View Full Version : Factotum - Brain over Brawn Question

2012-05-30, 03:27 PM
Does brain over brawn also allow me to use my int modifier for init. and reflex saves?

2012-05-30, 03:33 PM
An initiative check is a Dexterity check. You can use your Brains over Brawn with it.

A Reflex save is not a Dexterity check, but a "saving throw" (different thing). So, you can't use Brains over Brawn with it.

2012-05-30, 03:34 PM
Initiative yes, as initiative checks are explicitly dexterity checks.

Reflex saves no, as reflex saves are saving throws (even though you do add your dexterity modifier to them).

Compare saving throws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatStatistics.htm#savingThrows) and initiative. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/initiative.htm)

2012-05-30, 03:34 PM
Initiative is a dex check, so you do get to add your int to it, but reflex is not.

You didn't ask, but neither are attack rolls.

2012-05-30, 03:36 PM
If I use weapon finesse could I add my INT mod to my to hit since it would be based of dex at that time?

2012-05-30, 03:40 PM
If I use weapon finesse could I add my INT mod to my to hit since it would be based of dex at that time?

No. Attack rolls are not ability checks, they are a different kind of roll (attack rolls are a category of their own).

2012-05-30, 03:41 PM
thanks for info everyone!!!

2012-05-30, 06:14 PM
While we're on the subject: what about grapple checks? Bull rush? Disarm? Overrun? Sunder? Trip?

It appears to be yes, yes, no, yes, no, and yes, respectively, but confirmation would be neat.

2012-05-30, 06:25 PM
Just reading the SRD answers everything clearly.

A grapple check is like a melee attack roll.

An initiative check is a Dexterity check.

you and the defender make opposed Strength checks ...

You and the defender make opposed attack rolls ...

If your opponent blocks you, make a Strength check ...

If your attack succeeds, make a Strength check ...

You and the defender make opposed attack rolls ...

2012-05-30, 06:56 PM
BUT you can spend an inspiration point to gain your Int mod for saves, to hit, damage...etc