View Full Version : [PF] Arcane Duelist Bard advice

2012-05-30, 02:57 AM
inspired by the latest demotivators thread, I have decided to create a bard based on Julie D'Aubigny (http://www.badassoftheweek.com/lamaupin.html) for Pathfinder Society play.

I am looking at the Arcane Duelist archetype for increasing my stabbing power while retaining my party-buffing abilities. (Unlike Dervish Dancer).

So far, she looks like:
Race: Half-elf
Stats (20 point buy):
Str 10
Dex 17 (includes +2 racial bonus)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 16

My current plans are to become as dex-dependant as possible, taking Weapon Finesse at level 1 and Dervish Dance at level 3 to get my dex to damage with a scimitar (proficient using the Ancestral Arms racial trait). How a Taldan opera singer has learned the style of her hated Qadira enemies remains to be determined.

I am looking for advice on how to best capitalize on my good Dex and Cha scores and ignore my poor Str score. I will probably be using muleback Cords to solve the carrying capacity issue as soon as I can purchase them.

Allowed sources are almost anything Pathfinder, but I would prefer to stick to the books I own: Core, APG, Ultimates, Inner Sea World Guide, Seekers of Secrets, and Pathfinder Society field Guide.

Starting level will be level 1 (though I may use GM credit to boost her to level 3 in time). Finishing level will be 12. As this is a Pathfinder Society character, i cannot rely on any houserules to be made.

2012-05-30, 04:38 AM
I think if i were you I would do something a bit differently.

I would take finesse, but turn my weapon into a +1 agile (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons#TOC-Agile) weapon at level 5 when I get my arcane bond.

I would use a shield, pick up shield focus, missile shield (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/missile-shield-combat), and ray shield (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/ray-shield-combat). This allows you to once/round, ignore a missile (as deflect arrows) and negate a ray spell (though your shield still takes the relevant damage).

Generally, only fighters can go down this road, but since you get Spell Breaker as a bonus feat, Arcane Duelists can do this as well.

This literally does turn you into the best Duelist of the Arcane. A lot of devastating spells are rays, Enervation being one I like in particular, Disintegrate being another.

I would go half elf, pick up the extra performance favored class bonus.

Piranha Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/piranha-strike-combat) is another good feat, Power Attack for light weapons, without the STR requirements.

Use Piranha strike, spells, and Inspire Courage for extra damage until level 5 when you get an Agile weapon.
Grab some mithril Kikko (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/armor/eastern-armor-and-shields) armor and you are set!

You have the same damage potential as a Dervish Dance Build, but you are also using your off-hand to parry missiles and spells, all while having 2-7 higher AC, depending on your level and magicness of your shield.

2012-05-30, 11:25 AM
A couple problems there.

Agile requires caster level 7th, so I couldn't add it via arcane bond till 7th level. I can take Dervish Dance at 3rd level. 7th level is a long time to wait for dex-to-damage in a campaign that will end at 12th.

I just now noticed there's no penalty for wearing mithril kikko. Thanks for pointing that out.

2012-05-31, 12:36 PM
Would it be worth investing in the Step Up feat chain in order to shut down 5-foot steps and make the most of my Disruptive feat?

Chained Birds
2012-05-31, 02:22 PM
A couple problems there.

Agile requires caster level 7th, so I couldn't add it via arcane bond till 7th level. I can take Dervish Dance at 3rd level. 7th level is a long time to wait for dex-to-damage in a campaign that will end at 12th.

I just now noticed there's no penalty for wearing mithril kikko. Thanks for pointing that out.

By level 4 you should be able to afford an +1 Agile weapon (With a WBL of 6000gp) if your GM is being nice and all. Then you can be Human and take advantage of the Human Favored Class Bonuses (A bonus spell of a lower level than what you can cast) and an extra feat.
If your DM is very fickle about how much money and/or items he'll give out, then dervish will work.

Step Up is pretty nice if you plan to negate 5ft steps from enemy casters. I can see an Arcane Duelist investing in it if she is in the face of an enemy caster.

2012-05-31, 03:30 PM
Not sure on how Masterwork Tools work in PFS, but given you are dancing, remember Masterwork tap shoes.

2012-05-31, 07:36 PM
By level 4 you should be able to afford an +1 Agile weapon (With a WBL of 6000gp) if your GM is being nice and all. Then you can be Human and take advantage of the Human Favored Class Bonuses (A bonus spell of a lower level than what you can cast) and an extra feat.
If your DM is very fickle about how much money and/or items he'll give out, then dervish will work.

Step Up is pretty nice if you plan to negate 5ft steps from enemy casters. I can see an Arcane Duelist investing in it if she is in the face of an enemy caster.

This is a Pathfinder Society character, and the rather arcane purchasing rules mean I am unlikely to have a single item worth that much before 6th level. So it's just as bad as a fickle DM in that regard.

I'd prefer Half-elf for the extra performance rounds. (And I'd have to take MWP: Scimitar as my human bonus feat for dervish, which I can get just as easily with Ancestral Arms for being half-elf.)

So I'm thinking these feats:
1) Weapon Finesse
3) Dervish Dance
5) Step Up
7) ??
9) ??
11) ??

Is it worth taking Following Step and Step Up and Strike, or should I focus my later feats elsewhere?

2012-05-31, 07:52 PM
This is a Pathfinder Society character, and the rather incarnum purchasing rules mean I am unlikely to have a single item worth that much before 6th level.


Stupidly, you can't take Ancestral Relic and get it Masterworked Transformationed because PFS apparently doesn't know what an "instantous" effect is.

2012-05-31, 08:20 PM
This is a Pathfinder Society character, and the rather incarnum purchasing rules mean I am unlikely to have a single item worth that much before 6th level.


Stupidly, you can't take Ancestral Relic and get it Masterworked Transformationed because PFS apparently doesn't know what an "instantous" effect is.

2012-05-31, 08:46 PM
Fortunately, this will be "Ancestral Arms" (alternate half-elf racial ability, replaces skill focus) proficiency with all scimitars, and not "Heirloom Weapon" (trait) proficiency with one scimitar that can't be upgraded.

As for backstory, maybe the character is secretly half-Qadiran as well as half-Elven.

2012-05-31, 08:52 PM
I know, but it prevents the other two (not quite as good) bonuses from Heirloom Weapon (sorry, wrong trait name) from working.

2012-05-31, 11:31 PM
if you are intent upon Dervish Dance, then go for the step up line of feats.

take 1 point out of charsima and use the point buy for 13 strength. Get Power Attack ,and rely on Inspire Courage (you did take Half elf, right?) for to hit and damage modifiers, while using Power attack and dervish dance one handed. you should be doing a goodly amount of damage between arcane strike, Dervish Dance, Power Attack, and Inspire Courage.

Only if using a light weapon, getting the agile enhancement and using piranha strike can you truly dump STR to 10. Even then, its still suboptimal.

Wiht Dervish Dance you should still get a STR of 13.

2012-06-01, 02:35 AM
Hmm. The thought occurs that If I'm going to power attack, I may as well do it with an Elven Curve Blade for the 2-handed damage from power attack.

Advantages: more damage from power attack, can eventually be made Agile, fewer feats required.
Disadvantages: gets dex to damage later than dervish dance.

Also, getting to 13 str should solve some of my carrying capacity problems.