manyshot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot) (Expanded Psionics Handbook 47)
Yep, I missed this as well as regular Manyshot.

Improved Trip

Don't know how I missed this little classic.

Thanks for the feedback.

2012-05-31, 02:36 AM
Thought about including it, but I'm skeptical of how worthwhile it really is. The classes that have lots of skill points and high Intelligence (Factotum, Bard) already have all the Knowledge skills on their list.
I don't understand how you're missing the obvious. Those classes only have base 6 skill points per level, meaning they need to have INT more than 4 points higher than 8 skill point/level classes like Rogue and Scout for your statement to apply. A Rogue or Scout can benefit from Education to enable maxing out Knowledge Devotion. The boost to hit is very welcome for 3/4 BAB classes, and the boost to damage applies even when precision damage won't. Plus I generally make my Rogues start with 16 INT: 14 with point buy (the most efficient choice) plus a +2 racial bonus. A Bard or Factotum is never going to start with more skill points than such a Rogue, and will be paying a premium (10 extra build points) with a +2 INT race just to manage a skill point tie.

2012-05-31, 09:17 AM
Skeptical. I've seen some niche crossbow builds where it's useful. But overall I consider it a trap.
I respectfully disagree. A rogue dip, Craven, Telling blow and a Keen Falchion (or pair of kukris) is rather effective.

Other than that, can I suggest Trivial Knowledge (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-stone--82/trivial-knowledge--2972/) for the race/class specific list?

2012-05-31, 01:04 PM
I respectfully disagree. A rogue dip, Craven, Telling blow and a Keen Falchion (or pair of kukris) is rather effective.
I'm actually a fan of crit-fishing tactics (especially for Paladins and Warblades). But Telling Blow doesn't double your Sneak Attack when you score a crit; it just allows you to Sneak Attack. Which is useless if you were already Sneak Attacking.

There are better ways to guarantee Sneak Attacks. Even if your party composition doesn't include a flanking partner (which it should), it's more effective to use marbles/Grease/ToB tricks/whatever than to spend a feat on enabling Sneak Attack <30% of the time.

Other than that, can I suggest Trivial Knowledge (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-stone--82/trivial-knowledge--2972/) for the race/class specific list?
Ah, yes. That one crossed my mind while I was making the list, but I couldn't remember what it was named, so I missed it while skimming over feat names.

2012-05-31, 01:06 PM
I don't understand how you're missing the obvious.

Harsh. I suppose I just don't consider Knowledge Devotion so necessary for classes who already have such obvious damage-boosting mechanics as the Rogue and Scout. And even if they want KD, I think in most campaigns they can get by with just a couple Knowledge skills maxxed.

But I freely acknowledge that their are different build styles. Your argument is sufficient to get me to add Education to my list.

2012-05-31, 01:19 PM
I suppose I just don't consider Knowledge Devotion so necessary for classes who already have such obvious damage-boosting mechanics as the Rogue and Scout.
As I noted, the boost to damage is nice, but the boost to hit is especially welcome for 3/4 BAB classes. The first rule of sneak attack is: if you don't hit, your sneak attack damage is zero.

2012-09-07, 10:08 AM
EDIT: I can totes check post dates. For reals. :smallredface:

2012-09-07, 12:35 PM
Oooooohh I always wanted to do this, thanks :smallbiggrin:


2012-09-07, 12:43 PM
Not sure why you have Ranged Weapon Mastery on there but not Melee Weapon Mastery. I would think it deserves to be included.

I would also point out that any list you provide to your Players should include all feats that are prerequisites for PrCs that you are including in your game. Many of these are not likely to make the list otherwise, as they are often sub-optimal.