View Full Version : There can only be ONE! [Weapons of Legacy]

2012-05-30, 08:15 PM
Me and a very good friend (I say this because he is reading the thread) are currently at odds with each other in our beliefs of "Can 2 people share a legacy weapon" and while my friend swears up and down the nine hells that there can only be one, I'm just not convinced. This originally started due to the text in the menu section on ability score increasing, it doesn't say anywhere that you must be holding, wearing, or wielding the Legacy item to gain its enhancement bonus.

So I call upon you playground with your infinite knowledge and power to solve me and my friends problem as peacefully as possible.

2012-05-30, 08:24 PM
just so that it know im the other guy. :smallsmile: this is one of those "wizards of the coast thought that it would be assumed" deals that leaves everyone in the dark as to what they intended. gives me and Calanon quit a headache.

2012-05-30, 09:18 PM
Unless otherwise specified, an item of legacy confers a given ability as long as you are wearing or carrying it on your person; some abilities, however,
require that you wield, gesture with, or in some way actively use the item. Such abilities’ descriptions state this specifically. Losing possession of the item immediately removes all legacy benefits.
pg 9, that was the only thing I could find that seemed relevant to the question, but I'm not overly familiar with the system.

2012-05-30, 09:27 PM
Actually it's more a result of WoL being rubbish. The rules apparently CAN be used to make a decent item, but all the premade items are rubbish and mechanics are bizarre.

2012-05-30, 11:14 PM
Unless otherwise specified, an item of legacy confers a given ability as long as you are wearing or carrying it on your person; some abilities, however, require that you wield, gesture with, or in some way actively use the item. Such abilities’ descriptions state this specifically. Losing possession of the item immediately removes all legacy benefits.

Imho this line carries what you are asking, you need to be wearing or carrying the item on your person to get the benefit. Either one of you would be able to get the benefit however unless you find a way to both carry it (could make it work with homebrew WoL).

2012-05-31, 12:00 AM
Actually it's more a result of WoL being rubbish. The rules apparently CAN be used to make a decent item, but all the premade items are rubbish and mechanics are bizarre.

I'm sorry, but what does this add to the discussion at hand?