View Full Version : [PF] Shackleborn Sorcerers: Infernal or Shadow Bloodline?

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-05-30, 12:50 AM
I'm creating a tiefling character for an upcoming game with the intent of multiclassing into Sorcerer and eventually making Eldritch Knight. The character uses the shackleborn rules from Blood of Fiends, meaning he's descended from a kyton.

I'm currently trying to decide on what bloodline the character will manifest when he takes his first level of Sorcerer. I've narrowed it down to Shadow or Infernal, because part of his theme is using the powers of his tainted bloodline for good.

Infernal initially looked like the way to go, since while kytons are no longer devils, they're still Lawful Evil, and though they've escaped from Hell, some can still be found there. It also synergizes well with the intended build, especially since his resistances are nerfed due to the Infernal Bastard trait. Plus, I don't need to take Improved Fiendish Sorcery like I have to do with the other bloodline.

With the release of Bestiary 3, however, and a deeper explanation of the kytons, it seems Shadow is the default bloodline for shackleborn, as the Plane of Shadow is where the majority of kytons now reside. It also fits in very well with the recurring shadow motif of the Adventure Path (we're playing Council of Thieves). However, it requires the new Improved Fiendish Sorcery feat to shine like Infernal does, and even then, this character is more a blaster and a warrior than a scout or stealthy type, so the benefits of the bloodline are largely wasted.

Which one should I go with? Can tieflings have bloodlines that are only tangentially related to the fiend they're descended from (a shackleborn using Infernal, for example)?