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2012-05-30, 11:19 AM
Serve the whimsical pleasures of the Spider Queen or suffer horribly until you utterly perish from her dark and eternal wrath! This was the one absolute truth to all drow, and the only real law accordingly was; don’t get caught.

Rilandyr sported no less than a dozen noble houses, and scores of common houses, comprising a vast population compared to many drow cities. It was set in several large caverns, all interconnected by mazes of tunnels and low ‘fields’ of giant mushrooms growing between the floor and the low roof in spots. Each house was an individual structure that stood apart from the others, with various features found between.

Matron Myrtum Min’Doan scowled as the newest addition to her noble house viciously kicked a rib. Her eldest daughter Hazyth, herself a powerful High Priestess, smiled wickedly, enjoying the labor pain she observed in her mother and the thought of what another successful noble birth would mean to their powerful and much feared family.

The youngest Matron in many generations, Myrtum had multiplied her powerful brood in spectacular succession over the centuries of her brutal and cunning rule while lifting her house from twelfth to ninth rank; and she showed no signs of faltering in advancing either endeavor any time soon. Most nobles of Rilandyr had resigned themselves to accept the fact that she may very well be the First Matron in the not so distant future. However, some of the older matrons of nobles houses despised that possibility and worked diligently with every means available in attempts to disgrace her and cause her to lose the unfaltering favor of the Spider Queen.

Having already spawned half a dozen daughters, all but the youngest of High Priestess status, and Plynfet was set to graduate this season, the Matron was second only to that snide imperial bitch who ruled the First House. Everyone knew or at least suspected that not ALL the daughters of Prila Und’Yimar were her actual spawn, half or more of the countless retinue of priestesses were adopted from previous deviousness. But each and every one represented power and expressed the will of Lolth in the wicked city of Rilandyr. Prila had only one son, at least that anyone knew, while Myrtum had a dozen sons of her own loins, all skilled and obedient servants of Lolth and fiercely loyal to their Matron.

House Min’Doan was currently ranked ninth, a dangerous and coveted position, since the ruling council consisted of the Matrons of the top eight houses. Having advanced there from twelfth in a mere century was unprecedented in the history of Rilandyr, and only deep legends told of Matrons so fertile and powerful, destined perhaps to rule all who dared call this place home.

The baby kicked again and induced Myrtum to grab the throat of her eldest daughter, who stood snickering. The iron grip of her strong fingers clawed into the flesh of her eldest daughter as another agonizing spasm passed. Having suffered through her mother’s many pregnancies, actually a near constant state in house Min’Doan, Hazyth endured the humiliation and pain stoically, though such treatment she would only willingly suffer from this one mortal in all the planes. Her lips clamped tight over a faint smirk on her choked visage, abiding what she had suffered most of her life and relishing the position of First Daughter who was the only one allowed in the presence of the Matron during birthing. Most of her other siblings were dispersed throughout the region, ready to strike at the appointed moment against their most hated current rivals; the sixth ranked House Fer’kiln

Hazyth spoke as clearly as she could after being released a moment later, “Soon, the next Prince of Min’Doan shall learn to cower under my heel, in obedience to thee Matron, and in loyalty to Loth and our great House! His birth marks the beginning of new power for us, and he shall be treasured by us all for it!”

“Not soon enough, and I have yet to decide who shall be the next consort. There is also the mystery of this mystical message...” Another spasm shook Myrtum and choked off her words, her hands grasping the onyx throne as her daughter stepped back to witness the miracle of birth again...

Hazyth scowled bitterly and spat her hatred for her enemies boldly, “All is in proper place and will be well played, honored Matron. The Favor of the Spider Queen is upon us, and House Min’Doan will secure its rightful and well deserved seat on the ruling council after this birth. The obliteration of House Fer’kiln is assured and this birth will signal the initial attacks! Dorza and Ca’al will ensure that not a single feigned noble of that ill fated house survives the slaughter, and there remains no place to hide their soured spawn - even in the accursed upper world!”

As if only an afterthought she all but dismissed, the First Daughter added in a disregarding and flippant fashion, “That message will become absolutely clear in its time, honored Matron.”

2012-05-30, 11:21 AM
Elyndor Min’Doan sat in the upper floor of his high, dark tower. He stared sullenly across the compound at the elaborate family chapel where his honored Matron was in the depths of childbirth. This highly enchanted tower was the only one in the compound reserved for the exclusive use of a single male of the family. Being the High Wizard of House Min’Doan, he was favored above the other noble males of his family except the eldest; his fierce and fertile eldest brother Ca’al. Bolkur, the next eldest male and an accomplished Master Abjurer, held a distinct hatred for this situation, but his own position allowed access to parts of the compound that few other males enjoyed, so he consoled himself with this fact.

While the tower occupied the highest level of the sprawling building itself, even the overly lusty elderboy had no tower to call his own like Elyndor, a fact that often caused some friction between them. The vast building which was the base for the tower was the home to all spell casting males of the family. It was the place where they studied and practiced their dark arts, and included an extensive dungeons below that also served their arcane purposes. The High Wizard was often involved in crafting magic items, unique arcane studies, sensitive and tricky divinations and the like, so this tower had been constructed for the sole purpose of his undisturbed use.

Elyndor sighed, the seventh sibling, he was the third eldest male of his noble siblings, yet had risen to his high station in a short time, surpassing the second oldest and next youngest brother in arcane studies and abhorrent application of certain powers. He was gifted beyond reckoning in many facets of the arcane arts and had learned the skills of tipping the balance of fate in his favor. The masters of the arcane academy acclaimed him the best they had seen or even heard of in generations in several areas of arcane arts; something that made his Matron not only more powerful but more that a little proud.

Fits of deep melancholy were common to the High Wizard of Min’Doan, though their length varied widely. Sometimes they were immediately followed by unpredictable and quite volatile periods of violence, in which many slaves and lesser drow had suffered and often died horribly. Those who knew Elyndor fled his presence if they could when he was melancholic, except his sisters of course.

One of those sinister siblings strode in causally, despite the fearful warning of his bold familiar. Kirzen paused and scowled at the brash quasit as she fingered her whip, the Fwalirt it was called, causing the little demon to flee in terror from the Tithe Taker; the Mistress of slaves. She was unmatched in use of this sinister family weapon, except by her Matron, and both knew that status would not stand forever either.

The Fwalirt was a wicked weapon in the hands of a High Priestess of Min’Doan, and one that Elyndor himself had invented and created from the memories of delirious dreams from Lolth. Able to produce an astonishing array of poisons by using Divine spell powers of various levels, the highly enchanted whip could also grapple an opponent with incredible strength, and always the little spider tip on the extendable length inflicted a caustic wound so cold and vile as to defy natural healing, and most magic healing!

In that deceptively sweet voice of hers, the Tithe Taker purred, “Greetings, honored brother. Tell me, High Wizard of Min’Doan, why so glum on this day when another sibling joins our dark brood?”

Elyndor shrugged but bowed his head in respect as he replied softly, “It has nothing whatsoever to do with that and you know it, even without your detection spells, dear sister.”

“What then?!”, Kirzen snapped the demanded inquiry as fast as she cracked her whip. Her tone altered to one of the dominant force just as swiftly, while she lovingly caressed the whip handle gratefully still hanging from her belt.

With the merest irritation flickering across his noble facial features for only the briefest moment, the wizard replied in a meek and woeful tone, “This mystic message Kirzen, it still has me baffled, and I fear its content will prove important to our Matron very soon. I MUST learn its meaning, for the sake of all Min’Doan.”

Kirzen paused to stare hard at her brother as she slowly pressed out a tiny wrinkle from the perfect breast of her tight fitting robe in thought. She edged closer to him and purred, “Yes, the entire episode is presently beyond us all. But fret not, Hazyth and the rest of us will divine the truth soon after our overly fertile Matron is breeding with her newest slave-mate. That, dear brother, is why I came today, to ensure your continued efforts and future willingness to aid us immediately when called.”

“Of course,” he sighed and fell to his knees as she approached within feet, bowing his head to the stone floor in absolute submission, “For Min’Doan and the honor of Lolth.” He held out one hand to offer her the small diamond he had prepared, “Simply hold this in your bosom, touch your divine symbol to it and call for me when you require my presence.”

Kirzen smiled wickedly as she snatched the whip from her belt and snapped it to wrap around the wrist of the hand offering her the gem. She lovingly reached out her other hand and caressed the gem for a moment, then pressed it and his hand slowly between her ample breasts as she said seductively, “A dear and heart warming gift, beloved Elyndor. It inflames my already aroused passion!”

2012-05-30, 11:31 AM
Ca’al sat around a huge black marble table with Zythrom the Master Abjurer and his twin siblings, the Blessed Mistress Biltra and Master Blokar. The elderboy had assembled most of the other siblings remaining in the compound to meet with Dorza before they joined the youngest trio, who were currently with the troops preparing for assaults.

He knew that Wul’mit waited with the undead elements near the gate in the Astral Plane, prepared to unleash their necromantic forces when signaled. Frixal , Lomni, Xinth and Zif’coip would eliminate the enemy elements who were away from the compound at the signal, ensuring no outside survivors among the nobles of House Fer’kiln. Elyndor sat arrogantly alone and ready in his tower above, as commanded by the Matron herself. That thought elicited a scowl of envy and hate from the fertile assassin and elderboy as he paused to receive a mental message from Kirzen the Tithe Taker about the readiness of the slaves.

Now he just awaited the birth of his newest sibling, the signal from the matron to begin the murderous onslaught.

2012-06-04, 01:59 AM
In a realm far removed from the awareness of most drow, the vectors of several stars moved and their movements shifted inexplicably in the galaxy. Noticed only vaguely by those who closely monitored such cosmic events from such a distance, the unpredictable effects would be felt for many cycles to come.

A sinister squeal and short squall marked the first breathes of the one born that fateful day. Unknown to most, the event marked an undeniable turn in the fates of many, most of whom would never know how or why, and many who would never realize the difference though it would remain profound in their ignorance as well.

Elyndor felt something odd as he stared at the chapel from his tower, recognizing the signal for the attack in his mind as Hazyth announced the birth to all her siblings through a powerful mind melding spell. He knew his life would never be the same, for weal or woe. Though it may take years to feel even the first slight change, he thought, that alteration was irrevocable. He sighed and enacted the series of powerful spells he had prepared to alter the outcome of the impending battle in his family’s favor; with the blessing of Lolth of course...

So it was that Aelynth was born; the nineteenth child of Matron Myrtum Min’Doan to survive birth. Had the great Matron known it would be her last child she surely would have slaughtered the babe on the spot in sacrifice and the desperate hopes that Lolth would grant her more. Some would say it was a pity that her hunger for power blinded her so that day... others only pity the suffering of the victims which resulted from the birth of The Chosen.

2012-06-05, 07:53 AM
Black bolts sank silently through thick chain armor and dug deeply into the fleshy flanks of the clueless crew of mining minions. Multiple targeting ensured almost certain success for the paralyzing poison, rendering a potentially dangerous encounter into valued slaves. Indeed, immobile and ineffective, half a dozen deep dwarves feared for their lives and souls as the drow poison coursed through their dark veins.

A male dark elf strode forth from the shadows and spoke in commanding Undercommon, "Resist further and suffer more for it. Come along quietly and your life will change little from its current state."

Unseen, a female spoke in a sinister and somehow seductive tone from somewhere nearby, using the language of the duergar, "Suffer surely, either way, by choice or deed the extent shall determine. Perhaps one shall prove worthy and earn some small attention?"

Immediately, each dwarf thought what it could possibly do to please the dread drow Mistress in the darkness. Being paralyzed, there was little they could do currently, but eventually...

2012-06-05, 08:56 AM
Kirzen brimmed with pride as she returned with half a dozen new slaves, all submissive duergar miners of some skill, and likely fighters as an unexpected boon. Some would surely make for good sport, in the arena or elsewhere, and all would be valued additions. Turning them over to the pen master for processing, she selected one of the soldiers who had performed well above the others on their scouting mission to the mines and seduced him in the prison.

Leaving the whipped and spent male on the floor to recover as he might, she left with a smirk of sinister satisfaction. First she visited the Chapel of the Sisters to inform Dorza, who went with her when she reported to the Matron, who was inevitably in the company of Hazyth. All were pleased, as expected by the Tithe Taker, and she joined them in dark prayers and rituals to bind the new slaves to House Min'Doan.

During the rituals it was indicated that Kirzen should take some few siblings on a special mission. Ostensibly to capture particular slaves, she was to covertly train them in the strange dangers of the vast Underdark and the even stranger ways of the upper world. Nothing more specific came, leaving the choices to the the Matron as usual, who dismissed all to ponder and pray alone.

Kirzen chuckled as she left the inner temple, pausing just outside to watch Dorza disappear back to the sanctum of the Chapel of the Sisters and Hazyth stride lazily toward the slave pens. Glancing over to a nearby alcove, she smiled to see Ca'al reveal himself and bow, "Elyndor wishes to see you at your soonest convenience, honored Tithe Taker. I understand he has completed crafting something you desired."

"Excellent, and perfectly timed Ca'al!" Kirzen smiled sweetly and swept passed the elderboy without further attention, heading straight for the High Wizard's tower.

Ca'al sighed softly, truly relieved to escape any attention of his volatile sisters, returning to inspect his watchful guard posts and personal sly patrols of the inner sanctum of House Min'Doan.


“It is done, honored sister. All powers of the darkness are enhanced and extended until the morrow for those of our house while those of our enemies will cease to function for the same period. The lower passages will be ours to control, provided that your demon hordes cooperate as planned.”

The darkness itself seemed to speak to Dorza the Demonseed, though she knew it was her brother Bolkur the Blinded. Here in his abode deep under the wizard quarters no light functioned without his will, not even the faerie fire all drow could call up. She beamed her utter joy in the dark, muttering seductively, “Excellent Bolkur, you have done well. And now, the reward for your doubts of my demonic hordes and pleasure for our dark souls...”

Cringing in the darkness, the second son of House Min’Doan anticipated with some perverse joy the feeling of his sister’s whip on his dark flesh with a passionately masochistic, “Yesssss...” that always accompanied the more enjoyable sensations she allowed him in their carnal incest when she was pleased.

2012-06-10, 01:30 PM
Meeting Matron Myrtum

With brutal efficiency that he always enjoyed far too much, Ca’al had roughly gathered those of his brethren who were to meet the Matron in a private chapel. He bowed deeply to Kirzen upon entering the appointed oval shaped room, expecting the siblings in his wake to show the proper respect to the Tithe Taker without need for enforcement. She nodded to him from her chair next to the altar at the far end of the room and smiled wickedly while lovingly fingering her Fwalirt whip.

The elderboy shuddered slightly as he took his seat at the head of the table set up for the meeting and motioned for the rest to take seats. He began by explaining, “Our beloved and honored Matron has chosen each of you to be included in this mission for various reasons, none of which now holds any further meaning. You will accompany Kirzen on a trade mission for a time as you travel upward through the dangers of the Under Dark. At the proper time and place she will continue with the slaves and you will finish the journey to the Upper World, where you will serve the purpose our Matron has chosen for you.”

After looking over at Kirzen briefly, who shrugged, Ca’al continued, “Elyndor has crafted a means that he believes will create a portal between the underworld and the upper world, a barrier yet to be broached safely. He will instruct you, shortly after this meeting ends.”

The door opened and Matron Myrtum entered, flanked by Hazyth and Dorza. Ca’al immediately stood and bowed abjectly, “Greetings, honored Matron, all is done as you commanded.”

Dorza closed the door and stood there while Hazyth and the Matron approached the altar. Without a glance at those gathered, other than a short glare from Hazyth to ensure they all showed the proper respect, the Matriarch and eldest daughter knelt before the altar and led a dark prayer. Each person present was joined in the rare but familiar mind melding enacted by the powerful High Priestesses, stripping each of privacy or reserve in the minds of their mother and eldest sister.

OOC: When Hazyth enters she activates Detect Thoughts, and I dare any of you to resist! There’s no resisting the other spell and chant, and all involved must be willing... any who aren’t would certainly be punished severely and would forfeit the chance to go.

With Hazyth still kneeling and chanting to maintain the meld, Matron Myrtum stepped onto the altar and faced the room, “My treasured spawn, it pleases me greatly to see each of you on this momentous day. Know that dark destiny is undeniably upon us, set forth in part by my wisdom, and we shall expend all efforts to please the Spider Queen in this and all things. Today you start a dangerous journey that will culminate in the opportunity for you to eliminate an important element of an enemy House. If you survive and succeed, it will increase your own prowess and power, thus bolstering the status of House Min’Doan. This mission is vital, for if we succeed in all other plans, which I fully expect we will, those that you must destroy would be the only ones to stake any legitimate claim of failure."

The Matron grinned viciously at each of her spawn and added, "I grant each of you gifts to help carve your way through the dark paths to tempt this vital quest. Kirzen and Ca’al will handle the details, as needed.”

With a sinister laugh of sadistic joy, the Matron turned and stepped through a portal that appeared on the altar.

Hazyth continued to chant, altering it slightly to enhance the divine dweomers in the chapel.

Dorza leaned against the only door, her expression dark and enigmatic as always.

Kirzen sat waiting and watching while caressing her whip handle and smiling wickedly.

Ca’al took his seat again and spoke with a sly smile tinged with envy, “So siblings, something each of you have desired deeply will be your initial reward. Zif, the ring you have craved is the boon you gain. Xinth, that special rapier is ready. Stain it well with blood, brother."

to be continued...

white rider
2012-06-11, 05:21 PM
Xinth grins widely and steps forward, grasping the rapier. In one fluid motion, he swings it out and cuts his own hand, letting the blood drip into a cup from the table. Sheathing the rapier, Xinth kneels and offers the cupful of blood to Kirzen, saying, "For you, my dear sister, so that I may humbly beg both your favor and our queen's."
Xinth straightens upright, and backs away, bowing respectfully to the alter.

2012-06-13, 03:20 PM

As Zif slid the ring past the last knuckle on his slender forefinger, the white metal formed tiny barbs that dug into the delicate dark digit until it was firmly set in place. Grunting once in pain, he grinned wickedly, “Ah Elyndor, High Wizard indeed!”

Leaning over as Xinth bled into the cup, the Nightmare Spinner squeezed his hand into a fist until a few drops of his own blood joined his elder brother’s. He winked at Xinth and bowed deeply to the altar, “My humble addition, for what it may be worth, honored sisters.”

As he sat quietly cogitating and toying with the band around his still bleeding finger, it was clear to all who knew the Master Illusionist that he was already contemplating the enchantment of his new ring. He smiled as he glanced down at the pesky wound and wrapped his hand tightly in the opposite sleeve of his robe to staunch the wound.

2012-06-15, 11:18 AM
Lomni took his turn at claiming items from the altar, taking the belt he knew was meant for him. He strapped the belt on and basked in the increased power it provided before kneeling and putting his face down to the floor in front of the altar in a moment of silent prayer. Getting back up, he winked to Elyndor and bowed to his sisters before resuming his seat.

2012-06-15, 01:13 PM
Dorza chuckled softly as a dull bang rang out against the door. She stepped aside as a troll skeleton pushed the door open and bowed, then vanished. Frixal walked in with a wicked grin, then gave a respectful bow to her elder sister and softly closed the door. She walked slowly toward the altar as she glanced over at the table, glowering at each of her brothers while fingering the falwirt whip hanging on her belt. She giggled almost girlishly as she looked over at Kirzen and fingered the new tentacle whip hanging from the other hip.

Kneeling at the altar and bowing low before Hazyth, the necromantic priestess intoned respectfully, “Greetings, honored siblings, dire servants of our most wise Matron, and slaves of the Spider Queen. I had reason to see Elyndor personally and picked up my new whip. I am ready to leave when appropriate.”

She stood and stared at the eldest son as she asked coldly, “Are you nearly finished, Ca’al?”

The elderboy shrugged and bowed his head to his younger sister in respect, “Unless there are any questions for me, I have other duties to attend, honored sisters.” He looked to Kirzen, who shrugged, then to Dorza, who nodded to approve his departure.

Kirzen spoke as Ca’al walked through the door which seemed to open of its own volition, “We leave soon, tell Elyndor to enter.”

The High Wizard walked in with a respectful bow, “Greetings, and well met siblings. Since none of us have time for else, I shall get right to the reason for my presence. I have means to create a portal I believe will bypass the barrier that prevents magic transport between the underdark and the upper world.”

Pulling out a dark ruby gem set in silvery ring, Elyndor held it up between his thumb and ofrefinger, “But it requires a teleport spell be cast each day once beyond the barrier point, cast upon the ring itself, which absorbs, stores, and transmutes the energy. The portal it creates will only work once, but should remain intact until the ring wielder steps through. However, since none who are going to the surface have yet reached such arcane prowess....”

He pulled out a headband made of mithril with tiny rubies set in it, “This is enchanted to enact a Teleport once a day. If you find need to use it for anything other than continuing the enchantment of the portal ring, be sure to teleport back to a previous location.”

He handed both to Kirzen, “I trust you will know to whom you should give these and when. I wish you all the best in this most important endeavor.”

Kirzen put the headband on and handed the ring to Frixal, "Well done, High Wizard. You are free to return to your important work."

Elyndor smiled slightly as he bowed again and exited. Hazyth and Dorza followed him, leaving only the siblings assigned to the mission in the small chapel.

2012-06-15, 02:04 PM
Kirzen joined everyone else at the table as she pulled out a blank vellum. Pointing at the map that Ca'al left she cast a quick spell to copy it, then said, "Xinth and Lomni will each take a copy of the map. Zif has one. You three, and a few fighters, will lead the way, with Frixal right behind in support. The slaves and guards are waiting in the tunnels below, which I will oversee. We leave now."

Looking around to see if anyone had any reason to delay, the Tithe Taker tapped her foot on a stone at the foot of the altar to open a secret door exposing a stairway spiraling steeply down.

Frixal fingered her family whip and flashed her brothers a sinister smile.

2012-06-15, 02:17 PM
Lomni snags his copy of the map and after a cursory glance, folds it and shoves it into his newly acquired belt, the map disappearing. He needed no prompting from Kirzen to get up and head down the stairs. He'd never seen this particular passageway before, but it didn't surprise him that it was there.

white rider
2012-06-15, 06:46 PM
Xinth sheaths his sword, carefully picks up his map and stows it in his cloak. Standing, he turns and walks down the passage, beginning to softly sing a song, the words inaudible but the melody inspiring.

2012-06-16, 11:33 AM
Zif followed his brothers through the secret door and down the spiral stairs, anxious to start the journey. Frixal was barely a step behind him, excited to be on her way toward a much desired destiny. Kirzen lingered behind until they were all around the curve and out of sight before closing and sealing the door, then followed at a leisurely pace.

As they wound down the stairs Zif cast a cantrip to create an eloquent voice, which seemed to come from nowhere, singing lyrics softly to the tune Xinth produced:

Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys
We shall go on playing
And find new toys

Strange eyes fill strange rooms
Voices will signal their tired end
The hostess is grinning
Her guests sleep from sinning
Hear me talk of sin
And you know this is it

Strange days have found us
And through their strange hours
We linger alone
Bodies confused
Memories misused
As we run from the day
To a strange night of stone

A Doors song, though I've altered a few words...

2012-06-16, 11:48 AM
Ultimately the stairs ended somewhere in the slave pens, where Kirzen took the lead. Few knew the entire extent of this maze of tunnels and pits and dungeons and cells. As Mistress of slaves, the Tithe Taker spent much time here and was very familiar with the vast majority of the complex. She led them through many dark passages for over an hour before they reached a cavern where the slaves and supplies were assembled. She went to inspect the slaves, chained in double file behind a pair of riding lizards.

Frixal moved swiftly over to the contingent of guards, a score of male fighters and one female. She addressed the female directly, and together they hand picked a few male soldiers for the forward detachment. The female fighter then took her position in the rear, walking among the pack lizards behind the slaves, as the caravan prepared to move.

Frixal returned with a trio of male fighters to join Lomni and Xinth in the vanguard.

Zif mounted the other riding lizard at the hand signal from Kirzen.

Thus they descended the primary tunnel leading from the slave pens. Well guarded, and with several tunnels and few shafts branching off, here they saw some of the fierce demons and other monsters enslaved by House Min’Doan to bolster the warded way. Several powerful Glyphs were safely passed as Kirzen authorized passage through them.

As they approached, a quasit appeared at the main door that sealed this passage from the wild tunnels beyond. Squealing with demonic delight it fluttered around above the vanguard group and spoke in Undercommon, “Greetings, I am Jod. Mistress Dorza, dread Demonseed of House Min’Doan, commands that I aid you in all things where possible.”

Frixal smiled and exclaimed with obvious sarcasm and feigned excitement, “How delightful Jod! You may scout ahead, and make sure any potential enemy sees you first!”

She caressed her whip handle and glared at the little demon, lowering her voice to a serious tone, “Obey properly and escape oblivion, much preferable to any death you are likely to suffer, I would think.”

Jod's eyes widened in fear as he bowed in midair, "Aye Mistress Frixal!"

Frixal nodded to Lomni and Xinth, then exchanged places with Zif, taking the other riding lizard as the door opened.

The Master Illusionist joined his brothers and the trio of commoner fighters to lead the way on foot into the wilderness of the Underdark.

OOC Any special preps prior to leaving? Spells, etc? Supplies are provided, for now, and each of you has sufficient sustenance.

2012-06-18, 03:36 PM
Lomni spent the time moving from the slave pens to the main gate studying the map he had been provided so that he was aware of the intended route and could lead the group effectively.

At the signal from Frixal, he directed the three fighters out beyond the three brothers, forming a chain of sorts so they could see out as far as possible.

The three brothers would be out about 100 feet beyond the party, and the three fighters another 100 feet from them. Ordinarily, I think a drow scouting party would have been sent out first and would have been a longer distance from the main force, but this should be sufficient to give the bulk of the party fair warning of anything in their path. I'm assuming the brothers and the fighters would spread out when the cave widens and come back together when it narrows.

No buffs for Lomni. To do so now would be to waste them - lol.

white rider
2012-06-23, 02:42 PM
Xinth is using his song to inspire courage. Since inspire courage has no time limit, everyone gets +1 attack and damage until I feel like not singing anymore.

2012-06-24, 11:43 PM
The passage was familiar, being one in a section that each of them had patrolled at an earlier stage of their life in House Min’Doan. Ambushes aided by illusions and the natural features of the surroundings were often set up at various spots, moved randomly under direction of drow nobles. Patrols alertly prowled through the web of tunnels surrounding the dungeons of Min’Doan, often comprised largely of humanoid races enslaved to fight for their dark elf Mistresses and masters.

Most of the first day passed with nothing more than frequent encounters with humanoid patrols and one drow ambush, who had been informed in advance of the important caravan. But one bugbear from a patrol of mixed humanoids offended Frixal with excessive suspicion. The necromantic priestess leaped from her mount as she commanded that the bugbear be paralyzed with poison from crossbow bolts, then slowly tortured the hapless creature to death. Expert use of her whip and sinister application of a few minor spells extended the suffering to such an extent that even Kirzen was getting impatient before its life ultimately ended.

Frixal examined the corpse closely, smirking as the rest of the patrol was released and fled the scene in utter terror. Nudging the dead bugbear with the toe of one boot she shrugged, commenting clinically, “A bit hasty to avoid enough damage for a perfect zombie, but it will suffice.”

She smiled sweetly at her agitated older sister and shrugged, then used cleverly mutated magic and sinister surgical skills to mend some of the flaws in the now inanimate flesh. Within moments she stuffed an onyx in its mouth and animated the dead bugbear to serve her after death. She remounted her riding lizard, her obedient new undead shuffling just ahead of her, with a dismissive wave to her brothers.

During the first rest period Zif flashed his fingers in the secret drow language, “I’ve developed a mutated means of using this communication even while we’re all inside my Invisibility Sphere. As long as we stay within reach of each other we can pass signals through finger touches, at least to some degree.”

The Nightmare spinner spent hours teaching his siblings what he had developed, hoping to extend their knowledge of the secret language beyond normal visual perception.

OOCInt check (or speak languages if you have ranks) DC 10
Frixal [roll0]

white rider
2012-06-25, 07:58 AM
Xinth int: [roll0]

2012-06-25, 10:03 AM
Lomni stood by with a bored expression on his face while Frixal toyed with the bugbear. He had considered reminding his sister about the importance of their mission and that their mother would be somewhat vexed if Frixal's personal pleasures caused delays, but then he thought better of it. He also said nothing when she deemed it time to continue, urging the front fighters to move on with a hand signal.

Lomni was intrigued by Zif's discovery. He had already developed a method for disarming traps while completely blinded [ooc: tactile trapsmith feat] and this would play well into his skills.

Int: [roll0]

white rider
2012-06-25, 12:46 PM
Xinth gives a malicious grin at his sister's sport. "A fine catch, my dear sister, despite the... wear and tear. Not nearly as lovely as you are, of course."
DM only
Bluff, is it not? I want to find out if the matron has... forgot to tell me something, and get more information in general.
bluff: [roll0]

2012-06-27, 02:24 PM
With a superior smirk at Xinth, the proud priestess replied, “Naturally brother, always trying to be the charmer. Comparing my beauty to any undead is hardly a compliment, and could easily be viewed as a insult.”

Sense Motive 19 vs Bluff 24

A sadistic smile somehow softened her facial features as Frixal leered at her brother, “But I know you oh so well, beloved brother...”

“Just move along Xinth,” the Tithe Taker pronounced shortly, cutting off her younger sister with growing impatience clear in her tone, “We have only a certain amount of spare time, and we have wasted enough of it on such irrelevance here.”

Sense Motive 42 vs Bluff 24

With a dismissive flip of her hair and a soft sigh, Frixal said, “Very well, and of course you are quite correct, honored sister. He shall certainly rue any irritation caused to you, I can assure you, in its time.”

The young illusionist snickered softly as he moved into the tunnel, trailing behind the fighters who all took the females’ words to action.

Zif was very proud when his siblings easily picked up on his alteration of the silent language. It confirmed in his mind how well thought out his idea was, and the fact that Frixal seemed pleased made him absolutely certain of its value.

The first night out the Tithe Taker gathered the noble siblings for a private meeting, “Our honored Matron has placed a great deal of trust in all of us to accomplish our appointed tasks. I have few doubts my part will prove relatively easy. However, some of you may have questions or concerns you wish to discuss?”

2012-06-27, 03:33 PM
Lomni takes advantage of the break to study the map more. In response to Kirzen, he asks "Do we know which nobles of House Fer’kiln we're after and where in the Upper World they are? I'd hate to be just wandering around up there looking for them when the appointed time comes because we can't find them." He hadn't been outside the household in a long time and wasn't up on the latest whereabouts of people that weren't in the family.

ooc: or is that info on the map?

2012-07-02, 04:06 PM
An acerbic smirk was the initial reply, followed by a small shrug and overly patient words spoken in a condescending tone so typical for the Tithe Taker, "Indeed, and now is a fine time to reveal more of the wisdom guiding House Min'Doan in this fated endeavor. Such thinking is doubtless a primary reason our honored matron chose you to be included in this Lomni. But it also reveals your doubt and lack of certainty that we follow a wise course, of which you know only a small part."

Kirzen smiled sadistically, slowly looking at each sibling for a few seconds before continuing in a tone of shared conspiracy, "Regardless, the ill fated targets of House Fer’kiln are well known to us. Competitors, however incompetent, with whom I have dealt more than once. A mutual business partner has agreed to betray them, at great cost to ensure their loyalty in this, and a meeting has been arranged. It is during this meeting, to be held in a prearranged location, that you will strike them down, but only at the appropriate time."

Having waited for the proper moment, the younger sister added with an eagerness to disclose a deeply held secret that she had kept contained for too long, "The illithid is also well known to us, among others in Rilandyr. His involvement with us, while costly indeed, will largely determine his own future..." she smiled wickedly, "or lack thereof perhaps."

Sharing a sadistic snicker with her sister, the Tithe Taker added, "Perhaps, the Matron has yet to decide that. For now, either way serves our purpose the same."

Turning back to her brothers she concluded seriously, "The place is an Inn known as the Drunken Dragon, of which the Illithid is half owner. Its located in a village named Ruknor, somewhat haphazardly sprawled atop a deep chasm. The map shows the way to the bottom of that chasm, which should hold many places that could serve as a secure base."

Though many inquisitive and probing thoughts played through his mind, the younger sibling stifled them in deference to his elder brothers.

white rider
2012-07-02, 05:45 PM
Xinth gave a wry smile at his more perceptive sister. He really hadn't expected that two work, anyways. "Ordinarily, sister, it would be an insult, but anything related to you is always exquisite. Anyways, we should be off. Should we send a scout ahead, or proceed as a party?"

2012-07-02, 05:58 PM
Lomni showed a brief flash of disgust at the mention of the illithid. Alliances with the aliens tended to based on mutual benefit, but loyalty wasn't always guaranteed. "My lack of certainty isn't in the wisdom of the course, dear sister, but in the source of information. I just wanted to be sure we had it."

2012-07-05, 11:27 AM
The elder sister sighed softly as she glared at Xinth, then said sternly, “We go no further today, and there is more important information we need to disclose.”

OOC This occurs during the first rest period

Eagerly speaking, the younger priestess glanced at her older sister on occasion but spoke in confident tones, “The chasm itself is many miles long at the top, the widest points being about 100' apart. At the bottom of the east end is the site of the original dwarven mine, where they had discovered precious minerals. Mined out long ago, it serves as a collection and security point for foraging miners. The west end proved even richer with deposits, but was filled with smaller tunnels inhabited by all manner of underground denizens.

Atop the chasm at about the midway point a small village named Ruknor sprang up in recent years, known to us initially only from what our siblings had been able to divine. It started as a dwarven mining base and expanded into a small yet thriving village to support that continuing operation and other industries that have developed with due diligence by the dour dwarves.

The dwarves built Ruknor to extend their reach with fewer risks from below, and to house their forges and foundries and other industries. The other side attracted other races interested in mining, or the miners, and a rope bridge was soon constructed to allow travel. The nearest sign of civilization above ground is a hundred leagues south, though dwarven enclaves could be found closer underground.

Other races can be found there besides the founding dwarves; most notably and prolific are the halflings and gnomes. Inevitably, more than a fair share of humans have filtered into the budding society. As far as any knew, in or out of the village, no elves have shown their pointy ears.

Recently a rich deposit of mithril has been discovered, and this blessed event coincided with the appearance of a dubious pair of humans. Though few, if any, had realized the hint of correlation, let alone connecting any direct relation, it was only a matter of time before such discoveries could expose flaws in the plans of House Fer’kiln. A pair of young, yet quite powerful drow siblings had been capturing slaves in the area for decades on raids. They had arranged to use a secret portal constructed by the Illithid that allowed them instant access to the underdark and a means to return to the surface, which would normally take weeks each way.”

The Tithe Taker explained more details, “When the village and mines became evident the drow of House Fer’Kiln turned their sinister attention to exploiting that source of wealth and trade. They contrived a means to disguise themselves as human merchants and miners with less than honest connections in the underworld. Years of deals done in seemingly honest trades appeared to make those they dealt with uncommonly fortunate in many ways. In truth much of what was obtained from them was cursed insidiously; the more one had the less likely that one would refuse to make a deal. Those of House Fer’kiln got considerably richer, and the dwarves appeared to as well, though the gold and items all held a minuscule portion of the curse.

The illithid had discovered the curse, but was never affected by it. Seeing the value of it, if used properly, he let it run its course and planned profits. So it was that a High Priestess and her Illusionist brother of House Fer’kiln all but enthralled the entire region to their devious whims and eternal hunger for exploitation. Most of this was known to the illithid, except the specifics of the curse used to achieve this state.

I made contact on one of my forays above ground last year, leading to many discoveries that were instrumental in our Matron’s plan to take down this hated enemy in spectacular glory. While few are privileged to all the information about that plan, you now know a good bit about this particular aspect of the attack. Know also that this is certainly a vital key to our assault, to ensure that no nobles survive to invoke the council to judge it a failure.”

2012-07-05, 11:37 AM
"Interesting." Lomni said. "Are we to take over their operation once they have been eliminated? Is there any reason to think this 'curse' will cause us any issues?"

2012-07-08, 02:22 AM
The Tithe Taker smiled sweetly, something perhaps far more sinister to those who had long felt the lash of her whip or other disciplinary force from her, "Insightful queries, for a male..."

She winked, knowing Lomni was one of the most clever of her brothers, "Whether or not we take over and improve their operation has yet to be decided, which the Matron will do if you succeed. I suppose the decision will depend heavily on how much the dwarves learn of our involvement, and exactly what operations can be exploited with little or no risk."

Sipping from her wine flask briefly, Kirzen continued with a shrug and casual arrogance, "As to the curse, the treasure that holds it will be used to buy slaves from the Illithid, thus freeing us of any risk, however small it might be. Whether it continues after House Fer'kiln ceases to exist is another matter completely, though I suspect the answer will be apparent relatively soon after the demise of those who created it. Such things typically require constant infusion of prayer and sacrifice. This too, is something to which the Matron and Hazyth will devote some time soon enough."

The younger priestess chuckled wickedly and added, "What we find there may also influence the Matron."

The illusionist had sat quietly, absorbing everything. He leaned back against the wall and added, "Particularly if Elyndor's device works as planned."

white rider
2012-07-08, 08:04 AM
Xinth grins. Those coins seem like wonderful fun. He begins to open his mouth to ask a few questions, but closes it quickly when Kirzen responses to Lomni. He can't stop himself from thinking, however, Influence the matron? How? And why?
Xinth claps down on those thoughts, putting up a screen of harmless mental babbling in case one of the clerics was able to listen to his thoughts, but resolves to find out what Frixal means, one way or another.
"Well, let's hope Elyndor's thingie works, than. I would hate to return a failure, or not return at all."

2012-07-09, 12:47 PM
The young Nightmare Spinner shrugged and spoke softly but with brazen honesty, "Indeed brother, for returning in failure might well be worse than whatever befalls us that could prevent our success or return."

The dominating glare she flashed Zif spoke volumes, to which the elder sister added in a flat tone, emphasizing only one word, "There would be no return if you fail."

Glancing at Kirzen suspiciously as her older sister spoke, she smiled sweetly and added with absolute confidence, "Dark fate favors us, there will be only success and the suffering end of our enemies if we remain loyal to our cause."

2012-07-09, 03:34 PM
Lomni wondered what was going on with Xinth. Had he been replaced by a doppleganger? He should know to never voice the word 'failure' in front of one of his sisters, especially on so important a mission. The punishment for failure would be too horrible to even think about...

Having heard enough of the plan to know his sisters had it under control, Lomni remained silent and studied the map he had been provided. He still wasn't sure exactly how the portal ring worked, but he figured his sisters did and that was enough. It was unlikely they'd give up the items to the males anyway.

ooc: Is the map of their entire route to the bottom of the chasm?

2012-07-21, 09:56 AM
The next day they traveled through several large caverns, each connected by small tunnels. The quasit led the way, far enough ahead to remain out of sight most of the time. In the caverns a pair of male warriors spread out to either side, leaving a pair to accompany the trio of noble brothers through the center. The females followed, mounted on their lizards, with the slaves trailing behind, the bugbear zombie just ahead of Frixal.

The tunnel exiting the third cavern was effectively blocked by a deformed giant. The quasit warned them of it before they saw the giant, giving them ample opportunity to prepare. Bits of plate, chain and hide armor were haphazardly strapped to the hulk, though the whole served as a formidable defense. It held a huge spiked club and roared brutal threats in giantish as the drow approached, but stayed in place to block the tunnel.

Zif began to cast a spell as the warriors closed in a bit, bringing the target within short range of their poisoned bolts but remaining out of its considerable reach.

Zif 22
Giant 17
(9) Warriors 24, 16, 11, 13, 10, 13, 18, 18, 19

2012-07-21, 01:49 PM
The females remained mounted on their lizards, just ahead of the slaves, Frixal a little closer to the giant than Kirzen. But neither remained inactive, calling upon magic and skills, wisdom and experience to gain personal advantage and supervise their males.

2012-07-21, 03:22 PM
Lomni activates the Shield ability of his new belt (AC now 32) and draws his blade and starts to close in, slightly behind the other warriors.

white rider
2012-07-22, 10:34 AM
Xinth activates his scabbard of keen edges as he draws his rapier, and slides his kukri from his sleeve into his hand as he moves in, about 10 feet to the right of Lomni.

2012-07-30, 09:14 AM
Rd 1
The giant began to glow with the familiar magic of faerie fire, surrounding the foe with soft light.

Kirzen SLA Faerie Fire

One of the warriors [24] fired fast, the black bolt sped toward the target and careened off the heavily armored giant.

15 miss

Zif [22] muttered magic syllables and rose from the ground, flying higher into the shadows of the cavern. Speaking aloud in drow, he couldn’t help but snicker, “I will try to exchange positions with it, be ready to surround it as it falls among you.”

Cast Fly move up 30'

Three of the warriors [19, 18, 18] fired their crossbow, a pair of the poisoned bolts sank through the considerable if haphazard armor and thick hide but seemed to have little effect.

15 miss 27 hit, 27 hit 1 dmg (DR5, made both fort saves)

More in frustration and rage than pain, the giant [17] bellowed so loudly and banged its weapon on the ground so hard that the vibrating sound waves echoed and reverberated around the immense cavern. But it kept whatever discipline it held in blocking the tunnel, oddly perhaps for such a creature.

One more of the warriors [16] shot his hand crossbow and hit, but with little effect

31 hit 1 dmg (DR5, saved)

Xinth [14] drew his blades and moved into position near the others.

The remaining drow warriors [13, 13, 11, 10] shot their hand crossbow.

14, 17, 19, 16 all miss

Lomni [5] enhanced his defenses magically, utilizing his new prize, then moved in behind the others as he drew blades.

Cast Shield move forward

The younger priestess nudged her mount to climb the wall toward the ceiling as she commanded, "Nobody approach it and continue the ranged attacks. Try your idea Zif, I will join you if other threats exist."

Zif 22
Giant 17
Xinth 14
(9) Warriors 24, 19, 18, 18, 16, 13, 13, 11, 10
Lomni 5

Giant has fast healing 5, so back to full!

2012-07-30, 01:53 PM
With the giant in a closer position, Lomni executes the hand gesture and key phrase that sends a ray at the giant, designed to sap the brute of his strength.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Strength damage: [roll1]

ooc: Assuming he is out of the giant's attack range by his turn. If not, he'll have to cast defensively.

2012-08-13, 05:57 PM
Kirzen [24] cursed the giant with ill fortune, entangling its chances in battle entwined by her web of divine magic.

Cast Curse of Ill Fortune

Zif [22] attempted to force the giant to magically exchange locations, which overcame the cursed will of the mighty enraged foe. As the giant fell hard to the ground, now surrounded by drow, Zif flew into the tunnel, soon followed by Frixal - still mounted on her lizard on ceiling. She turned to unleash a lightning Bolt at the giant before moving above her brother in the tunnel, her favorite whip in hand.

Zif cast Baleful Transposition, giant failed, falls 30' (9 dmg -5 DR) 4 dmg
Frixal (lizard item ready action Limited Teleport), Cast Lightning Bolt 43 dmg

Four of the warriors [delay to 19, 19, 18, 18] fired their crossbow at the giant, who had miraculously landed upright on its freakish frame. But again all missed their mark

31 hit (crit) 14 dmg -5 DR) 9 dmg saved
22, 19 miss
29 hit (7 dmg -5 DR) 2 dmg saved

The giant [17] looked around briefly and roared in anger, leaping over between two of the nearest drow as the huge club raised for a savage attack. Slamming down so hard the dark blood of the squashed warrior splattered wide, it swept the huge weapon around to smack into the head of the drow on its other side. Both dark elves fell dead as the giant roared a challenge at the remaining antagonists.

Move 40 (15' Reach), Power Attack (-9 atk +18 dmg) 28 hit 45 dmg = DEAD
Cleave Attack 28 hit 40 dmg = DEAD

Xinth [14] tumbled away from immediate danger and recovered swiftly enough to attempt to influence the battle further in their favor with song.

failed save (-2 to attack and damage)

The remaining drow warriors [13, 11, 10] spread out, then each fired their crossbow again.

14 17 miss
29 hit (6 -5 DR) 1 dmg saved

Lomni [5] cast a spell to lower the giant’s strength

Cast Ray of Enfeeblement RTA 25 hit 4 str dmg

Kirzen 24
Zif 22
Frixal 22
Giant 17
Xinth 14
(7) Warriors 19, 19, 18, 18, 13, 11, 10
Lomni 5

Giant 54 (DR5/-, fast healing 5 HA!)

Kirzen Faerie Fire, Curse of Ill Fortune (-3 atk, save, skill chk 16 min)
Zif Fly
Loni Enfeeblement (-4 str)
Xinth (song 5 rds Giant; -2 to attack and damage)

white rider
2012-08-13, 07:44 PM
Xinth tumbles back, and lets loose with a loud, harsh, ululating cry, urging the drow on and sending waves of fear at the giant.
Tumble back 15 ft. to avoid AOO: [roll0] success
For next 5 rounds- all drow have +4 to saves vs. fear and charm, +2 attack and damage. Non-drow must make dc 20 will save or take -2 to attack and damage, and must make additional dc 20 will save to approach or attack me. (auto-success on preform check)

2012-08-13, 09:18 PM
I edited Xinth 's actions into last post...

2012-08-16, 09:16 PM
Kirzen scowled in the apparent ineffectiveness of the males, having already lost two to the brutal and beastly deformed giant. She waved a hand and spoke a few syllables to call down a column of flames to burn the monster

Cast Flame Strike (failed save) 62 dmg

Zif and Frixal continued to explore the twisting tunnel, soon out if sight from those too busy to glance their way

At a command from Kirzen four of the warriors dropped their crossbow and drew their poisoned blades as they moved in to surround the giant and attack.

Rapiers 18, 24, 24, 10 all miss
Shortswords 10, 16, 10, 17 all miss

The giant attacked furiously, fighting brutally through the magic damage and other effects that inhibited its full power. Amazingly it missed each target and roared in frustration. At least up to now it was a standoff.

14, 12, 4 all miss!

Xinth tumbled toward the hulking giant, the poisoned blade of his icy rapier poised to puncture some vulnerable spot. Succeed he did, as the monster seemed to pause to gaze at the point of attack.

35 tumble to avoid AoO, 30 hit 6 dmg (DR 5)
failed poison save = unconscious, over ruled briefly to stunned due to size and moment...

Each of the trio of remaining drow warriors fired their crossbow, a pair opf the poisoned bolts finding purchase in flesh.

24 hit 1 dmg (DR5), 29 hit 2 dmg (DR5), 14 miss

Lomni lunged forth as he compelled a spell through his blade to skillfully stab the giant with sorcerous force.

26 hit 43 dmg (DR5 vs the blade)

Overcome by massive assault, even such a monstrous creature succumbed. Falling slowly at first, but inevitably to smash into the ground unconscious, it showed every sign of bleeding out, poisoned and defeated by superiors in battle.

Zif Fly

2012-08-17, 09:16 AM
Lomni smiles as the giant drops to the ground. He moves around the hulking creature and towards the tunnel.

Edited because I apparently didn't read the post thoroughly...:smalltongue:

white rider
2012-08-18, 10:10 AM
Xinth rolls forward again, whipping out his weapons
[roll0] success
When he gets next to the giant, he stabs out with his rapier, still sending out his war-cry that calls for the giants blood.
attack: [roll1]
crit conform on 27-32: [roll2]
damage: [roll3], and [roll4] cold, and drow sleeping poison
times 2 if attack hits

2012-08-18, 10:14 AM

LOL 12d0? Try again

well there ye go, a 20!

2012-08-18, 10:45 AM
Approaching on her lizard mount, the Tithe Taker seemed displeased as she got a closer look at the scene. Without a word she glared at her brothers and signaled with a flick of a few fingers that they should join Frixal and Zif in the tunnel immediately, prepared for more battle if necessary.

Not even considering they might do anything other than obey instantly, she casually lashed the whip on her wrist into the dying body of the giant, dark magic flowing along the wicked weapon pulsed in the monster and transformed, feeding black energy back into the high priestess.

As if on queue, the younger sister sent a mental message to Lomni and Xinth, "Hurry boys, or you'll miss all the fun. Then I'll punish you well as you rue your delay and let young Zif have his way."

white rider
2012-08-19, 09:19 AM
Xinth slams his weapons back into their scabbards, and moves to follow his sister, drawing and loading his crossbow as he goes. His free left hand flicks out a message to the rest of the party:
That giant wasn't the usual feral beast of the underdark- I think that it was trained. Be ready for the trainer.

2012-08-20, 10:59 AM
The soldiers snapped into submissive compliance to Kirzen's commands, instantly prepared to continue fighting. Arming themselves with their crossbows, poisoned bolts ready to fling into combat, they moved swiftly to the tunnel, then crept in paired, one to each side of the tunnel.

Straight and well worn from ages of use, it penetrated solid stone for over 100' before it turned gradually to the right, then dramatically returned left to open into a huge chamber. The first feature noticed was a motionless mutant giant with deformed yet undeniable female features, aglow with faerie fire, entangled in the whips of Frixal. The family favorite, fondly called Falwirt, joined the tentacles from her other whip as she sat upside down on her lizard mount suspended from the relatively low ceiling.

Zif stood smirking behind the giant, signalling those who entered to relay the commands Frixal had predetermined. They were to spread out around the chamber and search in pairs, investigating the tunnels they find as far as they can see from each entrance. All treasures found were to be gathered in the middle of the chamber. As he relayed this part he added a covert missive to his brothers..

Bluff (secret message) [roll0]

not so secret, but to check a certain tunnel together where the main treasure would be found.

OOCSearch, spot, listen, and any other appropriate checks for actions posted.

2012-08-20, 01:46 PM
Lomni glimpses in Xinth's direction, then heads to the indicated tunnel, searching not only for the main treasure, but the traps that would likely protect them.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

white rider
2012-08-20, 02:53 PM
Xinth nods almost imperceptibly at Zif, than heads off to the tunnel that Zif pointed out, making sure to stay a few yards behind his brother.

2012-08-25, 12:40 PM
As the brothers proceeded to the indicated tunnel, Frixal relentlessly whipped the fallen and unconscious giant with wanton savagery. Zif flew above, supervising the common soldiers in their search.

Lomni and Xinth soon lost sight as they moved into the twisting tunnel. The elder drow searched for traps as they went, slowing their progress, but ensuring their safety. The tunnel would be a tight squeeze for a giant the size of those they had defeated, and only traversable on hands and knees. Lomni found a crude trap, easily avoided by medium creatures of such agility.

The passage led to another large chamber, the floor of which was dominated by a dark lake. They also spotted a small shaft in the middle of high ceiling above the water, leading straight up. Various treasures were strewn about the slim shore (5' wide) around the water, some obviously haven fallen in. From the entrance they spotted coins of all sort, a diverse collection of gems both worked and raw, various valuable minerals, and a few recognizable items were seen laying haphazardly around the shore:

black metal wand
rod of finely carved bone with large ruby set in one end
greatsword of shiny metal with gems in pommel, jammed halfway into the stone wall 10' from the ground
matching helm and breastplate of shiny metal, just below the sword

OOC Further details might be revealed after closer scrutiny and search of this chamber, possibly the water.

white rider
2012-08-26, 10:30 AM
Xinth holds up a hand, motioning for his brother to halt, before casting detect magic.
(I'm gonna take 3 rounds to analyze all the magic in the room carefully).

2012-08-26, 11:45 AM
Xinth holds up a hand, motioning for his brother to halt, before casting detect magic.
(I'm gonna take 3 rounds to analyze all the magic in the room carefully).

The chamber is roughly circular, meaning not a perfect circle but close enough. Its 100' across and 50' high, water depth unknown. Detect Magic within 60', so a walk around (or float over?) the lake would expose the entire area to detection. Concentration to maintain spell while moving slowly is auto success with his +10, so just a matter of time and motion, and whatever else might be found...

The wand and rod are within range without moving, the rest is further away but within sight.

Wand moderate power (Spellcraft DC 19 for school)
Rod strong power (Spellcraft DC 24 for school)

white rider
2012-08-26, 02:41 PM
Xinth carefully analyzes the rod and the wand, carefully picking them up as he goes...
spellcraft: [roll0]
before walking slowly around the lake to sweep his spell over the armor and sword.
edit: deleted first 2 posts (triple post)

2012-08-26, 07:40 PM
Something powerful lives here. Lomni's hand signals say to Xinth. And it wasn't that giant. He points up to the shaft leading up. It probably flies. He (stealthily) moves closer to the lake and takes a look at it.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silent: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]

ooc: I tried to post this earlier today, but the site wasn't cooperating

2012-08-27, 04:51 PM
The wand held conjuration magic, summoning specifically.

OOC need a roll for each aura - per spell...

Once Xinth approached the helm and breastplate, the remainder of the plate mail could be seen just under the water. The sword and armor held powerful enchantments, and he detected more magic in the water at more than one point further from the edge.

From the shore opposite his brother, Lomni could determine only that the shaft went straight up for at least 20' and seemed extraordinarily smooth. It was exactly centered in the ceiling over the water.

white rider
2012-08-27, 05:31 PM
Spellcraft for rod: [roll0]
for armor: [roll1]
for sword: [roll2]
Get over here, Xinth signals, I think that I've found something interesting!

2012-08-27, 05:53 PM
Rod has no school, but rolled well enough to know its metamagic
Armor radiates strong transmutation, conjuration and evocation magic
Sword contains moderate conjuration and transmutation magic

2012-08-27, 06:59 PM
Lomni picks his way carefully over to where Xinth was, alternating his view between the shaft and the lake. He tried to think back to his training for what might make such a shaft.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) or (Arcana if more appropriate): [roll0]

2012-08-27, 07:06 PM
Several of the enchantments detected underwater were located in the middle of the water, likely at the bottom. Sudden splashing disturbed the water as half a dozen grey tentacles shot from the surface at the center and whipped out at the drow brothers!

OOC3 on each (L1-3, X4-6) Ranged Touch +11 [roll0]
Initiative [roll1]

Its a surprise attack, neither spotted it. Initiative will determine if you are also flat footed or not for the tentacles attack, then we go in order after those results.

The quasit suddenly appeared, floating motionless just below the shaft, seemingly staring directly up. There were several underworld creatures that Lomni knew could create such a shaft, elementals and beholders first among them to occur, though certainly others existed.

white rider
2012-08-29, 02:25 PM
Xinth whips out his rapier and kukri, ready to attack.

2012-08-30, 08:42 PM
"Bring Zif to us!" Lomni yelled at the Quasit as he tried to dodge tentacles.

I'm awaiting the attack results - I'm assuming that any hits by the tentacles will result in a possible grapple, which would cause problems with any attempts to draw weapons. I never specified Lomni put his sword away, but with the description of the tunnel trek, he pretty much would have had to....

2012-08-31, 12:04 AM
"Bring Zif to us!" Lomni yelled at the Quasit as he tried to dodge tentacles.

I'm awaiting the attack results - I'm assuming that any hits by the tentacles will result in a possible grapple, which would cause problems with any attempts to draw weapons. I never specified Lomni put his sword away, but with the description of the tunnel trek, he pretty much would have had to....

Uhm, he could have his weapons in hand, and likely still would. No reason to put them away, the description gave no restriction to prevent moving with weapons in hand, its a tight squeeze for the giants, not the row.

Still need initiative to resolve the surprise attacks...

2012-08-31, 08:52 AM
Still need initiative to resolve the surprise attacks...

Did his init in the dice thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13798129&postcount=29). You even responded to the post...:smallamused: It was a 20.

2012-08-31, 11:59 AM
The quasit floated in midair, either unable or unwilling to respond to the drow's command.

A pair of tentacles grabbed each drow and sought to drag them into the water. The mere touch of the ropey tentacles threatened to sap their strength.

Lomni 30 & 19 hit , 13 miss
Xinth 22 & 29 hit, 13 miss

need a rolls for each hit:
Fort save DC 18 or 2d8 str dmg
Lomni [roll0]
Xinth [roll1]
DC 23 Escape Artist check or a DC 19 Strength check to break free

hmmm I suppose the strength check would be affected by the result of the fort save

Lomni 20
Xinth 18
Monster 9

white rider
2012-08-31, 05:12 PM
Remember, I have a 50% miss chance... so [roll0] for attack 1 and [roll1] for attack 2. (miss on 1)
fort: [roll2]
escape artist: [roll4]

2012-09-01, 11:43 AM
Remember, I have a 50% miss chance... so [roll0] for attack 1 and [roll1] for attack 2. (miss on 1)
fort: [roll2]
escape artist: [roll4]
yeah and for Lomni 50% miss chance (miss on 1-50) [roll0]

2012-09-01, 11:50 AM
So none hit Lomni and only one hit on Xinth, and he made the fort save so no str dmg. While he's grabbed to start the round, he has weapons in hand. So he can attack the tentacle, try escape artist or strength check, or whatever...

2012-09-03, 08:04 PM
Lomni attacked the closest tentacle. What was that stupid quasit doing? He moved back towards the pathway back the way he came. He knew coming around this far was a mistake, but he had done it anyway on Xinth's bidding...

[5 foot step back towards the way he came]
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Corrosive damage 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Corrosive damage 2: [roll5]

Ok - I messed up the dice code (damned beer) - feel free to keep the previous corrosive rolls...

2012-09-03, 08:06 PM
Critical chance on 1st roll: [roll0]
Additional damage if crit is confirmed [roll1]

2012-09-05, 02:57 PM
As I read the monster entry that's a sunder attack on a tentacle (10 HP). I'll rule the tentacle as medium, not large which would grant +4...
opposed 1[roll0]
opposed 2[roll1]

2012-09-05, 02:59 PM
Lomni deftly dodged and stepped back cautiously as he expertly chopped a pair of tentacles into uselessly shortened members.

The quasit suddenly vanished...

2012-09-06, 10:47 AM
Lomni continues to attack the tentacles, this time going for the ones that had ahold of Xinth.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Corrosive damage 1: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Corrosive damage 2: [roll5]

2012-09-06, 10:49 AM
Resove Critical chance on attack 2 (nat 18):
Attack2 Crit chance: [roll0]
Additional damage if crit confirms (x2): [roll1]

white rider
2012-09-06, 02:41 PM
Xinth rolls back away from the tentacles, drawing his rapier as he goes, and begins softly yelling out a cry extolling the glories of house Min'Doan, spurring himself and Lomni on.
Tumble: auto-success
Cry of hate: +2 attack and damage, will DC 20 for enemies or take -2 attack and damage

2012-09-08, 02:02 AM
Critical chance on 1st roll: [roll0]
Additional damage if crit is confirmed [roll1]

Uhm, first roll was natural 11, not a critical threat. Maybe there was another post with rolls?

Lomni chopped up the tentacle holding his brother, then stepped cautiously back..

Xinth tumbled away, back toward the tunnel, and began his dread song of hate. Whether it had any effect on the creature underwater was unknown.

A trio of tentacles splashed out of the water to join the remaining three, squirming and lashing out to grasp at the elusive drow. This time all but one strand hit, gripping tightly and threatening to pull them into the water.

Lomni RTA 30 (miss displacement), 25, 23 all hit
1 save, 1 fail = 12 str dmg
Xinth RTA 24, 16, 21 all hit
all fail = 39 str dmg = helpless

OOCEach hit requires Fort save DC 18 (Lomni x2, Xinth x3)

Escape Artist DC 23 or Str chk DC 18 to escape each one, or you can attack (its sunder w/o AoO)

Knowledge Arcana (DC 20) to know more about what it is.

Not exactly to scale, but roughly...

Lomni 20
Xinth 18
Monster 9

Lomni 12 str dmg
Xinth 39 str dmg = helpless

2012-09-10, 05:57 PM
The brothers noticed a sudden, violent motion underwater, though it was easily attributed to the monster who’s tentacles now threatened a drowning death... if not worse and more immediate.

Having watched the scenario unfold with clairvoyance, Kirzen had moved closer to the chamber where Lomni and Xinth battled some tentacle wielding monster. On the way into the tunnel she summoned a large water elemental under the small lake to contend with the creature.

Stopping to block the entrance, Falwirt whip in hand, the Tithe Taker glared into the chamber with a slightly disappointed and angry expression. Confident that her summoned elemental would certainly prevail, she cast a sheet of dark red flame that seared across the surface to sever the tentacles at water level before burning out.

As her brothers splashed to safety at the edge of the ledge, Kirzen scolded them with severe sarcasm, “Dawdling with monsters while we have important work will earn you more than the usual punishment for delays. I will check the the rod and wand while you collect the sword and armor, if you have the strength left. The roper will soon be dead, and all the treasure can be collected.”

She took the items and cast Restoration on Xinth, removing all strength damage. She then stepped to the water and began to cast again.

The younger sister stepped from the shadows and lightly touched Lomni on the shoulder, easing some of the damage he had suffered, then chided sarcastically, "Best hurry, if she finishes the roper and doesn't have the weapon and armor at her feet she'll get angry."

Cast Lesser Restoration cure str [roll0]

OOC need str check DC 20 to pull sword out (or stoneshape? Hehe)

Lomni 9 str dmg

2012-09-10, 08:20 PM
"Where'd that damned quasit go?" Lomni asked Frixal. "I told it to get Zif and it just stared up that shaft then disappeared." Without waiting for an answer - as he only intended to give his sister something else to think about - he moved towards the armor and sword, pulling out his own lesser restoration potion from one of the pockets on his belt and drinking it down.

STR restored: [roll0]

STR check to pull sword out: [roll1]
Edit: lol - not gonna get it with that roll, even with the other 4 points of STR restored. Puts him at 15 currently (+2). See the dice thread for additional tries.

white rider
2012-09-10, 08:36 PM
Xinth groans, straightening up from his prone condition as he walks toward his sister.
"The wand appears to contain a summoning spell, and a moderately powerful one at that. The rod contains no spells, but it should enhance yours, although the divination I used on it wasn't powerful enough to determine what."

2012-09-10, 09:03 PM
The water frothed with dark magic as Kirzen chanted, her whip playing over the surface in sinister twists. Bubbles burst up and the whole body of water seemed to swirl faster and faster.

Still weakened, Lomni tugged at the heavy sword a few times before freeing it from the stone. There was no sheath for the greatsword, and it would take some effort in the water to collect all the pieces of the armor.

While Kirzen continued her assault the younger sister took the rod and wand with a nod and a dismissive wave of her hand in sign language, "Go help Lomni, and be quick about it."

Lomni 5 str dmg

2012-09-11, 08:00 PM
Lomni brought the sword over to Frixal then went back and began gathering pieces of armor, careful to avoid anything moving in the water. He didn't want to get near Kirzen and her whip.

2012-09-11, 08:01 PM
Lomni brought the sword over to Frixal then went back and began gathering pieces of armor, careful to avoid anything moving in the water. He didn't want to get near Kirzen and her whip.

2012-09-20, 01:03 PM
More dark magic and thrashing mingled underwater while the brothers collected the armor. Once an emaciated tentacle lashed out to strike Xinth, but fell feebly back without any real affect.

By the time all the armor pieces had been collected (full plate) the violence underwater ceased. As the last service to its summoner, the elemental delivered the treasure the creature had on its body to the Tithe Taker. Her riding lizard arrived, as if summoned, which it likely was, and she mounted it to ride up the wall to the ceiling and across to check out the shaft.

“Frixal, take the rest of the treasure and return to the main chamber. Send a pair of warriors in here immediately.”

The younger sister nodded solemnly and escorted her brothers out. After rejoining the main caravan and sending in a pair of warriors to join Kirzen, she began checking out items...

Xinth black metal wand (Summon Monster IV - 23 cgs)
Frixal rod of finely carved bone with large ruby set in one end (lesser metamagic quicken)
Lomni +4 greatsword (Keen, Speed, Giant & Undead Bane) of shiny metal with gems in pommel
Full plate +5 (Invulnerability, Etherealness)

When Kirzen returned, Frixal identified what was found in the water or on the roper!

Zif Luckblade (1 wish)
Kirzen Necklace of Fireball Type VII
Pearl of Sirines (Roper)
Ring of Greater Fire Resistance (Roper)
Ring of Protection +3 (Roper)

The total money is (each brother will get some share later):
2500 pp
10,000 gp
2000 sp
Gems/minerals total 13,000

Somewhat unusual for her, the elder sister addressed her brothers and sister in friendly tone, “Of what we found, what item would you choose for yourself?”

The female spoke up boldly first, “I want the quicken rod!”

Though he typically waited for his elder brothers to speak first, particularly when they were all in the presence of elder sisters, the Master Illusionist spoke immediately after Frixal, “I rather like that wand of monster summoning.” He smiled and shrugged as he looked at his brothers.

2012-09-20, 01:28 PM
As they moved out into the main chamber, Lomni said to Frixal "I don't suppose you have any more of those restoration spells handy..."

The armor was too heavy and bulky for Lomni's capabilities. The big shiny sword caught the assassin's eye, however. "I would choose the greatsword, if the choices were limited to one." Lomni said. The fire resistance ring and the pearl also held some interest for him.

ooc: What does the (roper) indication mean - the item is sized for the roper?

2012-09-20, 01:43 PM
ooc: What does the (roper) indication mean - the item is sized for the roper?

No, those are the items it had on. :smallbiggrin:

white rider
2012-09-20, 02:51 PM
Xinth grins. "I could find both of the rings useful, but if I had to choose, I would pick the fire protection."

2012-09-21, 01:55 PM
As they moved out into the main chamber, Lomni said to Frixal "I don't suppose you have any more of those restoration spells handy..."
Frixal grinned wickedly and chided, "What's wrong little brother, being weaker than normal bothering you that much?" She laughed arrogantly and added, "Weak males are nothing new, and this helps remind you of proper caution. I can spare no more of my precious magic to comfort you."

The armor was too heavy and bulky for Lomni's capabilities. The big shiny sword caught the assassin's eye, however. "I would choose the greatsword, if the choices were limited to one." Lomni said. The fire resistance ring and the pearl also held some interest for him.
Kirzen handed the rod to Frixal and the wand to Zif, then smiled as she nodded to Lomni and handed him the sword, "Then your first choice is granted, and we shall see about the rest. Might be a bit of a burden to carry without a scabbard, so we shall see ab out making one, if you cannot."

She raised an eyebrow as she put on the Necklace, then held up the ring and looked at Xinth with a slightly scornful smile, "Are you sure the protective ring is your first choice? If so, it is yours."

2012-09-21, 02:42 PM
Frixal grinned wickedly and chided, "What's wrong little brother, being weaker than normal bothering you that much?" She laughed arrogantly and added, "Weak males are nothing new, and this helps remind you of proper caution. I can spare no more of my precious magic to comfort you."

"If your choice is not to have me at my peak, then so be it." Lomni responded before moving off. He smiled inwardly at the brief thought of the roper having it's tentacles wrapped around his sisters neck...

white rider
2012-09-21, 02:50 PM
"Well, I wanted the wand, but it appears that it is already claimed, so the fire ring is my next choice, yes," Xinth says, taking the ring and donning it.

2012-09-22, 11:27 AM
A smile crossed her lips as Kirzen spoke sternly, "Ah, then the elder brother shall have his first choice. Zif, give Xinth the wand and choose another item. The rest will be delivered to the House treasury."

The illusionist petulantly relented and handed the wand to Xinth with a respectful smile. He took the shortsword without a word.

Remounting her lizard, Frixal commanded her bugbear zombie ahead, then glared at her brothers and said, "Same formation as before, let us waste no more time here."

2012-09-22, 11:44 AM
"As you wish." Lomni says with a nod to his sister. He moves into formation, keeping the greatsword in hand.

2012-09-22, 12:02 PM
"As you wish." Lomni says with a nod to his sister. He moves into formation, keeping the greatsword in hand.

Kirzen intercepted Lomni and handed him 2 potions, speaking softly in a sultry and friendly tone, "Those should cure any strength damage that remains, drink them now. I'll work on a scabbard while we travel."

OOC lesser restoration potions 1d4 each, you can take this roll or try again and take that one.

EDIT Max, and only down 5 so back to full!

2012-09-22, 12:07 PM
Lomni gives Kirzen a grateful smile and a nod, but doesn't actually say thanks. He quaffs the potions down quickly as he moves into formation.

white rider
2012-09-22, 03:12 PM
Xinth smiles broadly at his brother and takes the wand. "I thank you for your generosity, brother."

2012-09-29, 04:06 AM
Zif scoffed at Xinth once and shrugged at his older brother with a covetous grin. He was quite accustomed to the jibes and ridicule, but turned his mind to what he might wish for from the sword now at his side.

The bodies of the pair of common drow warriors who died were all but crushed from the giant, rendering them virtually useless as undead. So the worthless bodies were stripped and left behind in the cavern where they perished, fodder for scavengers.

Enriched slightly by the encounter, the remaining drow and their slaves continued the trek. Hours passed without incident, and they passed through one more cavern, albeit smaller and simpler than the last. A series of interconnecting tunnels followed, forming a formidable maze for miles. But they expertly navigated straight through due to directions given by Kirzen from a spell she cast (Find the Path).

The passage they were to take out was a large gallery with naturally arches and irregular terraces rising gradually into the distance. They made camp at the base of this, the slaves and such spread out in the mazed tunnels. After resting (zip, and new level in full effect), they prepared to move along.

Given the terrain, Kirzen sent the vanguard well ahead, including Frixal and her lizard (&undead bugbear, she insists!), before leading the slaves behind. Before departing the Tithe Taker cast a powerful spell to connect her mind to those of her siblings, enabling voluntary telepathy at any distance (in this plane) that would last for hours. Likely she could easily pick up thoughts from each if desired.

Out of sight and well beyond hearing range, Frixal rode her lizard on the ceiling and sent the half dozen drow warriors ahead with her bugbear zombie. She directed her brothers to spread out behind them within eyesight.

OOCpause to give you a chance to, well whatever... if anything

2012-09-29, 02:52 PM
Lomni does as he's told - after all, what choice did he really have? During their rest period, he studies the map more, trying to commit it to memory. He also takes a good look a his new greatsword - cleaning it up more, if necessary. He tries to come up with a workable scabbard for it utilizing bits of armor from the fallen drow warriors.

2012-09-29, 02:57 PM
Lomni does as he's told - after all, what choice did he really have? During their rest period, he studies the map more, trying to commit it to memory. He also takes a good look a his new greatsword - cleaning it up more, if necessary. He tries to come up with a workable scabbard for it utilizing bits of armor from the fallen drow warriors.

Oh yeah, I forgot, but Kirzen didn't. She's making him a nice one actually...

2012-10-13, 08:51 AM
Frixal had cast Omen of Peril but relayed nothing about the expected danger ahead within an hour. She wasn’t sure what it would be exactly, but she felt sure that she and her brothers and the warrior commoners could handle it. She was more than ready when the first sign of danger manifested ahead, sending out a mental command to her brothers, "Advance boldly with the warriors, but initiate no attacks." before casting her first spell. Her bugbear zombie continued to advance...

Within seconds a few ranks of well armed and armored goblins were seen, crossbows ready to fire upon command, stretched across the wide tunnel. Just behind them stood half a dozen bugbears, spread out strategically, also well equipped. A fire giant and three trolls stood in the middle of the tunnel behind them all, the giant apparently in command. None had spotted the drow yet...

Zif cast Mirror Image (6), then drew his rapier in sinister slowness. He immediately obeyed his sister and moved forward with a devious grin at his brothers.

OOCThe tunnel is 60' wide, 20' high. Drow front rank is about 100' from front rank of goblins, 120' from giant/trolls. I'll make a mp if needed...

white rider
2012-10-13, 01:44 PM
Xinth signals, "I'll make 'friends' with one of the trolls. It'll attack on my command."
Xinth activates his dark armor (+5 to hide, and concealment against dark/low-light vision), and creeps slowly forward, drawing his weapons as he goes.
Hide: [roll0]
Move silently: [roll1]

2012-10-13, 10:19 PM
Lomni draws the greatsword and advances with Zif, off to his left, leaving room for the mirror images between. He gestures to the other warriors to do the same, flanking the two brothers. He wasn't sure what Xinth was doing, creeping along when Frixal clearly told them to advance boldly. Lomni advances boldly, but silently.

Move Silent (+26, -10 for moving at normal speed): [roll0]

2012-10-14, 01:54 PM
The drow soldiers marched forward, each holding a pair of loaded hand crossbows, flanking the bugbear zombie that shuffled toward the ranks of goblins. The three noble brothers moved up behind them while Frixal urged her lizard slowly forth on the ceiling.

As the drow came into the visual range of those arrayed in their path, Frixal summoned a troll skeleton to march right behind her zombie, then spoke loudly in Undercommon, “If you care to join my growing army of undead, proceed with whatever futile attacks you can muster; your deaths will entertain me. Otherwise move aside, we have business elsewhere.”

OOCIntimidate (+3 circumstance, +2 aid another by default) [roll0] vs
Giant [roll1]
Trolls +5 [roll2]

2012-10-14, 02:05 PM
The giant glared at the approaching drow and the two undead with a furrowed brow, clearly thinking things through before reacting. When it came, though the pause made it longer in coming, the reaction was swift and certain. It bellowed in giantish "Attack!" and threw a rock at Frixal.

Frixal [roll0]
Zif [roll1]
Drow warriors [roll2]
Giant [roll3]
Trolls [roll4]
Bugbears [roll5]
Goblins [roll6]

2012-10-14, 06:04 PM
Lomni continues to advance, studying the giant, and initiates the shield spell in his belt. "I'm going for the giant." he says through the link

OOC: Not sure how closer they had gotten - the assumption being there was still over 40 feet before engaging. Move action: move 30 feet, standard action : activate shield spell from belt - AC now 32.

Edit: Initiating death attack - round 1 of 3 required to study the giant

2012-10-16, 05:32 AM
OOC: Not sure how closer they had gotten - the assumption being there was still over 40 feet before engaging. Move action: move 30 feet, standard action : activate shield spell from belt - AC now 32.

The front rank of drow warriors are 40' from the front rank of goblins and 60' from giant. The rest are appropriately spaced.

white rider
2012-10-16, 05:34 PM
Init: [roll0]
Assuming Xinth is in range, he casts charm monster (dc 19) on one of the trolls. If it is successful, he yells, "Stop those goblins from attacking us!"

2012-10-18, 01:18 PM
Rd 1
Frixal chuckled softly, her sinister smile twisting into a sneer as she commanded in Undercommon, “Kill the giant, ignore the rest.”

Zif [24] moved forward and cast a lightning bolt at the giant, ready to rush into battle with his icy rapier if the chance presented itself.

Move 30' Cast Lightning Bolt 41 dmg (fail save)

The warriors [23] all fired at the giant, each clicking off a pair of black bolts. As they advanced behind their barrage of missiles they replaced the crossbows with melee weaponry.

15, 20, 16, 17, 17, 11, 21, 15 all miss
25, 27 (unconf crit), 25 all hit total 20 dmg

Frixal [23] laughed maniacally as she flung a spell at the giant. Powerful enchantments altered the nature of her own lightning bolt, transforming the energy to cold to take brutal advantage of the fire giant’s known vulnerability.

Cast Lightning Bolt Energy Sub - Cold (+50%) 45 dmg (fail save)

Xinth [21] moved over and cast a spell to make his brother invisible.

Move 30'
Cast Invisibility on Lomni

Lomni [19] moved forward and to the side to avoid attention as he activated the Shield function from his magic belt.

Move 30' (Rd 1 0f 3 for death attack)
use Shield from belt

OOC I moved him forward and to the side of the tunnel to give him the best chance of slipping through the ranks undetected.

The Bugbears [13] moved into defensive position and launched their javelins against the advancing drow warriors.

all miss

The Giant [11] threw his rock at Frixal and stepped forward to glare at the female drow. Still shivering and clearly wounded severely from the massive attacks, he bellow defiantly in Undercommon, "We obey a master who is much more powerful than puny dark elves!"

13 miss

The Trolls [8] moved up to fight the troll skeleton. All three hit, doing only enough damage to prove that the undead was in battle.

19, 18, 26 all hit total 11 dmg

The Goblins [7] fired their crossbow en mass, filling the air with bolts. Few hit their mark, but enough to make the barrage harmful to a few drow. They dropped their missile weapons and pulled shield and sword as they moved to strategically engage the enemy.

7 hits, minimal damage

The troll Skeleton [4] raked one of the trolls with its claws, the wound partially closing quickly.

19 hit 12 dmg (Reg 5)

The bugbear zombie [1] swung its morning star at the closest goblin but missed the elusive little humanoid.

9 miss

Initial map:

Altered map after moves:

Zif 24
Warriors 23
Frixal 23
Xinth 21
Lomni 19
Bugbears 13
Giant 11
Trolls 8
Goblins 7

Fire Giant 106
Troll Skeleton 11
TrollA 7

Zif Mirror Image (6)
Xinth Invisibility (on Lomni)

2012-10-18, 01:41 PM
ooc: If you don't mind Gryn, can we get a map once you've figured out enemy actions? Doesn't look like Lomni's gonna get 3 rounds to study the giant for the death attack...

white rider
2012-10-18, 02:17 PM
OOC You can alter this if you want, given initiative and what Frixal said above... I’ll reroll if appropriate

In that case, I will move next to Lomni and cast invisibility on him.

2012-10-20, 09:24 AM
Rd 2
Zif grinned at the goblins and mumbled a few syllables, casting defensively to scorch a pair of them with magic rays. He delayed his movement to see if the other drow warriors cleared that side of the goblin formation (and they did, see map).

Luck reroll on natural 1! Kill 2

The warriors slaughter several more goblins, breaking through on both flanks. Zif and Lomni took full advantage, each in their own way.

Frixal scoffed at the giant as the rock went skipping past. As her riding lizard continued to advance on the ceiling, she replied in a deadly serious tone, “None such exist, as you would see if you flee now. Scurry off to your master, slave, and tell him exactly what I said.”

Telepathically she told her brothers, “Let him go for now, if he flees, Lomni, follow him. If not, kill him!”

With a flippant giggle she quickly flung a fireball right into the middle of the heated battle, engulfing goblins, bugbears, trolls, and her undead. She then cast a pair of fiery ray at the troll who suffered the most from her previous spell, burning it to smoldering ash.

Quickened Fireball - Trolls31, 15, 15
Kill (4) bugbears & (12) goblins
Scorching Ray - TrollA 21, 23 = DEAD



Zif 24
Warriors 23
Frixal 23
Xinth 21
Lomni 19
Bugbears 13
Giant 11
Trolls 8
Goblins 7

Fire Giant 106
Tb 15
Tc 15
TS 31

Zif Mirror Image (6)
Xinth Invisibility (on Lomni)

2012-10-20, 12:34 PM
(I'm assuming he's already used 30 feet of movement, based on his position in the map.) Lomni picks his way between the trolls and the goblins to get in next to the giant [Standard action - move 30 feet to D5]

white rider
2012-10-20, 05:06 PM
Xinth moves five squares forward and one square diagonally forward (five foot step)

2012-10-21, 03:22 AM
(I'm assuming he's already used 30 feet of movement, based on his position in the map.) Lomni picks his way between the trolls and the goblins to get in next to the giant [Standard action - move 30 feet to D5]

Yeah I moved L based on previous discussion and new orders, and the move is fine... need a move silently check (+3 circumstance for battle din) to get past the troll and goblin undetected.

Troll [roll0]
Goblin [roll1]

EDIT a 2nd move brings him only to e5. Also d5 is part of pace taken up by the large creature

Xinth moves five squares forward and one square diagonally forward (five foot step)

So you want to be at n4 and engage the goblins or n2 between the drow warriors, or n1 along the wall? If you do double move you could get about halfway up the map... or you get a standard action this round

2012-10-21, 12:40 PM
Lomni Move Silent +26-10(moving at normal speed)=+16

oops - forgot the +3 for battle din, so 31.

white rider
2012-10-21, 07:00 PM
So you want to be at n4 and engage the goblins or n2 between the drow warriors, or n1 along the wall? If you do double move you could get about halfway up the map... or you get a standard action this round

n2... and I'd rather not provoke an AOO

2012-10-28, 10:43 AM
n2... and I'd rather not provoke an AOO

OK on that move action. Any standard action this round?

white rider
2012-10-28, 06:22 PM
OK on that move action. Any standard action this round?

I took a move and a ffs

2012-10-28, 07:42 PM
I took a move and a ffs

Can't take a ffs (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#take5FootStep) in any round that you made a move action. If you move your movement, then need to go another 5 feet, you have to take your standard action to move that last 5 feet.

2012-10-29, 02:02 AM
From where he starts (s3) its only 25' to n2, less than a full single move action. He could get all the way up to n1 in a single move action and still have another move or standard action.

white rider
2012-10-29, 02:29 PM
From where he starts (s3) its only 25' to n2, less than a full single move action. He could get all the way up to n1 in a single move action and still have another move or standard action.

I took a double move, with one as a five foot step. If that isn't allowed, I can tumble into the square, auto-succeeding on the check.

2012-10-29, 06:09 PM
I took a double move, with one as a five foot step. If that isn't allowed, I can tumble into the square, auto-succeeding on the check.

I think Grynd'l's point is that you don't need to take a double-move to get into that square (n2). You can get there in a single move action and still take a standard action. There's no AOO from the goblin for going into that square.

2012-10-30, 12:14 PM
I think Grynd'l's point is that you don't need to take a double-move to get into that square (n2). You can get there in a single move action and still take a standard action. There's no AOO from the goblin for going into that square.

indeed, exactly right

2012-10-30, 01:19 PM
Rd2 (Cont)
Xinth [21] moved up to engage in the battle and cut down a goblin in one icy stroke

move action, 20 hit 7 dmg = dying

Lomni [19] managed to slip through the back lines, getting in position and readying his deadly attack on the giant if it continued to resist the will of his sister.

3rd rd of death attack, next round sneak attack roll

The bugbears [13] launched another volley of javelins, this time aimed ay Frixal, but both missed.

12, 16 both miss

The Giant [11] roared in derisive, arrogant laughter at Firxal, then bellowed, “We shall see then, drow bitch!” as he threw another rock at her, but missed once again.

22 miss

The Trolls [8] continued to attack the undead abomination of their brethren. While their claws all struck, their bite attacks failed. Typically, trolls are feared for their ability to rend flesh in horrible fashion, alas, this foe had only bone, which lessened the effect considerably.

28, 29, 23, 17 hit Total 19 dmg

The remaining Goblins [7] had little choice but to press the attack, closing in to melee with the nearest strategic foe. Though a few struck telling blows, they served only to increase the pain of the strategically superior dark foes.

Miss on Xinth

The troll Skeleton [4] attacked one of the trolls, its bony claws and skeletal bite failing to find flesh.

14, 13, 9 all miss

The bugbear zombie [1] swung its morning star at the closest goblin but missed the elusive little humanoid.

12 miss

Rd 3
Zif [24] used another spell and lifted off the ground to join Frixal near the ceiling.

cast Fly, move up to ceiling

The drow warriors [23] brutally pressed their advantage, twin weapons swirling in deft dark hands to deal out painful wounds and death.

Killed 2

The reply of the giant intrigued Frixal [23] enough to penetrate her insane anger in battle and caused a pause long enough to attempt to read the thoughts of the doomed giant before her brother struck from stealth to kill.

Cast Detect Thoughts DC 20 will failed...

By this time Kirzen [22] had seen enough, not only of the initial confrontation with the guard unit, but of what lie beyond. The engagement involving her siblings turned out to be only one of three that the Tithe Taker indirectly initiated and watched. Gleaning information sufficient to satisfy her interests while her siblings fought, she swiftly shifted from surveillance and summoning to direct physical action

Leaving the slaves where they were, under the watchful eye of a minor demon, her female commander, and the remaining drow warriors, she used the headband of teleport to join her sister. Still mounted on her own lizard, which clung safely to the ceiling above the fray, she smiled wickedly at Frixal as she cursed the giant.

Cast Curse of Ill Fortune on Giant Saved!

OOC http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8463/8145397701_75c898c6b7.jpg
Zif 24
Warriors 23
Frixal 23
Kirzen 22
Xinth 21
Lomni 19
Bugbears 13
Giant 11
Trolls 8
Goblins 7

Fire Giant 106
Tb 15 (15 fire)
Tc 30 (15 fire)

Zif Mirror Image (6)
Xinth Invisibility (on Lomni)

2012-10-30, 01:29 PM
Round 3:

A smile slid across Lomni's face as the giant bellowed his answer. Lomni stepped up [5 foot step to D5] and attacked.

ooc: DC 16 fort save or die (death attack) for each one that hits.

Edit: messed up the dice - see the dice thread - summary below:

Attack 1: 21, 47 damage if it hits
Attack 2: 34 (nat 20, chance for crit), 39 damage if it hits
Attack 2 Critical chance: 18, additional 20 damage if it hits
Speed Attack: 37 (nat 19, chance for crit), 27 damage if it hits
Speed Attack cricital chance: 25, additional 22 damage if it hits

white rider
2012-10-31, 03:13 PM
Well than, last turn standard:
attack with rapier: [roll0], crit on 15-20 (27-32), [roll1] damage plus [roll2] cold
Crit conform (JIC) [roll3], [roll4] damage and [roll5] cold
This turn: full attack with all weapons
Rapier 1: [roll6], crit on 15-20 (25-30), [roll7] damage plus [roll8] cold
Crit conform (JIC) [roll9], [roll10] damage and [roll11] cold
Rapier 2(speed): [roll12], crit on 15-20 (25-30), [roll13] damage plus [roll14] cold
Crit conform (JIC) [roll15], [roll16] damage and [roll17] cold
Kukri 1:[roll18], [roll19] damage, crit on 18-20 (25-27)
Crit conform (JIC): [roll20], [roll21] damage
Rapier 3:[roll22], crit on 15-20 (25-30), [roll23] damage plus [roll24] cold, crit on 15-20 (20-25)
Crit conform (JIC): [roll25], [roll26] damage and [roll27] cold

2012-11-01, 09:41 PM
Xinth stepped over to cut the nearest goblin to ribbons.

5' step, Rapier 17, 15 hit, Kukri 23 hit total 24 dmg = DEAD

Lomni slipped past the bugbears and quickly cut the giant down with his new blade.

21 miss 34 hit (save vs death attack) 37 hit total 88 = DEAD

As the giant fell dead right behind them, the bugbears turned and fled the battle.

OOC AoO on the closest one for Lomni if he wants...

The Trolls and remaining Goblins tried to flee as well. Frixal commanded the troll skeleton the concentrate on the goblins and let the trolls go. The drow warriors instinctively followed this tactic, leaving none of the small humanoids alive.

"Search them and get ready to move on swiftly."

Zif Mirror Image (6), Fly

2012-11-02, 07:41 AM
Bugbear AoO: [roll0]
Damage, if he hits: [roll1]

If any fleeing enemies pass by Lomni, he has 2 more AoO's available [Combat reflexes]

Lomni searches the giant, using his innate abilities to note any magical items [detect magic - duskblade spell like ability via arcane attunement].

2012-11-03, 11:09 AM
Lomni struck down the closest bugbear that tried to flee. The other bugbear and the two trolls avoided the deadly reach of his blade, making it easy to include them all as targets to a Fireball flung almost flippantly by the maniacal Frixal. The bugbear was incinerated and fell dead immediately. Both trolls survived the magic flames, though both suffered severely from wounds that wouldn't regenerate.

Zif flew down to help search the corpses, taking pleasure in ending any life that was slowly bleeding out on the ground, and stabbing the dead to ensure they certainly were deceased. The drow warriors followed his example as they searched through the goblin corpses. The only valuables found in the search of the bodies were high quality weapons and armor, though nothing remarkable. The fact that not even the giant carried one bit of treasure strongly indicated they were enslaved by something powerful and greedy.

Wounded drow warriors took positions with the slaves as fresh ones replaced them in the vanguard, under the direction of Frixal. She had sent her bugbear zombie ahead, the summoned troll skeleton having long since vanished. Soon the advance group hurried up the wide tunnel, spread out as before, with Kirzen lingering behind with the slaves. She spent time and effort to animate the giant into a zombie, taking up the rear position.

Frixal, her brothers, and 4 warriors soon caught up with her bugbear zombie. They hurried up the gradually ascending tunnel for a few minutes, then slowed slightly as it became clear that it stretched on for quite a distance. As it turned out, the tunnel was nearly a mile long and terminated in a large cavern.

OOC So search/travel about an hour until next....

2012-11-03, 01:21 PM
Lomni sheaths his sword before continuing on. He'd have to remember to use the icy burst function of his new scabbard the next time he encountered a fire giant....

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silent: [roll3]

white rider
2012-11-03, 04:49 PM
Xinth steps up to the front of the party, activating his armor and disappearing from view.
Hide: [roll0]
Move silent: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
Concealment from creatures with darkvision

2012-11-05, 09:21 AM
The tunnel opened into a huge cavern that held a deep lake, and a river that sluggishly flowed from it and out through one tunnel. Many other tunnels, some natural, some not, were to be found along the walls, including a few shafts - both up and down. One of these shafts that lead straight up, located directly above where the river left the cavern through the tunnel, was the next stage in the journey to the upper world.

This is also where the small party departed from Kirzen and the slaves. She gave the Headband of Teleport to Frixal, who put it on immediately with a nod and greedy grin and signaled the others to move out.

Four drow warriors, Lomni, Xinth, Zif and Frixal moved like shadows of death along the rough cavern wall toward that tunnel. While they were well out of sight yet, they noted a rather large force of Bugbears were gathered on the near side of the river. A stone bridge stretched across the water about 60' from the tunnel, big enough for four bugbears to walk abreast.

On the other side of the bridge was a large mass of goblins, hundreds lined up facing the river in organized units. behind them were dozens of ogres sporting chain shirts, large spiked shields, and fine looking swords. These stout defenders surrounded an Ogre Mage and a Beholder.

Frixal handed the headband to Lomni and signaled with her hands, “Take Xinth and Zif across the river and hide by the wall behind the beholder.”

Zif cast Invisibility Sphere on them as the three touched to transport.

2012-11-05, 10:49 AM
Lomni took the headband and put it on. Once the invisibility spell was enacted and he was sure his brothers were touching, he enacted the teleport spell in the headband to place them in a spot along the wall behind the beholder as his sister had ordered. A beholder was a dangerous opponent alone, but with an ogre mage and an army even more so. His sister must have something big in mind...

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silent: [roll1]

white rider
2012-11-05, 09:44 PM
Xinth reaches out and touches the headband, drawing his rapier with his free hand.
Move silent:[roll1]
Concealment from creatures with darkvision

2012-11-07, 03:32 PM
After ensuring her brothers obeyed, Frixal pulled out her tentacle whip as she rode forward with her warriors and zombie in front. Telepathically she told Lomni and Xinth, "Flank Zif and look as intimidating as you possibly can when signaled." She then explained what she wanted Zif to do and say to him.

Once she was in sight of the bridge guards, Frixal spoke out boldly in Undercommon as she continued to steadily advance, “Greetings, Eye Tyrant. We obliterated your tunnel guards in short order and barely suffered a scratch. We offered the chance of life to them, but they foolishly insisted on delaying our progress.”

With a shrug she pointed at the beholder with her whip, the tentacles wriggling eagerly, then at the shaft as he continued arrogantly, “We are simply passing through, as perhaps are you. If you clear a path immediately to that shaft, I shant have further desire to oblige my murderous whims, and we shall be on our way.”

As Frixal spoke, the Beholder began speaking softly, first in giantish, then a few words louder in its native language. All those with it froze in place immediately as a few eye stalks looked up the shaft the drow intended to use. The Beholder chuckled as it bathed the approaching drow in the antimagic field generated by its central eyes and scanned the party. It spoke in Undercommon, “So why should I indulge such whims of those who are nothing more than an irritant and a delay to my current designs?”

At a mental signal from Frixal, the three drow brothers stepped from the shadows some short distance behind the beholder. Suddenly accompanied by dozens of Zif’s illusionary drow warriors levitating above and walking behind them. The Nightmare Spinner fingered a black bladed dagger with a wickedly serrated edge and grinned sadistically. The ogre guards growled softly but more than one look of trepidation and fear passed among them.

Zif answered boldly as instructed, though not loudly, “Because there are more of us than you could know, or could face at once, even with that rabble around you. Though we have no true desire to specifically engage you further, if you interfere we will slaughter the remainder of your slaves and slowly cut you to ribbons.”

OOC intimidate assisted in the decision...

A growing number of obviously dangerous drow already in tactical position, and with no way of knowing how many more might be waiting in the darkness, the beholder chuckled and spun to turn its central eye toward the newcomers behind it. Exposing the illusion for what it was left only three drow, but all dangerous looking and advancing boldly. Floating up and away from the bridge toward another shaft it said, “So be it, we have no real interest in that shaft. But begone quickly, we gather more here soon for a purpose well beyond.”

The intervening troops swiftly cleared a wide path by scrambling out of the way as Frixal and her entourage approached the bridge. She telepathically told her brothers to advance to the bridge and remain there until she was in the tunnel. After commanding her bugbear zombie aboard behind her, she confidently rode her lizard to the wall nearest the shaft, then up the wall as she watched the beholder closely. When the drow warriors were in position she cast levitate on a pair of them, who each grabbed another to float up to the shaft.

Zif obeyed, of course, assuming he’d be the last one up as youngest male.

white rider
2012-11-07, 04:09 PM
Xinth silently follows his sister, using his innate magic to levitate up the shaft.

2012-11-07, 09:19 PM
ooc: A little late now, but...

Lomni stepped out at the signal, drawing the greatsword and selecting aberration bane from the scabbard, just in case...

Intimidate assist: [roll0]

Once the bargain was struck, Lomni proceeded to the bridge as told, preceding his brothers in using his innate levitate ability to ascend up the shaft. He keeps the sword in hand, not knowing what they might find above.

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2012-11-07, 10:37 PM
Zif floated up behind his brothers, following the warriors into the shaft above. Frixal sat on her lizard as it clung to the ceiling adjacent to the opening, her zombie clinging to the saddle securely behind her. The beholder had stopped to hover just below another shaft in the ceiling, about sixty feet away. Each eyed the other until the last drow was well up the shaft, both knowing the anitimagic could still interfere, and that Frixal wasn’t depending on magic.

The (10' wide) shaft went straight up without change for hundreds of feet, then widened (20') into a more natural surface. Frixal soon caught up, the pace of her lizard much faster than the rate of levitate. She moved to take the lead when the tunnel widened, winking at her brothers as she spoke in drow, “One of you can join me, or I’ll take one of the brave warrior.”

The two warriors who weren’t levitating personally moved to jump on her lizard if none of the brothers did.

Zif shrugged at Lomni and grinned at Xinth, waiting for his elders to decide.

2012-11-08, 01:31 PM
A courtesy from Frixal was exceptionally rare, and despite the fleeting thought that she had an ulterior motive, Lomni wasted no time in accepting the offer.

2012-11-11, 07:26 PM
When Lomni climbed aboard the riding lizard, the bugbear zombie slid back slightly, leaving a small spot right behind the riding saddle. As soon as he took the seat he seemed stuck to it securely. A quick test revealed he was not trapped there, simply secured. Zif sped up, using his Fly spell to keep close behind as the lizard climbed up the tunnel at full speed. The rest rose slowly under the power of levitate.

According to the information from the well traveled Kirzen, which Frixal relied on heavily, but always ready for any recent changes like the beholder and its small army. The tunnel remained unchanged from the Tithe Taker's last expedition, and continued straight up for several hundred more feet. There it narrowed drastically (5') into a perfectly round shaft up with a pair of opposing tunnels angling up slightly. The 'left' tunnel was much like the shaft below them (20' diameter, natural surface). The 'right' tunnel was half that size and well worked, albeit long ago.

Having encountered nothing on the way, or at the junction, Frixal waited for the others. She sent her zombie up the smaller tunnel as she signaled Lomni with a flick of her fingers to check out the other a short way (typically that means half the distance visible, so about 60').

OOC So about 10 rounds before the others rejoin them... nothing there.

When the entire entourage regrouped at the junction Frixal spoke in formal drow language, "Here we must decide, both paths lead to the surface through vastly different routes. The left leads through a series of natural terrains, notorious for change and chaos. The right opens into a long labyrinth of structured spaces, meticulously filled with a variety of dangerous denizens. Either way will likely require much effort and sacrifice for us to navigate."

With an openly sadistic smile, she added with a seductive shrug, "So brothers, tell me your opinions on which way you would choose to go."

Having been here before, Zif had his opinions for sure. But he showed no outward sign what they might be as he remained respectfully silent until his elder brothers spoke.

2012-11-11, 10:01 PM
Lomni thinks to his knowledge of the well-studied map to see if it contained any hints of which route would be shorter, though shorter didn't mean less dangerous...

Lomni's time in the lower regions of their home gave him a slight preference to the well-worked and structured spaces. "I'd have thought you'd have made the choice already." he says with a mischievous grin. "My preference would be to the labyrinth."

2012-11-12, 05:00 AM
Lomni thinks to his knowledge of the well-studied map to see if it contained any hints of which route would be shorter, though shorter didn't mean less dangerous...

The labyrinth would be nothing more than an oddly squiggly line on the map, but a certain distance. The maze, we'll call the chaotic natural tunnels, could be less or more, depending on how different it turned out from the map along the way.

white rider
2012-11-12, 05:57 PM
Xinth grins. "The right, always the right. More opportunities for... fun with intelligent opponents."
Xinth's grin slowly fades. "Exactly what is in the labyrinth, anyway? I want to know what we will be facing."

2012-11-12, 06:53 PM
Zif softly snickered at the banter of his brothers with their explosive sister, then shrugged, “The left sounds like it would be a lot more fun. But I suppose if we are serious, I agree that the labyrinth to the right seems the best choice.”

He nodded at Xinth’s question and added, “Especially if we get time to prepare properly.”

Kirzen seemed to seriously consider what her brothers said before replying in any way, something she rarely did. When she spoke it was with absolute authority, as if she were instructing students, “Last reports of labyrinth denizens included ogres and various giants, who occupy the chambers nearest us. Further on we should find countless undead fodder, with some more powerful specimens among them, all under the power of a lich that no living being has seen and lived to talk of in centuries.”

Smiling again, she added, “Either way, we can rest here before continuing.”

2012-11-13, 10:45 AM
"Well, isn't that special..." Lomni says. "A lich most definitely does not sound like fun."

2012-11-13, 03:07 PM
"Well, isn't that special..." Lomni says. "A lich most definitely does not sound like fun."

"Indeed brother, and such a one would likely have some powerful servants, most likely one or more students of the arcane arts. Much of our collective powers are useless against such necromantic foes, though certain advantages would remain among us."

The illusionist grinned at Frixal and added suggestively, "Since our goal is to travel through the area and remain alive, spells prepared and powers among us should suffice. Any details of potential obstacles we might face, be they living, undead, or inanimate, would help greatly in preparing."

"Truly Zifi, so we shall see. I'll do a divination before we leave to give us an idea of how challenging the first hour or so will likely be. After that, we just have to push through and see. I'd prepare to deal with many undead, some of whom will be spellcasters."

Climbing down from her lizard, Frixal silently went about searching the area for the best place to sleep.

white rider
2012-11-13, 04:08 PM
Xinth grins again. "I've got ways of dealing with spellcasters... but out of curiosity, what is in the other direction?

2012-11-20, 03:55 AM
A short, maniacal, scornful laugh accompanied a condescending glare at Xinth as the sinister sister said sarcastically, "Who knows, changes so often."

Zif had been to the surface on several missions, a few with Kirzen. Xinth had gone on the last, but they took a different route than this one further back. With a shrug, the Nightmare Spinner said seriously, "Surroundings and denizens change, unpredictably of course. Still, I've always preferred it to the possibility of dealing with a powerful lich and its many minions for miles."

He grinned wickedly and added, "Still, I've never been with so many of my siblings either. With the right magic and other preparations we should get through, whether we face the lich or not."

Rolling her eyes a bit at the youngest brother, Frixal said, "Don't be so dramatic, we''ll be fine little brother. Now lets rest, youngest first."

OOC: 4 shifts of 3 hours, so each sibling rests/etc for 9 hours and share one shift with one warrior for. Likely, order of age:


white rider
2012-11-20, 04:58 PM
Xinth walks to a corner and crouches cross-legged, beginning his trance.

2012-11-20, 07:56 PM
Lomni uses his downtime to sleep and study the map some more.

ooc: I'll put some random rolls in the dice thread in case we need spot/listens for during our shifts on watch.

2012-11-20, 08:02 PM
The shifts passed peacefully, the warriors to the right with Firxal’s bugbear zombie, the siblings to the left. The riding lizard rested while curled up in the smaller shaft up, which only extended a few dozen feet to a dead end.

Spells prepared for inflicting maximum harm, dealing with undead and spellcasters, and getting through areas quickly, they proceeded into the labyrinth the next day. The bugbear zombie led the way, with two of the warriors flanking it some way behind. The three brothers came next, followed by another pair of warriors, with Frixal mounted on her lizard bringing up the rear.

Frixal cast Mage Armor on her zombie, then cast Omen of Peril and announced arrogantly, “Proceed at full speed, nothing in the near future to cause much concern.”

The well worked, ancient tunnel (10' wide and high) penetrated straight into the solid bedrock for quite a distance before reaching an intersection. One of many they would see similarly, it continued straight on and split perpendicular to the left and right. Each side tunnel stretched away 40' until it turned at right angles left and right again. Initially the path marked on the map went straight until it broke off into a series of turns. As they passed each set of side tunnels it put more potential enemies behind them, though they saw nor heard anything for several minutes.

As the bugbear zombie stepped into the 23rd intersection, the one just prior to the first turn, sounds suddenly filled the halls from every direction. Dominantly at first was the noise of stone doors being pushed open, soon followed by moaning, groaning, and the shuffling of feet. Increasingly joining the cacophony were wails of woe, insane shrieks, curious cackling, and horrid screams of deadly hatred.

Seen in the immediate surroundings were doors that flew open down each side tunnel every 10' where a mummy and some other undead emerged. Specters, wraiths, shadows, ghasts and ghouls joined the mummies, all moving toward the living invaders.

Magic darkened the ceiling in the labyrinth, seeking to penetrate the resistance of the drow to inflict a necromantic curse of ill luck.

OOCSP vs SR (PC 27, Warriors 15) [roll0]
Will save DC 23 (or -3 attack, save, skill, ability chk)
Warriors +1 [roll1]
Zif [roll2]
Frixal [roll3]

Warriors [roll4]
Zif [roll5]
Frixal [roll6]

2012-11-20, 08:24 PM
Lomni draws the greatsword from the scabbard his sister created, commanding the scabbard to add Undead Bane to the sword.

Init: [roll0]

2012-12-05, 01:49 PM
and what about Xinth?

white rider
2012-12-05, 04:01 PM
OOC: sorry, subscription thingie not working :smallfrown:
will save: [roll0]
init: [roll1]
Xinth lets out a loud shout, drawing his blades
cry of hate: dc 21 or -2 attack, damage, drow get +2 attack, damage and +4 on saves and stuff.

2012-12-08, 02:03 PM
Zif [30] sent a Fireball streaking to the left to explode as it struck a mummy in the next intersection. The flames engulfed a multitude of undead down the connecting corridors, incinerating most of them. He then pulled his rapier and readied himself for combat

Fireball 35 dmg (save = 17)
Mummies 51 each
Specters 35, 17
Wraiths 35 each = DEAD
Shadows 35 each = DEAD
Ghasts 17, DEAD
Ghouls save or not = DEAD

The drow Warriors [24] drew their swords and prepared to attack the first undead to come into reach.

The two nearest specters [22] moved into to attack the front drow warriors, suffering the readied attacks of the dark elf warriors, but only one strike landed from a shortsword. That specter returned the favor for minimal damage, though its touch drained half the life force of the drow warrior.

Drow Ready attacks vs specters
Rapier 5 miss, shortsword 10 miss
Rapier 10 miss, Shortsword 20 hit 9 dmg
Melee touch 17 miss
Melee touch 19 hit 1 dmg (2 negative levels)

The closest pair of ghouls [22] rushed up to attack bugbear zombie. With it in the intersection forward and the drow warriors flanking it they effectively blocked ground access behind.

Bite 10, 11 both miss

Frixal [20] urged her lizard to climb the wall to the ceiling and back up slightly as she used her new rod to quickly fling a fireball down the corridor opposite the one Zif had attacked. She then used her priestly powers to snatch control of two wraiths in the tunnel ahead, commanding them to attack those nearby.

Mummies both take 48 dmg
Specters 16, 33
Wraiths 33 each = DEAD
Shadows 33 = DEAD
Ghasts 16, DEAD
Ghouls DEAD

Turn Check Max HD = 6
Turn Damage 12 HD

A pair of mummies from each tunnel [20] moved into the battle next. A pair swiped at the drow warriors from each side while another pair slammed the bugbear zombie.

Slam 29, 26 both hit total 25 dmg

Slam 31, 24 both hit total 30 dmg

Slam 12 miss, 23 hit 13 dmg

Two wraiths [17] in the tunnel ahead, both under the command of Frixal, attacked the other pair, who attacked them in return.

Incorporeal melee touch attack 13 miss, 22 hit 4 dmg

Incorporeal melee touch attack 12 miss, 23 hit 4 dmg

Lomni [14] drew the greatsword from the scabbard his sister created, commanding the scabbard to add Undead Bane to the sword.

Xinth [13] let out a loud, hateful shout, drawing his blades.

cry of hate: dc 21 or -2 attack, damage, drow get +2 attack, damage and +4 on saves

Six shadows [12] followed up on the wraith attacks.

Incorporeal Touch Attacks 12, 5 miss 21, 23, 22, 21 hit various strength damage

The ghasts [11] pushed in to fill spaces behind the front melee, ready to step up and attack fully when possible.

The Bugbear Zombie [10] lashed out with its morning star and hit a mummy

Morningstar 18 hit 10 dmg = DEAD

Zif 30
Warriors 24
specters 22
ghouls 22
Frixal 20
mummies 20
wraiths 17
Lomni 14
Xinth 13
shadows 12
ghasts 11
BZ 10

Undead Caster Ill Fortune (warriors -3 attack, save, skill, ability chk)
Xinth cry of hate

white rider
2012-12-09, 01:44 PM
Xinth speaks a few words, making the area around the mummies slippery enough to send them to the ground.
Grease around the mummies: flat-footed and prone.

2015-05-04, 10:37 AM
After a few more rounds of battle, several of the undead were either dead again or controlled by Frixal. While more than a few of the drow sported wounds, none of them had been taken down. Suddenly all the enemy undead stopped and stepped back as another materialized about 40’ in the tunnel ahead. The human smiled, showing his vampire fangs, as his red eyes glowed eerily in the dark.

“My master has sent me to find out why you are here before any more fighting ensues.”

Frixal chuckled softly from her perch on the lizard, which clung to the ceiling out of reach of most undead. She toyed with the handle of her tentacle whip as she replied haughtily, “Your master is a fool for having his lackeys attack us without such information. Regardless, I will tell you that we are not here specifically to destroy or control this mob of undead, but that will be the result if this battle continues. Therefore, I demand that you withdraw and let us be about our business, which is, after all, our own.”

The vampire shrugged, “The demands of the living have no weight here. But you may be assuaged to know that your words and actions are known to my master as they happen.” He paused a moment, apparently receiving some mental instructions, then bowed slightly, “Release the undead you controlled and your passage shall remain unhindered by any of my master’s minions.”

Frixal smiled wickedly and remained silent for an uncomfortably long period before responding, “Very well, I accept.” She waved her hand as she released control of the undead, and then slowly rode her lizard along the ceiling in the direction they had been travelling before the battle started.

After many hours of navigating the maze, under the watchful eye of undead at every corner, they came to a small chamber that had clearly been carved. Nearly square, 20’ to a side and height, there was an iron door on the wall opposite where they had entered.

Frixal said, “We will seal this passage and secure that door from this side, then rest here.”

I’m thinking of restarting this game and recruiting new players. Everybody would gain a level after resting, making you 12th.

2015-05-04, 01:14 PM
I’m thinking of restarting this game and recruiting new players. Everybody would gain a level after resting, making you 12th.

I'm going to have to reread everything to remember wtf is going on, but yeah, I'm in. Is there an OOC thread?

2015-05-04, 04:57 PM
The old one was deleted, but I'm making a new one. I'll put a link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?413412-3-5-House-Min-Doan-OOC&p=19206027#post19206027) here, and in my sig.

2015-05-07, 08:21 PM
Kirzen appeared suddenly as the others were getting ready to rest. She cast Wall of Stone across the tunnel through which the group had entered.

Pulling an overstuffed cushion from her magic haversack, she got comfortable and explained how she had made contact with an illithid ally on one of her forays above ground last year, leading her to many discoveries that were instrumental in their Matron’s plan to take down the hated enemy House Fer’Kiln in spectacular glory. While few were privileged to all the information about that, those present now knew a good bit about this aspect of the attack, a vital key to success to ensure that no nobles survived to invoke the council to judge it a failure.

She revealed to them that the chasm itself was many miles long at the top, the widest points being about 100' apart. At the bottom of the east end was the site of an original dwarven mine, where they had discovered precious minerals. Mined out long ago, it had served as a collection and security point for foraging miners. The west end proved even richer with deposits but was filled with smaller tunnels inhabited by all manner of underground denizens. One of these tunnels would provide a good place to camp and create the portal back home with Elyndor's items.

Atop the chasm at about the midway point a small village had sprung up in recent years, known to the drow only from what their siblings had been able to divine. Ruknor started as a dwarven mining base and expanded into a small yet thriving village to support that continuing operation and other industries that had developed with due diligence by the dour dwarves.

The dwarves had built the village atop the chasm at the midpoint on the north side to extend their reach with fewer risks from below and built forges and foundries. The other side attracted other races interested in mining or the miners, and a rope bridge was soon constructed to allow travel. Other races were to be found there besides the founding dwarves; most notably and prolific were the halflings and gnomes. Inevitably, more than a fair share of humans had filtered into the budding society. As far as any knew, in or out of the village, no elves had shown their pointy ears. The nearest sign of civilization above ground was a hundred leagues south, though dwarven enclaves could be found closer underground.

Kirzen grinned wickedly at her sister and asked, "So Frixal, have the lads been behaving themselves?"

Easy answer: yes, expand if you wish. There are, I believe, also 6 drow male warriors with them as well.

Just moving things along here so we can get the new players in the game. There is more detail to follow, but this is a good breaking point for questions, etc. Also the 2 newest characters will become 3 I believe, to join the group after the portal to the underworld is created. I want to get the game to the point when they enter without much delay between creation and entry.

2015-05-08, 05:26 AM
"Well Kirzen they've been behaving themselves." Frixal said while looking back at all of the males in the group "and I don't foresee an issues with them. Right boys?" the last part said with a grin on her face.

2015-05-08, 07:18 AM
As the others began setting camp, Lomni took the time to investigate the iron door, checking it for traps, locks or anything else he could find.

Search (take 20 if possible, otherwise): [roll0]

After Kirzen shows up, he takes a seat to listen to what she had to say. He remains silent, having nothing to add to the conversation, nor any questions on the information they were given.

2015-05-08, 09:54 PM
As the others began setting camp, Lomni took the time to investigate the iron door, checking it for traps, locks or anything else he could find.

Search (take 20 if possible, otherwise): [roll0]

After Kirzen shows up, he takes a seat to listen to what she had to say. He remains silent, having nothing to add to the conversation, nor any questions on the information they were given.

Having plenty of time, Lomni searched the door carefully. He found no traps. The door handle on this side had a clever device; it opened easily enough from this side, but also seemed to lock the door from the other side. A quick use of clairvoyance showed there was a handle on the other side of the door.

2015-05-10, 11:08 AM

Back at the House caverns, Kirtz moved and danced lightly on his feet, blades flickering and flashing as he moved across the smooth, rocky floor. Magic enhances his natural speed to the point where it's hard for his opponents to even see him clearly. Within half a minute, he was the last drow standing, with several of the house's lesser warriors lying defeated on the floor. He tosses his training blades to the slave next to the weapons rack, and turns to them.

"If I were an illithid or a noble from another house, you would all be dead. Report to the guard captain and tell him that you need additional training in speed and agility."

He walks out the door, and turns down the tunnel in the direction of his suite, lightly stretching his shoulders and arms as he goes.

There are too few of the guard worth training against. Surely the Matron Mother has something better for me to do with my time. I'd like to have been sent with my older siblings on whatever mission they left on.

2015-05-13, 11:15 AM
A quick use of clairvoyance showed there was a handle on the other side of the door.
He would have also used this to look around at what's there besides the door.

2015-05-13, 11:58 AM
He would have also used this to look around at what's there besides the door.

It was dark out there, and while using clairvoyance he could only see 10' from the spot of the sensor. Within that range he saw nothing other than a 10' wide natural tunnel.

2015-05-13, 04:17 PM
Since nobody asked about what she had already said, Kirzen continued, “Recently a rich deposit of mithril had been discovered, and this event coincided with the appearance of a dubious pair of humans. Though few, if any, had realized the hint of correlation, let alone connecting any direct relation, it was only a matter of time before such discoveries could expose flaws in the plans of House Fer’kiln. A pair of young, yet quite powerful drow siblings had been capturing slaves in the area for decades on raids. They had arranged to use a secret portal constructed by the Illithid that allowed them instant access to the underdark and a means to return to the surface, which would normally take weeks each way.

When the village and mines became evident, the drow of House Fer’Kiln turned their sinister attention to exploiting that source of wealth and trade. They contrived a means to disguise themselves as human merchants and miners with less than honest connections in the underworld. Years of deals done in seemingly honest trades appeared to make those they dealt with uncommonly fortunate in many ways. In truth much of what was obtained from the Fer’Kiln was cursed insidiously; the more one had the less likely that one would refuse to make a deal. The Fer’Kiln got considerably richer, and the dwarves appeared to as well, though the gold and mithril all held a minuscule portion of the curse.

The illithid had discovered the curse, but was never affected by it. Seeing the value of it, if used properly, he let it run its course and planned his profits. So it was that a High Priestess and her Illusionist brother of House Fer’kiln all but enthralled the entire region to their devious whims and eternal hunger for exploitation. Most of this was known to the illithid, except the specifics of the curse used to achieve this state.

Trouble began when a wondering priest of Moradin and his followers showed up. They learned about the curse and tried to warn the locals, but were all but ignored. In the process of investigating they also discovered the portal, which was located under a barn in the south village. Destroying this portal brought the wrath of the illithid and stirred up much suspicion about the Fer’Kiln drow. The dwarf priest and his followers vanished not long ago, presumably taken out by the illithid. The Fer’Kiln made a further deal with the illithid, though the details of that are still elusive. But the result is that they relied too heavily on the illithid for protection; a key mistake, given that he has been an ally and well paid spy of our Matron for a long time.”

2015-05-13, 04:24 PM

Back at the House caverns, Kirtz moved and danced lightly on his feet, blades flickering and flashing as he moved across the smooth, rocky floor. Magic enhances his natural speed to the point where it's hard for his opponents to even see him clearly. Within half a minute, he was the last drow standing, with several of the house's lesser warriors lying defeated on the floor. He tosses his training blades to the slave next to the weapons rack, and turns to them.

"If I were an illithid or a noble from another house, you would all be dead. Report to the guard captain and tell him that you need additional training in speed and agility."

He walks out the door, and turns down the tunnel in the direction of his suite, lightly stretching his shoulders and arms as he goes.

There are too few of the guard worth training against. Surely the Matron Mother has something better for me to do with my time. I'd like to have been sent with my older siblings on whatever mission they left on.

As he arrived at the entrance to his suite of rooms, Kirzt was greeted respectfully by one of the male temple guards. Though they typically stayed outside the main temple, they were occasionally sent to relay important messages.

With a bow the warrior said, "Greetings honored son of the Matron. You are to meet with the Matron tomorrow after breakfast."

2015-05-13, 04:41 PM

I'm assuming a temple guard is lower status than nobility, but higher status than almost any other non-noble males, and is thus not a worm.
"I shall attend our Honored Matron Mother as she bids. Have any others been summoned for the same time?"

2015-05-13, 05:32 PM

The house caverns, though now had fewer of his siblings inside, seemed even more uninteresting and dull to Mirtuk. He longed for a true challenge to his abilities and to kill again in the name of his house and honored matron mother. He had taken once more to stalking different males, to test his abilities, he would do so on the females, a worthier challenge, but too high a risk.

Why must I be kept here while my siblings are out having all the fun, I need something to kill.

Growing bored of his lesser prey he stalks back to his room, thinking if he can't kill he can at least plan out how he would kill.

2015-05-13, 08:00 PM
Yes indeed, a temple guard is lower status than nobility, but higher status than almost any other non-noble males, and is thus not a worm.

For Kirzt:
The temple guard looked a bit nervous as he replied humbly, knowing full well he was likely being watched, or at least listened to, by one of the priestesses, "I would not know such things, my Lord. I am merely a guardian of the temple and not privileged to such information."

For Mirtuk:
As he arrived at the entrance to his suite of rooms, Mirtuk was greeted respectfully by one of the male temple guards. Though they typically stayed outside the main temple, they were occasionally sent to relay important messages.

With a bow the warrior said, "Greetings honored son of the Matron. You are to meet with the Matron tomorrow after breakfast."

Niffel is likewise notified, when Oracle of Silence is ready to go

2015-05-13, 08:50 PM

A large grin split his face, he was rarely summoned to his honoured matron, hopefully this would be a chance to finally kill someone of skill and import

"Of course I shall attend my honoured matron, I look forward to the opportunity, you may go"

2015-05-13, 09:12 PM

A large grin split his face, he was rarely summoned to his honoured matron, hopefully this would be a chance to finally kill someone of skill and import

"Of course I shall attend my honoured matron, I look forward to the opportunity, you may go"

The temple guard bowed and scurried off quickly, relieved that his messenger mission was accomplished in such a succinct manner.

2015-05-13, 09:23 PM

Mirtuk strode into his room estimating the current time and how long he would have before his meeting, he truly hoped it would be a chance for him to leave the compound, it was a rare privilege to do so lately and he had certainly proven his capabilities throughout the long years he had served his matron as an assassin and as a son.

2015-05-14, 07:07 AM
Frixal looks over at Kirzen and wonders aloud "Dear sister, how much further till we reach the Surface, past this door?"

2015-05-14, 09:55 AM
Lomni studied the map again while Kirzen relayed the information. She'd already gone over this on the first night of their journey, so though he was listening for any new information, he didn't have to listen that attentively. He looked for the chamber they now sat in on the map. That would give him some idea of how much further they needed to go.

2015-05-14, 04:31 PM

“Ahh yes, that is a part of why I am here now sister. You are now out of the area of the Underdark, where teleport and similar magic is hampered greatly, and makes it all but impossible to reach the realm above with magic. From here, it would be another week or so to reach your destination, depending on the route and encounters, as Lomni can estimate from his map. Instead, I will use the headband of teleport to take you, Xinth, Zif and Lomni and your riding lizard to a cave in the chasm under Ruknor tonight. It is a place I know well, having studied it many days through scrying means with Elyndor. It has been a few days since I saw it, so it may be occupied now. Regardless, I will then return here and bring back your bugbear zombie and the other warriors. After we rest we activate the portal Elyndor has devised with his hoops and headband, and bring the other siblings through the portal who our wise Matron has assigned to help with the task at hand.”

2015-05-16, 07:24 AM
"Hmmm, well then unless it conflicts with the matron's plan I would raather wait her and rest before jumping that last leg of the trip" Frixal says looking over her war band "If there is something that has moved into that cave I think everyone would want to be fully rested."

2015-05-16, 10:05 AM

Kirzen frowned slightly at Frixal as her sister spoke. Then she smiled shrewdly as she delayed replying and looked at her brothers to see if they had anything further to add. They all knew she was more than a little odd like that, nearly unique among the noble drow females, placing at least some value on the presumed intelligence of her male siblings in general. While she understood that Frixal was very intelligent herself, and fairly well-tempered in leadership, Kirzen often asked the males for their opinion, or at least waited to give them a chance to respond, if not as equals then as respected subordinates.

Then again, it was equally possible that she might just be waiting to vindictively rebuke such a weak position to see who else might join in and commit themselves to it. She was very astute, extraordinarily arrogant and haughty about drow superiority, and exceedingly cruel, being the fourth spawn of the Matron and third daughter, and in charge overall of the House slaves. She also had much more experience than anyone in the family not only in traveling the Underworld but the upper world. For all they knew she might well be setting them up to test their true worth when they were all less than fully prepared.

2015-05-18, 09:57 AM
Lomni just sat, studying the map, waiting for the females to make a decision. Frixal had already stated that they were resting here - clearly, as the male underlings had started making camp already, but as the elder sister, Kirzen had ultimate authority here. Between the locked door, and the new wall Kirzen had created, this was certainly the more defensible area. "Which shall it be, dear sisters."

2015-05-22, 04:49 PM
"If we are resting for a suitable amount of time, I shall take this time to renew my spells, among other things."

Zif will take this time to refresh his spells, and would also like to use the Wish spell in his Luckblade.

"I, Zif'coip Min'Doan, wish to have a new and previously unowned Boccob's Blessed Book (DMG 249) created for me here and now into my possession, with all of my current spells already correctly and properly scribed onto it's pages."

2015-05-23, 07:56 AM

Instead of simply ordering her decision, Kirzen explained the reason for it, "The attack is planned for the night after tomorrow, which gives the assassins a whole day and night and another day to learn what they need to know and plan an attack, then get into position and wait for the signal. If we wait until tomorrow to teleport, it will leave less leeway for any unforeseen issues that might arise. If anything is in the cave, surely you all have enough resources left to deal with it. Otherwise you are unworthy of the trust the Matron placed in you. Therefore, we shall continue on."

Standing, she replaced her cushion and held out her hand to Frixal, "Mount your lizard and hand me the headband, sister."


Magic swirled around Zif and tingled across his skin as he enacted the powerful wish spell in his new sword. Looking through his gear he found exactly what he wished for, and realized that his old spellbook had vanished. Apparently the magic transferred his spells perfectly from one book to the other and consumed the materials of his old book in the process.

2015-05-23, 10:06 AM
Niffel heard a knock on the door of his suite. Sending a slave to answer, one of the male temple guards soon entered. Though they typically stayed outside the main temple, they were occasionally sent to relay important messages. With a respectful bow the warrior said, "Greetings honored son of the Matron. You are to meet with the Matron tomorrow after breakfast."

2015-05-24, 10:37 AM
"I say we move forward today, I am confident in our ability to take on whatever might be in that cave, we have not used much for the day. Let us push on and be ready for a fight." Frixal says looking over to kirzen.

2015-05-25, 12:55 PM
The decision made, Lomni orders the lesser males to strike the camp they had just begun setting up as he packs away the map. As the teleport spell is enacted, he draws his courtblade to be ready for anything that may be at the destination.

2015-05-25, 03:33 PM
Zif replaces his spellbook, and joins the rest of the party, awaiting further instructions.

2015-05-28, 08:40 PM

They arrived in the middle of a mostly natural cave that stretched about 100’ from end to end. It narrowed to about 10’ wide and high at both ends while the middle was 40’ across and 50’ high. The floor had been worn smooth from use and leveled by skilled hands and tools. The west end had no opening. The east end opened into a large chasm with an irregular floor, though a worked path could be discerned there that wound its way to the east.

Highly diffused sunlight entered from the east, and though it was very dim and diminishing by the moment, it was more than enough to light up nearly the whole cave to the very sensitive drow eyes. While not enough to blind or dazzle those without daylight adaption, the level of light was irritating and dampened their superior darkvision slightly

A quick survey revealed no creatures, though there were plenty of places where something could be hidden from view in the shadows and crevasses. Kirzen wasted no time in activating the headband to return for those left behind, leaving the siblings alone for the moment.

Listen and spot checks for all please. Those without daylight adaption take -4 penalty on spot.

Xinth Spot [roll0]

2015-05-28, 08:42 PM
Ooops, forgot... Xinth Listen [roll0]

2015-05-28, 11:14 PM
Zif spot and listen:


2015-05-29, 07:24 AM
Frixal spot listen

2015-05-29, 09:07 AM
Spot (includes -4 for no daylight adaptation): [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2015-05-30, 09:06 AM
Upper Group

If something was hiding in the shadows here it was very good at it. Perhaps overconfident in their superiority in dark places, the drow were typically convinced by default that they would be the last creatures to have missed such hidden potential foes. This occasionally proved false, but not often enough to shake the confidence built up over generations of their ancestors and their own experiences.

As Kirzen vanished, a point of darkness suddenly appeared near the drow, standing only 20’ from Frixal and her riding lizard. Tendrils of shadows were drawn from the area in a rush and coalesced quickly into a bipedal shape. Within seconds a shadowy figure dressed in a dark grey robe covered with a hooded black cloak stood there. Pulling his hood back, pale, yet pleasant, if somewhat gaunt facial features could be seen on the otherwise unremarkable human face, being the only skin left uncovered. The only sign of a weapon was a dark grey handle of a dagger, styled with the slightly curved blade of desert folk, protruded from his sash beside a black pouch.

Crossing his arms across his chest, the human seemed to focus the oddly penetrating gaze of his dark blue eyes on Zif more often than the others. The Nightmare Spinner had seen figures like this in books he had studied, typically associated with the ancient Netheril Kingdom and Shadow Magic. In a voice barely above a whisper he spoke with utmost confidence and no small measure of superiority, “Greetings, nobles of House Min’Doan. I am a Shadovar known as Xyz. I am here at the behest of your honored Matron, Myrtum Min’Doan, to lend assistance in your mission.”

2015-05-30, 10:12 AM
Lower Group

Those assigned to meet with the Matron were first met by Ca’al, the eldest son. With brutal efficiency that he always enjoyed far too much, the elderboy had roughly herded his brethren who were to meet the Matron into a private chapel. He bowed deeply to Kirzen upon entering the appointed oval shaped room, expecting the siblings in his wake to show the proper respect to the Tithe Taker without need for enforcement. She nodded to him from her chair next to the altar at the far end of the room and smiled wickedly while lovingly fingering her Fwalirt whip.

The elderboy shuddered slightly as he took his seat at the head of the table set up for the meeting and motioned for the rest to take seats. He began by explaining, “Our beloved and honored Matron has chosen each of you to be included in this mission for various reasons, none of which now holds any further meaning. You will accompany Kirzen to the Upper World, where you will serve the purpose our Matron has chosen for you.”

After looking over at Kirzen briefly, who shrugged, Ca’al continued, “Elyndor has crafted a means that he believes will create a portal between the underworld and the upper world, a barrier yet to be broached safely. This is how you will arrive in the Upper World shortly after this meeting ends.”

The door opened and Matron Myrtum entered, flanked by Hazyth and Dorza. Ca’al immediately stood and bowed abjectly, “Greetings, honored Matron, all is done as you commanded.”

Dorza closed the door and stood there while Hazyth and the Matron approached the altar. Without a glance at those gathered, other than a short glare from Hazyth to ensure they all showed the proper respect, the Matriarch and eldest daughter knelt before the altar and led a dark prayer. Each person present was joined in the rare but familiar mind melding enacted by the powerful High Priestesses, stripping each of privacy or reserve in the minds of their mother and eldest sister.

When Hazyth enters she activates Detect Thoughts, and I dare any of you to resist! There’s no resisting the other spell and chant, and all involved must be willing... any who aren’t would certainly be punished severely and would forfeit the chance to go.

With Hazyth still kneeling and chanting to maintain the meld, Matron Myrtum stepped onto the altar and faced the room, “My treasured spawn, it pleases me greatly to see each of you on this momentous day. Know that dark destiny is undeniably upon us, set forth in part by my wisdom, and we shall expend all efforts to please the Spider Queen in this and all things. I was informed last night that our advance group is in place. Today you take the last step that will culminate in the opportunity for you to eliminate an important element of an enemy House. If you survive and succeed, it will increase your own prowess and power, thus bolstering the status of House Min’Doan. This mission is vital, for if we succeed in all other plans, which I fully expect we will, those that you must destroy would be the only ones to stake any legitimate claim of failure to the Council."

With a sinister laugh of sadistic joy, the Matron turned and stepped through a portal that appeared on the altar. Hazyth continued to chant, altering it slightly to enhance the divine dweomers in the chapel. Dorza leaned against the only door, her expression dark and enigmatic as always. Kirzen sat waiting and watching while caressing her whip handle and smiling wickedly.

2015-05-30, 05:10 PM
The sudden appearance of a Human in their midst certainly startled Zif. While certainly blessed with the darkvision native to his race, along with rather acute senses, he was also certainly not a trained scout. With that thought crossing his mind, he glance at his more martially inclined brothers, before clearing his expression and stepping slightly forward. With a glance and an appraising look at Frixal, Zif clears his throat, and says in Undercommon,

"If I may, dear sister, I believe myself and this... esteemed gentleman, may have more than a little in common. It may behoove us to allow me to speak with him as well. With your permission, of course."

2015-05-30, 06:39 PM
Mirtuk slunk into the room avoiding the elderboy's brutal enticements as much as possible, he always was a brutish character. He bowed low as he entered to the beloved Tithe Taker, enjoying the shudder his overbearing brother demonstrated, even as he demonstrated it to a degree himself, perhaps one day his elder brother would realise that in this society, his brutish tactics only worked until the beloved matron, or the goddess herself, lost interest in him.

He sits silent listening to Ca'al without even a blink though inside his mind was racing at all the possible murders he would soon commit, all the obstacles he would get over, until his beloved matron walked in, a point at which he jumped to his feet suddenly and bowed deeply, eager for her arrival, mostly as it brought about the chance to kill in both her name, and that of lolth, and of course the pleasure of the kill.

He waited and listened outwardly patient, but inwardly over-joyed at the prospect of this mission, this was what drow were made for, a quick sudden strike, to kill all those that required it, and enslave or force alliance with those still useful to their cause.

2015-05-30, 07:31 PM

Eager anticipation buzzes through the mind-link, as Kirzt is pleased by the new assignment. He's a bit worried at the prospect of sunlight, but that thought is quickly banished, as the drow have many ways of handling the hazards of the surface.

He waits respectfully for the order to depart.

2015-05-30, 07:42 PM
Frixal takes a moment to look over the man, sitting regally on her lizard she watches him, using her memory to pick a part what he had said in her mind. Thinking it over and staring him down. "If you believe you can gleam some special information from this than I leave this in your delicate hands brother." Frixal says her hand resting on the family whip, carefully running her fingers over it.

2015-05-30, 07:52 PM
Zif nods graciously at his sister, while subtly signing to her in Drow Sign Language,

"Worry not, he is merely a Shadow Projection."

Then, turning to Xyz, he says, in Common,

Greetings Xyz. It is refreshing to know that we can count on someone with your particular talents to aid us in our venture. We are currently awaiting the arrival of a few more members of our family to join us. In the meantime, would you care to tell us precisely how our esteemed Matron has both garnered your assistance, and what exactly it is that you are supposed to assist us with?

Bluff check to conceal sign language
Diplomacy check

2015-05-30, 08:48 PM

The human spoke in a civil tone, but it was clear he thought of himself as far superior to anyone here yet remained poised to action if needed. In Undercommon he said, “Since Kirzen already knows all this, and you can certainly inform your younger brothers of what they need to know when they arrive, I have no issue with such a discussion. First, you can only guess at my particular talents, albeit an educated guess it might be. As to how Matron Myrtum garnered my assistance, I judge most of that is best left between her and I. Suffice it to say that your Matron knows certain things I wished to learn, and that your House contains ancient tomes with information I sought, among other items and abilities of interest to me.”

The shadowy double vanished as Xyz himself flew down from above on his phantom steed. He landed in the same spot his double occupied as he continued in Undercommon, “Pardon the double, precaution is always wise when dealing with the unknown initially. I hate to waste valuable resources, and that trick is limited in usage each day.”

Still sitting on his mount, the shadovar relaxed visibly and smiled as he said in perfectly pronounced Drow, “Now, to the crux of this, exactly what assistance I am here to render. In the words of your Matron, I am specifically here to bolster the mediocre illusions used to disguise the spies and assassins to avoid detection by your enemies or others. I am to render other aid as needed, within reason and upon request, or as I see fit. I am also to observe the creation and use of this portal to the Underworld and report my findings to the Matron and the High Wizard of House Min’Doan, along with any suggestions for improvements."

Continuing in the language of Drow, he added, "On a personal note, though I know each of you somewhat by description, I would appreciate knowing what to call each of you.”

2015-05-30, 09:05 PM
Zif visibly bristles at his illusions being called mediocre, but stifles his anger in favor of learning what he can from this accomplished Shadovar.

"Well then. My name is Zif'coip Min'doan. I am just one of this expedition's arcanists, although I do specialize in Illusions and Enchantments, while dabbling in a bit of Shadow Weave magic that I do believe your people made popular some centuries ago. In the interest of camaraderie, do please call me Zif. I will not presume to speak for my siblings however."

2015-05-30, 09:09 PM

The human flashed a genuinely friendly smile as he said in Undercommon "Ah, very well, thank you Zif. You and I have some things in common, and I am certain there is much we can learn from each other in days to come."

2015-05-30, 09:27 PM
The appearance of the figure reminded Lomni of a dream he once had. In it he was a moving statue with a giant hammer. The image washed over him and was gone after a moment. He moved to the side of the figure, his sword still drawn. At Zif's word, Lomni relaxed somewhat, no longer making his assessment for an assassination. He didn't, however, release the grip on his sword.

"I am Lomni." he said simply, to introduce himself, relaxing his stance some more. He looked at Frixal with a questioning look as if to ask if she knew this was going to happen. He fully expected her to act as if she had, even if she hadn't. It wasn't for him to ask questions - Zif was somewhat bold in doing so, but he at least asked her permission first. He took this fellow at his word, for to invoke the Matron's name in familiarity was a deadly prospect, at best.

2015-06-01, 07:06 AM
"I am glad you were able to join us, Xyz. You may or may not know but I am Frixal 5th daughter of our honored matron." Frixal says with an air of confidence now sitting at an equal height to the man.

2015-06-04, 05:19 AM

With a slight bow of his head, the Shadovar replied to Frixal, "I am honored to meet you, Frixal. I am aware of the hierarchy of your family. You and I also have something in common, necromancy, though our focus is different."


Kirzen returned with the six drow warriors, arriving at a point near the exit to the cavern. The Tithe Taker cast a spell that shrouded her eyes in blackness, magic familiar to some known as Ebon Eyes. She then looked around slowly as she commanded a pair of the warriors to get into hidden positions just inside the exit to the chasm, another pair to find concealed spots just outside to guard the entrance, and motioned for the last pair to follow her. As they obeyed she smiled slightly and opened her magic bag, letting the bugbear zombie out. She closed the bag and walked calmly toward the group, the bugbear zombie following, as she said, “Greetings Xyz, and welcome. I was wondering when you would meet us here.”


“Greeting Kirzen, good to see you again. I have not been waiting long.”


Continuing toward the west end of the cave as she said, “The portal will be located back here. Frixal and Zif will now draw the runes needed to complete the ritual. I know Elyndor instructed you both on the basics, and I have a diagram for you to follow for the specifics. Take your time and get it perfect. Xyz, this will doubtless interest you as well.”


The Shadow Master followed behind them all, stopping a respectful distance from Kirzen, “Indeed, portals always interest me, Tithe Taker of House Min’Doan. In fact, I assisted Elyndor in some of his experiments.”


She cast stoneshape to smooth out a portion of the back wall suitable for drawing the intricate runes required to complete the portal spell, then handed Frixal the diagram drawn on vellum. “Lomni and Xinth will help our soldiers set up our camp here as well.”

As the group got ready to rest, Kirzen announced, “Now, to finish dividing up the treasure gained on the way here. Of the monies we found, the total was over 48,000 gold. Each of us receives 5000 gold worth, and the rest went to the family coffers. You can have it in gold, platinum, gems, or a combination thereof.”

2015-06-04, 07:32 AM
As they walk to the back of the cave Frixal dismounts from her Lizard and moves over to her now beloved zombie, stroking the fur on it's arms. As she is handed the diagram Frixal looks it over and responds to Kirzen "As you wish sister." Then over her shoulder "Zif get over here." She than gets to work inscribing the ruins Carefully.

Not sure if there's a spell craft involved, if there is she will take 20 on it to get it perfect giving the role a 37

2015-06-04, 08:19 AM
After sheathing his sword, Lomni does as bidden and assists the remaining lesser soldiers with setting up the camp a safe distance from where the portal was being created. It typically wasn't his job to do such menial tasks, but who was he to disobey orders from the Tithe-Taker. He'd rather lick the cave floor clean than cross Kirzen.

Later, when Kirzen announces the take from the treasure they had accumulated, he says "I'll take mine in gems.". Gems were always easier to carry than hard coin, and you didn't have to worry about what kind of coin it was.

2015-06-06, 01:06 AM
As Zif moves over to assist with inscribing the runes, he makes a slight bow and says "I, too, would prefer gems, if it pleases the Mistress."

2015-06-08, 01:32 PM

"I'd like a mixture; gems worth 1000, 100 gold, the rest in platinum."


After the portal runes were finished and the treasure was all distributed, Kirzen pulled out a pair of hoops and said, "Zif, I presume you still have at least one teleport spell prepared. If not, Xyz can cast it on these hoops."

She motioned for Xyz to follow her, then walked toward a spot out of earshot of the others. The Shadovar cast a spell to shroud them in shadowy silence. After a brief conversation they returned, "Tomorrow after the portal is activated Xyz will assist in the process of disguising those who will enter the village. That will be the two siblings who will join us then, Zif and Lomni, and Xyz has agreed to accompany you. I suggest you start on the south side first, and that none of you look like dwarves. We will scry out a spot outside the village and Xyz will teleport you there.

I will stay here with most of the warriors to secure this place. Frixal and Xinth will take two warriors to explore this chasm a bit and see what resources we can find to exploit, and if there are any dangerous creatures nearby. As usual, your first priority will be to take them as slaves. Otherwise you kill them, no survivors must be allowed to escape on the chance they might reveal our presence here."


The shadow mage smiled slightly at Zif'coip, "We should spend some time planning what spells to prepare. I have a standard list, as I presume you do, which may best serve us if altered slightly and coordinated."

2015-06-08, 02:11 PM
"Of course, my dear sister, I happen to have two prepared as of right now. Given time, I can of course dedicate my memory to more, if need be."

Turning to Xyz, Zif pulls his spellbook from an inner pocket, and says "Yes, of course, an impeccable idea. Here are the spells I currently have prepared for the day. And, if you happen to see any that catch your interest, perhaps we can arrange a little sharing of knowledge between contemporaries, no?"

1 each of Disintegrate, Planar Binding, Shadow Walk, Illusory Pit, Permanent Image, Shadow Evocation, Lesser Planar Binding, Nightmare, Seeming, Shadow Guardians, Polymorph, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Well, Greater Invisibility, Acid Breath, Explosive Runes, Major Image, Phantasmal Strangler, Legion of Sentinels, Cloud of Knives, Crystalline Memories, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Assailants, Invisibility, Identify, Silent Image, Benign Transposition, Net of Shadows, Disguise Self and Color Spray.

2 each of Teleport, Fear, Orb of Force, Fly, Invisibility Sphere, Baleful Transposition, Blinding Color Surge, Shield, and Lesser Orb of Acid.

I also know, but do not regularly prepare, Celerity, Haste, Alibi, Feather Fall, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, and Expeditious Retreat.

2015-06-09, 07:30 AM

A look of mild surprise came over Xyz’ face when Zif suggested they might exchange spell knowledge. He smiled smugly and listened intently as the drow shared his list of spells, then shrugged and said, “While you have nothing which interests me, I have an ancient yet simple spell that would certainly interest both you and Frixal. It is artlessly named Scribe Dweomer, and is one of the few spells which fits into no school of magic, thus usable by anyone with arcane ability and a need for written spells. It can magically scribe any known spell into a scroll or into a spellbook, and can be used to copy spells from scrolls or spellbooks. It requires a spell focus that is not easy to obtain, the material component is costly, but it is very quick and efficient.”

From his haversack he pulled out a bottle of ink and an elegant quill infused with platinum and sparkling with the dust of various gems. He cast this spell on the quill as he dipped it into the ink bottle, which seemed to draw an inordinate amount of ink onto the quill, then smiled again as he pointed to Zif’s book, “If you will allow me?”

2015-06-09, 07:41 AM
Frixal takes her cash as platinum pieces, liking to hear the jingle in her bag.

Later as Xyz and Zif are talking when Xyz mentions a new spell she perks up a bit and moves over to the shadovar to see what he was doing.

2015-06-09, 08:29 AM
Zif is noticeably intrigued by this spell being described to him, and takes particular interest in the ornate quill that Xyz draws forth.
"By all means, please, be my guest" he says as he hands his precious spellbook over.

2015-06-09, 02:53 PM

"The is an archaic spell from the days long ago when my people were masters of magic. It has long since slipped from the knowledge and ability of most arcane casters. I will not charge you for the spell, but I would like to be compensated for the ink, which has a cost of 600 gold. I may even help you to obtain the feather required as part of the focus. The only other thing I ask is that you keep it for yourself, I would hate to have to face Mystra or her followers over this breech of modern arcane convention. I am sure you know how long it normally takes to scribe spells into books or onto scrolls, so you will be duly impressed momentarily."

It took only about half a minute to scribe the spell into Zif's book. He then offered to copy it into Frixal's book as well with the same deal.

iirc Lomni does not use a spellbook. If so, he'll be offered this spell too.

Scribe Dweomer
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: S, M, F
Casting Time: Varies (see below)
Range: Touch
Targets: One object (scroll or book)
Duration: 1 Spell
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell allows the user to magically scribe any known spell onto a scroll or into a spellbook, and can be used to copy spells from scrolls or spellbooks. If used to place an unknown spell into a spellbook it also grants the user +2 bonus on spellcraft to learn the spell.

The casting time varies:
If prepared; full round action
If known; 5 rounds
Unknown from scroll or spellbook; 1 minute

Material Component: Special ink for scribing spells; 200 gp/spell level

Focus: Feather from Planar arcane spellcaster infused with 1000 gp worth of powdered platinum & 2000 gp worth of gems (500 gp min value per gem)

2015-06-09, 03:34 PM
Zif gladly counts out the 600gp worth of gems that he had just received, and says to Xyz,

"Oh indeed, I would most certainly be interested in taking you up on your offer of helping me acquire the focus or this delightful spell. And do not fear, your secret is safe with me."

2015-06-12, 10:25 AM
During the rest period it was noted by the Min’Doan siblings that Xyz went to stand in the shadows of the entrance. He all but vanished there, using his shadowy skills to hide from the sight of anything looking from the outside, and only barely visible as a nearly indistinct shadow from the inside. He cast a spell to alter the appearance of the cave entrance from the outside, so that it looked like nothing more than a small fissure in the rock that led nowhere. He then stood there all night, motionless and without sleep, more than a little unusual for a human.

After all the others had rested in shifts, a meal was consumed, of which Xyz did not partake. All preparations were made for the day, then the group gathered at the rear of the cave to enact the experimental portal. Though other interests might have drawn each drow to delve into other amusements in the upper world, most of them were expected to arrive home as soon as possible after the deed of death above. An ingenious means to get around the restriction of teleporting and gating to and from the upper and under worlds would now be put to the test. Elyndor had devised a means to create a temporary portal by use of pairs of enchanted mithril hoops about the size of a bracelet. The group that had traveled to the surface carried one pair, and the match of each pair lay on a table in the High Wizard’s tower.

Each day on their journey up, a teleport spell had been cast on each pair of hoops, thus extending the reach of the stored portal magic. This process, though tedious and slow given the long distance traversed, penetrated the barrier of magic that separated the upper world from the darkness deep below. It was surmised that the items themselves would likely suffer destruction from their initial use, but the portal itself should remain open until the one who activated it stepped through, thus allowing others from below to travel there at will.

It had been part of the decision to leave at least one of the siblings in the chasm to secure the portal. It had to be one who could cast the final teleport spell to activate the portal, thus Kirzen was chosen. Matron Myrtum fully intended to exploit this opportunity in raids and such, even though it meant that some of her valued spawn would need to remain until it was ended. Still, she and the rest of her baleful brood would have the current move well in hand as she played her pieces in the Game of Bones.

While the effects on undead were presumed to be different than those which might affect the living, the bugbear zombie would be the first thing to experience the magic of the portals. Then one of the soldiers would be sent through before risking any of Myrtum’s brood on such an experimental transport.

The words of the final teleport spell were uttered by Zif as a drop of his blood finalized the ritual needed to activate the portal. Shimmering in shadows, it held a deep fascination for the drow, reminding them of their beloved home city of Rilandyr and House Min’Doan. Flickering slightly in its initial stages to adjust to the barriers, dark purple and deep maroon flashed though each portal for a few moments. Then the dark arches solidified completely and hummed softly in subsonic tones, leaving a hazy and dark shimmering seen on either end of the portal.

A tense few seconds passed as the zombie was commanded though by Frixal, the slow advance of the shambling zombie bugbear extended the anticipation. The arch crackled again with deep colors as the zombie passed through. A magical message sent to Kirzen from Elyndor on the other side confirmed it had worked as intended and that the zombie had arrived intact. Next came the drow warrior Kirzen had chosen, who grunted in pain and despair as he passed through. But ultimately the passage succeeded with acceptable harm to the subject, and more importantly the portal remained intact and resolidified!

Zif discovered with the passage of the drow warrior that if the creator of the portal concentrated, the harm suffered from the passage was variable, from a mere annoyance to agony so intense it would elicit begging for the sweet release of death. This pleased the drow to no end, and would prove the one quality universally appreciated by any drow who might come upon this in the future. A built in torture device for those passing through at the absolute control and whim of the portal creator. He wondered if Elyndor could also control that from his end, and resolved to discuss all the possibilities at length upon returning himself.

Now was the time for the siblings to step through from below, and naturally it fell to the youngest to be the first. Kirzt scowled but only as a natural response to possible danger, knowing his brother would not let the chance pass without inflicting at least some agony. He tensed and bravely faced it, like he had a hundred other challenges, and suffered less than he had most times under the whips of his sisters. He stepped from Elyndor’s teleport room into the cavern where the others in the raiding group stood waiting, followed by Mirtuk.

A pair of the more powerful male officers of the house troops stepped through to the upper world to help secure the area, accompanied by the male warrior and the bugbear zombie who had been the test subjects. Kirzen then stepped through into the High Wizard’s room, where she received another hoop. She used the headband to cast teleport at the moment she stepped back through to activate it, keyed to the same spot where the first one now crackled actively.

The hoop of Kirzen, dangling almost carelessly from her wrist, indeed activated another portal, as she stepped back through, astounding and amazing the High Wizard but bringing only a nod and faint smile from the Tithe Taker. She knew of its importance, and would take advantage of it countless times in the future, but she refused to acknowledge accomplishments of males, especially arrogant ones like the High Wizard who sat in his tower above others.

Before the day was out a dozen more bugbear war slaves were sent through to the upper world, and Xinth returned home to lead the celebration of victory soon to come. To complete the experiment Zif went through, the portal he had created shimmered and was bolstered by gate and teleport magic from both ends. It thus remained for a few moments, shimmering and shifting dangerously, but ultimately and predictably vanished. The hoops were consumed completely in the process, much to the chagrin of Elyndor.

However, the other portal remained, and seemingly would as long as Kirzen remained on the other side. Zif stepped back through to the upper world to rejoin the others and prepare for the last portion of the plan. With Kirzen and the officers there to bolster security and raiding parties, much gain would come from that source over the next months while House Min’doan was vaulted to eighth rank and Myrtum admitted to the ruling Council of Rilandyr.

So now we have Kirzen, Frixal, Zif, Lomni, Kirzt, Mirtuk, 2 male officers, 6 male warriors and Xyz in the cavern. The portal is active in the back of the cavern, and will presumably stay there until Kirzen steps through it.

Kirzen said, “It is time for Zif, Lomni, Kirzt and Mirtuk to venture above. Xyz will help Zif cast what illusions you need to disguise yourselves, then make his own way up and meet you some time later in the village. I suggest you start on the south side, away from the concentration of dwarves. Instead of teleporting up there, we have located a narrow ledge just outside this cave to the right that leads to the upper rim of the chasm outside of town. You can feign being a group of miners looking for work, an adventuring party desiring to explore the chasm, or whatever other story you think will give you the best cover for a day or so. Just be sure you get it straight and that all of you tell the same story. Make the best use of the day to get familiar with the village and find rooms, then use the night to begin spying on your quarry, who are disguised as a pair of humans named Dan and Stan, the Holstead brothers. They should be easy enough to locate, being the most popular pair in town right now."

2015-06-12, 10:34 AM

The Tithe Taker turned to Frixal and handed her the headband of teleport as she said, “Take one of the officers, two of the soldiers, and your riding lizard. Leave your bugbear zombie here to help guard the entrance. I want you to explore the other caves and tunnels on this side of the chasm. Keep in mind that the highest priority is that this cave be kept secure and unknown to others. Any creatures you think you can capture as slaves can be returned here, and we will send them through the portal. Kill others, or leave them alone and make certain they are not aware of your presence. Above all, be absolutely confident that none follow you back here or see you return.”

To keep this thread from becoming too confusing, I'm creating a new one for Frixal's little adventure. I'll start it by reposting what's above. Here's a link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?421102-House-Min-Doan-Chasm&p=19389861#post19389861), and I'll add it to my sig line too.

2015-06-12, 11:14 AM
"I currently have, and will continue to have, prepared a casting of the spell known as Seeming. It will disguise 5 of us in whatever way you each see fit, so long as you maintain the same general size and shape. This spell will last for 12 hours, unless of course it gets dispelled before then. Go ahead and begin thinking of what you wish your disguise to be. I, personally, will take on the form of ohour most hated brethren, the Moon Elves, simply because I am most familiar with their mannerisms."

2015-06-12, 11:32 AM

The Shadovar chuckled softly at this and muttered, "I can extend that to double duration and make it all but impossible to detect through magical means. However, I can do nothing about mundane suspicions that may arise."


The Tithe Taker scoffed and said with derisive scorn, "An elf would attract a lot of attention there, since to our knowledge none have ever been to this village. You may want to reconsider that."

She paused a moment and smiled wickedly as she added, "However, as part of an adventuring group it could be feasible. It would also very likely invoke quite a reaction from our quarry and may well cause them to make more mistakes. Risky, to be certain, and a well aimed point of blame if this should fail."

2015-06-12, 11:39 AM
"I will use the guise of a half-elf." Lomni said. "I think it makes more sense we use the story of being adventurers, especially if you're using the moon elf disguise. A party with elves would never stoop to mining. I also think everyone else should consider something without elven heritage."

2015-06-12, 01:52 PM
"If no Elves have been known to visit this particular village, then any slip-ups I may make will be even less noticeable to these unworldly iblith."

2015-06-12, 06:11 PM
Mirtuk sneered in derision at the thought of ever occupying such a hideous form as that of a surface elf, not that there were any forms that were not ugly on this surface world, but a human at least is common, and so diverse, any abnormalities would probably be blamed on some bizarre birthing place, he straightened his features before replying.

"I shall become one of the human filth, as our quarry are human, I may be able to get close" Having said this Mirtuk steps back, having said his thoughts, and now needing to concentrate on how to act as this new form

2015-06-12, 07:11 PM
"I will take the form of a human, as well. There are so many types of the rabble that they won't notice any differences. Although, if we are to play the part of miners, we need picks and other tools to be believable."

2015-06-14, 08:31 AM

“Very well, may the dark webs of Lolth protect you.”

Before they left the Tithe Take cast Status on her siblings, giving her the means to keep track of them for most of the day.


After Zif had gone over all the details he could think of in preparation of casting his Seeming spell, the Shadovar whispered a few strange words. When the Seeming took effect it was joined by wispy tendrils of shadowy magic that were infused into the complex illusion. Not altogether comfortable, it seemed to easily overcome their innate resistance to magic and felt more than a little invasive. They could only trust that such feelings were nothing more than the strange and powerful magic used by the shadow weave master.

He then conjured his customary phantom steed under him, which had a form more like the famed Nightmare of the lower planes than what would typically be produced by the spell. Flying above the floor, he and the mount seemed to vanish just before they reached the disguised opening.


As the outward appearance of each of them changed, they felt a tingling linger, deepening the glamer that disguised their true forms. Those with arcane training knew immediately that this was powerful magic, and very different than what they normally experienced when the Weave was accessed.

Now in their enchanted disguises, the group moved out of the cavern. Once outside the cave entrance, it appeared as nothing more than a small fissure. Noting the location well so that they might find it again later, the small group moved into the chasm and to their right. Indirect sunlight illuminated the area more brightly than any of the drow were accustomed, but it was not bright enough down here to inhibit their sight yet.

It was only minutes before they found the ledge Kirzen had mentioned. It was clearly not much of a ledge, and would require some effort to ascend safely.

Need a single file marching order here. Movement will be half to ensure safe passage without risking a fall.

Also please note any active spells or items in a spoiler in your posts.

Please include listen, spot, move silently and hide checks.

2015-06-14, 06:47 PM
Mirtuk waits silently studying his families new forms, so he would not forget them at a later time among the other up-world filth. When the others move off he takes his place at the back, constantly scanning behind as much as in front, glancing to the sides and up briefly on random occasions just to make sure they were safe, glaring slightly into the light.

2015-06-15, 09:04 AM
After going over the disguises so he would be able recognize his brothers later, Lomni takes his place in the order behind Kirzt.

Hide: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silent: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]

2015-06-22, 06:46 AM

With Kirzt leading the way, the group cautiously made their way up the irregular ledge. With broken stone underfoot, random changes in the slope, and places where the path had entirely fallen away, their progress was slow but steady. One spot gave the impression that an opening lay ahead, causing them to approach with the tension and readiness for battle the situation demanded. It turned out to be nothing more than a small niche in the stone wall.

Though it was a subtle change, the amount of light was noticeable to the sensitive drow eyes as they ascended. Without special training or equipment, the amount of light would have begun to affect their vision. But this group was well prepared for such difficulties, so they progressed upward without pause as the light increased.

At several points they each had to turn sideways and move their feet but inches at a step to maintain their balance. The top came into view at one of these narrow spots. On the side of the chasm opposite the ledge they could make out what looked like a small, squat, square watch tower built at the top. While the main structure was completed, it was still being finished as they could make out a series of scaffolding and figures on it working. It included a wide stone ledge that extended several feet over the chasm with a wench designed to lower and raise a large metal basket big enough for a dozen people or a goodly amount of ore or other material.

Please include 3 balance checks and 1 each: listen, spot, hide & move silently checks

Marching Order

2015-06-22, 08:10 AM
Balance 1 - [roll0]
Balance 2 - [roll1]
Balance 3 - [roll2]
Listen - [roll3]
Spot - [roll4]
Hide - [roll5]
Move Silently - [roll6]

2015-06-22, 09:24 AM
Balance [roll0]
Balance [roll1]
Balance [roll2]
Listen [roll3]
Spot [roll4]
Hide [roll5]
Move Silently[roll6]

2015-06-22, 04:55 PM
Please include 3 balance checks and 1 each: listen, spot, hide & move silently checks

Balance1: [roll0]
Balance2: [roll1]
Balance3: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]
Hide: [roll5]
Move Silent: [roll6]

2015-06-22, 08:03 PM
Mirtuk follows his brothers silently, still often checking behind for dangers sneaking up on them, unused to this type of vision, where colour was even more noticeable

Balance 1:
Balance 2:[roll1]
Balance 3:[roll2]
Move Silently:[roll5]

Edit: OOC: Spot roll as I stuffed it up [roll]1d20+17 or not, damn you edit

2015-06-23, 11:50 AM

Continuing on their way past the narrowest portions of the ledge without anyone slipping, the small group kept fairly close watch on the tower built atop the chasm on the opposite rim. The light continued to increase as they ascended, though at this time of the morning the rays were not beaming directly into the chasm.

The slope of the ledge diminished slightly as they continued on, extending the journey further. Some began to wonder if it would ever reach the top, as some sections seemed nearly level, or even to descend slightly. After nearly an hour of this undulating progress they came to a somewhat wider portion that sloped up more severely. Just as they reached this point they noticed a small cave entrance, about 50’ ahead. The top was now less than 100' above them. A cloaked sentry was partially concealed in the entrance, but he seemed not to notice the magically disguised drow at this distance. While the path between was strewn with loose rock, the passage beyond the entrance seemed well traveled and smoother.

Listen, spot, hide and move silently checks again. Much communication could be done via hand signals or very low whispers. If anyone speaks make sure you mention what language you are using.

2015-06-23, 11:58 AM
Listen, spot, hide and move silently checks again. Much communication could be done via hand signals or very low whispers. If anyone speaks make sure you mention what language you are using.

Listen - [roll0]
Spot - [roll1]
Hide - [roll2]
Move Silently - [roll3]

2015-06-23, 02:18 PM
DMListen, spot, hide and move silently checks again. Much communication could be done via hand signals or very low whispers. If anyone speaks make sure you mention what language you are using.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silent: [roll3]

Lomni pauses his brothers with a motion of his hand, then speaks to them in drow hand signals "Not sure why there's a sentry down here at that cave, but we can't be seen coming up from below - it will be suspicious." He tries to look closer at the cloaked figure to see what race it might be. If someone was meeting down here, it was probably for nefarious reasons, similar to their own. He cursed the fact that they couldn't just levitate to the surface.

2015-06-23, 07:46 PM
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

Mirtuk pauses at his brothers signal nodding once in agreement, before replying with drow sign language "But neither can we kill them, a missing sentry will bring about suspicion, especially one guarding the path to the depths"

2015-06-23, 10:07 PM

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Hide [roll2]
MS [roll3]

The others said everything there is to say, so Kirzt remains silent. As the man on point, he knew they would alert him if anything important was decided using hand signs that he couldn't see.

2015-06-24, 03:46 AM
In Drow Sign Language, Zif'Coip mentions to his fellows, "I do believe I have a spell that can get us past this obstacle in secrecy, if you would rather avoid bluffing our way past the sentry..."

2015-06-24, 07:47 AM
"I would," Lomni signs back to Zif. "Prepare your spell, but let's see if we can figure out what they're up to first." With that, Lomni concentrates on another of his innate abilities, using Clairvoyance to view the sentry up close and to determine if he could see inside the cave at all.

2015-06-26, 11:34 AM

Using his innate ability of clairvoyance, Lomni could see the cloaked figure concealed in the entrance up close, and with his darkvision could see into the cave beyond. The guardian appeared human at first glance, though with some observation he detected subtle traces of elven heritage indicating he was a half-elf. He was cloaked and well hidden, but was clearly armored, armed with a sheathed sword, and he held a loaded light crossbow. So far the group on the ledge seemed to have gone unnoticed.

The cave beyond was not very large, approximately 30 feet deep. Some areas along each sides could not be seen from the entrance due to the curve and shape of the walls, the best estimate being it was some 20 feet wide. The ceiling was only 10 feet high in the middle and sloped down in all directions to about 6 feet near the entrance and the back.

Lomni could see that there were others within. Two humans and a dwarf sat near the back, occupied in a whispered conversation, and a pair seemed to be prone near the walls on each side, apparently resting. The dwarf and one human guard were also well armed, armored and cloaked, the other human wore a robe with a staff leaning against the wall next to him.

2015-06-27, 07:06 PM
Mirtuk sneered at the idea of using magic to pass by such simple creatures, he doesn't even need help to sneak by drow, why would he for filthy humans, yet he kept his tongue and his patience, his brother would find the truth of it, and any who wished for the benefit of magic could have it

2015-07-01, 04:54 AM
In addition to preparing his spells, Zif also focuses his mental powers on the cave in front of him, utilizing his Mind Sight to determine the number of intelligent creatures in the space ahead, their positions, and their general intelligence. With his Telepathy, he can also glean the surface thoughts from any of them who don't have a Mind Blank effect active.

2015-07-02, 10:39 AM
Zif detected a total of six intelligent creatures. One of them was much more intelligent than the others. Concentrating further he could read the surface thoughts of four, the other two gave off the mental emanations he had come to understand as meaning they were sleeping. The one in the entrance was thinking about his job; guarding the ledge and cave and watching for any signs of threats. The minds other three inside were engaged in a casual conversation about what they would do with their time off, and it was one of these that possessed the high intellect.

2015-07-02, 10:47 AM
Zif relays to those nearby, in Drow Sign Language "6 beings ahead, 1 sentry, 2 sleeping, 3 in conversation. 1 probable Arcanist. Sentry is focused on his duties.".
To his elder brother, he asks, again in DSL, "Attack or avoid, Lomni? You are oldest, you decide.".

2015-07-02, 10:55 AM
To his older sister, he asks, again in DSL, "Attack or avoid, mistress?".

OOC Note: She's not here. :smallbiggrin:

2015-07-02, 12:00 PM
Kirzt signs back. We kill then alarm. Path empty, we interrogated missing dead guards later.

2015-07-05, 02:45 PM
"This lot is irrelevant." Lomni signs. Then he looks at Zif, "Unless you can determine that two of the humans are our quarry... We're on a mission, and any entanglements we have will put that in jeopardy. Us emerging from below will be suspicious to the surface dwellers so we must avoid being seen."

2015-07-15, 01:05 PM
Replying in Drow Sign Language, Zif says to his older brother,

"I cannot determine whether this group contains our quarry or not. I agree that it would be best to not be seen, or that if we are, we should not leave witnesses. Should we dispose of this group, or avoid them? I can use Illusions to mask our approach, or we could probably just levitate further up the path. One of the individuals ahead is a spellcaster though, and therefore this group may have items of worth to us."

2015-07-15, 01:12 PM
Replying in Drow Sign Language, Zif says to his older brother,

"I cannot determine whether this group contains our quarry or not. I agree that it would be best to not be seen, or that if we are, we should not leave witnesses. Should we dispose of this group, or avoid them? I can use Illusions to mask our approach, or we could probably just levitate further up the path. One of the individuals ahead is a spellcaster though, and therefore this group may have items of worth to us."

"And what happens when we show up in town sporting or selling something that another knows these ones possess? No. We bypass this lot. We can kill them later if they're still here when we're done."

2015-07-19, 07:44 PM
Mirtuk looked bored by the repeated discussion which all lead to the same point, killing them would lead to discovery, it was time to sneak, his favourite time and so he spoke in the sign language created by his race

"We must sneak, I would like to pass by close to them to hear any news that may help our search or avoid discovery, the rest of you may pick your own path, if that is accepted by our older brother of course"

2015-07-20, 01:10 PM
Growing weary of the back and forth with no real decision being made, Zif pushes his sleeves up (after which they promptly slide back down his arms) and begins casting his Illusion spell.

Zif casts Major Image (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/majorImage.htm), creating a spherical screen around the party that displays the area they occupy as if they are not occupying said area. The spell moves with them, and should provide adequate concealment, so long as the party can move quietly enough through the area.

2015-07-20, 01:58 PM
Satisfied that Zif had listened to his decision to bypass the cave dwellers, and now wrapped safely inside two nested illusions, Lomni leads his younger brothers up the path, though he quietly unsheaths his sword, just in case.

Hide, if necessary: [roll0]
Move silent: [roll1]

2015-07-20, 02:19 PM
Zif's own Move Silently check: [roll0]. (And Hide, if necessary. Although I don't think it should be... [roll1].