View Full Version : Highland Archipelago: Terror in the Mist (IC)

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2012-05-30, 04:11 PM
You all arrive in Aurora, the northern most town on Port Isle, on the Green Star, one of the only ships that still sails to Aurora with the Mist and Rain Surronding it. You arrive in early morning, though it is impossible to tell with the mass of dark clouds above you, it may as well be night.The Captain of the Green Star allows you each to get off before his crew start to unload large Crates from the ship. The docks you stand on look close to abandoned, with only one man supervising the Green Star's crew on where to put the crates. As you shift your bodies and walk around, the docks give an uneasy creaking, threating to break from disrepair.

2012-05-30, 04:48 PM
La Siréene looks around at his surroundings, and at his companions. They were a pronounced and very varied lot, both in their views and outlook, expressiveness and exterior. La Siréene was quite fond of all of them.

He had traveled with them for three weeks now, a time he had taken advantage of to get to know and befriend all of them. It had been a long and arduous trip, and he knew now that traveling by **** was not his preferred way, but now, to arrive in such a place, with such remarkable people, it was certainly worth it.

La Siréene Dorée himself was physically quite handsome, not overly tall but with blue eyes and beautiful golden hair down to his shoulders, with a thin but strong and agile build.

La Siréene speaks in a slow tone of voice, emotionally filled to the brim, carefully and lovingly filling every phrase with care and emotion, gersturing softly with his hands as he speaks and throwing smiles all the while.

Well, here we are. Nice setting, I must say. It is boding, in a charming way.

2012-05-30, 05:08 PM

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Brother Pedivere nods silently to the captain as he prepares for disembarkation. His axe rests comfortably in it's strap across his back, and he now wears his Scale armour, freshly oiled, for the first time since the trip began.

At first he wasn't sure about this trip, what it would mean to him, what it would entail. But now he was certain that the trip had been the right decision. The other passengers that traveled with him were a ragtag bunch of misfits, with more than 1 evil doer among them. After quiet, contemplative prayer, he had come to the conclusion that it was a test from Iomedae. A test of his mettle and resolve, of his patience and his faith. He would need to help at least one of them see the light.

Stepping off the boat, the Paladin was surprised to find that his legs still adjusted for the roll of the waves, waves that were no longer there. Never having traveled on a vessel like the Green Star before, this was all knew to him.

The mist was quite disconcerting, and he strained his eyes to see if anyone else was about, but his gaze was not strong enough to pierce the fog.

As La Siréene spoke, Pedivere walked over to the cold-natured Bard.

We should seek an Inn, those clouds look like they could burst at a moments notice. There should be one nearby.

2012-05-30, 05:59 PM
Casius likewise departs the boat wearing his armor, one hand absently resting on the haft of the heavy mace on his belt. His armored boots thunk heavily on the dock, and he spares an almost sneering sweep of his gaze about the dock as he departs the boat, running a hand through his hair.

He turns his gaze upon both La Siréene and Brother Pedivere as they speak, his face a carefully set expression of mild interest. He listens as they speak, his mind working all the while. The pair of them, frankly, disgusted him- Though for different reasons. La Siréene seemed nothing more than an idle gossip and typical bard, while Brother Pedivere struck him as almost painfully naive.

He spared a moment to shoot a glance upwards at the clouds at their mention, arms crossing behind his back at the wrists. Finally, he speaks. I do agree. I'd rather not spend any more time in this fog or the weather than is absolutely necessary.. To say nothing of this dock, which obviously has seen better days.

2012-05-30, 10:13 PM
As the others disembark, Makoa waits on the ship, silently conversing with himself. Something is here. The gods have sent me to this place for a reason.

Makoa steps off of the ship, slightly behind the pack. Waiting for a consensus to be made Makoa already has begun to scope out possible escape routes if the party go awry.

Let us be out of this dark place. Looking over to the captain of the ship Makoa asks him, "Where to the nearest building for food and drink, we require meat!

2012-05-31, 04:23 AM

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Pedivere smiles at Casius as he approaches, but it is not a warm, welcoming smile though nor is it a duplicitous smile. It is merely a smile of polite greeting.

Yes, you are right Casius. Pedivere said, looking at the dock he stood upon, as though it would collapse at any moment. I spent the entire trip on that ship worried that if I wore my armour it would drag me down to a watery grave, and now it seems the danger is more close than it was before.

Motioning to the monstrously large and barbaric half-orc with a slight wave of his arm, he continued, I believe our primitive friend has the right idea asking the captain. I'm sure he knows of an inn close by, though as to its repute, I dare not guess. Of course, it wouldn't do to take Makoa to anything other than a place that is 'colourful' to say the least.

With that, Pedivere laughed slightly and then moved hurriedly towards more solid ground, his gait still impaired by the weeks at sea. It actually seemed to him that the ground was moving in a rolling, wave-like manner.

Surely the ground is solid and still! he mumbled to himself.

2012-05-31, 09:01 AM
With his huge elven sword and large well-built stature, most assume Vash to be some manor of warrior. Few suspect the alchemically-tinkering kleptomaniac that lives within him.

Being cooped up on a ship for weeks was starting to drive Vash mad. I need to get off this ship... you can't steal anything in these close of quarters. I need room to move and most importantly, the ability to leave. As the boat docks, Vash sits back and waits for an opportunity to line his pockets as he disembarks. Once he see's something of value, he slips out, not quite hiding, but blending with the group and going unnoticed. That will do.. that will do just fine. While moving in, a flick of the wrist quickly ejects a blade from a sheath on his wrist and into his hand, and with a quick swipe the harbor masters purse is liberated and quickly pocketed. As Vash walks down the dock, he resets the springs and gears to the sheath to reload the hidden dagger.

Appraise to see something of value: [roll0]
Stealth to go relatively unnoticed with the crowd: [roll1]
Sleight of hand: [roll2] <-- :smallamused: figures

Edit: Moved into main post
if all goes well
the **** is liberated and quickly pocketed. As Vash walks down the dock, he resets the springs and gears to the sheath to reload the hidden dagger.

EDIT: Soo.... hopefully the item of value that Vash tried to lift was unattended :smallbiggrin: Maybe a small purse that the Harbourmaster had tied to a podium, or something that was dropped. Otherwise Vash will try to play it off as just bumping into the person because the boats rocking or that his feet are still uneasy being on dryland. Bluff is +7, but if he can escape into the crowd, his Stealth is +10.

2012-05-31, 09:46 AM

You successfully get a small coin purse off the harbor master's hip, however he has obvisously seen better days, in the purse is 1 GP 2 SP 15 CP and a small piece of paper, also the dock is almost completely empty, aside from the others getting off the ship, the harbormaster and the crew members working.

2012-05-31, 10:04 AM
La Siréene smiles warmly at the devoted servant of Iomedae. He had been slightly surprised at the distance brother Pedivere had taken from him, but it had only served to make him curious. La Siréene found his devotion to follow the rules he set to himself, for himself, by his own choice, to be an interesting construct indeed.

Ah, then we have agreement. Let us find ourselves this tavern of ill repute, then, Pedivere, if I may call you that?

La Siréene follows behind the brother as he walks away from the dock.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-31, 01:42 PM
Isaiah looks out into the greyness of the sea, his pale blue eyes focusing on the distant horizon. The gloomy weather suited him fine, for it matched his mood. The boat trip had been more or less uneventful ,which was a small blessing in itself, but the other passengers were rather colorful and diverse. Way too many priests for his liking and of differing factions to boot. He was especially weary of the templar, last thing he needed to do was be arrested by some uppity pup looking to prove himself to his order. The general age of the others made him feel old... a bitter smile forms upon his lips These old bones aren't dust yet, I reckon I have several tricks left up my sleeves to show up these youngens.

Sighing he moved away from the railing towards the ships exit, he purposely ignored the young half elf. Not out of spite or anything, just because he talked to much, Bishop was of the opinion a man should speak more with his actions than his mouth. That aside he did agree with Lasee or whatever he went by, an inn would be a nice change of pace, preferably one with strong drinks. He smiled as he observed Vash's restlessness, the only other person on this ship that wasn't just out of childhood. He quietly notes the older halfer hurried pace and simply chalks it up with personal business then removes it from his thoughts. His smile vanished quickly as he gazed at the young priest, this one he wasn't overly fond of, his uppity attitude and cold eyes bothered him but Bishop wasn't a man to start a commotion. The primative orc was droning on about being sick of the dark, an odd statement since his race preferred such conditions.

Taking a moment to glance back at the ship that bore him away from his troubles, his past, his disgrace Isaiah walks off of the ship and onto the docks, noting his surroundings.

2012-05-31, 04:09 PM
As disscussion of finding an inn goes around, the rain starts to pour down on you.

2012-05-31, 04:51 PM
Casius gives a deep sigh, shooting a glare skywards, squeezing the bridge of his nose momentarily. Seeing as how we're all agreed, perhaps someone should take the lead... Harbor master! Would you be able to spare someone to lead us to the nearest inn of passable quality? Casius approaches the man, a single silver coin raised between two fingers.

2012-05-31, 07:52 PM

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As the clouds split and began depositing their torrent upon the ground and the group, Pedivere couldn't help but think back to when he was a child, squired to the paladin Bereveres de Borden. That first day, Bedeveres had made the young half-orc stand in the rain for eight hours, in full armour upon a roughly hewn rock. Bedeveres had told him that standing in the rain like that would help build his strength, help build his character and strengthen his resolve, all important traits if he too was to become a paladin. Pedivere thought it crazy at the time, especially after he spent the next week sick and weak, still performing his squirely duties.

He understood now. He understood so many more things.

The rain then, the armour and the rock. They were metaphors for his life to come. The rain was the challenges that he would face, and that no matter how he wanted too, he could never defeat them all. The weight and discomfort of the armour was the burden that he would have to bear as a paladin, the requirement that he put aside his personal feelings and learn true humility and altruism. The rock symbolized the precarious balancing act that it was to be a paladin, and that to be truly balanced he would need to measure the challenge and the burden against each other.

He smiled. They had been hard lessons for a child of eleven, but they had left an indelible mark.

Pedivere headed towards the inn that the Harbour Master had told the group of, constantly keeping an eye out behind him to make sure that they all stayed together.

He had new challenges and burdens to balance now.

2012-05-31, 11:21 PM
Makoa begins to walk toward the land. I don't like the looks of this place.And this rain is a bad omen.

Walking to the edge of the dock, Makoa looks around the area.


OOC: If there is nothing interesting to see, Makoa will follow the rest of the group to the inn and purchase a separate room.

2012-06-01, 04:00 AM
As the scrawny harbormaster points you towards the town and tells you the way to the inn, he says "say in at night kids, and get used to the rain." and he starts chuckling.

2012-06-01, 05:03 AM
As the rain starts to fall, La Siréene feels unease for a moment, as memories of rain during his life in the streets start to well up within him. He remembers the many times in the city when he would have to seek shelter from the rain, how he used to No. I am stronger than this. I will only be affected by that which I choose to let affact me. My past shall have only the hold on who I am that I allow it to have, no more.

It was an interesting experience to be out in the rain like this. He had rarely had a justified oppertunity in his life to walk through the rain like this, he had almost always experienced from the opposite side of the Opera's windows and glass doors.

La Siréene smilee as he walked towards the tavern behind Pedivere, intent to get himself a room and dry up, maybe get a meal and someone to talk with over it.

2012-06-01, 05:41 AM
Mikani whistles happily as she gets off the ship, smiling at the captain. "Thanks for the ride! Hopefully I'll see you again soon!"

She grins as she makes her way to the tavern, walking the same route as the other passengers. "You guys should like the inn. If I'm not prying... why did you all come here?"

2012-06-01, 07:49 AM
La Siréene, realising once more his place in the physical reality, smiles at Mikani, who always seemed so full of energy and optimism, an replies, in cheery tones;

Curiosity, wanderlust and happenstance. Just as I felt I wanted to travel somewhere, I heard about how this place has become more cut of from the rest of the world of late, which got me interested.

He makes a soft flick, or perhaps a wave, indicating Mikani as he speaks.

What about yourself? This is a return home, if I have not misunderstood?

While his gestures and tone are very personal and open, his language has very little trace of dialect, or any hints of region or social standing.

2012-06-01, 07:57 AM
Mikani nods. "Mmmm. Yeah, I was mostly on the ship as a favor from the captain- seeing some of the lands away from home."

She looks at him. "I mean, I might leave more permanently someday... but for now, I'm okay with staying here."

2012-06-01, 09:02 AM
La Siréene meets Mikani's eyes.

Well, of course. To have a place to calm home, and be able to be happy when returning to it, is such a common desire. So is, of course, the desire to see other places, or even live in other environments. If you find yourself having a desire for all of these things, then all you have to do is enjoy them as you see fit and are capable. Multiple needs, all of which one tries to meet. Simple. Uncomplicated.

2012-06-01, 09:09 AM
"I suppose so.

Then again, why you're going or staying can be just as important as whether you're going or staying."

2012-06-01, 09:36 AM
At this, La Siréene gives an even broader smile.

Oh, I agree! That which drives our actions is quite often more important than what our actions actually are, in my personal opinion. Certainly more interesting. You can look at a person and see what actions they take, but you can't tell at a glance what obsessions guide their hand.

Short, theatrical pause, meaningful heightening of an eyebrow.

And curiosity has always been my guide. As such, I'll hope you'll forgive me my forthrightness, as I now ask what drives your actions?

2012-06-01, 09:43 AM

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Pedivere listened to the Wizard and Bard speak. He had seen and spoken with the wizard a few times on the ship, she was probably the most genuine person he had met on his trip thusfar. When Mikani asked what brought the group to the island, Pedivere was about to answer when La Siréene began. Closing his mouth, he listened quietly, he too was interested in what brought the bard here.

Arriving at the inn, Pedivere pushed the door open, happy to be out of the rain. La Siréene and Mikani were still talking, the rest of the group trailing. With one hand, Pedivere held the door open, waiting for all those that traveled on the ship to enter, with his other hand, he wiped away the wet from his face and flicked the droplets back outside.

I hope your journey abroad went well, he said to Mikani as she entered. And I hope your home coming is happy.

2012-06-01, 11:48 AM
As you enter the small inn, it is clear that it has seen better days, Boards that have sunk into the floor revealing the basement beneath, the walls covered in stains from unknown sources, and the rough looking bar that seems to serve as the inn counter as well appears empty. The shadowy light from a few candles is neglect to give the room any better atmosphere then outside, subtract the rain.

2012-06-01, 12:17 PM
When Vash'iar enters the inn he shakes his head in disbelief. This place is pathetic, these people clearly have a problem and seem to just ignore all aspects of it.

He walks over to the counter and calls for the proprietor. I'd like to get a meal, cup of hot tea, and a room. Am I correct in assuming you have all these things available?

(allows for an answer and for his order to be put in)

What's going on here? How long has the weather been like this?

(allows for an answer)

Seems unnatural. Has anyone looked into this? There are priests maybe a mage that can investigate these things isn't there?

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 01:27 PM
Isaiah chuckled, a rare display from him, and shook his head at Vash as the half elf walks over "Tea? Goodman get my companion here a warm mulled ale on me. A night like this one could use a stiffer drink than tea. I take it you haven't traveled much to coastal regions." He stops to take a drink from his own mug "The climate in places like this is usually fairly rainy, nothing out of the ordinary so there is no need to get all superstitious over it."

Smiling faintly he quietly looks over the inn, he had been in worse dives than this in his time, he usually prefered to stay in places like this. People usually kept to themselves in shadier places like this which suited him fine. His smile fades as the talkative performer and the young lady entered the door. Sighing the loss of the once peaceful and semi quite atmosphere, he returns the mug to his lips and looks away. In a way he was slightly envious of the youths; he himself hadn't done too much with his life and he yearned for a place to settle down, maybe even start a family but that caused a man with a past like his to get sloppy and he could not afford that.

He pulled out one of his bullets and made it dance over his fingers, an unconcious habit of his, and silently prayed the bard didn't sit next to him with the naive girl. Questions were a dangerous thing, and to throw out there to strangers was a reckless move but he was sure the girl was genuinely curious and was only meant in harmless banter. He realized that he had then had not taken a good look at his surroundings and he chided himself for being careless. Without moving his body his scanned the room with his eyes to appraise the occupants.

perception [roll0]

2012-06-01, 02:13 PM
Human.... nothing but a bunch of short lived pretty dwarves... To the help, Tea, no ale.

Addressing Isaiah, Vash asks rhetorically I'll never understand it. Why would someone want to imbibe such an infectious poison that damages both the mind and the body? I prefer to keep my faculties in tact. As for the weather, it seems like anything but natural.

We know the weather is strange right? If only one ship still makes the run to a trade island, it would seem that its been going for a while and the story has reached the main land.

Edited to remove mention of missing kids

2012-06-01, 02:20 PM
A Aging Halfling man comes down from the staircase, "Hello all, i can get you rooms and meals for everyone, 5 GP a person. the weathers been like this for 3 weeks, rains almost all the time, the mist never lefts. it's really gotten to most of the folk in town, many have move away after the disappearances started." he takes money from the people getting rooms writes names down is a book far to large for himself, and goes to get everyone what they ask for.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 02:51 PM
Bishop barks out a gruff laugh and looks sidelong at Vash "That's easy to say when one lives for several centuries, as for dulling faculties, that only happens when someone lacks self control a quality I do happen to possess. As for reasons, there are plenty that one may look for. The biggest for me is that it helps blend in with the crowd and making a fuss about tea in a tavern is one way to get noticed in a place like this." He gives a wry smile "One can never be too careful in a new place, you might try to tone it down... If this is the cause of something is best to keep it under ones hat lest you draw attention from the wrong crowd or cause a panic just a friendly word of advise for a fellow member of the old guard."

2012-06-01, 03:06 PM
Who's there left to panic.. most have run off already. As for drawing attention. That will happen sooner or later. If they seek me out it saves me some work.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 03:29 PM
Bishop shrugs "I feel it's better for a man to meet conflict on his own terms rather than have it meet up with him while he has his back turned but to each his own." Bishop proceeds to pick up his mug and walk over to a more secluded table in the corner of the room, making sure he has a view of the whole room and has his back to the wall.

2012-06-01, 04:20 PM
The weather was enough of a mystery to get me here; but if there are kids getting snatched up, I definitely want to check this place out. Let them come find me. Sooner or later my sword will cleave them in twain. Men of age can mind their own buisness and fend for themselves, but I don't take light to helpless children. He takes another sip of tea Blood will be shed if children are being hurt... HALFING! Vash calls for the short man to return. You say many proprietors have abandoned their homes, can you name a few that remain in service? I'm looking for blade smiths and provisions mostly. An alchemist or mages shop would be nice as well.

2012-06-01, 04:30 PM
The short man ignores the call for a moment, then he responds " The local blacksmith, Humore Ireson, is still in business, can't say much for a Magic or Alchemy shop, don't have a reason to know if they exist."

2012-06-01, 07:51 PM

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Five gold? For a night? Pedivere hadn't traveled much, but even he knew that this was exorbitant. Still, the paladin opened his purse and shelled out the coins. He didn't have much left, and at this rate, he'd be out on the street within a couple more nights.

Well barkeep, Pedivere intoned, a wry grin on his face, you've gouged me on the room, but maybe I can do a little something for you. I am Pedivere, a Paladin of Iomedae, and have traveled far to be here. I did not at first know the reasons for my journey, just that I was compelled to come.

Pedivere takes the offered mug and swirls the contents but does not drink.

You mentioned disappearances. I would like to help, at least as much as I can. Do you have any further information that could help, or is there someone else that I could speak to?

Taking the mug to his nose, he sniffed once and then took a gulp. It wasn't the best ale that he'd ever had, and he hated to think what the state of the ale vats would be like if the rest of the establishment was anything to go by.

2012-06-01, 08:15 PM
"Only that they seem to happen during the night."

2012-06-01, 08:24 PM
Mikani thinks in response to the question. "I suppose I'd like to help people..."

Then she hears the conversation with the innkeeper. "Wait, the kids have been disappearing? Mr. Harfol, how old was the oldest kid who disappeared?"

2012-06-01, 08:52 PM
"The oldest was 20, most were younger than that though."

2012-06-01, 08:54 PM
Casius perks a brow lightly at the price offered, before drawing out the coins without complaint external complaint. Of the children taken.. Where any of them unusual in any way? Child of a local politician, or possessing sorcerous talent, that sort of thing?

2012-06-01, 08:56 PM
"...I'm tempted to go out tonight, if someone's willing to keep an eye on me discreetly."

2012-06-01, 09:25 PM
"nothing about the children was unusual, they all came from run of the mill families." he starts writing in a book for a second before he seems to notice something "Actually, the first "disappearance" wasn't a disappearance, a new born was found ripped to pieces in his crib." he pauses a moment before returning to his work.

2012-06-01, 09:26 PM
Trying to protect his option for a night of carefree 'shopping', Vash feels the need to chime in. For most of us, this city is completely new and unknown. I'd recommend we us today as a chance to familiarize ourselves to the locals. I for one would like at least one night in a real bed before I set out to my possible death. We've been on a ship for weeks and all could use a good nights rest.

2012-06-01, 09:27 PM
Mikani grimaces. "I'll see what happens when I have a walk on the street tonight. Can anyone watch my back discreetly?"

2012-06-01, 09:36 PM
If you are truely set upon exploring the town tonight, I am amicable to accompanying.

2012-06-01, 09:37 PM

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Finishing his ale, Pedivere pushes the mug back across the bar to the halfling barkeep. He thinks for a moment before addressing the young wizardess. I wouldn't be too keen to go outside as bait Mikani, at least not yet. We have no idea of just what or who is responsible for the disappearances. It would just be too dangerous without some knowledge about what we might be up against.

Turning back to the halfling, Pedivere continues. How often have the abductions been occurring? You say they only happen at night, but is it every night? Are the abductions preceded with anything? Have the authorities engaged any abductors?

Hmmm, Mikani, perhaps you could show us to the local watch? They would probably have more information, that they could let us know about.

2012-06-01, 09:39 PM
Mikani nods. "Better me than someone who can't defend themselves. That said, we probably should go to the watch first. Who's coming along?"

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 09:47 PM
Bishop shakes his head at the reckless youth Oh to be young and foolish again he wasn't exactly trained in hiding in shadows... his strength came from blending in a crowd but he supposed he was agile enough to fit the description, much less noticeable than some priest in creaky armor. Sighing at his decision he looks up and speaks solemnlyLook here missy, night time is not any place for a young lady to be walking around, you may know the folk in these here parts and that is beyond my ken; however, these are desperate times, that much is plain to see and with desperate times comes desperate people. That is something I do know a thing or two about and if you insist on going out blindly into the unknown, it would be best if you brought someone along who knew how to keep quite and not exclaim to the world their blood lust or creak around in fancy robes and armor. I may be a good deal older than you youngsters but I am a lot nimbler than I look and if you need someone to watch you back, look no further than my keen eyes and quick hand. Besides, it would be a shame to have something happen to such a perty little miss like yourself. I do have one stipulation, the moment things get hairy, you get out of there you hear? None of this hero crap, getting yourself killed will not help these kids anymore than us waiting right here, understand? "

2012-06-01, 09:49 PM
Mikani sighs. "If there is any trouble, I'll send up a flare. I can protect myself for long enough for help to get to me."

2012-06-01, 09:59 PM

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Pedivere stands up from the bar, tapping it twice with his right hands as a sign of thanks to the barkeep.

I will come with you Mikani, let us go. A dead hero is a useless hero as my father used to say, and the quickest way to become dead is to face an unknown threat.

Pedivere then winked at the gunslinger. There's hope for you yet, showing such compassion and wisdom. Mikani and I will head to the city watch to find out more information, you, and anyone else, he says addressing the rest of the group that came with them, are free to join us.

With that he stands and moves to the door, holding it open for Mikani.

2012-06-01, 10:03 PM
Mikani smiles at Pedivere holding the door open for her, and walks outside, intending to lead him to the city watch.

2012-06-01, 10:12 PM
Vash joins them to see the guard. He would never pass a chance to get the local law in his favor.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 10:16 PM
Bishop gaze darkens and looks at the half orc templar "Don't you patronize me boy, I walk my own way and you better learn to respect that or I will teach you that lesson. Save your hope and good intentions for those that need it, I prefer the comfort of cold steel and warm women something few of your order would know much about. Keep your foolish notions of righteousness to yourself for that don't hold water with me, are we clear boy?"

2012-06-01, 10:22 PM
You all head outside after your discussion, Mikani heading towards the local guard, however as she leads you to a small outpost at the edge of town, as you approach, you notice the door hanging open.

2012-06-01, 10:26 PM
Vash smiled and chuckles to himself a little as he gets up to leave. Huh... this one may not be to bad after all.

2012-06-01, 10:27 PM
Mikani frowns. "That's odd..."

She approaches the door, cautiously looking around for any sign of trouble...

Perception check: [roll0]

2012-06-01, 10:31 PM
Seeing the door ajar Well that's not likely any good. He pulls his massive 4 and a half foot blade from the scabbard slung across his back.

He aprouches the young and curious girl. Quietly, "get back before you get yourself killed." He then quietly slips in trying to go unnoticed.
ill post the roll in a sec.

2012-06-01, 10:36 PM

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15 |
+1 |

Pedivere shakes his head to the gunslinger as he leaves. You may be older than I, but it does not mean that I cannot see you hurt inside. I meant what I said. Take it as you will. With that, he says no more and follows the wizardess and Vash to the city watch.

At the outpost with the door hanging open, he stops and reaches for his two companions. Vash, sheath your weapon he pauses momentarily, for now at least. There could be any number of reasons for this, and going into the city watch outpost, blade drawn is not a good opening gesture.

Pedivere raises his voice Hello the watch, is all well?

Can Pedivere, with his Dark Vision, see anything of what is or has transpired inside?

[roll0] - for perception

2012-06-01, 10:42 PM

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2012-06-01, 10:46 PM
Casius removes his shield from his back, one hand dropping to the haft of his mace. Perhaps it might be wise to send that flare upwards, Mikani. We may need aid, if this is as disquieting as it seems.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 11:04 PM
Bishop pulls out his gun and checks to see that it is loaded, he cracks his neck then walks slowly inside, looking out for anything that may be a threat. He keeps himself on the shadows and next to a wall at all times.

Perception [roll0] with all of the good rolls so far this will probably be crap XD
Stealth [roll1]

2012-06-01, 11:06 PM
Inside the post is almost completely dark, only those with darkvision can see anything with help, the inside of the post, for those who can see, is a mess, the table is broken, the chairs broken and thrown around the room, blood smears the stairway leading to the 2nd floor, those who get over a 17 on perception checks can here a gnawing sound from the 2nd floor.

2012-06-01, 11:29 PM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |

The Paladin scowled. It was rare that he got angry, but something of a clearly evil nature was at work here. Swiftly he unhooked the axe from the strappings on his back.

Vash, Bishop, he whispered. The second floor, can you manage? He was unsure if they had heard it or not, they probably had, but he was taking no chances. The rogue and the gunslinger were moving quietly, and he was happy to let them continue, for now.

For the sake of the others, he nodded his head towards the open building. Blood, broken furniture, and it sounds as though something is feeding up the stairs.

Pedivere will then activate his Detect Evil and begin sweeping the area systematically.

2012-06-01, 11:41 PM

There is evil in the post, mostly upstairs, but you sense little flicks of evil on the ground as while, apon closer examination, the evil flicks appear to be blood.

2012-06-01, 11:44 PM
Mikani holds up her hand. "Wait. Whoever's going up first, get over here so I can give you protection."

2012-06-01, 11:54 PM
I can't see anything. Even with my elven sight, i still need at least a small amount of light.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-01, 11:57 PM
Bishop scowls, he wasn't too happy with the situation but he probably should go in first since he probably had the most combat experience out of everyone. He looks to the young lady and says softly "I will go first but I am afraid I will not be able to see too much in this situation..."

Bishop continues on ahead and begins to go up the stairs to the next level, as quietly as he can and using his other senses to guide him as best as he can.

perception [roll0]
stealth [roll1]

2012-06-02, 12:22 AM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |

Pedivere sighed, he had forgotten that the sight of humans was less than his in darkened places. What good was stealth, if they couldn't see where they were trying to maneuver. The Paladin moved forward and touched Bishop lightly on the shoulder. Let me go first Bishop, I can see in the dark better, and this place stinks of evil. I would be honoured if you would cover my back though. Indeed if someone could also cover the other exits from the building in case whatever is up there tries to flee.

With those words spoken, and not waiting for a reply, the Paladin moved in through the doorway and then up the stairs, axe held in both hands and a silent prayer to Iomedae on his lips.

[roll0] - perception again if required

2012-06-02, 12:39 AM
Just as pedivere tells Bishop to switch with him, a squeak from the stair bishop had step on echoed through the post. Now you hear mutiple feet running along the ceiling towards the direction of the staircase.

2012-06-02, 07:25 AM
Order of events:
La Siréene noticed the ridiculous price, but paid it in any case. He then sat down with his meal in the center of the room, content to listen in to the conversations of the others. He was intrigued about the dissaperances of the children, and smiled to himself regarding Mikani's suggested usage of herself as bait. He noted the templars attempts to interfere in the actions of the others, a behavior he recognized as stereotypical of those who have shackled themselves to the will of the gods. The willingness to shackle others as one self is shackled fascinated La Siréene. He considered writing a piece about this, just for his own amusement.

He did not interfere as the group decided on a course of action, and followed slightly behind the rest of the group as they moved towards the house of the city watch, watching with interest as the group organized behaviors and chains of command among themselves, careful not to interfere this time.

Inside the hall of the city watch now, La Siréene became aware that this, perhaps, would be these individuals first confrontation with danger as a group. He draws his bow and opens his spell component pouch, redying himself to respond with violence against the persons apparently making their way to the stairs.

2012-06-02, 01:10 PM
After a moment, you notice small shapes at the top of the steps moving, one slips on the grease, the others notice it and start jumping over it coming after your group,


Mikani [roll0]
Bishop [roll1]
Pedivere got a 7
La Siréene Dorée [roll2]
Vash [roll3]
Casius [roll4]

monsters go last

2012-06-02, 01:33 PM
La Siréene takes pride in his tactical brilliance, and then nooks and fires two piercing arrows at targets still closing in, trying to get a clean line of fire, choosing to fire both at a single one if no second target present itself. He's straining to aim despite the bad conditions the darkness presents.


Miss chance check in case it's still dark when he fires


Morbis Meh
2012-06-02, 01:41 PM
Bishop moves up to within 20 ft of one of the targets, steadies his arm and pulls the trigger. Fire erupts from his barrel and his close positioning has a more damaging effect than others would think, his slinging style was up close, where people couldn't get away.

1 grit point used for up close and personal (so even if I miss I get half damage from my precision damage!)
Attack roll (ranged touch) [roll0]
damage [roll1]
precision [roll2]

miss chance [roll3]

Huzzah death! Also grit points 2/3

2012-06-02, 02:11 PM
Casius draws his mace, drawing himself up to his full height. His shield arm goes to his holy symbol, as he intones a prayer. He then moves to stand next to Pedivere, holding his mace at ready. Let us let them come to us at the doorway, hm? It'll make a fine bottleneck.

Drawing the mace, and moving next to Pedivere, assuming he's not more than 5 feet away. Casting Guidance on him; +1 to an attack roll, savings throw or skill check.

2012-06-02, 02:57 PM
Hmm. Me thinks this is the most expensive bed in town. Makoa announces to the room. Begrudgingly, Makoa pays the inn keep and sits down for a pint of beer.

Quietly listening to the others, Makoa decides that he wouldn't mind a little walk around the city. As the rest of the group leaves Makoa first finishes his beer. Thanking the bartender for the drink, Makoa stands up and follows the group.

Unfortunately, the group has already turned down a side street. With no where specific to go, Makoa begins to walk down the main street the inn is located on. Mid-stride, a loud gunshot reverberates through the buildings.

Bishop! Makoa concentrates,trying to focus on the direction the sound came from.
Perception Roll if required:

Guessing the direction, Makoa begins to sprint down the nearest side street towards the sound. Hefting his Axe from its shoulder sling, Makoa is preparing for anything.

2012-06-02, 03:19 PM
Vash tries to move about to an advantagous position to strike down a creature from behind.
we could really use a map for combat. Its hard to check for flanking and other RP options

Atk [roll0]
Percent [roll1]
Dmg [roll2] edit(wrong die, should have been a d10. I vote we half the 18 it for a 9. Total dmg 16)
Additional if flanked [roll3].

2012-06-02, 05:13 PM
Vash gets into a flanking position.

Sorry about the lack of a battlemap, i won't be able to get one for this battle, but i'll have one for all future fights.

2012-06-02, 05:22 PM
Mikani frowns, getting in behind the others, and muttering something, her bracelet glowing before a softly glowing shield bubble comes into being, protecting everyone near her.

Trying to get into position, then activate Mikani's Protective Ward ability to give everyone who's whithin 10 feet of her a +1 AC bonus. She's trying to get as many front-line fighters with it as possible.

2012-06-02, 07:11 PM
Battle map:

Sorry it's a little simple but it took forever to figure this out.

One of the creatures was killed by Bishop's shot, seeing his cohort shot down, The creature at the bottom of the stairs rushes at bishop and Attempts to bite him, while the one being flanked tries to claw Pedivere:

Creature biting:
To Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Saves for bishop if hit:
Fort 1 [roll2]
Fort 2 [roll3]

Creature Clawing:
To hit [roll4]
To hit 2 [roll5]
1 [roll6]
2 [roll7]
Fort save for Pedivere if hit:

2012-06-02, 07:13 PM

Your Paralyzed for [roll0] rounds
and took 2 damage

Mikani would more likely be 2 spaces up on the map ^ because she wanted to get more fighters while staying behind them. so her protection would be for Casius and pedivere.

2nd round starts: take your actions everyone

2012-06-02, 08:46 PM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
19 |
14 |
18 |
+1 |
Mikani's Protective Ward, Fight Defensive

Pedivere is determined to bring down these evil creatures. Hefting his axe, he swings towards the creature that is attacking the gunslinger, hoping to give Bishop some room to more.

Fight Defensive (Attack) - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-06-02, 09:16 PM
Bishop winces at the bite and quickly dives away from the fiend, needing to reload and not wanting to leave an opening for another attack.

Alrighty move action is a tumble to avoid an AoO [roll0] come on let me have this... for my standard action I will reload
edit... I hate the dice gods I really do... mother truckers all of them

2012-06-02, 09:34 PM
Mikani, meanwhile, mutters something quickly, and shakes her bracelet, a sphere of multicolored light streaking out and unerringly seeking one of the monsters!

Magic Missile, aimed at whichever monster looks the most injured. Autohit.

Damage roll: [roll0]

2012-06-02, 10:21 PM
Round 1:
Arrows and gun shot flew into the first one down the stairs. The second was cleaved in two. The third one charged at Bishop (may have been hit by Vash if it's AC is 15 or less)
Edit: swing and a miss. AC past 15.

Last one at the top of the stairs is untouched at the end of round 1.


Morbis Meh
2012-06-02, 10:26 PM
Updated action since map changed
5 foot step back then reload so no AoO Yay!

2012-06-02, 10:37 PM
ok, mikani's magic missle hit the one at the top of the stairs, it lost balance and fell to the bottom.

2012-06-02, 10:40 PM
Casius raises his mace high, attempting to crush the beast's skull.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2012-06-02, 10:47 PM
The last one falls, all them unmoving, the room goes dark again as the pale glow from they're skin fades.

2012-06-02, 10:53 PM
Casius stows his mace in his belt again, drawing out a sunrod. He snaps it, spilling light over his surroundings, breathing heavily as he considers his companions for a moment.

Anyone hurt?

2012-06-02, 10:59 PM
Quick little bastards.

edited to remove attack that didn't make sense now that combats over.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-02, 11:03 PM
Bishop swears and puts the still smoking barrel of his gun to the bite wound on his arm, hoping to cauterize the wound and kill any infection. He bites his lip as the barrel sears his flesh and slowly releases his breath as the metal cools against his skin. He walks forward to the blighter that bit him and spits on the corpse of whatever in the nine hells it was.

He looks over the bodies to see if they have anything of value on them hoping to compensate the wound he received. Looking over the people around him with his pale blue eyes slightly clouded with anger "Would someone be kind enough to tell me what in the bloody hell these critters are? As far as I know these things are exactly natural and believe I have been to a lot of places."

2012-06-02, 11:11 PM
while looking a the bodies, aside from the lack of anything, including clothes, you notice they are humanoid.

2012-06-02, 11:13 PM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere stubbed one of the creatures with the toe of his boot, looking in muted disgust at the evil beast.

I doubt that this will identify the critters, but you never know.
Knowledge: Religion [roll0]

We need to make sure that there are no more in the building, and search for any possible survivors. He looked around the room and his eyes settled on Mikani.

Mikani, do you know if these outposts have an alert such as a bell? If this outpost has been attacked, it's possible that others have been as well, or if not yet they may be soon. It would be a good idea if we could alert the residents and guards of the immediate threat.

The Paladin then walked over to the half-elf. Your blade is deadly Vash, well fought.

2012-06-02, 11:27 PM
If there isn't an alert system of any sort, it might be wise to send someone to raise the alarm manually. Vash. Can you check upstairs for any more of them? Casius peers over the corpses as he speaks, his sunrod held high to spread as much light as possible as he studies the corpses.

Knowledge checks.
Religion: [roll0]
The Planes [roll1]

2012-06-02, 11:45 PM
You can't really identify the creatures but they seem to be young, almost human in form, aside from dark purple skin, and the claws, razor sharp teeth, and yellow eyes.

2012-06-03, 12:00 AM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere recoiled in horror after getting a closer look at the creatures. He reached down and with his left hand, he gently moved the head of one, so that it was no longer lolling to the side, but facing directly up.

Surely not, he whispered. Surely no force could corrupt children like this? I hope I am wrong, but do these look like they could be the missing children, debased with dark and vile magic?

He let the head fall back into place and began looking for a bell to ring the alarm.

You are right Casius, he paused taking a couple seconds to move one of the bodies out of his way, if there is no alarm, we will have to raise it ourselves. It is a pity that only a week before I boarded the vessel to come here, I had a horn of bone and gold. Alas that it was stolen by thieves. It had a piercing note that could have rent the night air and alert the city that something was amiss.

2012-06-03, 12:54 AM
Mikani looks over them, and grimaces. "Oh..."

She quickly starts muttering what sounds like a prayer in a strange language.

2012-06-03, 12:58 AM
a grown from the bottom of the stairs startles you, and you notice the one that fell down the stairs move alittle.

2012-06-03, 01:22 AM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere was just about to move another of the creatures out of his way as he intended to climb the stairs when the corpse he reached for groaned in pain. His hands were almost on it when it twitched. Without delay, the Paladin curled his right hand into a fist and jabbed the creature hard on the side of the head. After a satisfying thud sent the creature back unconscious, he spoke once more.

We should try and determine if there is any magical corruption in play here, which might mean keeping these alive. If they are children, there might be a way to reverse the process, though I defer to you who know more about magic than I.

Pedivere then climbed the stairs looking for a bell, for if there was one in the watch house, it surely would be at the upper levels.

Punch for non-lethal damage [roll0]

2012-06-03, 01:35 AM
The jab sends the creature back into an knocked-out state, the stairs lead up into an aweful stench, once you get up, you are horrified by the sight of 3 guards, chained to the wall, one's head has been removed entirely and seems to be in a state of rot, one gasped as he fought the pain of a ripped open stomach, his guts lying in front of him, half eaten, the last seems to be the least physically harmed, various bite wounds are scaring over on him, but he seems to be in a state of delirium, whimpering in fear as you approach, muttering "No, No, they're coming back, don't eat me, don't show me more, stop... don't smile, the laughs!"

2012-06-03, 01:45 AM
Mikani looks sick as she sees the guards, and barely holds back from actually vomiting. She mutters again in the strange language, then looks around for keys to the manacles.

She's speaking in Minkai- since no one else knows it, I didn't translate it outside the spoilers, but she said <Shizuru shine her light on us.

Perception Check if needed. [roll0]

2012-06-03, 01:45 AM
La Siréene walks forward, Casting a healing spell on the man with gaping wounds who appear to be gasping for air.

[roll0] Cure Light Wounds

2012-06-03, 01:48 AM

http://members.optusnet.com.au/nicandj/Pedivere.JPG |
12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere tries to calm the guard down.

Diplomacy to calm [roll0]

OOC - quick post as I'm nursing the baby atm.

2012-06-03, 01:53 AM
The Horrible wounds the man has are beyond La Siréene's ability to heal,

The attempts to calm the insane man have no effect.

You easily find the keys to the manacles, as they are hung just out of reach of the imprisoned guards, over their heads.

2012-06-03, 02:05 AM
*Order Of Events*
La Siréene notes Bishop's wound, and considers healing him, but the man seems tough- he'll survive without arcane intervention. Best save it for those who can't.

La Siréene looks upon the creatures, as Pedivere and Mikani expresses their shock at the- children?- before them. La Siréene merely watches and contemplates. Was it their purpose to become this form, or was their purpose another, but twisted to this cause? As he does not want to alienate himself, he tries not to smile at this interesting conundrum, and merely says: Children. Corrupted, dead children. A tragedy, truly. in a voice that seems as made to note interesting stains on a carpet.

Knowledge checks, if relevant:
Knowledge: Planes: [roll0]
Knowledge, any relevant: [roll1]
He follows the others into a room with three guards. One without a head, one with eaten innards, but, apparently, alive, one with an interesting mental structure. He targets the eaten one first, hoping to salvage this broken individual if possible. He then tries to soothe the second one.

We are here to endeavor to help you through this crisis. It will be alright.

Still in the carpet tragedy tone.

2012-06-03, 02:08 AM
La Siréene uses a minor telekinetic charm to take down the keys, then releases the prisoners from their shackles, beginning with the the decapitated one, the wounded one, then the delirious one.

Spell Used: Mage Hand.

La Siréene, noting Mikani's comfort, walks up to her, drops the key in her hand, and lays a hand on her shoulder.

It is alright, Mikani. We will do what we can for these men.

This time, his tone is soothing, understanding, empathic with the suffering sorrow causes.

2012-06-03, 02:12 AM
At release, the wound one reaches down to feel the hole in his stomach, his face goes pale white and he starts to cry.

The delirious man stops whimpering and draws himself into a fetal position.

2012-06-03, 05:43 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere shook his head. He had seen the magic of the bard fail to heal the grievously wounded man. Something dark and twisted was at work here.

Is their magic at work here? asked the Paladin to any of the spellcasters present. Surely this terrible wound should have slain this poor man, the fact that it hasn't and the inability of La Siréene's spell to close it make me feel that something mystical is at hand.

Kneeling by the wounded man, Pedivere grimaced at the seriousness of the injury. Surely this man will not survive if moved. Casius, what are your thoughts?

2012-06-03, 05:53 AM
Mikani pauses, before pausing. "Let me see... I'll need a bit of time to figure this out."

Using her Bonded Item to cast an unprepared spell. Detect Magic, go!

Focusing for three rounds, tell me how many checks she'll need if any.

2012-06-03, 07:57 AM
La Siréene turns observes as Mikani attempts to figure out the state of the bodies. Content with this, he rises from them and turns to Pedivere.

You said we needed to raise an alarm? I accept this task, as it appears others can complete this one. Give me a moment.

La Siréene walks down the stairs into the street. Once he reaches the door, he casts an illusion to replicate the sound of a horn sounding the alarm, intent to call as many of the townsfolk as possible, as the sinister cleric and the templar had suggested.

Spell used: Ghost Sound. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/ghost-sound) I am unsure whether it can make a horn sound specifically at this level, but it is at least as effective as 4 La Siréene's, which would certainly rise a considerable alarm.

2012-06-03, 08:17 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

The Paladin nods when La Siréene suggests that he can handle the alarm. Thank you, he says full of sincerity.

2012-06-03, 11:49 AM
The Paladin then walked over to the half-elf. Your blade is deadly Vash, well fought.
Yes, yes it is. So let this be the one warning. If it's drawn, you may want to keep your hands to yourself.

... Vash. Can you check upstairs for any more of them? Casius peers over the corpses as he speaks, his sunrod held high to spread as much light as possible as he studies the corpses.Not wanting to waist his own supplies without need, It's likely to be as dark up there as it is here. We shall go together.

While the group is looking around for alarms and other creatures, Vash in his more traditional self serving is looking for items of value. Namely the guards arms or items of value. such as firearms.

Trying to be inconspicuous, so the party doesn't suspect it as looting.
Stealth: [roll0]
Sleight of Hands: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]

2012-06-03, 01:17 PM
Vash finds some basic equipment, a sword, and set of chainmail for each of the guards was in the building. there's also a small box with a few vials fill with pink liquid.

2012-06-03, 01:56 PM
Makoa navigates his way through the city, eventually reaching the guard house.

Going through the door, it is obvious that a large fight has happened. Blood and a dark ichor is splashed all around the room. Looking around, Makoa can see a couple of people upstairs.

Not sure of who is there, Makoa draws his axe. As he approaches the landing he hears, "you may want to keep your hands to yourself."

I guess it's Vash up there.

Calling out to his friends to warn them he is coming up, Makoa emerges from the stairs. Is everyone okay, those things are nothing I have seen before.

2012-06-03, 02:41 PM
As Makoa passes him at the entrance, La Seréene pauses in casting his illusion to greet Makoa. All friends alive, but shaken. Bishop slightly hurt, nothing that'll kill him. Good to see you.

Then he continues replicating the sound of a horn.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-03, 10:30 PM
Bishop grunts at the mention of his pitiful wound and almost laughed at Vash's response to the paladin. The young half orc was naive and seemed not to be battle tested, though he may become more valuable later after gaining a little battle experience. The macabre scene that lay before him was tragic and rather sad, the poor guard that lay on the brink of total madness and in an immeasurable amount of pain. Bishop closed his eyes and shook his head "What do we do with this one, to allow him to suffer like this is needlessly cruel, if there is a way to treat him do so now if not... I will end his suffering, I will make it clean and quick. This man deserves no less.

2012-06-04, 02:51 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere nodded towards Bishop. I was thinking the same, however if he could be moved and gotten to more powerful healing we should try that. If not, then yes, his pain should be ended now as quickly and cleanly as possible.

Pedivere rested his hand on the injured man's shoulder, trying to comfort him as best as he could, even when talking about possibly ending his life. Nobody deserved to suffer, especially like this.

OOC - Waiting on Casius, or someone else with healing ranks (or better skill than mine) to determine if he could be moved.

I'll give it a go though... Healing check [roll0]

2012-06-04, 01:16 PM
Nothing will save this man, let us hear what he has to say and be done with it. Makoa has never understood keeping people alive when it is obvious the gods want them.

Makoa paces around the room, trying to figure out how the fight transpired.

I think this would be a survival check. Similar to tracking except after the fight.

2012-06-04, 03:55 PM
you manage to wrap up the wound, but while doing so, the man gives a final sob before passing.

2012-06-04, 04:28 PM
With an unnerving suddenness, the illusory sound of a signal horn stops, as La Siréene stops casting his spell and returns up the stairs to join the rest of the party.

Just as he steps into the room, smelling strongly of blood and suffering, the suffering of the one La Siréene had failed to heal got the better of him, and the suffering was no more in this man.

La Siréene lifts his hand in front of his face, concealing the look in his eyes, and recites the first fitting phrase about honorable deaths to appear in his mind. Then he lowers his hand and says, with his usual emotion and energy in tone and gesture;

We did what he could for the man in pain. If my magic was loud enough, it should been heard long enough to get due attention by now. What now? Should we get the sole survivor to a safer location?

2012-06-04, 07:47 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere gently closes the eyes on the deceased man.

Rest now he intoned, May whatever god you worship herald you to your peace.

The Paladin then quietly and cautiously moved to the sobbing man whose sanity had been sorely affected.

The creatures are gone, you are safe. We have slain them and you are safe. My companion has raised the alert, but we need to help you get to somewhere more secure and restful. Pedivere sat on the ground next to the man and offered him a drink of water from his waterskin.

Is there anywhere that you would prefer to go? To your headquarters perhaps? Or a local church? Maybe to your home?

Try to calm him down again, will take extra time for now to try and make him stable enough to answer.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-06-04, 08:06 PM
At the mention of the church, the man starts to calm slightly, when offered water he takes the waterskin and gulps all the water in it down quickly.

2012-06-04, 10:38 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

With the man now a little calmer, Pedivere continued the questioning, taking the waterskin back off him and hooking it onto his belt.

Yes, the church. The Paladin smiled warmly. What faith do you belong to so that we might escort you to your place of worship?

If able to, Pedivere would then help the man to his feet. If he seems unable or unwilling to stand, he will continue to talk softly and assuredly to him.

Mikani, do you know the location of this man's, Pedivere stops for a second.

Forgive me, sir. I have yet to ask your name. I apologize for my lack of decorum.

Pedivere then mouths the word "church" to Mikani.

2012-06-04, 10:41 PM
The man still seems to insane to get any clear answer, but when you ask what faith, he mutters out a word "... Mortem..."

2012-06-04, 10:59 PM
Knowledge: Religion
Mortem is what religion? [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-06-04, 11:00 PM
Bishop rolls his eyes at the bible thumper, he grew tired of this ones continuous need to bring up the gods. He knew exactly what kind of hell this one had been through and that God was a fancy word convenience, there to take credit for sitting back but never around to help out. Just thinking about it left a bitter taste in his mouth spitting on the ground Bishop looks directly at the Holy man "This man doesn't need God or any of those illusions, what he needs is a drink and a hell of a lot of time to come to terms with what he just lived through. That's all you preachy types do isn't it? Cram religion down the throats of those who are desperate or vulnerable, bah you people are worse than drug merchants and slavers. Whether this man pulls through or offs himself is up to him and not any God, they keep to themselves from I have seen."

He turns his gaze to the burly primative "Hey, you give me a hand here and lets get this unfortunate soul to a warm bed with a stiff drink. He the poor sap needs a good rest and the only way he's going to get one is by either being knocked out or blacking out."

2012-06-04, 11:10 PM
The man stares at Bishop, before spewing out the words "...Cleric of Death."

Morbis Meh
2012-06-04, 11:16 PM
Bishop frowns as he ponders over the statement, it came out as a plea but at least the man had opened up enough to give them something coherent. Smiling, Bishop made one of his rare jokes "You see? Just at the mention of a good drink the man begins to smarten up! Now lets get him out of here the last thing he needs is to be interrogated in the same bloody room his comrades were slaughtered in."

2012-06-04, 11:45 PM

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Pediveve turns on Bishop, his voice calm and measured.

If I were, as you say "cram religion down his throats", would I not try to cram my own? The man has been traumatized, and whether you worship or not, others do. People find familiar comfort and routine in worship and that can aid a man in times of stress like this more than dulling his wits with booze.

Gingerly he helps the man to his feet and begins taking him to his church.

Truly, Bishop was a man of self-loathing and ignorance. For someone as old as he was, he didn't know much about the world, or the people in it. Too much self-pity obviously had taken its toll on him.

2012-06-05, 08:56 AM
Vash finds some basic equipment, a sword, and set of chainmail for each of the guards was in the building. There’s also a small box with a few vials fill with pink liquid.
While checking to make sure the room was secure, Vash discovers a small box with three vials in one of the desk drawers, well well well... what do we have here. Thank you very much. He subtly lifts the vials and tucked them into the hidden folds of his cloths. Then as everyone starts heading up stairs, Vash'iar finds the guard houses manacles and goes to shackle the unconscious creature. At first he tries the wrist, but the manacle just slides over the tiny appendage. Instead he wraps the metal bracelet around it's ankle, secure the second end to the bolted down holding bench. Alright, well it's not going anywhere now. Well, unless it chews off its foot. At least we'd have a trail of blood to follow in that case.

Once upstairs, most of the group moves to attend the helpless victims. On the far wall, Vash notices several built-in wardrobes. As he checks each one to ensure nothing his hiding there it's apparent that these were used for the guards to store their personal affects while on duty, and to put their equipment when they were off. That d**n priest isn't going to let me load this stuff up, I guess I'll just have to come back later. (OOC: if there is a window to this room, he would open it. if anyone questions it, "This room needs air, it stinks of death.")

Bishop: "...Whether this man pulls through or offs himself is up to him and not any God, they keep to themselves from I have seen."
Vash moves over to the guards, and with a heavy sarcastic tone in his voice, Vash adds his sentiment, Amen my brother. Praise the gods and all their glorious deeds.

Mikani, do you know who these men are? We should check to see if they have any personal affects on them that could identify them so their families can be informed." Vash then kneels down to remove anything that could contain a letter, name, or clue about who they are; to include a small coin purse that vanishes into his sleeve about the same time his fingers first touch it.

The man stares at Bishop, before spewing out the words "...Cleric of Death."
Vash lets out a callous laugh, Oh, thats just too perfect.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-05, 11:26 AM
Bishop promptly ignores Peddibear or whatever those half orc call themselves and smiles wryly at Vash's statement. A look of sorrow crooses his face for a moment "Death is no joking matter, I have seen enough of it to last several lifetimes. As for me being a 'cleric of death' I suppose that is as accurate a statement as one could imply, my bible is my gun and my roseries are my bullets. One can only rely on themselves at the end of the day, no patron saint of bull is going to save the world from itself."

He turns his attention to the uppity priest "Spoken like a true moron, who knows nothing about the world, you religious types closet yourself in your fancy churches and dare to say you know the people? Don't make me laugh, you say a few lies mixed with honey and dole out a scrap of bread and promises when it suits you. Don't fool yourself with the lies and crap the church spews, for it won't save you when you are facing an opponent it will be your wits and from what I see you haven't developed any yet. Now enough of this crap, lets get this poor sap out of here and rally anyone left in this God forsaken town. We need to get to the bottom of this and it woon't get done if people stop to pray every five minutes."

2012-06-05, 12:01 PM
As La Siréene watches the conflict between his comrades, he cracks his broadest smile yet.

Ahhh. Conflict. Friction between factions. The very essence of life itself. You embody it beautifully, sirs. Now, while I'm not what you would call a scholar, I have spent some time with overdramatic sods that have spent a bit too much time with their upper parts within their lower parts, if you catch my drift. Therefore, I'm pretty sure "mortem" refers to death, so the "cleric of death" thing could well have deeper meaning than just referring to our mate Bishop, here. Speaking of witch, we actually agree that this poor sod should be helped out of here, so let's move out, my lovelies.

Making a joking bow and a wave at the path to the stairs, La Siréene attempts to lead the way down to the entrance.

Knowledge: Religon for mortem: [roll0]

2012-06-05, 12:22 PM
Spoken like a true moron, who knows nothing about the world...Finally... a human that isn't a retarded sheep. This is going to get good.
I'm pretty sure "mortem" refers to death, so the "cleric of death" thing could well have deeper meaning than just referring to our mate Bishop, here.You know, he's likely right on that one. After all, post-mortem means after-death. Sorry B, you're not the god of death... maybe it's angel though Vash smiles to himself as they work on getting the surviving guard the assistance he needs. Mikani, were are we taking this broken SOB? I'm bored here.

2012-06-05, 01:26 PM
Enough of this!

An argument based on religion has never been brought up while Makoa lived with his brethren. The idea is completely foreign to him.

La Siréene has it right. Let's get out of this place before those things' friends come back. All of this religious talk has left Makoa in a bad mood. This group needs a leader to get things done, Makoa believes he fits the bill.

Let us at the very least get to the main road, hopefully the guard will be in a better state not surrounded by a bloody mess and a group of fighting children. He can make his own decisions from then on.

2012-06-05, 01:27 PM

Mortem is the god that rules over the Imperial Realm, he is portrayed as an old man with no eyes and a long gray beard with a skeletal staff with scales. His staff is a tool to judge dead souls on the Wayward Path, if he judges that a soul is deserving he sends them to the Imperial Realm, if not he sends them to the to one of the Damned Realms, consistent with the damned souls crimes or evil. He is uncaring to any mortal affairs unless they affect the afterlives. His apathy towards mortals leads him to be unresponsive to prayer or religion. He has churchs all over the Archipelago dispite his Apathy.

The man sputters at the mention of bishop being the cleric of death "Not you... Church"

2012-06-05, 01:38 PM
Ah, finally my beautiful memory kicks in: Mortem is the apathic, I would say psychopathic, god of death, worshiped beyond reason all around the Archipelago, despite not being swayed at all by prayer or sacrifices. He cares not for the acts of the living; despite being one to decide whether a person’s soul should be rewarded or punished post-mortem. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a location to strive towards. Mikani, you would not be as wonderful as to know where the closest church of Mortem is located, would you? Because, if we knew where that was, I would say that it would be a good idea to take him there. Do him that service, at least, considering what he has been through.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-05, 01:51 PM
Bishop doesn't even bother responding to the long winded droanings of the bard he simply grabs the man underneath his shoulders and waits for someone to grab his feat. He looks at the loud and rather dense half orc "Where have you been, I have been trying to get this one out of here for the past five minutes when all of you have been sitting twiddling your thumbs. Also, stuff your orders junior, you want to play leader then do so on your own time, right now we have work to do so shut up and help me get this one out of here. If you would rather stand around and dictate may I suggest you get the hell out of here because that isn't very useful and right now my tolerance for fools is very thin."

2012-06-05, 02:28 PM
As you carry the still insane man, you arrive at the church in the middle of the town, the tall grey towers of the church stand over you in the rain, the gargoyles sit on the top of the tower, staring down at you. as you enter the church you come into a room with a statue of old man with no eyes and a long gray beard with a skeletal staff with scales. A young man with dark brown hair rushes over to you with a dagger drawn as he sees to lug the man in, "Halt, what has been done to this man?"

2012-06-05, 02:43 PM
La Siréene gives a grave smile, and responds; Torture of the worst kind, we suspect. When we found him, he had been forced to watch his comrades ripped apart and eaten. We have slain and captured monsters responsible. This man needs rest, and asked for this church. Can he find peace here?

2012-06-05, 03:02 PM
Church man

"Of course he can, he will be very well recieved here, if im not mistaken he's apart of the local guard, correct?"

2012-06-05, 05:32 PM
Yes. That is correct. We can't find the local captain of militia. Do you have any ideas where we'll find him.

Makoa is visibly uncomfortable in the church, silently he prays to his gods hoping that they will accept his sacrifice in penitence later tonight.

2012-06-05, 07:11 PM
Thr priest looks over the man's body, fliping through his clothes, finally showing a patch on the underside of the guards vest.


"If your looking for the captain, you've found him. Here maybe this will help."The priest chants some lines over the man while waving over wounds and injuries, a flash from the priest's hands, and the captain's wounds heal.

2012-06-05, 07:31 PM

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The Paladin nods when his companions speak. He had ignored Bishop, it is probably the best thing to do, at least for now. Something, sometime had obviously upset him, distressed him or caused him grief, and people, the church or family had failed him. Regardless, Pedivere didn't really worry if Bishop didn't want to worship the Gods, a God or his own sense of self-worth, the same could be said about the Half-Elf Vash. Everyman was free to make their own decisions, Bishop just didn't realise that yet. And though he thought he was trying to remove imposed will on others, he himself was trying to impose his own will. Ironic. Pedivere smiled.

At the Church of Mortem the God of Death, Pedivere wasn't concerned. Each and every god had a place. It wasn't the Gods or their places of worship, or indeed the majority of their followers that concerned him. No, it was what certain of their followers would do in worship. But death was natural and came to all in time, Mortem and this place of worship had no baring on Pedivere as a person or as a follower of Iomedae.

He nodded when his companions spoke to the temple guard, but chose to add nothing to the conversation, nothing needed to be added at this point.

2012-06-06, 01:05 AM
La Siréene watches as the priest heals the captain of the guard, looking around this temple of the god of Death. The previous argument about gods and their clergy controlling the actions of others had interested him greatly, as he saw the freedom of thought of others for what it really was: a falsification, crafted by a mind that would never be able to move beyond its set limits. It is a defense mechanism, La Siréene decided. The mind functions best when it believes it is in control. It is a flawed system, sure, since it means the violent regarding perceived loss of freedom becomes so destructive, but that is not really anything new, is it.

Regarding Mortem, the God of Death, La Siréene wasn't worried. He knew gods were just as limited in their thought process as humans, elves, half-orcs and every other existence. Except himself, obviously.

2012-06-06, 01:49 AM

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Once the guard has been healed and fully calmed, Pedivere will direct his attention to the priest.

We went to the guard post to inquire about the abductions when we found that it had been attacked by these, Pedivere throws the unconscious creature to the ground. It's legs and arms had been bound with rope before leaving the outpost.

These are the creatures responsible for the murder and desecration of this mans colleagues.

Have you seen them before, or know what they are? We fear that there may be more of them around, or that they may be in league with or under the power of some other force.

2012-06-06, 02:00 AM

"I don't think i've ever seen any creature quite like this one, but it appears to be undead, a blight on our father Mortem's great plan, perhaps you should just kill it and allow it's soul to find peace."

2012-06-06, 02:53 AM

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My concern, is this. he said. Then, gripping the creature by the chin, Pedivere forcibly turned the face towards the priest. He was not gentle.

Do these not look like they could be debased and corrupted children? I have heard that undead creatures can spawn lesser variants of themselves after feeding. Could this be one of the missing children spawned into a nightmarish creature to terrify the very people who look and grieve for them?

With a thud, the Paladin returned the head to the ground.

I will dispose of the creature as you suggest, but I will not befoul your church with its blood. We will take it outside and slay it there.

Once sure that the Priest had seen much of the creature, Pedivere took it away from the church grounds and with a dagger he pierced the brain through the eye.

2012-06-06, 06:47 AM
Weeeeeell, says La Siréene Dorée after observing the execution of the corrupted child, We have freed and saved the captain of the watch house. In addition, the signal should have reached the other watch houses. Finally, we have cleared out and killed the corrupted children attacking the watch house. Our original reason to venture to the watch house was for information about the disappearances of children, which the captain might have something to say about when he feels better. That said, Does anyone have any preferences for our next course of action? Personally, I would like to know if any of the other watch houses have been hit. Any other suggestions?

Morbis Meh
2012-06-06, 08:52 AM
Bishop stays outside the church not overly concerned for the guard at the moment. He leans against the building watching the rain fall upon the earth, normally he enjoyed watching the rain but this was just too unnatural. His gaze shifts as the paladin drags the helpless creature out back and dispatches it So he can kill? Though only when something can't fight back.

He could never forgive the clergy for what they had done to him and his companions. Yes oddly enough he had friends in his youth, shortly after fleeing his home town but it was short lived. He was hired by a mercenary group and for a spell, travelled with them doing odd jobs here and there. He grew to trust and like the men he fought with, see them as brothers though he never knew what they did before coming. He didn't bother asking, it wasn't his place. It rained like this on that day too... Sorrow dawned on the man's pale blue eyes as he remembered. His band was hired to escort some priests going on a pilgremage through some back water land. His band kept to themselves but cautioned the priest to keep a low profile. They inisisted they had to save the souls of the 'Heathens' living in the outlands, most people simply ignored them but not that day. The priests had been stupid enough to try to convert a tribe of cannibals, these people thought by consuming what they saw as sacred that they were actually taking god into themselves. So the priest became the menu for the day after they began blabbing. Most tried to run with no success, the ones that did escape stole all their horses and crippled some of his friends, leaving them as bait so they could escape with their wretched lives. Bishop had hesitated when the mob had descended upon him and his friends, it cost him the life of his best friend. He watched as his his friend's throat was torn out by some savage's teeth, that was the first time Bishop had every lost control over himself. After shooting at killing a handfull of the villagers he managed to drag the corpse of his friend to a hidden copse. His gun had scared off the remaining cannibals so he was at least able to bury his friend.

A grim smile formed on Bishops face as he remembered hunting down those murderous bastards that left he and his friends to die like cowards, after they had provoked the attack. The first few were easy, unaware that death was on their trail, they had even had been kind enough to group themselves together. After he had taken out the first half, the second had already fled then went underground. It took a year to flush the rest out and send their wretched souls to hell, Bishop didn't care it was a sin to kill a priest, these men had a blood debt and he was the collector.

His gaze focused on the templar and his smile was replaced with a scowl, would Bishop have to take down this one as well? He doubted it, this one was one of those idealistic sorts, less sense and brains more blind faith. He knew everyone walked their own path to the same destination but could he trust his back to this one, that was the more important question. He pushed the thought from his mind, the whelp could do as he pleased which was so far only flapping his gums.

2012-06-06, 12:33 PM
As pedivere kills the creature the priest of Mortem follows him out watches and prays for the creatures soul.


" i believe i shall come with you, incase you should find others in need of healing or prayer"

2012-06-06, 10:46 PM

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Pedivere wiped the blood and gore from the dagger and returned it to the sheath on his belt. The creature looked pitiful and disgusting and he had to resist the temptation to stab it once more. To think that this may have been a human child was truly depressing. But what it was when Pedivere and his associates had found it was no longer even truly alive, it was an abomination and thus no longer worthy of mercy.

With the bard nearby asking about next moves, the Paladin nodded his assent. I too agree that we need to find out if there have been any other attacks. Nobody has responded to your alarm, and considering the grim disposition and situation that this place finds itself in I admit that I find this concerning.

To the priest the Paladin then spoke, his tone soft. We need to find out if there have been further attacks. Could you direct us to another guard post, or perhaps send one of your acolytes to guide us on our way? It is likely that this was a planned assault given the nature of the outpost when we found it.

2012-06-06, 11:18 PM

"The nearest guards post is the eastern one, once we get their by early-afternoon given the time right now. I'll come with you, as a guide. The name's Gabriel, foe anyone who wishes to know."

2012-06-06, 11:53 PM

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Pedivere extends his hand to Gabriel. Thank you, I am Pedivere.

He didn't introduce the others, instead he would let them introduce themselves. They were probably the kind of people who would mostly get upset if someone spoke on their behalf anyway, as sensitive as they were.

Please lead on Father.

Pedivere will then follow the priest to the other outpost.

On our way, could you please tell us more about the abductions, we have heard very little about them, only that they have been occuring for a couple weeks, normally at night and have been of children.

2012-06-07, 12:26 AM

"As far as I know, that's almost all anyone knew, however there have been strange howls coming from the forest to the east, and when people walk through the forest they say they always felt like something was watching them."

2012-06-07, 12:27 AM
Another existence to analyze and understand. heh.

La Siréene does not shake hands, but instead bows towards the priest.

Greetings, Gabriel. My name is La Siréene Dorée. Pleased to make your acquaintance, as grave a time as this is for this town.

2012-06-07, 07:17 AM
Vash'iar waited outside the church with Bishop. Both say quietly in their own thoughts. How did I come to be here? This guy isn't too bad, but that priest... f*** he's annoying. I doubt there will be much to shut him up either. His type aren't typically prone to accepting logic. Those type prefer to write it all off as faith."

Mocking Pedivere in his own thoughts. I smite thee in the holy name of close-mindedness. Die Knowledge, you unholy usurper.

F***ing idiot At this point Pedivere walks out from the church, moves to the side and coldly jabs a knife through the eye socket of the defensless creature.

"I believe i shall come with you, incase you should find others in need of healing or prayer"

Great... we have two now.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-07, 08:17 AM
Bishop grimaces at the annoucnement of another clergyman accompanying them Oh joy, another one and from a death god no less! These holymen are like cockroaches... He pushes himself up from the wall he was leaning on and follows behind, keeping the two preachers in sight. He notices Vash's looks of displeasure as well and smiles slightly and softly whispers to his companion 'Come now smile, we can turn this into a game; everytime the say 'Church' or 'God' replace it with pecker, makes sermons much more interesting I promise.

2012-06-07, 10:11 AM
Vash just shrugs his shoulders and quietly replies, I'm just going to try and ignore it. I want to get to the bottom of this, and it looks like he's coming along for the ride. We better just get used to it.

OOC: It was noted that the undead was bound with rope, if thats the case, Vash would have kept the mantacles originally used to secure him. If it still had them on, he would take them from the corpse

2012-06-07, 11:05 AM
As the group travels the town, La Siréene notes Vash and Bishop exchanging whispered conversation. He decides to steer clear of that for now, and tries to start a conversation with Pedivere.

Pedivere, I apologize for my rudeness, but there is something about which I would prefer to be straightforward. Have you taken an issue of some kind with me? You have seemed... vary, in a way. Is there something about myself that you find untoward?

2012-06-07, 03:00 PM
Gabriel walks you down the main street most of the way, as you follow him, you notice the forest closing in on the horizon, it's tall dark trees seeming to hold more malice then a normal forest in the rain and mist.


"We are here, look lively, the place is strangely quiet."

The guard's post stands infront of you, it's smaller then the last post and only has 1 story.

2012-06-07, 07:33 PM

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Pedivere stops walking momentarily and eyes the bard. He knows that this man is morally divergent to him, very much so. But, so far he has been nothing but helpful and friendly.

No, he says and then holds out his hand in a sign of friendship. You haven't done anything, and if I have appeared wary of you or have stood aside, it is merely because of my own doubts about this journey and where it will lead me. You have done nothing to offend me, and if I have given cause for you to feel uncomfortable in my presence, I do offer my most sincere regrets.

He then continues walking, this time next to the bard, happy to make idle conversation with him.

When Gabriel halts the group, and mentions that the place is more quiet than the norm, Pedivere moves forward. After the last outpost, and in the presence of the priest, the Paladin feels more comfortable in drawing blade in the confines of the city. He does so and soon has his large greataxe in hand.

Then with concentration, Pedivere scans the area.

Detect Evil - checking the priest as well. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-07, 08:06 PM

Their doesn't seem to be any evil in the area, and the priest detects and neutral with no aura.

2012-06-07, 08:19 PM
Makoa follows behind Gabriel. Not looking to strike up a conversation, he is a couple of strides back.

As the group approaches the guard post, Makoa feels a bit uneasy about his surroundings.

Trying to identify any potential threats, Makoa begins to investigate the area.
Survival check - looking for tracks or evidence of a struggle

He also looks around the area making sure the group is not being watched.
Perceptio check

My friends, it seems that we are not alone. Something is near, I can feel it.

Drawing his axe, Makoa moves to the side of the priest, ensuring that if a fight were to break out, he could be the first line of defense.

Gabriel, be careful. I don't know your past but I do not take you as a fighting man.

2012-06-07, 08:42 PM
Following the groups lead, Vash readies his sword and approaches in order to investigate. Well... lets see what we have here.

Perception [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-06-07, 09:27 PM
Bishop draws his gun and follows in behind Vash watching his back while moving silently. This was like the other watch post but something didnt feel right. Total silence always set Bishop on edge.

perception [roll0]
stealth [roll1]

2012-06-07, 09:44 PM
No one notices any strange tracks or signs of struggle.

"I'm sure it's fine, and don't worry about me." Gabriel steps into the guard building without hesitating before anyone else "oh, my."

2012-06-08, 01:44 AM
La Siréene hesitates for a moment, considering what Pedivere had said. He did not feel Pedivere had said anything substantial about the divergence between them, but Pedivere had chalked this down to his own doubts, which is probably correct. Would be nice to know what those doubts are, though. In any case, he has finally opened up, it seems. Good. La Siréene changes the subject, making a mental note to keep an eye out for hints later on, and merely focuses on exchanging pleasant but meaningless banter for now.

When they reach the outpost, La Siréene follows Pedivere's lead and fastens his buckler, draws his bow, draws an arrow from its quiver and pulls back his bowstring, readying himself to shoot at anything threatening the group.

"oh, my."

La Siréene tenses, realizes he does so, laughs to himself that something so trivial has spooked him, then calmly follows Gabriel into the guard building, still with his bow drawn and ready.

2012-06-08, 02:09 AM
As you enter the building a foul stench fills your nose, the walls are cover in blood, as you look around you find no bodies, creatures, equipment, or for that matter anything, the only thing left is the building it's self.


"Oh, wierd, not a thing left, they even took the tea, pity." He looks around the building once more before stepping outside the building for a smoke.

2012-06-08, 02:37 AM
As La Siréene enters the guard house, the stench of blood and guts filling his nostrils, making it difficult to breathe, he gives a humorless smile to himself.

Well, that answers that inquiry. This guard house has indeed been hit.

La Siréene sheaths his bow and returns his arrow to its quiver, and starts looking around for clues as to what might have happened within the building, or anything that might have been left behind, also checking to see how old the blood is.

[roll0] Perception check.

2012-06-08, 07:42 AM

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Following La Siréene into the guard house, Pedivere hooks his axe back in place. This was more than wild, cruel creatures at work here. The foe that they found at the previous guard house was not responsible for this, at least not solely. This was too clinical, too deliberate. How too could multiple guard houses be hit and not have time or the ability to raise the alarm, any alarm.

This is the precursor to something much bigger, he said. Then he stood amazed as the priest of death wandered outside to smoke. He motioned to La Siréene and then nodded after Gabriel shrugging his shoulders and furrowing his brow.

Some power is going to move on this city. Maybe not immediately, but it must be soon. There is no other reason to strategically take out the guards in this manner. And this one has been done hours ago. We need to alert the whole city, and we need to alert it now.

He turned to all the others assembled.

Any ideas?

2012-06-08, 10:15 AM
La Siréene notices Pedivere motioning him, and follows him outside, keeping quiet as Pedivere presents his view of the situation.

Alert what city? this town is down to about an eight of its usual population, with its main leader, the captain of the guard, out of the equation. Sure, this towns leadership is usually down to a combination of him, trade lords and assorted criminals, and we haven't seen much of either of the later, perhaps because the former needs a population, and the later aren't sure it’s safe to start looting.

La Siréene shakes his head quietly, and then continues.

Furthermore, due to the discrepancy between current population and intended population, efficiently communicating with or gathering together the entire population is going to be difficult. The weather and the widespread idea that one should stay home until the whole thing blows over does not help. Not to mention that there are unknown horrors and people-snatchers about, that almost justify that sentiment. This, my friend, is the rather desperate situation, although I might have missed something. And now you want to unite this, for lack of a better word, “town”, into something close to capable of defending itself?

La Siréene gives a short, slightly hysteric laugh, quiets down a bit, and then gives a smile.

Sure, I'm in. Should be fun. As to how to complete this task, I'd like to find out if this town has some kind of alarm or signal that is supposed to serve this purpose. I might be able to make an inferior replication, if it is something sound based. Otherwise, I am not sure how we would go about contacting the entire population over such a large area.

2012-06-08, 11:09 AM
Visibly relaxing, Makoa returns his axe to his belt.

A town is not worth defending if it cannot defend itself. I will help if the group sees good reason for it but nothing holds me to this town other than bad luck.

Makoa walks through the house. Seeing that nothing is left just as Gabriel says, Makoa walks back to the group.

What of the town mayor or leader? Can we not speak with him?

2012-06-08, 11:30 AM
La Siréene turns to Makoa.

This town does not have what you would call a leader. It is under archipelago law, but the leadership is split between the unconscious captain of the guard, trade lords, crime lords and sometimes pirates. There is no true united leadership to speak of.

2012-06-08, 11:41 AM
The towns abandonment is irrelevent in the long run. Whatever is going on here could be growing and spreading. The only thing new to the equation as of late is us. Since what ever is left of the town is incapable of governing itself, I elect that we assume authority and establish marshall law.

From what I've seen, there can't be but at most 200 people remaining. I would suggest we begin rounding them up immediantly at the largest building, likely the church. We can collect up the arms and armor from around the area and work with the citizens to setup a watch rotation. While under the protection of Gabriel, they will have the safety of numbers, we can then explore for food to feed them and answers to this mystery.

If the ship is still docked, I would recommend it set to sea with as many as it can carry. Women and children obviously going first. They shouldn't set for another port though. Not until we rule out any contagions.

2012-06-08, 04:25 PM
Gabriel walks closer and looks around with a grim look on his face.


"Sorry to say but the ship isn't an option, Greenstar leaves quickly after getting his pay and unloading his ship. And from what i can tell, most folks won't except random strangers as leaders."

2012-06-08, 08:46 PM

12/12 |
16 |
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15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Vash is right the Paladin states. We need to try and get the citizens together, they can be defended better that way.

There is no reason he continues, this time to the cleric, that they need to take us as leaders. Indeed, in this time of tribulation they would be better served with their normal leaders. We will merely assist as we can.

2012-06-08, 09:15 PM
I'm not saying we impose ourselves upon them. I'm saying that SOMEONE needs to take control of the situation and that we being new are clearly not conspirators in this epidemic.

If someone wants to die alone in their home its on them, but the streets need to be patrolled and secured.

Gab, how many can your church take in? Is there a more suitable location anywhere?

We should check the armories and shops for supplies. The makeshift guard will need equipment. The other guardhouse has some armor and swords in the wall lockers. Whoever goes to setup the shelter should pick it up on their way back.

2012-06-08, 09:35 PM

"The church can take in the whole town, but instead of revealing an epidemic, as you call it, wouldn't it be better not to tell the public, cause an up roar, and instead take care of it quietly?"

2012-06-08, 11:02 PM
Priest are you daft! This place is a ghost town. Everyone has fled, children are missing, and the guard has been savagely murdered. Please explain to me how they don't know there is a problem already?

2012-06-09, 01:08 AM
La Siréene considers quietly for a moment while Vashiar argues with Gabriel. Then, in his calm and friendly voice voice, he speaks up.

First, I want to say that I am not arguing here, but merely discussion options. That said, here is my take on the situation.

The majority of the populace may not actually know about an epidemic, Vashiar. The general attitude has seemed to be to either flee or barricade and fortify one's household and stay there. From the rumors we heard beforehand, we knew about the abductions of children at night, but little else. This sparse knowledge might support the idea of an outside attack.

We might be able to gather the town together by spreading the news of the attack by a dark, unknown entity that has decimated the watch guard.

As for our our plan of action? I agree with Vashiar. Gather people together and make sure that they are organized into a defensive force that can keep the streets relatively safe. Good plan.

2012-06-09, 03:22 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere shakes his head slowly from side to side. Panic and fear are enemies, it is true. But surely they are lesser enemies than creatures capable and willing to slaughter the innocent.

The Paladin addresses Gabriel. My companion may be bullish and lack tact, but his reasoning is sound. On the one hand we alert the people, draw them together so that they can be defended. We have panic, fear and possibly an outbreak of hysteria. The chances of saving them however increase.

If we, as you would prefer try to handle this carefully and quietly, then the chance of more deaths occurring whilst we try to establish what and where the enemy is will increase dramatically. I understand that your deity is one of death, and that is a natural occurrence in life, but surely you must also try to protect your people from meeting him in an untimely fashion? Women and children are at risk, those that cannot possibly defend themselves. Surely this would mandate that we risk hysteria to save their lives?

Pedivere will try to encourage him - Diplomacy [roll0]
Pedivere will also be trying to use theological debate if required to win him over - Knowledge: Religion [roll1]
Pedivere will also try to determine if something is awry with him - Sense Motive [roll2]
There, that is the sum total of my skills with skill points. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-09, 03:32 AM

"It's true their may be more deaths, but what if you rousing the people to notice the danger does more harm then good, as you said. Hysteria may kick in, which may lead to looting, turning on each other, and from my experience in this port, many still here are just waiting for a weak moment of the others to take control, and we still do not know the enemy, it's motives or what it is. for all we know, it may take that moment of chaos to kill us all."


Nothing seems off about the priest, he's just poking holes in your plan, and appears uncaring as to the total outcome.

2012-06-09, 04:32 AM
The more information a person has, the more capable does it become to act competently, the more unpredictable does it become, the more powerful does it become.

La Siréene faces Pedivere as he speaks.

The easiest way to unite people into a whole is by turning them against an outside force. It is a We versus Them scenario. They must always be more horrible then Us. If the populace knew the danger those within it might pose, it might become almost impossible to unite them. Tell them there is an outside danger, and they can be led to rise against it.

2012-06-09, 11:14 AM
Vash'iar looks to his companions. See that they agree with his judgement and it's only Gabriel that appears to disagree. He then moves to addresses the priest again. I fear you are placing these people's lives in danger as well as making the task at hand more difficult to resolve. For all we know, this could all be the work of some maligned wizard hiding in the populace. By removing the people from the equation, we can then explore this unimpeded.

I don't know if its either complacence or fear that you choose to not act. I just have one last question. Do you intent to stop us if we choose this course without your consent?

Vash'iar would be sizing the priest up at this point. Is he armed? does he look like someone with any degree of power? Any noticeable signs of magic such as ornate objects with fancy runes. That kind of stuff. He isn't trying to intimidate or persuade at this point. Vash is just genuinely asking if he intends to stop the group if they move ahead without him.

Perception to size up the priest: [roll0]
Well... it wasn't a 1 :smallfrown:

Sense Motive to gauge the priests intentions: [roll1]
This is getting ridicules :smalleek:

Knowledge (Local), in case it helps provide a reason for him being so obtuse:[roll2]
Well, at least the useless skill pans out :smallannoyed:

Bluff: [roll3]
Not sure if I need this roll, Vash has not taken an aggressive action on the priest, but he's thinking about it. He's starting to wonder if this guy may be part of the problem.
:smallfurious::smallfurious:Damn you dice!!:smallfurious::smallfurious:

2012-06-09, 06:12 PM

"Do not worry, you plan is fine, i have no intent to mess it up. I just felt you should know what may go wrong. I loved this town when it was without the Mist and rain. so I only hope that you'll allow me to do what I may to help. Also your tight and edgy movements suggest possible aggresive action, be calm I am nothing to fear."


Gabriel is the current priest of mortem to be placed on the Port Isle church, the last priest was kill in a drunken fight.

2012-06-09, 06:22 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

The Paladin holds up his hands in a sign of peace and friendship. We mean no disrespect. All of us here are willing to aid your town I am sure. I believe that our plan and your calming influence on the townsfolk might work well together.

Instead of just creating angst and concern. We should contact individual buildings, one at a time, and bring their occupants back. This way, each group can be convinced that they shouldn't panic, that with your aid we are trying to resolve this problem.

We should start with the outlying buildings first, creating a cordon with what guards remain, members of your church and ourselves, so that no enemy can slip in behind us. With each building cleared, we retreat the cordon so that the gaps in it are smaller, the protection more complete.

Pedivere watched the priest for signs of his compliance with this plan, it relied on him alot, as he was going to have to assuage the fear and anxiety of the citizens.

Then, when all the citizens are safe in the church, and are calm, then we can look to tracking down and destroying the threat.

2012-06-09, 07:33 PM
I guess I need to lie my way out of those 2s. :smallcool:
Bluff: [roll0]
You miss read me priest. You have nothing to worry about from me. We already have enough to concern ourselves with. Infighting would only lead us to certain failure.

So then its agreed. Let us get started. There is much of the day left.

2012-06-09, 08:21 PM
Standing to the side as the conversation continues, Makoa moves to beside Gabriel.

This does not need to be resolved in blood shed. We are both fighting against a common enemy. Gabriel, how would suggest you go about this in a quiet manner. What would your steps be if you were in our position?

2012-06-09, 08:25 PM
Makoa silently nods along with the conversation.

I agree, we should head back to the church to discuss our plans. Somewhere where we won't be overheard.

2012-06-09, 08:32 PM

" I'm a priest not a fool, I know when one is lying, Elf-blood." He gives you a sharp glance. "We would go about it quietly by first checking the rest of the guard houses, though I doubt they're in better shape, then we would check out the disturbances in the woods, hopefully figuring out what the enemy maybe, after that I would need a moment to plan."

2012-06-09, 09:00 PM
Lead on then.

2012-06-10, 08:18 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

I see no problem in going to the other guard houses first. Regardless of which plan we implement, we will need the resources that they offer, whether man or steel.

Pedivere motions for Gabriel to lead on.

Please forgive my companion, this is a trying time and inactivity of the arm does cause the mouth to run.

Diplomacy, try to assuage Gabriel's annoyance. [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-06-10, 03:13 PM
Bishop looks at everyone and rolls his eyes "You people all talk too much, while you stand around and argue whatever is happening will continue to progress. If we intend to bring the populace together then do it, the only set backs I see is that if it is an epidemic then if even one of the people has it, then it will spread like wildfire. That's my two cents, now I am going off to escort the locals like the priest suggested feel free to come with me, I will just tell the people that there is a town meeting going on at the church." Finished speaking his peace he turns and begins quietly walking down the street and into the mist.

2012-06-10, 03:40 PM
Makoa jogs after Bishop, trying to persuade him from summoning the villagers.

Friend, you will not want to do that. We are simply waiting for Gabriel to lead us to the next watchpost. At the very least we should see what position we are with actual guards able to assist us before summoning the village.

2012-06-10, 03:58 PM
La Siréene observes Bishop go and Makoa follow after him to clarify the situation, is content with that, and follows Gabriel’s lead to the next watch post.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-10, 10:10 PM
Bishop turns and gives him a blank look "Oh is he now, so far going from watch house to watch house has been not only a waste of time but dangerous. The longer we wait the worse off these people will be and to be frank I would rather have the people in one place just so I don't have to worry about them changing and coming after me on the streets."

2012-06-11, 01:15 AM
I think your dislike of his personality is clouding your judgement on a good idea. The rest of the group agrees that we should go to the watch post first. Let us not make any sort of rash decisions here. If we want to survive we have to stay together.

Patience is not something Makoa has been known to demonstrate and Bishop is definitely testing the boundaries.

While we wait, we can at the very least be civil. Pedivere, what was it that caused you to take a roll of defending the faith?

2012-06-11, 07:31 AM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

The Watch is vital to protecting any citizens we get back to the church. Pedivere mentions to Bishop. The gun fighter's eagerness to help the people here was commendable. Their lives were also the highest priority to the paladin, but Pedivere knew that a collection of strangers trying to enforce an evacuation of the citizenry would probably go awry if the local authorities were not assisting them.

Pedivere was most impressed with Makoa however. This brute of a half-orc was reasoned, patient and showing restraint.

I was raised in the monastery Makoa, he responds to the Barbarian's questions. From birth I was marked by Iomedae, and my birth parents left me on the steps of the orders chapel. I never knew them, but I was subsequently raised by an elderly knight who became my father and taught me my values and to judge each man by his heart. It is for he who I am named.

Closing his eyes for a moment, the young half-orc said a short, quick prayer for the soul of his adopted father.

What of yourself Makoa? What is it that brought you here?

Morbis Meh
2012-06-11, 11:17 AM
Bishop looks at the young half or with disdain "And whoever said my actions were dictated by children and priests hmmm? As for survival I know about about that more than you think boy, be prepared for the consequences of delay. This priest could always go himself and round up the guard we would only slow him down, not to mention the guard wouldn't listen to a bunch of strangers either. As for evacuating the public, we are only gathering the them at the church and they know something is up so it wouldn't be hard to convince them to group up. You fools do as you please but be prepared for the results. So far only the half elf and myself have shown to be any use in a fight anyway."

He walks up beside Vash and says softly "Save your anger for something worth it, these yellow bellies will say anything to male themselves feel better about themselves. Besides if you kill them then you lose a meatshield later and those can be rather valuable."

2012-06-11, 09:25 PM

"I actually believe you are correct, if I go to check the guard houses and you all go to round up the villagers, this will take less time, however, if you have lodgings you should go to them. It's starting to get late and I don't want you all to be attacked on the streets or anything, I will survey the town tonight so that you all can get some rest."

2012-06-12, 04:59 PM
I don't think that is a good idea, Gabriel. If there is something at the guard houses you may be ambushed or killed. The walk can't be that far, perhaps we should all go and then make a plan then.

Makoa was surprised by Gabriel's suggestion. Unsure of what to make of it, Makoa tries to identify any substantial change in personality.

Sense Motive check

2012-06-12, 06:36 PM

" Both of the guard house are on the opposite sides of town, it's about a 7 mile walk altogether, and I don't think i'll have any problems from ambush or attack, i'm quite devout and my worship to lord Mortem has given me much skill in magic and combat."

2012-06-12, 09:34 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Fine. The Priest was changing his tune rather strangely. First he didn't want the group to go to the civilians, as they wouldn't be trusted, now he thought it was a good idea.

Pedivere can't be bothered debating it.

We will bring the civilians back to the church

With that, he goes to the first house he can find and knocks on the door.

2012-06-12, 09:45 PM
Vash joins Pedivere. He's right. This blasted mist deceives the senses. If it's getting late we would be best to leave the populace in the safety of their homes tonight. By the time even the first house has it's provisions we will be traveling the streets at a late hour. Lets rest in our over-priced beds and get to this first thing in the morning.

2012-06-12, 10:05 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere nods to the Half-Elf, and then thinks on it for a moment.

Yes, it is getting late, but have not most of the attacks on the populace been occurring at night? And now, with two of the guard houses attacked and the guards slain, the populace would be at an even greater risk. Necessity does as it must Vash. I could not accept the death of any townsfolk were I sleeping comfortably. Not when I could be attempting to save them from such a fate.

Pedivere pulls the holy symbol of Iomedae out from under his tunic and rests it against his chest, clearly visible. "Every little bit helps" he thought to himself.

I understand if you wish to head back to the tavern. We must all make our own decisions in life, this is mine.

2012-06-12, 11:16 PM
We've been on boat for three weeks. If you want to haul people through monster infested streets while being fatigued then by all means enjoy yourself. I'm heading to the inn.

Vash then walks off towards the inn. Talking over his shoulder as he walks away, You know, even the gods' noble warriors of righteousness require rest.

2012-06-12, 11:46 PM
Makoa has always had a difficult time making quick on the spot decisions. Unsure of where to go Makoa looks over to Bishop.

I am unsure of where I should go perhaps it would be best if one of us stays with Brother Pedivere?

After thinking it over a little Makoa decides he will stay with the cleric.

I hope nothing ill comes of this Brother. I need the exercise anyways. Our sight is better suited to these conditions.

Thinking to himself, Makoa remembers his promise from earlier in the day. I will need to offer a sacrifice to the gods this night. Let us hope I can find someone who is worth the fight.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-13, 12:38 AM
Bishop shrugs not caring what the savage does "Go for it, I prefer to stay inside and off the streets in a strange town the first night. Especially when it is suggested by the locals."

With a sigh he follows Vash towards the inn.

2012-06-13, 12:56 AM
As you walk toward the Inn, you see a man in the street, he appears to be lighting street lamps on the main street. As he moves about, you attract his attention, and with stopping from his work "How are you boys doing, new to the island?"

2012-06-13, 07:59 AM
No, just returning. Came in this morning. It's been some years though since I first left. I heard rumors of the troubles and wanted to see what has become of my childhood home.

I see you haven't abandoned the island yet. Is there anything you can tell me about whats going on?

Why tell the truth when a lie will suffice.
Bluff: [roll0]

In case there is anything of intrest about the man.
Perception: [roll1]

2012-06-13, 07:34 PM

"I've seen alot of things, but I can't tell you what this is, all I know is every moment I spend in this Mist makes me feel weaker." The man heads to another lamp.

2012-06-13, 11:58 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Having no luck with the citizens of this bizarre, horrible place, the paladin shrugs to the barbarian. Surely people full of fear would not be this blasé in the face of certain danger and potential death. The apathetic actions of the priest had also caused Pedivere concern. Surely he would have a greater desire to assist these people, his people, in the current climate, pun on weather not withstanding. Pedivere managed half a smile.

Perhaps we should just go back to the Inn? the Paladin mentions to Makoa. Though it is some distance from the centre of town, and that makes me feel nervous. If anything happens, we will be too far away to intercede or influence events, assuming that we even become aware of it.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-14, 08:25 AM
Bishop regarded the public servant thoughtfully "Well constant rain, wind and mist, does wear on a person's body and soul from what I ken. As for me being new, well I must admit I came for the shellfish." He adds a slight smirk to accompany his statement.

He looks over his solider and sees the other two walking towards them, his smirks turns into a grin "Lookee here Vash, seems like the holy roller has returned with the young'en must of gotten lost or realized that they forgot the competant warriors."

2012-06-14, 09:55 PM
As Makoa approaches the inn he sees Bishop. Here we go again.

Yes! Yes! The villagers were unresponsive. I think we should take the night to speak with the bartender and any other patrons within the bar.

Speaking quietly so only the Brother hears, Let's be above this silly arguing we have been doing. Anyways the enemy of my enemy is my friend, yes?

Makoa joins Vash and Bishop Any luck getting any more information about the mysterious disappearances?

2012-06-15, 01:00 AM
Vash'iar shrugs his shoulders, I'm over it. This backwards island has enough of it's own issues. I just want to sleep in a bed that doesn't move. We'll start putting things in order first thing in the morning.

2012-06-15, 08:56 PM
Makoa walks into the inn. Looking forward to a good night's sleep.

2012-06-15, 09:20 PM

12/12 |
16 |
11 |
15 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere heads for the room in the overpriced dilapidated inn. Before bedding down for the night, he removes his scalemail and lays it out over the end of the bed, and then dons his leather armour. His axe he leans against the wall in easy reach. His back he lies at the foot of the bed next to his mail.

If there is a window, Pedivere opens it such that he is able to hear any commotion that may occur in the town.

2012-06-16, 12:25 AM
As night rolls on the rain becomes a thunderstorm, everyone give me perception checks.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-16, 12:31 AM
perception [roll0]

2012-06-16, 01:16 AM
Perception: [roll0]

Vash'iar also rests in his armor. His morning ritual is to use his inate magic (prestidigitation) to clean himself and his armor.

2012-06-16, 01:58 AM
Perception [roll0]

2012-06-16, 10:56 AM

2012-06-16, 09:32 PM
As howls sound outside, vash is woken from a dead sleep, and hears them. the rest of you are too far asleep to be woken by them.

2012-06-16, 11:31 PM

12/12 |
13 |
11 |
12 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'


2012-06-17, 07:23 PM

12/12 |
13 |
11 |
12 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere begins to snore.

It's been a while since he had a good, firm bed and whilst this isn't luxury, it's better than a damp constantly rocking boat.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

2012-06-18, 07:37 AM
Vash lumbers over to the window with sword drawn. He listens as the howling goes. Stupid wolves in the forest. He gives a final look to the streets below.

Perception: [roll0]

If he notices nothing and it looks like morning soon:
He will get ready for the new day and head down for breakfast

If he notices nothing and it looks like its still the dead of night:
He'll return to his bed to sleep

If he notices anything that would warrant waking the others:
He will wake the group, starting with Bishop, then the others. The urgency will dictate how he goes about it. If he only thinks he saw something, he'll get Bishop and go investigate. If he knows he saw something dangerous he will quickly get them all.

2012-06-19, 12:44 AM
Outside the window, the rain falls in sheets, the city lights up from complete darkness by a strike of lightning, and you see a clawed foot disappear into an alley across the street.

2012-06-19, 10:13 AM
Vash quickly wakes the group, starting with Bishop, then the others. It appears we slept in the correct location, there is a creature in the streets outside.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 10:40 AM
Bishop stirs, grumbling about being awoke in the middle of the night. Sighin he replies irritably "Yipee, aren't we a bunch of lucky son of a guns, I'll be fine, go grab the savage and the bible thumper." Rising slowly he puts on his armor and clothing then places his gun back in his holster. Ready he walks outside into the common area, waiting for the others.

2012-06-19, 07:44 PM
I'm awake. What is happening? Makoa yells through the door as Vash knocks. Dawning his equipment without rushing, Makoa heads to the common room with only his weapons, armor and a rope strapped around his chest.

2012-06-20, 01:17 AM

12/12 |
13 |
11 |
12 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60'

Pedivere risks a quick glance out his window to see if there is time to change armour.

Perception = [roll0]

2012-06-20, 04:25 AM
As Pedivere looks out the window, all you see is total darkness.

2012-06-20, 08:59 PM
This blasted mist is rediculas... no sun... no stars... not even properly functioning street lamps... F*** frustrated, he pulls a sunrod from his pack, strikes it, and carefully affixes it to the top of his pack so he doesn't get burned but can keep his hands free.

I saw the bastard over this way. He then sets out with the group to hunt it down.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-20, 10:05 PM
Bishop raises an eyebrow at the sudden outburst "Wow there, settle down there fella, no need to get your britches in a bind, calm down before you run off into the sea. A frustrated man wandering out into weather like this is prone to accidents, now we wouldn't want that. Good thing you have that rod because my night vision aint worth spit, I will have your back out there."

He clears his throat and goes out into the darkness behind the brash Vash.

2012-06-21, 01:55 AM

12/12 |
15 |
11 |
14 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60', armour donned hastily

Pedivere quickly shirks out of his leather armour and dons his scale hastily.

2012-06-21, 04:53 AM
As you walk outside, the thick rain quickly drenchs you, you all look around for signs of whatever Vash saw.

Give me survival and perception checks.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 08:19 AM
Yay both class skills!
perception [roll0]
survival [roll1]

2012-06-21, 10:30 AM
you find a set of trackable foot prints, they seem normal aside from long slashs that suggest claws. The prints lead into to the alley, where the impressions get deeper, eventually, when followed they lead out east of the city.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 10:44 AM
Bishop hunkers down on his hanches and studies the tracks with a slight frown on his face What fresh new hell is this? What on earth have I gotten myself into this time?

Mulling over the multitude of possibilites he stands up "Well if we're going after this think in the dead of night it went towards that there alley. I think it best we approach this carefully, we do not know what horrors this god forsaken town has in store for us."

2012-06-21, 11:08 AM
With this rain we will have to hurry. I don’t intend on losing its tracks. Vash'iar then sets out into the woods after the creature.

2012-06-21, 12:35 PM
Makoa follows Vash. Drawing his axe, Makoa doesn't feel like being surprised by anything.

2012-06-22, 04:43 AM
As you enter the forest, the howling seems to come from all sides, and the light from the sunrod seems to grow dim. As you follow the tracks, they stop suddenly in a small clearing. when you get to the clearing, the howls stop, the moon light adds to the sunrods light. after a moment a figure on four legs approachs you out of the trees, you can't make out what it is yet.

2012-06-22, 07:51 AM
Makoa stares at the creature.

Survival to see if this is the creature we have been tracking and some general info about it.
Whatever he discover he will tell the nearest person, most likely Vash about what he knows.

I posted this in the OOC as well but I will be away for the weekend. DM or someone else can play my character.

2012-06-22, 09:40 PM

12/12 |
15 |
11 |
14 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60', armour donned hastily

Once finished donning his armour, Pedivere descends downstairs and tries to find the others.

2012-06-23, 04:31 AM
The creature approachs quickly, as it comes within 30' ft. you see that it is a Giant Black Wolf, Yellow Runes seem to be inscribed in it's black fur, they almost seem to change shape and move with every step the wolf takes. When it gets close, it stops in front of you all.

2012-06-23, 08:40 AM

12/12 |
15 |
11 |
14 |
+1 |
Darkvision 60', armour donned hastily

Pedivere steps forward, axe held high. Be you friend or foe? he declares, his voice strong and steady. Still, he does not wait for the wolf-beast to state his allegiance. The Paladin focuses his will upon the creature.

Detect Evil

2012-06-23, 11:30 AM
The beast stares straight at Pedivere, but does not respond otherwise, It has an aura of lawfulness. After a moment, the creature starts hissing in various tones and sounds.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-23, 12:12 PM
Bishop frowns at the sudden noise but his lips curl into a wry smile "Anyone speak ugly beast? I seem to have forgotten my translation book at home, though those runes are a cause for worry... damn mages and messing with nature.

2012-06-23, 03:18 PM
The creature growls at bishop" I take offense at the ugly part, my form was worshipped hundreds of years ago, and no mage would dare lay his magic on my fur . I was speaking draconic by the way, seeing if any of you had a brain. I hope one of you understood at least, i hate speaking the common words. the wolve's tail flicks back and forth as it eyes each of you.

2012-06-23, 04:42 PM
In draconic:

"Welcome, you have entered the territory of the Shade Wolves, we have lured you here for your help."
Vash looks over to Bishop; quietly he speaks in common, Stay your tongue. You should show some respect to this beautiful creature.

Replying in draconic:
I am the elven warrior Vash'iar. Please excuse my... Trying to think of a proper word that limits his association. ... new found companions. Is the task you need assistance with in relation to the events of recent in the city? We are already seeking the cause of this.

2012-06-24, 10:26 AM
" it is ok elven one, we should speak so every can understand. My clan has a problem, and you may be able to help, it is related to this isles ailment."

2012-06-24, 11:21 AM
Well then, please go on. What seems to be going on?